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Orchid Lady Ranch

"Terri looks for employment"

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Orchid Ladies Ranch Chapter 1 

After slogging through twelve hours of inventory, the store manager calls me and my two coworkers into his office. There we learn the store has just been sold and is closed effective immediately. Apparently, his wife is showing signs of Alzheimer's. Yesterday, she disappeared from the store before lunch along with their car. An alert had been issued at once, but it was dusk before local police informed Pop his wife had been found five hours away trying to get to a deli two blocks away. Pops now gathers us three employees and tells us he's retiring to take care of her. He says we have been outstanding; hands us our last check plus one thousand dollars in cash, promises us each a great reference, and wishes us good luck.

Just like that, the job that pays most of my bills is gone. Upset, I gather my things and leave the building, not even bothering to look around one last time. I hate that this has happened. His wife was completely fine two days ago double-checking our numbers as we tallied the yearly inventory. Getting into my old antique Luna, a 1978 Honda Civic hatchback, I get on the phone with my second job's manager immediately. They can only give me one extra shift a week before hitting full-time hours which they do not offer.

I pull up to my apartment building and look around carefully before getting out. It's not easy living alone as a woman, but lately, I've been feeling watched. It isn't anything I can identify specifically but a feeling I cannot shake nonetheless. And now this huge loss in income. I head straight to the leasing office and I pay my rent a month ahead with the cash from Pops. Back in the apartment, I put the receipt away and I pet my chunky black cat Ben and refill his bowl. Now I can breathe a little easier but it is time for some serious job hunting.


Today's English breakfast tea and fig jam on wheat toast tastes delicious. For the past week, like every morning when I get off from my overnight gas station job, I shower, remain nude and have tea and toast while looking at newly published job posts in bed. I tuck my shoulder-length braids behind my ear and open my laptop to read through job posts. It's been a week since the store closed and I have not even gotten a single callback from any of the twenty-plus places I applied to. I live in a college town and competition is stiff if you don’t have a degree for a simple ass retail job. Many employers are asking for that degree. I have a few college credits under my belt but no degree. The rest look like scams. I know nothing about welding, but the pay looks great. Moving on to the MISC section for odd jobs, one new job post catches my eye. It looks like an interesting opportunity, and I don't see anything about minimum education requirements. It is a live-in position. I could very well be homeless if I don't find a decent-paying job soon. A live-in position would be perfect if I can bring Ben, my cat.  

The ad reads: 

 Female Resident Advisors Needed for Orchid Lady Ranch

6 positions available
Live in + Weekly pay + Paid Training
Must qualify for interview and pass a one-week PAID residential health assessment even if not hired

Requires long term commitment, Deep background check, LGBT friendly

Twenty-one years and older only

I don’t see a problem with any of that. I don’t have anything to hide. I'm not sure what I can advise ladies about on a ranch but I’m good with people. At the least, I can call the number listed and get more information. I pick up the phone without delay and dial. It rings and a cultured voice picks up.

“Good morning, Orchid Ladies’ Ranch, Mona speaking…”  

“Good morning! I’m interested in a resident advisor position I saw in the newspaper.”

“Yes, we still have two positions open.” I smile at that. Still a chance. 

“I will need,” she goes on,” to see the results of certain lab tests and documents before you can qualify for an interview. We will let you know if you have qualified by 6 pm Wednesday, provided you get to the lab first thing tomorrow morning.” 

“That’s great! Where are you located?” I ready my pen to write it down.  

“We’re located about ten miles from the city. But do not worry about that, we will send a car for you if you qualify for an interview.” Ok well damn, that’s fancy. 

“How about Thursday?” Mona suggests. She tells me the documents she needs and that she will email me that list as well as directions to the lab for reference. I give her my email address and she sets the interview tentatively for 1 pm Thursday. Thankfully, I have the papers she’s requesting and email them right away. I go to bed praying to Mother Earth that I get that interview. What kind of job sends a car? It wasn’t like I would be an executive or something. I’m not mad at it though! 


Ben, my cat was brought on-site and quarantined as soon as I was hired. I was taken back home to pack a week's worth of clothing and do anything else I needed. The driver waited the whole two hours it took me to take care of my personal business for the next week. Back at Orchid Lady Ranch, I was shown to a luxurious two-bedroom, three-bathroom suite. These luxurious suites feature glorious waterfall showerheads, bidets, a full kitchen, wet bar, closed study, French door access to a deck, and sliding glass door access to the heated indoor pool that eight suites surrounded, two on each side. Two are empty. I've been living well.

In turn, though, I have been subject to numerous physical, blood, psychological, and critical thinking tests and assessments. Some were very invasive. Medical staff give no sign of what it was all for. I haven't seen any of the other candidates so I can gossip and speculate about it with them. It will be a relief to get some more information on this job before I get accustomed to this, the good life. I still have a job hunt and bills to pay if it doesn’t work out. 

On the eighth day, it is Mona who brings lunch to the suite and informs me I have passed the health assessment and that all the candidates are to meet in the dining room for dinner that night and then an information session. She said we will find out what our jobs entail. I'm excited and at the same time overwhelmed. I am finally going to get some answers but all I want to do is take a nap beneath this plush duvet. My eyes drift close.  

Meowing in my ear wakes me up and that’s how I find out Ben has been considered healthy and released from quarantine. It is nearing dusk. I put on my shower cap and step my five-foot-eight-inch, slightly chubby body into the shower to wash my smooth mahogany skin. This place has better bath products than my beloved Bath and Body Works products. Excited about the possibilities, my dark brown nipples harden. I bring my hands up to my thirty-eight c-cup breasts to gently cup, squeeze and tease my hard nipples. My clit swells as my pussy start to get wet. I want to masturbate but I must get to dinner. I oil my body with coconut oil and get dressed. Ben tries to lick the coconut oil from my toes. I pet him and head out. 

I walk toward the dining room in my white heels with my braids in an elegant updo, and a blue chambray shirt tucked into a navy-blue A-line skirt that drapes my slender hips. Thank God for quality thrift stores. 

I walk in and Mona comes over to greet me, a brief hug and air kiss to each cheek. She guides me in and sits me down at the dinner table with the two other candidates already present. The final three arrive and the dining staff serves dinner. We eat in nervous but comfortable silence, checking each other out while pretending not to. They are all beautiful women.

The dining staff clear the table and return to pour everyone a glass of wine.  

Mona raises her glass, “Cheers to new possibilities!” Everyone raises their glass and says a bright, “Cheers!” before taking a sip.  

“Tonight, I am filling you in on your job descriptions. If you no longer want to be employed here, you may pack your bags and stop by the accountant’s office for your guaranteed four-week payout even though you’ve only been here eight days. You are bound by a non-disclosure agreement or you will suffer severe penalties. We do after all know nearly everything about you. The driver will take you home at lunchtime tomorrow. Any questions about that?” Everyone shakes their heads.

“We needed to make sure you are healthy and stable of mind before moving on to the reason you are here. You will be impregnating the women who walk through these doors. Have you heard of Futaki?”  

I start to put two and two together slowly. Renee, Mehali, and Juula look perplexed. Marcia tilts her head with a smile and nods. Sophia claps and giggles, understanding instantly what our job is to be. 

Mona continues," Futaki is a treatment that has been developed to boost dying populations. It allows women to grow penises and produce sperm. It has only been FDA-approved for two years now and is being heavily regulated. There are three places in the USA and five in North America that offer Futaki sperm and that is through sperm banking. We offer a unique hands-on experience for women wishing to be pregnant. We are not the first of our kind in the world, but the first in North America."

"You need to know there are groups strongly opposed to this means of reproduction and willing to get their point across with violence. This makes medical offices and people involved with Futaki in any way, hate group targets. It is a hazardous venture. It requires utmost discretion."

 I suddenly understand the vetting process and secrecy. 

Mona leads us to a cozy home theatre with a small stage and movie screen and instructs us to sit. A handsome man steps onto the stage and introduces himself.

"I am Dr. Ahmadi. I am the Medical Director and will be giving you some background on Futaki today. This research began twenty-two years ago when the government noticed a trend toward population decline. Low sperm count and poor motility rates, as well as a declining male to female ratio, had slowed the birth of new blood. Furthermore, not all the male population were straight, and increasingly few had the desire to reproduce, even with government offered incentives. Laws all over then changed to allow an individual to have up to four spouses. This was and is to provide "legitimacy" if you will, to people for whom that is important. Some places, as you might know, have also reversed a ban on the Consanguinity Statute, which allows first cousins to get married without sterility." 

"Enterprising males began to emerge and they still exist. They make impregnating women for a fee, their life’s work. The best ones get checked regularly and make their body their temple and eat well and exercise. The worse Jacks are low-life infertile males scamming less than wealthy couples with fake motility results. Fucking wives and girlfriends for a fee, knowing damn well a baby will never be produced. There are also rumors of unwilling men being stalked, kidnapped, forced to produce sperm for underground sperm banking. Jacks of any caliber are illegal and unregulated."

"In response, the government stepped in to hire a recruiter who headhunted the best of the best specialists centering around reproduction. The government built a secure lab and call it RePro."

"The effort to increase the quality and movement of male sperm has seen the creation of MotoGo which has only been marginally successful but FDA approved. Unsatisfied scientists continued research that aimed to make sperm available to any woman who wanted to have a baby. To do this, they needed to use what they had plenty of, and that was women. Six years later, the prototype for Futaki was introduced to government officials. To get approval, RePro had to document all potential side effects Futa would be exposed to. They then needed to produce at least four happy, healthy children who lived to at least seven years of age. Officials needed to be sure there were no inherent birth defects from babies born of Futaki sperm."

"Erring on the side of caution, RePro researchers did not apply for approval of Futaki as a medicine until the sixth of the oldest children turned nine. Far exceeding requirements, RePro received the official approval of Futaki as legitimate medicine. The government granted them millions more dollars to continue research. Researchers have now already turned their focus to custom genetics. Biodiversity is vital." Dr. Ahmadi finishes and turns on a video. It is a year-old documentary on Futaki.

A news camera follows scientists in lab coats as they complete the preparation of an implant. They then walk into an adjoining room, a doctor’s office. There stands, uncensored on the late-night news, a fully naked blond-haired woman with perky 34B breasts who receives a Futaki implant. Time lapses to two hours when the woman becomes sleepy and takes a nap. A further two hours later, the woman is still asleep, but we watch as the skin just above her clitoris tightens and begins to jut out like a finger beneath her skin to form a small phallic shape. We watch in amazement as it continues stretching and forming until her new cock has reached 10 inches in length. It is a penis, minus the ball sack. My jaw drops down to my toes and my eyes widen. She lays there peacefully asleep with a ten-inch cock between her legs.  

The doctor wakes her up and tells her a sperm sample is needed. The woman gasps and moans as she grabs her newly grown cock and begins to jerk it as the doctor has asked. There is no time lapse, the woman cums in under two minutes, shooting thick, creamy-looking ropes of cum from her fat cock out into the cup. She, the doctor then puts a small sample on a slide and places it under a microscope, revealing millions of sperm wriggling about. Here is the proof. It is a reality now. Women can grow penises and release viable sperm with Futaki.  

Scientists on screen explain that Futaki sperm is fifty times more potent than male sperm and we can get fully hard again in three to five minutes, making the breeding process more efficient. We learn that effects are reversible for five years and that our futa penises can retract to what would look like an extra belly button if we want to conceal them. Our sperm glands will be inside and situated alongside our ovaries, hijacking the fallopian tubes that will now shoot our sperm out of our future cocks.

The documentary goes on to focus on the developmental lives of the first twenty-five children born of Futaki, from birth to their then-current age. There are interviews with various Futa whose images are censored and the women who had become pregnant by them. A few of the women wanted their child to know their sperm donor and some Futa were open to that. The children called them Fata. It was adorable seeing the Fatas meet some of their progeny for the first time.  

Ending the video Mona states, “We are called Orchid Lady Ranch after the fact that some orchids have both female and male parts and are thus able to self-pollinate. You as resident advisors are to be our Orchid Ladies, having both male and female parts, except your job is inseminating the women that come through these doors. The ovulating women will live here with you in your suite, during their five-day ovulation cycle, and return monthly until they are pregnant. Only ever one woman at a time. These women do not have to have to be at the highest levels of health, but they are thoroughly assessed for disease and such. You will never be legally or financially responsible for any children produced. These women are coming from all over the world, some have certain expectations. Alyssa will provide you with a portfolio of each woman before her arrival. She is your Vessel."

"There are no real days off, ovulation waits for no one. However, I do not expect you to work between the hours of eleven pm and seven am or have sex in your own bedroom. The women will know this. You receive twelve weeks (about three months) of paid vacation time per year."

"Your pay is twelve thousand dollars a week tax-free as we are partially government-funded. You have no living expenses if you do not want any. Our concierge called Concierge is available twenty-four-seven; let him know what you want, and he will source it for you. You will also receive full health benefits; you do not have to use the doctors here onsite. Any objections so far?” No one had any except if she said twelve thousand dollars every week for eighteen months. 

She had. We were all stunned at the pay before the prospect of growing cocks to get women pregnant fully dawns on us. I try not to feel like a gigolo as I calculate my eighteen-month contract to be worth a cool $864,000. This explains why we had to be LGBT-friendly, the invasive exams, why our sexual histories were taken, the hypnotic journey through our childhoods, and why all the long personality tests had been given. Clearly chosen because we were of good breeding qualities and open to the idea of growing dicks and breeding women. I wonder how long they’d been watching us. Had they been watching me? I laughed off the thought.

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“The rooms you have been staying in will be your living quarters if you decide to stay on.” No one dissents.

“For the next week, you will be learning to use the cock you will grow. Now for more paperwork. Once you sign, you will be referred to as Orchids. We prefer this over Futa. Your women are Vessels.” Alyssa, Mona’s personal assistant comes around with her juicy ass jiggling, handing us touchscreen tablets for us to sign further documents, agreeing to become an Orchid and stay at Orchid Lady Ranch for at least eighteen months. Her huge 42J titties nudge my shoulders as she hands me a tablet and moves on. I could set three cups on that ass.  

Mona reads out each page on the tablet, pausing to allow an objection or question. No one has any yet. All six of us candidates sign each page and pass the touchscreen pads to Alyssa as she comes around collecting them.  

“After today, you may go anywhere on the property. Enjoy the horse-riding trail, grab an ATV or fish in the stocked pond. Take a boat out on the lake or mini golf, whatever you like. Enjoy Orchids!” Mona hands us a thick brochure, nay pamphlet of the property. I tucked it away to look at later.  

Dr. Ahmadi, the Medical Director, stepped into the theatre. He informed us that the only known side effects were initial drowsiness, vivid dreams, and the occasional hot flash. He went on, 

“Scientists have since further refined Futaki. We have a shot to boost your size if your Vessel prefers that. We have even moved on to neutralizing your sperm’s genetic code and replacing it with selections the women have made with our geneticist. This is to encourage diversity. We don’t want relatives unknowingly marrying each other. If she does not want to customize, make no mistake, the child will look like you and its mother.”  

He led us to the medical wing and one by one we were each implanted with Futaki. Dr. Ahamdi addressed us once again. 

“We encourage you to explore your new cock when it forms. Get familiar with the change in your anatomy, discover what you can do. For this purpose, sleeve masturbators, and other specially selected toys have been placed in your suite. Alyssa will be visiting each of you in the morning. You have until lunchtime to change your mind. Goodnight, ladies. Have fun.” I tried not the notice the bulge lifting his lab coat. 

Each of us Orchids grin at each other, high-five, and go to our suites with extra swagger in our steps. I’m pretty sure no one is going to change their mind. 


By now it has been two hours since taking Futaki. I took a long hot shower under a showerhead setting called “Monsoon Rain “, letting it pound out all the tension I’d been holding.  I lay down in my luxurious bed, tension-free. I think about the choice I have just made. I’m just one hour away from growing a cock and my job is to breed women. I can leave whenever I'm not working to do normal people's things, but aside from clothes shopping, there wasn’t really a reason.  

I can forget about telling anyone about my real job. My cover is Resident Advisor and being vague on who and what I advise.  

Our paycheck for the week has hit our accounts this morning and the 12k still has me floored. It is enough to get my car fixed and pay six months’ bills, not just rent. In one fucking week! I could go back to my life but why? I’ve been living hand to mouth working three jobs for the last four years with little to show for it. With the money, I pay my lease in full and have all except my clothes and Ben’s stuff, donated to Goodwill. I let my gas station job boss know I will not be coming back.

This is synchronicity at its finest. I can remember being sixteen, wishing I had a penis to feel the inside of my partners’ wet pussy or tight asshole. I loved to have my high school girlfriends suck my clitoris like it’s a dick. I did not have a strap on. That is until one of my longtime friends Brendt asked me to peg him with a big dildo he had. One night after playing the ps5 and his mom had gone to bed we tried it. I fiddled with the harness he had supplied and figured out how to get it on. Brendt had gotten down on his knees first, kissed all over the eleven-inch long, three-inch wide dildo, licked it, and then sucked it down his throat, giving the dildo I was wearing the sloppiest head I could imagine at sixteen years old.  

He bent over and I then lubed his asshole up like I’d read online, though he insisted he didn’t need it. I eagerly lined up that silicone cock and worked my way into his rosebud, little by little, like the way I fingered women. He moaned, wrapped his obsidian hands around his dick, jacking it. Beneath the harness, my pussy got incredibly wet. I increased my pace the more I became turned on, and soon he was shooting cum that hit him in the face, rope after rope. I came just after him juice running down my thighs. 

From then on, I was hooked on fucking with a strap-on. I asked him where he got the toys from, and he said this older bottom he was fucking gave him whatever he wanted. Three days later, he presented me with my very own brand-new toys, a harness, a dildo like his, and an eight-inch dildo for my ladies. I didn’t ask Brendt what he did for them. I pegged him regularly after that and got an extensive education in how to use that silicone cock. He didn’t tell me until we were well out of high school, I am the only person he has ever bottomed for.  

Now I would have a fully functional penis. Its position will be just above my clitoris, only sharing skin with the hood of my clitoris. Women will be coming through the doors of Orchid Lady Ranch to get pregnant by me, and my colleagues. What a time to be alive!  

Wake Up Call

I sleep through my transformation, but the morning brought something special for me.  

Aaaah, fuuuck this shit is heaven, I thought. My hips pumped and thrust into soft, wet warmth. I had never had delicious pussy eating like this. 

My eyes shoot open, and I look down to see Alyssa lying prone with my entire cock in her mouth. It feels incredible. I get harder as I realize this is my fucking dick she has in her mouth! She bobs slowly up and down my nine-inch cock, swirling her tongue as she does so. Ooooh maaann, fuck yes. I relax and let her do her thing while I levitate outside of my body. She lets me slide almost out of her mouth before clamping her lips down on my cockhead. She begins to suck it. Mmmmm. Ah yeeaah. Omg, I can fucking get used to this. Alyssa circles my cockhead lavishly, repeatedly with her tongue. I see her big titties squished up beneath her, breasts spilling out of a camisole and feel my in-dwelling sperm glands tighten. Without thinking I hold her blonde head down on my thick mahogany dick, and pump, pump, pump into her mouth until my butt cheeks stiffen as I shoot cum down her swallowing throat. She keeps on sucking me and swallowing. My neck and shoulder begin to twitch involuntarily. Fairly sure I am seeing stars. She lets my cock slide slowly out of her mouth, her tongue in place of her bottom lip, to rest on my thigh. Goddamn, she has serious mouth skills. My new dick approves. She put on a robe and told me it was her first call of the morning, that she was going to service the other candidates whom she hoped were still asleep. 

I take meals in the suite all day. I spend the time, mostly using the sleeve masturbator, getting familiar with my nine-inch long, 3-inch-thick girl cock.    

The next day, Mona introduces us to our live models who will be our sex ed partner, to hone our sexual prowess with. Medical and recruitment staff have been busy. The women have been chosen according to information from the many intake assessments I had completed. All of us Orchids are each more than happy with our sex ed partner. The evidence lay in the bulging package of every candidate’s skirt, shorts, dress, and pants upon seeing her model. A sexy middle-aged ebony Latina steps into the room and introduces herself as a renowned sex therapist, Dr. Peony Williams. She leads us to a large room with seven beds and various sex toys beside each.  


“Ladies,” she begins, “the idea here is to give your Vessels the kind of sex you dream about and perhaps have had- while getting them pregnant. We have a live model for you to practice with and for personal companionship if you wish.” We all smile at that.

I look at my live model, Alana. I am already in lust with her curvy body holding 34DD breasts, slim waist, hourglass hips, and fat ass standing at 5’3” presented in her beautiful, burnished chestnut skin. Her hair is a large natural afro that is brushed back into a ponytail afro and two long curled tendrils at the front frame her smiling apple cheeks and chocolate brown eyes. Her sexy wide cupid’s bow lips pull into a smile, revealing perfect white teeth. She looks me up and down, bites her lip meaningfully and turns slowly back to Dr. Williams. I can feel my new cock harden.


The week is very eye-opening and fun as hell as we learn new skills, various positions, tips and tricks and build upon skills we all already have. Everybody is at a different skill level. I learn a few unusual positions and techniques. Juula is working on depth. Renee is practicing leg placement in the missionary position. Mehali has never had her face sat on, and we all stop to watch that. Dr. Williams tells her to lie down with a pillow under her head. Her live model follows instructions to get on the bed and straddle Mehali’s face but not to sit. Dr. Williams corrects the live model’s legs and instructs her to lower herself onto Emma’s mouth. She says to Mehali, 

“Do all you can to taste every part of her pussy and keep doing that. If she’s really liking it, stay there.” We can’t see the mouth to pussy action, but we all hear Mehali as she kisses, licks, slurps and sucks on her live model’s pussy. The woman moans and begins to rock on Mehali’s face in open-mouthed ecstasy. Then she starts to grind down harder and harder but hardly rises until Emma’s arms flail and tap her fast as she tries to breathe. Dr. Williams quickly slaps the live model’s ass and tells her to get the fuck up, but then pushes her off the bed before she can. We are all a little embarrassed for the live model. Dr. Ahmadi takes the woman away. Dr. Williams caresses Mehali’s face and asks if she’s alright. 

She says she is. We watch in shock as Dr. Williams gets onto the bed, spreads Mehali’s legs and lowers her face down to Mehali’s sex, focusing on her pussy. She licks and sucks at her bushy puss slowly, seeming to French kiss it. She slides two fingers into Mehali and curls them toward her g-spot, continuing to suck at her bright pink clitoris. Mehali tenses up and starts gasping until she finally screams and a rush of her female ejaculate floods out onto bedsheets, soaking Dr. Williams’ hand. She gives Mehali’s pussy a few small tender kisses before she gets up and goes back to the front of the class to wash her hands. She gives no explanation or lesson on it. We went back to what we had been working on, turned on as hell. 

My pussy soaked and my cock hard I laid Alana down on our classroom bed. She automatically spreads her legs and brings her knees up. My dick jumps. Her pussy is so pretty. I kneel between her soft thighs, dip my right thumb in her wetness and begin circling her clit until after a sweet while, she begs me to please fuck her. Kneeling, I guide myself into Alana’s good pussy little by little, although she’s so wet, I slide in further than intended. She coos in approval looking up at me with those chocolate brown eyes as I pull out near to the tip and slowly re-enter her to the hilt. Oooh, her pussy feels so fucking amazing to me. I had been missing out wearing a strap-on. I repeat this long, slow stroke, savoring the sensation of my cock tunneling into a tight, wet pussy. 

I pull her legs up and bend her knees until her feet rest flat on each of my breasts. I lean forward a little and I keep fucking her long, slow and now even deeper. She whimpers and tries pushing her pelvis up to move back and forth faster on my dick, but I pull back far enough she can’t arch up any further and keep long, slow stroking her. She then brings her legs down from my chest and wraps them around my ass, trying to pull me in and get me to fuck her faster. 

 She begs until her eyes fill up with tears of frustration and pleasure. I hold out for a few moments before my cock swells, and I double my pace keeping my long stroke.  We make intense eye contact, but I clearly hear the cries, moans, and cooing of everyone fucking in the room. It is hard to control my urge to cum in Alana’s tight pussy. Her chestnut skin glistens with small beads of sweat and her breathing gets more erratic. Her pussy suddenly sucks me in, she tells me she’s about to cum, I fuck her hard and fast, my cum churning and ready to shoot hard into her.  

She screams as her orgasm washes through her body causing her pussy to throb hard around my dick, milking it. I quickly lie down on her, grab under her butt cheeks and fuck her through her orgasm. My face buried in her neck, I pump cum into her deep thrust after deep thrust, shot after shot until I can’t go any deeper and have nothing left. We stay embraced, me still inside of her until our breathing calms. Damn, I’m going to miss her when training is over.  


On the last day of class Mona comes into the classroom and announces, 

“You are now all officially Orchids! A personal shopper and a tailor are in your suites with specially selected items. You may keep as much or as little as you like and order what you want. Tomorrow, you will be doing an all-day photoshoot on different areas of the property. This is the portfolio Vessels will choose you from. We want you to feel your best, and part of that means looking your best. In two days, there will be a meet and greet with your woman, a lunchtime social for you to introduce yourselves. Get out of here and get your wardrobes together.” She dismisses us and we all excitedly head back to our suites.  

I pinch myself, unable to believe this good fortune. Damn, now I don’t even have to leave to go clothes shopping! I take a deep breath and stand up straighter, but hug myself as I walk to my suite, trying to embrace my new circumstances. 


Three weeks later 

“Aaaah, fuck yeah,” I breathe as I nail the fourth woman seeking pregnancy in my suite. I just found out yesterday my first woman was pregnant. It's a wonderful adrenaline surge.  

“Unh uh, omg I’m gone cum again Terri!” Natasha screams as I fuck her doggy style and push my dick harder and faster into her sweet pussy. I know it’s sweet because I just sucked and licked on her clitoris until she burst for me, juicing in my mouth and dripping down my chin. It dries on my face as I quicken my pace watching her bubble butt jiggle with each thrust. I slap that ass and order her, 

“Throw that ass back bitch, work for what you came for. Are you ready for me to put a baby in you? Hmm?” 

 “Yes Daddy, give me that big dick and put a baby in me.” Feeling a little cheeky Natasha added, “It’s your job.”   

“Oh, it’s like that you disrespectful brat?!” I growl. I start pounding her inout inout inout inout, my hips bucking now of their own accord. I reach down and grasp a fistful of her cute auburn-dyed pixie cut.  

“I think I’m gonna peeee…pleeeease stooo-…stooo-,” she cries out just as she starts throwing her ass back even harder onto my rock-hard dick.  

 I smiled a little. 

“Don’t worry about that, just cum for me Luv.” I moan at how good being in pussy felt. That tight heat like no other. And she desperately wants a baby from me. 

Suddenly her cozy wet pussy vice grips my big dick as she nears her peak. Fuck! I can barely pull out, she has me in so tight. I pull out once, drive in hard, pull out again, drive in hard. On the third deep stroke in, she begins to scream as her pussy both sucks me further in and tries to push me out with a powerful force. I hold her hips firm against me, staying deep in fertile grounds, and give her short, hard thrusts until she bursts and screams as her orgasm hits her. I yell out and unload pulse after pulse of sperm-laden cum into her gushy wet pussy while fucking her from doggy style down onto her stomach. I stay inside of her, humping her in little jerks, her bubble butt pressed against my groin. We stay that way until her pussy stops throbbing around my softening cock and I slide out. I wriggle a bit and my soft cock is now nestled between her ass cheeks. Shit feels too good. Per my duty, I then flip Natasha over and hold her legs up in the air against my shoulder blades. My swimmers need to stay in. The better to breed her with. 

Chapter 2 coming soon.

Written by Sipoftea
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