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The leaves crunched noisily under Abigail's feet. Twigs and branches clawed at her clothes, but she ignored them all, pressing always forward into the belly of the woods. The eerie tantalizing call of the erotic noises in the forest soon gave way to a much clearer sound.

Stifled giggling.

This was a curious surprise for Abigail. She realized that this noise was not mysterious at all, but familiar. This noise was recognizable, unlike the siren call from deep within the woods. It seemed to be coming from just over the upcoming hill.

Abigail carefully made her way up the short patchy mound. As she reached the crest of the hill, she heard another unmistakable sound. Though she had no first-hand experience, she instantly recognized the wet sounds of a cock being sucked.

As she lay down at the top of the hill, she observed a small break among the trees. In this clearing, she spotted two people against a lone tree. They were villagers she recognized, even on this dimly lit night.

Leaning against the lone tree is Hunter, a classmate of hers. He is wearing a dark brown cloak that draped open over his hips, a white ruffled shirt that is undone at the waist, and britches that are pulled slightly down, exposing a long un-circumcised penis. He is a tall, dark-skinned boy with short brown hair and a strong muscular frame. His face is roughly shaved, and a ghost of a beard framed his mouth.

His eyes were closed, and a pleasant, lustful growl escaped his throat as a dark shape knelt beside him. His cock was held delicately in its hand.

Abigail recognized the girl beside him immediately. It was Zafael. She was slim but fit, sporting a low-cut blouse and breasts accentuated by a tight corset, pulled so snug as to cause the girl's enormous breasts to bulge at the top of the hem.

Zafael's skin is a tanned brown. Her lips are bathed in bright cherry red lipstick. Her chest is covered by a thin tan shirt, though Hunter's hand can be seen shoved down one side from the neck opening. He eagerly fondled her breast and squeezed her nipple between his fingers.

Zafael let out a lustful gasp as the sudden pinch sends a shock of pleasure and pain throughout her body. Her long black hair, with hints of curl at the tips, draped across her face. She swung her head to the side, brushing the locks of her hair out of the way and giving her easy access to the boy's ready cock.

Long nails painted in a brilliant black grasped his cock in a firm grip. Her other hand wrapped gently around his balls. She carefully kneaded the boy's testicles. Her hands moved deftly amongst a sparse coat of curly black pubic hair. Zafael continued to moan playfully, dragging her tongue over her lips. She squeezed his balls in her palm, eliciting a groan from the boy and resulting in his cock coming to attention, erect and ready next to the girl's smiling face. The blood moon accentuated their bodies against the tree. They were bathed in a pale red hue that made the scene seem even more erotic in its glowing light.

Zafael is known around the village as an outgoing, attractive girl. Abigail felt a pang of jealousy. She wished she was as popular with the boys. Men always notice when Zafael is around, with her short blouses, and generous tits which bounced in her tight corset. She often showed just enough cleavage to remind the men what a young willing body looked like. She had even heard gossip that Zafael was known to run around without panties. She would tease and bend over around attractive men, exposing a glistening wet cunt ready to be plowed like a mare in heat.

Hunter exuded an air of danger and mystique. Abigail knew of his reputation from the whispered gossip of the village students. He bore many scars from the fights that seemed to always happen around him. Rumor was that he even ran with a gang of boys, up to no good, according to the elders. Of course, his chiseled body and rough no-care attitude made him a magnet to any girl's wandering gaze in the village.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed Zafael stand up suddenly, a wicked smile spread across her face. Zafael reached under her skirt, removing a thin pair of panties, already damp from her eager pussy.

Zafael suddenly pushed Hunter to the ground. His body hit the leaves lying around the tree, making a loud crunching sound and splaying them around his muscular frame. Laying flat, his cock stood out erect, magnificent, glistening in the moon with the beginnings of pre-cum at the tip.

To Abigail's surprise, Zafael did not position Hunter's cock at the entrance to her pussy, easing it into her womanhood. Instead, Zafael pulled up the front of her skirt, exposing the smoothest bald pussy Abigail had ever seen.

Zafael's index and pointer fingers spread over her vagina, parting her lips slowly apart. Several strands of wetness hung, glistening from the separated outer labia folds. She squatted over Hunter's face, carefully lowering her pussy over his open mouth.

Hunter's lips eagerly met the open vagina offered to him. Zafael swayed back and forth, sliding her vagina back and forth over his mouth, allowing his tongue to explore the depths of her private area. Abigail could hear the wet sounds of sucking as Hunter took all of Zafael's juices into his mouth.

The scene was becoming too much for Abigail, alone, secretly spying from atop the hill. She found herself parting her coat to one side and moving her right hand under her dark skirt. There was an immediate urgency to her need. She felt flush, cheeks warming.

Quickly she moved her panties aside, inserting one, then two fingers into her vaginal opening. She was surprised at how wet she already was. Abigail watched the two lovers lustfully, imagining Hunter's tongue exploring the warm depths of her pussy.

At that moment, she wanted desperately to feel what it would be like for a man to greedily lap the juices from her womanhood. Feverishly she moved her fingers in and out, hitting a perfect stride that electrified her body, sending waves of pleasure cascading over her. She could almost feel the short bristles of his facial hair tickling the inside of her legs as he would stretch to take in all of her scent, her juices, the most erotic private part of her.

Her breathing quickened as she continued to watch the sexual dance that was playing out below her.

Zafael started to moan obscenely. A crescendo of desire and need, as she rocked urgently on the boy's mouth. Zafael's left hand pulled her blouse down, exposing a perky milky breast with a bright pink nipple. It was fully erect in the Fall air. She began to squeeze the exposed breast, working toward the nipple where she pulled and pinched. Her mouth opened larger, panting, gasping, and groaning as she came closer to a shaking orgasm.

Zafael thrust quicker into Hunter's mouth, bouncing up and down, forcing the boy's tongue in and out of her. The wet sounds were accentuated by her moans and gasps. Her right hand slid behind the back of her skirt.

What was she doing? Abigail thought. Abigail's fingers worked in and out of her pussy, continuing to flood her with indescribable pleasure. The masturbation was slowly bringing her to the edge of an explosive orgasm. The wetness from her vaginal walls slicked her fingers, making a squelch-squish sound as she picked up the pace.

Could Zafael be fingering her ass? Abigail wondered.

The thought oddly excited her. She wondered what that would feel like. Not just a finger, but if a guy brought his cock to her ass. The entrance was teased open by an erect, large cock. She was sure such a scenario would be painful, but she also wondered if it wouldn't be pleasurable.

The naughty thought excited her even more. Pulling aside the back of her panties, her other (left) hand found its way to her eager rosebud. She was breathing faster now, on the very edge of cumming. She quickly dipped her pinky into her pussy, ensuring it was coated in the slippery wetness from her vagina. Then, deftly, she gently rubbed her ass hole, making its entrance slick and wet. She knew she was getting close, past the point of no return. Her orgasm was building and she began to rub her clit rapidly.

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Gently she eased her picky into her ass, her rectum resistant to the intruding member, but eventually, it relented. Her anal opening greedily swallowed the obtrusion with ease. Her ass seemed almost eager to accept her exploration. As her pinky made its full dive, she could feel the empty cavity of her anal wall. In that instance, the fingers on her right hand had finally brought her to the orgasm she so desperately wanted.

She let out a low guttural moan, unable to contain the flood of pleasure that washed over her. The walls of her vagina flexed strongly, multiple times, each one brought a new shock of pleasure which caused her to curl her toes involuntarily. At the same time, those pleasurable contractions spread to her rear. Her ass squeezed over her pinky, wrapping her in a wave of warm indulgence. She slid her pinky in and out of her ass. Reeling with the pleasure of feeling her rosebud being fully stretched.

The orgasms clenched her body in a tight pleasurable knot. She rocked back and forth gently in the grass, alternating between sliding her fingers in her ass and pussy. She enjoyed the twin sensations that bathed her body in waves of pleasure. She bit her lip, cutting off a moan that would surely be heard by the two at the tree. Gasping for breath, she could feel the orgasms finally begin to fade.

And so, with a small amount of regret, she gently began to remove her pinky. She could feel the naughty release as her hole wrapped tightly around her finger for the final time. As her breathing slowed down again, her sphincter returned to its per-molested state.

She next removed her right hand from her engorged clit. She observed that it was thoroughly soaked in her juices and wetness from her vagina.

Content now in the afterglow of masturbation, Abigail once again returned her attention in earnest to the two at the tree.

Zafael was now bent over Hunter's cock. Her exposed breast swung gently as it hung over the boy's stomach. His mouth was busily and noisily sucking on her pussy as he greedily and desperately took in her juices.

She grasped his still erect cock, now slick with pre-cum. Zafael snaked out her tongue, sensually gliding it on the hard member, coating it in a mix of spit and saliva. As she took the head of his member into her ready mouth, she moved her hand up and down the length of his cock.

She slowly jerked his penis with a desperate desire while moaning and grinding her pussy further, eagerly into Hunter's face.

Her hips shook violently as she continued her sexual grinding, gyrating on the boy's willing face. As her hands moved up and down his cock, she began to suck harder, occasionally taking the full length of his ten-inch member into her mouth.

Sucking strongly, she managed to allow the boy's cock fully into her throat, fighting back a gag that threatened to spit the intruding body out. Instead, the cock's pre-cum and saliva from her mouth mixed together, expelling a forceful flood of spit, cum, and desire from her throat.

As both of their bodies moved as one, their pace quickened. The urgent need to cum overwhelmed them both. Zafael arched her back, launching the cock from her mouth as she let out an animal scream.

Strands of spit hung draped from her lips, connecting to the body of the boy's member. Her hips shuddered, and her pussy contracted on his mouth. An orgasmic wave shook her as she released a loud moan. Her voice joined the others in the forest, as a flood of squirt exploded from her pussy, covering the boy's face in ejaculate.

Hunter did his best to suck and lick up her fluids as they flooded out of her opening. At the same time, his cock exploded, and a stream of cum soared into the air, landing threads on Zafael's open mouth and face.

He grunted as his cock finished the last of its spasms. Next Zafael glided her tongue, already glistening with cum, up his shaft. With a wicked smile, she licked greedily, hungrily gathering the loose bits of his seed together into her willing mouth. She was sitting straight up now. Her spent pussy rested on the boy's soaked face.

Zafael made a show of swallowing his ejaculate. With a wicked smile on her face, she expelled some of the milky cum from her lips, letting it slide off her chin onto her exposed breast and shirt. Tilting her head up, as if taking a shot of strong liquor, she downed the bulk of his semen in one swallow.

Zafael moved her right hand to her nipple, now coated in cum. She began to tease the erect member. Slowly moving her middle finger around her areola. She pinched and messaged it in the boy's slippery seed.

A bead of cum spread from her nipple to her finger as she gently pulled it back. She smiled down at Hunter, who was now slowly recovering from under her. He was visibly spent from the night's activities.

Zafael licked the last remnants of cum from her lips, took a final swallow, and gasped as the boy continued cleaning up the folds of her labia, still wet from her squirt.

"Well, that sure was something!"

The noise startled Abigail from her concentration. Quickly pushing up on her arms, she stole a quick glance behind her. The boy, she recognized immediately, was Jacob.

He was a shy eclectic boy from her former class. He is now crouched on one knee beside her, staring back at her with an awkward smile on his face. Jacob is the son of a family friend and a classmate. He was not someone Abigail is overly familiar with. He is a major bookworm, a person that keeps mostly to himself. He is tall but skinny. He did not have a body made for farm work. He lacked any defined muscle.

Jacob has always struck Abigail as kind but also very unassuming. To be honest, she had never had much attraction to the boy who was now crouched beside her. His medium-length blond hair and evening cloak covered his slender frame. She couldn't think of anything to say. She wondered if he had been watching her. Her face blushed a fierce red at the thought. Suddenly she felt sweaty, guilty, and vulnerable.

With nothing else coming to mind, she blurted out, "You heard the noise too?"

"Yea, I tried to ignore it, but I decided to see where it led."

She wasn't sure if he meant the moaning in the forest or of the two lovers at the tree.

"Perhaps we should go say hello," Jacob extended his hand to her, offering to help her to her feet.

Because of the way he was crouched beside her, when he did this, she couldn't help but notice a peculiar bulge in his pants. With his knees bent and his coat pushed to the side to allow for his offering hand, she had a clear view of his crotch. She was startled to notice that it barely concealed a massive cock. It was clearly hard, pushing against his pants. Was he erect from the erotic display by the tree or by her own act? She also couldn't help but notice the boy's girth, bunched up in his pants. It threatened to burst out of its prison as he squatted.

Was there perhaps more to him than she had realized? Not wanting him to notice her errant gaze, she quickly offered him her hand. The two stood up together. Their bodies were highlighted by the moon as they stood at the top of the hill. It was time they joined the others by the tree.

Abigail and Jacob began their descent.

Written by ury2ok2000
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