Nude and dripping, little rivulets of water cascading over her freshly-showered body, Gwen grabbed herself a bite to eat and fired up her computer as she pondered what to do with her day. Despite her weekend of kinky, slutty debauchery, Gwendolyn was still so horny that she had to sit on a towel, her cunt oozing liquid lust. As the remnants of her shower evaporated off her flesh, her nipples poked out, tingling as the cooling sensation stimulated them.
Her friend’s sites were doing well, and there was no work to be done there. Grabbing the still-open bottle of whiskey from her kitchen counter, smiling as she remembered the threesome from a couple of nights ago, Audrey watching as she touched herself. The sultry redhead poured herself a double, then added more, stopping when her glass was full. Breakfast conquered, she turned her attention to her blog, surprised at how many readers had written her, asking for her slutty advice. There were also the typical trolling messages, mainly Neanderthals wanting sex, which she addressed. One message, in particular, seemed heartfelt.
”Goddess Gwen;
I’ve been married to a wonderful husband for three years. He’s a good man, and I love him dearly, but our sex life has become dull and predictable. The romance seems to have gone. I try to spice things up, but he barely notices and never comments, let alone react. I masturbate at least once every day, but it doesn’t help. He’s just lost his desire for me. I’m still hot; what should I do to rekindle the romance?”
The woman only signed it, “Horny Housewife.” Gwen thought for a moment, her hands wandering to her molten cunt, and thought about the poor woman’s questions. Her fingers assaulted her clit, her body heating to volcanic temperatures in mere seconds. She jammed three fingers inside her saturated tunnel, fucking herself, madly, until she got herself off. Then, she wrote her response.
“Dear Horny Housewife;
Couples who have been together for an extended period tend not to display the feelings and devotion they did when they first met. Why that happens isn’t important, but the fact that both parties are always equally guilty, just that they never see it within themselves, does need to be addressed.
Never forget that men don’t think, act, or become aroused or romantic in the same ways that we women do. However, that situation is easily remedied. Always keep in mind that men are visually oriented, and their feelings of love stem from sex, not the other way around like it is for us.
Simply put, dress like a cheap slut and act like a nasty whore with him. Be sexually aggressive and make him horny for you 24-7. A few weeks of treating him as if the sun rises and sets in his pants will rekindle his loving, romantic feelings toward you and keep him constantly hard for your pussy.”
All that was left to do after that was for Gwen to take the payouts her site generated and transfer them into her personal bank account. That left her most of the day to do whatever she felt like doing. Mentally lamenting that Audrey was back at work, no longer available for private chauffeuring, Gwen wandered through her home, looking through her various closets, boxes, and dressers for something to wear. She’d much rather be nude all day, every day, but those public indecency laws were inconvenient.
A simple shift dress, more of a flowing, shapeless tube held up with string-like shoulder straps, was her clothing weapon of choice. In a deep green, it offset her fiery locks. Taking her own, previously given, advice, she went into slut mode, foregoing underwear and applying her makeup heavily. The knee-length frock was just barely thin enough that the silhouette of her physical form could be seen if there was enough back-lighting.
“Now, I need to find something to wear for my modeling audition,” she said to the ether.
Most natural redheads avoid shades of red for clothing or accessories. Crimson hues tend to clash with the hair and skin tones. Gwendolyn was an exception. Her vehicle, a fancy, overpriced sports car, was custom-painted to match the vibrant red of her hair color. It fired up, the engine roaring, and she peeled out of her garage, setting a speed record to reach the end of her driveway. It being a beautiful day, Gwen retracted the convertible top, ran through the gears, caressed the stick shift, and sped up to more than double the speed limit.
As soon as she’d left the city streets, racing down a two-lane highway, she floored it, her shifting hand leaving the phallus-like shifter and plunging between her sodden thighs. The open road, slutty wardrobe, and shining sun made her feel powerful and even hornier. There were very few cars on the road, most of them approaching, but nobody looked over and caught her masturbating while she drove. A quick shrug of her shoulders, followed by a light tug on her shift dress, freed her plump tits, exposing them to the world, as well as anybody that cared to look.
One trucker honked at her, and she waved at him, smiling broadly, shaking her tits at him as he passed, and waving with her sex-covered hand. The kinky thrill of exhibitionism coursed through Gwen, increasing her lust. With the wind making her hair fly, the sun on her bared breasts, and her fingers pummeling her flowing hole, Gwen screamed in passion, stomping on the accelerator.
Four vehicles noticed her state of undress, each one of them spurring her horny arousal to new heights of lusty zeal. Another trucker showed his appreciation by blasting his air horns. The drivers of two cars saw her; one stared in disbelief, and the other gave her the thumbs-up. The final car, however, was a police cruiser. The officer in the squad car showed their appreciation by pulling up behind her, sirens blaring.
Gwen checked her speedometer and laughed when she saw that she was in the triple digits. She slammed the thick, long shifter into neutral and coasted to stop on the highway’s berm. Rather than cover herself up, Gwen leaned back in the bucket seat and spread her legs, using both hands to fuck her needy cunt and finger her clit. In her rearview mirror, she saw the surprisingly sexy, female, blonde trooper exit the vehicle. She was far too hot to be an officer of the law.
Hand on her firearm, the policewoman cautiously approached. “License and regist…” her voice trailed off when she saw Gwen openly masturbating, her dress hiked up over her waist and the top pulled down to her stomach.
“I… oh, fuck…know,” Gwen moaned, the kinky, dirty thrill of being watched sending her over the edge. “Fucking speeding! I’m cumming. Oh, shit, fuck, damn. Cumming!”
The officer stood there, her jaw-dropping, saying nothing, as Gwen’s body erupted, writhing and flailing, in an intense orgasm. All the speeding redhead could do was scream incomprehensible groans and grunts until the seismic waves of pleasure subsided.
Gwen, knowing that she was about to be in big trouble, just lustily stared at the pretty officer and stuck her fingers into her mouth, sucking her nectar off of them. “Ticket me, take my license; I have no excuse.”
The officer just stared, her face flushed.
“Oh, do you need to cuff me?” The horny redhead, even more aroused by the scenario, spread her legs widely as she turned in her seat and opened the door. She smiled at the trooper, licking her lips, as she held her arms out to be handcuffed.
“Put your hands behind your head, ma’am,” the officer said, her voice an unusual mix of stern command and arousal.
Gwen’s legs snapped shut, but she did as commanded. Horny, submissive feelings emerged in her overheating core; submitting herself like that to an authority figure had her in dire need of another orgasm, even though only seconds had passed since the last one.
“Spread those legs, ma’am.”
Thrilled and breathing heavily, Gwen opened her thighs so widely that her hips hurt.
“I should suspend your license, haul your exhibitionist ass in, and book you.”
“I know,” Gwen replied, timidly.
“Let me lick your pussy, and we’ll call it even.”
“Fuck, yes! Are you always like this? If so, give me your phone number!”
The sexy officer knelt before Gwen and took off her Mounty hat. Shaking out her hair, her immaculately cut blonde locks fell to her shoulders. It made her look much less “butch” and very feminine. “I’m a lesbian,” she said to the still-fingering redhead, “without anyone to have sex with. Thank you for this.”
“Fucking eat my fucking cunt, already, officer!”
“Yes, ma’am. Spread ‘em!”
Gwendolyn was in a state of disbelief, but this was a kinky fantasy that would probably never present itself for the rest of her life. It didn’t hurt matters that the cop was fucking sexy.
“Eat my cunt, please, officer,” she cooed. “And, please, make me fucking cum.”
As if a switch had been flipped, the blonde’s voice lost all its command and authority, a mewling, pleading moan replacing it. “I’m so horny, and your pussy looks so sweet.”

On her knees, ignoring the very infrequent traffic, the highway patrol person lowered her head to Gwen’s gushing sex and began lapping up and down her slit. Her oral touch was delicate, fleeting, and urgent.
“Fuck! Lick it! Lick my slutty cunt. I love your fucking tongue.”
The blonde’s hands ran all over the redhead’s exposed flesh, stroking her molten thighs, caressing her lust-reddened chest, and tweaking Gwen’s engorged nipples.
“Fucking finger my twat, officer. I’m a nasty slut that needs to cum. I’m your fucking prisoner.” Gwen’s hands involuntarily reached out and grabbed the cop’s short but voluminous hair, and she pulled the woman’s eager mouth into her cunt more tightly.
“Hands above your head, ma’am. Do I need to cuff you for interfering with a police investigation?”
“Fuck, that’s hot!”
The officer redoubled her efforts, adding a finger to her dripping hole and fucking her with it as she greedily sucked on Gwen’s clit.
“Fucking cumming! Oh, fuck.”
Gwen forgot her prior instructions, grabbing the policewoman’s head and forcing it against her spasming cunt. Gwen bucked wildly, cursing and screaming. Her orgasm was so intense, and the sexy trooper was relentless, still licking, sucking, and fingering. Gwen’s arousal was so out of control that another orgasm, just as strong, ambushed her before the first one had completely subsided.
Finally, the sexy officer stopped, leaving Gwen a quivering mass of erotic bliss, and donned her hat.
“I’ll let you off with a warning, ma’am. Slow it down and cover yourself up. Now, give me your phone.”
“In case you want to call me. I’ll put my personal number in there.”
“Free tonight?” She handed the officer her phone. “My passcode is 6969.”
“Of course, it is.” The woman fiddled with Gwen’s phone for a moment, then handed it back.
“I have no plans,” she retorted. “Drive safely.”
The sexy officer hadn’t even gotten to her cruiser before Gwen texted her, ‘My place, 8 pm.’ Then, she sent the address. In her rearview mirror, she saw the woman laugh, give the thumbs up, and drive off.
“Too bad she didn’t have a male partner with her. I could use some cock.” Gwen laughed, cranked up the volume on her stereo, and peeled out. She kept it under one hundred and covered her body for the rest of the trip into town.
The boutique she had in mind was known for selling various types of sexy attire. While she didn’t know if she was going to the modeling audition or not, it was wise to dress as if she wanted the job, just in case. Other than a lone, bored-looking clerk, slumping over the sales counter, the place was empty. After double-checking her dress to ensure her sexual juices hadn't soaked the back of her clothes, Gwen strutted inside, intentionally bouncing her boobs with every step.
“How may I help you?” The clerk looked as if he were about to say something else, but the sun’s light was behind Gwen as she entered, highlighting the shape of her legs and the curves of her body as she swung the door open, the entrance bells rattling.
Gwen smiled, jutting her tits out and arching her back to add more emphasis. “Other than me, what’s the sluttiest thing in this store?”
“Um,” the man stuttered. He tried to say something else, but only truncated half-sounds emanated from his gaping mouth. Instead, he pointed.
“Follow me,” Gwen cooed, “and bring your cock.”
With an abundance of hip-shaking, Gwen meandered over the area he’d pointed out. The rack held a multitude of sexy dresses, tops, and skirts, some of them see-through, most of them cut to entice the eyes and enhance the allure of the feminine figure.
“Um, these are what we call our club-wear selection. Perfect for a night on the town.”
“I see. Which one of these would make you want to fuck me if you saw me wearing it?”
“Fuck me. I need a hard, fucking cock, right the fuck now. Which one would make you want to fuck me?”
“This one,” he said, finally finding his voice. He pointed to a tiny, blue, sequined cocktail dress with just a few inches of skirting. It was cut to scandalously expose the maximum amount of flesh possible.
Gwen pressed her body against his side, reaching out to pluck it from the rack. As she did that, she shimmied her body against him. “Oh, and my size, too. I need to try this on.”
“The dressing rooms are right over there. Wait! What are you doing?”
Gwen had lowered the thin straps of her dress, letting it fall to her feet on the floor. She stood in front of him nude, wearing only her sandals and a smile.
“Trying it on, silly.”
“But, but, but…the dressing rooms.” Gwen silenced his feeble protest by patting his erection through his pants.
The sexy redhead shimmied into the barely-there frock, actually liking the cut and the way it felt on her body. She spun around a few times, checking to make sure the tiny skirt of the slutty dress flew up and exposed her nude ass and cunt.
“I like it, but do you want to fuck me?”
“You mean wearing that dress?”
“Yes. If seeing me in it makes you hard,” Gwen reached out and started stroking his very hard cock through his pants, “I’ll buy it.”
“Yes, ma’am, it does. You look fantastic in it.”
Gwen chuckled and dropped to all fours, knowing that the dress was so short that the clerk could see her nude, perfectly shaped ass and her swollen pussy peeking out from between her thighs.
“So, fucking fuck me, already.”
“Did I stutter?” Gwen rotated her hips, humping her groin up and down to entice the young lad. “Your cock in my pussy, right the fuck now. I know it’s hard for me.”
“I don’t have a condom.”
“There’s a box in my purse. You can refuse if you want, but I seriously need a brutal fucking right now. I’m so horny.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The young man typically spent his day helping women, some of them incredibly sexy, pick out sexy or glamorous clothing. Typically, he’d go home and stroke himself over them, but this was much better. He dropped his pants, knelt behind her twerking ass, and just stared. Needy, Gwen reached around, grabbed his hard shaft, and scooted her body back, impaling herself on his fleshy lance.
“Harder! Fuck me like you hate me. Deeper. Slam that fucking cock into my slutty cunt. Faster!”
“Oh, aah, mmm,” was his only reply, but the young man, his tie swinging with every thrust, pounded into her quivering sex with all the force and speed he had. Soon, he was hammering into her, grunting along with Gwen.
The horny slut was moaning over the feeling of being fucked hard and deep. Lost in lusty pleasure, she snaked one hand between her legs and fingered her sensitive, fiery clit to increase the erotic tingling feelings welling up inside her.
“Fucking fuck me, fuck me; fuck me hard. Don’t stop; don’t cum, yet. I’m fucking cumming.”
Gwen’s body flailed about, her head crashing into the floor when her limbs refused to hold her weight. Still, the clerk kept slamming his cock into her wetness, making her powerful orgasm soul-shattering. The universe disappeared, only pleasure remaining, and the sexy slut blacked out for a few seconds as the waves of ecstasy drowned her in bliss. When she regained control, she noticed that the man had stopped fucking her and was moaning.
“Did you fucking cum, already?”
He only nodded, sheepishly, the blush of shame spreading over his cheeks.
“Fine. Give me the condom.”
Smiling, Gwen crawled over to him, turning to face him. She gripped the tip of the condom with one hand and deftly pulled it off of his shrinking member. Instead of discarding the used cum-catcher, she turned it upside down and held it to her lips.
“I love cum,” she moaned.
Gwen held the condom to her mouth, pinching the tip and squeezing the spunk into her mouth. The store clerk just stood there, flabbergasted.
“Mmm. Now, sell me the dress I’m wearing and that black one over there. Keep the rag I was wearing. I’ll wear this blue number, instead.”
A few minutes later, Gwen revved her sports car’s engine and hit a drive-through for lunch. Parking her car in the shade, she ate her fast food, wished she had some booze to wash it down, and checked her phone. She had more than an hour before the open call for nude models began.
“Hmm, do I go home and wait for my sexy officer to come ravage me, or do I go and audition?”
Then, she saw a sexy, muscle-bound man walk up to the car next to her. He was tall with shaggy, brown hair, and he wore tight, spandex gym shorts and a tank top that showed off his amazing physique.
“You!” she yelled at him. “Are you married?”
He looked at her quizzically, scratched his head, and nodded negatively.
“Girlfriend? Boyfriend?” He shook his head once more.
“I’m horny! I mean, like dripping-wet horny. Want to fuck me? No strings, no names—just a random hookup with a stranger. I think it’s fucking hot.”
He quickly smiled and nodded in agreement.
“Well, I was going to go to an audition, but I think I want your cock more. Follow me and try to keep up.”
The End.