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Mr And Mrs Matthaus - I

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Let me begin by painting a picture. With fifteen minutes until the lunch bell rang, I was in the girls toilets at school, completely naked, standing on tiptoes, arms stretched above my head, wrists bound by school ties, and securely onto a pipe. My clothes had been taken; the only garment visible was my 34-cup bra, which was ripped from my body and lay shredded in the middle of the room on the tiled floor. Between my feet was a pool of cum, with a residue of blood on my pussy lips and thighs, evidence of my lost virginity, taken from me by a hairbrush handle. Sobbing uncontrollably, I was ashamed of how I’d not only cum but squirted when my assailants took my virginity, fucking me with their hairbrush.

My heart began to pound upon hearing a knock at the door. Mr. Matthaus, the school deputy head, asked if I was alright. An instant later, the door creaked open slowly, and he came in.

“Joanna, what the hell has happened?"

How did I end up in that predicament, and what events led me there?


It was the first day of sixth grade, and I had decided that staying at school would be a better option than moving on to a local college to study the same subjects. I thought familiar teachers and surroundings would allow for better results at the end of two years.

The summer extended into September. Not unusual, even for England, but thirty degrees and humid. I attended an old school, one hundred and fifty years old, with air conditioning unheard of and bound to be hot and uncomfortable in the classrooms. As girls, at least we had various uniform options. Three choices were offered. Option one—trousers, shirt, tie, and blazer—were a no-no to me. Option two is a knee-length skirt. shirt, tie, and blazer were my normal attire, but it was too hot for that. Option three looked horrendous: a red and white check-patterned dress, which made me feel as though I was wearing a tea cloth and was made from material to match. Its saving grace were its ten buttons, going from top to bottom, on the front of the dress. I’d undone the bottom two and top buttons in an attempt to allow air to flow under them, but with little success. I was so hot.

Turning sixteen earlier in the year, it’s fair to suggest that I was a late developer. I was ten days beyond my third menstrual cycle. Six months prior to nature's menstrual gifts, I discovered the pleasures of masturbation, feeling as though my body was in a continual state of arousal.

To begin with, as I learned the art of self-pleasure, I did it anywhere or anytime I could. It would be with my clothes on, teasing myself to orgasm. It became addictive; each orgasm made me want more, like an unquenchable thirst. Becoming more at ease with my body, I’d slip my fingers under my clothing, tease my nipples, followed by my clit, and I’d cum. Freeing my body of clothing made masturbation so much better, allowing me to fully explore my body. I was learning about myself, my body and my mind and what turned me on or off. It was clear; however, I had an exhibitionist nature, loving the freedom of being naked. I didn’t know whether I wanted to be seen, but the prospect didn’t worry me. I didn’t really think about that side of being nude; I simply loved the thrill of being naked.

The first two lessons of the day passed by quickly, leaving a study period before lunch break with nothing to study. I wanted to be naked and to orgasm. Being in school simply made the urge more irresistible. I could go to the loos in the main school, strip off, and let go.

The throng of students moving between the two blocks of the school was a sight to see, as if the whole school were on the move. Walking the one hundred and fifty meters between the school blocks in the warm sunshine caused me to perspire. Moving through the side entrance to the main school, into the relative darkness of the narrow, long corridor, my heart rate skipped a beat seeing Deputy Head, Mr. Matthaus, standing in the doorway of his classroom. He was ushering students to walk quickly to their next class. He, along with his wife, had long been my favourite teachers, and I’ll admit to having a crush on both of them, fuelling most, if not all, of my thoughts when masturbating.

For some time, lessons with Mrs. Matthaus made me think I was a lesbian. My crush was huge. Of course, she was gorgeous with naturally blonde, with brown eyes and a slim, athletic body. She made me want to learn. In one of my earlier lessons with her, she told the class that we were all born with a pre-disposed life plan or destiny, which can be altered by the choices we make, good or bad, and that we all possess a gift or talent within us. In a one-to-one conversation, she told me, We all have a soulmate; fate brings us together. I adored her.

Mr. Matthaus was a six-foot-tall black god of a man with big brown eyes and a smile that sent me weak at the knees every time he looked at me. He stood wearing black trousers and a gleaming white shirt, making me wonder what his naked body might look like beneath them. Like a moth to a flame, I had to talk to him. He made me realize I wasn’t gay, as my thoughts drifted to being naked with him and of him taking my virginity. I adored him too, but it was more about my sexual desires. A crush of a sexual nature.

“How is Mrs. Matthaus feeling? The baby must be due in five weeks.“

“Wow, Jo. I’m so impressed. You know when the baby is due.“

“Of course, I know when the baby is due. Mrs. Matthaus was my favourite teacher.“ I continued, following a brief pause and shy, bashful smile, “You are brilliant too, sir.“

“In answer to your question, Jo, she just wants to give birth now. We are considering employing an au pair or live-in nanny as soon as possible.“

I beamed excitedly, “Can I apply for the job?"

“I’m absolutely certain Leanna would jump at you having the job. She adores you. We both do, but you’ve only just started sixth-form, and you're at A levels.“

“What if Leanna homeschooled me? I could do both.“

With the corridor deserted, students in their next classes, and Mr. Matthaus knowing I had a study period, he suggested we have a coffee to discuss it further. Of course, I eagerly agreed, but after I’d been to the loo, I still wanted to masturbate; I needed to cum more than ever.

“You should visit Leanna on your way home. We live in the house, backing onto your garden. We have a great view of it from our bedroom window.“

I felt my face redden and my heart pound. “So, you watched me sunbathing.“

“We did. Every day.“

“But I was naked.“

“Yes, you were, Jo. We always thought you were the prettiest student we’ve taught, and seeing you in the garden, you looked incredible. I’m sorry if we violated your privacy in any way.“

“Oh my god, every day. So, you saw me masturbating.“

The respectful barrier between teacher and student was gone.

“We couldn’t turn away, Jo.“

“I did it a lot. I couldn’t stop.“

“I won’t lie, Jo; we heard you too. We were all naked and enjoyed simultaneous climaxes.“

“I don’t feel violated in any way, sir, and if we are being honest, Every time I’ve touched myself for months, it was Leanna in my head, but you’ve been in there too, inside me, making love to me, and then, three of us together, having sex.“

Part of me enjoyed seeing him fidget in discomfort, but then, as I glanced down, I nearly came after seeing a huge tent in his trousers. Unable to contain my smile, I turned, telling him I was going to the bathroom and that he should put the kettle on. I handed Mr. Matthaus my school bag to take with him to his room.

It was less than ten meters to the toilet door, and not wanting to waste a moment, I hurried to the door, entering the room. It was immediately obvious: I was the first to use the facility since the summer break; the walls were freshly painted; the mirrors reflected my own image back at me; and the tiled floor was sparkling and clean. Which stall should I use? It didn’t matter; I expected to be undisturbed.

Standing in front of the end stall, I looked at myself in the mirror. Eagerly, I unfastened my dress fully, from the top down. I looked at my brown wavy hair tied back in the school-required ponytail; my blue eyes were full of obvious need. Crouching down, I untied both shoes and pushed them off, leaving them outside the stall. Moving into the stall, I left the door open and pulled down my white knickers, soaked by my arousal. I watched the fabric cling to my hair-free pussy and pussy lips before dropping down my thighs as I sat on the toilet seat.

Leaning forward, I pushed off each sock and took off my knickers, throwing my discarded clothing where I’d left my shoes. From the moment I’d begun to masturbate months earlier, one of my biggest turn-ons was seeing how my toes scrunched and released at my point of climax, giving me a sense of satisfaction and elation. Having bare feet heightened my sense of arousal.

I should pee first. I thought it relaxing to let it gush between my pussy lips. Despite being alone and having little chance of being disturbed, I felt so naughty to be bottomless, with discarded clothes out of reach, the loo door open, and peeing. Pushing my dress open, I moved myself onto the toilet seat and placed my feet on the edge of the plastic, allowing my knees to splay apart.

I gasped, feeling the fingertips of my left hand touch my sensitive clit. Slowly and gently, my fingertips circled the tip, enjoying how quickly it became sensitive to touch, making me breathe hard and moan with pleasure. My mind drifted back to the sight of Mr. Matthaus’s hard cock, tenting in his trousers, and I wondered how he’d react to seeing me now. Would he put it inside me? Faster and faster, fingertips traced up and down the length of my clit, penetrating between my pussy lips. Should I plunge in deeper to take my virginity and imagine his black cock fucking me, filling me with his seed?

With my free hand, I eased my dress off my left shoulder, desperate to be naked. I continued to tease my clit, enjoying the steady buildup of arousal. I wanted to feel completely free, and by throwing my dress and bra out of the stall, I’d be vulnerable too.

Suddenly, I froze, hearing the door to the toilets open. A part of me had a desire to be caught, either naked or masturbating. Despite that urge, I eased my dress back up onto my shoulder. I considered my position. Was I that brave? Why hadn’t they seen my discarded clothing?

Holding my breath, I continued to tease myself, faster and faster. I couldn’t see who had entered the room. I was in the midst of an adrenaline rush, not knowing who was there. There was silence. Not sure if I was still alone, I teased my clit harder, breathing harder, my pulse racing, knowing I’d moan again soon.

“Are you sure your house is empty, Lyd?"

“Yes, Son. Here, look, I can show you on the camera. I promised if we bunked off, we’d be alone, naked, and fucking all afternoon. Nobody knows we are gay.“

“We’d better hurry then, Lyd.“

Oh, my fucking god, the rumours were true: Lydia Harris and Sonia De Souza are together and lesbians. I’d known them for three years, being the same age, but my choice had been to avoid them. There was no evidence to suggest they were bullies, but their demeanour made them intimidating to be around.

My fingers had continued to tease. I held my breath, but my body betrayed me. A gasp of pleasure escaped my mouth when my clit throbbed mercilessly. There was no turning back, knowing they must have heard me. I had to cum. My fingertips, a blur of motion against my clit.

Suddenly, with my knees wide open and every part of me on display, I saw them, looking into the stall, two blonde, blue-eyed, six-foot-tall, powerfully built lesbian rugby players. With a last flick of my clit, I gasped, knees clamping together, then opened wide and my toes scrunched tight. My pussy relaxed as I started to orgasm with a powerful spurt of my juices. Squirting beyond the open door was followed a moment later by a second, equally intense squirt.

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“Well, what do we have in here, son?"

“It looks as though, Miss Nerdy, Goody-two-shoes has a slutty side, Lyd. And she’s fucking gorgeous. What a body! That was an impressive orgasm for a swatty princess.“

I’ll admit to feeling extremely intimidated when Lydia stepped, with purpose, into the stall. Reaching behind my head, she wrapped her fingers and thumb around my thick ponytail. I grimaced and winced as she pulled me to my feet, off the toilet seat, and out of the stall. I struggled to stay upright and keep my balance. She man-handled my eight-stone-seven body as if I weighed nothing to her. Pulling me by my hair, Lydia pulled my dress off my arms and shoulders, which left me wearing my bra only. Suddenly, I felt hands reach under my hair to unclip my gold necklace. Next to be taken from me was my watch, and finally, two gold rings. I was powerless to resist.

“Don’t take my jewellery, please. Anything but those.“

“Son, I’ve got to snog Miss Nerdy; she’s so fucking hot. Take a picture.“

“Of course, I will, Lyd, but wait. We can have fun with her.“

To that point, Lydia had been the aggressor, but Sonia began to take control. It would have been easier to unfasten my bra, but Sonia appeared to revel in her power, ripping the flimsy garment from my breasts, her hard, sensitive nipples standing proud.

“There you go, Lyd. The pictures will look much sexier now that Miss Goody-two-shoes is naked. Look at those gorgeous tits.“

Yes, I was scared, but my body was betraying me, with arousal trickling down my thighs. Still holding my ponytail, Lydia put her mouth on mine. In an act of defiance, my lips remained tight together. With a sharp tug on my thick ponytail, Lydia forced me to look into her blue eyes. It was the first time I’d really looked at her, and she was pretty; I couldn’t deny it. Would kissing her be so bad? This would be my first lesbian kiss. Who was I kidding? It’d be my first kiss.

“I do not want to hurt you; neither Sonia nor I will hurt you. We do not want anyone to find out that we are gay. Kiss me, please. Don’t resist.“

Nervously, I opened my mouth and closed my eyes. Lydia’s lips felt soft on mine. Despite her aggression and pulling hard on my ponytail, the kiss felt sensual and erotic. I couldn’t resist. I could hear Sonia moving, her phone pinging as she snapped pictures.

Sonia had pulled off her tie, demanding I hold out my arms. I could hardly resist or run away; I was naked. In a school full of one thousand students, there was no hiding place. Standing submissively. I allowed Sonia to bind her tie tightly to my left wrist and Lydia’s to my right.

I was pushed towards the wall by the room door and guided to turn around with my back to the wall. Not a word was spoken, just a look and smile between the two girls, towering over my five-foot-six body. Taking one wrist each, they forced my arms above my head. There was a pipe running parallel to the ceiling. At that moment, I began to panic, the ties on my wrists being bound securely onto the pipe, giving me little option but to stand on my tiptoes.

“I wasn’t going to tell anyone. I won’t tell anyone. I promise, you have my word.“

“We know. We’ll take pictures of you, and if you say a word, the world will see.“

I relaxed, accepting the threat, knowing they’d do as they promised. I’ll admit, I secretly enjoyed the girls taking pictures of my naked body. Sonia had meanwhile collected every piece of my discarded clothing, except for my ripped bra, and put them into her schoolbag. I was beginning to think being vulnerable was not how I expected it to be, and I was scared but enjoying it too.

When Lydia took her hairbrush out of her schoolbag, my eyes widened. Before I had a chance to think and wonder what might happen, Sonia turned to her co-aggressor, telling her to start the video recording on her phone. Lydia stood to my right, close enough to hear each breath she took. I felt intimidated, not knowing what might happen.

Putting her lips to my right ear and allowing her warm breath to seduce me, Sonia whispered, “I want to see you naked, on video, for when I’m fucking Lyd later. You really turn me on.“

I was suffering a million wildly differing emotions. My mouth opened when Sonia put hers to mine, and, to my surprise, I kissed back when our tongues touched. Feelings were sent into overdrive when the fingertips of her right hand teased up and down my pussy lips. I grimaced, feeling the ties on my wrists tighten when I attempted to pull my arms free. Sonia’s kissed down my body to my right breast, circling with her tongue. I simply couldn’t resist moaning with pleasure. Two fingers penetrated my pussy lips, making me gasp, feel my pussy throb, and grip them hard. Deeper, her fingers probed, feeling my virginity resist.

“Oh, god. Yes, Lyd, she’s still a virgin.“

Lydia stepped forward to stand on my left side with the hairbrush in her left hand. She copied Sonia’s earlier actions, kissing me and sucking my right nipple. As I had with Sonia, I willingly returned her kiss.

Pulling away, Lydia looked at Sonia. The girls squatted a little, each taking hold of one of my legs under each of my knees. Effortlessly, I was lifted off the ground, back against the wall, legs held wide open as Lydia looked into my eyes.

“I’m sorry, Princess. This will hurt at first, but I promise, we’ll make you orgasm and feel amazing.“

Despite the two girls intimidating me and making me feel insecure, they exuded intimacy too. I couldn’t relax at all. My mind screamed, Please stop, but my body demanded they keep going, I wanted them to continue.

It felt so nice as Lydia rubbed the handle of the hairbrush against my pussy lips, seeing it begin to glisten with juices coating the thick black plastic. In my head, thoughts turned to me coating the cock of Mr. Matthaus in the same way. Gasping, I felt the thick, smooth tip of the brush handle spread the soft folds of my pussy lips. Glancing down between my held-open thighs, I watched.


With a sudden thrust up, my virginity was taken. There was a sharp, intense pain, but it was less painful than my pussy being stretched open and filled. I was being violated and taken against my will. Why was my body betraying me, pussy throbbing on and off the brush handle as Lydia fucked me with it faster and faster? Each thrust into me encouraged a gasp, then a moan of pleasure. I could see my stomach and inner-thigh muscles contracting in response to my pussycat. Fuck, it felt so good.

I was used to feeling horny; I’d orgasm within minutes of teasing myself, but as Lydia fucked me, I attempted to resist but failed. From nowhere, in my head, I saw Mr. Matthaus between my legs and fucking me. That was all it took. I couldn’t resist moaning, and a few seconds later, my body tensed. With my eyes shut tight, I heard my juices splashing across the tiled floor as I squirted three times.

The hairbrush was immediately replaced in my pussycat with two fingers of Sonia’s right hand, not finger-fucking but exploring. Oh my fucking god, my body screamed out as I moaned involuntarily, looking into her eyes.

“What’sssssssss. Oh fuck, Sonia.“

“That’s your spot, Princess. I’m going to tease it and your clit at the same time. You will orgasm so hard. You’re so sexy, I want to kiss you all over.“

I thought the orgasm given to me by Lydia and the hairbrush was as intense as any I’d experienced before. My complete vulnerability to circumstances is no doubt heightening my emotional response. Sensations radiated around my body, my g-spot and clit throbbing as Sonia teased. Juices trickled steadily onto the tiled floor; I knew I’d cum soon. Being held up, as I was by the girls, I was increasingly frustrated, not being able to writhe on Sonia’s fingers and gasping hard with each intense pulse of my pussycat. For the second time in a matter of minutes, my eyes had closed and I was coughing and squirting hard.

“We are putting you down now, Princess.“

Carefully, the girls eased my feet back onto the floor, making sure I was securely standing after giving me two intense orgasms. My thighs felt surprisingly wobbly and weak, and it took all of my strength to stand, my wrists hurting as the binds tightened further. I wish I was taller. My calf and thigh muscles felt so tight as I pushed up with my toes.

Lydia spoke. “We’ve known you for three years; you never spoke to us. We thought you were a swat, definitely a goody-two-shoes, but in twenty-five minutes, we see a different princess, gorgeous, sexy, and wild.“

Filled with panic, realizing the girls were going to leave me tied to a pipe and naked, I looked pleadingly at them. Both girls simultaneously put their fingers to my lips, saying, "Remember, Princess, not a word.“

“I promised I’d not say a word.“

Standing by the door, Sonia said, “If you want your clothes back, come to my house; you know where I live. I promise, you’ll love the sex.“

And with that, the door opened, the girls were gone, and I was alone. Pulling at the ties on my wrists once more but to no avail, there was no freeing of my hands; indeed, my efforts served to worsen my circumstances, forcing me to push harder onto my tiptoes. Every second dragged by, making it feel like I’d been tied up for hours, and my tears started to flow. How could I have cum so hard? I shouldn’t have liked it.

Hearing a knock at the door and the familiar sound of Mr. Matthaus’s voice, announcing he was entering the room, had an immediate calming influence, with tears relenting and the body relaxing. Entering the room, I watched him survey the entire room before Mr. Matthaus turned to look at me, as if trying to assess what might have happened, asking about the blood on my thighs. The tears flowed freely once again as I told him I couldn’t say.

He exuded calm. “It’s ok, Jo. Let me get you free and get you out of here before the bell rings for lunch. Lydia Harris and Sonia De Souza told me they’d found you like this.“

He’d moved toward me, his clothed body touching my naked flesh. As he reached up, attempting to untie my wrists with no success, he told me he’d need scissors to cut me free. Mr. Mattaus’s warm breath on my ear sent shivers of arousal through my body.

Without a word, Mr. Matthaus turned and hurriedly left the room, leaving the door wide open. It was less than two minutes left alone, with the door left fully open. Classes were still in full swing, but every sound seemed amplified, echoing down the deserted school corridor. Oh, my god, get a grip, Jo, I thought, feeling my pussy throb with arousal. When Mr. Matthaus returned, I blushed, knowing he couldn’t help but notice the unmistakable smell of my arousal. With his body pressed against mine, reaching above my head, scissors in hand, about to cut the ties and set me free, I gasped, feeling his erection against my right thigh.

Looking up between my raised arms, I watched the scissors cut through the ties, securing me to the pipe. Instantly, I dropped from my toes to the flat of my feet. My thigh and calf muscles immediately cramped. Self-preservation kicked in to prevent myself from falling, wrapping my arms around Mr. Matthaus’s neck and shoulders. It was a blur; everything happened so fast, with him clutching my arse cheeks to support me and pulling me onto his erection. Then there were those big, irresistible brown eyes looking into mine. I don’t know which of us made the next move—open mouths locked together; tongues entwined as we kissed for the first time.

It was ten seconds, maybe less, for both Mr. Matthaus and me, consumed by the moment and then by shock. He pulled his mouth from mine.

“Not here, Jo. Get to my office before anyone sees you’re naked.“

“Ok, Mr. Matthaus.“

“I think, when we’re alone, you should call me Danny.“

Taking my wrists one at a time, Danny cut off the ties to leave me fully free. I saw him look at each tie and roll his eyes. He said nothing but appeared angry, putting them in his trouser pocket. Turning around, he bent down to pick up my ripped bra and put it in his pocket.

“Go now, Jo. I’ll be with you as soon as I’ve dried the floor in here.“

Written by Joanna86
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