I had just sold the company which I created. I had spent ten years creating the company, Echo Heart Technologies. The specific instrument I created, to not get into technical terms, was like a camera for the heart. Yes, it could be used anywhere on the body. It pierced the skin to see internally without opening the patient’s body. Or, for a broken bone, the surgeon could see around the fracture.
I was elated that the device worked so well on so many different fronts. Operations to explore wouldn’t be necessary, hence, the patient’s time in the hospital would be cut down. Insurances would be ecstatic. I just saved them billions. Oh, I am not totally out of the company. I am on the board of directors to make sure they make a smaller version for ambulances and other first responders who can send this information to the surgeons at the hospital.
I was at the closing of the deal, as is customary, to sign too many documents which my lawyers put in front of me. It was all in a language I could not understand. I trusted my lawyers to work out a deal that would retire me, in effect, for the rest of my life and I would never have to worry about how much something cost me, within reason, of course.
The lawyers for the buyers had left after giving me a check. The sum for the company, the Echo Heart, and for the smaller version was staggering to me. My lawyers came over to me, smiling.
“So, what are you going to do with all that, Mark?” was their first question.
“I am going on vacation,” I thought quickly, “and no, it is not Disneyland.”
This brought many laughs and back slaps. Then they turned serious, stone-faced.
“Uh oh, I promise my check to you will be good,” I said trying to lighten their spirits.
Ken, the leader of the team, said, “We just don’t want to see you go, heck, we are out of a job now.”
I looked at all of them eye to eye responding, “Form your own law practice. You guys and gals are excellent. Once you do that, I promise I will be your first client. I will always need a team of lawyers, even if it is to tell me why I shouldn’t do something.”
Every last one of them agreed. I shook the hands of the men and received hugs from the ladies.
“So, where are you going on your vacation? I have heard you muttering about needing a vacation for at least eight years now.” Stated Ken, who has been with me for eight years.
“I have no idea under the sun,” I stated, “but I do want to be under the sun. This body could use some sand, surf, and perhaps some dancing.” I smiled, “And if a cute female crosses my path, I wouldn’t mind that one bit!”
Everyone laughed and headed out of my office. I sat at my desk, feeling relieved for the first time in ten years. I opened my laptop computer and started a search of Caribbean Islands. I wanted to be warm for a few weeks, so I booked my intentions with a resort. I wanted to wait on flying options until I got a confirmation from the resort.
Thirty minutes later, I got an email from the resort confirming my stay. They told me the number of the bungalow in which I would be staying. For the flight, I wanted to talk to a live human being. I called the charter flight service and told them I needed a flight from Spokane to Miami, and then another flight from Miami to a very small island in the Caribbean. I heard fingernails clicking on the keyboard. The ticket agent told me that the flight is confirmed and where to meet the plane. He reminded me to bring my passport for identification at the airport.
Shortly after arriving home, I received a text from the charter plane company which I chose. I was told to go to Hangar 7 in my local town. From there I would be flown to Spokane, and onward to Miami. I was quite impressed that the charter company already had my itinerary figured out in such a short time. I was told to be at Hangar 7 the next morning which sounded like a great idea to me.
I packed a few toiletries and grabbed my passport before heading out the door the next morning. I drove my car to the airport and requested Hangar 7. The guard asked to see my passport. I readily complied and gave it to him. He looked at it, then at me. He told me to not park in the usual parking lot, but to go directly to Hangar 7.
I went to Hangar 7 and parked outside. I went up to the hangar and knocked on the door with my pack of toiletries and a few clothes in hand. A very pretty redhead opened the door. Her hair was down to her shoulders. She was wearing the company uniform which was blue and had on high heels with what I guessed were stockings.
“Hello, my name is Mark, and I have a flight for Miami via Spokane,” I told her.

With her long nails, she typed in my name and took my passport. She too looked at me and the passport and scanned it.
“That will do for the flight from here to Miami,” she informed me.
I looked at her a little astonished and inquired, “I thought I was going through Spokane to Miami.”
She looked at me and chuckled, “No, you are going directly from here to Miami. In Miami, you will board a high-speed boat and enjoy the ride to your destination, Lile Nue. Is that correct?”
I was listening to her sweet voice as she told me the new and revised itinerary. I could hardly wait to begin my travels and told her so. She smiled and took me to the plane. At the plane, she handed me over to a stewardess.
“Hey, Dawn, I have your client here and he is ready to travel", the secretary told this lovely blonde lady. Dawn was wearing the same uniform as the secretary. She whirled around looking like a ballerina as she did.
“Hello, Mr. Jackson, it is so nice of you to fly with us today. Come aboard, please, and we will get you seated and on our way to your destination of Miami, correct?” she asked.
I nodded that she was correct and followed her to the plane. She had long legs and wore white stockings on them. She looked fabulous. I was enjoying watching her walk to the plane. She stepped up the stairs and into the plane and turned to me to make sure I boarded safely.
“Mr. Jackson, this is your pilot today,” Dawn pointed to another beautiful lady with brunette hair, “Her name is Erica. Don’t worry, she will get us there safely and on time for you to make your boat.”
It seemed that everyone knew my itinerary except the most important person...me. I laughed it off in my mind. I am going to leave everything to them. At about that time, I heard Erica start the engines which inside the hangar was almost deafening. Dawn pointed to a seat and took a seat opposite of me, hitting a button which was a signal to Erica. The plane started to move out of the hangar and become substantially quieter.
Dawn leaned over to me which exposed the white creaminess of her neck telling me, “When we get up in the air, I will get some refreshments for us."
I nodded my confirmation that I did hear her and both of us sat back in our seats. Erica expertly put the plane through the final take-off procedures then got us on the runway. All of a sudden, I felt a power surge and we were off the ground. Dawn waited for Erica to level off the plane as I assumed it was difficult to walk in high heels in an upward-bound plane.
After about ten minutes, Erica did level off the plane and Dawn got up to get us some refreshments. I started to notice that the cabin was getting rather warm, if not hot. I looked out the windows to make sure nothing was burning.
Dawn walked up to me in her inflight uniform. She was wearing the high heels and a smile. Her blonde hair was hanging over her shoulders framing her smiling red lips and pretty blue eyes. I must have looked a sight with my jaw on the floor.
She smiled and said, “I do hope this means that you approve?”
I simply nodded. It was all I was capable of doing.
Erica walked out wearing the exact same inflight suit, her birthday suit.
“Don’t worry, the plane is on autopilot for a second. I do hope you approve of our inflight wear.”
I nodded vigorously and actually found words, “Yes, I approve of your inflight wear.” I smiled.
Erica stated, “This company is called New Air. There are about twenty employees. We saw your destination and thought you would enjoy starting your vacation a little early. Hence, we picked your name from a rival charter company. I hope you do not mind.”
I thought, “Mind? Me? Why would I mind just so long as they get me to Lile Nue.”
I assured them there was no problem whatsoever. I was happy to be here.
Dawn then said, “We turned up the heater in the cabin. We also believe our clients should be comfortable. Do you care to join us?”
I couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough for two reasons. The first was the two beautiful ladies in front of me and the second was that it was indeed hot in the cabin and I had to do something about it.
I heard Erica say, “Mmmmm....coffee, tea, or me?”
I looked her in her eyes and she winked.
(To Be Continued)
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