"Ok, class. Turn to page 94," Miss Marsey said.
Rick sat daydreaming, yet to act upon the last instruction. His mind was too busy elsewhere, eyes fixed on his teacher's skirt, the faint hint of a suspender belt strap lining its side, almost invisible, yet undeniably there. She said, cross-legged, poised on the edge of her desk, her black pencil skirt riding just above her knees, with shiny black four-inch stilettos on her feet.
"That includes you," she added in a firm tone, looking now directly at Rick.
Shifting in his seat, as if aware of something stirring underneath it, he coughed and quickly attempted to open the page, before realising he hadn't heard the number. He fumbled for a moment then looked up sheepishly.
"Erm, sorry. What page was it?" He asked.
Miss Marsey slid off the edge of her desk and walked slowly over to Rick's desk, leaning into it and putting her hands down in front of her, with her blond hair falling over her shoulders.
Rick tried to make eye contact, but his gaze immediately went down her white blouse to the teacher's ample boobs, now quite visible to him, as she exhaled in exasperation.
"The page that only this minute I said to the entire class! THAT page."
Rick's eyes looked up quickly and into hers. She was not messing around and he could see the annoyance in her expression.
"Sorry, Miss," he started. "I, erm. Well ... " He tried to explain but this being the third time since the start of the lesson that she had called him out, left him without an excuse now.
"See me after class, young man." She said, the stern tone continuing. "I've just about had enough of repeating myself to you."
She stood up and spun around, walking back to her desk, with her tight behind making a swaying motion in time with the ticking of her heels on the wooden floor.
"Yes Miss." He replied, watching her saunter back to the front of the class.
Thirty minutes later, the bell finally rang and the many chairs in the room made their abrasive noises as the students sprang from their desks and flocked to the doorway, with the exception of Rick, who sat quietly in anticipation of his teacher's punishment.
With the class now empty, Miss Marsey sat writing, finishing off the last bit of homework marking, Rick looking on in silence. A few moments later, she put the lid on her pen and looked up. Taking a breath, she spoke to him.
"Something has come to my attention, Mister Roberts. Something decidedly unsavoury and I feel the need to bring it up." She told him - not at all what he had expected her to say.
She continued. "The other day, I happened upon a note in one of the students' exercise books. A rather disgusting note, which I believe you had a hand in writing. I was perhaps going to ignore it, but your continued lack of respect and inattentiveness has left me no choice."
Rick went as white as a sheet. He knew immediately what she was referring to. Miss Marsey opened her desk drawer and pulled out a scruffy-looking piece of lined paper.
"Come here," she said. "I want your explanation."
Rick stood and walked over to her desk, his mouth rather dry at this point. He reached the side of her desk and looked down at the paper, now flat and near the edge. She crossed her arms and looked up at him, pouting her glossy lips whilst frowning.
"Read it!" She exclaimed, raising her voice.
Rick gulped. This wasn't for public consumption. He grimaced and spoke.
"Please Miss, I'd rather not."
"Fine, then. I will read it for you, shall I?" She went on, "It says Nasty Miss Marsey likes to take it up the ar..." she halted, seething and glaring at Rick, as he blushed profusely. "Such immature vulgarity," she finished, shaking her head.
There was a pause.
"I've had it up to here with you filthy teenage boys, always gawping at my chest, instead of paying attention in class. And now this, this ... lewd remark I find absolutely revolting. How many of you dirty little creatures have been giggling at this? I can only imagine."
She paused again, breathing in heavily and with a heavy exhale, continued.
"Well, this time you're NOT getting away with it."
She stood up, her chair scraping the floor and walked briskly to the door, pushing a bolt up into the top of its frame, locking it shut. She came back to the desk.
"If you don't want me showing this to your parents, in front of the head teacher, you're going to do exactly as I say. I have taken this personally; you have crossed the line and it's only fair if I punish you accordingly."

Rick looked worried; he opened his mouth as if to speak but she cut in.
"Well?! Do you want me to call them in?" She asked in a fiery tone.
"No!" Rick said quickly. "Please don't."
"Please don't - what?" Miss Marsey snapped.
"Please don't, Miss Marsey. I'm sorry. Very sorry."
She looked on, shaking her head once again.
"Yes. You are. Or at least you are going to be," she concluded.
Her voice dropped a few decibels, and she spoke through gritted teeth.
"Drop. Your. Trousers, Rick," she said in a commanding voice.
Rick gulped. "Wait a minute, Miss. I can do a detention. I'll do detentions for the rest of the term."
"I'm not joking, Mr Roberts. Trousers down now!" She waited. "And underpants," she added.
Rick hesitated.
The teacher took a deep breath. "I'll count to three, then. One, two, th ..."
Rick started to unbuckle his belt and quickly dropped only his trousers to the floor. Miss Marsey raised an eyebrow, indicating he should hurry up.
He rapidly dropped his underpants and closed his eyes, wincing in shame as his cock sprang out, rising involuntarily as he desperately tried to think it back down again.
Her frown intensified, looking down at his hardening penis.
"Oh my God! You are unbelievable!" She said once more through gritted teeth. "Stop that immediately!" She told him.
"I can't miss! It's not me. It's doing it by itself!" He replied, desperately.
She picked up a plastic ruler from the desk and with a snap, cut across his bare buttock with it.
"Owww!" Rick shrieked. "I'm sorry!"
His penis continued to stiffen, his thighs now trembling from the recent sharp shock.
Miss Marsey seemed exhilarated from hearing his pain.
"Bend over the desk." She instructed.
Rick, now intent on de-escalating the situation, immediately complied. Miss Marsey struck him several more times with the ruler, this time across both cheeks, Rick making muffled cries, trying hard to not feed her satisfaction.
"Stand up, boy!" Miss Marsey stopped after around ten swipes.
Rick stood back up slowly and looked down at his now rigid, throbbing cock. A thread of precum slowly leaked onto her desk, to his horror - and to hers. Miss Marsey's jaw dropped.
"Oh, you are really asking for it, aren't you?" She whispered.
Rick said nothing. He was beyond embarrassment now. Putting the ruler down, Miss Marsey moved herself behind him. She reached around his torso and gripped his erect tool. She raised her other hand and placed it over his mouth and began to work his cock.
"Put your hands underneath the end of your penis!" She told him, her hand moving back and forth along his length, his precum now lubricating both her hand and his pole, making the occasional slurping noise.
"How dare you make that mess on my desk," she said. "I know EXACTLY what we need to do with you."
Rick's thighs trembled as her hand edged him further towards his climax. An occasional whimper escaped his muffled lips.
"Any mess on my desk and you WILL be sorry, boy," she warned him.
Rick understood now and tried to second-guess the trajectory of his impending explosion. He looked down over his nose, her hand on his mouth partially obscuring his view. His hands cupped closely to the end of his expanding helmet in anticipation of the inevitable.
Rick breathed through his nose as her left hand gagged him. The breaths now deepened as his eyes searched the room for a way out, but it was too late - he could feel his balls contracting and was about to be tipped over the edge.
He felt her soft chest pressing into his back as her hand showed no respite. His body quivered as he let out his final muffled groan, as his balls tightened to the limit and ejected his semen into the palms of his hands in several diminishing, hot squirts. Only his muffled breathing could be heard as his sack emptied its load under duress.
A moment more passed, and Miss Marsey seemed finally satiated.
She wiped her right hand on his right butt cheek and moved around him to her seat. She picked up her mobile phone and took a picture of him with his glistening cock extended and hands full of thick ejaculate, being sure his face was in the shot.
"Eat it." She demanded. "And don't spill any, or this picture will find its way anonymously into your friends' inboxes."
Rick looked down at the slime in his hands and moved them closer to his mouth, unsure how to proceed.
"I'm waiting," the teacher said.