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Author's Notes

"This story takes place on a parallel world where registered nudity and indentured slavery are legal under a government known as “The State.” A young woman is blackmailed and slowly coerced into a life she never expected. This story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex. Themes include cmnf, cfnf, enf, humiliation, non-consent, reluctance, blackmail, public nudity and public sex."

Casey woke up naked.

What the fuck?

Then she remembered the events of the previous evening.

Oh God, what have I done!

She buried her face in her hands and tried to think of a way to make anything positive of it. She tried to console herself with the thought that it was only him who saw it and she didn’t even know who he was.

She made an effort to shrug it off and set about doing “normal things,” like putting her pyjamas on, so everything would appear business as usual to her mother when she went down for breakfast.

Fuck it. Who cares if that’s how he gets his rocks off.

After breakfast, she got dressed, remembering once again not to wear underwear, and then went to get her bike out.


What the fuck? Already?

She was already dreading the upskirts and whatever dreadful “mission” she would have to perform that day. She guessed she was about to find out what that mission might entail.

“You have earned a reward. Ditch college today. Details to come”

Casey wondered just what he meant by “a reward.” Knowing what things had been like with him so far, she doubted it would be anything she would like. But on the plus side, maybe she was due a day off anyway, especially after everything she’d gone through in the last few days.

She rode her bike to a park nearby and waited until she was confident her mother would have left, then rode back home. Confident that the coast was clear, she went back inside and took a nice long shower, then wrapped herself in a fluffy robe and settled in front of the TV with a cup of coffee.

About an hour and a half later she got the next text.


“Nice things happen to nice girls. Go to Gillian’s salon at 11:00 am for a haircut, massage & manicure. All has been paid for. Send me a selfie afterwards”

He knows Gillian gave me a card for a salon? Is there anything he doesn’t know about me? A haircut and massage sounds suspiciously nice. What’s the catch?

She had been intending on a makeover after Gillian suggested it anyway. She wasn’t sure the price was worth it now for what she had to do to earn it, but she’d take it just the same. It was ten a.m. now. If she left in half an hour she would have plenty of time to get there. It was only a fifteen-minute ride away really.

On arrival, she had her hair professionally washed and then she sat in front of a mirror. The stylist asked her what she was having done. Thinking back to what Gillian had suggested, Casey responded that she wanted to go blonde, and whatever it took to make her look good. The stylist laughed, and before long Casey’s hair was being pasted with goo and wrapped in foil layers. Then she was offered a manicure while she was waiting for the solution to set. Before long she had beautiful bright red nails. Then the solution was washed out of her hair and more applied to get the remaining roots before her hair was finally washed again and wrapped in a towel.

She was then led to a massage table where she was treated to a lovely back massage, and even though she was topless it wasn’t a degrading experience for her at all for a change. More of a relaxing experience actually.

Finally, her hair was dried, cut and styled, and she saw herself in the mirror. She almost didn’t recognise the beautiful blonde woman looking back at her. Just wow!

“Ok, you’re all done and paid for. Come back when you need a touch-up. It doesn’t take long if you come back every few weeks,” the stylist informed her as she was finishing up.

“Thank you so much!” Casey squealed, barely able to take her eyes off herself in the mirror.

She hopped out of the chair and virtually floated outside. Now, what was she supposed to do now again? Oh right. Selfie. She couldn’t stop smiling now if she wanted to, so she didn’t have to force it for a change. She took the snap and sent it off.


“Nice. Reward No 2 is waiting for you at home”

Casey’s heart sank a little at that. What exactly would this “reward” be? Maybe the fun was over already and there was something hideous waiting for her? There was only one way to find out, so she biked the short distance back home again.

As she approached the front door to her house, she noticed a package waiting on the porch. There was nothing to indicate who sent it or what was inside, so she picked it up and took it inside to open it. It was a camera, and quite an expensive one too by the look of it.

Wow! This is actually pretty cool.

She decided to text back a thanks, thinking it couldn’t hurt to stay on his good side.

“Thank you. It’s wonderful!”


“You’re welcome. Connect it to your laptop and text back when ready”

Realisation then dawned on her that this wasn’t a present for her at all. It was a better webcam for her pervert blackmailer to see her more clearly while she performed disgusting and degrading acts for him. She knew now that the incident last night wouldn’t be the last. There was nothing she could do about it now, though so she set up the software as instructed and texted back when she thought it was working.



“Much better. Try a closeup, then lay on the bed”

Casey did as instructed.


“Perfect. Ok see you at 8:30. Enjoy your day off. Don’t forget Mark at 4 pm”

Just as Casey expected, his message confirmed that she would indeed have to go through the degrading experience in front of the webcam again, and as soon as tonight, and now she would be in high definition! Perhaps this time she could control herself better and not masturbate for him without being asked? She also wondered what was significant about eight-thirty p.m. Perhaps he just assumed that it would be after her dinner but before she needed to go to sleep? Perhaps he had other stuff going on in the evenings and that was when he was available, or at least when he could make himself available? Perhaps it was a bit of all that? Who knew?

Casey made use of the couple of hours available to her by spending more time on the couch in front of the TV. Daytime TV bored her, though, and she accidentally dozed off and woke to find it was three-thirty p.m. already.


She still had plenty of time, but she had to move immediately. She quickly checked her hair. God, she looked good blonde. She almost didn’t recognise herself. Then she got on her bike to commence the journey.

Luckily, she arrived ten minutes early and used the spare time to try to calm herself and prepare for the humiliation she knew was ahead of her. She felt like she would rather stick a fork in her eye than get naked in front of someone again, especially someone with a camera, but between what the blackmailer had on Jolene and what he now had on her, she had little choice but to play along, at least until she could figure a way out of the horrible mess.

Her heart was still racing in anticipation as she entered Mark’s studio.

“Oh wow. Is that really you, Casey? You look beautiful. I told you you’d make a great blonde,” Gillian remarked as soon as she noticed her. “Mark’s ready for you now so I’ll take you through straight away and do your makeup.”

Gillian led her around to the dressing room again.

“Mark wants to do something a little different with you today, so I’ll get you to pop your clothes off now and you can wear one of these robes instead,” Gillian instructed while handing a robe to her.

Casey looked around for somewhere private to change.

“You mean right here?” she asked.

“Yes, silly,” Gillian replied. “You’re about to be naked in front of Mark and me for the next hour or so anyway. No need to be shy. Getting out of your regular clothes now just means no red marks from bra straps and so on.”


Casey felt awkward but stripped off as requested and put the robe on. She knew now there was definitely no way she would be doing anything other than posing nude during the photo shoot.

Gillian finished Casey’s makeup in a much faster time than she did on Tuesday and then led her out to the studio to find Mark.

“Oh hi, Casey. It’s great to see you again. Wow! Don’t you look gorgeous!”

“Thanks, Mark. It’s great to see you too,” she lied.

Well, it might not be a lie if I wasn’t about to be nude in front of you again.

“Okay, we’re going to use the bathroom set today,” Mark announced. “I have a lovely warm bubble bath for you already prepared. I’ll get you to drop the robe and pop in to soak. Don’t get your hair wet or ruin your makeup, though.”

Casey knew this was coming already so she just gave a small sigh and did as instructed while Mark fiddled with his camera again. The tub was so huge it was almost a spa. As she got in and lowered herself into the bubbles, she noticed jets on the sides so it could actually be used as a spa. It even had a seat embedded into it at the far corner. Off to one side of the set was a hand basin with a huge mirror, and on the other side was a shower. The tiles and fittings were all very posh. It would pass for a rich person’s bathroom if it wasn’t for the fact that it only had three walls, no ceiling and was completely open to the rest of the studio with big studio lights pointing in and overhead.

“Okay, all ready?” asked Mark.

Casey nodded her assent.

“Okay, now look up at me and smile.”


“Now pretend you’re washing your arms and get some of that foam on them. Smile.”


“Okay, just wipe some of it off your titties so we can see them a bit better. Lovely. Smile again, sweetheart.”


Casey was very nervous and kept forgetting to smile.

“Okay, now carefully roll over and stick your legs out like you’re using a kickboard. Just arch your back a bit so your butt is visible. Oh Gillian, would you mind?”

Gillian put her video camera down and stepped forward to wipe some of the bubbles off Casey’s butt.

“That’s great. Nice!”


“Okay, that’ll about do this scene,” he decided. “Casey, would you mind popping into the shower cubicle and using the handheld attachment to wash the bubbles off you now? Mind your hair.”

Gillian stepped forward again and held out her hand to help Casey out of the bath. Casey checked the temperature of the handheld shower until she felt it was right and then stepped in and washed the bubbles off. She was still finding it difficult to resist trying to cover herself constantly. She had the passing thought that she had already been naked in front of Mark and Gillian so it should be easier this time, but it was still every bit as horrible as the first time.

“Ok nice,” Mark commented. “Now step back into the bath but don’t get in this time. I’ll get you to take a seat on that bit on the other side. Lovely. Now smile.”


“Okay, now we’ll get you to shave. Gillian, will you bring some lather and a shaving brush? Then just lather yourself up really well, Casey. Go crazy so there’s heaps of lather on you.”

What the fuck? They want me to shave my bush? No way!

She didn’t agree with this at all. This was going too far. She wasn’t some slut who did that to herself. Plus, she didn’t want anyone to see what she had going on down there. Surely Mark wouldn’t want to see that either.

“Um... is this necessary?” she asked, hoping there was some way out of it.

“Is there a problem?” Mark asked carefully, sensing her reluctance. “Your manager assured me that this wouldn’t be an issue for you. It’s even in your contract. So, what do we do here, Casey?”

“Um… can we just do a little bit at the sides then?” she suggested. “You know, neaten things up a bit?”

“Like your bikini line? “Mark responded. “Um… you’re a very beautiful girl, Casey, but the hair just hides too much. I want to see all of you. If I can be blunt, pubic hair is like mid-week sex. It’s nice enough to have and all, but it’s just not special if you know what I mean? A shaved pussy shows that a girl has put some effort in and wants to make an impression, and that she cares about sex. She’s proud of her pussy and wants her lover to see it.”

“Ok… how about a trim then?” she tried. “Maybe give me a haircut down there?”

“Um… that’s not really what I was going for,” Mark continued. “Wouldn’t you rather be clean-shaven anyway? It’s hardly the eighties anymore. I have to be straight with you, Casey. I don’t want to be in a position of forcing you to do something, but need I remind you that you are under contract here?”

Casey sighed, realising there was no way she could get out of the situation. It now seemed likely that Mark wasn’t her blackmailer, but he was in contact with him. He had obviously already decided for her what she would and wouldn’t do. To refuse Mark was to defy him too, and she knew that would have far worse consequences than going along with Mark’s request.

“No, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting it today is all.”

Not today and not ever!

“That’s okay. I was just worried there’d been a misunderstanding for a moment there. Your manager assured us you were literally up for anything at all. Is that not the case?”

“No that’s true,” Casey lied. “I am up for anything, just like he said.”

Two months. It’s only two months, and hopefully no one I know ever sees this, vs everyone I know seeing the other pics and video of me. Fuck it, it’s only hair anyway. It’ll grow back.

So far Mark had been gentle with her and hadn’t asked for anything too graphic, so she hoped “anything” wouldn’t be any worse than what she had already experienced with him. Still, she knew she had no choice now but to do whatever he asked, no matter how uncomfortable she might be with it.

“I’m very glad and relieved to hear that,” Mark responded as Casey reluctantly accepted the soap, brush, and a pink disposable razor on a saucer from Gillian. She then set about applying a lather to her bush as Gillian picked up the video camera again and came in closer.

“Now I’ll just get you to part your legs a little wider, and you’ll need to get the lather right down in there too,” Mark continued.

Oh, God. Could this get any worse?



“Look up at me and smile now.”


“Okay, time to start shaving. Just hold the razor at the top there for a moment. That’s it.”


“Now shave a bit down from the top. Beautiful.”


“Okay, um… this might take a while I think so I’ll just step in for a few more shots from time to time as you make progress. In the meantime, pretend we’re not here, okay?”

As if I’ll forget two people watching me while I shave my pussy…

Casey continued her labour just the same, which was turning out to be quite the job. Her pubic hair was very thick, and it took dozens of swipes over each tiny bit before any bare skin shone through. Plus, she had never shaved there before and wasn’t confident with what she was doing. The added humiliation of strangers watching her shaving her pussy while she had her legs open made it infinitely more awkward as well.

“Hmm… Okay, this is going to take a bit longer than I thought,” Mark commented, noticing Casey’s difficulty after nearly ten minutes has passed. “I’ll do one more shot and then we might have to switch to Plan B. Okay, look down at what you’re doing and keep shaving.”


“Okay, that’ll do for now. Just wash the lather off in the bath and hop out for a moment and dry off.”

Casey didn’t need to be told that twice.

They’re quitting? Yay! My pubes are saved!

She looked down as she rinsed off and noticed her bush was looking a bit tattered and sorry now, but she suspected it would grow back quickly enough.

As she finished drying, she noticed Mark and Gillian had vanished. Gillian then returned holding electric clippers!

“This will be easier if I do it for you, I think,” Gillian explained. “Just hop up on the table over here and lay back.”

Oh no! My bush is a goner after all!

After Casey reluctantly got up onto the table, she found herself spread naked and feeling utterly humiliated in front of a fully clothed woman buzzing her pubes off with electric clippers. She could feel her beautiful pubic hair coming away in wisps and clumps, briefly touching her inner thighs as it fell to the table below. The gentle buzzing around that part of her was more than a little arousing too. Casey could feel herself getting wet in response, and she hoped Gillian didn’t notice. Suddenly something else occurred to her.

Oh my God, my labia!

She realised with horror that her embarrassing labia would now be completely exposed without the hair there to hide them. Her impulse was to slap Gillian’s hands away and slam her legs together, but instead, she gritted her teeth and bore on.

“Ok I’ll need you to spread really wide for this next bit,” Gillian instructed as she put down the clippers and picked up a container of shaving cream.

Casey spread and then felt the spray of the cool lather over her now almost-bare pubic area, followed by the gentle pull of the razor. The sensation of Gillian’s fingers pushing her bits this way and that felt unbelievably intimate, and all wrong from a stranger.

“Now I’ll get you to roll over and get on your hands and knees, like doggy style,” Gillian went on.

What now?

Gillian then began gently lathering around Casey’s anus and the lower part of her pussy. As she spread the soapy lather across the area, she occasionally made delicate contact with parts of Casey that have never really been the focus of any hands but her own. Gillian’s fingertips would nudge and prod intimate areas that sent shocks through her, and as she continued shaving, Casey wondered if Gillian was intentionally playing with her as she felt various muscles twitch and tense in response to the touches.

Jesus H Christ! Shaving my butthole? Could this be any more humiliating!

“Okay, all done,” Gillian finally announced. “I’ll just give you some moisturiser and allow it a few minutes to sink in. Then we can do the rest of the shoot.”

Gillian handed her a bottle of lotion, which Casey used to smear around her genitals and backside where she had just been shaved. The smoothness of the bare skin in the area was an unfamiliar sensation. She suddenly felt more naked than ever and wasn’t sure how she’d be able to stand in front of a camera now.

“Mark, we’re just about ready again,” Gillian called out.

Casey stood up and looked down to assess her new appearance. What she saw freaked her out. Her naked vulva was perfectly smooth with not even a hint of hair, as was the rest of her nether regions. She had never felt more exposed, but worse still, even from this angle she could see for the first time just how prominent her inner labia really were. Her pussy lips looked much longer than she had thought now that she was completely shaved and laid bare for all eyes to see.

Oh God, Mark is about to see them too! Oh GOD! Everyone from now on who records me on a mission is going to see them. I’ll be a freak!

It felt so breezy and cold too. This would take some getting used to. She hoped it would grow back fast.

“Oh, all done?” asked Mark. “Well, doesn’t that look better? Casey, you really are stunning. Okay, I’ll just get you to pop back where we left off in the bath, reapply some lather and I’ll get a few shots of you pretending to finish the job.”

She followed Mark’s directions and reapplied some lather to her pubic area and picked up the razor.


“Just spread a little wider for me, Casey. A little more. That’s it.”


“Lovely, now splash some bath water onto yourself to rinse off. There’s a little more soap just there. That’s it. Now look at me. Smile…”


“Okay, stand up in the bath and look down at yourself. Perfect.”


“Keep looking down and put both hands on the sides of your pussy. A little further apart. That’s it.”


“Now hands to your sides and look up and smile at me.”


“Hold it there and I’ll come in for a few close-ups”



“Okay, that’s beautiful. Let’s get you dried off and we’ll move to the lounge set.”

After she had dried off, Mark led her to a set that did indeed look just like a lounge room. He gestured to a large overly padded lounge chair for Casey to take a seat as he checked a few settings on his camera. She noticed the set had no sides and opened out into the main studio area which was a huge warehouse. The lights were particularly bright here too and it took her a moment for her eyes to adjust. The combination made her feel more conspicuous and more naked than usual, especially with her newly denuded pussy.

Oh God, who’s that?

Casey noticed an older man carrying a broom. He stopped in his tracks and made no effort to hide the fact that he was looking at her. He tipped his cap and smiled at her. She was even more mortified now. She wanted her clothes back on even more than ever, and fast forward to being back living a normal life at home and finishing her diploma months from now with her bush grown back and the blackmail over, pretending none of this had ever happened. She expected she would probably need psychiatric help by then, though, if things continued the way they had been.

“Hmm… Gillian, can we get some heels for Casey please?” Mark asked.

The janitor continued watching until at last Mark noticed Casey’s eyes continually glancing towards him. Realising her discomfort with his presence, Mark gestured to him to leave.

Gillian returned with some white shoes with the most enormously high heels Casey had ever seen.

“These look about your size,” Gillian commented as she handed them over.

Casey put them on and did up the straps. She had never worn shoes with heels so high before and hoped she’d be able to balance if she had to stand up.

“Okay. Just sit right at the front of the lounge chair and lay back please, Casey,” Mark requested. “Get super comfy. That’s it.”


“Now I’ll get you to open your legs up wide. Perfect.”


Casey was feeling extremely self-conscious about her dangly labia being on display, but Mark didn’t seem to notice them at all. With her legs spread so far apart and laying back like this there would be no denying them. Maybe he was just being polite? She half suspected he would call off the shoot and send her away once he saw how hideous she was down there.

Online Now!
Lush Cams

Oh, God. This is so humiliating! I bet my face is bright red!

“A little wider now.”

She thought she was already as wide as she could go, but she gave it everything until it felt like she was about to split.



“That’s great. Now sit up again and I’ll get you to put your hands on the arms of the chair and lift yourself up and support your weight on them. You got it. Legs a bit further apart. Yes!”


“Now bring your legs up and put one over each side of the chair. Yes, it’s a big spread. Can you manage, okay? There we go. Just hold that there a moment longer.”

The ridiculous shoes made it super awkward, but she managed to get into the position Mark wanted. She was suddenly glad she was athletic. This wasn’t physically easy at all, and the effort of it almost took her mind off how humiliating it was to display herself so openly like this.


“Casey, if you can, please lower your bottom back down onto the chair but keep your legs draped over the arms. Just like that, great!”


After the last shot Mark paused, “Gillian, could you please…” He began as his voice trailed off. He gestured towards Casey and then made another quick gesture below his waist. Gillian seemed to understand immediately and quickly approached Casey sitting with her legs stretched wider than she had thought possible over the sides of the chair.

“Sorry, hun, just need to make one quick little adjustment,” Gillian explained. Then to Casey’s utter humiliation she noticed that one of her labia had folded over the front of her pussy and stuck to the other.

Gillian knelt between Casey’s knees and lightly placed a finger from each hand on either of Casey's long lips and pulled them apart so she was wide open, exposing the inside of her pussy.

Are you fucking kidding me??


“Ok now hop down and face the other way,” Mark continued after snapping several closeups. “Yes, knees on the chair and put your hands on the back. Arch your back a little. No, the other way so your butt sticks out. That’s it. Now look over your shoulder at me and give me a cheeky smile…”


“Legs a little further apart now. Super.”


“Now I want you to reach behind with one hand and just spread your pussy lips apart a little with two fingers.”

Oh God!

“That’s it”


“Now just focus on one pussy lip and pull it to one side. Sweet!”


Casey could feel herself getting wet, and it was taking all of her effort to keep her arousal at bay. Mark must have noticed or sensed it as well.

“Okay, just take a seat Casey and we’ll take a moment to catch our breaths. You’re doing really well, girl. Still my favourite model I’ve worked with this year. Um... Gillian, could we have a tissue or something please?”

Gillian produced a box of tissues from behind her and handed them over. Casey was puzzled for a moment until Gillian nodded between her legs. She looked down and saw that she had been much wetter than she thought and there was a wet patch on the chair between her legs. Oh God! She quickly stood up and wiped it down with one of the tissues.

“You might want to give yourself a wipe down there too, hun,” Gillian mentioned while gesturing between Casey's legs.

Casey looked down and saw that the wetness had seeped partway down her legs. Mortified, she looked around for somewhere she might get a little privacy to clean herself up, and then realised how ridiculous that thought was after everything she’d done here already today in front of these two.

“Don’t worry. It happens a lot. It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Gillian assured her. “You look like sex on heels, it’s a very appropriate reaction.” She winked as she walked back to her position.

Casey wiped herself down, feeling even more humiliated.

FFS! This was like being watched going to the toilet!

“Okay, all good to go?” Mark asked. “We’re slightly over time but I’ll just get a few more shots. This has been one of the best shoots I’ve done in ages, and there are a couple more poses and angles I want. Casey, I’ll get you to stand up now. Legs a little closer.”

She wobbled to her feet and found a position where she didn’t feel at risk of breaking an ankle in the crazy shoes.


“Okay, let’s try a squat position. Gillian, we might need a little help here?”

Gillian held Casey’s arm for support as she got down onto her haunches.

“That’s it, Casey,” she praised. “Now just put your knees out as wide as they’ll go. Back nice and straight. That’s it. Got your balance okay? Okay.”

Gillian stepped back out of shot but stayed at the ready to catch Casey in case she lost balance. Casey felt she was fine in the balance department but wasn’t so sure of her feelings in the dignity department.


“Okay, can you put your hands behind your neck, Casey?” Mark asked. “Still got your balance okay? Beautiful.”


“Right, you can put your arms down again now. Now I’ll get you to put your hands on your legs right up close to your groin at either side of your pussy. That’s perfect.”


“And just a few close-ups.”

Mark moved in about a foot away from Casey’s genitals.


“Okay, lovely. You can stand up again now.”

Gillian quickly stepped over to help Casey to her feet.

“Just a couple more,” Mark advised. “Now, if you’ll turn around and look back at me. Cheeky smile…”


“Wonderful. Now, keeping your legs nice and straight, bend over and put your hands on the chair. Good.”


“Now, legs wide apart. Lovely. Look back at me. Smile.”


“Okay, now kneel back on the chair and put your hands on the back. Great. Now arch your back and tilt your head back. Look up towards the ceiling. Sweet.”


“Put your knees apart as wide as you can. Keep arching your back and looking up. Awesome.”


“Hold that there a bit longer. I’ll just get a few close-ups.”



Suddenly the sound of a vacuum cleaner filled their ears. Casey turned around to see the janitor had returned.

Obviously, he needs to start his work right there where the naked girl is… Filthy old perve.

Mark looked at him and gestured for him to shut it off before turning back to Casey and Gillian.

“Okay, I think that’ll about do us for the day anyway. The cleaner is obviously getting impatient. That’s a wrap as they say. Thank you so much, Casey. You’ve been truly wonderful to work with today. Thank you too, Gillian, for your help.”

“Yes, thank you, Gillian,” Casey added politely, trying to act like she had wanted to be there and didn’t loathe the experience in its entirety. “Thank you too, Mark.”

“Pleasure,” Mark replied.

Casey sat back in the lounge chair to undo the shoes and take them off. She handed them back to Gillian and then momentarily forgot where she had undressed and left her clothes. Gillian must have sensed her confusion and gestured towards the dressing room.

Oh, that’s right.

She padded naked across the huge warehouse to retrieve her clothes then hurriedly dressed again, more eagerly than usual due to the humiliation she felt about her newly shaved pussy.

Dammit, no pubes now, and no undies!

Now she would have to cycle home without even pubic hair to cover her shame if her skirt blew up. She quickly washed most of the makeup off her face and headed out to her bike.

It was a little later than usual, but Casey still had plenty of time to make it home. Both her parents would be home by now, though. With a momentary start, she remembered she was blonde now and would need an explanation about it for her parents, but then realised her late arrival was the perfect excuse anyway. Obviously, she had gone to the salon after class today.



Really? Here?

She looked around and noticed an alley between two shops nearby. That would have to do. She ducked in behind a dumpster, looked around, quickly parted her legs and took the shot.


“Much better without the hair. It stays that way now. See you at 8:30”

Stays that way?

Casey wanted to scream. She had hoped this would be a once-only thing and she could start growing her pubes back ASAP. She wasn’t sure if she looked like a total slut now or a child, and she loathed that her dreadful dangly labia were now fully visible. Adding shaving to her daily routine would be degrading every time she did it. She didn’t know if she was more humiliated or angry as she rode her bike home.

Just as she expected, her parents were home already by the time she got there, but she had her excuse already prepared.

“Wow, Casey! Is that where you’ve been?” asked her mother.

“Yes, Mum. Do you like it?” Casey responded as she modelled her new blonde locks.

“Well, it’s different. It might take me a while to adjust to it, but I think it looks very nice. You look less of a tomboy now. I think my little girl is growing up.”

Her father was equally supportive as they sat down around the table at dinner.

“Your mother and I will be away this weekend,” her father suddenly mentioned after a long period of silence as they ate their meals in front of the TV. “Apparently, we were randomly selected in some marketing campaign and won free accommodation for two nights at the Calchurch Casino. I was a bit suspicious that it was spam at first, so I called the casino to check. It actually seems to be legit. All booked and paid for in our names for tomorrow and Saturday nights. Flying is a bit pricey and it’s a four-hour drive, so we’ve decided to leave straight after work tomorrow. We should be back late Sunday for dinner again. You’ll be okay to look after yourself for the weekend?”

“Wow, that’s amazing, Dad. I hope you have an awesome time. Yeah, I’ll be fine on my own here, no problems,” Casey assured him.

“There’s plenty of food in the fridge,” her mother added. “There’s frozen pizzas and pies. Lots of party-type food if you get hungry.”

“Thanks, Mum. I know I’ll be fine.”

“There’s plenty there if you want to have some friends over one night too.”

“I might just do that, Mum,” Casey responded, knowing that it was fairly unlikely.

Casey glanced at the clock on the wall. It was only seven-thirty p.m. Still an hour until her dreaded appointment with the webcam. She excused herself and filled in some time working on an assignment in her room. It wasn’t due for weeks yet, but she had no other study to catch up on after having the day off that day.

She looked at the new camera and reflected on the day’s events. It had seemed like such a nice gift at first, until she realised what its purpose was. She now realised the salon visit was for the same reason. It wasn’t so much for her as it was to make her look better for someone else, who she didn’t even know. And that awful photoshoot where she had to shave herself in front of Mark and Gillian, and then allow Gillian to finish shaving her, even around her bum hole! And then all the degrading poses afterwards to top off the humiliation. And she had to do it all smiling and pretending that she wanted to do it. It was such an outrage! She was starting to feel like she was losing control of her life. She could only hope that somehow the blackmailer would lose interest in her eventually, or he got caught by the police and taken to jail. Even better, hit by a bus! She felt that she would quite happily drive that very bus at this point.


Eight-thirty already? Crap!

Casey cursed herself as she realised she had lost track of time and hadn’t turned the camera on yet. She hoped there wouldn’t be consequences.

“Time to test out the new cam”

She quickly turned it on, feeling some relief that he didn’t seem to be angry with her at least.

Best not push it, though. Whatever he wants, I’m just going to do it.

“Get naked & show off your new pussy. Use both hands in closeup. Talk to me. Tell me how much you like it”

In other words, act like I like it even though I don’t. Eww!

She was totally revolted at the idea of pretending to like it, but she would do as she was asked. She knew only too well what the consequences would be if she didn’t. She didn’t know yet if anything had come of the picture he said he had sent to ten people yesterday. Hopefully nothing since she couldn’t be recognised in it, but she didn’t know that for sure. Maybe she would be a laughingstock tomorrow? She didn’t think that was likely, though. Only Amelia had seen her pussy before, and even then it wouldn’t be enough evidence for even her to identify it from a picture. However, having demonstrated his willingness to follow through on his threats, she couldn’t take the risk that he would send another picture out which might include her face next time. She would need to be on her best behaviour. He certainly had plenty of pictures to choose from now, and every day added more.

She stroked her pussy with both hands and smiled at the camera in what she hoped was a confident manner. Inside she was dying, though. It was so humiliating for her to show it to him. Even more so pretending that she liked it shaved. She hated it, and she hated that her protruding pussy lips were now out in the open for him to see.

“Look at my pussy,” she purred in what she hoped was a sexy way. “Do you like it all shaved? I do. It feels amazing. Do you like it too?”


Casey picked up her phone.

“Come in close and keep touching yourself”

Oh God!

She was completely mortified, but her blackmailer had all the control now. Her only choice was to do what he wanted. She realised he would be getting a very graphic view of her vagina right now. It was probably taking up the whole screen. She tried not to think about it.

“Do you want a closer look?” she continued with her best sexy voice as she approached the camera and continued stroking herself.


“Use your fingers to stretch out those lovely pussy lips”

Casey nearly died inside at that. She hated that he could even see them, and now he wanted her to make a spectacle of them? Her face suddenly felt very hot. The humiliation was killing her, but knowing she had little choice she just did it without hesitation.

After a couple of minutes of stretching her labia out for him, she realised she was starting to get very wet. She looked down and could see drips on the floor.

Oh God! Am I actually getting off on this?


“Lay back on the bed same as last night facing the cam. Legs as wide as you can and play with your pussy”

She was determined to stay in control, only doing as much as he asked of her and no more this time, but to her great shame her primal urges took over and her fingers began plunging into her vagina, seemingly of their own accord. Once again, she bought herself to orgasm for the camera, and just like last night, she had done it without even being asked.


“Very nice. If you can keep your hands to yourself for a few mins, let’s make plans for the weekend”

Oh God, he thinks I’m a slut and he’s probably right!


“I know you have the house to yourself all weekend. Let’s have some fun”

He knows my parents will be away? How? Did he arrange the mystery gift? I gotta find that voucher and see if it tells me anything about him.


“Congratulations! You win a nude weekend starting after Tech tomorrow & ending Sunday night”

I have to stay naked the whole weekend, starting tomorrow night?

She shuddered at the thought and then suddenly remembered her date with Greg.

“I have a date tomorrow night. Can we postpone the start until Saturday morning?”


“What sort of date?”

“A boy I met wants to take me for a burger”

It was a few minutes before he replied.


“Your nude weekend now starts at 8:30 pm tomorrow. Be in front of your cam by then”


“On Saturday you’re going shopping naked. Your mission tomorrow is to find a friend with a car to drive you to a supermarket in Stocksgate. I’ll follow up with details”

What the fuck?

She was to be naked in a supermarket on a Saturday? In public? Surely, he couldn’t be serious? There would be people everywhere! She would be arrested for sure, even if she didn’t pass out from the humiliation of actually trying to do that. Her heart was racing just thinking about it.

“I’ll be arrested!”


“There will be a fake registered nudist tattoo in your mailbox tomorrow along with your shopping list. You’re going to pretend you’re a real nudist out doing her shopping”

She realised with mounting horror that he had thought all of this through, and he was serious about it. Now the question was, could she actually do it and get away with it? If so, how? The only approach was a pragmatic one. Putting aside the absolute abhorrence she felt about it, what were the risks? Who would see her and what could she do to prevent the wrong person from seeing her? Stocksgate was an hour’s drive away so she would be very unlikely to bump into anyone she knew, and with the fake tattoo she should pass scrutiny by any lazy security guards or passing cops... Who could drive her there, though? She had passed her driver’s test but had no need of a car and no money for one anyway, so had never got much further than that, apart from occasionally borrowing her mum’s car to run an errand. Maybe Amelia could drive that? No, Casey knew she would get in deep trouble for borrowing the car without permission. Amelia’s mum had a car, but she needed it for her job. Amelia only had a bicycle, so there was no point even asking her. On the plus side that would mean that Amelia didn’t need to know about any of this. Maybe Greg? He had a car. Telling him what she was going to do and asking him to drive her there would be beyond mortifying she realised, but at least her nudist excuse was already out in the open with him, so she had a head start there. Plus, he was interested in her…


“Do not take any clothes with you. You’ll be nude for your driver when they arrive, & I want them to record the mission on your phone. Send me the video by sunset”


“The next part of your nude weekend is to invite 3 people to your house for lunch on Sunday while you stay nude. Set the camera up where I can see”

Oh fuck!

That would mean explaining her nudist experiment to two more people, not just Greg, and then exposing herself to them with her newly shaved pussy as well. Everyone would be able to see her dreadful pussy lips clearly now, and she would have to pretend she was cool with it all. Strangers were one thing, but being nude in front of people she knew, and having them see her embarrassing genitals was completely another.

Her cheeks suddenly reddened, and her pulse was racing just at the thought, but she started trying to put it together in her head just the same.

Okay, hopefully Greg can drive me on Saturday as well as come to this lunch on Sunday. Oh God, no boy has ever even seen me naked before, let alone seen that much detail. Well, apart from Mark and that creepy janitor… Amelia should be on board. So much for keeping her out of this one… She already knows about my “nudist experiment”. I just have to find one more person, assuming Amelia or Greg don’t have other plans already. Oh God, who will I ask if they can’t come?


“See you tomorrow at 8.30 pm. Don’t disappoint me!”

Casey’s mind was racing as she turned off the camera and computer, then dressed for bed and brushed her teeth. She tossed and turned and panicked as she got under the covers. Sleeping right then was out of the question.

Wait, these new missions can’t possibly be about money. Same with the upskirt pictures, not being allowed to wear underwear, the things he has me doing on the webcam and the stuff he made me do at Tech. So, what is it about then? These new missions are about making me walk around nude in public and in front of my friends. What is the point of that? The blackmail can’t be about exploiting me to make money then. It must be something personal. I don’t have any enemies that I know of. Certainly no one I could have pissed off enough to want to publicly humiliate me. Is this to hurt Jolene? If so, then keeping what is happening to her is the only fair thing for her.

The webcam shows and the upskirt pictures... Those aren’t about humiliating me publicly. That’s one-on-one between me and him. But he is using the threat of sending pictures to people I know to blackmail me even further. Maybe these missions are about adding to that, so that he has even more to use against me? Doing them means I’m painting myself even further into a corner, but for what? To make me do more missions? It doesn’t make sense. It has to be about personal gratification. He’s getting off on this stuff. Do I have kind of a perverted secret admirer who doesn’t have the balls to ask me on a date, so this is his thing? Does humiliating me give him a boner? If so, then I can’t let him see that I’m humiliated. I have to do it proudly and strongly, like it's the easiest thing in the world for me to do. Hopefully, that will kill his buzz and make him lose interest in me….

It was time to be pragmatic and make a plan. She had to start thinking about how she was going to do it, how to minimise the risks and how to contain any fallout. Greg already knew of her nudist aspirations, fake as they were. To start with she had to get him to drop her back here after their date on Friday night before eight-thirty p.m. somehow. Hopefully, the timing would work out naturally. Then the shopping trip, while completely terrifying to even contemplate, would be in keeping with her experimenting with becoming a nudist.

Amelia should be on board for Sunday. She just hoped both she and Greg would be available. She just needed one more guest to fulfil that mission. She wasn’t sure who yet, but it would mean explaining the whole nudist thing to them and hoping they didn’t freak out. Maybe a boy would be easier to persuade knowing they’d have a nude girl to look at? The same thing might act as a deterrent in asking a girl to come… Then there was the reality of actually going through with all of it. Was it actually mentally possible for her to wander around a supermarket totally naked in public? Could she really expose herself in front of Greg and her friends?

She knew the consequences of not following through would be far more humiliating, though, so the main thing, and the only thing she could control, was in the planning and preparation, so best focus on that.

Satisfied with her plan so far, she gradually dozed off.

Written by VelcroFist
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