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The Public Art Exhibition - Part Eight.

"Sally and Sue discuss the whole event. Sally goes home and Sue begins a new chapter of her life, completely naked."

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Chapter Eleven.

I put on another dress after my shower. As much as I would have loved to have been naked again I just didn't think it would be right.

I went looking for Sally afterwards and found her back in the office looking at videos again.

“You know, Mum, as much as I didn't ask the tech guys to put a camera inside the cube I'm beginning to think that that may be the more interesting story.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah, I mean, I have just had a look through some of the other people's recordings and you would be surprised at the way people behave when they think they can't be seen.”

After my own experience, I doubted that anything would shock me at this point.

“Was I the worst? Did anyone else... Well, did anyone else do anything, ahh, that extreme?”

Sally looked at me with a grin.

“Enough to make a highlight reel if I'm being honest. I mean, you know that Luke did don't you?”

“Well, yeah, that was kind of what sent me over the edge after all.”

“I was wondering about that. How did you know?”

“I could smell it for a start. It may have been a while for me but you don't forget what cum smells like.”

Sally smiled and then chuckled.

“Yeah, I thought that was what I could smell in there when I got in, but then, I could smell yours too and I knew straight away what that was. It was too much like my own to not know.”

I could feel myself blushing again.

“So to answer your question, Mum, yes. Astoundingly, almost everyone in some way or another. Some just seemed to pick up on the pheromones in there and were fidgety. Some were more physical about it but not just letting it all go. Some though, well, let's just say that you and Luke weren't the only ones that really let go in there.”

Once again the tingles were returning. I wanted to see how many people were willing to let it all go as Luke and I had. Apparently, I was a voyeur as much as I was an exhibitionist. I wanted to see it all, I just wasn't sure if I could deal with the fallout of that right now. I was so tired emotionally, I didn't think I could take it.

Sally seemed to be reading my mind again.

“I think the best thing for me to do is begin editing this and I can make a copy just for you if you like.”

She knew I wanted one, she just wanted to hear me say it.

“Would that be alright? I don't want it to be a conflict for you.”

“Who's going to know? I'm certainly not going to tell anyone.”

I grinned as I thought about all the mischief people had got up to in the cube.

“You know, that cube is almost like a magic portal in some ways.”

Sally furrowed her brow as she focused on me instead of the screen.

“How so?”

“Well, it kind of transports people to a space where they are free of almost all constraints. There is no real conscience involved in their actions. They feel free to behave however they want. There is little to no fear of being caught or having their behaviour questioned so it creates a vacuum of sorts. Some people realise that there will be no consequences to their behaviour so long as it doesn't extend beyond the walls of the cube so they push the limits of how they would behave if those societal rules didn't exist. If it was for an extended period, those behaviours would ease off somewhat as they lost their initial excitement value. I find it very interesting and it would be interesting to see if those behaviours would be different if the parameters changed. Say for example the cube was bigger or other things were in the cube. How would those behaviours change if another person was introduced, would it be different if the people knew each other prior? There are lots of different things you could add or subtract to see what the results would be. It would be fascinating to extend the experiment. You could potentially create a new society if you wanted to.”

Sally was watching me fascinated as I rambled on. Then when I finished my thoughts she smiled and shook her head.

“You know what, Mum? I think you just wrote my final report for this. A big chunk of it anyway. That's exactly what I have had floating in my mind. Initially, this was about the way people behaved towards art in a public place but it has become more than that. It has become more about the behaviour of the art in a sense.”

Sally opened a word document and began typing almost word for word what I had just said before she forgot any of it. Pretty quickly I realised she was now lost in what she was writing and so focused on it that everything else had ceased to exist. I smiled to myself as I backed quietly out of the room and left her to it. I knew from experience that she probably wouldn't surface again for a few hours.

I made myself a cup of tea and went outside to sit in the last hour or so of sunshine that the day had to offer before it went down past the neighbour's roofline. It would still be daylight for hours after that but I wanted to feel the rays kiss my skin again before it did.

I pulled up the deck chair I had on the paved area. There was only one window where any neighbours could see me and as those neighbours were away at the moment I might as well be on a deserted island. I stripped my dress off and lay back in the chair enjoying my cuppa and the warmth of the sun on my skin.

Before I knew it, Sally was shaking me gently by the shoulder. I looked around and the sun was well past the neighbour's roof. I was mildly disoriented as I looked around trying to adjust to the fact that I had somehow skipped two hours of the afternoon.

“Are you okay, Mum?”

“Hmm, yeah, I must have fallen asleep.”

Sally giggled as she nodded.

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“Sorry, Sally, I was going to cook dinner tonight but it's probably a bit late to start cooking now.”

“I started ages ago, Mum. I saw the ingredients there so I started making it myself. I decided to let you snooze.”

“That's good of you. Thanks for doing that.”

I was still feeling a bit groggy and disoriented. I suspect the wine on top of falling asleep in the afternoon was contributing to it. I followed Sally back inside and sat on the stool and watched as she got the dinner ready. It felt strange to be waited on in my own home. Not that Sally never made dinner when she was living here but it had been quite a while now since she had lived here and you tend to get into a routine when you live on your own.

After dinner, Sally and I went back outside and sat there enjoying the evening air.

“Do you get nervous that someone will see you, Mum?”

I looked around at the neighbour's houses and pointed to the only one with a view.

“That window up there is the only one that can see into the yard. It's their spare bedroom so they rarely go in there. Besides, I happen to know that they are away for a while as they asked me to keep an eye on the place.”

I smiled to myself as I remembered the show I had put on for Ian, albeit somewhat unintentionally. Perhaps when they come home I might just forget that I can be seen from that window and spend a little more naked time in the yard. I felt a tingle go through me at the thought.

“So none of the other neighbours can see into the yard? What about that window over there?”

She pointed to the house behind us and the only window on that side of the house. It's a small frosted window and I had never seen it open once in the entire time I had lived here which was the majority of Sally's life.

“That's their bathroom window, as you know. It's frosted glass and I have never seen it open, have you? Probably doesn't open.”

I could see her thinking then she stood up and walked down to the back of the yard. It wasn't far as it wasn't a large backyard. She looked around trying to see all the windows in the neighbourhood and confirmed what she had probably already known, there were not many houses in this neighbourhood that faced this way. She smiled and stripped her dress off. She was completely naked underneath it having not bothered with any underwear since having her shower. She strode back to me, blushing the whole time. She turned around and sat back down on her chair.

“You know, it is kind of nice and a bit exciting to sit outside completely naked isn't it.”

“I certainly enjoy it. If I am being totally honest with you though, I kind of like the fact that somebody might see me out here. It's exciting.”

Sally thought about it for a few moments then looked over to me.

“What would you do if it got a negative response though?”

“I guess it would depend on what it was and who it was.”

“Well, what if Ian and his wife come over and say something about it.”

I grinned remembering Ian's response to my pizza delivery outfit.

“I would remind Ian that he had seen it all before and ask why it was a problem now?”

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Sally looked shocked. I realised that her mind had jumped to a different conclusion and I had to make sure she understood.


“No no, nothing like that. I haven't had an affair with a married man ever. I was just playing a bit of a game and thought of revealing a bit to a pizza delivery driver. You know, kind of a self-dare type thing. Well, let's just say it didn't go to plan. It was Ian and not the driver knocking on the door, and then the driver turned up who turned out to be an older woman and not some young bloke and it all got quite awkward. It didn't stop Ian from taking a long thorough look though.”

Sally burst out laughing.

“Oh god, Mum. That's hilarious.”

I too began to laugh. Looking at it from someone else's perspective it is pretty comical.

“I am curious as to whether he told Cindy or not though. I do wonder what she would think. If someone came over and said I can't be naked in my backyard I would tell them to not spend their time looking into my yard. The only way anyone would see into here is if they were making a point of looking in here. I mean sure, there is a chance of someone seeing in accidentally but if it bothered them it wouldn't be that big a deal for them to not look over here.”

Sally was still smiling at the thought of the accidental show I had put on for Ian.

“You don't mind if they look do you?”

“Sally, I want them to look. It excites the hell out of me. I haven't been this excited by anything since I first got married to your father. I miss him dearly but I have to get on with my life and knowing him the way I did I know he would be okay with me pursuing things that make me happy.”

“For what it's worth, Mum, I support you doing this too. I might even do a little myself, it is pretty exciting. I just want you to be safe.”

“Safe is best but it's not living either. You have to take some chances in life, Sally. I have done far too little of it over the years. I devoted every moment I could to you. I never wanted you to miss out on anything because your Dad wasn't here. I never regretted a moment of it and would do it all over again a hundred times but now it's time for me to live for me.”

Sally had a tear in her eye as she smiled at me. She reached across and took my hand in hers.

“I am so proud of you, Mum.”

“Thanks, Sally. That really does mean a lot to me.”

We sat there for quite some time, hand in hand and lost in our thoughts.

“You know what would be cool here, Mum?”

“What's that?”

“A swimming pool. We could go skinny dipping whenever we wanted.”

"It's funny you say that. I met a couple when I was out walking this morning. They are new in town and invited me over to their home for a swim in their pool."

"You should go, Mum. It's not like you have a huge group of friends here anymore."

I had friends but none that I would call really close. Certainly, none of whom I would be happy to share my new lifestyle with. All the friends I had revolved around work and Sally's friend's parents. It would be nice to have friends like Mary and Dean, people with no agenda other than friendship and mutual interests. The image of them both standing there naked popped into my mind and I felt that familiar tingle begin again.

I decided that I would make an effort to pursue that friendship. Starting tomorrow after Sally left for her home. It was supposed to be another warm day and what better excuse could there be than to go skinny dipping in their pool?

"I think I will give them a call tomorrow. Yeah, that would be nice."

"Good for you."

Chapter Twelve.

The following day was quite a bit calmer. We woke up late and spent most of the morning just sitting around home.

We had another picnic lunch down by the lake only today the talk was all about the thesis Sally was writing. It was nice to see her with a fire in her belly and I could tell she was itching to get back to writing.



"Don't feel that you need to stay here and entertain me. I can see that you want to get going on this thesis. Why don't you head home early and make a start on it?"

"But I'm here to visit with you."

"And it has been wonderful. However, I can see you want to get going on this and I promise I won't be offended if you want to go. I understand the need to write while it's fresh and you're motivated."

Sally paused and was looking off towards the lake. I could see the inner turmoil though. I could tell that she really wanted to go but that she also felt bad about leaving me.

“Are you sure, Mum? I mean I would be leaving tonight anyway and the traffic is better at this time of day.”

I chuckled at her attempt to ease her mind.

“Sally, you don't have to make excuses. Do you need me to tell you to go home?”

“No, I guess not. I just feel a bit guilty about it.”

“Well don't. If it makes it easier for you, then here. Go home and write, Sally. I want to go visit my friends and I can't with you here.”

She laughed and shook her head.

“Okay, okay, I give in. I'll take you home and then I'll head off.”

She added with a wink.

“Seeing as you don't want me here.”

I laughed and gave her a smack on the butt.

“Cheeky shit.”

“You know it.”

We returned to my place and while sally was packing everything up I rang the number on the card Mary had given me the day before.


“Hi, Mary. It's Sue. We met yesterday morning on that lovely walking trail.”

“Oh, hi, Sue. I was hoping you would call back. I was worried we had maybe scared you off.”

I laughed and was surprised at how at ease I felt with Mary. I had never felt this at ease with any friends so early on. Kindred spirits indeed.

“God, no. Quite the opposite. I was wondering if the offer of a swim in your pool was still on the table?”

“Of course it is. I do have a few stipulations though.”

“Oh, really.”

“Mmm, yes I'm afraid it's quite important too.”

I could already hear the smile in her voice.

“Oh, dear. That does sound serious. What could it be?”

“The first is that you simply must agree to have dinner with us.”

“Well, I suppose I could make that happen but only if you agree that I can bring some wine for us to share with it.”

“If you insist.”

“And the other stipulation?”

“Yes, a much more serious one that there can be no quibbling about. You simply must come here dressed in the same outfit that you left the walking trail in.”

“Hmm. Well, only because you insist. I assume there is somewhere off the street to park when I arrive. I don't wish to be arrested after all.”

“Heaven forbid. Of course, there is. Just drive up the driveway to the end and you will be both sheltered and fine.”

“I'm excited already. What time would you like me there?”

“As soon as you are ready, Sue. We have no plans for the rest of the afternoon.”

“Excellent. I'll see you in about half an hour then.”

“I'm looking forward to it.”

I actually giggled with excitement as I hung up the phone. Sally came out carrying her backpack with its laptop, camera, and other random odds and ends she had brought with her. I gave her a big hug.

“I'm so glad we had this weekend, Sally. Everything about it was just what I needed. Thank you for being so understanding of what I am going through.”

“I needed it too, Mum. This has cleared my mind about a lot of things that I didn't even know were on it. You have been such an enormous help with my art too. I simply can't thank you enough.”

“Asking me to be a part of it was more thanks than I could ever want or need, Sally. It has been an honour.”

“I love you, Mum, and I am proud of you.”

“I am proud of you too, Sally.”

I walked with her out to the car and stood watching as she got ready to leave. She started the car, then to my surprise, began unbuttoning the dress she was wearing. She shrugged out of the top half of it leaving her breasts free and on display. She wound down the window and gave me a cheeky grin.

“Just thought I would see how far I get before I freak out and have to cover up again.”

I laughed as she blushed.

“I have corrupted you.”

“Maybe, but I like it.”

She smiled and shifted the car into reverse. I waved as she disappeared down the road and wondered how far she would make it.

I returned to the house, picked up the bottle of wine I had chosen along with the keys and walked into the garage, locking the house as I went. I stood there with the garage door open and stripped out of my dress. I folded it neatly and placed it on the passenger seat along with the bottle of wine then stood up and stretched, giving any onlookers one last chance at a glimpse, then I hopped into the car and drove off down the road, completely naked and excited about my next adventure.

Written by yakboy69
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