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Woodstock Cuckold Pt. 01

"In 1969, Emily gets her hands on tickets to Woodstock, and invites her innocent boyfriend, Jesse. He struggles with his submissive feelings when Emily is attracting attention from other men."

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Author's Notes

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Chapter 01: Emily and Jesse meet each other at a Vietnam War protest

A bunch of hippies and young people march down the street, hoisting signs that declare their position against the war, like "Make Love Not War" and "End the War Now." Among them, there is Jesse, who catches attention with his scruffy appearance, long hair, a faded Rolling Stones t-shirt, and a pair of well-worn Levi's.

Right next to him is Emily, a gorgeous young woman with a pretty face and a delicate, slightly upturned nose. Her full lips are adorned with red lipstick, creating a striking contrast against her sun-kissed skin. Emily has deep brown, almond-shaped eyes standing out with elongated and curved eyelashes. And her thick brown hair falls down her back in long, wavy locks.

Emily's got a smoking body, with big boobs, and curves that could make anyone twist their neck to double-check them. She's quite tall, and her platform sandals make her legs look amazing. The light blue sundress she's wearing fits her casually but perfectly, with a low-cut neckline that teases a glimpse of her impressive cleavage. With those sandals on, she stands out even more among the crowd without even making an effort.

Jesse is literally glued to Emily's jaw-dropping cleavage like he's never seen boobs before. He's totally obsessed with her stunning looks and the way she rocks her confidence like it's no big deal. It's like he's straight-up bewitched by her.

They somehow end up next to each other at the protest, and Emily peeps his messy, curly hair that's just touchin' his shoulders. She catches him basically drooling over her boobs, but she's not even mad. She thinks it's kinda cute and innocent like he's all lost in her cleavage but still has this adorable charm about him.

While spreading a bright and confident grin across her face, she turns to him teasingly, "Hey there honey, you seem a bit lost in your thoughts. Are you ok?" Her eyes sparkle with amusement as she catches him off guard, making him blush instantly and directing his eyes from her breasts to her eyes.

Jesse, evidently confused, stammers out an apology while trying to act like nothing happened. "S-sorry, I... uh, just distracted by the protest signs or something," he mumbles, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes are shifting back and forth, not looking at Emily as he is struggling to regain control of himself.

Jesse, trying to smooth things over, starts a chat to cover up the awkward vibe. "So, uh, are you new here? Never seen you at these protests before," he asks, hoping to shift the focus away from his little slip-up.

Emily, all smiles, replies, "Yeah, you got it right. I was outta town for, like, a year and just got back. But actually, it's my first time at these protests."

Jesse flashes a smirk. "I can tell. You look too good to be a real protester."

Emily raises an eyebrow, taken aback by his comment. "Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean!?"

He laughs, trying to lighten the mood. "Chill out, I'm just messing with you. I'm Jesse, by the way."

Her smile comes back. "Nice to meet you, Jesse. I'm Emily." They shake hands and join the protest, chanting and holding up their signs.

As they walk, Emily checks out Jesse's sign. "Oh my god, I love your sign, it's so freaking creative!"

He grins, proud of himself. "Thanks, I made it myself. Yours is awesome too, it totally gets the message across."

She giggles, admitting, "I actually borrowed it from my roommate. She's really into this stuff."

Jesse, clearly intrigued by Emily's confident behavior, asks her more about herself. "So, Emily, what do you do? You seem like a total badass."

Emily's eyes light up as she responds enthusiastically, "I'm a journalist in training, ya know? I write about local issues and stuff that really matters. I believe in the power of the press to call out bullshit and keep people in check."

Jesse looks impressed but also a bit intimidated. "Damn, that's awesome! I could never do something like that. You must have some incredible stories."

She flashes a confident smile and raises an eyebrow. "I do have some pretty cool articles, thanks. So, what is it that you do, Jesse, when you're not busy checking out my boobs?"

He blushes and stammers a bit. "Uh, well, I'm a guitar teacher. I teach kids how to rock and roll, I guess."

Emily's excitement takes over. "Oh my god, that's actually really cool! I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. You should totally teach me sometime."

Jesse grins, looking relieved to have something to offer. "Yeah, sure! I can teach you some chords and we can jam together."

Emily agrees, still in control of the situation. "Perfect. It's a date... well, not a date, but you know what I mean.

Emily's gaze shifts to the cops, who seem to be getting agitated. "Looks like these blue pigs wanna start some shit." She confidently struts towards the officers, while Jesse trembles in fear.

"Emily, wait, please don't! It's too dangerous!" Jesse whimpers, but Emily's fearlessness doesn't waver.

"Screw safety when our rights are on the line!" she declares, staring down the police. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

A gruff officer responds, "You're obstructing traffic and causing a disturbance. You need to disperse immediately."

Emily stands her ground, arms crossed. "We have a right to protest peacefully, and we're not backing down."

Meanwhile, Jesse cowered behind her, clutching his sign like a shield and practically shaking in his boots.

"Um, Emily? Maybe we should just... go?" he stammers, but Emily's not having it.

The officer's aggression escalates. "You're all under arrest!"

Emily retorts defiantly, "You can't arrest us for exercising our rights, you fucking pigs! We ain't doing shit wrong! You're the ones harassing peaceful protesters!"

The officer's face turns beet red, veins bulging in his neck as he screams back, "I said disperse, or we'll use force! This is your last warning!"

Emily, chest heaving and eyes blazing, boldly retorts, "Oh, you think you're tough with your guns and badges? Why don't you shove those guns up your own asses and see how tough you really are!"

The officers tense up, hands resting on their holsters as they prepare for a potential clash.

Meanwhile, Jesse is a trembling mess, his sign shaking in his hands as he tries to hide behind Emily. Sweat trickles down his forehead, and his voice quivers as he pleads, "P-please, Emily, let's just go. We don't wanna get shot or beaten up..."

Emily boldly steps up to the cops, getting all up in their faces without even a shred of fear. Meanwhile, Jesse is totally chickening out, hanging way back and trying to blend in with the crowd.

As Emily gets super close to the officers, she suddenly hears someone call her "Melons." This was her nickname back in high school, thanks to her always-impressive bust size. She whips her head around and asks, "Who the fuck is that?"

The captain of the troop steps forward, and Emily squints at him. He grins and says, "Emily, is that really you? It's me, Kenny. Your senior from high school."

Emily's eyes grow super wide when she realizes it's Kenny standing in front of her, and a totally surprised but genuinely friendly smile takes over her face. She can't believe her eyes, "No freakin' way, Kenny! Is that really you? I haven't seen your ass since Alysson's party, like ages ago!" She flashes a shy but sexy grin like she's low-key remembering the dirty details of that night and all the fun they had together.

Kenny's face lights up too, looking all nostalgic and shit. A grin spreads across his face as he responds, "Damn, Melons, you're right! That was, what, six years ago? We did have some fun that night, didn't we?" He chuckles, and the vibe starts to change as the tension in the air begins to dissipate. Everyone around them is feeling a bit more relaxed, and the situation is slowly starting to de-escalate.

Emily giggles and shakes her head, "No way, Kenny! You're a cop now? That's freakin' wild, man!" She playfully punches his arm, totally forgetting she was about to go all out on his ass.

Kenny grins, puffing up his chest all proud and shit. "Yeah, not just a cop, I'm the captain now," he brags.

Emily's eyes go wide, and she can't help but smile hella big. "Damn, Kenny! Captain? That's fucking awesome, congrats!" It's like she straight-up forgot she was telling them to fuck off just half a minute ago.

Kenny, all smiles, tells her, "You know what, Emily? I'm ordering my troop to back off. No need for any trouble here." He checks out her boobs and smirks, "Besides, I always knew your 'melons' would get you out of trouble someday."

Emily laughs and rolls her eyes but thanks him anyway. "Haha, you idiot! Thanks, Kenny. I appreciate it."

Emily struts back to the protesters like a total boss, leaving the cops in her dust and making it look like she single-handedly chased 'em away. The crowd parts for her, looking at her with amazement and respect. She makes her way back to Jesse, who's just standing there, jaw dropped and looking hella weak.

Jesse's eyes are practically bugging out of his head as he gawks at Emily, totally in awe. "Oh my god, Emily! I can't believe you just, like, stood up to those cops like that! You're so freaking amazing!"

Emily smirks, looking super confident and cool as hell. "Yeah, well, it's just part of the job, Jesse. I'm a journalist, and standing up for the truth is basically my thing. No big deal." She brushes it off like it was nothing, but you can tell she's loving the attention and totally owning the situation.

Jesse chuckles nervously, still looking all shaken up and stuff. "Yeah, I'm not really good with authority figures, you know? But you? Again, you were fucking amazing, Emily," he said, his eyes wide with admiration.

Emily feels a little thrill run through her as she notices Jesse's innocent, submissive side. It was kinda hot, and she couldn't deny it. She giggles and says, "It's okay, Jesse. You don't have to be tough all the time. I kind of like it that you're... sensitive."

Jesse stays all shy and stuff after Emily's response, feeling like he should've been the brave one, not her. But deep down, he feels so relieved that a smokin' hot girl like Emily didn't give a damn about his lack of "badassery". He smiled awkwardly, realizing he maybe could just be himself around her and still everything would be fine.

Emily takes charge, not giving Jesse a chance to say jack shit. Her voice drips with confidence as she says, "I gotta confess something to you, Jesse. I've been dying to kiss you since we first met."

Jesse's eyes went wide, totally caught off guard. All he could manage was a weak "Really?" His heart started racing, feeling all flustered from her bold move.

Emily nods, staring at his lips. "Hell yeah," she whispers, leaning in closer. She can feel his shaky breaths against her face, and it only turns her on more.

Without warning, Emily presses her lips against Jesse's, catching him off guard with a quick but passionate kiss. She kisses him hard, making him feel her confident and powerful energy. As she pulls away, Emily smirks, loving the look of shock and desire on Jesse's face.

Emily gazes into Jesse's eyes as she pulls away from the kiss, her voice sounding confident and seductive. "I hope you don't mind, Jesse. I just couldn't resist doing that for another second!"

Jesse, still in shock but with a growing grin on his face, replies, "No, I don't mind at all. I'm actually really glad you did that."

Their eyes light up with mutual attraction as they share smiles. Emily then says, "I gotta go meet a... friend, but I totally want to see you again." She leaves it mysterious, not mentioning if this friend is a guy or a girl, keeping Jesse guessing.

With an expression of having everything under control, Emily reaches into her purse and pulls out a small piece of paper with her number on it. She hands it to Jesse, looking directly into his eyes once again, making sure their fingers touch in the process, sending another rush of adrenaline through his body. "Call me. I'm gonna be waiting."

As they part ways, Emily feels a thrilling new sensation bubbling up inside her. She is totally digging Jesse's passive vibe, which is a huge change from the alpha jerks she usually goes for. This fresh, exciting dynamic has her all curious and craving more, eager to explore what could happen next between them.

Chapter 02: The First Date

Sitting in his small and messy apartment decorated with lava lamps and Hendrix posters spread across all the walls, Jesse is a total nervous wreck, playing with the rotary phone cord like it's some kind of life-or-death decision. He finally gets the courage necessary to dial Emily's number.

"Hello?" Her voice is sugary sweet, and Jesse can practically hear her smirking on the other end of the phone.

"H-hey Emily, it's Jesse," he stutters, sounding like a total dweeb.

"Oh, hey Jesse! I wasn't sure you'd actually call," she teases, leaving Jesse to wonder if she doubts his interest or courage.

"W-well, I am calling," he says, trying to keep his cool. "How are you?"

"I'm groovy, babe! What's up with you?" Emily purrs, making Jesse blush.

"Yeah, yeah.. me too! Um, I'm wondering if maybe you're free this weekend. Maybe we could, like, hang out or something...maybe?" Jesse asks, his voice shaking like a leaf.

"Ooh, I'd love that! What'd you have in mind?" Emily can tell she's in control, but she doesn't mind one bit.

"I-I was thinking maybe a concert?" Jesse suggests weakly, knowing he isn't great at making decisions.

"Eh, that's cute, but I was thinking we could go to the drive-in and watch 'Hello, Dolly!'" Emily says, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"Oh, sure! I didn't know you liked musicals," Jesse says, surprised but willing to go along with her plan.

Emily giggles. "Yeah, I love them! And there's something so magical about watching a movie under the stars, with those far-out car speakers and a cooler full of soda pop."

Jesse hesitates before admitting, "That sounds amazing, but actually, um.. I don't have a car..."

"No biggie! We can take mine," Emily says, taking charge without missing a beat. "My Ford Galaxie will do just fine."

"Are you sure? I don't wanna be a burden," Jesse asks, feeling like a total wimp.

"Not at all! I'll pick you up at 7, what do you think?" Emily says, her confidence unshakeable. "Wear your grooviest shirt!"

"Awesome, I can't wait! Thanks, Emily," Jesse says, genuinely excited.

"Me neither, Jesse. See you then." Emily says confidently, twirling a lock of her long, flowing hair around her finger. She hangs up the phone, leaving Jesse feeling both thrilled and anxious about their upcoming drive-in date, all while surrounded by the groovy tunes of his record player spinning the latest Beatles album.

Saturday at seven o'clock, Emily cruises down the street in her brand new 1968 Ford Galaxie convertible, looking like a groovy goddess in her white go-go boots, high-waisted blue jeans, and light brown suede jacket with a basic white top. Jesse awaits her outside of his apartment building, dressed in a black turtleneck, brown corduroy pants, and a denim jacket adorned with a couple of tiny peace signs. He appears a bit anxious but also excited about the idea of spending the night with a hot and interesting girl like Emily.

As Emily pulls up, she honks the horn, and Jesse hurries over to the car. Without hesitation, Emily leans over and greets him with a passionate kiss, catching Jesse off guard. "Hey there, Jesse. You ready for a far-out night?" Jesse, still in shock but pleasantly surprised, returns her smile. "Yeah, I am. Thanks for picking me up, Emily."

Emily laughs, her long hair flowing in the breeze. "No problem, sweetheart. My parents gifted me this sweet ride, so I gotta flaunt it, you know? Haha." Jesse is impressed. "Wow, this is one snazzy set of wheels. You're lucky to have it." Emily smiles and says, "Thanks, I know. Hop in, let's boogie."

Emily confidently steers her cherry red 1968 Ford Galaxie convertible while Jesse sneaks a glance at her outfit, checking her out. Emily catches him looking and playfully says, "Hey, are you gonna be staring at my boobs every date, drooling boy? Haha. I might need to invest in a bib for you or something!" She giggles out loud, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Jesse blushes and stammers out an apology, looking embarrassed. After some seconds of silence while Jesse thought about how to answer properly, Emily, still grinning, asks, "So, do you dig it?" Jesse hesitates, looking uncomfortable, but eventually admits in a low tone, "Well, yeah, your boobs look fantastic."

Emily throws her head back and laughs out loud, slapping the steering wheel. "Oh my god, Jesse! I meant the outfit, not my BOOBS!!" Jesse's face turns a deeper shade of red, but he can't help but chuckle along with her. "I'm sorry," says Jesse, still red.

She smirks and says, "You know, every girl is used to men staring. But what really sucks is when they think they can say something gross about it too."

Jesse quickly responds, "I would never do that, Emily. You deserve so much better than that."

Emily flashes him a confident smile and says, "I know you wouldn't. And that's why I like you, Jesse. You're different from other guys. You're not just some gross dude trying to get in my pants."

She fiddles with the retro radio, finding a classic 60s tune to jam out to. As they drive past a group of boys catcalling a girl on the sidewalk, Emily rolls her eyes and mutters, "See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. It's like, hello, we're not objects for you to ogle at."

Jesse nods in agreement, looking a bit uncomfortable. "Yeah, that's not cool at all."

Emily confidently steers the car down the road, her eyes fixed on the horizon. "I mean, let's be real, I've dated my fair share of hot jocks and popular quarterbacks since high school. But after a while, it just gets old being treated like arm candy, you know? They might have the muscles and the status, but they don't know how to treat a girl right. That's the true!" She glances over at Jesse, who's listening intently.

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Emily smirks and continues, "But you, Jesse, you're different. You're not like those other guys, are you? I know we barely know each other yet, but I bet you actually listen to me and respect me. And let's be real, it's kinda refreshing to be with a guy who's not afraid to show his softer side. It's kinda hot, actually.."

She playfully nudges Jesse's arm, making him blush one more time.

Jesse nods in agreement, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I guess I'm not the typical 'alpha' guy, but I don't really care. I'd rather be myself and treat you right than act like some tough guy just to impress you." He can't believe his luck in being with such a hot girl, and he's determined not to mess it up. So, despite feeling a bit emasculated by his beta nature, Jesse eagerly agrees with her.

Emily grins and replies, "And that's exactly why I like you, Jesse. You're real and genuine. And in a world full of posers and players, that's worth more than any beefy muscles or letterman jacket."

When they arrive at their destination, she quickly maneuvers her Ford Galaxie into an empty spot at the drive-in cinema, parking the car at the perfect angle to watch the movie. She turns to Jesse with a satisfied smile and says, "Damn, even being a little bit late for the session, we got lucky! This spot is awesome, don't you think?"

Jesse nods in agreement, still in awe of Emily's confidence and skill behind the wheel. “Yeah, it is great,” he moans in a more effortful way than he actually feels.

Emily's smile widens as she turns to face him. "So, what do you say we go grab some snacks? I'm craving some popcorn, coke, and maybe some candies."

Jesse quickly jumps at the opportunity to prove his worth, based on everything he heard on the way to the cinema. "Oh, wait! Let me pay for it," he says, interrupting her mid-sentence. "It's the least I can do for you after everything you've done for me."

Emily raises an eyebrow at him, amused by his sudden eagerness to assert his masculinity. "Well Jesse, aren't you such a gentleman," she teases, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Jesse blushes at her words, feeling both embarrassed and proud at the same time. "I just want to make sure you have a good time tonight," he mumbles, stopping looking into her eyes and now looking down at his own hands.

Emily's smile softens as she reaches out to touch his arm. "I'm already having a great time, Jesse. But thank you for offering to pay. It's really sweet of you, okay?" She pauses for a moment before adding, "Why don't you stay here and get us settled in while I go grab the snacks? That way you can still feel like you're taking care of me."

"Yeah, okay. That sounds good," he says, opening a small smile, and nodding while looking at her eyes

She pauses briefly and puts her hand on his arm before getting out of the car. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes." Then, she opens the door of the Galaxie and heads toward a concession stand with a $10 bill given by Jesse.

As the movie begins, Jesse settles into the car, reclining the seat and tuning the radio to the correct station for the film's audio. He takes off his shoes, wiggling his toes in the plush carpet of Emily's Galaxie. He lets out a content sigh, watching the opening credits roll on the giant screen in front of him.

After a few minutes, Jesse starts to realize that Emily has been gone for longer than he expected. He checks the clock on the dashboard and sees that it's been almost ten minutes since she left to get snacks. He starts to feel a twinge of anxiety, wondering what's taking her so long.

Five minutes more pass, and he decides to take a look around. He twists his neck in the direction of the concession stand and finally sees her, but she's still not carrying the popcorn or the rest of the snacks. Instead, she is talking to a guy ironically wearing a letterman jacket, completely engrossed in their conversation.

The guy who's with Emily is tall with broad shoulders, his clothes emphasizing his muscular build. His hair is perfectly combed back, and his smile is charming and confident. He exudes an aura of popularity, especially when it comes to girls.

Jesse can't help but be jealous when he sees the guy next to Emily, laughing at whatever she just said. He wonders if he should march over there and mark his territory, but he decides he doesn't want to come off as some possessive boyfriend on their first date. Plus, he remembers what Emily said about wanting a guy who respects her and treats her as an equal. However, it doesn't stop him from watching the entire event from afar.

As Jesse watches Emily and the jock, he can't help but feel like a complete loser. There he is, sitting alone in his car while his date is off flirting with some muscular meathead. "What does she even see in a guy like me?" Jesse thinks to himself, feeling smaller and smaller by the second.

In this while, Emily tosses her hair back and laughs at something the jock says, her fingers brushing against his arm. "She doesn't seem to care at all about the fact that she's leaving me all alone, and why would she? I'm just some scrawny, boring guy who couldn't possibly compare to the powerful jock standing in front of her." Jesse overthinks as usual.

Jesse feels a pang of jealousy as he watches the jock's fingers slightly touching Emily's, clearly happening something between them. "He probably slept with half the cheerleading squad," Jesse thinks bitterly, feeling like he doesn't stand a chance against someone like that. He sinks further into his seat, feeling like a complete loser.

Jesse's heart races as Emily and the jock are talking and laughing together. He can't believe how physically close they seem to be getting. He's so focused on them that he doesn't even realize he's holding his breath.

As the minutes pass by, it's clear that Jesse is getting more and more worked up. His palms are starting to sweat and his heart is racing like crazy. You can tell he's totally torn between wanting to look away and not being able to take his eyes off Emily and the jock.

Suddenly, they both turn their heads and look directly at Jesse. His heart leaps into his throat and he immediately shrinks down in his seat, trying to make himself as small as possible. "Shit, did they see me staring? Oh god, they definitely saw me. I'm such a creep! I just want to sink into this seat and disappear." Jesse mumbles.

His mind flies as he tries to figure out if they really saw him staring or not. As he stays hidden, his mind continues to race. "What are they talking about right now? Are they laughing at me? Oh god, what if she never wants to speak to me again after this? I should just give up now and save myself the humiliation." Jesse can feel his cheeks burning with shame as he stays hidden in his seat, hardly daring to breathe.

Every second that ticks by feels like an eternity to Jesse. He's aware of the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears, and the way his shirt is sticking to his back with sweat. He wonders if he'll ever be able to show his face again, or if he'll always be remembered as the creepy guy who couldn't take his eyes off of Emily.

After hesitating for a while, Jesse gets the courage to look back over at the concession stand. When he finally does, he sees that Emily and the guy are now standing side by side on the balcony, with the jock holding two bags of popcorn. Emily is saying something to him.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she pulls out a pen and grabs a napkin, scribbling something down on it. Jesse's heart sinks as he realizes what's happening. "She's giving this asshole her number?" He watches in disbelief as she hands the napkin to him, their fingers brushing against each other for a brief moment once more. The jock pockets the napkin with a smirk, and Jesse can't help but feel like he's just been punched in the gut.

As Emily and the hot jock say their goodbyes, Jesse quickly looks away and pretends to be all focused on the movie. Emily starts walking back to the car and Jesse tries to act all chill, but he's low-key freaking out. He takes a deep breath and tries to act like he wasn't just caught red-handed, but in his own opinion, he knew he wasn't fooling anyone.

Emily finally returns to the car, carrying a large tub of popcorn and a handful of snacks. Jesse tries to act obliviously as if he hadn't noticed her absence for almost forty minutes. As she climbs back into the car, Emily takes her time adjusting herself in the seat, making sure to give Jesse a good view of herself.

She hands him the popcorn with a sly smile, her fingers brushing against his as she does so. "Sorry about the wait, sweetie," Emily says, her voice dripping with a tone of innocence. "The line was super long, you know?"

"Oh, it's okay. The movie barely started anyway." Jesse meekly responds, while he still can't believe the excuse she's giving him. Emily smirks and runs a hand through his hair, messing it up calmly and innocently. "Good boy," she says, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

As Emily settles into her seat and lies her head on Jesse's shoulder, he can feel the warmth of her body pressing against him. He tries to focus on the movie, but it's freaking hard to concentrate with her so close. She smells like sweet perfume and buttery popcorn, and he is unable to look away from her even for a single moment.

From the look on Emily’s face, especially by her confident smirk, she seems to be having a really good time, sometimes stretching her hand into the popcorn bag and reaching it to Jesse.

Trying to look casual, Jesse grabs some and smiles, but deep inside he can't even process everything that's happening. It was clear that it wasn't a normal conversation between her and the jock, but at the same time, nothing happened. And she was so hot and cute, and she was right there almost cuddling with him.

As Emily lies her head on Jesse's shoulder comfortably, she slowly reaches into the popcorn bag and pulls out a handful. She brings three or four kernels to her mouth, her lips brushing against her fingers seductively. As she finishes chewing, Emily slowly lowers her hand to Jesse's thigh, without even caring it was covered in butter.

At the very moment, Emily's fingers begin to trace small circles on Jesse's thigh over the fabric, his mind is immediately consumed by her touch. Emily's fingers move closer to his crotch, lightly grazing over his dick, making him bite his lower lip.

Without taking her eyes off the screen, Emily starts to massage him over his jeans, her touch firm yet gentle. Jesse's breathing becomes heavy as he tries to maintain his composure. He glances around the parking lot, hoping no one can see what's happening.

Emily leans in closer, her hot breath against his ear, "Do you like that, Jesse?" she whispers with a bit of a sarcastic tone in her voice, while her fingers continue to work. Jesse nods weakly, unable to form words, looking like a teenager, about to give his first kiss.

Emily's voice is low and seductive as she leans in even closer to Jesse's ear, her breath hot against his skin. "Do you want me to...?" she asks, trailing off suggestively. He looks at her one more time, and that's when he sees the gesture she's making with her hands. Her little finger is standing upright, while her other hand is wrapped around it, moving in a slow and naughty jerking motion.

He nods silently, unable to find his voice in the moment. Emily smirks, her eyes indicating that his wordless answer was basically the best one he could give her. and her hand begins to move down his body, tracing a path over his chest and stomach before finally coming to rest on his growing crotch.

Giggling, she begins to rub him slowly, her touch still delicate and teasing, but gradually becoming more intense. Jesse lets out a low groan, his head falling back against the seat as he closes his eyes, feeling the heat of her warm and tiny hand on his cock over the fabric.

With a smirk on her face, she unbuttons his pants and pulls down the zipper, revealing his boxers. She wastes no time pulling out his dick, which twitches at the sudden exposure to the cool air of the parking lot.

"Oh my god, it's so ..tiny," Emily whispers in a low tone, but probably loud enough for Jesse to hear. She wraps her fingers around it, making him wince at the tightness of her grip. "I mean, it's cute in its own way. I loved, actually," she adds, her tone mocking but with a big and charming smile on her face.

She brings her other hand up, holding her little finger out next to Jesse's dick. "Look at that, they're practically the same size, sweetheart," she teases, her grip tightening around him. Jesse's cheeks burn with humiliation, but he can't deny the way his body is responding to her touch.

With Jesse's dick hard as a rock, Emily smiles at him and takes her own fingers into her mouth, giving them a slow, seductive lick, making sure they're nice and wet. She then begins stroking him, her hand gliding up and down easily with the help of her saliva. The smells of butter mixed with sex fill the air.

Jesse lets out a soft moan. He can't believe he's getting a handjob from a hot girl on the first date, but at the same time, he finds Emily's behavior crazy, as she seems to like him a lot but in her own way.

Emily gets closer to him and says in a provocative, word-by-word pace. "Seriously, I love how cutie your dick is. It's just so adorable," she whispers in his ear, her voice low and seductive. Jesse can feel himself blushing at her words, but he also feels a strange sense of pride, like men used to feel when a girl says a guy was amazing in bed or simply has a big dick.

Emily continues the handjob, her hand working nonstop as she giggles uninterruptedly, clearly enjoying every moment of it. The sound of meat being rubbed maybe could be heard by those around.

Jesse starts to get a little nervous about someone hearing or seeing them, so he leans over to Emily and whispers, "Um..listen, what if someone hears us or sees us? I mean, that's a convertible car!"

Emily opens her classic beautiful smile and gives his dick a warmful squeeze. "Chill out, Jess. I got this. No one's gonna catch us." She leans in closer and kisses him on the cheek. "Just relax, close your eyes, and let me take care of this for you, alright?" He leans back in his seat and closes his eyes, letting her assume all the control of the naughty situation.

Emily leans in closer to Jesse, her breath hot against his ear as she proposes a game. "Wanna play a little game, Jesse? You can only answer yes or no to my questions. Do you understand?" she whispers and speeds up the handjob, her voice seductive and commanding. Jesse, still lost in the pleasure of Emily's touch, nods his head yes.

Emily smirks, pleased with his obedience. "Have you ever been jerked off in public before, Jesse?" she asks, her hand still working him over his jeans. Jesse shakes his head no, a hint of nervousness in his eyes. Emily chuckles softly, "I thought so. And do you think I've ever done this in public before?" she asks, her tone teasing. Jesse hesitates for a moment before nodding his head yes. Emily's smirk widens, "Good boy. You're learning."

Emily's hand now slides under Jesse's waistband, her fingers wrapping around his hard shaft. Jesse lets out a low groan, his hips involuntarily thrusting forward. "Are you enjoying that, Jesse?" Emily murmurs, her hands still moving up and down. Jesse nods his head yes again, his breathing becoming more intense and frequent.

Jesse can feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge as Emily's hand works like some magic on him. "Do you wanna cum already?" Jesse nods his head, biting his lower lip. Emily chuckles and asks, "Do you wanna cum really bad, baby?" Jesse whimpers and nods again.

Emily can feel Jesse's dick twitching in her hand and she smirks, leaning in even closer. "Tell me, Jesse, do you wanna cum right now or do you wanna slide your cock into my wet, tight pussy instead?" Jesse's eyes widen at her words and he can't take it anymore, cumming hard into his pants with a muffled groan.

Emily giggles and pulls her hand away, licking her lips seductively. "Looks like you made your choice, sweetie."

"Hey, come here, you know I was just being naughty, right?" she says, carefully pulling his face closer with the hand she just cleaned.  "I want a big kiss from you," Emily says. "I just want to make sure you're not mad at me or anything," Emily adds, her voice sweet and innocent.

Jesse gives her quite a kiss, using as much tongue as he can, even with his feelings really messed up. He doesn't know what to think of it or what her deal is, after all. Is she just playing with him, or is she just a sexy girl who likes him but is kinky and naughty?

When the kiss ends, Emily grabs Jesse's shirt hem and, without any permission starts to clean her hand, still covered in his cum. She does it slowly, making sure to wipe every last drop off her fingers, one by one. Once she's done, she looks at Jesse with a cute smile on her face. "You don't mind, do you? I mean, I probably gave you the best handjob of your entire life, right?" she giggles calmly, giving him another short kiss.

"You know, Jesse, I think I really like you."

Written by AnaHanz
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