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Gabriella 1

"A second chance at life"

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Author's Notes

"What would you do if you were offered a second chance at life?"

Gabriella Haller walked solemnly down the hall, escorted by two court officers, to the entrance to the courtroom. She was dressed in a tight white blouse and dark navy blue miniskirt which showed off her lean, sexy figure and long-toned legs. To soften the sexiness and look more business-like, she wore black dress shoes. Her long brown hair was made straight and flowed below her shoulders, and she had a beautiful face that couldn't be ruined by her sadness.

The court officers punched some buttons on a keypad in the wall and announced their presence; the doors slid open in response. They then escorted Gabriella to her lawyer who was seated at the table; she could feel the hate in the eyes of some in the audience. She took her seat by her court-appointed lawyer and awaited the judge.

The judge soon entered, and the court proceedings began. Gabriella was convicted last month of manslaughter, gang involvement, and several controlled substance charges, and therefore was facing life imprisonment. Upon the advice of her lawyer, she requested leniency due to life circumstances, as she was raised by parents who were gang members and introduced to narcotics by them.

"After listening to the testimony of the probation officer, rehabilitation counselor, and victim's family, I grant Miss Gabriella Haller's request: to serve out her life sentence as spouse to Doctor Orwin Altman," the judge concluded.

Gabriella let out a sigh of relief; she was so happy that after she requested a spouse to supervise her life sentence, it was Orwin Altman she finally matched to. She gladly shook hands with her lawyer who first proposed the idea.

After her conviction, Gabriella was distraught, as she had killed her drug dealer boyfriend in a fit of rage. However, her boyfriend was also the leader of the infamous Below Decks Bruisers gang and if she went to prison, she knew the Bruisers there would kill her in retaliation.

So at first she fully cooperated with the police and told them everything she knew about the gang, allowing them to break their criminal ring. Unfortunately, this made her a lot of enemies and wasn't enough to convince the prosecution to drop the charges.

That's when her lawyer suggested the option of life as a spouse sentence. Since humanity needed to have a certain number of babies every year to survive, the life as a spouse sentence option was created to keep young fertile women available to ensure that the probability of increasing the population was always there.

So Gabriella's lawyer provided her with some sexy lingerie, which she wore for the court photographer to photograph her. The pictures were posted on a general website of felons hoping for life as a spouse sentence, and eligible men could apply. The caveat was that the felon had to pick someone that would sign the agreement; luckily Gabriella was a gorgeous brunette and was able to attract a lot of potential spouses.

The sentence required Gabriella to agree to have the spouse's babies; she figured having some fat, disgusting man's baby was better than spending the rest of her life in jail constantly looking over her shoulder. Plus she could go anywhere she wanted, so long as she was accompanied by her husband. A much better life sentence than prison by far.

Her lawyer accompanied her on the long walk out of the court section, to the exit door where an officer was awaiting her.

When she reached the officer, Gabriella turned to her lawyer with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you for saving my life," she sobbed.

"Life gave you a bad hand, and I just helped the jury and judge see it, that's all. You have a second chance now, make the best of it," her lawyer said, and with that, he walked away.

Gabriella turned to the court officer and noticed he was not carrying her belongings.

"Where are my things? I thought that my things would be returned to me, now that I have been released from prison," she asked, confused.

"Don't worry, ma'am. Your husband had already arranged for them to be shipped to your new home," replied the officer.

With that, they exited the court section and took an elevator down to the garage, where a commuter vehicle was waiting for them. She took a moment to look at the clean electric vehicle with open seats; it had been a while since she rode in anything not meant for prisoners.

As the vehicle drove them to the bus depot section, she took a moment to absorb her surroundings. She was being driven in a well-lit large tunnel with other smaller private electric vehicles zipping by; in the center was an electromagnetic public train filled with commuters. On the side was a beautiful ancient forest with tall trees. Gabriella wondered if the train was headed for the lower decks or not as it had been so long that she had forgotten the directions.

Finally, they arrived at the public transit hub, and the court officer took Gabriella on a moving walkway to a small room; its entrance had a monitor overhead indicating this was a port for private transport only.

"Why am I here?" asked Gabriella.

"Dr. Altman arranged for a private shuttle for you. He figured it would probably be more comfortable for his wife than to put her on a public shuttle bus loaded with people that have seen your trial on the news," the court officer replied dryly.

He had a point, thought Gabriella. She wasn't expecting a warm welcome after everything she had done, but at least the judge saw how the gang had groomed her and ultimately abused her, and that she was tricked into getting addicted to narcotics. Hopefully, her new husband would understand.

Suddenly, Gabriella heard a loud noise as if something had bumped hard against the outside wall. She then heard the noise of a door sliding shut and realized the door behind them was now closed. The light in the door in front of her turned green.

"OK, the airlock is sealed now. Watch your step," the court officer said, as the door in front of them opened.

Gabriella looked through and saw the entrance to the private shuttle on the other side. It was lit and she noticed that it had ten comfortable leather passenger seats. She had never ridden in a private shuttle before.

Gabriella carefully crossed the way into the private shuttle and chose a seat next to a window. Outside was all night sky, with a few blinking stars, and some metal. She had never seen the outside; her whole life she spent with the Bruisers hiding in the lower decks, and prisoner shuttles did not have passenger windows.

"Put on your seatbelt. Once we detach from the dock, we'll lose gravity fast," advised her court officer.

She took his advice. Gabriella was very nervous as this was her very first time traveling in space; she had lived on the lower decks of the colony spaceship she just stepped off all her life.

"Welcome aboard. This is the bus driver. We are cleared for take-off and the flight plan has been approved. We are departing in five minutes," the driver said.

With that, the shuttle door was closed and sealed tight by the flight attendant. As the flight attendant sat down and buckled up, the shuttle shook as it was released from the docking clamps.

Gabriella looked out the rear window, seeing the USS Washington DC 3 from the outside for the very first time in her life. It looked like a giant rectangular plate, with several glass bumps on top that housed buildings and offered a view of the vast expanse of deep space. As the giant ship shrunk from sight, all she could see was a white thing with blinking lights and several radio antennae fixed to the bottom pointing downward; she also felt herself getting lighter, and a little nauseous.

As the shuttle flew, they passed by other similar ships, some larger, some smaller, all following each other in a line that was slowly spiraling around an invisible axis far away. Gabriella stared in awe as this was the very first time she had seen the human fleet with her very own eyes.

"Attention passengers. We are approaching USS New Jupiter Island, Florida squadron. We'll be landing in five minutes," reported the pilot.

Gabriella stared in awe as they approached the colony ship; it was not as big as the Washington DC 3 ship but had several smaller domes around the edge and a giant one on top. Additionally, all the decks seemed to have windows with lights turned on; it looked like a luxurious cruise ship.

"You better grab that pen. Once we are fully docked, we'll be spiraling with New Jupiter Island and have gravity again," remarked the court officer.

Gabriella reached up and grabbed the pen floating above her.

A large boom reverberated through the shuttle bus as they were docked. Once the airlock was sealed, Gabriella excitedly got up and exited the spacecraft.

When she stepped onto the New Jupiter Island colony ship, the first person she saw was a short, stocky balding man who was cleanly shaven with light brown hair circling the sides of his head. Could this be Dr. Orin Altman? She wondered because the pictures he sent portrayed him as fat and slobby; this man was neither.

"Gabriella? I'm Orin," the man said.

Gabriella's heart leaped; he was more than she thought she was getting. She could only smile and nod.

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Orin took her from the court official and led her to the parking garage. He opened the passenger side door of a shiny black convertible sports car. Gabriella was impressed; she didn't know much about cars but knew this was an expensive one. Then again this was Orin Altman's car; wouldn't he be driving a luxurious car?

She sat bum-first on the seat, leaving her legs outside the car. With her skirt riding up a little, she was showing more thigh than usual; she also noticed that Orin couldn't help but stare at her legs.

Gabriella slowly placed each foot into the car, making sure her new husband got a good view of her lean toned legs as she settled. She noticed he took a moment before closing the door too.

Orin quickly got into the car and powered it up; all vehicles within colony ships were electric to avoid air pollution. He then left the parking garage and joined a highway tunnel with a few cars.

Gabriella watched with interest as they drove through the tunnel. Much like the previous spacecraft, there was an electric passenger train and a forest; except within this forest, the trees were all tropical. She also could feel Orin's eyes constantly distracted by her legs.

As he drove, she saw a beach with beautiful golden sand and clear blue water; there were even surfers and sailboats on the water. She also noticed a yellow badge with a stallion on its hind legs within the car's dashboard, which Orin liked to look at when trying to hide his staring at her legs.

Gabriella thought very highly of Orin, being such a gentleman, considering he knew she was a convicted gangbanger and murderer. She wanted to do something to ease the silence between them.

So she took his free hand and forcefully placed it on her knee. She guided his hand down over the top of her lower leg, then back over the top of her leg until his fingers reached the hem of her skirt.

As she slid his hand down her inner thigh, they exited the highway tunnel and drove up to a large garage door. Orin stopped his car and looked at a camera overhead.

"Welcome back, Orin Altman," said the voice of a computer.

The door opened, and they drove through, with Orin's hand back on her knee, and Gabriella's hand on top of his.

Gabriella's eyes opened wide with awe. Within this section of the ship was a neighborhood of single-family detached houses, lush lawns full of grass, and palm trees everywhere. The roadway they were on was bordered by glass walls. Gabriella had never seen such beautiful homes before; she grew up in crew cabins with a neighbor behind every wall. She took her hand off Orin's and excitedly grabbed the door, mesmerized by the opulent subdivision of houses with yards within a spacecraft.

As she admired the different designs of the mansions, she noticed Orin's hand sliding up the inside her thigh. Well at least he has a libido, Gabriella thought. Though she worried because every sexual experience she had so far wasn't very pleasant.

At last, they stopped in front of a large mansion with a beautiful fountain of St. Michael the Archangel slaying the serpent. Orin looked at the house, and the glass door in the transparent wall between the road and their home opened.

"Welcome home, Orin," said another computer voice.

Orin drove up the driveway, opened the garage door, and parked inside the house's garage. It took his concentration as he had to pull his hand off her thigh and onto the steering wheel to guide his car into the carport.

"Alexa, open garage entrance," Orin called out, and the door leading into the house from the garage opened.

"Go ahead and make yourself at home. I'll be right behind you," Orin said, as he got out of the car and began plugging the battery into the carport to recharge it.

Meanwhile, Gabriella excitedly dashed into her new home. She smiled with joy as she looked around the interior; it looked exactly like the photos she saw on those interior design websites. Lower deck cabins were still spacious and pretty, but this house was gorgeous. She was so absorbed in the comfort of her new home she didn't even hear her new husband walk up beside her.

"You like?" he asked rhetorically.

She just smiled and ran upstairs and after a quick look about, opened a set of double doors to enter the master suite. It looked like a Louis the Sixteenth-styled French aristocrat's bed chamber, complete with a giant canopy bed and Renaissance ceiling mural.

As her husband climbed the stairs, she saw her luggage placed at the foot of their bed. However, what interested her was a pair of French glass doors leading to a balcony outside their bedroom.

She opened the doors and stepped outside. Looking down, she saw her property had a swimming pool with a patio deck, a vegetable garden, an orange tree, and enough open yard for children to play within. She looked side to side and registered glass walls between them and their neighbors, plus steel fences; likely for aesthetic purposes. Directly in front of her was what looked to be the titanium hull of the ship.

Her husband walked out onto the balcony and smiled at her.

"Check this out," he said.

Orin then looked inside and shouted: "Alexa, if it's safe, open the viewing shield."

Gabriella watched in awe as two titanium plates opened to reveal a giant window behind her backyard, giving her a completely unobstructed view of outer space. She then watched a shuttle bus fly by outside.

"What if the glass gets hit?" she asked, afraid she would be sucked out into outer space.

"The glass is a meter thick. Blast shields outside close if an unidentified object gets close. The metal is two meters thick," explained Orin, as he sat on one of the patio chairs to enjoy the view of outer space. Only

then did Gabriella notice her husband's erection in his trousers; she was impressed with the size of the bulge she saw.

She coyly walked in front of her husband, and sat directly on his bulge; it proudly refused to bend under her pressure. She wiggled her butt around on his pelvis a bit more so that the bulge pressed through her miniskirt and into the crotch of her panties; this caused her husband to wrap his arms around her waist.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing curiously at a blinking light floating across their view while grinding herself against his bulge. She had never enjoyed grinding against an erection before.

"I think...uh...probably a perimeter defense satellite, like an electromagnetic rail gun, designed to destroy incoming meteorites or other space debris," Orin stammered out, more focused on bumping his bulge against the firm toned buttocks wrapped in a skirt that was grinding against it.

Gabriella stood up, clearly very aroused, and looked at her husband to confirm he felt the same. Confident of her attractiveness to him, she pulled her blouse out of her skirt, then unbuttoned it.

"Alexa, privacy from neighbors please," Orin said, and curtains slid over the glass walls between their home and the adjacent houses.

Gabriella smiled. She had a thoughtful and wise husband; wisdom was something she could have used in her youth. She unzipped her miniskirt, slid it down to the patio floor, then kicked it away. She then straddled Orin, this time facing her husband, wearing only her open blouse, bra, and matching panties.

Orin's hands wrapped around her lower legs and felt them up to her thighs, then back down again. He liked her legs, Gabriella thought to herself, sighing in the enjoyment of his gentle caressing.

She then unbuttoned and removed his shirt, running her hands through his hairy chest and rubbing his nipples. Her hands then opened up his trousers, upon which she reached into the opening in his boxers and released his giant pink hardness.

She felt Orin's left hand reach up and fondle her breasts as she rubbed his glans with her thumb. Hearing him groan, she applied more pressure with her thumb and rubbed the underside of his shaft with her other thumb.

While she toyed with his penis, Orin's right hand slid up her thigh and across the front of her panties, rubbing against her clit. He then slid his index and middle finger between her legs and rubbed the crotch of her panties, feeling up and down the length of her aroused labia through her panties.

Gabriella stroked harder on his shaft, and rubbed his glans more vigorously, causing Orin to thrust into her hand while rubbing her panties more intensely. This caused Gabriella to buck her hips forward as she tried to grind her loins onto his fingers.

While this happened, their breathing increased, and Gabriella began to moan in pleasure.

Suddenly, a bright light shone over them, causing Gabriella to panic and roll off Orin onto the ground, pulling her blouse shut over her chest. The light quickly faded and moved on.

"Probably a shuttle flying by to get to the hangar bay," Orin explained.

"You think they saw us?" asked an embarrassed Gabriella.

"Don't think so. The shuttles are only allowed a certain distance from this ship unless they are docking, and there is no dock nearby this neighborhood," reassured Orin.

Gabriella started to giggle. She was going to enjoy this marriage.

Written by lonelyhotwife2022
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