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Beta: The Hybrid Experiment Part 2

"Human Alien Hybrid Alpha is on a mission explore human sexuality with her favorite test subject Jason"

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Two male test subjects from the nineteenth batch of humans were promising. Both of them were fully aroused which was exactly what Alpha wanted.

An alien-human hybrid, Alpha was the first of her kind, on an interstellar mission to study the neuroanatomical sexual and physiological response cycles of humans.

She had learned that human men were sometimes frightened by the strange circumstances of being abducted and placed into an alien laboratory. Her most promising test subject, Jason, had been helping her refine the testing methods.

She ensured that the two viable test subjects in this batch were fully enthused by applying oral stimulation to each of them. One of them had dark skin and an exceptionally large penis. It was even bigger than Jason’s. She found that quite exciting.

“Yeah take that fucking dick,” he told her as she gobbled down the entire thing thanks to her special hybrid anatomical capabilities. His name was Andre. “Balls deep, goddamn! You’re a real alien freak, huh?”

The other male was Vince. He was being a bit quiet. From what Alpha could tell, he seemed to enjoy watching Andre as much as he did Alpha.

It was time to move forward with her testing.

“You, the big one,” she said pointing at Andre. “Go and lie down on the fornication platform.”

“Yeah you want to ride this big dick,” he said, happily bouncing up on the padded alien mattress to comply with her directive.

“Your statement is accurate,” Alpha confirmed, grabbing his massive cock and guiding it slowly into her moist wetness.

“Oh fuck. You tight as hell for being such a slutty little purple alien,” he said, feeling her pelvic muscles grip the tip of him as he entered her.

Over the last several days, Jason had shown her many things, including how to start gradually, then increase the speed and force over time to encourage greater and more frequent orgasms in her body.

Not wanting to be left out, Vince made his way over to the couple. He knelt down behind Alpha, getting a closer look at Andre’s massive penis sliding in and out of Alpha. He reached out to stroke the base of his veiny black shaft

“Whoa!” Andre shouted, pulling away. “Get the fuck away from me man!”

“Hey relax man,” said Vince. “I didn’t mean…”

“Silence!” ordered Alpha. “You are not here for yourselves. You are here for me!”

Unfortunately, it appeared the mood had been ruined. Both men’s enthusiasm had wilted away. They were both darted into unconsciousness and removed by the grays. It was truly a shame. She had been looking forward to feeling what it was like to have both of her pleasure holes filled at the same time.


Jason was in his stasis pod enjoying a restful sleep. His bed was very comfortable and his room had a large eighty inch screen with access to all Earthly entertainment. Screens were also available in the ship’s gym where he was told he should exercise to maintain his muscular body tone.

Back home, he made his living as a bartender. He was head manager at two different bars. It sounded like a fun life, but it was actually a pain in the ass. Dealing with drunks was one thing, but the employees were even worse. Half of them would steal from the till if he gave them a chance. All of them were constantly having issues, with their lovers, families, customers and each other. It had killed the fun of the job. It was easier when he wasn’t a manager and he could just do the gig, bang hot chicks and hang with friends.

This turned out to be a nice vacation from all that.

Every so often, he would be summoned to join Alpha in what he had come to think of as the lounge. She liked speaking with him. He was useful for helping her expand her knowledge of humans. Her mission had been a challenge and Jason had been a great resource.

For example, Jason taught Alpha about the utility of clothes. They added a degree of privacy and titillation during the presexual arousal phase. She did not immediately understand the concept but once she participated in the process of flirting then disrobing she found it enjoyable.

Even better, she greatly valued his ability to pleasure her, especially after a disappointing day with poor results from the test subjects. After the most recent failed test batch, Alpha ordered her gray lackeys to bring Jason to join her in the lounge once again.

"Hey Alpha, good to see you. So how was your day today? Did you get in some good fucking?" Jason greeted her with his usual chipper attitude.

"It did not go well. I was on the verge of gratification but then the test participants got into a disagreement and the session was discontinued."

"Wow that sounds like a real bummer," replied Jason half sympathetically. He could understand her alien tongue thanks to minuscule little earpods. He didn’t even feel them but they proved a perfect real-time translation of everything she said.

“Have we been able to supply you with your preferred form of caloric sustenance?” Alpha asked. She had come to find that Jason was a more enthusiastic lover when he was provided food that he referred to as ‘fucking delicious’.

“Hell yeah you have,” he replied. “That ribeye was amazing. Do those creepy little gray fuckers make it or what? How does the whole deal work?”

“Whenever you are in stasis, we analyze your mind data. From that, we produce your food in one of our stereolithographic generators.”

“Ok, well that makes it a little less fun,” he said a bit disappointed, “but it was still fucking delicious.”

“I am glad,” she stated, and meant it. She had come to grow fond of this human male, the first to successfully pleasure her. He had also been by far the best-performing of the test subjects to this point. It was more than that though, she looked forward to her time with him. She was still trying to understand her human biology. Perhaps these things were connected.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she received an inbound telepathic communication from the Innuid homeworld.

“Alpha?” said Jason, seeing Alpha’s eyes glaze over. “Alpha?”

After several moments, she returned to her normal state.

“Are you good?” asked Jason.

“Oh very good Jason,” she said, smiling widely with an expression of happiness that Jason had not seen from her to this point. “I have been informed that we have been authorized to proceed to Stage Two.”

“Stage Two? What the hell is that? Can I go home? I mean I don’t remember home, but maybe people are missing me. I would miss you though,” Jason spoke, thinking quickly aloud.

“Stage Two will bring Beta to us. I must prepare for him to join us,” she said, suddenly too distracted to converse with him. She left as Jason was rendered to stasis again and brought back to his pod by the gray Claymites.


Alpha had Jason brought to the gestation chamber. After all, this wouldn't have been possible without him.

"Holy shit," Jason started, "You can't just keep knocking me out all the time when I'm in the middle of talking to you."

Jason paused when he saw how excited Alpha was. "Ok last thing I remember you said something about Beta and stage two?"

"Yes Jason," she responded giddily. Her uncharacteristically bright mood had Jason a little unsettled. "Beta is here."

Jason looked around the dark circular chamber. Like other areas of the ship that he had seen, it was lit by iridescent yellow-orange hues. There were a number of cylindrical compartments lining the walls of the room. One of these was open and empty, and next to it was another that was alight with purplish flickering.

Alpha gripped his arm out of anticipation of what was to come. The light show reached a crescendo and then stopped. Suddenly, a force from within stretched the membrane of the compartment out until it burst. Purple glittery liquid oozed out into the gestation chamber to be sucked up by tiny ducts in the flooring.

Jason reached out to grab Alpha’s hand. He had a natural confidence about him, but it was being tested by this ordeal.

A humanoid form appeared.

“What. The. Fuck,” said Jason, dumbstruck at what he saw.

It was a new hybrid, like Alpha. However, this one was a male. Not just any male, but this purple oily alien looked just like him, an alien hybridized Jason.

Alpha was still holding his hand. She brought him over to meet his otherworldly clone.

“Jason, this is Beta.”

There was a long awkward silence while Jason was acclimating to his new reality and the two hybrids.

“Uh, hi,” Jason muttered.

“The Innuid have recognized you as a worthy representative of your variant of intelligent life,” explained Alpha, sensing that Jason was a little troubled by the sudden change in circumstances. “Beta is the second hybrid of our kind, based upon your genetic profile.”

“Wait wait wait,” said Jason, turning to Alpha and trying to understand, “so you’re saying I’m the best guy you fucked so far, so you cloned me?”

The two hybrids conversed.

“Beta does not yet have my understanding,” Alpha began, “ but the answer to your question is essentially, affirmative.”

“Hello JasonMe,” said Beta, “We shall please Alpha now.”

“Not yet,” said Alpha. “Jason has shown me the importance of setting the mood a little.”

The two hybrids looked at Jason, hoping he would initiate mood setting.

“So it looks like you want to have a double your pleasure situation here Alpha. Is that right?” Jason asked.

“Explain,” she requested.

“Ok so first, I was kidnapped onto this alien spaceship. Then I passed the "fuck the alien really, really good" test. Many many times. And now I have won the human male sex prize of having my genes stolen and metamorphosed into an alien hybrid version of me. Do I have all that right?”

“Your statement is essentially factual,” Alpha confirmed.

“And now you want me and this other me to thoroughly fuck the hell out of you?”

“Yes,” she said. “You have made an excellent assessment of our next planned course of action.”

Jason had been through a lot over his time in captivity. He didn’t even know how long he’d been on board because time is weird when you are in stasis on an alien spacecraft for an extended period of time. One thing he did know was that he had come to grow fond of Alpha. He liked teaching her things about humanity. He liked teaching her things about her body. He didn’t want to share her.

“What if I don’t want to?” he asked.

“Well,” she answered, “then I would have to wipe your memory of our time together and return you to Earth.”

Jason had to stop and think. This was the first time he had been offered a way out of his captivity. He looked at Alpha who had an expression of apprehension on her face.

Alpha was experiencing the emotion of fear for the first time. She did not like it. Why was she scared of losing this human man? It was true that he had proved very capable of pleasing her, but now she had Beta. What was this strange feeling that was coming over her.

“You’d miss me if I were gone,” he stated, even as he was realizing it was true. He wasn’t missing anything special back on Earth. He looked at Alpha. She was beautiful. He didn’t want to forget her.

“Ok, let’s do it,” he said as he approached her, took her in his arms and delivered a passionate kiss.

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Alpha felt her fear disappear in an instant to be replaced with a new emotion. She didn’t have a name for what it was, but she liked it very much. Her body also responded favorably as she felt her nipples and pussy become aroused as she returned his embrace.

Jason and Alpha both had on their thin soft polypropylene body-fitting athletic wear. She enjoyed the way he would firmly grab her ass with both hands and move her against his bulge. The smooth fabric felt nice rubbing against their skin, but it was time for it to come off.

Alpha enjoyed the disrobing process. She got down on her knees to get a nice close view of Jason’s crotch. She loved seeing Jason’s stiff excited cock pop out when she brought his pants down. She was having so much fun she almost forgot about her other guest.

“Come here Beta,” directed Alpha. Having just emerged from the gestation chamber, Beta was already naked. He strode over to her.

Alpha was already sucking on Jason’s dick when Beta arrived. He was only semi-hard but that changed quickly once Alpha put her hand around his thickening shaft and started stroking it.

“Hey that’s not my penis. It's bigger,” noticed Jason.

“I configured an adjustment to his anatomy after my encounter this morning with a human named Andre,” she informed him, not aware that it could potentially cause her favorite human lover any jealousy or resentment.

“Ahhh, that feels good,” Beta said, experiencing sexual stimulation for the first time in his new body.

Alpha went back and forth between the two of them, deep-throating one while jerking off the other. Jason closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. He didn’t want to think about the existential implications of this sexual encounter and was determined to show Alpha a good time.

“Sit your ass down so I can fuck your cock with my mouth,” Alpha ordered Jason, releasing her hand from Beta and pushing Jason onto one of the nearby round seating cushions. He’d been coaching her on how to engage in ‘dirty talk’. She found that she enjoyed giving orders to men who were much larger than she.

“Beta, use your tongue to stimulate my vagina,” she demanded. The male hybrid was new to all of this so she had to be very explicit.

Beta did as he was told and got down on his back on the padded floor of the lounge, then slid underneath Alpha’s posterior.

Jason couldn’t really see what was going on back there, but suddenly Alpha began to start breathing much more heavily.

“What’s that vibrating noise?” Jason asked.

“Beta is equipped with an eight inch extendable vibrating tongueeeeeoooohhh,” Alpha roared as Beta slid the tip of his massive vibro tongue along her clit. She grabbed Jason’s ass and took a big mouthful of man meat which muffled her loud moans and screams.

“Fck me wff yrr tng!” Alpha demanded with Jason’s dick still filling her mouth. Beta stuffed his undulated mouth snake into her cunt hole and pushed it hard against her g-spot.

“OH FUCK!” Alpha screamed letting Jason swing out of her mouth, ropes of saliva connecting him to her chin. “YOU’RE LICKING OUT MY INSIDES! Hunphh... Hmmmffuck it feels so fucking good.”

Alpha continued to fuck Beta’s face until she climaxed several times both internally and externally.

“Fuck, I need you in me right fucking now,” she said, leaving Jason on the seat cushion and racing over to find Beta’s stiff Andre-sized penis that was pointing straight up at the ceiling.

She was dripping wet with anticipation of feeling it inside of her. She squatted down, lowering herself onto the massive pole.

“Oh fuck yes, I am riding big dick again,” she declared, paraphrasing Andre’s ‘dirty talk’ from before. She turned her face toward Jason, giving him that dirty look that she had been practicing. “I am such a slutty little purple alien with my surprisingly tight pussy”

Even though he was a little miffed that Alpha had gone so far as to give the alienized version of him an even bigger cock, he had to admit that she looked absolutely amazing on top of beta. Their two perfect shiny lubed up purply bodies grinding on top of each other was a sight to behold.

Alpha spread her ass cheeks apart giving him an even better view. He watched closely as the inner pink rim of her labia gripped, pulled and stretched against Beta’s wide veiny shaft.

“There’s another hole just for you,” she offered in between grunts of pleasure

The two of them had added anal to their sex regime and he found her anal tunnel to be glorious. Thank goodness her hybrid alien physiology produced a large amount of natural lubrication. With big boy Beta already crammed in one of her holes, would he even be able to fit?

He was thrilled to find out. Alpha positioned herself more forward onto Beta’s torso so her ass would be at a better angle for penetration.

Jason pushed the bulby head of his throbbing erection against the smooth lubed-up lavender flesh of Alpha’s asshole which was pulsing slightly as her skin was being stretched by Beta’s giant cock rhythmically moving in and out of her pussy.

Finally, after a few moments, he was able to breach her compact puckered entryway, squeezing an inch of himself into her.

“Deeper Jason,” Alpha implored.

“Beg me,” Jason replied with his dick just barely inside her back passage.

“What?” she asked, confused. She had been giving the orders.

“You heard me,” Jason said. “I want to hear you beg for it.”

“Insolent human! You must please Alpha,” said Beta from underneath, as he continued thrusting into her.

“Shut up Beta!” Alpha said, placing her hand over his mouth. She didn’t understand why but the way Jason was talking to her suddenly got her even more hot and bothered. “Keep fucking me, but not another word!”

Alpha turned to look at Jason over her shoulder with lust raging behind her eyes.

“Please Jason,” she said quietly. “Please. I want all of you. I need it. I need you to fill my asshole with that big thing of yours. You’re the only one who knows how to fuck me right.”

Apparently, that was good enough because Jason pushed more of his shaft into her.

“Fuck YES!” she exclaimed, feeling the two giant cocks drilling up into her wet interior. The three bodies began gyrating in unison. With every cycle, Alpha’s compressed little tunnel swallowed up more of Jason into itself.

After a few minutes, both Jason and his hybrid counterpart were both balls deep within her. Alpha felt extremely stuffed. She was used to only one penis at a time, where her other hole would be able to compress to allow the other to expand. Having both her orifices filled was the most intense thing she had experienced to date.

“Oh fuuuuucking fuu…” she moaned over and over, in an excited but trance-like state, coming multiple times from two different erogenous zones at once.

“You’re so tight. Oh shit!” exclaimed Jason as his erection flexed inside her, shooting cum deep up her ass.

“Yes! Yes! Your cum feels so good in me!” Alpha declared, joining him in the climax.

Finally Jason’s orgasm wave was finished, but he was still rock hard inside her. He wasn’t done yet. He wanted to show her once and for all that he could never be replaced.

He slid out of her asshole. With a loud splurt, a river of cum rushed out behind it, flowing down her crack, onto her pussy and Beta, who had two handfuls of Alpha’s tits and didn’t seem to care.

“This ain’t over,” Jason said, standing up with his cum coated cock still raised at attention.

Alpha got off of Beta and went to Jason. Her legs were shaky. Apparently, this experience was taking even her enhanced hybrid biology to its limits. She kissed him deeply, her tongue communicating her gratitude for what he was doing to her.

“I’ll do anything you want Jason,” she begged. “Please can I have some more of you inside me? Please.”

“First, I need you to fuck Beta’s dick with your ass.”

She squatted down, hovering over Beta. The hybrid male put both his large hands on her ass to steady her, guiding his pole straight into her tiny opening. Even though Jason had stretched her out already, it was still a very snug fit for Beta’s girth. Both of them were still dripping with Jason’s cum.

Jason walked over and stuck his erection in Alpha’s face which she gratefully accepted.

“Glom! Glom! Glomk! Glonk!” she gagged as she throat fucked the front end of Jason’s cock and jerked off the base with her hand.

“Now lean back on Beta’s chest,” he instructed. Saliva and cum dripped from Alpha’s chin as she did as she was told.

“Beta scoop her legs back with your arms. I want you to fold her in half,” said Jason, giving his next directive.

“Do it!” Alpha confirmed breathlessly.

Jason lowered himself down toward Alpha’s wet swollen mound. Beta was jiggling her ass slowly back and forth on his dick.

“I want to hear how you really sound when I fuck you,” Jason said as he removed the tiny translators from his ears. He then spread her ass cheeks apart with his hands and plunged himself into her.

“µ∀∈∏∏∑Ω‡φξµµ~ζΨΛ!!!” she filled the chamber with the inhuman sounds of rapturous pleasure, getting double stuffed once.

Jason didn’t hold back, drilling into her forcefully while Beta held her down on top of him. He joined Alpha in loud screaming as he felt the familiar buildup of warm release approach.

His second load of cum ejaculated into her pussy, spilling out the sides and bottom of tightly wrapped her labia lips.

Finished, Jason pulled out pausing to admire his work as he placed the translation earbuds back in. Alpha’s vagina gaped open. Her cunt, crack, and asshole, were completely covered in his man cream. She looked delirious, her mind blown after receiving such a thorough fucking.

“I feel something!” Beta declared urgently. “What is happening?”

“You’re approaching orgasm,” explained Alpha. She was fatigued but roused at the thought of Beta having his first climax.

“Let me show you,” she said as she quickly dismounted him, then spun around and grabbed his massive veiny erection in both hands.

“Aaaaahhhhhgggg!” he roared as she was furious, pumping him.

Suddenly, it erupted in a giant splatter all over her face, neck, and chest. It was like nothing Jason had ever seen before. It was a thick lavender substance that was thick like blueberry yogurt. It just kept coming out of him wave after wave.

Finally, he was finished and Alpha dropped his cock which fell like an empty fire hose back on Beta’s stomach. The hole tip was widened out from the force or a gallon of jizz forcefully erupting through it

Alpha’s hair, face, and entire upper body were absolutely covered and dripping with Beta’s fresh warm dick batter. She looked shocked.

“Was that supposed to happen?” Jason asked. He didn’t think so from the look on Alpha’s spooge lathered face.

“Oh no,” said Alpha, suddenly concerned. Beta wasn’t moving.

“What’s wrong? Is he ok?” asked Jason, sensing Alpha’s unease.

“He’s dead,” she stated.

Jason felt bad for the guy. He had just started to develop a weird sort of kinship with the dude, and now he was gone. Well, Beta had only been alive for a short time, but at least he went out on a high note.

Meanwhile, Alpha was frozen in place as she considered what her Innuid superiors might do in response to her miscalculations. The late adjustments she made to his anatomy must have introduced a flaw in his design. Now her fate and that of her human lover were no longer in her control.

“I’m guessing this is bad for us,” Jason said, observing her stressed demeanor.

“Yes, Jason,” whispered Alpha, “it most definitely is.”

Written by jenna_faraday
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