Marga tickled her clit gently with her finger, imagining it was her lover, Isobela’s tongue. Her lips welcomed her finger, as it had her first penis exactly two years ago to the day, when she had given her virginity to Hector. Two years! She’d had a good first time, all told. She’d come at the second attempt.
If you had told her on the night of her first time, as she marveled at the sensations a hard penis stimulated inside her and experimented with vaginal clenching, rocking motions and positions, that two years later she would be having an affair with a woman, she would not have believed it.
But it was true. She had been to bed with Isobela twice now, and they were meeting the next night. And for their third tryst, Marga had a request to make.
Her vagina was starting to leak now, and she knew she would have to change the sheets. She closed her eyes and pictured Isobela’s naked body stretching away from her, as if she, Marga, were between her lover’s legs. She imagined Isobela’s pale naked belly at eye level, her soft breasts rising and falling gently. She recalled how Isobela breathed when she was aroused. She recalled how she smelt and tasted. The memory aroused Marga, and she sank blissfully back into her pillow as an orgasm flowered within her and her wet and slippery fingers pressed her clit and she murmured,
“Yes, Bella, yes!”
They met in the park and had a picnic in the sun. There were sandwiches and, especially, cheese. Isobela was a connoisseur of cheese, and she introduced Marga to a selection of new types she had never even heard of. They read poetry together and looked for pictures in the clouds. And, at last, the sun was going down and the time was approaching when they would go home to bed.
“Bella,” Marga said, “Later, can we try something new?”
“I’d like to have you sit on my face.”
Isobela laughed.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
The question threw Marga momentarily. She hadn’t thought there was anything even remotely unusual in the question.
“It’s…intimate. It’s immersive. I read about it.”
“Ha!” Isobela giggled. Marga frowned, realizing she had said something silly.
Isobela had known she was gay since puberty. She had never even looked at a guy, never mind done anything sexual with one. Marga, however, had had several boyfriends and was entirely new to the gay scene. The first tale in this series relates how they got together.
“You are so sweet, Marga,” said Isobela.
“Stop it! I’m new to this, I’m learning. What do you mean?”
“In… our world, face sitting can mean…one partner is dominant over the other. The one who is sat on is, in a way, submitting.”
“I like how you say, ‘our world’ like we’re in Harry Potter.”
Isobela giggled again.
“I don’t want to see you as a sub, Marga,” she said at last, “This is a relationship between equals.”
“You don’t have to. I don’t see it like that. I’m just… curious.”
Isobela looked at Marga. She found Marga very hot, in truth. She liked her silky brown hair and her cute acne that seemed to be fading almost by the day as she reached the final stages of her transition into womanhood. She liked her puppy fat and her thick, full breasts. Isobela, a mere slip of a woman in comparison, was deeply attracted to Marga’s shapely body.
And yet, she was not ready to let her in completely yet. She needed to be sure that Marga was all-in. That she wouldn’t just play around and decide she was straight after all and go back to guys.
“Alright. You’re on. But you tell me to get off the minute you get uncomfortable, okay?”
Marga nodded eagerly.
They made love in the shower first. Marga watched as Isobela disrobed, still not quite used to being naked with anyone, never mind a woman. Isobela’s skin really was extraordinarily pale, but her thighs and buttocks were lithe and tight and Marga could not take her eyes off her ass as she stepped into the shower.
They soaped and sponged each other’s bodies. They nibbled each other’s nipples. They caressed each other’s buttocks and rubbed their torsos together as the water cascaded down them. Isobela paid particular attention to Marga’s breasts. She loved the feel of them on her lips. They were soft and firm, like water balloons, and when Isobela pressed close to Marga’s breasts, her scent filled her nose.
For Marga, it was Isobela’s neck and belly that she found hottest. She sought out the mole on the left side of Bella’s neck and kissed it warmly. And Bella’s navel was a thing of beauty to her. Isobela’s belly button was deep and curved like a crescent moon, but she wore a piercing that accentuated the shadows in the sea of pale skin around it.
When they were dry, they went to the bed. Marga lay on her back, trembling with anticipation.
“You’re sure you want to do this?”
Isobela got onto the bed, straddling Marga at her chest. Her weight pressed lightly on her breasts.
“Safe word is Lover. Say that, and I’ll get off immediately, okay?”
Marga hadn’t thought they would need a safe word.
Marga watched as Bella shuffled forward, each step carrying her inviting pussy closer to her lips. Marga caught her scent, that increasingly familiar scent of her vagina that turned her on just with a whiff…
Isobela’s vagina eased up to her face. Marga leaned up with her neck, but Isobela said,
“No, to do this you have to lie flat.”
Marga lay back and Isobela’s vagina heaved above her and lowered down, so it was just half an inch from her face. And then it was pressing down gently onto her, and the hairs were stringy on her nose, and it was like she was kissing a boy with a moustache in high school…

Marga was breathing through her mouth as the weight of Isobela’s body was moving up and down above her. Isobela was squatting, but dipping down occasionally, and when she did that, she was close to blocking Marga’s nose. Wow, this was intense. She eased her tongue upward, searching for her clit at this new, unfamiliar angle.
She didn’t want to admit it, but it wasn’t very comfortable. She now saw why being sat on could be seen as a submissive act, but it was too late to protest; she’d asked for this. Marga closed her eyes and focused on pleasuring Bella. She reached around and grabbed Isobela’s ass. Marga, with her eyes closed, was picturing Bella’s cunt from the regular angle, trying to sense where her clit should be when approached from below.
Marga was very glad when Isobela said,
“Lick down, towards your chin and to the left. Gently first. You’re doing well.”
Marga swept her tongue in the direction requested and was glad to hear Isobela give a gentle moan of pleasure. She repeated the stroke five, six, seven times and was rewarded with more gentle encouragement. This was hot, she suddenly realized. The scent and the taste of Isobela’s pussy was overwhelming at this proximity. Bella’s feminine odor and moans were turning Marga on, and between her legs she felt a growing desire to be touched. Perhaps if she waited her turn…
Now that she knew better how to navigate from below, Marga closed her eyes. In shallow breaths, for she could take no deeper with Bella’s pussy pressing lightly on her, she explored her lover’s insides and was rewarded with thin trickles of cum that started to leak out around her lips and onto her nose. Marga gave Bella’s clit a few sucks, and her partner gave an “Oh!”.
“Like that! I’m coming!”
The warmth of Isobela’s body was making Marga sweat, and she clasped Bella’s bottom tightly as she licked. Her lover was breathing very heavily now and, some minutes later, she cried,
“Oh! Yes, let’s go!” and Marga knew her orgasm had started. Proud she had made it happen first time, she was newly encouraged and went back to sucking on Isobela’s clit, and Bella squealed with pleasure.
Isobela got up and punched the air.
“I’ve found a face sitter!” she cried happily, then she laughed and turned to Marga. Instead of a soft, gentle and loving expression, Isobela found her lover’s eyes wide and focused. Isobela realized Marga was aroused to the point of desperation.
“Please, please. It’s my turn. Touch me, Bella! Touch me!”
Isobela nodded and indicated the bed. Marga pulled a pillow under her head and opened her legs. Looking up, she saw Isobela’s naked body with her flour white skin, her petite breasts hanging lower than normal as she lowered herself onto her front between Marga’s legs. Marga felt Bella’s lips press moist against her inner thighs. She felt a finger tickle her at the top of her pussy and the tongue strum gently at the bottom. Marga’s body responded immediately…she could already feel that, if Bella kept this up, orgasm was only a matter of time.
But at that moment, Marga suddenly missed a particular ability a man had; when her ex-boyfriend’s cock had been inside her, he had been able to kiss her at the same time. She wanted to kiss at that moment, wanted it badly, but she was unable to bring herself to ask Bella to stop licking her vagina. And who could blame her? Experienced Bella’s administration of cunnilingus was getting better every time, now that she was learning Marga’s preferences and hot spots. In fact, she wasn’t far now. That tongue was being supplemented by a finger and her clitoris was trembling…
Oh, but a part of her still wanted a penis in there! She’d have to ask Bella about toys. Yes. That was the solution. Loving oral from a woman, supplemented with a make-believe dick. Or they could invite a guy…no, Bella would never agree to that. But toys…
Now, Marga felt Bella’s tongue increase speed. Marga reached down and pinched her nipples, oh she’d have given anything for a kiss then, but it still felt so, so good…
Marga’s orgasm began at six forty-five and fifteen seconds. First, there was a burst of pleasure and she squealed, but a few seconds later, a far stronger wave surged out and she jerked her neck back and cried aloud.
“Oh! Oh!”
The first orgasm had lasted fifteen seconds. Marga put her hands on Bella’s head to guide her away, but Bella, looking up, said,
“Keep coming, sweetheart. You can stack orgasms if you relax and let your body do the work. When the first one finishes, close your eyes and think of something completely different. Like being on a beach. If you try and come again, it won’t work. Take your mind to another place.”
Bella went back down on Marga. Marga closed her eyes and pictured her and Bella sitting together on a beach. The sea was lapping around their feet and there were birds overhead and it was as if they were the only two people in the world. It was such a lovely picture that Marga half forgot that she was being pleasured down below. It was so blissful, in fact, that, closing her eyes, she almost dozed off on the bed, even as her pussy was being licked. She imagined the air playing across her naked skin.
Her vagina had not forgotten that it was being attended to, however, for five minutes later she was on the brink of coming again. Marga thought to herself that Bella’s tongue was like a wonderful instrument created by God to bring her ecstasy. She was breathing harder now, and occasionally she would exclaim,
“Oh!” and “Ah!” and “Mm mm” and as her second orgasm approached, Bella knew where to lick and when to suck, and Marga found herself imagining Bella’s saliva mixing with her pussy juices to make a cocktail that would warm her whole body, a cocktail they could sip together on that beach, and still Bella licked her…
Building on the foundations of the first one, Marga’s second orgasm lifted her to heights she had never reached before, and she lost control of her body, jerking up off her ass and it was as if her breasts had tried to escape her body, so violently did they bounce up and down, and she screamed for joy, and the man listening from his bedroom in the next door apartment was jerking his penis hard as he listened to her come, so in a sense Isobela gifted three orgasms to two people that night, although the two girls never knew that their lonely neighbour produced a pool of jizz as a result of their lovemaking…
The two young women kissed for a while, then Marga put her head on Bella’s shoulder.
“You know, I read some girls like anilingus,” Marga said softly.
Isobela nodded, but said, “Not for me, sorry.”
“Oh, me neither. I was just saying…”
There was a rather awkward silence.
“Bella, do you have any… toys?”
Isobela laughed.
“Now you’re talking my language! I’ll make a lesbian out of you yet, Marga!”
Marga nestled her face on Isobela’s shoulder, breathing in her lover’s scent and feeling the wetness in her own post-orgasm pussy. At length, she dozed off, thinking on what an unexpected turn in her life this same sex relationship was and wondering what the next stage in their journey together would be.