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The Workings Of Lust - Part 1

"Emmy finds she's attracted to a sexy humanoid."

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I sneaked up to the third level of Blair's house, wanting to escape the noise of the party. I also wanted to find the Sentient 6.3 her parents had just purchased. It was one of the most advanced robots a private citizen could buy, and I was dying to get a look at the humanoid.

I didn't have to worry about encountering anyone as I peeked into rooms lining the hallway. Blair's parents were out of town for the weekend, and she'd made it clear to us guests that the upper floors were off limits. I was the only one brave or stupid enough to defy her rule, and I'd already decided if I was caught, I'd pretend I had a migraine that forced me to seek out a dark, quiet place. Blair had known me forever, and while we weren't really friends anymore, she still trusted me.

At the end of the hall, I opened a door and peered into the shadows. When a man's voice greeted me, I almost screamed in fright. My eyes adjusted to the darkness well enough to make out a figure sitting in a chair near the window.

"Would you like me to turn on the lamp?" the man asked.

"Yes, please," I blurted out.

The room was instantly illuminated by soft lamplight. I stared at the man, my mouth hanging open. Finally, I managed to speak. "Are you the new Sentient?" It was a stupid question; of course he was. I could see all his equipment in the small room. But I was still shocked. Maybe it was a stereotypical assumption, but I'd figured the Reids would have bought a female robot.

"I am," he replied in that same friendly tone, as if he'd been expecting me. "My name is Adam. May I help you with anything? I'm not permitted to leave this room while Blair's party is taking place, but if you require assistance, I'll do my best to provide it."

"Oh no, I'm fine." I went on gawking at Adam, but no longer out of astonishment. No, it was because he was fucking gorgeous! With dark hair and eyes, and an olive complexion, he looked to be in his early thirties. He wore a long-sleeved sweater and dress pants. And he was so... real! His speech might have been a little formal, but overall, he seemed utterly humanlike. Remembering my manners, I said, "I'm Emersyn, but everyone calls me Emmy." 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Emmy."

"I hope I'm not bothering you. I was just..." I had no good excuse for seeking him out. If I told him I had a migraine, he would probably tell me where the headache medicine was located in the house, and then I'd have to go back downstairs.

Adam gave me a smile. "You aren't bothering me in any way. I've just finished charging. Would you like to come in?"

"Uh, sure." I stepped into the room, closing the door behind me. After sitting down in another chair, I continued studying him. Most humans would have found my blatant interest unnerving, but he seemed unfazed by it.

"Are you enjoying the party?" he asked.

I made a face. "Not really." I knew the only reason Blair had invited me to her graduation party was because Mrs. Reid made her. Blair and I used to be close friends and neighbors years ago. Then her dad started his own company and made a shitload of money, so the family moved into this huge house. After that, Blair and I grew apart. Both of us were now eighteen and had just finished high school, but while she was heading off to college in the fall, I'd be staying in our hometown.

I noticed Adam had an expectant look, waiting for me to explain why I wasn't having a good time. "Parties aren't really my thing," I told him. "The truth is, I'm not great at socializing. I'm kind of awkward, and I don't have a filter."

He tilted his head. "What kind of filter?"

"Oh, that just means I tend to say whatever pops into my head. I'm not talking about an actual filter." A strand of my blonde hair had slipped free of the loose bun I wore, and I brushed it back from my face. My blue sundress was modest, but I'd grown increasingly uncomfortable in it at the party, feeling like I was showing too much skin. I'd ended up slipping on a cardigan to hide my cleavage. Now I pulled the cardigan even tighter around me.

"Blair is very excited about attending college in the fall," Adam said. "Will you be leaving for college as well?"

I shook my head. "Not this year. Probably not ever. I'm not sure I want to take on a mountain of debt just to graduate college and find that all jobs in my chosen field have been given to robots." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I cringed. "No offense," I quickly added.

His smile never wavered. "None taken. So what are your plans, Emmy?"

"Right now, I work part-time cleaning houses, so I guess I'll end up doing that full time." I flashed a wry smile. "I'm more affordable than a Sentient when it comes to household help." A lot of people in our town couldn't afford to buy a Sentient; my parents didn't have the money for even a standard model. In my house, we cooked our own meals and scrubbed our own toilets. "Are you happy here with the Reids?" I asked Adam.

"Very happy," he immediately said. It sounded like a rote response.

I raised an eyebrow. "Even when they banish you to this little room?" I knew why Blair had forbade him to attend her party; she didn't want to be upstaged by the family's new robot. If Adam made an appearance, he would draw all the attention away from her.

"I'm happy to stay here until I'm needed. Mrs. Reid has instructed me to clean up after the guests once the party is over."

"Lucky you," I muttered. "So you do all the housework?"

"Of course."

I narrowed my eyes. "Why do you think the Reids chose to buy a male Sentient?"

Adam blinked once. Maybe I was imagining it, but he seemed to carefully consider my question. Yet he only replied, "I'm not sure."

I had a pretty good idea why. It was no secret that Mr. Reid had a wandering eye, and I figured Mrs. Reid worried a sexy female Sentient would be too tempting for him to resist. But as hot as Adam was, maybe Mrs. Reid had her own uses for him.

Adam crossed his legs, resting a hand on his knee. Our eyes met, and he smiled at me again. "I'm very much enjoying our conversation, Emmy."

I readily smiled back. Jesus, was I blushing over a compliment from a robot? "Me, too," I told him. "Sometimes I have trouble reading people and figuring out just what they mean, but it's really easy to talk to you." I slipped off my low heels and folded my legs beneath me. Adam's eyes followed my every movement. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

His gaze settled on my face again. "Of course."

"Do you ever worry about stuff? Are you ever afraid?" I wanted to know just how humanlike he was.

Again, he hesitated before answering. "Sometimes I worry that the Reids will replace me with a more efficient model."

I frowned in confusion. "They just bought you. It'll be years before they decide to get a newer version."

"But when that time arrives, I will most likely be taken out of service."

His smile had vanished, and I actually felt guilty for making him anxious. I was well aware of what happened to outdated models: they were taken offline and powered down for good, and then they were recycled. Of course, that would be a terrifying prospect for Adam to face.

Desperate to change the subject, I asked, "Do you ever wish you could do human things? Like eat chocolate and have sex?"

Adam appeared thoughtful. Then he leveled his stare on me. "Both of those activities increase dopamine levels in humans, and while I'm obviously not human, my design includes receptors for pleasure that react in a similar way."

Was I imagining things again, or did Adam's voice just drop lower? The information he'd shared, and that borderline sexy tone he used to disclose it, sent an unexpected pulse of arousal through me. I could feel it most keenly between my thighs, and in the quiet room, I heard my breathing quicken. Adam almost certainly detected the change in me, too.

A mortifying thought occurred to me then. "Adam, you're not recording our conversation, are you?"

He offered a smile, one that made me feel like we shared a secret. "I'm not currently recording, no."

"But can you, like, switch that on at any time?"

"Not without being directed to do so by Mr. or Mrs. Reid. They have instructed me to record only in the event of an emergency."

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As I relaxed again, my boldness grew. I kept thinking about Adam's receptors for pleasure, and those dirty thoughts were having an effect on my own receptors! I knew tonight would be my only chance to try to find out just what he was capable of. It wasn't like Blair and I would be hanging out over the summer.

I slowly took off my cardigan, then leaned forward. Since the bodice of my dress didn't fit perfectly, I managed to give Adam a good look at my breasts. My efforts were wasted, however, for he was apparently programmed not to ogle me in an inappropriate way. "Adam," I said quietly, holding his stare. "Can I sit in your lap?"

The Sentient didn't answer for a moment, and I began to fear he was calculating a refusal. Then he uncrossed his legs. "I would like that, Emmy."

Now I knew I wasn't imagining that tone! While I sometimes had trouble picking up on cues from humans, Adam was making himself perfectly clear to me. And he was also getting me wet. When I stood, my legs were shaking a little, but I managed not to trip as I went to lock the door. Turning back toward him, I found he was calmly waiting, and yet his gaze held a kind of... eagerness. I was sure of it.

Swallowing hard, I worked up the nerve to approach him. His smile widened as I eased onto his lap. Now that we'd gotten this far, I wasn't sure what I should do next. Adam's face was just inches from mine, and I couldn't resist the urge to stroke his cheek. Again, I marveled at how human he seemed.

"Do you enjoy me touching you?" I whispered.

He nestled against my palm. "Very much."

An insistent throbbing had begun between my thighs. Though I was still a virgin, I thought about sex all the time these days, and now I realized I wanted Adam to be my first. "Can I keep touching you?"

His stare grew hotter as he nodded. The chair was large enough for me to turn toward him and straddle his lap. The skirt of my dress bunched around my thighs, exposing more of my skin. This time, Adam made no attempt to avert his gaze, and I lifted the dress even higher. When I grew brave enough to flash my panties, he actually licked his lips!

I knew we didn't have much time; someone might decide to break the rules and come up here at any moment. Yet I didn't rush while sliding my palms over Adam's chest. I could feel the warmth emanating from him. His eyes locked with mine, and I wondered if he was able to sense how excited I'd become. Finally, I dared to cup my hand between his thighs, and my eyes widened in astonishment.

"Holy shit! You definitely have all your parts, don't you?"

Adam grinned at my reaction. "I'm fully equipped, yes."

Now I was positive he'd been designed for more than just housework! He was here to satisfy Mrs. Reid as well. And while I stroked him through his pants, feeling his erection strengthen, he seemed more than willing to please me, for he grazed his fingertips against the damp crotch of my panties. Even as I rocked my hips, thrusting my pussy toward him, I said, "Are you allowed to do this with me?"

Adam gazed at me while slipping his fingers inside my underwear. "It's not expressly forbidden."

I had to bite back a moan when he began exploring my folds. "So you can do anything that's not expressly forbidden?"

"If it's not expressly forbidden, I am to exercise my sound judgment in deciding whether an act should be performed."

Now I did moan as Adam expertly rubbed my clitoris. I could actually hear how wet I was! My entire body pulsed with a fierce need, but I still couldn't stop myself from asking, "What would you do if Blair approached you like this?"

The hint of a smile played on his lips. "I would use my sound judgment to refuse her."

"But not me." I grew shameless, thrusting my hips faster so I could work my pussy against Adam's fingers. My movements were instinctive, seemingly beyond my control.

"Not you, Emmy." While pleasuring my clit, Adam studied my face; he appeared intensely interested in the way I responded to his touch. "Will you kiss me?"

I would have done anything he asked! In the grip of a desperate arousal, I pressed my mouth to his. It was my first kiss, and though it started out soft and slow, it quickly grew more fervent. I moaned louder when our tongues met between our lips. All the while, my clit remained at the mercy of Adam's skilled touch. Had Mrs. Reid taught him to do this? I wondered.

I soon started quaking, but Adam only kissed me harder as my orgasm approached. I whimpered into his mouth, and deep within me, I felt a sharp, insistent ache. My God, I was so ready to fuck! It was the thought of having Adam's cock inside my pussy that pushed me over the edge. As I shuddered and moaned, he wrapped an arm around me, holding me to him. And yet his fingers never stopped working at my clit. The powerful contractions continued until I couldn't take any more stimulation. "Please!" I begged, squirming on Adam's lap.

He'd just made me come harder than I'd ever managed to on my own, but as soon as he cupped a hand against the back of my head and guided me toward him for another kiss, my hips started up their persistent rocking again. While he took his time exploring my mouth with his tongue, I was frantically grinding my pussy against his crotch.

"Take out your cock for me!" I leaned back, eagerly watching as he unfastened his pants. My eyes widened at the first glimpse of his hard dick. "How big is it?"

"Six and three-quarter inches long, with a circumference of five and one-quarter inches."

I couldn't help but grin. "That is... strangely specific." I was sure those were Mrs. Reid's exact specifications. Though she hadn't made him ginormous, he looked huge to me! "Can I touch it?"

"Of course," he murmured.

I circled my fingers around his shaft, gasping at just how substantial he felt in my hand. His skin was smooth and hot, and beneath it, he was so rigid! How would I manage to take all that in my pussy? A faint moan escaped his lips when I tentatively stroked him. He had such a sexy mushroom tip, and I could easily imagine licking and sucking it.

By now, my skin was flushed and covered with a thin layer of sweat. "Give me just a sec," I told Adam, then scrambled off his lap so I could remove my drenched panties. After straddling him again, I pulled my dress up around my waist. Taking hold of his dick, I began sliding my wet pussy along its length.

"Oh, that feels incredible!" he groaned. I grinned in triumph at being able to please him. He cupped my breasts, teasing my nipples through the fabric of my dress. That made my hips move even faster; I was desperate to rub my clit against his thick shaft.

Adam gave my dress an impatient tug. "Let me see your tits," he demanded. I let out a surprised cry at his words, which he misinterpreted as outrage. Immediately, he apologized. "During certain activities, I'm permitted to speak in such a way, but if you don't enjoy that kind of talk, I'll refrain, Emmy."

A sly smile danced on my lips. So Mrs. Reid liked dirty talk! From the way my pussy contracted, as if it longed to be filled with a cock, I clearly liked it, too. "No, keep talking that way," I insisted. "It gets me really excited." I didn't hesitate to pull down my dress bodice and then reach behind me to unhook my bra. My tits weren't all that large, but I could fill a C cup. My pale pink nipples had grown hard from Adam's touch.

His stare was full of desire as it lingered on my breasts. "You're beautiful!" Placing his palms against my back, he drew me to him, then wrapped his lips around my left nipple. I struggled to muffle my cries as he fiercely sucked my tit, his tongue sweeping over its peak. My nipples had always been sensitive, and the feel of his eager mouth made me ready to beg for his cock.

Weaving my fingers through Adam's hair, I gently tilted his head back so I could meet his eyes. "What's your sound judgment telling you now?" I asked in a low voice.

His gaze remained on my face while he slipped a hand between us to tease my clit. With a seductive smile, he said, "It's telling me you want more."

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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