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Kari's Teacher

"Another day, another beach for our favorite, voluptuous teen"

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Hey! It's Kari again. Man! Just reread my first story. So hot! It's been a while since I wrote that and there's a lot more to tell you. There's some more about me and Andy but before I get to that I want to tell you about something that happened not too long after that first story.

So it was another warm sunny beach day and I was feeling, shall we say "frisky". I don't know what else to call it. "Horny" works, I guess? It's different though. I didn't just feel like getting off, I felt like showing off. Do you get what I mean? Maybe not. Maybe I'm just a weirdo and it's only me that feels this way. But anyway ...

It started when I woke up. Or should I say, when I was woken up by my pesky but still mostly lovable brother, Kevin. I didn't hear what he said at first. I was lying in bed asleep, and he was saying something loud enough to wake me, but not loud enough for it to register. I was lying on my side, facing away from my bedroom door.

"Kevin?" I said groggily.

No response.

Then a quiet, "Yeah?"

"What did you say?" I asked.

I heard the door creak which meant it had been open but now Kevin had opened it wider.

"I said Mom's got pancakes ready if you want some."

"K, Thanks," I said. That's when I remembered that I was naked. I often take off my clothes when going to bed, especially on warm summer nights like last night. Or when I am horny ... like last night. Next, I realized that my bed sheet was kind of gathered between my legs, leaving my entire backside bare. Which meant Kevin could see my naked ass.

Pest or no pest, brother or no brother, Kevin was a guy and I have a pretty good idea of what seeing a girl's naked ass does to a guy, even if it's his slightly older sister.

I had noticed Kevin checking me out from time to time. I guess to be fair I do tease him a little. Little things like letting him see me on the way to the bathroom wearing only a towel that covered my nipples but left the tops of my breasts exposed and wearing tight tops with no bra when the parents have gone out and there's just me and him at home. Small stuff like that. But this was the first time he saw any whole part of me naked.

I think I have a nice round butt so I figured seeing it was a treat for him and, of course, that started getting me excited.

"Kevin?" I said again, mostly to see if he was still there. Another hesitation.


Busted. I could have called him out for perving on his sister but that's not my game. He was looking at me because he liked what he saw - and I like that, a lot.

So instead I said, sweetly, "Can you get me a towel?"

"Sure," he said and I heard him walk down the hall.

I tried to picture myself from his perspective: my long wavy red hair splayed over my shoulders and down my back to just above my bare ass and long smooth legs. Yeah, I was liking how I looked through my "Kevin eyes".

I rolled onto my stomach and balled the sheet under my tummy so my butt would stick up a bit more than it already was.

When Kevin returned with my towel I kept my head turned away from him and just extended my arm toward him and wiggled my fingers to get him to hand it to me. I pictured him eying me as he stepped over and put the towel in my hand. Then he stood right there looking down at me. Could he see my pussy? That was farther than I had intended to take this but the thought that he was made me even wetter.

"You know you're naked, right?" he asked.

Damn! What did THAT mean? That he COULD see my pussy? I started to melt. I turned my face toward him and gave him my sweetest smile.

"I know," I said. "Problem?"

"No. No problem at all," he said, still standing there.

"Kev?" I began.


"Can you close the door so I can get up and take a shower?"

Oops. Was that ambiguous or what? I didn't really intend it to be and almost died thinking that he might take it as an invitation to stay in my room while I got up. I tried to prepare myself for what to do if he stayed. As he stepped to the door, I found myself hoping he would stay. I realized that if he did I had already decided to get up and just stand there, naked, and watch his eyes as he looked at my breasts and pussy for the first time. I could already feel my pussy gaping open and drooling down my legs while he looked at me.

But he didn't. As he stepped out and began to close the door I thanked him for the towel and was rewarded by seeing him leer at me one last time as he closed the door.

Horny exhibitionist engine ignited.

I couldn't take my shower, get dressed and leave fast enough. Yup, it was going to be another beach day. I gassed up and drove fifty miles to a beach I'd heard of but never visited. It was clothing optional.

From what I'd read it was pretty popular, but I was thinking that nude seventeen-year-old redheads with killer bodies weren't terribly common. That's what I was counting on. I didn't want to be just another naked body or even the rarer pretty naked girl. I wanted to be the girl with clothes on that everyone would kill to see naked. Thinking of being that girl was making me so hot I fingered myself all the way to the beach and even gave one trucker something to think about on his long drive.

I pulled into the parking lot, grabbed my bag, and headed for the changing hut. I was almost there when a green convertible caught my eye. I recognize that car, but from where. Then it hit me. That was Mr. Johnson's car. Mr. Johnson was my English teacher last year. He was only in his twenties and handsome and I had a huge crush on him all year long. All the girls did, and some of the boys, haha.

Was Mr. Johnson at this beach? Was he naked? Was he alone? My mind started reeling with possibilities.

Would I get to see him naked? Would he get to see me naked? Could I seduce him? Should I? My teeth started chattering and my body started shaking despite the 90-degree heat. I felt myself getting even hotter as I hatched a plan.

I changed into my white bikini. Kind of a tube top that was tied in the back with no straps. Little bows on each side held the bottoms on, or not. White was my color. It looks good with red and nicely accentuates a girl's curves you see.

I then climbed a dune and surveyed the beach. Wow, some sights to be seen. But no Mr. Johnson. I could tell there were people scattered all up along the shore though and figured he must be one of those people in the distance. It looked like most if not all the people near the parking lot were clothed and those farther along the shore were nude.

So off I went, strolling along the shore with my beach bag in hand. And by stroll I mean I was walking slowly, turning around a lot, picking up and examining tiny shells and shiny stones - just being the cute girl I am, showing off but always on the lookout for Mr. J.

Trouble was, anyone who knew me could spot me from a fair distance what with the long red hair and all. Well, mostly just that. We gingers are the rarest of hair breeds. So unless he was dozing, or otherwise preoccupied, Mr. J was likely to spot me before I spotted him. So, at an opportune moment I decided to lose my top, or at least remove it and drop it into my bag. That way even if Mr. J spotted me and hid, he'd have seen me topless and that thought alone instantly brought back my chills.

Now as I strolled along, looking down for shells and such, I could see my bare breasts looking up at me. I could look around and marvel at how many eyes on how many clothed and also naked bodies were staring in my direction. I welcomed those stares and felt everyone as a gentle, loving caress.

The density of people and beach blankets thinned the farther I strolled and I started to wander away from the shoreline, meandering between the dunes and the water. This brought me closer to the people I passed, couples, single guys, and even some single girls. When the couples were the same sex did that mean they were gay or was that assuming too much? I decided I didn't know and that it didn't matter. What mattered was how they reacted to me.

I tried to make eye contact and smile at everyone I passed. If it was a lone guy and his gaze lingered on me I'd stop and look out to sea or bend to examine a piece of driftwood or something, just to give him a good chance to check me out. I loved to feel my boobs hang away from my chest when I bend over and I think it probably looks pretty hot too. It made me sooo hot to think about these guys looking at my boobs and wanting them so badly.

One nice middle-aged guy thought of something funny to say and we had a little chat. I watched his penis grow as we talked. It's such a rush knowing I can do that to a man just by letting him look at my body. I guess my showing some interest in his didn't hurt either.

He invited me to sit with him a while and I was tempted, you know, given my thing for older guys and the fact that by then he had developed a very nice hardon that I wanted to swallow whole. I declined but said I might be back if I found anything interesting to show him. I decided if I did go back I'd be bottomless and say something cute about not finding anything but that I wanted to show him something interesting anyway (I'd be referring to my pussy if you didn't catch that.

I know - if I were a boy I'd make me hard too. LOL.

One couple was fun. They were middle-aged too, maybe 50ish. Both were naked and a little on the heavy side. She was sitting up, very friendly, and a real talker. What kept me interested though was the guy. He was lying beside and a bit behind the woman, out of her sight as she didn't take her eyes off my face as she spoke to me. He, on the other hand, didn't take his eyes off my chest.

At first, he just stared but soon he began to bump his hand into his penis which began to grow. I started to glance at it, looking away from the woman. Seeing me looking seemed to embolden the guy and he started touching himself, pulling his foreskin up and down his penis with his fingers and thumb. I stopped paying any attention to the woman. While she kept talking I just watched the man now blatantly jerking his fully erect cock. It was hot watching him fuck me in his mind while he sat right beside what I figured was his wife.

I decided she couldn't be this oblivious and just didn't care. And if she didn't neither did I. So I slowly moved a little closer to them until I was inches from their blanket. She was still looking up at me, talking away. His gaze dropped to my hands as I started playing with the bows holding my bottoms on.

When I took hold of the ends and slowly began to pull, the woman finally shut up and looked down. They both watched silently as I very slowly tugged the ties open, pulled the loose fabric from between my legs, and deposited it into my bag. My pussy was on fire. I didn't need to look down to know how swollen my lips were, how my inner folds were peeking out, and how a trickle of my juice ran out of my vagina and down my leg. I dropped my bag and used both hands to part my lips so they could easily see my cute little clit. My arms at my sides squeezed my breasts together making them round and full. I luxuriated in the feeling of my body being as totally exposed to them as possible.

The woman reached for me and started exploring my pussy with her fingers. My mouth fell open as I stood there, legs apart, head back, breasts gathered together. I continued to hold my pussy open, offering it to her to molest and for him to devour with his lustful eyes. I was in paradise when the man started to shoot ropes of cum over both of them.

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I looked down at them and saw them looking back up at me, a look of wonder in their eyes. I could almost see myself through their eyes and thought about making myself come for them. But I didn't. I wanted to keep torturing myself with the need for sexual release to see how far it could take me. So instead I picked up my bag. My smile and "goodbye" was met with more silent awe until finally, the woman recovered enough to say "Bye-bye, dear," and wave.

I needed a rest after that. I walked a bit farther, until the couple couldn't really see what I was doing, and dropped my bag. I lay out my beach towel, sank onto my back, and took stock. Here I was, lying out naked on a public beach. I'd already shown myself to a very appreciative older couple who obviously took pleasure from me. So that's a couple of ticks off my To Do list already.

But was I satisfied? Hell, no. There was still someone special I wanted to see me like this. I looked around. Where was Mr. Johnson? I imagined what my gorgeous teacher looked like naked and even what his cock would feel like inside me, pumping in and out, our bodies consumed by lust.

Would he take me? A student? Would I let him? I thought of resisting him and knew I wouldn't be able to. If he wanted me, he'd have me. I thought of him resisting me and what I could do to seduce him.

Where was he?

I scanned up and down the beach. I had yet to see anyone of either sex that looked close to my age. But now, a bit farther up the shore, I spotted two tight bums walking together into the water. They weren't holding hands or anything but they were clearly together. Could that be him? Here with another guy?

I watched as they playfully splashed each other in the thigh-deep water. Even from a distance, I noticed just a hint of tasty-looking appendages bouncing around between their legs. I wondered how those appendages might react to a pretty young redheaded walking by without a stitch of clothing. I decided to find out and instantly started to tingle all over with sexual excitement.

I decided to leave my bag and my blanket where they were and just walk up along the shore, stop near the guys, and see what happened if I just smiled at them. What were they going to do, tell me to get lost?

I began my short trek by looking down and noticing for the millionth time how delicious my breasts looked as they shimmered and swayed with each step I took. Gawd I love these things. (I'm squeezing them now. Does it make you hard thinking about me playing with my tits as I write this for you? It makes me wet thinking of you playing with your cock, or your pussy. Yum, I want to lick you. LOL)

Anyway, the closer I got to the guys, the more I thought one of them could actually be Mr. J but his back was toward me and I couldn't be sure. As I approached, his younger friend noticed me and said something to the guy I thought could be Mr. J. He turned towards me. I was right.

I stopped. We stared at each other. They both watched as I resumed walking in their direction. I stepped into the water and said, "Hi, Mr. Johnson." Pretty lame considering I had had a while now to think of something better to say when I found him.

"Hi, Kari. Umm, nice ... to... see you."

A second later we both burst into fits of laughter at the unintended double entendre and out of the sheer nervousness we both felt seeing each other naked. I knew how my boobs looked when I laughed and hoped Mr. J and his friend liked them.

"Kari was a student of mine last year," Mr. J said to his companion once he stopped laughing.

Then turning back to me, and gesturing to the other guy he said, "This is my little brother, Ben. He's staying with me for the summer while he takes a course at Graham College. And, as you can see, we love the beach."

"What's not to love," I replied lightly, but, I hoped, also a bit suggestively.

Ben looked like a slightly thinner Mr. Johnson only more my age. Gawd, they were both so beautiful I knew immediately I wanted them both to have me. As we made small talk about Ben's course and his schedule, hometown, etc. and I answered similarly lame questions about myself, we were checking each other out.

I fiddled with my hair, giggled, and struck different poses as we chatted so they would know they were making me as hot as I was making them. It was easier for me to tell because their cocks were a little larger every time I glanced at them. As I watched they grew from small but attractive pieces of skin to beautifully symmetrical rods pointing skyward.

Mr. J's took a little longer than Ben's to get fully erect. I sympathized with him being caught off guard by me and probably trying his best to keep it down, worried about showing off to a student, not to mention his brother being right there too. But they were both young men and I know I come off sounding like I think I'm pretty hot, but even if I over-estimate my looks, I didn't think there was any way they could be this close to me, naked, with me checking out their cocks, and stay soft. But seriously, I was at least as turned on by them as they were by me.

Shyly I asked them if they'd mind if I hung out with them. They readily agreed. Well, Ben did, but Mr. J did too. He just let Ben take the lead so he didn't seem as eager to spend time with me like this as I hoped he really was.

They offered me some water and we walked to their spot by the dune. Somehow they had found a bit of shade where the grass at the top of the dune created a sort of cap that made an overhang for a spot of sand below. It was difficult to make out what they had in their spot when looking from the bright sunlight into the shade. Convenient.

It turns out they only had two medium-sized beach towels and a bag of water and ice. I pulled the towels together and lay on the crack between them and then patted the towels to either side.

"Don't be shy," I said. "They're your towels after all. That is if you don't mind being this close to me."

"Not a bit," Ben said and lay down to my left. Mr. J then lay down to my right.

"Do you guys have some sunscreen?" I asked.

"Yeah, we do have some lotion," Mr. J replied.

I turned onto my side, my back towards Mr. J. "Mr. J., can you rub some on me?"

"Sure, but only if you call me 'Adam'."

I tittered, "Ok, Adam."

I soon felt my gorgeous English teacher gently move my hair away from my back followed by the cool lotion and light touch of his hands on my neck and shoulders.

"Maybe I should be letting Ben do this for you," Adam said.

Looking into Ben's dreamy eyes I said, "Well, I guess... I was only thinking of getting my back covered but I guess it would be ok for him to do the front."

"No ... I," Adam stammered. "I didn't mean both of us, I meant he could do your back instead of me."

"Oh," I said, trying to sound dejected. I rolled onto my back. Adam was very close to me, facing me and propped up on one elbow. When I turned I felt his erection slide across my hip. I could feel it against me as I looked up into his eyes and saw them focus on my breasts until he caught himself and looked me in the eyes.

"Don't you want to rub some lotion on me too?" I asked sweetly. Adam didn't reply with words but the look in his eyes seemed to say that he wanted that more than anything in the world.

"Here," I said, taking the lotion from him and squeezing some into his hand before rolling onto my side again and squeezing some more into Ben's waiting hands. "One side for each of you."

I closed my eyes and waited to feel the touches my bare skin was craving.

Soon I felt Adam's strong fingers kneading the lotion into my back. His touch, and the promise of more intimate touches, felt wonderful. Then I felt Ben's hands on my upper chest. I opened my eyes and smiled into his as he slowly, shyly worked his hand down my chest to my breast.

For the next few minutes, I was in heaven as these two gorgeous hunks slid their strong hands all over my breasts and ass but my pussy was aching to be touched. I had to step it up a notch. Still facing Ben I propped my head up with my elbow and shifted higher so my breast was level with his face.

I looked down at him and smiled seeing his hungry eyes looking at my breast, just inches from his lips. My heart pounding with anticipation I slowly leaned closer until I felt his lips on my nipple.

"Uuummmmm," I moaned when he sucked my nipple into his mouth. I spread my legs and thrust my ass into Adam's groin. I wiggled until I could feel his rod at the entrance to my pussy but that was all. I moved again, popping my breast free of Ben's mouth and lowering my mouth to his amazing cock.

"Uh, o, o," I heard Ben moan and chuckle in delight as I dragged my tongue over the length of his cock and then slurped the head into my mouth, swirling it around and around my mouth as he fondled my breasts.

My ass was towards Adam. I opened my legs and raised my ass so he could see my pussy. I moaned into Ben's cock when I felt Adam's cock slide between my lips and into my body. I felt his strong arms around me and his hands squeezing my tits as he fucked me from behind.

I recalled leering at him in class imagining what he looked like under his casual sports coat and dress pants. I was supposed to look at him. He was my teacher and I was his student. But I wasn't listening to him talk about Shakespeare. I was imagining him pushing his cock in and out of my pussy, and now he actually was pounding me with his gorgeous cock as I sucked the equally gorgeous cock of his younger brother.

Soon I felt Adam stiffen and with a few more long deep thrusts I felt his cock pouring his seed into my body. When he was done he rolled away. I rolled onto my back and pulled Ben on top of me. We kissed, his chest crushed into my breasts while his cock probed for the entrance to my body. He found it and I moaned into his mouth as I felt him slide inside me.

We thrust against each other, gasping into each other's mouths as he thoroughly molested my breast with his hand. As I started to cum I saw him gasp and tense up as my pussy milked his cock dry.

When he finished he kissed me and rolled off of me but he was instantly replaced by his brother who gave me no time to recover before putting his head between my legs. I ran my fingers through his hair as he licked my pussy, probing my entrance with his tongue. The taste of his brother's cum didn't bother him and when he started sucking and nibbling my clit another fantastic orgasm coursed over my body.

We lay side by side. I didn't mind the feel of their hot, sweaty bodies touching mine. I was hot and sweaty too. So I got up and went into the water to cool off and wash up. I loved how they watched me walk back and lie back down between the two hunks who had just used themselves up inside me.

"Miss me?" I asked. Adam chuckled.. Ben shifted onto his side, facing me, and sent chills through me again as he started softly caressing my breast. For the rest of the afternoon, we just hung out, enjoying each other's bodies with looks and gentle touches while figuring out ways we could meet up again over the summer.

Written by jmalc23
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