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The Magician's Assistant - Part 3

"The Magic enters a New Dimension"

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Author's Notes

"It would probably be helpful to read Parts 1 and 2 before Part 3."

Part 3

Chapter 10

“Your audition is just after this one,” the guy told us as we watched a group of five girl dancers strut onto the stage, topless.

We were now a partnership. Marv 'n Mandy. That meant that I was no longer being paid, but earning a quarter share of the profits, the takings after expenses.

Our summer gigs had gone so well that not only was I officially on The Team, but we were now auditioning for a Club, a real one, not the Working Men's clubs where we'd started only a few short months ago. We'd done four of them with two gigs each. It was a short performance history, but it had earned us this opportunity and a shot at regular work and earnings. It was the sort of thing that Marvin had wanted when he placed that ad for an assistant and ended up with me.

As the dancers came off I knew that the stakes had been raised now that we were in a proper club, and was glad that my costume had changed up a gear too, even if only a little. In keeping with our understanding of the club clientèle's expectations, I would keep to the final costume style we'd adopted for the encore of our last, most successful performances.

I now wore an even more see-through white bib shirt front with its black stud buttons, wing collar and black bow tie, partnered with a black sequinned G-string instead of the previous wet look black vinyl stripper shorts, black tailcoat that was cut away from the neck to either side of my chest to flow down behind my thighs, black hold-up fishnet stockings and three-inch black heels.

The minimal black bikini bottoms were no longer needed now that my basic costume included the G-string.

And since there would be no encore, Marv had merged two parts of the Act into one, combining the Disappearing Girl trick where I would lose the coat making it easier for him to cut me in half, with the Reappearing Girl where instead of being transported from behind a curtain to the back of the auditorium, my top and shorts normally came off. That last tick had made for a great encore and earned us the extra performances and this chance to try out for the Gentlemen's Club.

“Next! Marv and Mandy?” called the stage manager.

We'd spent ages rehearsing, perfecting, refining. I'd gone to Magic HQ straight from Sixth Form College almost every day until it was time to go home to Mum and Dad for tea. We both knew that the reason the Club Owner wanted us in his locally-infamous Friday cabaret show was because in the last of our summer shows I'd got my boobs out on stage. So that was what we had to give them. Marvin weaved his magic tricks around displaying me and teasing the audience. But I had to be comfortable being topless, having my boobs uncovered. Marvin said so, and I had to agree. So, for much of the time at MHQ, I was literally topless.

I'd come in after catching the bus, take off my jacket, blouse, bra, and skirt, and then make us coffees while Marvin explained what the plan was for that day's practice, and I pranced around in just knickers, stockings, and heels. We'd also worked on my stage costume a little bit, making a new white bib-top out of what was basically a white net curtain. Marvin helped me with the stage makeup too, bright colors around my eyes, red gloss for my lips, and rouge for my cheeks. Marvin even had us experimenting with various amounts of rouge on my nipples. We found none of them satisfactory so resorted to infusing my nipples naturally by me pinching and twisting them until they were puffy and pointy and brighter colored, Marvin inspecting them closely to make sure they were hard and red enough. I adored the attention and scrutiny, and also the permission to play with my nipples in front of him while he gave them his professional assessment. Of course, I didn't tell Mum and Dad that I had my tits out for Marvin every afternoon.

Calmed by the infectious professionalism of Marvin's considerable experience gained from many years of performing, I strutted onto the stage in his wake, my costume almost a parody of his more traditional formal wear of a white jacket, frilled shirt, black tie, and trousers.

We stuck mostly to the pattern of tricks that had worked so well for us during the summer. Marvin's skillful sleight of hand with me posing and distracting, showing off my legs as much as possible. We needed to do well, to impress, but it was much harder work with no real audience to play off, just the Club owner and a couple of others sitting at a table for six in the middle of the floor.

Marvin did the Disappearing Girl bit where I hid behind the magic curtain and instead of me disappearing, my coat came off, and with some banter that seemed to fall flat without a crowd to play to, we continued on to the Cut the Girl Up. Here we had a slight innovation, in that as he was sawing me in half, on the last draw of the saw the blade came away with my top hanging off it. It was meant to be funny and suggestive, but again without the crowd it sort of fell a bit flat. When Marvin helped me out of the saw box to show I was whole, there I stood in just a g-string, stockings, and heels. Nothing else. He held up my hand as usual to acknowledge the non-existent applause and I felt utterly embarrassed and naked.

We hurried off stage, and even Marvin was deflated by the whole experience. We were back in our street clothes by the time the Club owner called Marvin in for a chat. After a good few minutes chewing my nails, I saw him return. We had passed, though there were a few suggestions on making the Act more in keeping with the Club. Also, we were fairly early in the program, so we wouldn't get much attention from the audience.

Chapter 11

It was our turn to go on. We had followed the suggestions. Of course, we did. We wanted the gig. My nerves had me shuffling again from foot to foot, but this time Marvin put his hand on my shoulder to calm me, looking into my eyes, then down at my chest and back. “You're gorgeous and sexy. They'll love you,” he said, reassuring me. I hoped that he was right. I knew that the return to the stripper shorts would look right, but I was nervous about having no top on, boobs totally exposed from the start of our Act, framed so emphatically by the black cutaway tailcoat. Marvin gave my nipples a further twist and pull to get them fully inflated and a more distinct color. “We want everyone to see them clearly,” he said.

We were only the second act in the program, very low billing, with the more interesting topless dancers, sexy strippers, and an exotic contortionist way above us. The audience was more like a restaurant full of diners, a large restaurant, very full, sat at oval tables facing the small stage, presently preoccupied with desserts and wine. And their own conversations. For those not right next to the stage, there were extra-large TV screens every few metres along the sidewalls, which presumably meant that there was at least one camera feeding them; and if the stage was on camera, I suspected that meant it was also being recorded.

I wasn't sure how I felt about that. So far everything we had done, everything I had done, had sort of been deniable. No evidence. I could pretend it hadn't really happened. It had just been a dream. Or my imagination. That delusion was about to end.

We went on stage. There was certainly a ripple of interest when the diners noticed me or rather noticed my bare tits, and they liked it when Marvin made my coat disappear so they could get a really good look. We made the best of it, with me frequently moving to make my tits jiggle up and down, showing off my legs and bum. When I was sawn in two the blade came away with my stripper shorts and once I was released whole in just G-string, stockings, and heels Marvin made the most of showing off my body. It was good and well-received, but this audience was used to topless dancers.

We left the stage to satisfied applause, but we weren't special. We knew that. But the pay was good and it was a start.

Chapter 12

When I got home Mum and Dad were still up and, of course, wanted to know all about Marv 'n Mandy's first proper professional gig. I told them that it went well but that we didn't stand out, which was the truth though not all the truth. They wanted to come to the next show to support us and lead the cheering section. I did my best to dissuade them without being too obvious, finally resorting to the -its very expensive- excuse.

That night I felt the need to text Marv. I was frustrated and needed his attention while I tried to silence my needs.

“Hey, Magic Man.”

“Gorgeous girl.”

“You're just saying that.”

“I saw enough to know it's true.”

“You mean you saw my tits?” There was a pause.

“The audience liked them very much.”

“Just the audience?” I knew I was fishing for compliments, but I was starting to get what I wanted, which was Marvin talking about my tits; and lying there in bed on my back I allowed my left hand to slide down my bare tummy to play in the soft hairs of my trimmed bush.

“Everyone liked them very much. You have a delightful chest, Amanda.”

“Do you think it was too much, having my tits out the whole time? We don't want them getting bored?”

“I think the trick is to keep moving so that they don't see them all the time and their view is constantly changing, and also to make them wobble every so often,” he suggested.

We carried on talking like that, Marvin being honest but fairly discreet, and I worked my fingers into the folds of my pussy, thumb pressing gently over my clit while I chatted with a man my parents' age about showing my bare tits to an audience. The more Marvin commented on my tits or made suggestions about how I should show my tits off, the closer I got to satisfaction, my fingers in a whirl over my button, dipping every so often into my virgin love tunnel to gather more slick juice. By the time we said good night I was sweaty and sticky, but happy. I could sleep now.

Chapter 13

The next Friday was our second performance at The Club. Again, we were only the second Act. Our first performance had earned us a repeat appearance but no promotion. I felt that we needed to do something about that. There wasn't much more Marvin could do. His illusions were great, his patter brilliant, his program well-designed. It was me that was the disappointment. I just wasn't sexy enough to excite the audience. But I had an idea.

“Trust me,” I said to Marvin as we stood together waiting to go on, going red and feeling a sudden burst of butterflies in my tummy. Was it fear? Nerves? Or worse, excitement? “You want higher billing, right?” I looked the same as last week; same black cutaway tailcoat, same black stripper-shorts and hold-up stockings, same black heels. Just as we were announced Marvin gave my nipples a pinch, twist, and pull to get them redder and engorged, just like last time, and then we were on, the room full once more with diners at their tables. Enough of them already knew that I'd be topless so we got their attention immediately, and I followed Marvin's advice of continually moving so that their view was both interrupted and constantly changing. I could tell that they were staring, following me with their eyes, needing to catch every glimpse they could of my pale bouncing tits and pink puffed nipples. It was going really well.

We went smoothly through the Act as rehearsed, in fact just like the previous Friday, and again just like before Marvin extracted my stripper shorts with the saw when he cut me in two, making a real show of letting the audience see that they had come away. Being a great showman he released me whole from the saw-box with a flourish, drawing every diner's attention to my restored, whole body, raising my arm to display me in just my stockings and heels, moving me so that my bare tits wobbled and the audience view was unimpaired. There was a gasp. We could all hear it. Even Marvin faltered. Everyone could see that there was no g-string.

I acted as if I had suddenly noticed, too, and quickly dropped my free hand to cover my trimmed dark bush, to cover my pussy. I gave Marvin a theatrical horrified, accusing look as if it was all his fault, all his magic that had stripped me basically naked on stage, not just tits out but pussy too. After the briefest pause, the audience erupted in approval with claps and cheers. I flushed with pleasure, pretending it was an embarrassment, and Marvin acted as if he were the world's greatest magician, accepting all accolades.

After taking a good many more bows than last week, Marvin still holding one arm raised and making my tits jiggle and bounce, turning me around to show off my naked bum, we finally left the stage to be greeted with grins and back slaps from the stage crew. And a not totally happy owner.

“You were wonderful, fantastic, sexy, and gorgeous, but you can't do that. You can't do nude. I'll lose my license. Not in public performances, only private shows.”

So that was how we switched from Friday public performances and low billing to Saturday private shows and higher up the bill. Marvin did all the negotiating, but since Saturdays were just as busy as Friday the better billing would give us a pay rise. And kudos. But we had to be perfect.

That night our texts were excited and covered the performance we'd just done and Marvin's intentions for next Saturday.

I masturbated my way through the whole conversation, letting go of all restraint and working my clitoris like a magic button of my own. With two fingers on either side, I pinched the wet skin and tortured my clitty with attention until she couldn't take any more, then diverted my fingers to dipping into my love tunnel, two together, making myself gasp, sliding in and out of my vagina while the heel of my hand pressed over the hood and swollen nub. It was my best self-loving ever, accompanied by Marvin's texts reliving the moment he saw I was nude, saw my pussy. He also mentioned that I needed to be eighteen for public nudity, but in private only sixteen. As long as no one complained about tonight's pussy flash we would all be okay.

In turn, I relived the moment when I had been revealed naked to the whole audience, and heard their gasp of surprise, of delight. Of the applause we received. Of my bare tits and bush on all those TV screens lining the theatre, mine, me, naked and filmed. A whole audience full of diners gawping at my nude body, seeing my bare tits wobble and my pussy hair on show, full-frontal nude emphasized by the stockings and heels. I cummed. Jerking, clamping my hand in wet ecstasy. I could hardly wait for rehearsals.

Chapter 14

But I had to wait. For Monday.

I'd had an idea and was barely able to keep it to myself until after we both had coffee. As was now our custom, I'd come in off the bus from school and take off my jacket, blouse, bra, and skirt, and then make us the drinks prancing around in just knickers, stockings, and heels. It occurred to me that logic demanded the same treatment as before, so I also pulled down my knickers and added them to the pile of discarded clothes. Marvin gave me a wry look, stared at my nicely trimmed and shaped bush, shrugged, and then carried on as normal.

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I made my suggestion. Marvin balked.

“Can't you do it?”

“Course I can, that's not the problem … it's just, are you sure?”

So we talked, planned, and rehearsed.

Our third Club performance was also our first Private performance. The rules had changed. Marvin had a chat with the owner while I was preparing in the dressing room that we shared with the other performers, and I kept an eye on the dancers hoping that none of them would get properly naked. Tits out was okay, but I wanted them to keep their knickers on and not steal my thunder. Thankfully it looked like I was going to be the only girl flashing pussy. I noticed Marvin checking them out, too. He didn't seem to mind sharing the room with topless girls. I wasn't sure if I should be jealous or thankful that he was so open-minded.

Having been promoted because of me getting totally naked, we went on a little later than the two previous Club shows and the waiting made me nervous. I started to worry about all kinds of things. Like would the Private audience enjoy my performance? Was it too tame? Did I look okay? Were the dancers prettier than me? Did their bigger tits look better?

Suddenly it was our turn. Marvin again pinched and twisted my bare nipples, making them red and pointy, and we were on just like before. Marvin led in his smart dinner jacket and tie, me following in cutaway black tails, stripper shorts, stockings, and heels. Tits out.

After some early sleight-of-hand, Marvin introduced our new trick, asking for a member of the audience. The Owner stepped up since this was the first time trying it, and Marvin asked for the man's ring, to make it disappear. Which he did, with a dramatic flourish. One moment the ring was in Marvin's palm, the next it was gone. But that was fine because Marv the Marvellous would bring it back. Except he brought back flowers instead. Oops. He tried again and brought back a coin. Not the same value as the ring, but surely better than nothing. The owner shrugged philosophically, resigned to his loss, and Marvin hurried on trying to pretend that the trick hadn't failed.

We got to the cut-the-girl-up bit and the audience loved seeing the shorts caught on the saw, anticipating seeing more of my body, and sure enough, when released whole there I was, once again without coat or shorts or g-string. Marvin again feigned surprise, I pretended to be disgusted with him once I noticed, but the camera had caught everything now that the operators knew what to expect. There on the multiple screens was a close-up live-feed of my face, tits, and pussy before I reacted and covered my bush with my free hand, the other again raised high by Marv to celebrate making me whole after cutting me in two. The capacity audience was treated to action replays on the screens of my reveal. In slow motion. It was great, and the diners loved it too, men and women.

That should have been the end of our act, but I suddenly convulsed, my hand pressing into my tummy, and I turned to look at Marvin, worry and pain on my face.

“Marv!” I cried and backed up to the magic table that Marv used on stage.

”Can we get some help here?” Marv called, and the owner strode on stage, demanding lights, and the two of them took an arm of mine each and sat me on the edge of the table, the cameras catching the scene and relaying it in close-up on all the screens.

I parted my legs and looked down at myself, and following my eyes, Marv put his hand on my belly, then lower as my naked pussy expanded and bulged. Marvin parted my labia carefully from below, and an object appeared coming out of my vagina, the whole thing caught in perfect clarity on the screens. With Marvin's help, I expelled an egg into his hand. While I stayed in position, lewdly splayed and nude, he stepped to one side, and cracked open the egg over the outstretched palm of the owner. Something fell out.

“Is this your ring, Sir?” Marvin asked theatrically.

The owner grinned, delighted to be reunited with his possession, and held it up high, agreeing that indeed it was the very same ring.

We got loads of applause and cheers and whoops, and the two men each lifted one of my arms and showed me off, proving that I was really okay, front and back, naked apart from stockings and heels; unable to cover myself, tits and pussy on display and on multiple screens throughout our curtain call.

We were a hit!

We left the stage to more congratulations from the stage crew and returned to the dressing room where the still topless dancing girls added their own congratulations. It was heady stuff for a teenage girl. There I was, openly naked in a room full of people all crowding around, rubbing my shoulders, touching my arms, letting their eyes wander over my body, drinking in the adulation, the attention. There were plenty of bare tits surrounding Marvin but only one pussy was bare. Mine. I could see that it was getting to him. It was definitely getting to me. One of the girls touched my bare boob and said how nice my tits were, so young and pert and firm, and soon all the girls were feeling my breasts, with lots of glances towards Marvin and asking him if he fully appreciated just how nice his Assistant's tits were. Since none of us were due to go on stage again, there was a kind of party atmosphere and pretty soon Marvin and I were in the middle of a gaggle of bodies standing by the makeup counter, all of us girls feeling up each other's boobs.

One of the dancers took Marvin's hand and placed it firmly on my boob. He did what he usually did before we went on stage. He pinched and twisted my nipple. I gasped and asked for harder. The girls loved it and urged him on, and he used both hands to twist a nipple each, looking into my eyes while he deliciously tortured my tits. I asked for more.

Two of the girls helped me up onto the counter and parted my legs, rubbing my thighs, getting higher and higher, until they were circling my hungry pussy while Marvin worked my boobs. I was as horny as I'd ever been.

“I need a fuck! Please, Marvin, fuck me?”

“Not here,” he replied. “Back at MHQ? If you still want to?”

“Fuck, yes! Let's go!”

To yet more cheers and claps from the girls, we hurriedly got our stuff together to rush back to MHQ and fuck our brains out.

“Everyone on stage for the finale! Curtain call, all the players!”

Chapter 15

The intruding announcement caught us all by surprise, and after a moment's hesitation, we all scrambled to get ready and file onto the stage. The dancing girls were still topless. I was in just stockings and heels, but Marvin helped me into my all-revealing tailcoat as we walked.

The line-up was just a fairly traditional gathering of all the players strung out across the stage, highest billing in the center and then fanning out, but the dancing girls kept close to Marv and me and kind of shoved us towards the front about a third of the way in from the wings. Again, as was traditional, we all held the hand of the person next to us, raised them simultaneously in the air, and bowed low. I had no chance of covering my exposed tits or pussy. No one seemed to mind. And at the bow, I bent at the hips but kept my face up, just like Marvin had taught me, though in my present costume that meant that my hanging boobs were visible for all to see. And clearly shown on the monitors around the walls. I was certainly getting lots of exposure!

Back in the dressing room Marvin and I quickly threw on proper clothes and raced off back to MHQ. He unlocked the door and we tumbled in somewhat breathlessly, turning on the lights, then facing each other in a kind of half-embarrassed stand-off. It was like the moment had passed.

“Hey, it's okay,” he reassured me and gathered me in for a lovely warm comforting hug. Very platonic.

“Sorry,” I replied, aware that he was probably no longer in the mood to fuck.

I turned on the coffee machine and took my overcoat off, suddenly acutely conscious that with most of my stage costume in my bag I was once more dressed in just stockings and heels. Nothing else. Which was okay because MHQ was warm. But not okay because we weren't on stage or rehearsing.

“Shit, I'm sorry, I should put some clothes on?” But it was a question. I was asking for Marvin's opinion, for Marvin's permission.

“Not on my account!” he replied, chuckling. “I rather like you like that.”

“Good,” I replied. “So where were we?”

Marvin grinned at that, picked me up by my waist, and sat me on his tidy desk, then firmly parted my knees before taking a boob in each of his hands.

“About here, I think,” he added, pressed close into me between my legs, slowly teasing my nipples again, pinching and pulling and twisting them.

“You like this, don't you?”

I bit my lower lip and simply nodded. “Are you going to fuck me now?”

“Is that what you want?”

“Uh-huh. But you'll be my first, so don't expect me to be any good.”

“I'm honored. And flattered,” he replied, then paused as if struck by a new thought. “But your hymen, ribbon, maidenhead?”

That made me smile. “I might be a virgin, but you won't be the first thing in there. I already took care of it. And the egg? On stage? Remember?”

Marvin undid his trousers, tugged his shorts out of the way, and freed a very attractive wand.

“Oh my!” I'm sure my eyes were wide open in surprise, though my jaw didn't actually hang down. I did suddenly find my mouth full of saliva as if I were literally drooling over Marvin's erect penis. It was magnificent. I swallowed the spit that had filled my mouth and looked into Marvin's eyes and back to his erection. “That is some cock, Mr. Magic Man. You have an amazing wand!”

I leaned back slightly with my hands braced on the desk surface just behind me and watched closely as Marvin lined up the big fat rounded head with my ever so damp slit, rubbed it up and down between my labia to get it good and wet, and then pressed it against the opening of my vagina.

“You sure about this?” he asked, looking me in the eye.

I returned his glance. “Yes, I'm sure. Show me a magic trick. Make your wand disappear!” It was corny of me, but I knew it and so did he. But then he did his magic and slid inside me.

Oh my! I gasped as he entered me and just kept going. It seemed to take forever. I was full up before he'd got all of himself inside me.

“I know you've got more but I don't have any more room!” My head was lowered so I could just watch what was happening.

“Then I better take it out again.”

“Don't you fucking dare!”

He laughed, but in a nice way. “Don't worry, I didn't mean all the way out. Just out a bit and then back in. Like this.”

And Marvin proceeded to fuck me. Long slow strokes, delicious, filling, stimulating, like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Over and over. Patient, strong, in control.

“I imagined that the first time we fucked I'd be bent over a table and you'd be doing me from behind.”

“You've thought about this? Before? Imagined it?”

“Oh yes, loads of times. Ever since you first saw my tits. You know I play with myself when we're texting?”

“You're a very naughty girl!” he said in a telling-off voice, thrusting extra hard into me as if in punishment. “But then, I'm a very bad man. Maybe we are well suited as a double act.”

“Are you going to punish me with a fuck every time I mess up the act?”

“No, my alluring assistant, but if you like we can reward ourselves after every successful performance with a fuck?”

Marvin was firmly in a rhythm, filling me again and again, withdrawing almost to the point of falling out in between. Then he quickened, was more urgent. I felt it and used my insides to grip him, my own excitement building too. I knew I was close to orgasm. “Not yet, I can feel mine getting close … hold on, oh, oh, fuck Marvin, yes, I can hold it, okay, when you're ready ...”

H didn't say anything but pounded me harder, the desk rattling and shaking, things falling off. He was muttering, grimacing like he was in pain, staring into my eyes, gritting his teeth. I was almost worried about him, but …

Then he cummed. The triumph in his expression, the obvious release, the pulsing, the final deep thrusts. And I cummed too, triggered by his ecstasy.

I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him close as he kept jerking, still deep inside me. It took ages for us to calm down.

“Wow!” was all I could say.

“You know it gets even better the second time?” he replied, a look of amused but deep satisfaction on his face.

Chapter16 - Epilogue

That night as we were again texting, my mind wandered as much as my fingers which were again exploring the folds of delight between my thighs. We chatted about the performance, the dressing room, about MHQ and our newfound reason to look forward to meeting there, and about what we'd done. We'd fucked. We'd actually fucked. Totally inappropriate. Wong, even. But we both wanted to do it again.

My fingers whirled in a blur as they diddled my swollen clit, two fingers occasionally breaking the cycle to dip inside my no-longer virgin love tunnel. They felt nice but nowhere near as good as Marvin's meaty, hot, filling cock. That had been just exquisite. Better than anything I'd tried before. And it didn't hurt that he was a lovely fit. Just the right width with length to spare. For those extra-hard thrusts that he'd employed. He'd obviously done it before. Fucking. Which was to be expected for a man of his age. And great for me. No first time fumbling with an equally inexperienced lust-crazed uninformed boy.

So much for my wandering fingers. My mind's meanderings were altogether more public.

We clearly had a future at the Club with our new routine, Private shows on Saturdays as far down the Calendar as the eye could see. For good money, too. We'd be in demand. Requested. Top of the bill. Me nude on stage, full-frontal nude. On stage, on camera, on-screen, on video.

Every party host would want to be the guy whose ring was made to disappear by Marvin and be magically recovered from my vagina. We'd do the tummy upset at the host's table, and Marvin would make his own big wand appear as if from nowhere, and he'd fuck me right there at the table. From behind so that everyone can see me. Then he'd flip me around and cum on my face, at least five huge dollops of thick creamy cum, slathering my forehead, nose, lips, chin, and as his finale, he'd make his wand disappear again, this time down my throat.

We'd be spotted. By a Porn Producer. He'd want lots of practice recordings of our act back at his studio, though obviously they couldn't be released until I was 18.

He'd say, “So here's what I'm thinking. Based on your show, which is great by the way; Mandy you're magnificent, so beautiful and sexy and talented. We'll have you in a version of your sexy outfit, but instead of one magician, there'll be a few in very obvious magician costumes, tailcoats, and top hats, and they'll each have their own special nine-inch wand, black I think, and they'll make them all disappear in succession, one after the other. What d'ya think?”

And so would begin my next part-time career.

The End

Written by AmandaUK
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