"Morning, Mrs. S!"
Bryan stands up from where he'd been leaning over to pick up the mail at the sound of the familiar voice. He squints through the stained-glass window of the front door. Outside, his suburban neighborhood looked as normal as ever. All the uniform houses lined up in a row, their lawns all mowed, proudly displaying their owner's willingness to abide by the Homeowners Association's rules and regulations. Expensive, recent model cars sat in all the driveways.
Normally they'd be shiny from recent washings, but a recent draught had seen the government place heavy restrictions on water use. Breaking said restrictions carried a heavy fine. Not that any of Bryan's neighbors couldn't afford to pay it. No, they simply didn't want to seem wasteful in this new, environmentally-conscious world.
His eyes next landed on the source of the voice. Matt, the eighteen-year-old son of a couple who lived a few houses down. He, too, was perfectly normal. Not nerdy, but not especially athletic, either. He'd been riding past the house on his bike when he'd apparently seen Bryan's wife, Madalyn. Matt, along with the rest of the neighborhood's male population, had a thing for Madalyn. Not that he could blame them. She'd always been gorgeous, what with her long blonde hair, stunning blue eyes, and an angular, angelic face. Thanks to a careful diet and religious exercise regime, she'd also kept her physique tight and slim, with a flat stomach and round ass that would make a woman twenty years younger jealous. He'd always enjoyed sex with her, but ever since the two moved into this gated community and he saw the way the other men stole glances of her in bikinis and sundresses, he'd reveled in their lovemaking even more.
Not only that, for the past few months he'd developed something of a fantasy. One where Madalyn is passed around among the men of the neighborhood. One fantasy in particular that had really gotten him going was one where they were at a pool party. Madalyn was in one of her more revealing bikinis. She'd got a few glasses of wine in her, and she was loosening up. A laugh here, a touch there. Next thing he knew, she was leaning over the outdoor bar, lovingly kissing a long, thick cock before taking it halfway down her throat.
"Oh, hi, Matthew!" she calls and waves from where she's leaning in front of one of the two flowerpots lining either side of the front walkway. She stands up and awkwardly looks down at herself.
"You've caught me gardening," she says. "Gosh, this is so embarrassing; I look like a mess!"
She's dressed to work in the heat; a plain white tee shirt, some old shorts that Bryan is pretty sure are his, gloves, and her hair up in a high ponytail. What she doesn't notice, but that Bryan does, and Matt surely does as well, is that she's managed to work up a sweat. So much so that her already thin shirt is sticking to her body, allowing for the slightest view of her bright blue sports bra.
Matt smiles. "Nah, you look great!"
"Well, aren't you sweet?" Madalyn smiles back, chuckling. To Bryan's mature, experienced ears, it was clearly the sort of laugh that one gives to something cute, like a puppy or a young child. But Matt smiled from ear to ear, clearly immensely proud of getting a laugh out of his hot older neighbor. Bryan smiles, too, his cock hardening. He doubted the younger man was very... impressive, but he would certainly be enthusiastic. He could picture Madalyn gently coaching a younger, less experienced lover through their time together. Bryan had to cut that thought off; between the mental image of his wife in a gently dominant role and the real image of her outside in a wet tee shirt, he was soon going to have to change boxers if he wasn't careful!
The rest of the day passes without incident. Bryan and Madalyn both went to work; Bryan was the regional manager of a national banking company and Madalyn was a teacher. When they got home, they both reported that nothing extraordinary had happened. They went through the motions of the afternoon, then of preparing dinner, Bryan's mind on that morning's interaction the entire time.
"Bryan? Earth to Bryan!"
He blinked and picked his head up from his hand to find his wife smiling at him from across the table.
"There you are," she jokes.
He chuckles, picking his fork and knife back up. "Sorry."
She giggles, then locks him with that look that makes him feel like she can see right through him.
"What's on your mind?"
"Nothing," he says automatically.
"No, no, really," she says, reaching across the table to take his wrist in her small fingers. He represses a shiver. He knew many people looking at their relationship from the outside assumed he was in charge. He was the big, powerful regional bank manager. He made more money, he had more powerful connections, more friends in high places. And he had his areas of expertise. Naturally he was good with money, so he handled the family finances. But no, she was in charge. Her gentle but firm demeanor melted his macho, man-with-a-plan front like a flame melting an ice cube.
"Look at me," she says, and he can't help but obey. Her eyes lock onto his, probing them for his secrets. "What's wrong, baby?"
"Nothing's wrong. "Really," he says, taking her outstretched hand in both of his. "Just....thinking about something is all."
He sighs. "Okay. Let's... let's move to the couch."
Moments later they'd packed up the rest of dinner for later and were lounging on the couch.
"Okay", she says, "Now, what's this that's distracting you so?"
He sighs. "It's... it's more of a fantasy."
"A fantasy", she replies, perfect eyebrow arched, tone unreadable.
"Yeah. Um... okay, you know that conversation you had with Matt this morning?"
She nods.
"Well....I don't know if you know this, but he's-"

"Got a crush on me?" she interjects. "Of course I know, Bryan. Poor kid's not exactly subtle."
He laughs weakly. "Yeah. And, you know, a lot of the other guys around here perv on you pretty hard, too."
She nods. "Yeah. They aren't exactly subtle either."
"Well, I thought it would be kind of hot if you... indulged them a little."
She frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing crazy!" Bryan replies, panicking. "Just, like, next time you go to the store, maybe wear something kinda sexy. And, if a guy flirts with you, flirt back a little. Or go out back to sunbathe, and if one of the neighbors strikes up a conversation, keep it going."
As he'd talked, Madalyn's frown melts into a sexy, minx-like grin.
"God, this really does turn you on, doesn't it?" she asks. "Your red as a tomato!"
He chuckles, turning away, but then he feels Madalyn's soft hand gently push it back towards her.
"Don't," she exhales. "God, I LOVE seeing you flustered."
Next thing Bryan knows, she's leaned forward and is kissing him hungrily, more hungrily than she had in a long time.
Bryan gasps as she pulls away, gulping down lung-fulls of air.
"Oh, my God. Mads..."
But he stops as she presses a finger to his mouth.
"Ssshhh. No more talking. Okay, baby?"
Eyes widening, heartrate speeding up, Bryan nods. Though they'd long since established that Bryan loved it when Madalyn took charge in the bedroom, she took it in moods. Sometimes she seemed into the idea, actively bringing up scene ideas and casually teasing him throughout the day, but other times she really just wanted him to be in charge. She'd been in the latter mood lately, but it seemed like he'd hit the switch.
"Such a naughty boy," she says, pushing him back across the couch. "Wanting your wife to flirt with other men. What would people think, hhmm?"
He wasn't sure what she wanted him to do, so he just gazed up at her, reveling in the moment.
"Aww, cat got your tongue?" she asks with a particular evil looking smile. "Here, maybe this will help."
She leans down and presses a slow, sensual kiss to his lips. She slowly coaxes his mouth open, then begins exploring his mouth with her tongue. He moans and reaches up, grabbing her face to kiss her back, but no sooner had he grabbed her did her hands wrap around his wrists.
"Nah, ah," she says teasingly. "Hands at your sides."
"O-Okay," he stutters breathlessly.
"Oh, and there you go talking again."
He automatically opens his mouth to reply but closes it, simply nodding.
"There we go, such a good boy!" she coos, grabbing the sides of his face gently and pecking his lips.
"Now," she says, "Let's get this pesky shirt off."
Her deft fingers make short work of the buttons of his dress shirt, which he quickly removes and tosses to the side.
"I wonder what would happen if I did.... this?" she asks as she leans down and presses a kiss to his left nipple, eliciting a moan from him. He opens his mouth to say, 'No fair!', but settles for a cheeky grin telling her he knows exactly what she's doing. One of their previous "sessions" had involved sensation play with ice cubes. They'd quickly discovered over the course of that session that his nipples were very sensitive. It was the quickest he's come yet in their marriage.
She smiles back and returns to his nipple, lathering her tongue over it. The sensation is incredible; Bryan involuntarily sucks in a breath and lets it out shakily. She moves and gives the same treatment to the right one. It's almost too much; Bryan arches his back and bites his bottom lip to keep from swearing. Suddenly she locks eyes with him, and he feels his heart somehow speed up even more. She sits up and slowly, teasingly unbuckles his belt, then undoes his pants, and finally pulls aside his boxers, his cock springing to attention.
"Oohh, is this what's been bothering you, hon?" she asks in a sickly-sweet voice. "Has all this been too much, and now your cock is close to bursting?"
Bryan stares back resolutely, not wanting to give her the satisfaction.
"Here," she says with a smug smile. "Let's see if we can't fix that."
With that, she spits into her left hand and wraps it around his cock.
Immediately he has to close his eyes and focus. He'd forgotten how damned good she was at this. Her hand glides up and down his manhood, giving extra attention to the sensitive spots. She practically massages the head, making Bryan see stars.
Then, he feels her lean down to his ear. Her hot breath brushes his face as she whispers, "Are gonna cum for me like a good little slut?"
That did it. His eyes fly open, he arches his back and lets out a long, loud moan as an orgasm explodes across his senses. He splatters all over his stomach, which Madalyn leans down and laps up, her warm tongue adding more pleasant sensations as he rides the wave down. Soon, she sits up and takes her pants off, gesturing him over as she pulls her panties off. He didn't need to be told what to do next. He falls to his knees and crawls over. He gazes at her beautiful, pink pussy and dives into it like a man possessed. She immediately throws her head back.
"Yes! Oh, yes, baby, just like that!"
Bryan smiles. Something else he'd always liked about Madalyn; she is a vocal lover.
"Fuck, yes, baby! Make me cum like the good boy you are!"
A shudder runs through him as he redoubles his efforts. He is quickly rewarded. She wraps her legs around his neck like a vice, arches her back, and screams as she explodes on his face.
Now too tired to eat, they go to clean themselves up, then climb into bed.
As they settle down, Madalyn's arm drapes over Bryan as he snuggles into her.
He whisperes sleepily, "That nipple thing was SO cheating."