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You've Started, So You'll Finish - For Me

"Jim is blackmailed by his daughter's best friend when she catches him masturbating"

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Author's Notes

"Whilst this is not a full-on account of incestuous activity, it crosses a boundary which warrants being in the incest fantasies category."

"The decision is final, Sarah!" I said firmly to my daughter, who stormed out of the room, pouting.

She had been pleading me to allow her to go on a trip around Europe (at my expense) with some friends, one of whom I really didn't approve of. The conversation had been getting heated in the last few minutes and finally come to a head. Sarah was nineteen but still behaved quite naively at times.

Her friend, Laura, was another thing entirely and since an incident a few weeks ago, I was very wary of her.

I was dressed in my navy suit for work, with a crisp, white shirt, dark tie and platinum cufflinks. I had just to finish with a touch of aftershave and then I could hit the road for my fifty-odd-minute commute to the office. Frequently, I'd work from my home office on a Friday but I had to meet a client and looked forward to being smart on the right occasions, to break up the routine of semi-casual clothes.

I put my shoes on and headed out to the car on the driveway.

As I drove to work, my temper simmered down. I felt bad for Sarah and began to wish the morning had not started off that way. My hot-headedness was probably one of the reasons contributing to my failing marriage, my second wife having moved out a couple of months earlier. We weren't quite at the stage of divorce yet but the outlook didn't seem great.

I pulled up to work and parked in my reserved slot then, with a deep breath, headed into a meeting which, if all went well, would guarantee a hefty new income stream for at least the next five years. I caught my reflection in the window of the office door: tie in place, hair freshly cut and clean shaven. All my preparation yesterday was hopefully about to pay off. I was ready to nail this one down.

Three hours later and the meeting was over. The business was mine. All felt great as I headed to lunch.

With my spirits lifted, I reconsidered the parting words with my daughter and decided to call her, to let her know she could take the trip. After all, it was mainly her step-mum pressing to keep her from going and, in the interest of keeping what little harmony remained between us, I was trying to see things Gill's way.

Fuck that. I'm the one feeling guilty here - Gill was always off on endless business trips, whilst I was holding the fort together and she's not even Sarah's birth mother.

I looked up Sarah in my contacts and made the call. It rang for a while then went to her answerphone. I hung up, rather than leave a message, as at this point I thought it would be nice to tell her face to face. It could wait until tonight.

After work, I headed to the pool. I had been on the swim team at school years ago, but now just enjoyed a hundred lengths or so to finish the day off. I had lost the pace I had in my youth but kept most of the physique.

Well, almost. The classic washboard stomach that came for free with all the training had slowly eroded away over years of beers and business lunches, but the pectorals and biceps were still pretty pumped. All in all, I still had a reasonable physique for my age.

That evening, I returned from the pool and celebrated with a couple of cold beers from the fridge and one of my favourite movies, which tended to get played on occasions like this; it all just fitted my mood perfectly.

It was ten o'clock and no sign of Sarah. I was getting tired, as I had been up late last night and had had an early start this morning. When I saw Sarah this morning, she had just returned from yet another late night party, school having finished for the year.

I went back into the kitchen to tidy a few things before bed and it was then that I found the note.

Dad. Gone 2 Laura's for sleepover. Back 2mro. Sarah xxx

Shit, I thought. Laura is trouble. I guess I asked for this, with my attitude this morning.

I sighed and wandered up to my bedroom. I undressed, hanging my suit carefully and throwing the remainder of my clothes into a laundry basket in the bathroom. With no one in the house, I didn't bother with any pyjamas and brushed my teeth in the nude, as I would be sleeping like that anyway.

I got into bed, under the nice, crisp sheets and, closing my eyes, felt relaxed.

Ten minutes passed and my mind was buzzing. Adrenaline from the meeting and the argument this morning kept me awake.

Another ten minutes passed, then another. I kept looking at the clock shining at me relentlessly from across the room, reminding me that I was still awake. An hour later and a lot of tossing and turning, I sat up on the edge of the bed.

I knew how to fix this. A quick Google search with the right keywords and I could release the tension to help send me off to sleep in no time.

I walked down the hallway to my study, closed the curtains and put the light on. I still hadn't bothered with any pyjamas, as the house was mine tonight.

Booting up the notebook, I checked for some tissues and saw a box of them nearby. All good.

I searched Google with some choice keywords that fitted my mood: teen, blow, swallow, slut, etc. Some clips showed in the search results and I navigated to one that looked like it would do the job. I put some headphones on so I could turn up the volume; the crappy notebook speaker was no way to experience the sounds.

My cock began to stir and I started to touch it as the clip got underway.

An early twenty-something girl, wearing nothing but a studded choker was immediately on her knees, sucking off a huge cock - the owner of which was, as always, a mystery man. The attention to detail was fantastic and the colours very vivid. Her pink, glossy lipstick stayed fast on her lips as floods of saliva began to drool from her mouth. Her heavily made-up eyes looked towards the camera every so often, turning me on immensely.

"Ooh yeah. Fucking suck that cock, you whore!" I muttered to the screen. "Fuck! You filthy, nasty slut!" I said quietly, as my hand worked my shaft. Pre-cum began to drool from the slit and I licked it off my finger to avoid too much mess on my fingers too soon, in case I needed to use the keyboard again. Another ten minutes perhaps, I thought, and I'll nail this deal too.

I was about right. A little less than ten minutes passed and I could sense I was nearly there. My hand was now getting a bit messy as it was hard to keep up with the flow of the pre-cum.

"Shit!" I said, my heart pounding now. "Ah fuck! That's it, bitch, swallow his cum like a nasty little cum slut!" I said quietly, with gritted teeth.

Then the room suddenly flashed with light; my heart jumped.

I swivelled around on the chair and saw Laura standing there, filming me on her phone, grinning like crazy. A very awkward silence ensued for a second as she looked directly at me, biting her lip, then she called out.

"I've found your Dad!" she said, in a loud voice.

I froze, then I heard footsteps and Sarah entered the room. She almost jumped back a metre.

"Jesus!" she exclaimed as she saw me sitting there, naked and with a raging hard-on.

They were both dressed for a night out, in short, tight-fitting dresses, with four-inch heels apiece. Laura was wearing the same blue dress she had worn *that* time in my car.

I quickly took off the headphones and turned back around in an attempt to conceal my nakedness and, of course, my veiny, erect penis, which was lubricated and shining.

I slammed the notebook shut and, as I did so, my daughter and Laura burst into a fit of laughter. I guessed they had been drinking. Laura spoke through her giggles.

"Too late," she said. "We saw what you were doing. But don't less us stop you, Mr Hudson!" she said, cheekily.

I scowled at Laura, not aware that she had spoken with Sarah, in great detail, about what had transpired between us.

"It's not what it looks like!" I spurted.

Not what it looks like?! Did I actually just fucking say that? Not what it looks like?!


"I mean. Well ... er ... what the hell are you both doing here?" I snapped. "You're supposed to be at Laura's house!"

"I had left my phone here," Sarah said, "so we just came back to pick it up before going to the nightclub. Wish I hadn't now!"

Laura was still filming me.

"Put the camera down! Go away, both of you! Now!" I pleaded and demanded at once, speaking with my head slightly turned over my shoulder, as I tried desperately to hide from the view of her phone.

A pause. The girls looked at each other.

"No," Laura said curtly.

But Sarah looked at her, mouth wide open in surprise.

"What the fuck, Laura?" she said, questioning her friend, "this is too weird. I've got my phone now, so let's get going!"

Laura didn't budge. "You must be kidding, Sarah, this is too perfect! I've got what he was doing on film."

Sarah looked to the laptop and to my lap, her face grimacing with disgust.

A change of tack was needed, I thought. The angry approach was not working.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry you've seen this. I thought I was alone in the house. Now please, please, just go, the both of you."

Still, no movement from Laura, although Sarah seemed eager to leave.

"Laura!" I yelled, "this is a gross invasion of privacy! You'll be in a lot of trouble!"

"Not as much as you will, Jim," she said with a slightly wicked tone. "Perhaps you should have locked the door," she said, cutely.

I couldn't argue with that. I could have wept.

With that and realising her own words, she turned and locked the door, took the key out of the lock and slipped it down her chest, into her bra.

Checkmate, I thought. Fuck. I couldn't start grappling her to get the key back, me being naked and with a giant boner. It could be easily misinterpreted! I knew Laura's parents and even went mountain biking with her father once every now and again.

But they seemed like a nice couple. Laura was one messed-up little bitch!

I rolled my eyes and looked to the ceiling.

"Why the hell are you doing this, Laura?" I said loudly.

She ignored my question.

My stiff, erect penis wouldn't quit. Despite all the frustration, I couldn't get it to stop throbbing wildly. There was something awkwardly exciting about her catching me, not that I could ever tell her that. I could possibly have even enjoyed this situation but with Sarah there too, it was just plain uncomfortable.

"Jim," Laura started, "I bet Sarah has seen you naked before. Loads of times. It's nothing new for her to see your cock. And I'm not embarrassed, you know that, don't you?"

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Sarah looked at me angrily. "It's true, Dad. Since that time you gave Laura a lift in the car, she won't stop going on about you and," she looked at my lap, continuing with her grimace, "your 'huge' cock."

Oh, God. I knew now that Laura had told my daughter about the ride home. That's why she was hesitating here - she wants to know if it's true about Laura and me.

"Sarah," I said, pre-empting her question. "That wasn't me. That was Laura. She did it to me. She took my cock out in the car and ... and ... I was driving. It was difficult to stop her."

Sarah and Laura laughed.

"Yeah, right, Dad!" she said sarcastically. "Poor you, you couldn't stop little Laura from jerking you off into her hand ..."

... And then drinking it, I recalled. It was true, I could have stopped her but it all seemed to happen so quickly.

Sarah shook her head, disapprovingly.

I looked to Laura, who blushed and bit her lip, looking at me with the same faux-innocence she had used on me in the car. It was a hot look.

Laura grew impatient.

"Open that notebook, Jim and start stroking your cock again now, or the film and pictures I've taken are going to be in your friends' and clients' inboxes tomorrow morning."

Oh dear Lord, I thought. This is going to happen. She's actually going to make me do this. I'm going to have to masturbate in front of her.

"Sarah, you need to leave the room, honey, " I said.

"Sarah's staying," Laura said. "She's going to hold the camera."

"I am not!" she retorted. "This is gross! I don't want to watch my Dad jerking off to porn!"

Laura moved very close to Sarah and begin whispering in her ear. Sarah's expression changed; she looked annoyed.

"Oh for fuck's sake, Laura. Alright then," Sarah said, "I'll do it just because of that. But you're one freaky slut."

Whatever she had whispered, she had some kind of leverage over Sarah. And, I guessed, was also pretty pissed at me too.

Laura gave Sarah the phone, who pointed it at me, filming. I was stunned she was doing this.

"Get started, Mr Hudson and don't stop until we get to see the finish," Laura said, licking her lips.

I reluctantly opened the notebook again, revealing the scene which had conveniently auto-paused, and winced as I caught my daughter's disapproving expression.

"That's it, Jim," Laura said, "just pretend we're not here and carry on. I don't think you'll take too long. When you're finished, we'll leave you alone, I promise."

I wasn't sure she meant that but then what choice did I have?

I started the clip, immediately sending loud sounds of moaning and grunting back through the headphones which were on the desk. I cautiously began stroking my cock again as it throbbed, achingly. I was surprisingly still very close to coming.

The girls looked on as I masturbated in front of them. My breathing grew heavier and my chest trembled. This nightmare was hopefully all going to be over in a minute. I just had to get past this moment.

"I think I'm going to ... come," I said, warning them. "Don't look, Sarah!"

At this point, Laura moved closer, hovering just behind me as I concentrated on the screen. I was trying to put the two girls out of my mind. She peered over at my cock in my hand, which was close to erupting.

Laura leaned over and whispered, "You're such a bad boy, Mr Hudson, looking at all these young girls like this. You're old enough to be their ... dad!"

As she said the word, "dad," she pushed at the swivel-chair, turning me around and dropped to her knees in front of me. Grabbing my shaft, she moved her head down onto it in one swift movement. As my cock slid between her lips, she gripped the base and within three or four sharp tugs, my balls contracted, pumping my hot seed into her mouth, Laura moaning excitedly as it did so, with her brown hair falling about my lap.

I tried to remain composed. A muffled growl came from my throat as my mouth stayed firmly shut in an attempt to avoid sounding like I was enjoying this. The fact was, that moment was fucking hot. I didn't want to admit to myself but the sheer relief I felt in that instant was incredible. Laura gulped my sperm down as I shot it, squirt after squirt.

My relief didn't last long.

As Laura drained the cum from my balls, the moment passed and I felt, once again, aghast at what had just happened: my daughter looked on as her naked father ejaculated into her best friend's mouth.

"Daddy!" she said in disbelief, then dumbly stated the obvious, "you just came in Laura's mouth! Eww!"

Out of breath, I panted, "She made me do this. You both did. I didn't want to."

Laura moved her head away from my lap and, grinning, stood up. She leaned over and motioned for me to kiss her on her pouting lips, which were shiny with my semen.

I recoiled.

"Don't spoil it, Jim," she told me, "you know what I'll do if you don't. Now kiss me."

Laura moved her face closer to mine and gave me a lingering kiss on the lips. I could taste my own come; my cock twitched involuntarily.

Laura continued to kiss my lips. I tried not to return the kiss as her tongue pushed into my mouth but found myself giving in to it.

My cock stiffened as her soft lips teased against mine. I couldn't believe it. I just came a minute ago and this girl was getting me going again, I thought.

Sarah, noticing this, cut in. "Daddy, stop getting hard! She's doing that on purpose!"

"Your Dad's enjoying this, Sarah," she replied, interrupting the spicy kiss, "he doesn't want me to stop, I can tell."

She carried on kissing me and I kissed her back.

At this point, I think she was right. I did actually want her to do this. My stiffening cock told the truth.

Laura pulled up the hem of her dress, sat on my lap and began to grind herself against me. My cock was now fully hard once more and it rubbed against the material of her panties.

She put her arms over my shoulders and hands behind my head, much like a lapdance.

Laura stayed silent, looking into my eyes longingly, her forehead against mine.

At this point, I was done with fighting. Laura, the nineteen-year-old beauty that she was, made it impossible to resist. I had to fuck her, even if my daughter was in the room watching us. My cock was raging and there was only so much temptation I could take before throwing caution to the wind.

Laura took my lack of resistance as acceptance. She pulled...

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Written by paul_moadib
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