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The Queen and the Soother Part 3

"The queen needed a husband. Could she make a man and a lover out of the virgin prince?"

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Author's Notes

"A fairy tale in four parts."

The third prince was young. Never having initiated a virgin, Jeena thought it could be fun teaching him and molding him to be the husband she wanted. What he lacked in skill could be made up in stamina and enthusiasm until the skill was taught.

The queen had sequestered Prince Jason in a room off the library. He had used the days awaiting her to study some history in volumes not available in New Paleoland. They discussed some of his research over lunch.

“Much of our library was destroyed during the dark times. I didn’t realize that there was a crown prince before King Thurston died,” he said. “Unfortunately, Prince Thurgood disappeared on a hunting trip shortly before the king became ill.”

“You understand, then, why it is important for me to have an heir,” the queen said. “It is why you are here now. Your father believes we could be a good match. You are younger than I am and lack some experience, but you are intelligent and well-trained. How does the prospect strike you?”

“It would of course further cement the close ties your father established between New Paleoland and Lushland.” Jason rattled on about the various cultural and economic benefits.

The queen rose from the table and, offering her hand, led Jason to the couch. “That is all well and good,” she said, “but what do you think of me?”

He droned on, “You have done well by your people and made Lushland—”

“No,” Jeena interrupted.  “I mean what do you think of me personally? As a wife, a companion, and mother of your children?”

He tried to reply, “Well my father says you are a fine person, so—” The queen raised her hand to interrupt him.

“What I mean is,” she leaned in close, her voice soft and enticing, “what do you think of me here?” Jeena’s hand pressed against his crotch but found nothing of interest.

“I don’t understand,” Jason cried with embarrassment.

“Well surely your training included how heirs are created,” the queen laughed.

“Of course,” he said indignantly. “Our livestock is prized far and wide.”

“But people are not livestock,” Jeena stroked his chest as she leaned up against him. “There must be an attraction, and there can be delightful rewards.”

“I must apologize for any misunderstanding, honored queen. My father has taken great pains to warn me against engaging in any such activities.” The prince seemed to be quoting the king, “A momentary pleasure could lead to a bastard with a claim to the throne that could lead us into ruin again.”

It dawned on the queen how sheltered a life Jason had led. “Noble prince,” she began, “it is I who should apologize to you, for assuming you were as other men. Let us start again. In the process, I may be able to add to your substantial education.”

She adopted the manner of a teacher. “I will speak plainly. There is no reason for judgment or embarrassment. You are a virgin.”

Jason nodded.

“So you are unfamiliar with the workings of the female body,” she continued. When he seemed ready to interject, she emphasized “the adult human female body.”

He silently indicated his agreement.

“How well acquainted are you with your own genitalia?” she asked. When he hesitated, she was more specific. “Have you given yourself pleasure, say, using your hands, until your seed spurted out?”

His sheepish grin showed he was familiar with the practice. “Let me see,” she instructed. “Undress yourself.” Following her command, he quickly disrobed. Jeena was surprised that his penis was still in repose. Welcoming him to sit next to her on the couch, she gestured for him to proceed.

She tried to suppress her shock at how quickly it was over. Jason pulled the head of his penis. With a dozen strokes, he had achieved a hard member of respectable dimensions. He grabbed the shaft and began to pump with a speed and intensity that seemed to Jeena must be painful, especially given the total lack of lubricant. Nonetheless, within seconds he ejaculated all over his chest and belly.

Without thinking, the queen leaned over and started to lap up the virgin semen, causing the prince to recoil.

“I’m sorry for startling you,” she smiled, licking her lips. “I find men’s essence delicious, and men don’t generally deny me the enjoyment. Yours has a fresh taste that I love. May I?”

The prince gave a surprised and confused nod.

For the brief time stroking, Jeena found a remarkable amount to lick. By the time she had slurped it all up, he was fully erect again. The advantages of youth, she smiled to herself.

“With your permission,” she said, “I would like to demonstrate a way that should be more enjoyable.”

Getting on her knees between his legs, she took his cock in her hands, and slowly licked from base to tip. She gave only the lightest flick to the most sensitive spot, seeing it ready to explode again.

“You will find that it is worth spending more time on the road to the peak, rather than rushing to it. In the meantime,” she did another slow lick, “let the warm feelings flow through your body.”

Her tongue soon had spread her saliva all over his dancing rod. “Lubrication will also improve the sensation. Now I’m going to put it in my mouth. I want you to resist climaxing as long as you can. I want to make you feel good for a while.”

Jeena gingerly placed his slippery cock between her lips. Her tongue teased the tip but did not linger. She had positioned her fingers around his balls, and when she felt him tense, she pressed and tugged them to distract him. In this way, she was able to make him last a few minutes. Unfortunately, there was no warning before she felt the twitch and the gush when he came in her mouth. Jason’s whimper suggested that it had surprised him as well.

“Wasn’t that nicer than when you did it?” she asked when he had finished squirting and she had swallowed his brew.

“Oh, yes!” he exclaimed, “that was…” Words failed him.

“That is how it is supposed to be, and more, and better,” she said, rising from the floor. “Of course, the ultimate place for your penis is here,” she pointed below her waist. “I think it is time to give you a tour.” She stood and removed all her clothes as Jason stared in wonder.

“As you see me, I have a patch of hair here. Some women shave it all off, as I have recently learned. By nature, I would have more hair than this. And,” she laughed realizing the misimpression she might be creating, “the heart shape was the result of careful barbering. With less hair below, you can see my vulva more plainly.” Jason’s eyes hadn’t moved from that spot since it became visible.

“As a woman becomes ready for sex, she produces lubricant to make the process more pleasurable.” The queen dampened her fingers and presented them to the prince. “You may find the smell and taste strange at first.” He sniffed and tentatively licked her fingers.

“I expect you will come to relish it. Do you remember your first taste of ale?” she posed a similar situation. Jason nodded, remembering the bitter flavor in that beverage that he had grown to appreciate. He sucked her fingers dry.

“Our time grows short today, yet there are things I would have you learn before you go.” Sitting and leaning back on the couch next to him, Jeena boldly spread her legs and opened herself up to him. “Deep in my folds is my vagina, the place your penis most longs to be.” She took his hand and pressed his fingers to the opening.

“You know your most sensitive area,” she said, lightly stroking his frenulum, making him squirm. “A woman has a similar spot,” she moved his fingers to where her inner lips converged, “here. It can be stroked and licked and sucked directly and, during intercourse, it may get jostled around enough to do some good.”

She guided his hand to lay his fingers along her slit. Moving up and down, they slid on either side of her clit. Slowly and steadily she moved them, her pussy slick with her juices. She knew it would not take much to push herself over the edge.

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“Some days you will have to work to give your woman the satisfaction she deserves. Today will be easy.” She moved his hand faster and pushed forward with her hips. She released her pent-up tension with a groan. Bewildered by her movements and the gasping sound of her orgasm, he looked to see the smile on her face to know it was indeed pleasurable.

“You know, most men (and you, too, when you are older) are not able to recover as quickly as you do now. Women have the advantage there. But since you are hard again and I am ready for more, it is time for you to stop being a virgin! Lie on your back.”

Jeena stood up to let him arrange himself on the couch, his rocket pointing straight up and ready to launch. “Don’t move, let me do it.” She knelt astride him and lowered herself onto him. His eyes were wild as her hot wet channel engulfed him. She dared not move.

“Grab my breasts. Play with my nipples,” she instructed, hoping to divert him from an early explosion. Sitting fully on his dick, she moved her hips in gentle circles “Wait,” she urged, “it will be better the longer you wait.”

He seemed to understand. She reached down her front to rub her pussy. She needed to accelerate her excitement. She wanted him to feel her climax, which meant preventing him from going off before she did.

Looking down into his big eyes as he juggled her boobs, the queen felt that she was performing a sacred ceremony, participating in a rite of passage as old as humanity. It was a different kind of excitement, but as the tingling increased, she knew it would be enough.

“Do you feel my cunt grabbing your cock?” her voice was low as she strained her interior muscles.

“Yes, I do!” he said excitedly.

“Stay still,” Jeena gasped, her fingers firmly on her clit, driving her to the summit. “Feel me cumming! I’m cumming!” Her vagina clamped rhythmically on his cock. She gave him a few seconds to experience that before she leaned forward.

“Fuck me now, cum with me!” she moaned. The way she had him pinned down, all he could do was thrust up into her. That was just what she wanted, and it was all he needed as she felt him spasming as he groaned another eruption.

She could not afford to take much longer with the prince. She bent to kiss his sweet face.

“You can tell your father that I said you could return to use the library,” she said. “We can continue the instruction if you wish, but I cannot make promises. Perhaps I will marry you, perhaps not. It will depend in part on how well you do, but there will be other considerations as you know.

With that, she left the dazed lad to his books and the memory of the afternoon.

The royal work of the rest of the day took her mind off Jason. When she finally made it to bed, the queen found the session had left her unsatisfied. As she went over it in her mind, inside her grew a hunger for one, decent orgasm for the day.

It was as if the soother heard her thoughts and called to her. She closed her eyes as her hand, almost beyond her control, reached for it. Touching the fingers to her cheek, she felt hands and lips caress her face and neck. She moved it lower along her body, causing invisible fingers and tongue to massage and lick her breasts.

Focused on the warmth that spread and swelled her nipples, she was unaware of exactly where the other end of the wand was until it tickled her pubic hair. Startled at the sensation, she raised it and opened her eyes. The blunt end was smooth and rounded. The idea of using such an object for pleasure was not unknown to the queen, but it had been unnecessary for many years.

Frustrated that the mood had been broken, Jeena closed her eyes and tried to continue where she had been. She had not formulated a plan when she started, but the soother had been so satisfying the previous times she used it. Now, the temptation of the other end gnawed at her, and she felt compelled to experience it.

Moving it lower, she pressed it against the split of her vulva, feeling it larger, warmer, and softer than it was in reality. Sliding it up and down sent pleasing shivers through her. Exploring the different sensations, she pressed it here, stroked it there, and even teased her opening with the tip. That last drew a gasp as it felt so much like a throbbing cockhead ready to push inside.

Reflexively, she pulled back from taking that step. Her mind rejected that illusion. She thought to turn the wand around and use the other end as she had before, but the rounded end was tending to her pussy so well, she could not bring herself to switch ends. Guided by her hand or whatever enchanted the device, she teased and pleased herself more and more.

The lower end approached her opening, again and again, each time it was harder to move it away. She circled her clit, but instead of driving her to a peak to relieve the need, it created a greater demand to be filled.

Lust or enchantment finally overcame reluctance, and she angled the wand to enter her vagina. She felt no modest hard stick, but rather a warm, meaty bulb push into her. As it drove deeper, the texture of a veiny shaft followed, parting her stretched tissue. Deeper and deeper it went, and in the back of her mind, Jeena worried that the magical rod might impale her.

It seemed to reach some limit—whether its or hers—and paused, filling her wonderfully. As she knew and desperately hoped it must, it reversed its course until she felt the smooth head on the verge of exiting. Her worry that it might depart was dispelled when it moved inward again.

So it went, each repetition feeling more real and complete. She dared not open her eyes as she raised her knees and felt warm skin brush the inside of her thighs. At the limit of its penetration, a warm body ground against hers. Rational thought had been driven from her brain by desire and fulfillment, alternating with each movement, each exceeding the previous until more seemed inconceivable.

The final illusion would have been a surprise if Jeena had retained any further ability to experience that emotion. Hot breath on her face quickly gave way to a mouth pressed hard against hers. Hungry lips mashed and seeking tongues danced as the pounding grew impossibly fast and hard. Her arms and legs thrashed as she orgasmed and the ecstasy coursed through her body, as real as any lover had ever inspired.

The thrusting became as erratic as her movements, then slowed, lingering at its deepest point, as her cunt continued its milking grip. As the afterglow settled on her, so did the weighty presence of a torso against her. Her arms and legs wrapped around it, and she struggled to keep her curious eyes shut, lest she destroy the magic.

Impending sleep kept her eyes closed.

The morning found her supremely refreshed physically, but profoundly troubled mentally.

As days of indecision stretched into weeks, the queen became more irritable. The choice for her husband had not been resolved by her time with the three princes. Each could be suitable, but none seemed obviously superior. Yet these were the three best options she had discovered from hundreds of suitors over the past few years.

She found herself turning to the soother regularly, although not to the degree of that night. The memory of the intensity and realism made her uneasy. The warmth and relaxation of its less intimate use were sufficient to allow her to drift off to sleep.

One night, though, even the soother was insufficient to give her the respite she needed. In the morning, Jeena felt sick to her stomach and generally out of sorts. She summoned her physician, the middle-aged woman and confidant who was like an aunt to her. With warm, comforting hands the doctor examined her.

“Oh!” the sound of the doctor’s voice and the surprise on her face caused Jeena to be concerned. The doctor poked and prodded the queen more brusquely than her usual manner, seeming to retrace her steps before she stopped with a sigh.

“My queen, I remember the day you were born, and I have been your doctor ever since,” she seemed to want to put off revealing her diagnosis as long as possible. The queen’s facial expression demanded that she continue.

“You are pregnant,” she barely whispered.


Written by Trousseau
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