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Las Vegas: The Dinner

"Initially reluctant, she enjoys exhibitionism that graduates to an amateur striptease show."

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Author's Notes

"Moving a reluctant exhibitionist into the limelight."

"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez, it exposes so much of me," you said.

"Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied.

"With Dress A, you'd be making a statement. It does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal."

"Dress B, on the other hand, allows you to reveal as much as you want. I know it's not your color, but looking at the model with the blonde hair, it would work on you."

“Finally, there’s Dress C. It showed way more skin than you were comfortable with, but you did make some home modifications and added snaps to them. I wanted just two closures, but you decided you needed three. We'll take all of them, and then you can make a decision when you get there."

You agreed and packed the dresses.

The flight seemed to take forever, but I was glad to get our bags and get out of McCarran airport, grab our rental car, head to the Strip and the Bellagio. Flying isn’t as much fun anymore given the security, hurry up and wait, but thankfully, I no longer smoke, and that’s not a big issue anymore.

I know you were nervous about the whole thing, and I didn't bring it up again during the drive to the hotel. We pulled up to the port cochere and handed the keys to the valet there while the bell staff grabbed our luggage. Already, the guys were admiringly giving you the once over as you got out of the car. As we approached the front desk area to check-in, I told you to relax on the sofa while I got us situated.

I went through the routine of checking us in, room cards, and headed to the room with the bell leading the way. I booked us in one of the suite packages, and it did overlook the fountain and Strip... I already had the best scene a guy could want. The bell cap led us to the elevator and tapped the floor button. You smiled at me, we kissed each other on the way up. Once the door to the elevator opened, the bell led the way to the room. I just asked the guy to leave bags at the foot the bed, tipped him nicely, and he left.

We had a few hours before dinner, and I asked if there was anything, in particular, you wanted for dinner. You weren't sure at that point, and I think it was nerves beginning to play on you. You did take the time to scout the room and liked the idea of a full tub with a whirlpool. I did let you know that rooms service was available 24/7, which perked up your ears. I did mention having you cloistered up in a room was not my preference. You smiled, knowing what I intended for our vacation.

One of the reasons for selecting the Bellagio was the sheer number of restaurants available and the cuisines. While not every venue was fabulous, but at least they were decent enough. They did have some places that had a dress code, although I often wondered how strict the enforcement is.

I took off my shirt, shoes, and socks, got comfortable in bed, opening up the directory to peruse the restaurants in the hotel that was available for dinner.

"Boy," I said, looking up from the restaurant directory, "They do have something for everyone and every taste. The Mayfair Supper Club has a great view of the fountains along with nightly entertainment, Spagos, Japanese, Lago by Julian Serrano, a Steakhouse, Le Cirque, even Chinese. Course there's always room service. Did you hear me?" I asked.

You turned around from the window and look at me, eyes twinkling, "Sorry, babe, I was just looking at the view."

I laughed and said, "There's only buildings and desert out there, nothing to see. The fountains are nice, and they have a good show from what I read.”

"I know, but I'm still in shock that I'm here, you're here, we're here in a hotel room in Las Vegas on the Strip, no less."

I got up and walked over to you, hugged you, and kissed you softly. Took your hand and led you to the bed. You sat down, kicked your shoes and socks off, lying down. I walked over to the other side, lying next to you in the process. I stared at your face and grinned.

"OK, what are you smiling about?" You inquired.

I smiled again and said, "I'm just admiring your beauty. You have very little makeup on, and I'm looking at the most gorgeous woman in the world."

You blushed as you usually do when I say those things. I brought my face close to you and kissed you. You accepted my kiss and opened your mouth to let our tongues play the eternal dance that lovers often do. I moved my hand and fingers down the side of your body, feeling you shake and quivering just a little. The goosebumps on your arm let me know that you liked it as usual. You paused for a moment and then looked behind you.

“What’s wrong?” I queried.

“The curtains are open.”


“People can see us.”


“Oh god, I like having the lights on, but I’m too shy about the world.”

I got up, closed the curtain, and flipped the lights off. “Better?”

“Ummm, that’s only the sheer curtains. People can still see us.”

“No, I corrected, they can only see two bodies. They can’t even tell if we’re naked or not.”

“Jeez, you’re incorrigible.”

“No, I’m your Darkside, remember?”

You sighed, flashed a smile, and said, “Get your sexy ass back here and make sure you’re naked.”

I gave a mock salute and said, “You need to be naked too.”

We both stripped down, and you attempted to pull back the covers. I stopped you and uttered, “Nope, on top of the covers, please.”

There was a sigh from you, but you complied. We laid next to each other naked, and I looked down at your body. I knew you felt awkward whenever I looked at you despite my many accolades about you. I kissed you softly again, placing my hand on your hips and began to trace the outline of your curve. My hand reached your boobs, and I sensed your awareness of it when you sucked in your breath. I love touching your naked flesh, especially your seldom seen side boob. Your skin texture was soft, and the white color stood out in the dim room, lit up only by the outside ambient lights of the Vegas Strip.

My hand wandered on your tits, and your excitement was growing as were your nipples. They harden under my caresses, and I enjoyed the sensations of rising passion in you. I began kissing you more, both of us ardent lovers and enjoying the open-mouth kiss with our tongues. You rolled on to your back, and I swung over with you to lay my naked body on yours. I began a slow journey down your naked body to revel in your skin, smell, and taste. You love my oral ministration of your body and how much I appreciated that aspect in our lovemaking. As I put it, “I’m worshipping your body.”

I was very thorough about ensuring I covered your naked form, which always helped set your frame of mind. You were appreciated and loved. I was down to your navel, and the excitement was building. Your face appeared was flushed as much as your chest. You saw my head going lower and lower with your legs spreading wider, thighs pulling back to give me more access. You realize I had paused and became aware I was looking again at your pussy.

“God, that’s so embarrassing when you do that,” you declared.

“I can’t help it,” I whispered back. “It’s sexy, especially when you’re horny. All the blood has started rushing to it, giving a nice rosy red color. There’s also a sexy aroma that goes with it too.”

“Oh god, that’s so mortifying, and you know I can’t help it.”

“I know, but I still love looking and smelling it.”

I heard you gasp when my fingers touch the side of your pussy lips and splay them open to let me look even deep within your cunt. Your breathing picked up a little more, and you realize you were leaking even more. Embarrassed by my voyeurism, you recognized you were in a vicious cycle. The more self-conscious you were about it, the more you leaked juices and the hornier you became. The exhibitionist side of you enjoyed displaying how wanton you felt.

I ran my finger gently around your pussy lips, carefully avoiding entering you. I let my finger drift downward towards the bottom of your cunt, rubbing that area right between your pussy and anus. I noted that your juices had run copiously and down to your anus. Reaching down with both hands, I stretched both your pussy and anus, letting you know that I was admiring both holes at the same time.

I then announced to you, “God, I love looking at your pussy and anus, especially when you’re such hot slutty whore. Your juices are running down to the crack of your ass.”

Licking that area between your pussy and anus, I heard you gasping with delight and mewing from you. “Oh god, you’re such a bad boy for doing that and telling me, but I love it. Please, please, puh-lease lick my ass and pussy.” I slowly let the tip of my tongue lap up and down your pussy and hearing you moan. “That feels so good, oh god,” you squealed.

I proceeded down to your pussy again and kissing that area between your anus and pussy, hearing you implore, “Please, lick my ass.”

“Be specific,” I said. “What part of your ass do you want me to lick?”

“Damn you, my anus,” you spat. “Yes, yes, oh my god, yes, right there, you bad boy. Make me your dirty little whore that loves having her anus licked,” you growled…

I stopped only to hear you howl with protest. “Goddamn it, why are you stopping? C’mon, I want more…”

“I know, and that’s why.”

“What the fuck?”

“You’re horny and agitated, which is exactly the state I want you. Let’s shower, change, and head out for a bite to eat. I’ll let you pick which dress to wear and how much you want to ‘show’ me. It’ll be your way of getting even.”

You pouted for a bit then decided, and said, “I’ll make you pay for this.” You opted to put Dress C on since it was in black and a bit more formal but still playful enough.

We showered together and kissed a lot even though I was erect and wanted it; both of us knew what laid before us. I let you dress and apply your ‘war paint in peace. As you stepped out of the bathroom, I sucked my breath and whistled. “Wow.” I waited what seems like a lifetime while you got “ready.” You had on Dress C since it was black, which was more appropriate for nightwear. Damn, if your tits didn’t just speak volumes that told the world, “Yeah, I’m fucking hot and sexy, get over it and deal with it.”

I could barely utter my admiration and said, again, “Wow, you are so fucking hot in that dress. Guys will be drooling, and the women will be pissed.”

You flashed your million-dollar smile and simply said, “Let's go, tiger.”

We left the room and towards the elevator. I pushed the down button, and we waited about a minute or so before one of the doors opened. Inside there were two groups, young newlyweds and an older couple. The older guy had his eyes wide open when he saw you, and his wife wasn’t pleased about it given the nudge (elbow check) she gave him.

Even the younger guy looked you over at least once that I could tell and was nervous because his wife seems to notice where his eye rested. Both women weren’t pleased about it, judging from the head toss I saw from the younger woman as they left the elevator. You giggled and whispered to me, “You were right about the dress.”

I chose Mina’s because I’ve never had his food, but his two signature restaurants, with one being in San Francisco and the other in Las Vegas, have an excellent reputation. Plus, it didn’t hurt that foie gras was on the menu. I did want you to at least taste it once in your life. While I was hungry, I didn’t desire a huge meal and feel stuffed to the gills, but I wanted a nice dinner with the ambiance.

Dining together was excellent, and while there was some sexual tension, we both knew it would keep. After the entrée was finished, I leaned over to you and whispered, “So how do you feel in that dress?”

“Kind of naked but yet not,” you replied. “I’m practically naked under this dress with only the breast lifts and a g-string. That’s about as naked as you can get.” You blushed as you uttered those words.

“Well, you could remove your g-string, but you might stain your dress,” I noted.

“God, I knew you would say that.”

You looked away for a moment and then said, “I’ll do it."

I got up and moved the chair out for me and allowed you to head over the lady's room. You came back, your face a bit red, and I became aware you had released one of the snaps on your dress, so it rode higher up your thigh, exposing more you. I stood up to help you into the seat. I asked if everything was all right.

“Yes, but damn, I feel so damn naked right now. There’s nothing under this dress.”

“But how do you feel?”

“Fucking horny, you bastard, and you know that. I’m practically naked in public, but at least I’m the only one besides you that knows that.”

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“I dunno, there is your smell, and I noticed the slits in your dress are a bit higher,” I grinned widely at that statement.

Earlier the snap covered the slit at about two inches above the knees. The slit now was near to your mid-thigh, much like the model that wore the black dress. Your creamy white skin contrasted against the black dress.

“Yes, I did some ‘adjustment’ on the dress. I know you’d love it. Oh god, I forgot about that. Can you really smell me?”

“Well, I know you and your smell.” I watched as you blushed hard at the thought that other people around you could tell. “Some of the women aren’t too happy with you and your alteration. I want to tell them; she’s expensive but worth it.”

“Don’t you dare even think about it,” you smiled when saying that.

“Do you want coffee and/or dessert?”

“No, but I would like another drink, please.”

I got the attention of our wait staff and ordered another drink for you. When it arrived, you took a big gulp. “Easy, Princess, I want you relaxed and uninhibited. Not sick or hurling.”

“I know, sorry, but thanks for reminding me. I am feeling relaxed though I think I want to unsnap at least another one.”

You moved your hand slowly down the side, and I heard the distinct unsnapping of one of the buttons. You did the same to the other side.

We sat for some time after dinner, chatted a bit about what else we wanted to do and see. The staff kept coming over to refill our water glasses and ask if there was anything else we needed. “Wow, I never had my water glass filled so often,” you commented.

“Well, it isn’t because of me,” I replied. “Like it or not, you are the star of tonight’s show here.”

“What! Me?”

“Yes, you… jeez, those girls are just sticking out there for all to see, and let’s face it… the girls look awesome as shallow as it sounds. You’re putting to shame women half your age, and the ones near your age are kind of pissed about it. Guys near us appear to be trying to be casual, but I know they’re trying to look without getting caught.”

We both laughed about it.

“You do know these are for you and you alone. No matter what those guys offer, I will never give up any part of me to anyone else.”

“I know, and I appreciate it. Can I hang a sign on the girls? Property of Ryker Yamada.”

We both laughed again at that.

"You are such a sexy siren right now; it’s a shame we have to leave. Can we at least get some coffee? I’m enjoying you in my head, and knowing the guys and gals around us are jealous."

While sitting, I heard the familiar “snap” as you unbuttoned the last one, pushing aside the dress fabric in front of your body to expose all of your legs. Pushing back the chair slightly, you pulled a Sharon Stone by turning your body towards me and looking at my face, slowly crossed your legs and giving me a flash that you were indeed utterly naked under that dress. At least below the waist.

“Are you sure you want that coffee?” You seductively smiled.

I immediately signaled for the check and got that squared away as quickly as I could. I offered my hand as I pulled the seat away from you.

“At least there isn’t a wet spot… yet,” I whispered. It had the desired effect as you blushed again.

We walked out of the restaurant to the relief of the women there and the disappointment of the men. I think some of the guys were conscious about the slits on your dress got a lot higher, or they missed something when you entered the restaurant. Our waiter made it a point to stop us and thank us, inviting us back again soon.

You flashed him a sexy smile, stepped forward to show your leg, and simply said, “Thank you for a great evening.”

We slowly walked out, holding hands, and headed to the elevator. I stepped back while waiting for the elevator to arrive and looked at you again. You were curious and asked what I was doing. “Just admiring you and reminding myself how lucky I am to have you in my life.”

The elevator opened, we stepped inside, and I pushed our floor. I drew you near me and kissed you feeling you melting away. While I was holding on to your ass, I didn’t do anything else. You were kind of curious as to why… “Cameras are everywhere these days,” I said.

“Oh,” you whispered, “I had forgotten about it.” I did rub and caress your ass while kissing you but didn’t give the cameras any skin to see.

The elevator door opened, and we walked to our room. I turned and said, “You ready?”


The maid had provided turn down service and drew back the top comforter. She also had pulled the sheer curtain closed but the not the blackout ones.

You slipped off your heels and exclaimed, “Now that is definitely a relief.”

“Stay by the window for now,” I asked


“I’m bringing out some of our toys.” You watched as I brought the one you love the most: Restraints. I saw you licking your lips in anticipation of what promised to be a most intriguing playtime. It took about fifteen minutes to get the rigging done. I let you stand by the window and saw how flushed you got.

“Close your eyes.” It was a command, not a request.

You dutifully closed your eyes. I placed a blindfold over your head and covered your eyes. I could feel you trembling a bit from excitement and expectation. You gasped when heard the curtains being moved.

“W-What are you doing?”

“I’m opening the curtain.”


“Shhh,’ I said and I held my finger to your lips.

You started to tremble a bit more when you felt me untieing the halter top. You were transfixed at that moment, realizing you would be naked and exposed. I finished unhooking the top of the dress and let it fall to the floor. I sucked in my breath to admire your hot body. I noticed your nipples were erect, and you gasp as I reached out to touch them.

“Spread your legs,” I gave another command. “More.”

I reached down to rub your pussy lightly, and to my delight, you were slick and aroused. I turned you around and walked you over to the foot of the bed. I maneuvered your body and had your back facing the head of the bed. I helped you to sit on the edge of the bed and instructed you to lie back down on it, move up, and spread your limbs. I proceeded to secure your wrists and ankles, watching your breathing get deeper. I stepped back to admire my handiwork… a beautiful blonde princess, helplessly tied up, blindfolded, and unable to stop me from exploring her body.

I removed all of my clothing and rested on your body. That calmed you down quite a bit, knowing I was just as naked as you. I kissed you softly but entirely on the lips, and you welcomed my tongue to meet yours. After a while, I moved to the side of you give myself ample space to play with your naked body. I ran my hand on those magnificent tits and loved the hardness of your nipples. I went back on top to suckle on those, and my reward was hearing you moan with delight.

“You love this… being helpless to stop me from ravaging your body, don’t you?”

“Oh, god, yes. I’m such a bad, bad girl, but I can’t help it.”

I reach down to run my finger on your pussy and again, pleased to feel the slickness of your pussy. “Yes, I can tell you love being my slut and sex slave.” Your hips thrust forward in a vain attempt to get me to penetrate your hot pussy.

“Please, please, finger fuck my pussy, babe, I need to be your slut and whore.”

“Princess, we have a long way to go. I’ve started to smell your juices again. I love that you are so turned on already that your pussy is wet.”

I brought my cock up to close to your mouth, and you flicked your tongue to taste.

“Yes, baby, I love to taste your precum, and I love the fact you’re hard because of your personal little whore.”

I let you nibble on the head of my cock and reached back to gently rub your cunt. I spread your pussy apart so you could feel the cold air.

“Oh, oh, oh… fuck me, fuck me…goddamn it. I need something in my cunt.”

I was getting too close to cumming and had to pull my cock away. You moaned a protest and then realized my head was near your pussy. You felt my lips and tongue around that hot, wet vagina of yours.

“Yes baby, lick my pussy, oh god I need you to lick my pussy.”

“C’mon,” I said, “you can talk dirtier than that.”

“You bastard, eat my slutty cunt. That hot pussy is yours I want you to lick me clean and make me your dirty little whore.”

I spread your pussy apart to admire you and know how you usually get embarrassed about me looking so closely at your most intimate part. But I realized you were beyond shame and relished the thought of me looking and hearing me inhale to catch your aroma. Indeed, you got even more excited when you became aware that I was now pulling apart your ass cheeks. That meant, “Oh god, yes,” as you felt my tongue begin to lick your anus.

“Yes, lick my ass, you bad boy, I’m such a dirty girl for wanting that. You made me into such a slut.”

“Yes, I know. Only naughty girls like you need to have their anus played with and enjoy it.”

You felt my finger reach up to caress your clit and send waves of pleasure having your ass and clit played with at the same time. I used my other fingers to play with your pussy lips and revel in your wetness. Make short motions to penetrate but yet not penetrating at all. Your body grew more insistent and straining at the straps holding you back.

“Oh god, please, I need to cum, baby. I’m on fire. Puh-lease…”

I stopped what I was doing and heard you wail in protest…

I brought my hard cock up to your face, “Smell it slut, you made me hard and leak precum. Clean it up.”

Eagerly you licked and cleaned my cock, relishing every bit of the precum that you caused.

I moved my hips back down and began rubbing all along your wet cunt. “You like that, don’t my little slutty whore?”

“Yes, oh god, please fuck me, use me like the slut I am. I’m your slut and only your slut. My body is yours to use for your pleasures.”

My cock burned at the touch of your pussy and juices… 'Jeez,' I thought, 'she’s so hot,' as I continued to rub my cock along your pussy lips. Your tits were heaving to get more of my cock to penetrate you.

“You love this, don’t you?”

“God, yes… C’mon, fuck me, damn it. I want your cock in me.”

You howled with protest as I stopped and began kissing your pussy area, but now you felt my fingers probing your pussy and anus again.

“Yes, yes, that’s it… finger fuck me, please, oh god. Lick me, lick me,” you wailed.

I slowly penetrated your pussy with one of my fingers and was rewarded with your hissing at the initial probe. I slowly, with great care, probed your hot and very cunt up to my first knuckle.

“More goddamn it, deeper babe,” you implored.

I put a finger in deeper to my second knuckle, and again, you whimpered. I flexed it around your pussy, knowing you could feel it touching your walls.

“Oh god,” you hoarsely whispered, “why am I such a fucking slutty whore with you?” I know your question was more a statement rather being inquisitive.

“You know I can really smell how slutty you are. I know you are embarrassed and turned on all at the same time, and this not something you’re used to.”

I began to kiss lightly and lick your clit, sending more shivers down your body and amplifying your sexual drive. You always loved the fact that I enjoyed making you horny beyond all recognition and that this was something you’ve never experienced before. A lover that puts your needs, wants desires ahead of his own.

I truly adore and appreciate your responses to my touches, caresses, kisses, licks while exploring your body. There was not a part of you that was off-limits or considered too depraved for you. You not only welcomed it but loved being possessed by the hedonistic experience. You have someone that appreciated who you were and not judge you for it. You were free to express your innermost wishes and dark yearnings.

I plunged my finger deep into your wet hot pussy to get all your juice on it. Swirling my finger deep inside as you creamed all over it. I pulled it out quickly and heard your whine in protest.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, put it back, you bastard.”

'Damn,' I thought, 'I really have her on fire.' I began to probe your anus with that finger and loved hearing your gasping as you understood where I was going with it.

“Yeah, that’s it, probe your slut’s ass, finger fuck my ass. I’m your fucking little slutty whore that wants her ass to be used.”

I then placed two fingers at the entrance of your pussy, and before you grasped it, I felt my two fingers penetrate your pussy, and my lone finger went deep in your anus.

“Oh god, that’s it, use me, please. I’m your fucking slut… use my holes for your pleasure,” you pleaded.

You then felt my lips on your clit as I began licking it, sending you into orbit.

“Oh god, that’s it, don’t stop, please don’t stop. Let me cum, please, keep fucking me, keep fucking, keep fucking me.

I held on sucking and licking on your clit while finger fucking both your holes. Your climax came quickly and deeply, with your whole body thrashing about on the bed.

“Yes, yes, yes… oh god, oh god, keep fucking me,” you screamed as I continued to suck on your clit and finger fuck your holes. Finally, I felt you trying to move away from my mouth and knew that your clit was way too sensitive, and you need a break.

I unlocked from the restraints and simply held you in my arms, hearing the quiet sobs of a very gratified and pampered woman.

Written by yyjojo1231
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