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Our Fun with Nancy

"What happens when Steve's wife comes over for a visit."

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I must have been reliving the previous night’s events in my dreams because I woke up with my eight inch cock throbbing in my hand. I looked over at my sexy wife still asleep beside me and began to gently stroke my cock. I licked my lips as I rubbed the little drop of pre-cum over the head of my cock and could still taste Kim’s pussy from the night before.

“Mmm. That looks so damn sexy babe” Kim said to me as she opened her eyes and fixed them on my hand working my cock so well. “Are you going to make yourself cum for me?”

“Yeah, I think I am.” I replied, never losing the rhythm my hand had built.

Kim reached down with one hand and gently massaged my balls. “Oh fuck baby, take your time. Don’t rush it. You look so fucking sexy with your hard cock in your hand making some cum for me.” She said as she scooted a bit further down and laid her head on my belly so that she would have a close-up view.

Her hot breath on my cock head only made my wanting to cum even greater. I could feel the first tell tale signs of my impending orgasm and let Kim know that I was ready.

“I will make sure that you keep the sheets clean.” Kim said as she took the head of my cock into her mouth and began to suck.

That was all it took. I speeded up my hand ministrations and began to spew my hot load directly into Kim’s open and willing mouth. Several powerful spurts followed and finally slowed to a trickle. Kim was able to contain my whole load in her mouth without spilling a drop.

When I finished cumming and relaxed a bit, Kim came up to me and gave me an open mouth kiss allowing me to share in the salty sweetness of my load. “Now there is breakfast in bed that I could do every morning.” Kim said as she licked her lips and gave my now flaccid cock a little pat on its head.

“Well, I guess that I should get up and get moving. I told Nancy that she and I would go bikini shopping today before our BBQ party.” Kim said as she rolled out of bed and strode naked across the room and into the bathroom.

I almost got another erection just watching Kim’s sexy ass wiggling and her glorious c-cups bouncing. At almost six feet tall, Kim is all woman. Even at thirty seven and two kids later, she has an incredible ass that tapers down to long shapely legs that were made to wrap around a guys back. Her tits are a full C cup and although they sag a little bit they are still firm and are topped with extremely sensitive gumball sized nipples.

I waited until I heard the shower start before I got my ass out of bed and walked naked into the kitchen to start the coffee pot. Having the kids at grandma’s house for most weekends in the summer has its definite advantages. Living out in the country also has its advantages as I grabbed my pack of cigarettes and went out onto the back deck to enjoy the sun on my naked body. I checked the water and chemical levels in the hot tub and made sure that the propane for the BBQ was sufficient for tonight’s get together.

After getting myself a hot cup of coffee, I checked on Kim’s progress in the shower. She was sitting on the edge of the tub shaving her legs and pussy. I love to watch her do this so I sat down on the closed lid of the toilet and ogled the process. My cock was not long to respond to the sight of her spreading her legs wide and shaving the delicate area’s of her pussy lips. She looked at me and my hard on several times and told me not to get too excited because she was running late and didn’t have time to take care of my problem again.

I feigned disappointment and just sat back to watch. Kim finished up by getting back under the shower spray and rinsing off all of the left over shaving cream. The water cascaded down her tits and over her freshly shaved mound of Venus. I was ready to jump in the shower and fuck her up against the wall but somehow grew the willpower to just watch.

“What do you have planned to do today?” Kim asked as she shut off the water and wrapped her body in a huge sea green bath towel.

“I’ll probably just drink beer all day and maybe go a few doors down and fuck that sexy young daughter of the Patterson’s.” I said as serious as I could with an evil grin on my face.

“Oh, really?” Kim said, cocking one eyebrow at me.

“Yeah, I know that she has wanted a piece of my cock for some time now. And you know how I hate to disappoint!” I couldn’t even get all of the words out without busting up laughing.

“Then I guess that you will be too tired to fuck this horny little baby tonight.” She pouted as she came over to me and grabbed my cock hard. “This is my cock and you will only stick it where and when I tell you that you can.”

“Yes Ma’am. Anything else?” I asked as she laughed and released my now hard cock from her grip.

“Yeah, you can wear these all day to remind you of whose pussy you’re supposed to worship.” She said as she tossed the tiny red thong from the night before to me. “And they had better still be on when I get home from shopping with Nancy or else”

I looked at the tiny bit of fabric with the huge cum stain on the front of them and felt another surge of blood rush to my engorged cock. Kim knows that it is a fetish of mine to wear her panties and it never fails to turn us both on. I slowly slid the silky fabric up my legs and secured it around my waist. My cock and balls were a bit more difficult to get tucked in but I managed to almost get them covered save for about two inches of my hard on.

“Aw. Don’t you look pretty in my thong.” Kim said as she slipped a light sundress over her head. I did notice that she neglected to put on underwear or a bra even though the dress only came down to her mid thigh and was very loose and flowing. I am sure that if a gust of wind came along, she would be flashing her ass and cunt to whoever was around.

“Now I really have to go, Nancy will be waiting. Remember, keep those on until I get back or you will be in serious trouble.” Kim said as she grabbed her purse and headed out the front door.

I waved as her van pulled out of the driveway and then went out to the back deck to enjoy the sun for a little while. I never took off Kim’s thong but I did pull it to the side to let my cock and balls get out into the sun as well.

After an hour or so, I threw on a pair of shorts, cut the lawn and did a few other yard chores. I was fully expecting Kim to be home by the time I was done but her van wasn’t in the driveway yet so I just grabbed a beer, doffed the shorts and sat on the deck admiring my work on the grass.

Three beers and much admiration later, I heard the van pull into the front drive. My cock twitched a little because I knew that Kim always buys the sexiest and most revealing Bikini’s and I was looking forward to a little sneak preview of what she had purchased. I sat back in my chair and waited for Kim to find me. I didn’t have to wait very long as I heard footsteps coming around the side of the house. The only problem was that I heard more than one set of feet making the noise.

There I was sitting in the sun on the deck wearing nothing but a tiny bright red thong and Kim had brought company home. I was fucked; I had nothing to cover up with and nowhere to run. I had no choice but to sit there and wait to see what was going to happen.

“Hey babe, Lawn looks great. And so does that.” Kim said pointing at my semi hard cock which was very noticeable beneath the skin tight thong. “What do you think Nancy? Doesn’t the lawn look good?”

I looked up and saw Nancy standing beside Kim, both of them staring at my barely covered crotch. The dress that Nancy had on was almost identical except for the color. They were both carrying shopping bags which they quickly put down on the table.

“Yes. It sure does. And it seems to be growing more the longer we look at it.” Nancy said, never allowing her gaze to drift from my expanding cock.

Nancy had never seen me in anything more revealing than a swimsuit before so I tried the best that I could to act nonchalant and put her at ease. It was Kim’s ease of the situation that made Nancy feel at home with the scenery before her. Kim simply pulled two chairs to the glass table and sat in the first one while offering the second to Nancy which she gladly accepted.

“Chris, be a dear and get us two gals a glass of wine. We are parched from shopping all day and need a cool down.” Kim said to me knowing that I would enjoy a little bit of exhibitionism.

“Sure thing babe” I said as I got up and strolled through the open door and into the house to fetch the gals the prescribed wine. I could feel two sets of eyes on my more-or-less bare ass as I walked past them.

I returned a few minutes later with the bottle and two glasses for the ladies and a fresh beer for myself. I diligently poured the wine into their glasses and settled back into my chair with my ice cold beer in my hand and my throbbing cock in my thong. I listened for a few minutes as Kim and Nancy talked about the days shopping and the upcoming night’s festivities.

Kim must have felt relaxed with the wine she had consumed already because she leaned back in her chair and let her legs drift apart. From my vantage point directly across from her I could see her naked pussy staring at me. It was a gorgeous sight and very sexy. I wasn’t sure if Nancy would be able to see Kim’s open display but there was no mistaking the eye that she was giving my now rock hard and dripping cock. My pulsating cock could no longer be contained in Kim’s flimsy thong and the head stuck out about two inches above the waistband.

I looked up at Kim and saw that she was looking at me with a very mischievous expression on her face. Her braless nipples were rock hard and poking through the thin material of her dress.

“Oh look Nancy, Chris seems to have developed a little hard-on.” Kim chided, quickly stepping back into the role that she had assumed the previous night. “Looks like his little penis wants to get out and get some air.”

Nancy said nothing for a few moments, she just took another sip of her wine and watched and listened intently. But I did notice that her legs were slowly parting beneath the table but not enough for me to see if she had a bare pussy like Kim.

“You see Nancy, Chris here likes to wear my flimsy little panties and he likes it when I make fun of his tiny little manhood. All we have to do is to let him know that there is no way that that puny excuse for a cock is going to be getting anywhere near our pussies and he would be putty in our hands.” Kim explained. “But his manners can be very good and his willingness to serve almost incomparable”

“Oh, really” Nancy finally broke her silence. “How does the serving part work? I’m intrigued now.”

“Like this. Watch” Kim said with a look of mischievous lust in her eyes.

“Chris. Refill our wineglasses, but get totally naked first”

I stood up and slowly skinned Kim’s skimpy thong over my rock hard eight inch cock, down my legs and off. Standing there naked in front of the sexy Nancy and my equally if not more sexy wife was a thrill beyond words. I could see that Kim had spread her legs even wider and that Nancy had turned my way a bit and also allowed her legs to open slightly.

“Don’t just stand there with your tiny cock hanging in the breeze, get the fuck over here and do as I said” Kim said sternly.

I quickly refilled their glasses and then went to sit down again.

“What the fuck are you doing? Stand up straight and let Nancy and me see that pitiful excuse for a cock”

“Wow. That’s awesome” Nancy said, never taking her eyes off my throbbing erection. “What else can he do?”

“He will do anything that we tell him to do or else he won’t be cumming for a very long time.” Kim told her friend.

“Anything?” Nancy said incredulously.

“Absolutely anything. Just last night I made him eat my pussy when it was full of cum.”

“Now that is fucking hot. I wish Steve was here to hear all of this. I am sure that this would all interest him very much as he also loves a certain amount of kink” The unknowing Nancy said.

“Then I’m thinking that we should make tonight interesting for both of them. Chris, take my new purchase here in this bag and modify it the way you want to.” Kim said handing me the fancy paper shopping bag with the big ‘Bikini Village’ emblazoned on the side.

We both knew what she meant by modify. I have always been a huge fan of white bikini’s especially when they have the gusset cut out of the bottoms and the lining cut out of the top so that when wet, everything would be clearly visible.

“And while you’re at it, put on my tiny hot pink g-string. I don’t want to see your puny little cock anymore today. And when you come back out bring us another bottle of wine”

Shopping bag in hand, I went into the house and set about finding the razor blade that I keep handy for just this type of chore. Finally, sitting down at the kitchen table, I set about carefully cutting out the linings from the miniscule string bikini that Kim had purchased. I was quite sure that when I was finished even the slightest bit of dampness would render this fabric one hundred percent transparent. There would be nothing left to the imagination.

“Chris, Hurry up with that wine... we are getting parched out here” Kim shouted.

“Coming babe” I dutifully replied.

I grabbed a fresh bottle of wine out of our built in cooler and headed out with the bottle in one hand and a corkscrew in the other.

“What the fuck is that? I told you that I didn’t want to see your pitiful little cock anymore tonight.” Kim scorned.

I had completely forgotten to wear what I was told in my haste to modify her new bikini and get the wine. I knew I would be punished in a way that only Kim could punish me. And trust me… I never mind that.

“Come here and stand before me” Kim told me while pointing down at the deck.

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“I told you to put on my hot pink g-string. But you didn’t. I told you that I didn’t want to see your feeble little cock again, didn’t I? Fuck! What am I going to do with you? I told you to do three things and you only did two. Both you and your shriveled up little cock are quite useless today.”

I just stood there almost banging knees with my ultra sexy wife as she berated me in front of Nancy and my cock has never been harder or leaked more pre-cum. I have no idea why getting spoken to this way or having my manhood belittled turns me on so much, but it does none-the-less.

“Nancy, what do you think we should do with this pathetic excuse for a man? Look, his tiny little pecker is trying so hard to stay erect and prove that it’s worthy of our attention.” Kim said as she pointed at my throbbing cock.

Clearly new to the whole idea that Kim and I had put before her and of course having no idea of the antics that her husband Steve, Kim, and I had been up to the night before she had nothing to say but to nod her head.

“Well, he needs to be punished somehow!” Kim said, filling in the awkward silence that Nancy had left.

“Just for your little indiscretion, you are to serve all of us tonight during the BBQ party and the hot tubing afterwards. And you will do it all wearing nothing but what I will pick out for you later.” Kim scorned. “You will let Nancy, Steve, and I tell you exactly what to do and you will follow every order to the detail. Is that understood?”

“Yes ma’am” was all I said with my head hung low.

“You stay here standing just where you are and keep Nancy company while I go try on my new bikini.” Kim said to me as she grabbed the filmy material and headed inside.

I stood there in front of Nancy with my hard throbbing cock just a few feet away from her and didn’t say a word. I just watched her as she took in the scene. I watched her eyes as they trailed up and down my body finally settling on my dripping dick. It was then that I noticed that her knee’s had drifted apart and she was slowly rubbing the inside of her thighs with one hand while gripping onto the wineglass with the other.

“I do take orders rather well” I finally said, breaking the ice. “No matter what it is, I will do it. I have never backed away from a dare or a direct order”

I could see that Nancy was lost for words and trying to form a sentence in her mind. A few moments passed before she spoke. “So does that mean that if I tell you to jerk off right now you would have to do it?”

“Typically, Yes. But Kim and I don’t play unless each other are present. So, to that question, I would do as you asked if Kim was sitting beside you.” I said, filling her in on some of the details of Kim’s and my arrangement.

“So I just have to be content sitting here and doing nothing while your hard cock swings in the breeze??” She said with a slight smirk.

“You, my dear, can do anything that you wish, but I cannot touch or be touched without Kim watching” I said while watching Nancy pull her skirt even higher up her luscious thighs.

I saw Kim out of the corner of my eye move into a corner of the living room where she would be able to see what we were doing but would not be able to be seen by Nancy. I winked to her and she responded by winking back. I was curious now as to where this was all heading.

“Would it be alright with Kim if I showed you my pussy while I played with it?” Nancy asked slightly out of breath.

“Like I said, you can do what ever you would like to do.” I responded, slightly out of breath myself, as her hand crept further up her inner thigh pulling her skirt with it until I could see her middle finger drawing little circles on her clit.

Nancy was just working up a steady rhythm on her clit when Kim coughed loudly and made her re-appearance through the door. It definitely had the desired effect as Nancy scrambled to pull her slick fingers out of her wet pussy and readjust her skirt. I just stood there and watched and tried to stifle a chuckle at Nancy’s attempt at modesty.

“Oh please, don’t let me stop you” Kim said to Nancy “Look at poor Chris’ little cock… it’s all hard and dripping from watching you frig yourself, and I must admit that I’m all wet from watching your little display as well.”

I looked at Kim and sure enough, the nearly transparent crotch of her newly modified bikini was soaked all the way through. Even her nipples were standing up firm and proud being a dead give away to her horny state of arousal.

“If you would like, we can get the hot tubing started now and we can call Steve in a little while to let him know that he can come over later for dinner” Kim said with an obvious ulterior motive in her statement. “Why don’t you go slip into your new bikini and join me in the soothing water?”

“Do you think that Chris would be able to fix my bikini like he did to yours?” Nancy said rather nervously.

“Chris, be a dear and repair Nancy’s purchase to your liking, and bring us some more wine when you are done.” Kim ordered.

I grabbed the offered bag and set about my task. The bikini that Nancy had bought was almost identical to Kim’s except that it was a very pale yellow that would contrast great to her tanned skin and dark hair. I completed the modifications, grabbed the bottle of wine and went back out.

I handed the scant pieces of fabric to Nancy and diligently refilled their glasses with wine. Nancy took a few deep drawls from her glass and went inside to get changed.

“Not sure where all of this is heading but you have to be on your best behavior.” Kim told me while grabbing my hard cock. “You need to make sure that Nancy is looked after or we won’t get another chance to play with her and Steve again.”

Kim sucked the hard end of my cock into her mouth and bobbed up and down a few times before standing up and kissing me hard, forcing her tongue into my willing mouth. I could taste my pre-cum on her lips as we kissed.

Kim broke the kiss but never let go of my throbbing dick as Nancy emerged from the house wearing her very skimpy bikini. I could plainly see her very erect nipples straining the fabric and her bottoms did almost nothing to hide her sexy pussy.

“OK. Are you ready to test the waters?” Kim asked as she grabbed her glass of wine.

“Ready as I’ll ever be, I think” Replied Nancy, overcoming a bit of her shyness.

I watched in awe as these two very sexy ladies strode across the deck and up to the 8 person tub. My cock throbbed as their asses, most of which were hanging out, wiggled ever so seductively. I watched intently as they both straddled the side and slowly slid the length of their bodies into the pleasantly hot water. As the water bubbled up around them I could plainly see that the modifications I had made to their tops was having the desired effect. The tops were as effective as wet tissues covering their glorious tits as their nipples were plainly visible.

“Chris, grab that bottle of wine and bring it and your tiny little cock over here” Kim told me as she held out her now empty glass.

I refilled both glasses as they held them out for me and then returned the almost empty bottle to the table. I returned to the side of the tub just in time to see Kim pull her body out of the water and sit on the edge.

“Damn, that water is hot!” Kim said as she sat back and spread her legs slightly in Nancy’s direction. “And the repairs that you have made are leaving us damn near naked. I’m sure that Steve is going to love you in your new style Nancy.”

I could see that Nancy was looking right between Kim’s legs at the mostly transparent crotch of the bikini. My cock took an extra surge of blood when Nancy also pulled her body out of the water, sat on the side and spread her legs slightly as well. I could plainly see the lips of her pussy as well as the little bit of pubic hair that she had shaved into a little Hitler stash.

“Should we call Steve to have him come over now?” Nancy asked Kim. “He will for sure like looking at what we have done.”

“It’s still too early.” Kim said looking at her watch. “We can have some fun with Chris in the meantime. What has he told you about our arrangement?”

“Not much, only that he cannot touch or be touched without you there to watch” Nancy told Kim. “But we are free to do whatever we want.”

“That’s right. You see, Chris here has a real penchant for being humiliated and cuckolded. He will do anything that we ask him to do, and by that I DO mean ANYTHING!!” Kim said with a sexy smile on her face and a glint in her hazel eyes. “It seems that the more humiliating the act is, the more he gets off on it.”

“Wow. That’s cool. So, you are saying that we could tell him to be naked the rest of the night and he would?” Nancy asked, her interest piqued.

“Chris, you are to remain naked all night and you will only answer to the word ‘cock’. Is that understood?” Kim said to me looking directly into my eyes. “And the same rules apply as always… If there is cum present, you must lick it up, no matter what.”

“Yes ma’am” was all I responded with.

“Cock, go get yourself a beer and us some more wine and make it fucking quick.” Kim said with an authoritative air.

I went as quickly as I could to the fridge and the wine cooler and grabbed the requested bottles. Just as quick, I went back out to the side of the tub where the women were waiting for their refills. I opened the wine first and filled both their glasses than watched in awe as they both settled back into the warm water. I stood beside the tub and cracked open my beer and quickly took a few well deserved swigs of the amber liquid.

“Cock, go and text Steve and let him know that he is welcome to come over at any time.” Kim told me. “But first, wipe that cum up that is dripping from the end of your pathetic little cock and make sure you swallow all of it.”

I swiped the offending drips of my swollen cock head and then stuck my wet fingers into my mouth and licked them clean. I saw Nancy look at me as I did this with a hint of disbelief in her expression. I then grabbed my cell phone off the table and made the requested text to Steve. It wasn’t twenty seconds later that I got a reply saying that he would be about an hour.

“Does that mean that Chris, errr, Cock is gay because he likes to swallow his own cum?” Nancy asked Kim.

“Oh hell no” Kim said in return. “Cock is far from gay. He just likes to please me by doing exactly what I tell him to do. Trust me; he loves pussy just as much as the next guy.”

I couldn’t help but overhear this part of their conversation as they had to talk rather loud over the sound of the water jets.

“Well… his penis is dripping again. What should he do?” Nancy asked a bit flushed.

“Go ahead and tell him to look after it” Kim replied.

Nancy set her jaw square, looked at me and said “Cock, lick that cum from your cock”

I looked her right in the eyes as I scooped up the offending drops and deposited them onto my tongue where I greedily swallowed it all. By this point, Kim had scooted over to sit next to Nancy so that they could both have an unobstructed view of the show that I was putting on for them.

“Kim says that you like pussy too. Is this true?” Nancy asked.

“I love pussy.” I replied

“Then you should like this” Nancy said as her and Kim stood up and sat on the edge of the tub.

Their wet bikinis did absolutely nothing to hide the sexy pussies. As anticipated, the material went totally transparent and left everything on display to my gaze.

“Oh look Nancy; his tiny little cock is trying to stay hard for us. What we really need is a real man here to show ‘cock’ what a big dick can do.” Kim said.

“Well, Steve should be here shortly, do you think that he would like to see us like this or should we get dressed for dinner?” Nancy asked.

“I think that if he were to see you in that little wet bikini, YOU will be dinner.” Kim said with a huge smile on her face. “Let’s give him a thrill! Cock, you go and stand on the front steps and wait for Steve. He should be here momentarily.”

“Oh. Cock, before you go, could you refill our glasses.” Nancy said, clearly feeling the effects of the alcohol and the hot water. “Get that puny little cock over here and top us up.”

That just about sent me over the edge. Having Kim talk to me like that was a turn-on but also having our good friend join in was euphoric. I dutifully filled Nancy’s glass and then set about pouring some wine for Kim. It took me by complete surprise when Kim sucked my hard dick into her mouth while I was trying to pour.

“There. That should keep that pathetic little cock happy for a while.” Kim said as my cock popped out of her mouth. “Now do as you’re told and go out front and wait for Steve. And you had better not touch your little penis in the meantime.”

“May I grab a beer while I am waiting?” I asked

“Yes you may, and you might as well get one out for Steve while you are at it, so that you can begin your servitude to him as soon as he gets here.” Kim said sternly. “Oh, and you may want to explain to him why you are greeting him naked so that he doesn’t get freaked out.”

With that last order, I grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge, my smokes off the counter and then stepped out onto the front porch to await Steve’s arrival.

I stood on the front porch for about five minutes and had almost finished my beer when I heard a truck coming up the road. Normally, we only get about five or six cars a day traveling on our stretch of gravel so I knew the chances were good that it would be Steve. I grabbed the beer that I had brought out for him and went out to greet him as soon as he put his pick-up into park. The look on his face was priceless as he saw a naked guy coming at him with a beer in his hand.

I quickly gave him a rundown of the day’s events while he took a few long pulls of his beer. I ended my explanation with; “And I am here to serve all three of you tonight!”

Find out what happens when Steve, Nancy and Kim allow me

to cater to their every need in ‘Our Fun with Steve and Nancy’

To be published soon.

Written by chriskayaks
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