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Neighborhood Watch: Stripping Off

"Emily's new friend, Sarah, is bi-curious and also into exhibitionism"

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Author's Notes

"Emily has nearly reached her breaking point. consumed with horny lust, all she can think about is sex and exhibiting her body to Vincent, her neighbor. However, Sarah is coming over to help her redecorate her house, but they've already kissed, and the attraction is strong. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Is he watching? Do they care?"

Sarah was making Emily’s cunt drip, and her cotton, thong panties quickly grew humid from the state of her arousal. The majority of Emily’s Saturday had been spent frantically cleaning the house and musing over what might happen. Uncertain whether the petite blond was coming over to give the house a makeover or was only using that as an excuse for sex, Emily deliberately chose her wardrobe and look, those thong panties meticulously selected to be sexy without advertising her burning desire for lusty action.

Emily’s entire wardrobe had been instinctively designed to project sexiness without tipping the scales into slutty, horny aggression. She didn’t know if Sarah was truly coming over to give her home a makeover, or if that was just a flimsy pretense to give her an excuse to have sex. From her softly-colored, pastel sundress down to her light lavender, cotton-spandex thong panties, the brunette exhibitionist sculpted her look to exude an aura of sensuality without making it appear intentional. Plausible deniability could be claimed at any moment.

The petite blond had chosen a similar strategy. True to her pixie-like body and lithe bone structure, Sarah chose a handkerchief-hemmed pixie skirt and a lacy, sleeveless top. Slightly dark stockings covered her thin but shapely legs, her feet in attractive, open-toed flats. With her makeup colored to match her outer frock and that vibrant, short-cropped hair, she looked like a forest sprite ready to entice mortals with her divine seductive power.

Arriving promptly at 6:30, Sarah had her laptop in hand, a ream of notes neatly tucked into a folder with Emily’s name emblazoned on the cover in a flowing, swooping cursive that looked almost like calligraphy. The two women hugged, platonically, made some small talk, and then got to work. While the bulk of their conversation was focused on color schemes, decor themes, and how to make the interior design flow and seem spacious, an undercurrent of timid sexuality permeated their interactions.

On more than one occasion, Emily noted Sarah blushing and giving furtive, aroused stares. As Sarah bent, knelt, and stretched, sometimes measuring and other times gesturing with outstretched hands, Emily grew aware of the fact that her friend’s pantyhose were actually thigh-highs. Sarah blushed, smiling, when she caught Emily brazenly staring at her ass and tried to ignore the heat welling up between her thighs.

A short while later, after the sun had set and disappeared beyond the horizon, the two women were lounging around the dinette table, sitting beside each other, drinking wine, and passing Emily’s premium smoke between them. While innocent on the surface, the spark of attraction between them had seemingly stoked itself into a wildfire, an unacknowledged blaze of boiling passion.

My panties are soaking-wet, Emily mused to herself. My cunt is burning hot.

That’s what it was; it was her cunt, her fuck hole, her dripping, needy slit. Still under the thrall of her primal, sexual impulses, Emily realized that last night was her tipping point. By seeking validation from her online friends, in the form of verbal approval and their participation, she’d surrendered to her lusty, sexual urges. When she had bolted upright in her bed, waving at her neighbor, she’d crossed the line of faux innocence. There could be no more pretending that she was unaware.

A “nice girl” had a pussy. But nice girls don't dress to flash their neighbor and talk about how horny they are; they definitely don’t open the curtains and turn on a light, so they can be watched while they furiously fuck themselves with multiple toys. Emily had eagerly and wantonly surrendered to her dirty, filthy, carnal desires. Therefore, she no longer possessed a pussy. It was a cunt. Her cunt was erupting hot, sexual lava and was hungry for blonds.

The fact that Sarah had willingly entered her lioness’ den and was dressed provocatively made her passion reverberate through her entire core. Making matters worse was the fact that Sarah was nervous, which mean that the same thoughts were coursing through her mind. The blond sprite wasn’t so bold as to say anything or take any actions, but the lingering stares and impish smiles followed by flushed cheeks spoke volumes.

“What exactly happened between you and your boyfriend? Jeff, is it?” Since her arrival, their conversation teetered back and forth between interior decorating and getting to know each other.

Sarah’s eyes lit up as she sucked down a huge toke of weed, then she coughed it out, nearly gagging, as she laughed at Emily’s question.

“Do you want the long or short version?” Sarah inquired.

“We’ve got all night. Go ahead. More wine?”

Her blond friend nodded with enthusiasm. “Make it a double.”

Very aware of the electric jolts that shocked her bare skin when their arms accidentally touched, Emily mentally commanded her nipples to behave as she filled the pixie’s wine glass.

Sarah took an unladylike gulp of the wine and began. “I think it was the county fair that started it. Probably for the better, though.” Her eyes grew dreamy and distant as she recalled.

“Wanting to turn Jeffrey on a little, I wore a short skirt and one of those camisole tops that show off your boobs. You know the type?”


“We were in line, on the stairs that led up to a ride, and you know how long the wait is for those rides. Well, anyway, there were four guys, about my age, in line behind us, but they were two or three stairs down, giving us space, or so I thought.”


“And,” Sarah’s face grew beet red, “I was leaning over the rail, just watching everyone running around and having fun, and I noticed that all four of them were looking up my short skirt. I was only wearing a black thong underneath.”

“Why? What happened? I thought you said it was because you were bi-curious.”

“I’m getting there. Pass the bong.”

“Water pipe,” Emily giggled, passing it.

“Well… damn, that’s good shit… for some reason, rather than get pissed off, it made me fucking horny. Without letting on that I knew they were staring at my ass, I bent over the rail more and started moving around, just to show off. My pussy got so fired up that I gave Jeffrey the fucking of his life, that night.”

“Sounds good so far.”

“But the thing is that he asked me about it, and my stupid ass made the excuse that I just loved the fun of fairs. So the next weekend, he suggested we go to another one because…”

“Because he wanted more of your hot pussy!”

“Exactly. But, that time, I just wore a T-shirt and another short skirt, no bra or panties.”

“You dirty girl! That’s so hot.”

Sarah paused, looking pensive, then erupted with laughter. “It is, isn’t it?” The conversation paused for a few seconds as Sarah showed Emily the color scheme she’d worked out on her laptop. Emily loved it.

“That time, I went out of my way to show off, and the weirdest thing happened.”

“What? Tell me, you bitch.”

“Well, I was getting so horny showing off that I had to lie to him and tell him I needed to use the bathroom, lots of times, so I could hide for a minute and finger myself.”

“I know exactly what that’s like,” Emily added. Sarah’s shocked, naughty look made them both laugh.

“You do?” the blond nymph asked. “Tell me all about it.”

Emily rocked her head from side to side a bit, then said, “Not just yet. Later. You’re telling me your story, first, remember? So tell me.”

The look on Sarah’s face was priceless. Her brilliant, blue eyes sparkled with desire for a moment, then she coyly inclined her head, her eyes staring into Emily’s. When the lithe, little woman chewed on her lower lip, seductively, and, then blushed a vibrant red, Emily’s cunt spewed out streams of liquid fire, soaking her lavender, cotton thong.

“Yes, ma’am,” Sarah huskily breathed out.

That was the moment everything clicked into place for Emily. One of the advantages of being incredibly sexy is that would-be lovers tend to show their true nature, early on. Although she had no time for a relationship, Emily was well-versed, through experience, in displays of dominant and submissive behaviors. Emboldened and optimistic, she tested her new theory that Sarah was sexually submissive.

“Pour me more wine and finish your story, now.” The inflection on the last word carried a firm but gentle tone of command.

“Yes, ma’am,” Sarah repeated. Emily swore that she was lightly panting. “Well,” she repeated her introductory phrase for the umpteenth time, “I was in the ladies’ room and this other woman had followed me inside. She was a little drunk but sexy in a slutty kind of way. She walked up to me and told me that she could see my pussy and ass and that later that night she was going to cum thinking about it.”

“So, you two, did it? Right there in the bathroom?”

Sarah laughed so hard that her exhalation of smoke came out in multiple, little clouds. “No, I was too scared, but it got me to wondering.”

“Okay, so how’s all of this translate to you two breaking up?”

“Fast forward a month or so, Jeff and I are having some hot, wild sex, but then, he changed. He got all possessive and jealous after he began noticing how I was dressing.”

“I know the type. That’s why I’m single.”

“Then, one night, he asked me about my fantasies and I confessed that I’d like to experience sex with another woman, and he freaked the fuck out.”

“Men are so stupid, sometimes.”

“I know, right? Things were awful after that. So, rather than try to work things out, we broke up.”

“More wine?”

“I shouldn’t. If I have another glass or take one more toke, I won’t be able to drive home.”

Emily repeated, “More wine?”

“Maybe, one more. Now,” she continued, “tell me about how you know what it feels like to be looked at like that.”

“Sarah, stand up,” Emily said, her voice a combination of a horny plea and a lust-filed command.

The tiny, sexy blond’s face went blank for a moment, her only sound a sharp intake of breath. Then, she slowly nodded a dreamy look on her face, coupled with a hint of a smile. Sarah slowly stood.

“Lift that darling, little skirt and show me what you’re wearing underneath, and don’t think that I don’t already know.”

Emily was only slightly surprised when Sarah obeyed. The lithe blond’s body was all but quivering, her breath coming in heaves. The two women started into each other’s eyes, Sarah immobilized. However, her nipples made an appearance through her filly, sleeveless top, and they poked through the fabric, betraying her arousal. The brunette nodded her encouragement, her light brown locks bobbing with the movements of her head.

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Intentional or not, the way Sarah trembled and blushed as she lifted the hem of her feminine skirt with agonizing slowness was incredibly erotic. Her legs, as Emily already knew, were covered in medium-gray thigh-highs, held up by a lacy, black garter belt. Covering her sexual treasure, Sarah’s now-exposed panties were of red satin, finished in black lace.

“You intentionally dressed sexy in the hopes of getting into my panties, didn’t you, Sarah?”

The blond nymph was chewing on her lower lip once more. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Sit, have another drink, spread your legs, so you’re no longer pretending to not want it, and I’ll tell you.”

Wordlessly, the blond did as she was told.

Emily sighed, passionately. “I’ve had similar experiences in my love life because I also get off on being watched. The thrill of being watched and lusted over gets me going. I discovered—man or woman, it makes no difference—that after the initial thrill of the wildness wears off, with most lovers; they grow very jealous and insecure, and they try to control how you act.”


“Now,” Emily paused, trying to find the nerve. “I’m going to tell you a secret about me and then ask you to spend the night with me. Listen first, and then answer. Understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I have this thing going on with my neighbor across the street. I’ve been showing off to him, touching myself when I know he’s watching. The other night, when we kissed, he was outside, watching us, and it made me so fucking horny.”

“You mean that’s the reason why you…”

“No,” Emily cut her off. “I kissed you because I’m attracted to you and want you. If you’re not into me, that’s fine; I’m just being honest. No pressure. But, if you want to take this beyond just being friends, I’m letting you know, right now, that we share the kink of showing off, and he will be spying on us if we ever do anything.”

“How do you know he’ll be watching?”

“Because it makes me so horny that I intentionally act like a horny slut when I know he can see me.”

Sarah held up a single finger, not speaking. Emptying her wine glass, she then grabbed the pipe and took a long, deep draw. Sarah held the herbal smoke in her lungs as long as she could, then exhaled, hardly coughing at this point.

“I’ve never been with a woman, before.”

“That’s fine; it’s all up to you. We can just hang out, as there’s no way I can let you drive home, now.”

“I mean, I'll need you to teach me, to instruct me.”

Emily laughed a deep, hearty guffaw at that. “I was under the impression that you liked to be ordered around. No problem, if you want it.” Sarah blushed all over.

“I’d like that very much.”

“Let’s order a pizza and finish up your decorating proposal, and then we’ll see what happens.”

Over the next hour and a half, the two women finished up Sarah’s proposal, and Emily loved all of her ideas. During that time, the sexual tension gave way to foreplay and more direct talk. As suspected, the blond was timid, afraid to make moves, and Emily had to tell her what to do. Slowly turning up the heat, the both of them were deeply in horny lust by the time the pizza arrived. By the time they’d finished eating, lots more wine along with their junk food, their sexual heat had reached inferno levels.

The conversation had abandoned all pretenses of not being sexual. The two women were seated on the couch, side by side, as they talked about their sexual histories, kinks, and things that aroused them. Vincent was mentioned on more than one occasion.

“Ooh, and there he is now, looking as sexy as ever,” Emily pointed across the street, then rested her hand on Sarah’s nylon-clad knee. “Now… wait for it…he’s looking at us.”

“No, he isn’t. He just turned his head to look up at the other side of the street, and, now, he’s looking up at the stars.”

“Trust me, he’s watching.”

Sarah turned to face Emily, their faces scant inches apart. Slowly and softly, she began, “No he isn’t,” but the rest of her sentence trailed off as their lips met in a passionate kiss. Their lips gently pressed against the other’s, pursing and relaxing as primal, guttural moans emanated from two throats. Emily’s tongue dashed inside Sarah’s mouth, softly probing and playing.

“Spread your legs wider and show my neighbor how sexy you are.”

“But, but I don’t…”

“Do it. You know you want to. You’re a horny showoff, just like me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am. Tell me to do it, again.”

“Spread your legs and show me and Vincent what a horny slut you are.”

“Oh, mmm, aah,” Sarah moaned as she quickly showed her obedience.

The brunette’s fingers short between her friend’s thighs, feeling wet heat soaking through her silky, red panties. Emily ended their kissing, her mouth gently kissing, her teeth softly nibbling on Sarah's lips, then her cheek, and finally, up to her ear.

“See? He’s watching us and he likes it. You like it, too, don’t you? I can feel hot and wet your cunt is. Do you want me to touch it while he watches?”

“Aaagh, mmm, oooh,” Sarah moaned out. Emily’s tongue darting in and around her ear, then licking and kissing down the nape of her neck, had her barely able to form coherent sounds, let alone speak.

“Ask me.”

“Please… oh fuck… I never knew how sensual it could be. Please, please touch me.”


“Please, touch me. I’m begging.”

“Do you want me to slide my hand inside your sexy, slutty panties and finger your snatch?”

“Yes, ma’am, please finger me.”

“Do you need to feel my fingers on your hard, throbbing clit?”

“Yes, please!”

Emily’s fingers had already crept over the waistband of her sexy, lace-trimmed panties, and her hand was already sliding between the satin and Sarah’s overheated flesh. Sarah moaned, loudly, as soon as a finger grazed her swollen clit. The blond’s pussy was so saturated that even the barest caress caused wet, squishing sounds.

“Don’t stop. Please, Emily, don’t stop. I’ve wanted this for so long. Oh, fuck! He’s watching.”

“Does it make you hot to know you’re being watched? I get so wet, then I have to fuck my aching cunt all night when it happens to me.”

“Oh, aah, um. Mmm.”

Emily found the perfect pressure and pace, and, although she hadn't been with that many women, Sarah was so worked up that she didn’t need to worry about proficiency. Holding two fingers together, straight and firm, her hand rubbed up and down the petite blond’s wetness, and her other fingers hooked around, grazing her hard clit. Sarah was lost in lust; her eyes were fixated on the neighbor across the street, but her entire body convulsed with each stroke over her clit, and panting sighs erupted from her open mouth every time Emily’s fingers danced in her saturated folds.

“Oh fuck, this is really happening. I can’t believe it. Please don’t stop. I’m going to cum.”

“Cum for me. Then, I’m going to go down on you and lick your hot pussy until you orgasm so hard you scream your head off. And my sexy neighbor is going to watch it because you get off on it, don’t you?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Sarah chanted over and over. “I’m a dirty slut. I can’t help it; I love it.”

“Cum for me, right now. I want to feel your steaming cunt cum all over my fingers.” As she said that, Emily gently thrust her index finger inside Sarah’s quivering hole. Her thumb lanced up and out as she quickly rocked her hand from side to side, grazing over Sarah’s now-exposed and throbbing clit until the pixie-like woman could only writhe and moan.

“Aaagghh! Fuck me, Oh fuck, oh shit, shit. Fuck; I’m cumming.”

Emily was no stranger to powerful, all-consuming orgasms, but the intensity of Sarah’s lust-riddled release took her aback. The short woman’s limbs flailed about, powerfully and with fury. Sarah’s back arched and straightened, rapidly, while her stomach visibly pumped with contractions. The blond’s ecstatic wailing was so loud that it made Emily’s ears ring, and the look of primal pleasure on her grimacing face was unforgettable.

“Now, lick your cum off my fingers, you little slut, then beg me to lick your cunt.”

Emily felt further vindication when Sarah eagerly plunged her mouth over her friend’s cum-soaked fingers and sucked her own cum off of them. Sarah’s tongue swirled over Emily’s digits as her mouth plunged up and down, fellating her friend’s hand.

“Please lick my pussy,” the blond pixie begged. “Make me cum on your tongue.” She paused for a moment. “then, would you show me how to do it to you?”

Pleased that Sarah had the forethought to wear her satin panties over the garter belts, she slid the red satin off her new lover’s flesh, got down on her knees, and kissed her way up her inner thigh. When her lips were six inches away from her still-pulsing slit, Sarah began moaning again. As Emily kissed the soft, sensitive spots on the tiny woman’s outer labia, Sarah pulled up her shirt, disorienting her bra along with it, and began harshly tugging and pulling on her very hard, erect nipples.

“I love your perfectly formed titties. So perfectly formed.”

“He’s watching us…and looking right at me. Please, ma’am. Please lick my clit.”

Possessed with lust, Emily pressed her pursed lips against the soaking, torridly-hot pussy and began licking it up and down. Sarah’s hips were humping up and down, into Emily’s face, so the woman gave up teasing and began circling her clit with her tongue.

“Oh, fuck, yes! So much better than men. Don’t stop, please don’t stop. Keep licking my slut-hole. Make me cum.”

Emily couldn’t stand the passion any longer and gave in to her burning, needy desires. She pulled up her skirt, exposing her thong-covered ass to the window and her voyeuristic neighbor. One of her hands violently tugged the thong aside and furiously rubbed her clit as she feasted on her friend’s juicy nectar.

Violently fingering her dripping cunt, Emily managed to give Sarah two more orgasms, each one stronger and more dramatic than the previous ones, before she made herself cum on her fingers.

“Oh fuck,” Sarah cooed. “If I’d have known how amazing it is with another woman, I wouldn’t have waited this long. Will you teach me to pleasure you, please?”

The two lovers took a short break to sip some wine.

“How about we finish our night in the bedroom?” Emily suggested.

“Will your neighbor still watch? It’s so horny being watched while we make love.”

“If I turn on the salt lamp, he’ll know something naughty and fun is about to go down.”

“Race you!”

As Emily sprinted toward her bedroom, watching her friend’s ass jiggle, she wondered if Vincent would bring up her lesbian tryst, the next day, during their cookout.

As soon as the lamp glowed to life, filling the room with its pinkish, romantic glow, Emily took command once more. “Now slowly strip in front of the window, so we can both see you. I wanted to see how sexy you look, nude, except for the garter belt and stockings.

“Yes, ma’am.” Sarah’s body undulated in submissive passion.

"Now, strip off that dress, and let me admire the sexy body I'm going to fuck all night."

Written by krystalg
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