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The Long Awaited Wedding Pt. 2

"The Wedding takes place"

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Author's Notes

"This may or may not be the final story of this series if you want more please give me what sort of story you want to see from this series."

“You’re nervous,” King Argon stated, facing Arterius, while standing just outside the doors onto the grand hall.

"It’s not everyday I get married," Arterius replied, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he tugged at the crimson sash that adorned his tunic. The fabric was heavier than his usual military attire, the weight of it a constant reminder of the responsibilities he was about to assume.

The grand hall was already a hive of activity, with guests milling about, their voices a soft murmur that echoed off the high stone walls. The air had the scent of beeswax candles and fresh flowers, the latter brought in from the royal gardens. The floor was a mosaic of gleaming marble, reflecting the light from the arched windows that lined the upper walls. The grandeur of the space was almost overwhelming, but it was the sight of the altar at it end that made his heat jump.

The minstrels played the correct song as he made his way to the alter, all the while his heart was slamming against his rib cage, his was more nervous than any battle he has ever fought in.

The moment he reached the altar, his eyes swelled with a sudden rush of emotion. He had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, as he did in that moment. The grand hall, filled with the faces of his comrades, All the esteemed guests of the Kingdom of Elyria, seemed to shrink around him. It was as if time had slowed down, and he was standing in a bubble of anticipation and fear.

The doors to the grand hall swung open with a majestic creak, and a hush fell over the assembly as the bridal march filled the space. The minstrels played the sweet, solemn tune with a precision that seemed to hold everyone's breath in their throats. The melody grew louder as Lady Liseria appeared, her silk dress fluttering like a cloud of morning mist behind her. The candlelight kissed her skin, making her seem almost ethereal as she glided down the aisle. Her eyes searched the room until they found his, and in that moment, all his fears dissipated.

King Argon, offered her a proud smile, his eyes misty with unshed tears. His arm was strong and reassuring as he escorted her, his steps measured and deliberate, matching the rhythm of the music. The warmth of Liseria's hand as it slid into Arterius's was like the first sip of mulled wine on a cold winter's eve—familiar, comforting, and invigorating. He felt the weight of the moment, a symbol of the vows they were about to exchange, and his hand tightened around hers.

The Archbishop of the Kingdom of Elyria, a man with a white beard that was like a river of snow, cleared his throat and began the ceremony. His voice was a gentle boom that filled the grand hall, carrying the words of commitment and love that echoed through the hearts of the couple and resonated with the guests. Arterius's eyes never left Liseria's as he listened to the ancient vows, feeling their significance deep in his bones.

Her eyes, the color of the sea at dawn, were a tranquil pool that held his gaze, and he knew she felt the gravity of the words as well. The soft whispers of fabric and the occasional shuffle of a foot on the marble floor were the only other sounds as the archbishop spoke of the union of their souls and the forging of their destinies. The air in the grand hall was thick with anticipation, like the stillness before a storm, and every breath felt charged with the promise of a future filled with happiness and shared triumphs.

As the archbishop reached the part where they would exchange their vows, Arterius felt his heart swell with a love so profound it threatened to overwhelm him. He had fought battles and faced death, but this was a different kind of bravery—exposing his soul to another. The warmth in Liseria's eyes was like the sun breaking through the clouds, and he knew she felt it too. The words he had prepared in his mind felt inadequate, but as he opened his mouth to speak, they flowed from his heart, earnest and true.

“Do you, Arterius, take Liseria to be yours, in time of peace or war, prosperity or paucity, as long as the sun shines on Elyria?” the archbishop spoke, his voice booming.

Arterius with a firm and sure tone, “I do. Now and always.”

Lady Liseria's voice was like a gentle stream, her words clear and unwavering as she repeated her vows. "Do you, Liseria, take Arterius to be yours, in time of peace or war, prosperity or paucity, as long as the stars guide Elyria?"

Liseria said with her melodic voice “I do. Now and always.”

The archbishop nodded with a knowing smile and gestured for the couple to exchange their rings, the ancient symbols of their eternal bond. Arterius's hand was steady as he slid the gold band onto her delicate finger, the diamond catching the light and throwing sparks across the room. Her hand trembled slightly as she returned the gesture, but her gaze remained unwavering. The ring was a perfect fit, a testament to the care and thought he had put into the selection.

The archbishop pronounced them man and wife, and the grand hall erupted in applause and cheers. The sound washed over them like a wave, but all Arterius could hear was the pounding of his own heart, the final beat before they were one. He leaned in, capturing Liseria's lips in a kiss that was both gentle and fierce, a promise of the love they would share for the rest of their days. Her arms wound around his neck, pulling him closer, and for a moment, they were lost to the world.

When they parted, the applause had turned to laughter and congratulations. They turned to face their guests, hand in hand, and the joy on their faces was like the first blush of dawn after a long night. The king stepped forward, raising his hand. "To Commander Arterius and Lady Liseria, may your union be as strong as the castle walls and as full of light as the sun itself."

The wedding procession moved from the grand hall to the throne room, where tables laden with food and drink stretched from one end to the other. The room was a cornucopia of colour and aroma, with roast meats, steaming vegetables, and sweet desserts that filled the air with a tantalizing bouquet. The walls were draped with tapestries depicting scenes from Elyria's storied past, and the thrones at the far end had been pushed aside to make room for the celebration. The sound of the minstrels' music grew louder and more festive as they approached, the tempo shifting to match the excitement of the moment.

Arterius and Liseria took their place at the head table, surrounded by their closest friends and family. The king sat to Arterius's right, while Liseria's sister beamed with pride from across the table. The feast began, and the clatter of cutlery and the sound of laughter filled the room. Arterius felt a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with the mulled wine that flowed freely. He watched as Liseria chatted with the guests, her smile as radiant as the candlelight reflecting in her eyes.

During the meal, a troupe of acrobats and jugglers performed, their movements a mesmerizing dance of fire and light. The flames cast a warm glow across the faces of the revelers, and the air was alive with the smell of roasting meats and the sweet scent of exotic spices. Between courses, musicians played lively tunes that had people tapping their feet and clapping along. The bard sang ballads of love and valor, his voice soaring to the vaulted ceilings.

But the moment everyone had been waiting for came when the king stood, his goblet held high in the air. The clanging of metal on wood resonated through the room, and the chatter fell away like leaves in an autumn breeze. King Argon's eyes twinkled with mirth as he called for silence. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests of the Kingdom of Elyria, I bid you all to stand and raise your cups!" The room obeyed, a sea of faces turned towards the king, their eyes gleaming with the reflection of the candles.

"It is time," the king announced, "for our newlyweds to share their first dance as man and wife!"

The music changed to a soft, lilting melody, and the dancers parted, creating a space for Arterius and Liseria. Arterius took her hand, and she placed hers on his shoulders, their movements as natural as breathing. They had practiced this dance for weeks, but now, with the eyes of the kingdom upon them, every step felt new. The floor was polished to a mirror-like sheen, reflecting the flickering candlelight and the vibrant colors of the room. The music grew quieter, more intimate, as if the instruments themselves were whispering their love story.

For a moment, it was only the two of them on the dance floor, their hearts beating in time with the music. The world outside the throne room ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the warmth of her hand in his, the gentle pressure of her body against his, and the promise in her eyes. They moved together, each step a silent conversation of passion and commitment. The dance was a story of their love, a dance that had been choreographed over the years of friendship and battles shared.

The crowd watched, enamored by their love for one another. Knights and ladies alike were captivated by the sight of the powerful commander and the graceful lady, their union a testament to the enduring strength of the human heart. Arterius felt the weight of their gazes, but it only served to bolster his resolve to be the man she deserved, the man who would stand by her side through every challenge that life threw their way.

As the dance continued, the soft whispers of the guests grew into a crescendo of approval, their eyes sparkling with the reflection of the candlelight. They were not just watching a dance; they were witnessing a bond that transcended the mere joining of two people. It was a union that represented hope, unity, and the promise of a brighter future for the kingdom of Elyria.

The first song drew to a close, and without missing a beat, the orchestra began a new tune—a melody that invited everyone to join the celebration. One by one, the guests rose from their seats, their own stories of love and friendship swirling around them like invisible threads weaving into the tapestry of the evening. The dance floor grew crowded as knights in their finery and ladies in their silks twirled and stepped in time with the music. The energy in the room was palpable, a current of happiness that seemed to pulse with every beat of the drums and every note of the fiddle.

Liseria’s gaze drifted to the side, where Lord Wilhelm and Lady Valeria sat with their newborn daughter nestled between them. The baby was a picture of contentment, her tiny eyes fluttering as she watched the festivities with wonder. Lady Valeria looked up and caught Liseria’s eye, a knowing smile playing on her lips. She leaned over and whispered something to her husband, who nodded before standing up and walking towards the dance floor, the baby in his arms.

The music grew softer, the dancers parting to make way for Lord Wilhelm. He approached the couple and, with a gallant bow, offered the child to Liseria. She took the baby, her heart swelling with joy and a hint of longing. The infant looked up at her with curiosity, her eyes a mirror of her own mother’s. Arterius stepped with Liseria, looking over the baby as if it was their own.

“Lady Liseria, may I present to you the future of Elyria,” Lord Wilhelm said, his voice filled with pride. “Our daughter, Lady Althea , born under the same stars that have watched over our friendship and now, your union with our dear commander."

Liseria looked up at Arterius, her eyes shimmering with a newfound eagerness. The sight of the baby in her arms, so innocent and full of promise, stirred something deep within her. It was a feeling she had never experienced before—a yearning to hold a child of their own, a little soul that would be a blend of their love and strength. She saw in Arterius's gaze the same hope, the same dream. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "One day, we'll have a little one just like her." His breath was warm, and she felt his words resonate in her heart.

The men around the head table had moved from the formalities of the wedding to the familiar terrain of battle stories. They spoke in hushed tones, their eyes gleaming with the remembered thrill of victory and the solemn respect for the fallen. King Argon regaled them with tales of his own youth, his voice rich with the wisdom of a life lived in service to the realm. Arterius listened intently, drawing on the king's experience. Each story was a lesson, a reminder of the responsibilities he was about to inherit.

Meanwhile, the women had gathered around Lady Valeria, cooing over baby Althea. Liseria couldn't help but feel drawn to the little girl, her heartstrings tugging with a maternal instinct she had never quite acknowledged before. She watched as Valeria deftly changed the baby's swaddling, her movements sure and practiced. The child gurgled contentedly, seemingly unfazed by the attention she was receiving. The sight of the baby, nestled in the crook of Valeria's arm, stirred something within Liseria—a quiet yearning that whispered of motherhood.

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The women shared stories of their own journeys to this momentous day, each one threaded with love, sacrifice, and the hope that their children would know a world of peace and prosperity. They spoke of the battles their men had fought, the battles they had weathered in their own hearts, and the joy that had come from watching their families grow. As they passed baby Althea around, each one marveled at her tiny fingers and toes, and Liseria felt a warmth spread through her that was both terrifying and exhilarating.

The night grew darker outside, but the throne room remained a bastion of light and laughter. The candles flickered, casting dancing shadows on the walls as the guests grew more animated with each cup of wine. The music flowed from one dance to the next, the notes weaving a tapestry of joy that held the room in its thrall. The air grew thick with the mingled scents of food and happiness, a heady perfume that seemed to intoxicate everyone present.

But as the moon reached its zenith, the candles began to dim, their flames bowing to the relentless march of time. The musicians played softer tunes, their instruments whispering sweet nothings to the shadows that grew longer on the floor. The dancers grew fewer, their steps more deliberate, as the first whispers of fatigue began to seep through the cracks in their smiles.

Arterius and Liseria slipped away from the revelry, their hearts full but their bodies weary. The grand hall grew quiet behind them, the echoes of their retreating footsteps swallowed by the velvet darkness of the corridor. They walked hand in hand, the warmth of the candlelight from the sconces casting a gentle glow on their faces. The castle walls seemed to whisper congratulations as they approached their chambers, the heavy wooden door a gateway to their new life together.

The chamber was a vision of romance, the bed adorned with petals of roses and lavender, the scent of which filled the air with a sweet, soothing aroma. The flickering light from the fireplace danced on the walls, painting them with warm, inviting hues. Liseria felt a flutter in her stomach, a mix of excitement and nervousness as she stepped into the room. Arterius closed the door behind them, his hand lingering on the wood as if he could hold back the world.

He turned to her, his eyes smoldering with a passion that she had only glimpsed before. His hand reached out to trace her cheek, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. The gravity of the day's events settled over them, a silent reminder of the vows they had just exchanged. They had come together not just for the sake of duty or political alliance, but for a love that had grown over the years, unspoken yet unmistakable.

Arterius's calloused hands moved to the back of her dress, his fingers deftly working the intricate laces that held it in place. Liseria felt a thrill run through her as the fabric began to loosen, the cool air kissing her skin. She watched him in the mirror, his reflection a picture of masculine grace as he slid the dress down her figure, revealing the soft curves that had haunted his dreams. His eyes never left hers, the intensity of his gaze setting her heart aflutter.

The dress pooled around her feet, leaving her in nothing but her chemise. She reached for the ties of his tunic, her own hands trembling slightly. The fabric parted, revealing the muscular contours of his chest, a testament to the battles he had fought and won. His eyes searched hers for permission, and she nodded, her breath catching in her throat. Slowly, she pushed the garment from his shoulders, revealing the scars that told the story of his valor.

Their kiss grew deeper, more urgent, as the final layers of clothing fell away. Their bodies pressed together, a testament to the passion that had been simmering between them for so long. His hands traced the curves of her waist, her skin like velvet under his fingertips. The fire crackled in the background, casting a warm glow over the scene, as if the room itself was celebrating the union of their bodies.

Her hands moved to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart against her palms. With each kiss, she grew bolder, exploring the contours of his muscles, each one a map of his strength and protection. His breath grew ragged as she reached up to untangle his hair, her touch sending shivers down his spine.

He stepped back, his eyes never leaving hers as he shed the last of his clothing. Liseria felt the warmth of his gaze on her, making her blush despite the years of courtly decorum that had taught her to remain stoic. She knew that this was the moment that would seal their bond, the moment that would truly make her his.

With trembling hands, she reached out to touch him, her fingertips brushing against his skin. He was like the finest steel, hard and unyielding, yet warm and alive. His eyes closed for a brief moment, a silent sigh escaping his lips. She felt his manhood grow against her hand, a silent testament to his desire. The air grew thick with anticipation, charged with the promise of a love that had been years in the making.

Her knees touched the soft fur of the rug, a stark contrast to the cold marble floor of the grand hall. The warmth of his body was a beacon in the coolness of the night, drawing her closer. She took him into her mouth, her eyes never leaving his. The act was both reverent and sensual, a silent vow of her love and submission. His breath hitched, and his hand found its way to her hair, guiding her gently.

The world outside their chamber faded away, leaving only the two of them in the sanctity of their union. The fire cast shadows across the room, the flickering light playing over her bare skin as she worshiped him.

As she continued, Liseria felt his length grow harder, longer, and pulse in her grip, a silent symphony of need that matched the rhythm of her own desires. His eyes never left hers, a silent communication of passion that transcended words. Each stroke of her tongue was met with a soft groan, a testament to the power she wielded over him.

But the moment grew too intense, too much for either of them to bear. With a gentle yet firm touch, Arterius stopped her, raising her to her feet. He swept her into his arms. His kiss was fierce, possessive, a declaration of his own love and hunger. He carried her to the bed, the petals of roses whispering against their skin as they fell away.

His lips moved from hers, tracing a fiery path down her neck, across her collarbone, and over the swell of her breasts. She gasped, arching her back as his mouth found her sensitive peaks, teasing them with his tongue until they were as hard as the diamond in her ring. His teeth grazed her flesh, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. She felt the warmth of his breath as he kissed his way down her stomach, his hands skimming her hips and thighs.

Her body trembled as his mouth found the juncture of her thighs, his kisses growing more insistent, more demanding. His tongue explored her, tasting the sweetness that was uniquely hers. She wrapped her legs around him, urging him closer, her hands tangling in his hair as she lost herself in the sensations he stirred within her. The world outside their chamber ceased to exist as he brought her to the brink of ecstasy.

Arterius felt her body tighten, her muscles quivering with the tension of her climax. He paused, his eyes meeting hers, and in that brief moment, they shared a silent understanding—this was just the beginning of a love that would span a lifetime. He returned to her face, and gazed into her eyes as he softly but with purpose pushed into her filling her more the ever.

Her gasp was like a sweet symphony to his ears, a sound that sent a thrill of pleasure down his spine. He began to move, his strokes slow and deliberate, each one designed to prolong the exquisite torture. Liseria's nails dug into his back as she matched his rhythm, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. The bed creaked beneath them, a steady rhythm that punctuated the silence of the chamber.

Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, a dance of love that had been choreographed by fate. The room was alive with the sound of their love—the rustle of the bedclothes, the slap of flesh against flesh, and the sweet moans that filled the air. Each thrust was a promise, each retreat a sweet agony that only made her crave him more. The fire cast a warm, flickering light over them, bathing their entwined bodies in a soft, amber glow.

Liseria's eyes rolled back in her head as the sensations grew more intense. She clutched at the bed sheets, her knuckles white with the effort of holding on to reality. Her hips rose to meet his, urging him deeper, faster, as if she could somehow absorb him into her very soul. The room spun, the firelight dancing on the walls in a blur of color and heat that matched the passion consuming them both.

Arterius felt her tighten around him, her legs locking around his waist as she neared her peak. His own release was close, a storm gathering within him, threatening to break the dam of his control. But he held back, his muscles straining as he focused on her pleasure, on giving her every ounce of love and ecstasy she deserved. His name was a prayer on her lips, a sweet benediction that fueled his passion.

Their eyes met, and in that moment, they were not just lovers but partners, united in a bond that went beyond the physical. The dance of their bodies grew more urgent, a frantic crescendo that matched the racing of their hearts. Liseria's eyes widened, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps as she shuddered with pleasure, her walls clenching around him.

Arterius felt the storm within him break loose, his own climax crashing over him like a wave. He roared her name, his hips driving into hers, the force of his release leaving them both breathless. They remained locked together, panting and trembling, their hearts beating as one.

With each spasm of pleasure that wracked his body, he hoped that he was giving her everything she had ever desired. His seed filled her, a symbol of his love and commitment, a promise that he would always be there to protect and cherish her.

As the storm of passion subsided, they lay entwined, their hearts pounding in time with each other's. The only sound was their ragged breathing, the only movement the rise and fall of their chests. A new feeling washed over them, something deeper than the physical union they had just shared. It was a sense of belonging, of two souls finding their home in each other.

They kissed softly, tenderly, as if afraid to break the fragile bond that had formed. Liseria's hand trailed over Arterius's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. His skin was slick with sweat, and she could feel the warmth of his love against her own. He rolled onto his side, pulling her closer, their legs tangling together. For a while, they lay there, their breaths mingling in the quiet of the night.

The room was bathed in the soft glow of the dying embers in the fireplace, painting the walls with a warm, intimate hue. Liseria nestled into Arterius's strong embrace, feeling the reassuring thump of his heart against her chest. His arms, a fortress of muscle and sinew, wrapped around her, enveloping her in a warmth that was more than just physical. It was a warmth of love, of protection, of a bond that had been forged not just by vows but by the fire of passion that burned between them.

As the first light of dawn began to seep through the crack in the curtains, the shadows retreated, revealing the contours of their entwined bodies. Arterius stirred, his eyes opening to meet her beautiful resting face. The sight of her, the love of his life, lying in his arms, was more than he had ever dared hope for. He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, his thumb tracing the soft curve of her cheek. The light played across her features, illuminating her beauty in a way that made him feel like the luckiest man in all of Elyria.

They lay there for a while, basking in the warmth of each other's embrace, the early morning light growing stronger with each passing moment. The room was still, the only sounds the distant coo of a mourning dove and the occasional crackle of the dying fire. The scent of roses and lavender lingered in the air, a gentle reminder of the passionate night they had shared.

Written by MrFrost1
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