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Rules of the Sex Game

"Lisa's hen night in Amsterdam ended with me on the stage."

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Competition Entry: Money Talks
The rules of the game are simple. The contestants are divided into two teams. Both teams perform on stage at the same time. Whichever team gets the most audience appreciation wins and gets to play the next round.

Appreciation means 'money' which the audience throw onto whichever stage they find most entertaining. All the money from the audience goes into the pot. Half the pot is paid out to the winners of each round, the rest rides to the next round. The losers get nothing.

This clever scheme means the pots steadily increase while the number of girls sharing them decrease with each round. Winning the first round rarely pays the girls more than thirty Euros each, the third round pays at least a couple of hundred and the winner of the fifth and final round makes several thousand. But what it takes to win increases with the prize.

I was there to cheer on my best friend Lisa. And Lisa was there to celebrate her marriage or rather the end of it. Some marriages end because the partners drift apart and some because they find each other so repulsive they can hardly stand to be in the same room. Lisa's divorce was of the second type. Visiting Amsterdam to cuckold her soon to be ex-husband and take the stage in a sex club in the closing hours of her marriage was Lisa's way of saying a giant 'Fuck you!' to the controlling creep and his stupid mind games.

After an early morning flight on the cheapest of cheap economy airlines and an afternoon spent sightseeing, I could have happily remained in the hotel, read a book and gone to sleep early. But Lisa insisted: We had come here on a mission and it was my duty to support her. I reluctantly agreed.

Ten years ago I had been the wild one, the ginger haired girl who was always ready for adventure, Lisa my reluctant accomplice. Now those roles were reversed. I was deputy branch manager at a bank hoping to make promotion to work at corporate, Lisa organized tours for rock bands, some of them well known. I still wore my hair long but it was usually curled up in a bun to look professional.

A triple shot of espresso and a cab ride later took us to a nondescript warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Only a small sign by the door told us we had come to the right place.

I had never been to a sex show before but my husband, John had told me what to expect. No rugby club stag night is complete without a trip to an Amsterdam sex show these days. A girl would cavort on stage with their clothes on for one song, then without for a second. In between the strippers there would be a girl/girl sex act, a boy/girl sex act and a novelty act.

But as soon as the velvet curtain was pulled back and we stepped into the black lit gloom, I knew John's advice would be hopelessly irrelevant. Lisa hadn't taken us to a sex show, this was a sex club. People didn't come to the sex club to watch, they went to fuck.

If the cab hadn't already gone, I would have turned round and left.

* * * *

A short while later I was sat at one of the bars surrounding the theatre stage talking to a guy called Ivo while his wife, Elke, took Lisa backstage to sign up for the competition. The couple were regulars at the club and rarely missed a competition night. Elke had never won first prize but she had made it to the last eight often enough for them to buy a car. And their nights invariably ended up hooking up with other couples in the 'encounter rooms'.

I chatted nervously and inconsequentially until our conversation was interrupted by the music for one of the warm up acts. What the club called 'the theatre' was actually just a large open area with a raised stage at one end and a narrow runway down the center. A girl pranced down the runway and began to strip with angular bump and grind.

John had always tried to explain that his stag night experiences were less erotic than I might imagine. As team captain he had a duty to stay sober and ensure that the bridegroom didn't get too drunk, too stoned or do anything else he might regret when sober. I had never quite believed John but I was starting to. The girl flipped upside down on a pole and began fucking herself with a large dildo: Just what had Lisa signed up for?

At the next interval, Ivo explained the details of the competition that Lisa had left out. It became obvious that if I had hoped to stop Lisa doing something she might regret later, I had utterly failed. As the prizes that increased with each round, so did the what was permitted on stage. Contestants are required to wear a bra and panties in the first round which could be taken off in the second. In the third round, girls are allowed to insert and remove toys. In the fourth they can touch, kiss and fondle teammates anywhere. In the final round, 'anything goes'.

"They have sex on stage?" I asked incredulous.

"Of course," Ivo replied, "Why else women come to a sex club?"

The next warm up act was a girl-girl sex act between a nordic blonde and a waif like brunette. I watched open mouthed as the waif kissed the blonde on her mouth, her nipples and her sex.

"Your friend didn't tell you?" Ivo said astonished, "I'd probably kill her as well."

I blushed as I suddenly realized I must have been saying rather than just thinking what I would to do to Lisa. Then we both burst into laughter. Ivo assured me that making a trip to the encounter rooms was entirely voluntary, even as a spectator. And he certainly didn't expect to be taking me there while the competition was taking place as he never went without Elke.

It was obvious the performers were lovers off stage as well as on. The blonde girl continued licking her lover's pussy long after their music stopped as if insisting that an orgasm was more important than a mere competition. At the end I realized I was more than a little turned on myself. Perhaps I really wanted a trip to an encounter room with Ivo after all.

After the warm up acts, Lisa's part in the competition was a bit of an anti-climax. I could barely see Lisa at all in the first round: There were far too many girls for the rather small stage. Lisa stripped for the second round but didn't join Elke at the front of the stage where the more adventurous girls were exposing themselves for the front row of the audience. The other team won by over five hundred Euro.

"The girl did good, didn't she?" Elke shouted triumphantly as they rejoined us at our table. Neither had put their clothes back on.

After, Ivo and I both gave our warm congratulations, Elke turned to them both with an order, "Now go cuckold that worthless shit she's leaving!"

Ivo's eyes bulged with surprise and I realized that he hadn't just been saying it to put me at ease when he had said they only went to the encounter rooms together.

Elke laughed as Lisa led a rather bemused Ivo to the nearest encounter room. "The only reason to make rules is to have extra fun when you break them," Elka said with a wicked grin.

With Lisa safely in Ivo's hands, or at any rate as safe as I might expect in the circumstances, I began to relax and enjoy the show. Though I was reminded that I was thankful Lisa's part in the competition had been short when it reached the final round and the girls were having sex on stage with members of the audience.

"You do that?" I asked Elke, eyes wide.

Elke nodded, "More than once," then pointed to the winner being awarded the pot of cash at the center of the stage. "But I have never done that," she said wryly. Screens on each side of the stage proclaimed the winner's jackpot of 3,342 Euros.

"Maybe next time?" I said trying to be encouraging.

"That would be nice," Elke replied, "there is a football match tomorrow, pot should be double at least."

* * * * *

Next morning at breakfast, I was pleased to discover I had done my duty by Lisa at least. She had no regrets even if she didn't want to share any details, though from what I could gather, Ivo had not been her only partner in the encounter room.

The only person with regrets was me. I had had the opportunity to let go, to enjoy myself and had failed utterly.

I spent the train ride to the airport in sullen meditation, re-imagining the evening with myself playing an active role. Frolicking with Ivo and a half dozen men in the encounter room, strutting my stuff nude on stage and raising a jackpot worth two and a half thousand quid above my head.

What I regretted most of all was kissing with Elke and not going further. I had kissed a girl and not just liked it, I knew I wanted more.

Then came the two texts on my phone that changed everything.

The first was from John, telling me he couldn't pick me up from the airport because the car had broken down yet again. It would probably need a new engine.

The second was from my cheapskate airline telling me that my flight was overbooked, would I take a hundred quid to return tomorrow instead?

I hit 'send' on my reply before Lisa had pulled her phone from her purse.

* * * * *

Late that evening Elke squeezed my hand as we waited to go on stage for the second round.

I can do this , I told myself, I want to do this.

And why not? Nobody in the audience knew me and even if they did, they couldn't possibly recognize me and I certainly wouldn't recognize them.

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The glare of the stage lights made it impossible to see more than the faces of the first few rows of the audience. And during each round, a curtain running down the center of the stage even blocked our view of the other team. It was a curiously solitary form of exhibitionism. At once the focus of attention and lost in the crowd.

Our team had agreed on a battle plan before taking the stage. As agreed we each took off our tops in turn, then our panties, then turned to moon the audience. Already buzzed from the first round, I was completely nude on stage before I had time to think about what I was doing. The thought of tripping in the ludicrously high heels Elke had lent me had worried me much more than becoming a sex object for a group of strangers.

I strutted to the front of the stage and pulled out the hairpin that was all that was left keeping my hair in its tight bun. The audience roared as I threw my head from side to side to shake out my curls. After that we jerked, twerked and ground our hips to the beat of the Move It! song from Madagascar. While there were plenty of dry eyes in the house at the end of our act, there certainly wasn't a dry cock, well not a straight one at least.

I really wanted to make it to the next round. And the only way to make that happen was to help my stage sisters part these men (and a few women) from their cash. I spread my legs and smiled as I watched the money pouring onto the stage.

Elke had been right about the money being better tonight. The screens showing the total contributed to each team quickly topped a thousand Euros. But as the total approached two thousand, theirs stopped moving and ours went past. I did some quick mental arithmetic: including the money from the first round, I had won three hundred Euros already. The screens round the theatre confirmed my math and helpfully converted it into pounds (220), US dollars (335) and my favorite, Japanese Yen (40,000). And this was after only two rounds. The payouts more than doubled with each round. If we won the next round it could pay to fix the car.

Back in the dressing room, we learned our new teams. Elke had assured me that we would always be on the same team until the very last round but we didn't know which of the other girls would make up our quartet until just before we went on stage.

As I had hoped, it was the waif and her blonde friend who had performed in the floor show the previous night. Like Elke, they were both regulars at the club. As we strutted onto the stage, Elke brought out our secret weapons bringing squeals of delight from our team mates.

Two double dildos were the edge I hoped would help us beat the other team. Touching a teammate below the waist was against the rules, but the rules didn't say anything against two girls using the same dildo at once.

With the field reduced to two teams of four, there was finally enough room to perform without having to worry about invading the other girls space or taking too much time at the front of the stage.

Just as you never forget your first time with a man, you never forget your first time on stage in front of a hundred men you don't know, being fucked with a double ended dildo by a girl you met barely twenty four hours ago.

On the way back to the dressing room to wait for the result and prepare for the next round, a sudden thought crossed my mind. Elke would be counting on me to make it to the final round and I had never been with another woman before.

Elke must have sensed my sudden moment of uncertainty as she pulled me aside and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I just have three things to say," Elke began, her voice insistent, "First don't worry about letting me down if we don't win. I don't often make it this far. You are good at this, that's why the other girls are nervous. Second, we get equal shares if we make it to the final round, win or lose. Third, I know their act and I know how to beat them."

"But how do you know I can do it?" I asked, still unsure.

"Because last night we did this."

Elke silenced my protests with a kiss but pulled away from my attempt at an embrace. "Save it for the stage!" she snapped and pulled me into our dressing room to explain her plan.

The gap between the third and fourth rounds had been rather longer than the gap between the earlier ones and it had taken all that time for Elke to persuade me to agree to her plan and put it into action.

When we got out on stage, I discovered the reason for the delay. Two circular platforms about a foot high and four across had appeared close to the edge of the stage and the large viewing screens above each stage now showed closeups of the on stage action. As planned, we strutted to the edge of the stage in our high heels and turned to show them our surprise. Then the audience burst into applause as they saw the illuminated jeweled baubles in our rears.

It was the first time I had put anything in my butt and the feeling was very strange, stranger than licking the pussy of another woman, stranger than being licked in turn. Just as Elke had promised, my part was easy. I lay on my back, my legs bent double and let Elke do her work.

The circular platform began to rotate so that we didn't need to think about making ourselves visible to the audience or performing at all. But each time Elke spread my labia to show the audience, I knew that every man of them was hoping he might be one of the lucky ones who would slide his cock into the hole between them in the next round.

When I started to come, Elke gently pulled the butt plug from its socket, causing me to come with an earsplitting shriek. I clutched at Elke's legs as she sat upright, holding the plug aloft to another round of thunderous applause, then jumping up and running along the side of the stage with her trophy. I tried to catch hold of her and pull her back to the bed, before suddenly realizing that the round had been over quite a while and if the numbers on the video screens were right, we were almost certain to win.

As we made our way backstage, the jackpot climbed to almost ten thousand euros. I suddenly wondered if I should tell Elke I should back out of our deal to split the pot. Ten thousand pounds would be enough to buy a new car or we could pay down a chunk of the mortgage that was draining both our pay packets. For the first time that evening, it occurred to me that I hadn't considered how I would explain the money to John.

But then Elke came along to wish me good luck and to tell me that I must save some of my energy for the encounter rooms and Ivo afterwards.

There are people who would claim that I debased myself on stage, turned myself into a mere sex object, a receptacle whose only function was to give pleasure to men. But those are not people who would stand up in front of a hundred people to fuck strangers. They don't know my reasons, let alone have the right to judge.

Of course I am a sex object. But there is no 'just' about it. I wanted those men to desire me, to imagine themselves between my legs. Some of them were inside my body but I was inside all of their heads.

The club did have one rule: every cock on stage had to wear a condom.

I dominated them. Every one of the men I pointed to came on stage. I chose two men at a time, and played with their cocks. I told the owner of the one I liked best to lie naked on the cold floor of the stage and impaled myself on his rod. It was my own little five round competition with me as the prize and the only judge.

It was a decent effort but not enough to win. When the curtain fell at the end of the act, I realized just how badly Elke had wanted first prize. I had fucked five men but she was fucking five men at once: Her hands, her mouth, her pussy and her ass were all occupied by thrusting cocks.

* * * * *

Early next morning, Elke and Ivo drove me from the club to the airport. My flight was so early that there was little point in getting a hotel room. So we had spent most of the small hours of the night in the encounter room.

We chatted over coffee and pastries until the time came to say our final farewells.

"Next time, bring John to the club," suggested Ivo.

If only it was that simple . Bringing John was the easy part. I was sure I was willing to share him, but would he be willing to share me? I was pretty sure he must bang an Amsterdam window girl or two on his visits and that had never bothered me, but would it be different to watch? This and many other questions would need to be thought through before making a decision. I would not lie and I would answer any questions he asked. But would he want to ask?

I knew that a few hours time I would be an ordinary woman back at her ordinary job at the bank. Would I really want to risk that world for the momentary adrenaline rush of being on stage?

Elke's question was much easier, would I come back and do the same thing again?

"Oh no," I replied without hesitation.

Elke looked at me, surprised and disappointed.

"Next time," I continued, "I'm going to do what it takes to win."

Written by ByronLord
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