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Windows [Part 3 of 3]

"The thrilling conclusion, which is really just one great big awesome sex scene."

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Beth crossed the street, and entered the door that led up the flight of stairs. As she climbed, she filmed herself with her iphone, unfastening the buttons of her jacket. On the screen, razr242/Jessup was no longer lying on his bed, but sitting straight up at the edge of it. By the time she reached the top, her coat was hanging fully open.

'Let's see him ignore me now,' she thought to herself as she knocked loudly on door B.

She saw him in the window of her phone stand and scurry out of the frame, his erection wagging comically back and forth. She didn't know what he was doing in there as she waited for what seemed like the longest two minutes of her life. She almost thought he'd simply refuse to answer, and pretend like he wasn't home. She was just about to knock again, when she heard the tumbling of locks.

The door flew open, and Jessup was standing there in his glasses, an old faded black T-shirt and a pair of pajama bottoms. She noticed they did little to hide the outline of his still semi-hard cock.

"Beth?" Jessup asked.

“Are you going to let me in, or do I have to take this off here?” Beth shook her shoulders a bit, making her breasts bounce and sending the open coat sliding down her arms. “Or maybe you want the show right here? Is that it?”

She slid one hand down her chest and stomach, then let her fingers disappear between her legs. By now, the coat hung uselessly on her lower arms, doing nothing but showcasing her nudity. She let it drop to the floor. Her fingertips grazed her clit through her own wetness. Beth threw back her head and moaned loudly.

"Jesus Christ, Beth!" Jessup whispered angrily. "The fucking neighbours!"

He grabbed her arm and pulled her forcefully into his apartment. She stumbled backwards and fell onto his sofa. Jessup picked up her jacket from the floor of the hallway, threw it inside, and then slammed the door shut behind him. As he turned towards her, she laughed at him.

"What the hell is this?" Jessup demanded. She'd never seen him so mad. Despite this, she also noticed that he was no longer just semi-hard; his cock was now straining against the thin material of his pajama pants. The outline of the head was clearly visible through the fabric. She wanted to drop to her knees right then and there, and taste him. But she refused to let him get off that easily. No, he was going to suffer before she let him have that pleasure.

“I think someone mentioned tongue fucking this,” Beth whispered as she spread her legs apart showing him her glistening pussy lips.

"You? You're Emma?" Jessup asked incredulously. He tumbled the deadbolt on the door to his apartment, and crossed the living room.

"In the flesh," Beth answered, slightly giggling at her own pun. She let her finger glide across the slippery length of her slit.

Jessup fell onto the couch next to her. His left hand moved up her throat to her chin, pushing her head back. She could feel its firmness, and for an instant Beth wondered if he was going to choke her. Instead, Jessup kissed her neck, sending a little shock through her body. He started to kiss slowly across her shoulders. She allowed herself to briefly enjoy the sensation of his touch for the first time, before pushing him back. He looked at her with confusion as she stood, and leaned over him. She planted a hand flat on his chest. Jessup opened his mouth to protest, but Beth put her fingers over his lips.

“No. You owe me an apology for ignoring me earlier.”

"But, how- I didn't know-"

"Shh... " she quieted him. Jessup attempted to stand, but she pushed him back into the couch. Finally, he relaxed.

"Good," she continued after he'd settled. "Now, there's something I've been dying to see in person for over a month. Show it to me."

Hesitantly, Jessup slid his pajama bottoms down from his hips. His erection caught on the elastic waistband, and then catapulted upward, slapping against his lower abdomen. It looked even more amazing in real life than it did on the screen. Beth lowered herself to her knees between Jessup's legs to get a closer look. Her face was only an inch away from it, her warm breath flowing across the swollen head.

Jessup leaned forward, and grabbed a handful of her right breast, squeezing it firmly. As much as she loved the feeling of being touched by him, Beth pulled back and swatted his hand.

"Ah ah ah!" she scolded him. "You don't get to touch until I've decided to accept your apology."

"But-" Jessup whined, making another feeble attempt for her chest.

"No!" Beth reprimanded him. She slapped his hand away, and then pushed him hard back into the couch. "And no touching yourself either. Let's see how you like it when you don't get enough attention."

Jessup helplessly settled once more. His T-shirt hung down to the base of his cock. His pajama bottoms were around his knees, and his cock pointed skyward like an antenna picking up signals from the air. Beth, climbed onto the couch, and stood over the professor. Her hairless pussy was inches from his face now. She saw his hands lift slightly from the couch again, but this time they simply fell back again. Good.

"Do you see what you've done to me?" she asked. Beth spread her pussy lips apart with her fingers so Jessup could observe how wet she was. She allowed her middle finger to dip inside herself. When it came out again it was coated in her juices.

"Tell me again how much you wanted to taste my pussy?"

"More than anything," Jessup answered as if he were in a trance.

"Really? Well, okay, here's just a little taste."

Beth bent forward, and touched her wet finger to Jessup's upper lip just below his nostrils. Jessup tilted his head slightly. Beth allowed her finger to enter his mouth. He gently sucked her juices from it, letting his tongue flick over the tip, and slide across its length. Beth thought about how that tongue would feel on her clit, and a fresh wave of arousal washed over her. But she wasn't about to give in yet.

Instead, she turned and bent over so her ass was in his face. Her hands were on his chest, and her hair brushed against his navel. Slowly she slid down his body until her lips hovered over his cock. It was as hard as she'd ever seen it. She opened her mouth, letting it descend on the thick head, as she exhaled deeply on it. She took in just the tip, no more. Her lips closed around it. Her tongue brushed against the hole at the top.

Almost instinctively, Jessup attempted to thrust himself further into her mouth. Beth pulled away, and swatted his cock.

"Not yet!" she admonished him.

"Please," Jessup begged, looking miserable.

"No," Beth said firmly. In truth, she didn't know if she could resist him much longer.

She slid further down Jessup's body, until her swollen clit encountered the base of his swollen cock. She began to grind against it. Jessup groaned at the sensation of her hot wet pussy on his rigid erection. He shifted his hips, attempting to press the tip past her opening. It took an amazing force of will not to take him deep inside of herself.

"Fuck," Jessup swore, as Beth maneuvered herself off him, and collapsed on the couch. He rolled over, facing her. His cock, wet with her arousal, brushed against her thigh. "Please, this is killing me. I need to be inside you, right now."

"I haven't forgiven you just yet," Beth said.

She put her hands on his shoulders, and pushed him down to his knees. For once, he did what she wanted without resistance. His hands skimmed down her sides before resting on her hips. Beth grasped his wrists, but made no strong objection. Encouraged, he began to kiss along the line of her hip bones, descending towards her navel. As he nibbled a little at her over-sensitive skin, the last of her restraint melted away.

Beth slipped her fingers through Jessup’s curly hair, grasping it in both fists. Gently, but firmly she pushed his head down a few inches. He laughed, knowing he'd been victorious, and had broken her will in the end. Her anger started to rise again, but then his tongue flicked out over her wet, swollen clit, causing an electric thrill that made her legs weak, and all other thoughts faded away. Jessup caught her hips, pulling her further into him as his mouth went to work. He didn’t play around or tease her as she'd done to him. Instead, he concentrated his attention exactly where she needed it.

Her body tensed. Little moans escaped her throat as his tongue skillfully darted around her clit. In what seemed like no time, Beth could feel herself approaching the edge of her control. She tightened her hands in his hair, trying to pull him away. Jessup's dark eyes looked through his glasses up into her face. He simply shook his head, and dug his hands into her hips, holding her even more securely against his face.

He continued to lick, suck, and lightly graze her with his teeth. His breath came hard and warm from his nostrils against the smooth skin above her pussy, and then cool as he deeply inhaled her hot humid scent. It was the teeth that drove her past the point of no return. A fine trembling started in her core muscles, and radiated throughout her body as the orgasm hit full force. She cried out loudly, as the sensation consumed her. Jessup licked slower now, just enough to keep her coming, over and over again. Finally, too sensitive to take any more, she pushed his head away from her.

Jessup slowly kissed his way up her stomach, chest, and throat before kissing her full on the mouth. She kissed him back languidly, savouring the taste of herself on his tongue, and basking in the after-glow of the orgasm that had shattered her. After a short time, he pulled back, and looked deep into her eyes.

Smiling, Beth breathed, “Okay, apology accepted.”

Jessup stood and smiled down at her sardonically. "Good," he said. "I've played along with your little game, now you're going to play mine."

"And what game is that, Dr. Jessup?" Beth asked, noticing that all the usual fumbling and hesitation had disappeared from his voice.

"Call me razr," Jessup instructed. "You've been a bad student. Very bad. You've spied on me, interrupted me, bothered me at home, stalked me, and attempted to seduce me. Entirely inappropriate behaviour for a little college student towards her teacher. And I think it's high time you get what's coming to you."

Jessup crossed the room to his desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a pair of scissors. Beth watched as he placed them on top of the desk, and pulled his t-shirt over his head, fully revealing the body that had become such a familiar sight online. Jessup used the scissors to cut a long, wide strip from the bottom of the T-shirt.

"Put this on," Jessup commanded.

"But... what are you going to do?" Beth asked feeling the first tingling of anxiety. It had been different when she was in control, but now in front of this new Jessup, she felt just like a vulnerable little girl. It was like Dr. Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde, or Dr. Jessup and Mr. razr.

"Put it on, or this is over."

Beth considered the ultimatum, feeling a little fearful, but she couldn't leave without feeling that cock inside her. She'd cum so often fantasizing about it, she knew the curiosity would eat her alive. The world went dark as she tied the strip of fabric across her eyes. Soon after, she felt his hands, at the back of her head. A quick hard tug pulled the blindfold tight across the bridge of her nose. His hands moved to the front of her face, arranging the fabric so he was certain she couldn't see. She could feel his breath against her cheeks.

"How's that?" he asked.

"Tight," Beth answered timidly.


His hand caressed her cheek, and slipped under her chin, gently tilting her head upward. Then his lips were at hers. He kissed her deeply. Beth had to admit that not being able to see him was a turn-on. Her other senses were heightened. And at the same time she felt like she was at his mercy. He could do whatever he wanted to her.

"Stand," Jessup ordered.

Beth stood. She reached out for him, hoping to find that amazing cock. Instead Jessup clutched her wrist. He pulled her slowly, but not too gently, guiding her around the furniture of his living room. She silently followed him. They went straight for several paces, then made a right turn. Finally, they came to a stop as her leg struck something soft. 'Bed!' her mind filled in the blank. Suddenly, in her imagination she could see the room with the green paint, the blue bed sheets, and the Hopper painting.

She felt Jessup's grip on her wrist loosen. She turned, with her arms stretched out to feel for him. Eventually she found his face, at about waist level, which moved beneath her touch. She felt his cheek, then his lips, then the sensation was warm and moist. Jessup sucked each of her fingers in turn, ending and lingering on her thumb.

His hand appeared at the small of her back, while the other pressed against her lower abdomen.

"Bend over," Jessup commanded.

Tentatively, Beth bent. Jessup guided her to lean further forward. Beth was scared she'd lose her balance, but his surprisingly strong hands supported her. Finally, Beth was lying on her stomach across Jessup's thighs, her breasts hanging on one side of him, while her bare ass was in the air on the other side. She wasn't sure what would come next, but the feeling of his hot erection, pushing eagerly against the bottom of her rib cage excited her.

Jessup's hand gently caressed and cupped her left buttock. Then her right. He squeezed them. His fingers teasingly dipped into the sopping wet place between her thighs.

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She squirmed a little in his lap, trying to entice him to go further. From the other side of the room, there was a loud unexpected dinging noise.

Beth had just enough time to mentally register, 'webcam!' before Jessup raised his hand, and swiftly brought it back down, palm open, on her right buttock. Whap!

"Ow!" Beth cried out in surprise.

A sudden stinging heat radiated out from where his hand had landed and now rested. The sound of dinging came again. Then again. Jessup’s hand began to softly caress and soothe her butt cheek, as the dinging continued.

Whap! Whap!

Two more sudden quick spanks in succession. She imagined a bright red hand print clearly visible on her ass. The pain was sharp, but not unbearably so. In fact, Beth decided she actually enjoyed it. It made her feel deliciously naughty to have this older man take her over his knee and smack her bottom. The fact that he was doing it on cam where anyone could see made it even hotter, especially because she couldn't see them.

"This is what happens to bad students, Emma," Jessup whispered in her ear. "They need to be disciplined."


The left cheek this time. Beth cried out again, savoring the strange mixture of pleasure and pain. After each spank, she felt Jessup's hand softly rubbing the stinging spot. His erection seemed to throb and grow even harder in her side. She was more than ready to feel it inside her. Jessup had other plans, though.

"Stand," Jessup finally instructed her after half a dozen hard smacks on each cheek.

As she got to her feet, she felt Jessup's hands on her hips. He spun her around so that she was facing him. She stayed that way for a minute, and then Jessup firmly grabbed her butt with both hands, spreading her cheeks apart. Beth could feel her lips parting with his rough handling of her ass. The dinging noises continued, coming more frequently.

Jessup leaned forward, and kissed her stomach, pulling her into him. He slowly planted a trail of kisses down her navel until he was just above where she wanted to feel him most. Frustratingly, he stopped and stood. He spun Beth around again, so she was facing the other direction, and then lay her down on the bed with her legs hanging over the side.

She felt him hovering over her, sensed his beautiful cock dangling so close to where she needed it, and yet not touching her. Instead his mouth fell onto her left breast. Kissing, sucking, teasing the nipple with his tongue, allowing his teeth to gently graze it. Then he moved to the other breast, giving it similar treatment.

"Razr, that feels so nice..."

"Shh," he quieted her. "Stay where you are. Don't move."

Suddenly he was gone. Beth's hands began to explore her body - from her breasts where Jessup's mouth had just been, down to her wet pussy that ached for his cock. She was unsure where Jessup was. She began to rub at her swollen clit, not knowing if he was observing her, let alone who might be watching on webcam. Her pussy simply needed attention. The dinging sounds did not subside.

A minute later there was a rattling, clinking sound. She felt Jessup climb back onto the mattress, and place something on the other side of her.

"I thought I told you not to move, Emma," Jessup scolded her.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Razr," Beth apologized. "I couldn't help myself."

"You're a very naughty girl, aren't you?"

"Mmm, yes I am. I'm a bad student."

A drop of something cold and wet splashed on to her breast, causing Beth to shudder and inhale sharply. Another drop followed, and then she felt something glassy against her nipple. An ice cube. Her already hard nipple stiffened even further at the sensation. Jessup trailed the ice cube across her chest to the other breast, and then applied his mouth again to it. He continued to alternate the freezing sensation of the ice cube with the warmth of his mouth on one breast, and then the other. She felt the cool drops of water running down, tickling her sides, and soaking into the bed sheets.

When the ice cube had completely melted, he reached to the container he'd placed on the other side of her and fetched another. With this, he began to draw slow shapes across her entire body, from her arms to her lips, across her stomach, down one thigh, and up the other, passing over her hot clit and pausing there. Beth shivered as much at the coldness between her legs, as with the anticipation of what was to come. Jessup, ran the ice cube over her slit, and pushed it inside of her. She felt the cube melt and mix with her own juices as they ran out of her. As the dinging intensified so did her arousal.

Beth couldn't take any more of this teasing. She felt beside her for the container with the ice, and popped a cube into her mouth. She then scooted off of the bed. She heard Jessup chuckle, and then the springs of the mattress creak softly as he lay back. Beth was now kneeling between his knees. She traced her fingertips up his legs, amazed at how much her sense of touch was intensified by the blindfold.

Beth leaned down until her lips found his skin. She started to slowly kiss and lick up the inside of his thigh, allowing the ice cube to brush against his skin. As she moved higher, she could feel the little tremors already starting in his muscles. Well, turn-about is fair play, she thought to herself. She moved from side to side, paying attention to each leg as she slowly progressed towards her goal.

She could hear Jessup’s breath coming faster as her mouth moved higher. It seemed as if she could taste the anticipation and need on his skin. Finally, she found the base of his cock. Her lips brushed a slow, wet line up from the base to the tip. By now what had remained of the ice cube had melted in her mouth. Her lips parted slightly and the water washed out over his cock and balls.

"Fuck," Jessup breathed.

Unable to wait any longer, Beth took the warm head of his cock in her frozen mouth. The dinging was almost constant now, but Beth was no longer paying attention to it. Instead, she concentrated entirely on Jessup. Her dark hair fell in a curtain around her face. Jessup grabbed it loosely and wrapped it around his hand. She waited a few heartbeats, but he didn’t attempt to control her movements. Maybe he was just making sure his viewers were getting the full show. She could hear his breathing getting louder, deeper, more rhythmic.

Beth began to lick and suck lightly, relishing the smell and taste of him, the amazing silky texture of his skin over the impossible hardness. She wrapped her hand around the base of him and began to descend slowly, sucking gently as she went. Her lips met her hand, and she moved back up, keeping her movements slow. Then, back down again. This time she moved her hand out of the way, sucking more and more of him into her mouth. The tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, but she kept going, determined to take all seven and a half inches of him in. Jessup groaned loudly, and a slight tremor ran through his body.

He pulled her off of him, fighting to keep control of his orgasm. Beth sat back on her heels and waited, listening. A minute passed, then two. She could hear his breath slowing as he came back from the edge. She allowed herself a smile and a small giggle.

"Aw, am I too much for you, razr?" she asked him teasingly.

In response Jessup stood, pulling Beth roughly to her feet. He kissed her hard, running his hands up her stomach until his thumbs reached the undersides of her breasts. He slid his hands over them, sending a shock through her body when his palms brushed her hard nipples. Then he grabbed her by the waist, spun her around and pushed her back onto the bed. He then grasped her behind the knees and pulled her to the edge. She lay back, disoriented by the sudden change in position.

After a short minute, she felt Jessup above her again. He pushed her knees apart forcefully and positioned himself between them. Beth felt the tip of his cock touch her clit, and she moaned loudly. Her back arched at the sensation she'd been waiting weeks to feel. He slid himself down her drenched slit to her entrance with agonizing yet delicious slowness. He let out a moan of his own as he pushed into her, sliding in millimeter by millimeter until she felt the base of him against her opening.

“Fuck me, Razr!" Beth demanded in an urgent whisper. "I need you to fuck me. Right now!”

With that, Jessup's hard cock pulled out almost the entire length and then slammed back into her. Beth squealed involuntarily, surprised by the force of it. Jessup began to piston in and out of her pussy. She could hear it making wet squishy noises, and the sound turned her on even more.

Jessup leaned over her and kissed her, almost hard enough to bruise her lips. One hand cupped a breast and squeezed. His thumb rubbed over her nipple in exactly the same way he’d seen her do for him time and time again. She gasped against his mouth, and raked her nails down his back.

Jessup broke the kiss. His hard rhythmic pumping slowed, as he reached behind Beth's head and undid the knot there. The strip of fabric fell away from her eyes, and she blinked at the light several times before she could focus.

Jessup was standing at the end of the bed between her thighs, balls-deep inside of her. He was holding a camera in front of his face. On the other side of the room was a computer monitor. The screen showed a window reflecting her own image back at her. Beside this was a quickly scrolling chat window. Beth couldn't read what people were saying, nor did she care. She was too caught up in the moment.

"Here," Jessup said, handing her the camera. "Shoot it from your perspective." He flipped the viewing screen on the camera around so he could observe what she was shooting, and then pointed it at where their genitals intersected. "Perfect," he concluded.

Before Beth could respond, Jessup resumed his thrusting. Everything else was driven out of her mind but the feeling of his amazing seven and a half inch cock inside of her. She looked down her body as he pushed himself impossibly further inside her, hitting spots that had rarely been touched. Beth began to rock her hips in time to his movements, clamping down on him every time he pushed fully inside her.

After several minutes, Jessup pulled out of her. He gripped his cock tightly around the base, fighting back his urge to cum. After a minute, he recovered. He took the camera back from Beth, and instructed her to get on to her hands and knees. She felt Jessup's cock between her buttocks, sliding past her asshole, and re-entering her pussy from behind. He slipped in easily, and Beth let out a low husky groan. This new position allowed him to fill her in a totally different way.

Beth reached down with one hand to rub her clit. The other she used to steady herself against Jessup's hard thrusts. She began to breath exclamations in time to his pumping: "Oh god! Fuck! Shit! Yes! God!" She looked behind to see Jessup filming himself going in and out of her hole. He attempted to reach beneath her to shoot a close-up shot, but the position was too awkward and he slipped out of her.

Beth flipped over onto her back again, her legs spread wide for him. Jessup was immediately back inside of her. He now held the camera just inches from her pussy as he repeatedly pounded it with his hard cock. His balls slapped against her ass with every thrust. In almost no time she felt her orgasm building as the heat rose between them. She could feel the little tremors beginning low in her body, and knowing that Jessup could feel them too pushed her over the edge.

She wrapped her long legs around him, pulling him as deep as she could inside her. Her body began to shake and twitch around his amazing cock. Beth’s back arched and she threw her head back, growling as the orgasm hit her full force. She heard Jessup’s groans through her own moaning and cries, and she could feel him twitching inside her, fighting for control. She screamed as she came, rocking her hips, clenching him hard inside her.

At that, Jessup’s self-control finally crumbled. His entire body went rigid, and she felt his cock twitching uncontrollably inside her. He made one final hard thrust, and then exploded inside of her. It was the most intense orgasm she'd witnessed in a guy. His face scrunched up, as hips snapped into her with each contraction. She could actually feel his cum- not just a dribble or squirt, either- shooting deep into her pussy. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he collapsed on top of her, completely spent.

Beth wrapped her arms around him and rolled them onto their sides. He rested inside her, while filming her chest moving up and down with her breathing. She savoured the feeling of him as the last lingering hardness of his cock faded away. They lay together, gasping and quivering in a post-orgasmic glow. Beth giggled to herself.

"Hm, what?" Jessup asked.

"The score is three-two now," Beth said, "But it was a close one."

Jessup shrugged, and finally slipped out of her. He got up, placed the camera onto the tripod standing in the corner, and went to his computer. He typed a few lines into the chat window, clicked several times, and then closed the screen. He returned to the bed, and gently kissed her throat and collarbones.

"So, um, what now?" Jessup asked.

"Now, nothing," Beth replied. "Let's not talk about it now."

"Er... alright."

Jessup lay back. Beth turned and rested her head on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair as she drifted into a contented sleep beneath the painting of the girl in the pink dress looking out the window.

Written by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
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