I woke up this morning dripping wet and terribly horny. Not wanting to do anything other than get fucked hard, but not having anyone to fill the need, I decided that I'd ride it out and see what they day brought.
I decided to go unhindered by such terrible restrictive things as undergarments and chose a nice satiny dress because I thought it would be sensual to feel it against my nudity.
It ended up having the effect of turning every nerve fiber in my body into an erogenous zone and by the time the time I got to the store I was so wet and so turned on that my juices were practically dripping down my legs.
And, of course, I didn't anticipate this lovely chilling wind that was gusting about the Midwest that today. Between my horniness, the temperature drop and the wind, my nipples were so hard that they were throbbing. Then, as I was walking across the street, a huge gust of wind blew my dress up above my waist leaving me totally exposed to a group of college-age boys. They were very appreciative.
If I'd have been in lesser state of arousal I might have been embarrassed; but it had the effect of raising my state even more.
The short time I spent in the store was maddening. A few customers came in and all I could do was think about how their cocks would feel pounding me into oblivion, or how nice it would feel to have that particular ladies' naked flesh rubbing against mine.
At one point I was humping the edge of the counter slowly while conversing with an extremely handsome musician type. He was very flirty and kept staring at my obviously bra-less and aroused breasts and I loved it!
As soon as I finished up I practically ran to my car and decided to go sit someplace to calm myself down. I chose a cozy little tavern that had just opened and thought I'd order a glass of wine.
Given the gale force of the wind my dress did another peep show when I opened the door and decided to stick around my waist. The place was empty except for the bartender so I didn't have a large audience, just him. At least he was nice looking.
I ordered a small glass of Pinot since I was driving and he eyed me up and down brazenly. He smiled and asked me to take a seat anywhere and he'd bring it right out.
I complied and sat at a small table facing the bar with my back against the wall. As he came out from behind the bar less than a minute later I could tell that he'd enjoyed the show; his erection was obvious. He took his time acting like he was looking around at things, but I knew he was trying to get another look up my dress.
As he approached to put the glass of wine down he had the nerve to stare at me...

As he put it down I said to him that if he wanted another look he should just ask me rather than try to be coy about it. He started to stammer and turned beet red. Feeling naughty, I just spread my legs to the point that my hem barley covered me.
I asked him if that's what he wanted. He only nodded. I told him to kneel down and he did. I love it when men play nice! I let him look
for a while as I sipped my wine.
Although very surreal, I was so turned on I could actually feel my pulse pounding in my chest and my labia. I asked him if he liked my pussy and he told me that it was beautiful. I told him to kiss it.
He just knelt there giving me a totally confused look. To expedite things I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his lips into me. I
told him in what I assumed was a commanding voice to kiss it. He did and he licked me to a super hard super quick orgasm.
As soon as my thighs stopped quivering, I pushed him away and grabbed his hand and took him behind his bar. I turned him around, pulled open his jeans and took him into my mouth. He smelt nice, was circumcised and I took turns sucking him and using my hands.
He wasn't very big so I could take it all the way down and he wasn't going to last very long. I was going to edge him to make it a memorable experience, but a customer came in and ordered a beer while I was doing this.
Right when I took my mouth off of him he came all over me. I almost laughed aloud to see him trying to keep his composure while trying to fill a mug of beer. I stayed down there for a minute or two, not knowing if I should stay hidden or just stand up.
The customer solved this for me by asking where the bathroom was and went immediately to it. I then stood up, grabbed a napkin and cleaned his cum off of me.
I patted his crotch, then stroked my now totally dripping pussy and put my finger to his lips.
I thanked him for the wine and walked out.
You'd think that would have sated me but if has only sated my need for a long hard fuck. I'm going to take a bath thinking about what a naughty slut I've been and then if my fingers haven't sated my appetite I'm going to see what kind of trouble I can get into.