It was just past seven thirty when eighteen-year-old American Born Chinese (ABC) Darren Liu had just finished dinner with his parents, brother, and sister, and now retired to his bedroom to study. However, he was having difficulty focusing on his computer assignment, so he picked up his phone and messaged his secret girlfriend Sarah Brown.
He was pleasantly surprised when within seconds, he received another heart emoji from her. It was followed by a quick text:
Hi, Darren! Can we do a private video chat please? she asked.
Back in her home, Sarah quickly ran up the stairs into her room and locked her door. She then pulled down the shades, took her laptop to her bed, flipped it open, and requested a video conference with Darren.
Darren quietly locked his bedroom door, closed his window blinds, and opened his laptop, where he saw a video conference request from Sarah. He eagerly accepted it.
Sarah waited patiently as the video stream loaded onto her screen and smiled when she saw Darren's short black hair appear, then his dark golden-tanned face with glasses. She remembered a few years back her friends concluded he was so ugly they would never talk to him; now it seemed her closest friends and she noticed him more than the other better-looking guys that circled them.
"Hi. Thanks for calling," Darren whispered.
Let's chat instead. More private, Sarah typed into the chat window.
Good point replied Darren.
I saw you looking at me when I was talking to my friends, Sarah typed.
"I guess you still want to go to the prom with the basketball captain," Darren typed.
"I have not gone on a date with him since the last grade. My girlfriends and I rented a limo to go together," Sarah typed.
Sarah then received a crying emoji from Darren.
"And I always wanted to be prom queen," typed Sarah.
Anyway, when I saw you on the bus, were you hurt or jealous of him? Sarah typed. She figured the answer was yes to both, but she wanted to see how open Darren would be with her about his feelings.
Yes, and yes, Darren typed in response.
But I trust you, Darren added to the chat quickly.
I'm not going to the prom with him. But will have to attend at his side as prom queen, Sarah explained.
Sarah looked intently at Darren's face; he didn't seem very insecure at all, which shocked her given his introverted nature and low social status at school. It was then she guessed the real reason why he called.
Thanks. So, did that distract you from assignments and studying? Sarah asked in the chat. Though probably he was more distracted by her, she thought as she tried to put together a solution for his slowly hardening problem.
Yes. Ever since we talked, and got together, I cannot help but think of you, typed Darren in the chat.
Well, most men in school lusted after her, so she wasn't surprised, but still flattered.
We can't get distracted from school. Finals coming and need to keep our grades up for graduation, Sarah typed.
Please help, Darren typed into the chat window. From his facial expression, Sarah guessed his erection had already formed in his pants.
Like this? Sarah typed into the chat window, adding a teasing emoji with its tongue stuck out, before removing her top.
Darren stared in awe at her small breasts, held up by a typical white bra. He couldn't believe he made such a strong connection with such a beautiful woman. Since puberty, he thought that after all his hard studying and sacrifice, he would end up with a woman the complete opposite of the blonde goddess Sarah Brown, and very uglier by comparison.
Why am I the only one half-naked? Take your top off now! appeared on Darren's chat window, followed by an angry emoji.
Not one to ruin his good luck, Darren removed his top as Sarah commanded.
Sarah was surprised she typed that last chat. She was even more surprised at how enthusiastic she was to see him naked again; the last time he was naked with her was when they were in her pickup truck together. Sarah rewarded Darren's obedience with a thumb's up.

Sarah began playing with her breasts over her bra; she felt her breathing quicken.
On the other side of their video call, Darren stood up and quickly peeled off his shorts and boxers, freeing his lecherous, dark yellow erection for her to see. He sat on the bed and began pumping it while Sarah fondled her breasts.
Sarah's eyes watched Darren pump his shaft vigorously, then looked up his fit arms to his hard chest; Darren wasn't muscular, but he was working out, likely at the naval reserve station he served at with her father. Sarah discovered she liked his body; neither overly muscular nor overly weak, and the dark yellowish skin tone seemed to glow in the light of his laptop camera.
Sarah turned her back to the camera, and with her hands, slowly peeled her shorts off.
As she did so, Darren stared in awe at the firm globed shaped buttocks that her shorts clung to. With her shorts removed, he felt his penis twitch at the sight of her lean, fit, athletic buttocks that four years of cheerleading practice developed.
His eyes admired her lean, athletic legs, from the back of her thighs to her calves, following the path her shorts took until she pulled them off her feet. Darren was thrilled that his dream woman was now only in her bra and panties, on all fours on her bed, with her buttocks directly facing him.
She then rolled around to face him, this time lying lengthwise to give him a profile view of her. She wiggled her legs, pulled her knees up to her breasts, and ran her hand over the outside of the leg from hip to thigh to ankle. Darren looked like he was going to ejaculate.
Sarah then got up, put one leg behind her, and lowered herself into a cheerleading split, reaching down to touch the toes in front of her. She turned and smiled at Darren on screen, who could only stare at her mouth agape with lust.
Excited, Sarah lay down with her legs spread wide, then took a quick look at her screen to make sure the camera was focused on the crotch of her panties. She then reached up the insides of her legs with both hands past her thighs and rubbed her labia on top of her underwear. She rubbed hard and slow for a few moments, and her body spasmed as a result.
Exhausted, she managed to sit back up and saw on her screen that Darren was exhausted too, leaning on the headrest of his bed. He leaned forward and began typing on his laptop. Sarah did the same.
Thank you. I just orgasmed I think, typed Darren.
Me too, typed Sarah.
The two young lovers looked at each other on their computer screens and smiled.
Want to do this every day after dinner? texted Sarah.
Yes! responded Darren in the chat.
That way we can focus on our homework, texted Sarah.
What if I see you at school? asked Darren.
Play it cool...not ready to tell anyone about us yet, Sarah texted back.
But I might get hard, pleaded Darren in the chat window.
We only have calculus class together, so it should be rare, Sarah responded in the chat. However, it may happen if she has cheerleading practice, she thought, or other moments of good luck, she thought to herself.
If you get distracted in the morning, just text my phone like last time before the storage room, Sarah put in the chat.
OK. Do you want to meet to work on the calculus project tomorrow? asked Darren in the chat.
Sure. Meet me behind the back of the coffee shop nearby the school after class, Sarah put in the chat. She picked that spot on purpose so no one would see them together.
OK. Good night. And thanks, responded Darren innocently.
Good night lover, Sarah inputted into the chat before she ended the video chat.
Darren got up and cleaned up the mess he made from masturbating with Sarah, then sat back to focus on his studies. He was able to quickly process the course material now after having orgasmed with her.
Sarah carefully cleaned her underwear and returned to her studies, making great progress now that her mind was clear and relaxed. She couldn't wait until tomorrow's calculus group work session with Darren tomorrow.