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Raiders Of The Last Ass!

"A sexual frenzy ensues as an anthropologist hunts for ancient relics"

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Author's Notes

"A sexual frenzy ensues as an anthropologist hunts for ancient relics (nothing to do with older men or women!). I hope you all enjoy this fantasy tale as much as I enjoyed thinking it up. It's all lesbian by the way."

Jenny looked upwards at the dilapidated library, now covered in ivy and the drooping branches of trees and creepers that had invaded its space over the years; slowly reclaiming it. With no one to look after these old buildings, they just fell into disuse and rapidly became overgrown. All the windows were cracked and the concrete had weathered and broken apart in places. Nature finds a way, as one famous person once said.

There were a few people around the place; most of them staring intently at the dusty black four-by-four vehicle that she had parked in the road. She looked over her shoulder to confirm that all was as it should be before entering the foyer.

Jenny headed up to the first floor. Her mission was to find the one book that may hold the clue to the data on the canvas map she was holding in her hand. It was an ancient script of unknown origin, but she had found evidence that it existed in this small and insignificant library on the outskirts of a suburban settlement.

It baffled her as to why the book would be in this place, of all places? Why not in a major inner-city library? She shook her head and started searching the rows of books.

She found it within thirty minutes of looking, or at least she found the space that it once occupied. 

“Fuck!” she hissed. Her disappointment caused her hand to hit the row of books hard, throwing puffs of dust into the air.

“Can I help you?”

The whiney voice from behind her caught her unawares. Jenny spun around to look at the quintessential girl standing next to her in a yellow summer dress.

“Where the fu -”

“I’m the librarian,” she said, cutting Jenny off in mid-sentence.

“The librarian?”

The girl nodded and Jenny looked at the name badge on her chest.

“Melanie, yes,” Jenny nodded.

Melanie nodded in kind.

“Do you know of a book called the “Primal Texts and Teachings of Lustovia?”

Melanie’s face paled even more as she took a few paces backwards. Before Jenny could respond, Melanie had turned and was making her way down the aisle. Jenny bolted after her, catching her within fifteen paces and bringing her down to the floor with a tackle around her legs.  

“P-P-Please don’t hurt me like they do –”

Jenny turned her over to look into her eyes. “Like who do?”

Melanie started sobbing, “them.” Her eyes were wide and seemed to stare past Jenny and into the void beyond. Jenny immediately looked behind her to find the corridor and the room empty.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” she told Melanie, “I just want to find the book.”

“Browbeach farm,” Melanie blurted out. “Browbeach farm.”

“Is that where the book is, Melanie?”

Melanie nodded, “Browbeach farm,” her lips shaking with sheer terror as Jenny started to push upwards. Melanie prised herself from under Jenny as her hold on the girl loosened, she stood up and scurried away to god knows where. Jenny let her go, looking at her scared and frightened soul as she finally turned a corner and was gone.

Jenny headed downstairs to the map section. She fingered the index in a regional book in order to locate Browbeach farm. It was located on page 52, B2/C4. She turned to page 52 and located the farmstead. As luck would have it – it was located in the nearby vicinity. She ripped the pages she required from the book and marched out to her car.

People surrounded it; all of them looking at her in stunned silence. One man stepped forward as she approached the car.  “Don’t go there. Don’t go.”

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye as she brushed past them all. She climbed into the car, switched the engine on and reversed out of the semicircle of people that stood in front of her before turning to drive away. She stopped three hundred yards up the road and looked into her rearview mirror. They were all still standing there, watching her.

Jenny parked the suspicious thoughts that had accumulated in her head and headed East out of town.


In less than fifty minutes she rounded the hilltop and stopped the car. Her gaze was drawn to the curved road that led down the other side of the hill, along a straight dirt path and into a mansion-like building. The brick building looked out of place on the desert plains, yet there was smoke coming out of the chimney and she could see one person operating the outside pump and filling a metal container with water.

Jenny watched for a while before deciding to drive down to the farm. Those seemingly empty words back at the town still caught her unawares and she became just a little jittery when they surfaced. As she approached the mansion three women came out of the building and walked towards her.

It seemed the youngest of them bounded towards her car like an excited dog and grabbed hold of the open window before it had even stopped. Two others appeared from the farm building opposite; one of them guiding a horse towards the paddock. A dog barked. Chickens clucked. Another woman stood at the entrance to the mansion with a stern look on her face; arms crossed before placing them on her hips.

The young woman to Jenny’s side was brimming with excitement and opened the car door for Jenny to get out. She was ushered, arm-in-arm, to the other two that were walking towards her.

The stern-faced brunette looked Jenny up and down before asking why she had come to the farm.

“You’re new around here,” the redhead stated before Jenny had time to respond.

“I’m from out of town. A long way from out of town,” she reasoned that they may as well know that she was a stranger in their land.

“Where you from?” asked the young woman, “anywhere nice?”

Her words elicited a slap across her head from the brunette. “Everywhere is nicer than here!” she commented. The redhead nodded in agreement and started smiling again.

“I’m from Leonis, about four hundred miles from here.”

The young woman looked at the brunette. “How far is four hundred miles.”

“A long fucking way,” she retorted.

“Wow!” said the young woman looking into Jenny’s eyes.

The two women with the horse drew closer to Jenny’s car and they looked on with interest at the developing conversation.

“You’ve come for the book – haven’t you?” The words came from behind the two women that faced Jenny. From the woman standing in the doorway with her arms folded. Jenny looked over their heads and saw that she was perhaps the eldest of all of them.

“I have,” said Jenny. “I just want to see it, read it. I think there’s information in it that could be of some use.”

“To you or us?” asked one of the women with the horse.

“I don’t know,” replied Jenny, honestly.

“You’d better come in then,” said the eldest woman as she turned to walk back inside the mansion.

The young woman looped her hand through Jenny’s arms and started hopping in the direction of the house. The other two women fell in behind her as did the two blondes once they had put the horse into the corral.

Jenny was ushered into the lounge, and could have sworn that she heard the door creak as it was closed behind her. By the time she reached the lounge, the eldest woman was reaching up high to recover a book from one of the shelves.

The rusty brown cover was peppered with dark marks suggesting spilt ink. The spine was torn along one edge and the whole book rustled. The woman handed it to Jenny, letting her take it in her hands. Jenny was afraid to open the cover, she just looked at it, slowly raising her head to the sound of silence all around her.

Jenny let out a long sigh, walked over to the sofa, sat down and started to read the book. The first page confirmed her joy:

The Primal Texts and Teachings of Lustovia

A First Hand Account and Thesis of Lust

© 254

Author Unknown

Jenny’s hands shook as she turned the pages. The other women filtered out of the room and left her to it. Only the young woman remained; sitting opposite Jenny for the duration that she read the text.

“I’ve read it,” she said, looking down to the floor as she confessed.

“All of it?” asked Jenny.

The young woman nodded.

Jenny was halfway through the first chapter and already there were paragraphs describing sexual abandon between women. Lesbian kissing and frolicking were abundant. Jenny quickly flicked to the last page and saw the number seven hundred and twenty-three. She looked up at the young woman.

“What’s your name?”


“You’ve read this entire book, Mary?”

Mary nodded, then smiled.

“Has anyone else read it?”

Mary shrugged her shoulders.

“We all have,” said the voice behind her, “my name’s Sarah,” said the redhead. “We’ve read it, re-read it, tried most things in it and then we put it back on the shelf as high up as we could.”

 “Tried everything,” Mary nodded enthusiastically.

“The map’s on page ninety-three, I guess that’s what you’re looking for, cos it was the one page we couldn’t understand.”

Sarah sat down next to Jenny and hiked her skirt up around her waist to allow her bare bottom to sit comfortably on the leather sofa. Jenny could see her pink lips partly hidden by the hint of a red bush. Sarah opened her thighs looked at Mary and pointed to her sex while flicking her tongue up and down.

Mary got up from her chair, trance-like and crawled over to Sarah, dipped her face between her creamy white thighs and extended her tongue before letting out a pleasurable moan.

Sarah smiled at Mary and then looked at Jenny. Jenny avoided her gaze and started to read where she had left it; attempting to ignore the cavorting next to her. The text started to describe oral sex, the acts of licking and pleasuring another woman with one’s tongue.

“She’s such a sweet little muncher,” said Sarah.

Jenny’s lips quivered; her eyes were drawn to Mary’s tongue lashing away at Sarah’s pussy as Sarah’s hand came up around the young woman’s head. Sarah pulled her closer, moaned out loud and climaxed. She panted hard about four or five times. Her breasts heaved under the cascade of red hair.

“She’s all yours,” said Sarah, tossing Mary by her hair in the direction of where Jenny was sitting. Jenny shook her head almost instantly before a feeling of sexual depravity came over her. Her hand left the book and reached out to Mary’s head, grasping her hair hard. She pulled her head towards her; poised to pull her into her own body and kiss her full on the lips. An urgent need to taste the juices on Mary’s lips overtook her.

The book fell to the floor; shutting tightly. Jenny let go of Mary’s hair in an instant before breathing heavily and wondering what she was doing.

Mary gasped. “It has that effect on people,” she said, smiling.

Jenny picked up the book and looked on it with caution before Mary showed her to her room for the night. A simple room with bed and blankets and a small washbasin in the corner. Jenny desperately needed to read the book, but she could do without the distractions; whatever that meant.

Once she was undressed and lying on the bed, she opened the book. She pulled the map close to her and flicked the pages until she rested on page ninety-three. The symbols and lines looked haphazard, but when presented next to the map there were patterns and directions evident to see. She grabbed a pencil from her bag and started to overlay the map onto the page, tracing through from the book to complete the picture. And what a picture it was.

Jenny heard a loud groan from the room next door, quickly followed by a second and a third. Her hands were shaking as she finished the drawings. Crude verbal outpourings soon followed and Jenny was about to close the book when she hesitated. It wouldn’t harm to look, she thought to herself.

Jenny rose from the bed, opened the door, walked the short distance down the corridor and into the adjacent room. The sounds were much louder than before; moaning and groaning filled the room. She noticed Mary in the centre of the bed with the two blonde girls either side of her sucking on her nipples while Sarah was on all fours in front of Mary devouring her sex. The brunette was draped over the sofa that occupied the area in front of the window and the eldest woman was thrusting her pussy onto hers; tribbing her into an orgiastic climax. The brunette was making the most noise of them all.

Jenny took one single step into the room before her eyes closed; her pending lust was obvious in the way she placed her feet carefully, stepping ever closer to the rutting women. The two blonde girls rose from Mary’s breasts and made a beeline for Jenny. In minutes they had ripped her flimsy garment from her body, had laid her on the wooden floor and while one woman sank her tongue into her sweet sex, the other quickly lowered herself onto her waiting tongue. Jenny was eager to please and eager to orgasm at the same time.

The blonde straddling her face soon climaxed and rolled away. Jenny was so close and now had a view of Sarah and Mary in a sixty-nine, both moaning and both close to their own orgasms. The pair on the sofa had collapsed onto each other and panted hard while kissing and caressing each other.

The blonde that had rolled away muttered something about closing the book and asking Jenny where it was. Jenny grabbed the hair of the blonde girl that was licking her and quickly brought herself to orgasm on her hard and protruding tongue. Her juices squirted into the girl’s mouth much to the delight of the women watching them.

The blonde finally rose and disappeared from the room.

Moments later everyone lifted their weary bodies from the bed, from the sofa and from the floor. All of them looked at each other in disbelief.

It was Mary’s effervescent character that labelled the moment.

“I love it when that happens,” she said, matter-of-factly; leaning in to kiss Sarah on the lips.

“Let me get this straight –” Jenny started, she found her choice of words slightly on the funny side.

The eldest lady cut in almost immediately. “When the book is open anything on those pages must be acted out. It’s why the book was banished from the library. You can imagine the effect that would have on a small town.”

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Jenny nodded. “So why –”

“Because we actually like it,” said Sarah.

“The men in the town never saw the funny side,” added Mary.

“Why didn’t you just close the book after reading it?” asked the eldest woman.

“Curiosity, I suppose. I have always been curious,” Jenny confessed.

“I’m Maisie,” the eldest woman said after a while, “and the next time you’re curious turn to page forty-one and come and see me.”

Jenny almost wanted to rush out of the room and find out what was on page forty-one but she restrained herself; smiling at Maisie while biting her lower lip. The introductions finally continued: the brunette was Melissa, the short-haired blonde that sucked the orgasm out of Jenny was Evelyn and the other blonde was Paige.

Clearly, the women didn’t need the book to be open to enjoy themselves, but it certainly ensured they would all lose themselves completely in the moment when it was. Maisie related how she was the one that brought the book to Browbeach farm and how the other girls followed, one by one. When the stories of what happened finally got out, more and more turned up on the door. As each woman read the book, orgies would ensue until they were sated; until that is, someone was sane enough to consider closing it.

As the night drew on everyone eventually trundled off to their own rooms. Jenny wanted to open the book once more and study the map page but she decided that it could wait until morning, especially if everyone got into a sexual frenzy as soon as it was opened.

Morning couldn’t come fast enough for Jenny. She opened the book and studied the page with the symbols on it once more to ensure that she understood their meaning completely. There was one feature of the map that she recognised from her travels to Browbeach farm and it wasn’t all that far away. A cottage, barn or hut that she noticed on a hilltop; it was clearly marked with the same symbol.

Jenny pushed her hand down onto her pussy and started to play with her clit. She turned to page thirty-nine at random and started to read. As she pushed her fingers in deeper, the door opened behind her. Jenny looked over her shoulder at Melissa slowly closing the door.

Jenny read the words that described an apparatus that jutted from a woman’s groin; fixed by adjustable straps that wound themselves around the thighs and waist. She read avidly about being fucked by another woman.

Melissa climbed onto the bed and spread Jenny’s legs as she lay face up. Melissa pulled Jenny’s backside up a little and before Jenny had realised it a plastic cock had thrust itself into her wet and waiting cunt. It was exactly how the book described the actions.

Jenny gasped out loud and pushed her bottom back against Melissa’s groin. She knew all too well that the book chose that page before Melissa even entered the room. Jenny climaxed instantly with the severe fucking that Melissa was giving her; pounding her incessantly into the bed. When Melissa noticed that Jenny had climaxed, she quickly removed the wet dildo and positioned it against Jenny’s other orifice. This time the moans were louder and punctuated with a little pain and a lot of disbelief that such a tool would enter her without splitting her apart.

Melissa made sure it did and slowly she pushed it into Jenny’s ass. Melissa let Jenny savour the feel of her plastic cock in her darkest hole before she fucked her until both women came from Melissa’s efforts.

As Jenny cried out for a second time, she grabbed the book and slammed the cover shut.

Melissa pulled her cock from Jenny’s tight hole and sucked in much-needed air while resting on her haunches at the foot of the bed. Jenny rose, turned and looked her in the eye. Melissa panted not fully realising what she had accomplished. It seemed like everything was a blur like she had just come out of a trance.

A bell rang throughout the house.

“Breakfast,” said Melissa as she jumped off the bed, unstrapping the device as she ran from the room. Jenny washed, dressed and slid out of her room to the dining room.

During breakfast, Jenny tells the others about the map she made before showing it to Maisie and the other girls. They all know where the place is now that both parts of the puzzle have been put into place.

“I wouldn’t go there,” says Maisie.  The warning in her voice was evident to everyone present as they waited for an explanation.

“I went there once, without the book. It was uninviting and cold. I mean really cold. How does a hut get that cold in a fucking desert? Eerie. Depressing. Evil lurks there – trust me!”

Maisie looked down towards the floor.

“You’re gonna go aren’t you?” she asked, raising her head to look at Jenny.

Crammed with seven women, Jenny’s four-by-four skates over the ground throwing up clouds of dust in the process and heads towards the hill with the hut on it; a mere thirty minutes drive from Browbeach farm.

Jenny walks up to the door. “Very unimpressive?” she whispers to herself.

Mary grabs her arm and thrusts her forward, smiling like a demented hyena. Jenny pulls herself back from her sending Mary flying through the open door.

“It was closed a minute ago,” Maisie said while looking at Jenny.

Mary appeared in the doorway, her nipples hard as nails and protruding through her thin T-shirt. “Fuck, it’s cold in here!”

Jenny studied the map and the book. She wanted to open it but couldn’t risk them getting into a sexual frenzy.

“I am waiting – ”

The voice drifted out of the house, surrounding them all before allowing the sound to burst out of its bubble. They all looked at Mary, standing there frantically shaking her head because she had said nothing.

“What are you going to gain by going in there?” asked Maisie.

“I don’t know,” replied Jenny, “Some sort of truth, perhaps. A different world. Fuck knows!”

“Come on, let’s go,” said Evelyn walking forward and dragging Paige with her, “the magnificent seven ride again,” she shouted pointing her finger in the air repeatedly.

Jenny walked behind them, followed by Melissa, Sarah and more cautiously Maisie.

The cold hit them hard. Everyone’s nipples poked through their flimsy garments. Sarah couldn’t resist flicking hers with her fingers sending shivers through her body as she did so.

“You made it – ”

The voice was almost at a whisper level. Lustful and sensual in its relief.

Jenny looked upwards and around her to try and find its source but was unsuccessful.

Without warning the book jumped out of her hand and hung in the space between the women. High enough to be out of reach. The book spun on its axis and the pages turned all by themselves.

Every woman in the room felt the urge to pounce on each other with sexual abandon; desperate to enact the sexual deed on the pages that opened and closed so quickly.

Jenny stared at the book and then at the other women around her; their clothes almost dissolving in the cold air that surrounded them. Strands of icicle laden mist slashed at the clothes causing them to fall to the floor.

Jenny stood there naked. Her clothes lost to whatever inhabited this hut. Maisie was right. Evil.

Suddenly the book burst into flames but there was no discernible heat associated with it. It burned and turned to the blackest of dust; falling to the floor in front of them. Jenny turned suddenly when she heard the sound of the door slamming shut.

“Fuck!” said Sarah.

Jenny turned around in time to see a burlesque woman rise from the blackened dust that covered the floor below where the book had burned.

“Welcome, saviours.”

No-one spoke a word.

“Cocks. We’ve got cocks,” said Paige in disbelief.

They all looked down to their groins and noticed that they now sported good-sized penises. Not the flimsy strap-on that Melissa had used on her earlier, thought Jenny, real ones, hard as nails and full of life.

“I am Zenovia, guardian of the books, You must all fill me, every one of you, before you can leave this place.”

Zenovia continued to rise into the air, her buxom body breathing life into it at some pace. Her thighs opening wide as her feet left the floor. Unsupported, she opened her lower body for everyone to see and floated towards Jenny.

Jenny’s heart was pumping faster than ever. She had an urge to lurch forward and impale Zenovia with her huge erection that sported from her groin. Melissa held her shoulder, trying to hold her back but Jenny wriggled out of it and stood between the black open thighs. She positioned the cock at Zenovia’s entrance and pushed it home.

“Fuck, I want to take her arse,” cried Mary.

Before anyone could stop her she ran behind Zenovia and pulled her body slightly downward to present her cock to her rear entrance. Just like Jenny, her frenzied piece of meat struck home and pierced the effigy in front of them.

“Yes, my dears, every hole must be filled.”

Mary’s hands grasped crisscrossed with Jenny’s as they double fucked the voluptuous beast in front of them.

“Every hole, my dears,” grinned Zevovia.

It was Paige that took the hint even though she wanted Mary’s place as soon as she had finished with Zenovia’s ass. Paige pulled Zenovia’s head towards her cock and before long she felt the urge to ejaculate into her mouth.

“I can’t hold back,” cried Jenny, “ the urge is too great.”

“Me too,” said Paige.

“Fuck, I’m coming,” cried Mary, “I’m fucking coming up her arse.”

All three women spurted at the same time, filling Zenovia to her triple cries of orgasmic bliss. Their penises almost melted when spent, and the three women backed away from Zenovia.

Maisie bent quickly to lick at Zenovia’s snatch and taste the spunk but it had been consumed by her body, the liquid lightening it up and spreading throughout her. Transforming her into something that they knew not what the consequences would be.

Evelyn positioned herself behind Zeonvia and immediately found her cock entering her puckered hole, she started to thrust and fuck her hard and was loving the sensation before Maisie entered her from the front. Melissa finally joined them with a warm and welcome cock sucking.

“So, this is what it feels like,” commented Melissa, her hands on Zenovia’s head and her buttocks thrusting her cock between the effigy’s lips.

“Oh! My! God!” Melissa cried out as her spunk left her cock and shot down the woman’s throat. Maisie and Evelyn followed suit. It wasn’t like they felt the urge to ejaculate or wanted to. They actually enjoyed the act of fucking with a proper cock, it was just that they had no control of their ejaculation. As soon as the three women were inside, their cocks erupted of their own accord.

The white liquid spread across Zenovia’s body, mixing with the black dust. The marbled effect was mesmerising.

Zenovia looked into Sarah’s eyes. The last one with a sizeable cock and motioned her with her finger. Sarah positioned herself at Zenovia’s cunt and pushed her cock home.

Zenovia giggled in amusement, “Every hole, my dears, every hole.”

It took Jenny a few seconds to realise that none of them had cocks anymore. She immediately pulled Sarah backwards, releasing her cock from Zenovia’s velvet tunnel.

“Make her suck on it,” said Jenny, pushing Sarah to Zenovia’s side. Jenny brought her fingers together and started to insert them into Zenovia’s cunt. Sarah’s pushed her cock between Zenovia’s lips and Paige had taken up the honorary position behind Zenovia.

“I’ve always wanted to do this,” she smiled enthusiastically.

Jenny and Paige fucked their whole fists into Zenovia’s body with no respite at all. Melissa joined Jenny and cupped her breasts while her fist was sucked into Zenovia’s cunt. Evelyn did the same to Paige but started to finger her pussy as she also fist fucked the effigy. Behind Sarah, stood Maisie and last of all, Mary bent over the reclined body of Zenovia and sucked hard on her nipples.

It wasn’t long before Sarah’s white sticky fluid left the two sacks dangling between her legs and flooded the throat of Zenovia.

Zenovia’s body shuddered as the last lot of semen was sucked into her pores; her body a two-tone marbled black and white started to rise in the air, away from the melange of women that had now started to pleasure themselves in the standing position.

The room rocked. Hot blackened flames rose from the floor and engulfed them, Sarah shuddered as her orgasm from Maisie’s fingers pressed home.

Suddenly a rush of freezing air descended upon them. Orgasmic cries filled the room, evil laughter was heard from above and then suddenly a white flash filled the room to the sound of thunder.

Everything fell silent.


Jenny wakes to the soft breath of Melissa on her back. The woman pressing into her like two spoons. Melissa’s hand over Jenny’s body softly cups her breast.

Paige, Mary and Evelyn are already making breakfast and are joined by Sarah who drifts into the kitchen like the say she was born.

Maisie’s half-asleep body headed for the study like she hadn’t had enough sex the previous night. She pulled the book from its place on the shelf and opened it to her favourite page, forty-one.

A dreamy Jenny and Melissa walk into the study and look at Maisie reading the book. They call the others to join them and they all come running, thinking the worse has happened.

As they gather at the door, they all look at Jenny. She points to Maisie.

“Do any of you feel like fucking?”

“Maisie,” She calls out, “read the book aloud.”

Maisie starts to read the chapter where a woman spreads the legs of another, licks up inside her thigh and pushes her tongue deep into the velvet honey pot before breathing heavily, closing her eyes and flicking her tongue inside.

None of the women felt they needed to act on her words. None of them moved except Paige who pushed her fingers inside her at the precise time Maisie’s words talked of flicking.

Paige looked around wide-eyed at her friends. “I just love that description,” she smiled.

“The spell is broken,” said Jenny, partly with relief and partly with sadness.

Maisie puts the book down on the table, walks towards Jenny and pulls her towards the sofa. Pushing her down on the sofa, Maisie spreads her legs and licks her broad tongue over Jenny’s pussy.

“The book’s spell may be lost,” said Maisie, “but I for one am not missing out on a good licking.”

The bookshelves rocked when Jenny’s climax rippled through the halls.

In the downstairs study, on the top shelf, slightly dislodged from the others, sits an old and ancient book; waiting to be noticed and desperate to be found. On its spine is written the words –

The Primal Texts and Teachings of Lustovia (volume 2)


Written by DarkSide
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