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Sweet Salty Revenge – Chapter 4.

"Sarah continues her plan for revenge."

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As Sam was fucking me in the grass my mind was racing on my next step. How could I help Jessica celebrate her birthday, a birthday she would either enjoy or dread for the rest of her life. It would depend on how Jessica responded when I meet her tomorrow.

Sunday morning started as any other normal day. I grabbed one of my new shirts that had an open collar that was wide enough to slip off my shoulders exposing the top of my breast. It was made of thin rayon that felt and looked like silk. When my nipples were hard, they would show right through the smooth soft material. The best part of these shirts is that they were long enough to be worn over a pair of leggings or spandex bike shorts. If I felt daring, I could just wear the shirt since it was just long enough to cover my ass. Today I picked a dark blue shirt that worked well with my tan skin. Since I spent most of my time in the pool nude, I didn’t have any tan lines. As with the other t-shirts I started wearing, I would have to be careful when bending over or reaching for something, however most of the time I wasn’t careful.

After breakfast, I told Sam that I needed to do some shopping and asked if he would like to join me. Before he could even answer I knew his answer would be no. As always there was some type of sports on TV that he would want to watch with our son Bryan. His answer was the one I was looking for. When I went to leave, I leaned over to give Sam a kiss allowing my shirt fall open so he could see down my shirt. From his vantage point, he could see all the way to my toes. I wanted him to know that I had nothing on under the shirt. He inquired if I really wanted to go out dressed like that. As his hand slid over my ass lifting my shirt. I told him of course, you knew I don’t like wearing undergarments any longer, and it wasn’t like I was going to flash anyone. Sam smiled and said if I did, he would like to watch. I smiled and told him to come watch, then turned to leave.

I hopped in my car, and just before I left the garage I slipped out of my shirt. Since it was still early, I thought that there wouldn’t be many cars on the road. Every other time I was nude or partly clothed in a car I was amazed at how many people weren’t aware of their surroundings. Most people just don’t look at the cars next to them or the people in them. I used to be one of those people, that was until the other week. Think of my disappointment of driving home nude the night before with the vibrator in me with no one looking. Hopefully, today would be different.

Jessica’s house was about a five-minute drive from my house. After I turned onto the main road a couple of guys in an SUV pulled up next to me at a stoplight. I had all four windows down so I could feel the cool morning air against my skin. My left foot pulled up on the seat so I could rest my arm on it. The way my leg was positioned my shaved pussy would be visible. I wasn’t really paying attention when they drove up until they rolled down their window. The driver was very gentlemanly and mentioned what a beautiful morning it was. Both he and his passenger had noticeably big smiles on their faces. I mentioned it was a beautiful morning and made no attempt to cover up. Just as they were about to say something else the light turned green and I slowly started to accelerate. They did a wonderful job matching my speed as we went down the road. To help make things interesting I started rubbing my hand up and down my smooth pussy. We had to stop at two more lights before my turn. I never turned on my turn signal before I turned, since I didn’t want them to follow me to Jessica’s house.

After I pulled into Jessica’s and Steve’s driveway I slipped on my shirt and walked towards the door. I was beginning to get wet from the fun I was having with the two guys in the SUV. Luckily, since I was driving nude, I didn’t have a wet spot on my shirt when I slipped it on.

I rang the doorbell and Steve opened the door shortly thereafter. He was a bit surprised, gave me a hug, and inquired about the reason for my visit. I mentioned that I wanted to talk with Jessica and asked if she was available. Steve had a difficult time keeping his eyes off my half-exposed breast and hard nipples. He mentioned that she was out back in the pool and that I should join her.  Jessica was shocked when she saw me from the pool, we hadn’t spoken since the night at the Salty Dog. She never expected me to drop by for a visit. Steve watched me exit the back door then went to watch a football game. I walked to the pool and stepped down the first two steps leading into the pool. Then sat down on the edge of the pool, keeping my legs closed.

Jessica and I just looked at each other for a few moments until she started to cry and apologized. She said she didn’t know how things led to Sam and her having an affair, and that she was so sorry for violating my trust. I just looked at her with no expression. I let her sob for some time before I went down the rest of the steps into the water to hug her. For my plan of revenge to work, I needed Jessica to believe that things could return to normal and that all was forgiven.

We talked for some time before we got out of the pool. Jessica called Steve asking him to get us some more towels and to open a bottle of wine for us. When Steve brought us the towels my shirt was soaking wet. He handed me the towel while he slowly looked at the way my shirt hugged every curve of my body. My nipples were standing straight out from the coolness of the water evaporating from the thin material. Jessica wrapped herself in a towel and turned to pour us some wine. Before Steve could turn away, I bent over to dry my legs giving him a good look at my ass. As I stood up, I let the towel pull my shirt up, leaving it on top of my right butt cheek. Jessica turned back around and handed me a glass of wine as we sat down. I don’t think she even saw or knew I was flashing Steve.

As I sat down, I made sure to pull my shirt up so I could sit bare butt on the chair. From where Jessica was sitting, she couldn’t see that half of my butt was showing to anyone coming from the house. I wanted to remove my shirt, but that could come later. I love being nude, exposing my naked body to all who wish to observe.

With the wine flowing and the temperature climbing, we both started to get rather warm. I asked Jessica if she would like to cool off in the pool. She said that would be nice, and we both got up and headed towards the pool. With Jessica in the lead. I was able to remove my shirt without her knowing and left it on my chair. It wasn’t until we got to the pool did Jessica notice that I was completely nude. She stopped and stared at me for a moment. It had been a long time since she had seen me nude. As I mentioned before we have been friends since our college days. Not waiting, I jumped into the water to cool off, Jessica followed. While we swam Jessica asked when I started shaving, and if I liked it. I told her that it had only been a few weeks and that Sam loved it.

Soon my nakedness and the wine had taken its effect on Jessica. She removed her bikini showing off her beautiful 38D breast and shaven pussy. She said that Steve loved the way it looked and loved to go down on her since she started shaving about five years ago. I leaned in to kiss her and reaching for her shaven mound. It had been since college since we kissed, and for a moment we forgot about the world around us. Jessica pulled away and said we shouldn’t. Reaching for her bathing suit she got out of the pool and started to dry off. I followed hoping that Steve would be watching us. I was disappointed when I reached my towel and still no Steve. I dried off, sat down, and finished my wine, nude. We didn’t talk much after our kiss, we sat there in silence for about five minutes when I mentioned that I needed to go soon. I stood to put on my shirt and started to leave. Jessica reached for my hand and thanked me for coming over, saying that she missed me and hoped that we could get together again soon. We hugged and I walked into the house.

Steve was standing there watching us from the family room with a clear view of the patio. He asked if I enjoyed our swim, I replied it was nice, and that he should have joined us. He said that he had a great view from the house and didn’t want to disrupt the view. I was about to kiss him when Jessica opened the door and walked into the room with our glasses. Steve acted as he had just stood up so Jessica wouldn’t suspect that he was being a Peeping Tom. I left feeling confident that all was well with Jessica and that Steve liked what he had seen.

I still needed to find some new dresses to wear since my old dress chafed without underwear. I was hoping that I could find some that would be okay for work. So, I headed for my favorite boutique wishing that my favorite salesclerk would be working today. To my delight Carla was. When I walked in, she came around from the back of the counter and welcomed me back with a smile. Where I gave her a hug and thanked her for the help with picking out the last dress. I explaining to her how much fun I had in that dress and that it was perfect. She mentioned that it was her pleasure and asked if there was anything special, she could help me find today. I mentioned that I needed something for work. Nothing too conservative. I told her that what I really wanted was some dresses to wear for everyday use. While I was letting her know what I wanted she was admiring my shirt and the way the upper half of my areola showed. Just for fun as I got out of my car, I had positioned my shirt to make sure to show as much as I could.

We looked around the store I found a pale blue lowcut dress that was made of a stretchy material. It looked like it would fit like a second set of skin. And Carla found a perfect yellow sundress. We headed to the dressing booth to try them on. As we entered Carla started to close the curtain all the way, but I stopped her allowing it to remain open about a foot. She smiled and asked which dress I would like to try on first. I pulled off my shirt and reached for the pale blue dress first. Carla smiled as she ran her hand across my ass as I bent over to place my shirt on the bench. This dress was perfect for a night out on the town. When I looked in the mirror the material was thin enough that you could make out my areolas and my nipples showed nicely. If I had worn any panties you would have been able to see them through the thin material. I stepped out of the booth to get a better look.

I looked around to find a bigger mirror, I gladly noticed that I hadn’t pulled the dress down far enough. Anyone in the store could see my shaven pussy. I pulled it down a little and took a few steps to see how the dress moved. I was delighted to see that it was short enough that I would continually need to pull it down to conceal myself. Better yet, every time I took a few steps it found its natural resting place about three quarters down my ass. This was the perfect resting place for the dress since it showed the bottom of my ass and the front revealed hardly covered bottom of my pussy. I asked Carla what she thought. She mentioned that it was somewhat revealing but looked great on me, I agreed and headed back to the booth to try on the sundress.

Since I was the only customer in the boutique, I started removing the dress before I made it to the booth. I had expected Carla to be right behind me and close the curtain, but she was looking for more dresses. It felt exhilarating being nude in the store like this. The sundress looked just as nice. It wasn’t as transparent as the other dress but flowed around my body perfectly. It was also noticeably short, and when I walked it slapped the bottom of my ass. The best part of this dress was that all the buttons were in the front. When I buttoned it up, I intentionally left it unbuttoned down to my belly button. The material was light and airy, and I knew it would be a wonderful dress for a windy day.

Carla brought me a tube top with short shorts and asked me to try them on. She said that she loved the way the boys stare at her when she wore them. I said, of course, I would try on anything she thought I’d look sexy in. Once again, I purposely left the curtain open as I slipped off the sundress. This was getting fun. As I stood there nude Carla playfully said that I was going to get her fired as she pinched my left nipple. She handed me the tube top and waited until I had it on, before handing me the shorts. Both the top and shorts were white with black trim and fit like a glove. The top showed every detail of my breast, and the shorts seam separated my vulva for a reviling camel toe. The back of the shorts left about an inch of my ass hanging out. I couldn’t wait to go out with Sam in my new clothes. We tried on a few more items and as I went to put on the tube top and shorts back on, the chime on the entrance chimed. A man who looked to be in his mid-thirties walked into the boutique. This whole time we had been alone in the shop and I never managed to close the curtain to the booth. Imagen how exhilarating it is for an exhibitionist to get caught like this, and how much fun it was standing there with him watching me getting dressed.

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When I got home Sam really liked my tube top and shorts. I asked him to take me for a walk in the neighborhood park to show them off. Sam tried to object, but I wasn’t having any part of it and said that if he didn’t, I’d go by myself. As we drove to the park, I pulled down my top and rode topless all the way, enjoying the sun on my exposed breast.

When we got to the park there were lots of people out walking. I got quite a few smiles from the passing men and a few scowls from other ladies. It felt good to be ogled like that. Sam would tease me by sliding his finger into the bottom of my shorts trying to finger me from behind. Once when we walked past a group of young men hanging out in a veranda, Sam pulled my top down. I faked being embarrassed and slapped his hand and jeered at him before I slid it back up. Allowing the young men ample time to see my exposed tits. He just laughed grabbing my ass as we headed towards the car.

When we got to the car, and before he let me in. Sam told me that the only way, I was getting into the car was to strip naked. I didn’t hesitate to remove my clothes, since my pussy was already wet from all the attention I was getting. When Sam got in, he rolled down the windows, leaned over to kiss me and inserted his finger into my sopping pussy. After our kiss, I leaned back to enjoy the ride home.

This trip was the best trip home yet. This time we passed many cars with observant drivers. We even had to wait for a red light in front of a bus stop. I must have been seen by at least fifteen guys. Sam to keep things exciting kept rubbing my clit his fingers as we drove. When we got home, Sam left the garage door open. He had me get out of the car then he bent me over the hood of the car and fucked me. I was excited and at the same time afraid that one of our neighbors or one of our son’s friends might catch us before we went inside. Sam even asked me to walk into the house nude when we finished, which I gladly complied with. The thrill of getting caught only added to my excitement.

On Tuesday, I got off early and went to surprise Sam with one of my new dresses. I picked a tan sundress that flowed well. I loved this dress because if the sun was just so, it showed the outline of my body under it. When I got to his office every eye in the building was on me. I purposely only buttoned about seven buttons. The buttons from just below my breast to just below my pussy. The dress showed lots of leg and the back slapped against the bottom of my ass as I walked.

Sam was on the phone when I entered his office, leaving the office door open. He tried to get up, but I signaled for him to keep his seat. I came around his desk, flipping the back of my dress up and sat down on the corner of his desk. He smiled when I pulled my dress up just enough to show him that I still wasn’t wearing my panties. To tease him even more I leaned over to give him a kiss and slid open the top of the dress exposing my right nipple. Sam had difficulty maintaining his conversation as I slowly started unbuttoning the rest of my dress. You should have seen the look in Sam’s eyes as I opened my dress in his office and opened my legs slightly to give him a clear view of my naked body.

As I opened my dress, I allowed it to slide off my shoulders. The only thing keeping me from being completely nude in his office was the way the sleeves hung on my elbows. Sam slid his hand slowly up my thigh inching it towards my waiting pussy, I reached up cupping my breast and pinching my nipples between my thumb and forefinger. As Sam started to insert his finger into me, I leaned back on his desk opening my legs further to give him better access.  Sam whispered that he needed to close his office door and started to stand when his business partner walked into the office while looking at some papers he had in his hand.

Busted, as Bill looked up from his papers Sam was only about halfway around his desk moving towards the door. I jumped up from the desk and purposely allowed my dress to fall, leaving me standing there totally naked in the office. Bill was momentarily speechless. Having another opportunity to be an exhibitionist, I simply said “Hi” while making no attempt to conceal my nakedness. Bill smiled and said, “Wow, nice to see you, Sarah."

I smiled and reached down to retrieve my dress and apologized for my inappropriate attire, telling Bill that I wanted to surprise Sam with my new dress. Bill looked at Sam and said that this could wait until tomorrow and that Sam needed to take the rest of the day off so he could enjoy my new dress. I slowly started to put on my dress while both Bill and Sam watched me. I fumbled with the buttons taking my time, working from the top allowing my pussy to remain exposed until I had enough buttons fastened. Bill looked at Sam and said you better go take care of her and left the room, closing the door as he left.

I stopped buttoning my dress as I walked up to Sam, reaching for his cock. He was as hard as a rock. I asked him if he enjoyed me exposing myself to Bill. Sam didn’t know what to say. I took his hand and slid his finger along the moist slit of my pussy, mentioning that he needed to take me somewhere to finish what we started unless he wanted to fuck me right now on his desk. I told Sam that I would enjoy him fucking me on his desk and that maybe some of his employees would hear us. Sam paused momentarily, kissed me, and said let go. He took my hand and opened the door, I smiled and asked if I should finish buttoning up my dress or leave it opened for him. Sam kissed me again and told me to button it up, but not too much. He told me he liked the way other men looked at me, knowing that they want me. I buttoned my dress allowing lots of leg show as we left his office.

When we got home, I asked Sam again if he enjoyed the way I exposed myself to other men. He was quiet for a moment, then said that he got turned on every time he saw me nude. Especially when other people could see me. Since you like it so much, I asked if we could trade my car in for a convertible? Telling Sam that it would make it easier for people to see me. And I think he might like that. Sam couldn’t stop smiling on the way to the dealership.

The dealership only had one convertible, a beautiful red Mustang with a black top. The salesman asked us who we were buying the car for. Sam gladly said that his beautiful wife needed a beautiful car. Dirk the salesman was enjoying my tan sundress as we looked at the car. He asked me to sit in the driver’s seat and asked if I had any questions. When I sat down my dress opened to just covered my bare pussy. The salesman did his best to be VERY attentive and helpful as we checked out the car. Sam asked if we could take it for a test drive.

Dirk took our information and got the keys so we could take it out for a spin. I again returned to the driver’s seat, Dirk sat in front and mansplained the layout of the dash and audio system. I think he only wanted to look down my dress. I had a hard time keeping the dress in position and remain covered as I shifted to see what he was explaining. Wink, Wink. After the mansplaining was finished, off we went. It felt great with the sun beating down on me, and the wind causing my dress to flutter about. Dirk had a great view as I tried to drive and keep myself covered. Needless to say, he got an eyeful on that test drive. It took a couple of hours of paperwork and flashing. That evening I drove off with a brand-new Mustang convertible.

After we left the dealership Sam asked me to unbutton a few buttons of my dress for the trip home. Saying that we might as well take advantage of the warm evening and enjoy being in a convertible. At the next light, I unbuttoned all the buttons but kept the dress closed. I chose not to hold the dress close, since I was driving. When we got up to speed the dress started to flutter about and to my excitement leaving me exposed. The car was fantastic, and I couldn’t wait to have lots of fun driving around in it.

Before we made it home Sam asked if he could drive the rest of the way home. Sure, I said and pulled into the next parking lot. We switched seats, but as Sam held the door for me, he tugged at my dress. He smiled and said that the car would look much better with me nude in it, isn’t that the reason we bought the car.

I took off my dress and held my dress in my lap, but as soon as Sam got in, he took it from me and placed it behind my seat. He said that I wouldn’t need it for the rest of the evening. We didn’t make it far before I asked Sam to drive to the park near our home. It was getting dark and I wanted to go for a nude walk and enjoy the night air. Sam drove to the back of the park where there shouldn’t be many people. We parked where there was the least number of streetlights. I got out and walked around the car not believing that we honestly just bought it. Sam got out and placed his arm around my waist, I turned towards him and we kissed. Sam started to squeeze my ass as he pulled me close. I could feel his hardening cock through the material in his pants. I didn’t want to walk nude alone, so I pulled Sam’s shirt over his head and undid his pants and pulled his briefs and pants off together. There we were naked except for our shoes.

Sam’s cock was hard and pointing straight out in front of him, so I grabbed him by his cock leading him away from the car towards the nearest veranda. Where I had him lean against a picnic table. I turned around so he could enter me from behind. Sam held my waist as we started to fuck out in the open. Sam slid in easily. I was incredibly wet from all the flashing. I let out a soft moan, slowly in and out, increasing our speed with every new thrust. As we increased our speed our bodies started to perspire forming a shiny covering in the moonlight.

As Sam brought me close to an orgasm, I heard footsteps nearing our veranda. Sam was concentrating so hard on pleasing me that he didn’t hear the man approach. As he approached, I looked into the man’s eyes, he kept coming closer until he was directly in front of us. Sam slowed down his thrust, I begged him not to stop. The stranger reached for my breast. My excitement grew by leaps and bounds. I reached for the stranger’s shorts feeling his hardening cock through the material. The stranger pulled down his shorts and pulled out his cock and started to masturbate. I reached for his cock as Sam increased his tempo. Once I had the stranger’s cock in my hand, I bent over and began to suck it. His cock was smaller than Sam’s and easily fit in my mouth. Ever since the night on the pool table, I loved the taste of cock, especially strange cock. I softly held the stranger’s balls as I sucked his cock and shortly felt his cock begin to convulse. He mentioned that he was going to cum and tried to back away, I pulled him closer so he would shoot his load in my mouth. As he started to cum, Sam moaned and started to fill my pussy with his hot load. My knees got week as I orgasmed with two cocks filling me with cum at the same time. When the stranger finished, he pulled his cock out of my mouth, thanked me, and walked away into the darkness.

Sam continued his thrust until his cock began to soften. His cock slid out of me allowing his cum to ooze out of me, I reached down scooping it up with my fingers then licking them clean. The taste of two men’s cum tasted so good. I turned around wrapping my arms around Sam whispering a thank you in his ear. Then I began to kiss him with the strangers and his cum still on my lips.

Sweet Salty Revenge.

To be continued….


Written by tazasp
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