Location: 83°38'10"N 31°12'18"W, Kaffeklubben Island, Northern Greenland
Time: 2164-12-26T23:12UTC
Santa's Workshop is louder and more raucous the night after Xmas® than any day before, even though the weeks leading up to the twenty-fifth of December are always a flurry of activity, round-the-clock shifts rushing to bring everything together for Mr. Claus' annual global circumnavigation. Then, after the culmination of this singular event the entire operation exists to support, all the workers are granted a much-needed week off.
On the twenty-sixth, however, the organization always throws a lavish holiday banquet to thank the workers for a job well done, to hand out awards for productivity, and to report on the year-end financials and other operational metrics.
That's the official version.
Unofficially, the real reason everyone is in attendance is that after the banquet, and after the video feeds with the global partners are wrapped up, decorum is gleefully abandoned as the festivities move to the Workshop, the huge building half the size of a football stadium in the middle of the North Pole Complex.
The real party begins here. Out comes the hard liquor, the cannabis varieties, and various other consciousness-altering and inhibition-lowering substances. A few workers acting as hosts begin to shed their clothes as they enter, and before long, shirtless men and bare-breasted women are snaking their way through the crowd with trays holding gelatin shots, flutes of champagne, and selections of condom packets.
It wasn't always this way.
As the world's population grew to over twelve billion, old Santa Claus faced pressure to bring his operation into the twenty-second century. But he didn't see any reason to change, sensing no need to increase capacity, and he enjoyed the routine of the “old ways”. Despite the population growth, he argued, the absolute number of children whose AVC-365* met the threshold of 0.5 was actually decreasing slightly.
*The 365-Day Aggregate Virtue Coefficient in the Global Behavioral Surveillance Database. The subset of children whose value is at least 50% as of 23:59:59 UTC on 15 December was repeatedly proposed as the standard to replace Santa's subjective “Nice List”.
Old Man Claus groomed his grandson Magnus to be his successor, and eventually agreed to an acquisition by MGZ** for a handsome ten figures.
**Metagoogazon, commonly referred to by the initials MGZ, is the product of three information, technology, and commerce supercorporations that merged in the late twenty-first century.
MGZ allowed the operation to continue under the brand “Santa's Workshop”, with Magnus Claus as its President. Expanding operations necessitated a relocation from the temporary structures set upon the floating winter polar ice cap around the true North Pole to a permanent year-round facility. Building a large installation at the Pole would have required driving piles and support structures into the sea floor over 4 kilometers beneath the surface; no one on MGZ's board would dare approve such a time-consuming and expensive engineering project. So, the company purchased the Northernmost land mass in the Arctic Ocean: Kaffeklubben Island off the coast of Northern Greenland, and built the Workshop's sprawling campus from there out into the relatively shallow, rocky coastal waters.
Magnus Claus' open sexual relationship with several staff including Chief Marketing Officer Dagny Ragnhild Guðmundsdóttir started off as a scandal, but when the media began to adore the “power couple”, MGZ wisely deferred the planned sackings. Dagny's circle of social media influencers promoted a “Good-Naughty List” to affirm sexual prowess and adventure, effectively doubling the reach of holiday gift giving and event supplies, so MGZ supported their relationship and subsequent marriage. As long as the outfit's public portrayal of being socially and environmentally responsible holds up, and it remains increasingly profitable, MGZ has no reservations about renewing the Claus' contracts – they're good for the corporate image and the bottom line.
Old Santa Claus found a way to preserve his legacy without feeling as if he was pushed out or that his operation had fallen to corporate greed and moral decay. He bought a group of islands in the Mediterranean, hiring many of his former employees to run a string of resorts, and the Separation of the Holidays† gave him the opportunity to keep the old Christmas traditions alive on his own while his grandson went entirely secular.
†A few decades ago, a coalition of Evangelical and Catholic churches decided to move the religious Christmas holiday to late February, leaving Xmas® (a trademark registered to MGZ) as an increasingly decadent secular holiday.
As Xmas® has long abandoned any connection to religious tradition, the Workshop party is now a display of – no, a celebration of – excess alcohol and drug consumption and sexual abandon.
Excited to get an eyeful of the first boobs of the night, a particularly naughty elf reaches up and squeezes those of a well-endowed server. She shrieks as her tray clatters to the floor, spilling two glasses of champagne and a few shots. Thankfully, all the drinkware is made out of modern no-break glass, but the floor starts to slicken with the liquid and the squishy red and green gelatin.
“Boys will be boys, eh?” she laughs as she grabs the elf's beard to prevent him from scampering off. She pushes her tit into his face, then throws him to the floor into the mess he caused. “Now, clean that shit up!” She wiggles her large tits at him and adds, “Or no more of these tonight!”
Light string and piano music accompanied the elegant dinner earlier, but now as the real festivities are getting cranked up, the lively party music sets a completely different mood. One male technician and two Little Helpers†† are the DJs for the evening.
††Little Helper is a hierarchical designation unique to the Workshop, like a Lead or Supervisor. Little Helpers are typically respected as the most adept at their jobs, mostly designers, craftswomen, technicians, artists, and culinary artisans. Curiously, they are always female; occasional protests by males have been ignored or suppressed. It's no secret that sexual favors play a part in their promotion, though flimsy denials still prevail.
The Little Helper DJs are topless now, getting the crowd stirred up by playing a hard, thumping, industro-dance track and activating their headset microphones.
“Who's gonna get fucked up toniiiiiight?” the dark-skinned DJ yells. The crowd responds with a cheer, and someone shakes a bottle of champagne, spraying everyone nearby.
“Who's gonna get fucked – “ the blonde counters “– up, on a table, on the stage...” The roar of the crowd almost drowns her out.
“Let's get this fuckin' Workshop pumpin'!!” The DJs dance lewdly up against each other, cranking the music louder.
“Whoooo!” the blonde responds, “This party is about to get fuckin' LIIIIIIT!”
Encouraged by the DJs, a few guys' shirts start to come off, and a few more titties pop out. The disregard for inhibitions spreads quickly throughout the Workshop.
Dealers throw out cards to those who have begun to swarm the three blackjack tables. Strip blackjack, of course. While most of the losers of each hand pull off a shoe or shirt at first, one tipsy redhead unzips her skirt and kicks it away with her knee-high boots. She's panty-less, her round pale ass and ginger pubes on display for all to see. Within minutes, plenty of titties and three cocks are out at the tables.
By now, the two massive hot tubs at either end of the stage are full of well over the official capacity of two dozen people each. Men and women, drinks and joints in hand, most naked above the waist for sure and possibly below, are groping and rubbing against each other, some making out, as the music moves them. Along with the scores of bare tits above the bubbles, stiff cocks begin to break the surface, to laughs and cheers from those nearby.
“Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please!” The male DJ's voice rises as the music fades. “We're handing out our first prize already! Over there on Table Three, Cecilia has lost all her clothes and now is our first blackjack loser of the night!” The crowd cheers. “Well done, Cecilia!”
“Damn, girl,” the blonde DJ cuts in. “Let's see that! Fuck – can we get Mikel's cam up on the big screen? Lets see those tits and ass!” The other DJ connects to the dealer's implanted retina cam, and the image of him scanning up and down the thirtysomething brunette's swaying nude body is displayed for the whole Workshop to see. Cecilia hops up onto the table and turns over on her hands and knees to show her ass, the six of clubs and ten of diamonds stuck to her cheek and thigh.
“Sixteen!” the blonde DJ announces. “Hit?”
“Fuck yeah,” the male DJ laughs. “Someone hit that!” The crowd goes wild, and the activity at Table Three indicates that someone is trying just that.
After a mix of energetic industrotech dance tracks, Five Little Helpers climb onto the main stage, the audience cheering as their dancing becomes increasingly lewd. Soon, they are showing bare pussies under their high-slit skirts, tits popping out of their push-up tops. By the time the loud, pulsing track is finished, all five are naked, and one by one they jump off to surf the crowd, excited to get fondled and groped by dozens of horny partiers.
The DJs announce a dance contest next: six cages suspended from the ceiling will hold the best dancers for the next half hour, and of course the winners get prize money as well. Three Little Helpers who serve as the judges select two men and two women, along with a male and female elf, from the dozens of stripping hopefuls who crowd the stage.
On Stage Two, a Jerk Off Contest has eight naked elf men each getting handjobbed by a female companion. One by one, comically fast as narrated by the dark-skinned DJ, the cocks start spurting, some ejaculations captured close up by the females' retina cams and displayed on the big screens, a few replayed in slow motion. The DJs debate as to whether the first or last to cum is the winner, but no one cares. They both get handsome prizes, and their female jerk-offers get double.

House lights illuminate the cages above the floor, which now display the dance contest winners. Their nude bodies moving in time with the intensifying music and light show provide plenty of visual stimulation for the partiers below.
An impromptu sex show commences on stage: a woman straddles a man in a chair, a young woman is tribbing with someone old enough to be her mom, and yet another is riding one cock while sucking another and jerking off two more. Two fit men hold their fit women partners up in a variety of erotic gymnastic poses.
A woman probably in her forties leans into the podium, tits popping out of her skimpy top, a naked man hiking up her dress from behind. Realizing the podium mic is on when she hears her squeal from the speakers, she begins to narrate his roaming fingers, clit play, and deep penetration. Her retina cam captures the jizz-filled condom drooping from his cock for the big screens to display when he's finished.
Two women are getting fucked on blackjack Table Two, one naked except for a shoe, and one with only a skirt bunched up around her waist. The dealer cuts lines of cocaine between their tits, to be snorted off by passersby and then replaced by new lines. Soon, one guy, and then the other, pull out and rip their condoms off, adding new streams of cum to those already splattered across the green felt of the table. An elf standing on his buddy's shoulders and a tattooed chick with a strap on dildo are the next up.
Suddenly, the music fades and the huge Workshop doors slide open, frigid Arctic air mostly fought back by the environmental barrier. Six male and six female drummers part the crowd, standing at the doors in two lines, facing each other, with a path between them. All of them are naked except for boots and large decorative black hats, cocks and nips bouncing and jiggling in varying states of erectness.
The resplendent Mr. Magnus Claus strides confidently into view, the stunning Mrs. Dagny Claus clutching his arm. The two wave and flash their trademark smiles as they enter in between the lines of drummers, greeted by adoring cheers, champagne sprays, and a confetti drop. Mr. Claus is shirtless, rippling muscles defying the cold and framing his epic blond beard; his wife's flowing blonde hair spills out from under her large hat and over her long coat, both made of dark reddish-brown fur (faux of course). Four lingerie-clad Little Helpers flank them, two carrying large basins strapped over their shoulders, the others reaching in, grabbing handfuls of one-ounce liquor bottles, condoms, and bags of pills and joints to toss into the crowd.
As the drumming fades and the house music intensifies, the cheering throng parts to allow the couple to make their way to the stage, where they bask in a good two minutes of cheers and applause.
“How is everyone at the North Pole tonight?” Mrs. Claus asks, eliciting a roar from the crowd. She says a few sentences about the yearly success, proud of the way they overcame supply and infrastructure disruptions earlier in the year. “When we were behind, Mr. Claus and I were pleased with your hard work to get back on track.” She pauses to smile and laugh, pumping a fist up and down in front of her. “It is a wonder what many hand jobs will do for your motivation, yes?” The crowd roars with laughter, well aware of the sexual favors she and a few Little Helpers gave as performance incentives.
When Mrs. Claus' little speech is over, the music gets cranking again, sending her into a provocative dance. Off comes her coat, revealing forest green lingerie and red and white striped stockings underneath. Bra and panties soon discarded, she sucks on a large peppermint stick and slides it up her trimmed blonde pussy a few times, the crowd cheering her on, the lewd act captured by a Little Helper's retina cam and displayed on the large screens.
When the music track is over, she puts her coat back on, sans undergarments, her husband leading more applause and cheers. “If your cocks and clits aren't hard after watching that,” he remarks, “you aren't human!” Following a murmur from the crowd, he adds, “Or elf!” Raucous laughter ensues. After pausing to snort a fingernail full of coke up each nostril, Mrs. Claus descends the steps and works the crowd, coat open, chatting personably, offering her tits to be squeezed and her peppermint stick to be sucked.
Mr. Claus makes a speech, winding down by thanking all the workers. “But we all know who really makes this operation tick!” Several Little Helpers, wearing only boots and hats, scurry about, arranging an oversized chair and several large bins. “Come here, my lovelies.” As a few of them gather around Mr. Claus, a spotlight picks out Mrs. Claus in the crowd. “My lovely wife Dagny, we'd crash and burn without you!” She beams, swishing her exposed body as she raises the drink glass she just drained and exhales the smoke from her joint. “And all you Little Helpers!” He gathers as many of them in his arms as he can, some of them lustily stroking his chest and beard while he grabs and swats some bare asses.
“I'll be hanging out here – keep the party going!” He lights a fat joint and settles into the chair. A line forms, and one by one, naked women, including elves, sit on his lap to tell him naughty things they want done to them, occasionally audible through the speakers. Each one receives a squeeze of a tit or an ass cheek and a gift of a sex toy from the bins.
There is fucking everywhere. Chicks are bent over furniture and sprawled on the floor, holes getting fucked by cocks and dildos. On the side of a hot tub, a line of guys (with a dildo-wielding redhead chick mixed in) runs a train on a young brunette as she takes hits from a bong. A large woman picks up elf men, carrying them around as they tittyfuck her. Guys hold elf women upside down by their ankles to get their dicks sucked. People are fucking on the sofas in the lounge area, a haze of pot smoke hanging above and at least two dozen spent condoms scattered on the floor below.
Above, the cage dancers have retrieved partners, and they are engaged in all manner of face-to-face and from-behind and oral sex acts. The elf man has three elf females sucking his cock and balls, and one cage contains three women, including an aggressive one with a strap on dildo.
The seating area near the refreshments is essentially one big orgy. Two guys lying on tables have woman after woman squatting down to impale themselves on their large cocks that are sheathed with studded condoms, pumping up and down just a few times before being pushed off by the next who's too impatient to wait her proper turn. Several men and women are perched on the tables getting orally pleasured by someone sitting in front of them. Two elf couples are doing it doggy style, the females making out with each other. Spunk-filled condoms are quickly filling up the goblet that serves as a centerpiece.
A petite woman with platinum blonde pigtails kneels and sucks a guy's cock at the blackjack tables until he blows his load. She stands and shows off her mouthful of creamy cum before swallowing to a chorus of cheers, then adds a tenth lipstick mark to her chest where there are nine already.
Stage Three has been set up as the BDSM play area. Leather-clad Little Helpers are tying and strapping willing partiers, paddling them and popping them with whips, dripping hot wax and ice on them, and offering themselves as playthings as well. A blindfolded naked woman is bound to a chair, squirming as men and women and male and female elves step up to her to suck her tits and toes and masturbate on her, making her a mess of girl juice and cum splatters. A few handcuffed men and women are groped as they're led through the crowd on leashes fastened to collars and cock rings.
“Who's ready for a show?” The music has dipped in volume, and Mr. Claus' voice booms over the speakers. Mrs. Claus winds her way through the crowd to join him on stage. As the crowd chants “BJ! BJ! BJ!”, she pulls his pants down and plays with his massive, veiny cock. She proceeds to sloppily suck and deepthroat it, the video projected on the big screens, captured by a Little Helper's retina cam.
Mrs. Claus climbs on and rides her husband, facing him at first and then turning around. She squeals and frigs her clit hard, erupting in a massive squirting orgasm, grinding for a bit before sliding off his lap. She grasps his raging boner, slick with her cum, and starts to jerk him off.
“Ten!” she breathes into her headset mic. “Nine.” A few in the crowd join her for “Eight,” then “Seven.”
She senses Mr. Claus is going to spew any second, so she speeds up. “Six, Five, FourThreeTwo.”
“Auuugggrrrrhhhhhh!” Mr. Claus's bellowing is picked up by her mic.
“ONE!” the crowd shouts.
“Fuck yes, wooohhh!” Mrs. Claus announces his orgasm to the entire party, as if they couldn't hear his groans and see the fountain of thick white jizz blasting out of the head of his cock. Spurt after massive spurt, at least five in all, shoot into the air, raining down to cover his wife's hands. A minute later, two Little Helpers assist Mrs. Claus in cleanup, scooping the cum with their fingers and wiping it on her tits.
Mrs. Claus sucks the last drops of oozing cum, stands, and takes a bow. The whole crowd cheers.
The huge Workshop doors open, and four reindeer swoop to the stage, pulling the shiny red sleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Claus climb in, accompanied by four Little Helpers, hovering slowly above the the crowd. Showering them with more handfuls of goodies, they bid everyone Happy Xmas® before being whisked out into the sky.
The revelry continues long into the morning. People and elves alike, inspired by Mr. and Mrs. Claus' live sex show, eagerly engage in a few more hours of debauchery.
As the DJs wrap up their last song, half the Workshop is cleared out and most of the other half is passed out. The platinum pigtailed chick is lying in spilled champagne, an elf standing over her sleepily stroking his cock while she fingers his balls. He squats to place the tip up to her lips, two spurts of semen gushing onto her wiggling tongue as he falls over. The giggling female elf with him sucks the head of his cock to gather the remainder of the escaping cum, then drools it into the woman's mouth, who gives herself a twenty-fifth lipstick mark just before they both pass out.