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Tropical Training - Chapter 2

"Iris enjoys Hondo again. Iris learns to dominate, and Cody learns to serve."

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As Monday morning dawned, Iris and Cody eagerly anticipated another day of basking in the warm sun at their beloved beach. They set up their lounge chairs and were soon joined by their newfound friends. Hours passed as they enjoyed the clear waters and took occasional dips into the ocean. But when the sun was at its highest, Iris and Halle decided to venture out for a swim together. As they swam and chatted, they stumbled upon a surprising sight: two couples engaging in sexual activities underwater, concealed from the view of other beachgoers. Unable to contain their excitement, Iris and Halle quickly returned to shore to share their discovery with their husbands. 'We saw people having sex in the water!' Iris exclaimed with wide eyes.

Halle added, 'And we saw even more couples doing the same thing!' The men were initially taken aback by this revelation, but their curiosity got the best of them, and they couldn't resist observing this seemingly secret world hidden within the peaceful ocean. As they watched more and more couples join in on the action, they found themselves inexplicably drawn to it, despite knowing that public sex was not allowed in this resort.

The air was thick with an undeniable tension as Hondo's gaze locked onto Iris, his hunger growing stronger by the second. He couldn't resist any longer and announced his desires to go for a swim, causing Halle to playfully accuse him of wanting Iris for more than just a swim. But what happened next surprised everyone. With no hesitation, Cody and Iris both gave their consent, sending shivers down Halle's spine.

The water was cool against their heated bodies as Hondo and Iris swam towards each other in a primal dance of desire. The sounds of passionate moans echoed through the air as they indulged in each other without abandon. Unable to resist any longer, Halle turned to Cody and whispered her own burning desires. Without a word, they joined their friends in the water, creating a symphony of passion that engulfed them all. Without hesitation, Cody sprinted towards the inviting water, Halle close behind. Upon reaching their spouses, the desire and lust between them was palpable. Halle plunged her hand into Cody's shorts, gripping his growing erection. In response, Cody slid his hand beneath her bikini, teasing and exploring her warmth with his skilled fingers.

The four of them were now fully immersed in a potent mixture of saltwater and sexual energy. Iris and Hondo's bodies moved together in perfect harmony, illuminated by the shimmering sunlight reflecting off the waves. Moans and grunts filled the air as they lost themselves in each other. The same ardor consumed Halle and Cody, their own moans blending with the crashing of the ocean. As their passion intensified, Hondo reached his peak and spilled himself inside Iris, causing her to cry out in pure pleasure. Her whole body trembled with ecstasy as she surrendered to the moment. For all four of them, it was a moment of uninhibited bliss that left them breathless.

After catching their breath and coming back down from their euphoric high, they returned to their lounge chairs, laughing, and basking in the afterglow of their shared experience. None of them could believe what had just transpired, but they were all thankful for the unforgettable journey they had just embarked on together.

As the sun began to set and the stars emerged in the clear night sky, the four friends gathered for a delicious dinner at the resort's quaint Italian restaurant. The aroma of garlic and fresh herbs filled the air as they laughed and shared stories about their unforgettable day at the beach. After indulging in a decadent dessert, they decided to venture up to the rooftop bar to take in the warm evening atmosphere. As they sipped on their cocktails and listened to live music playing in the background, their eyes couldn't help but wander to the club next door. Couples were eagerly entering, hinting at a lively and enticing atmosphere inside.

Intrigued, Halle struck up a conversation with the bartender about the club. To their surprise, they discovered that it wasn't your typical dance club, but rather a place where all sorts of sexual fantasies could come to life. Inhibitions were left at the door and desires were fulfilled. The four friends exchanged excited glances, already feeling a sense of adventure brewing within them. Without hesitation, they made their way to the club, eager to explore this new world of possibilities.

As they entered, they were taken aback by the layout. Instead of a large bar and bustling dance floor like they had anticipated, there were multiple doors and hallways leading to different areas and rooms. Each one promising a unique experience for those who dared to enter. With hearts pounding and minds racing, they looked at each other with grins plastered on their faces. This was going to be an unforgettable night - one that would rival even their wildest beach day fantasy earlier that day. And with that thought, they eagerly stepped forward to see what thrills awaited them behind each door.

Halle eagerly grabbed Hondo's hand and pulled him towards the first room they saw, her heart racing with excitement. She couldn't help but gasp as she stepped inside, and her eyes took in the scene before her. There were at least twenty people in the room, all engaged in various sexual activities. Some were locked in passionate embraces, kissing, and caressing each other, while others were more daring, exploring their desires with other couples.

The group continued to explore the club, moving from room to room like curious voyeurs. In one room, they witnessed several people wearing leather outfits and masks, dominating and teasing six naked and bound individuals. The six submissives seemed to be fully immersed in the pleasure and torment being bestowed upon them by their dominators, pushing their limits with every touch and command.

As they made their way to the next room, Halle's eyes widened in surprise yet again. Inside, a well-endowed white male and a tiny white female with large breasts caught their attention. Both were in incredible shape and exuded sex appeal. The two approached Halle and Hondo, asking them if they would like to join in on their fun. Halle and Hondo exchanged a look filled with mutual desire before eagerly accepting the invitation. Meanwhile, Iris and Cody decided to move on to the next room, eager to see what other tantalizing scenes awaited them in this hedonistic paradise.

Iris and Cody continued exploring the exclusive club, their eyes met with a plethora of rooms, each with its own unique scene playing out. Some were too tame for their adventurous spirits, while others pushed the boundaries of their comfort zone. But then they stumbled upon a room that captured their attention and sent a thrill down their spines. Inside, two women and two men stood proudly in revealing leather attire, surrounded by an array of toys and instruments. But what truly caught Iris and Cody's attention were the towering hourglass contraptions on opposite ends of the room. Standing at least eight feet tall, these structures were intricately designed with a round bed centered between them.

Cody was already turning to leave when one of the men boldly approached Iris, inviting her to learn the art of dominance. Without hesitation, Iris grabbed Cody's arm and nodded her agreement.

The two women guided Cody towards one of the hourglasses while the two men led Iris to the other. As they reached their designated stations, they were instructed on how to position themselves on the cross-like structures, with their bodies spread wide and vulnerable. Stripped of their clothing and bound with restraints, they could feel their hearts racing with anticipation as they stood exposed and completely at the mercy of their dominant counterparts. Blindfolded and unable to see what was happening around them, Cody and Iris couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through their veins. It was a rush unlike anything they had experienced before - relinquishing control in such a primal way.

The Dommes began to run their fingers over every inch of Cody's trembling body, eliciting shivers of anticipation from him. He could feel the soft brush of feathers and the cool touch of a leather whip, skillfully employed to bring him pleasure. Their lips pressed against his skin, leaving trails of fire in their wake as they kissed and caressed him. Waves of pleasure washed over him as they expertly played with his senses, causing him to moan and writhe beneath their touch. And just when he thought it couldn't get any better, one of them wrapped her hand around his throbbing cock, sending sparks of ecstasy through his entire body.

Meanwhile, the Doms had their own plans for Iris. They started by raining kisses all over her neck, her ears, and her mouth, igniting a fire within her that burned hotter with each touch. Their hands roamed freely over her curves, teasing and tantalizing every inch of her body. Then one of them produced a vibrator and held it against her swollen clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body and causing her to cry out in delight. They continued to play with her, bringing her to the edge of orgasm multiple times before finally pushing her over the edge into blissful release.

As Cody and Iris stood there, lost in a world of intense sensations, they could hear each other's moans and gasps echoing through the room. Despite being blindfolded, they could sense each other's presence, heightening their arousal even more. With every touch and kiss from their skilled tormentors, they were brought closer together in a shared experience unlike anything they had ever known before.

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Without warning, an unexpected sting jolted through Cody's body as a leather whip lashed across his exposed backside. His body tensed, and before he could even register the pain, a sharp leather strap cracked against his erect penis. The pleasure he had been feeling moments ago was now completely forgotten, replaced by a dull throbbing ache. He could feel the wetness of sweat and tears mingling on his skin. Several more calculated strikes landed on sensitive areas, causing Cody to flinch and struggle against his restraints. In one swift move, a bag of ice was pressed against his groin, making him gasp in discomfort and causing his balls to retreat upwards.

As he tried to catch his breath, Cody felt a cold metal ring slip around his engorged sack, effectively trapping it within the confines of the cage. With a distinct click, he realized that any hope of release or relief had been extinguished in this room. The handcuffs keeping his hands over his head were removed from the cross, only to be replaced with another pair binding them together behind his back. His ankles were also freed from their restraints, but a spreader bar kept them apart. Cody's body burned with sensations of pain and frustration, but he knew he was completely at the mercy of whoever was in control of this twisted game.

Blindfolded and helpless, Cody was led towards the bed and made to lie on his back on the cool, hard floor. The scent of sweat and desire filled the air as one of the women straddled his head, her wetness pressing down on his mouth. He could hear Iris moaning and whimpering on the bed, her pleasure evident in every sound she made. It sounded like there were kisses being exchanged and skin slapping against skin. Desperate to know what was happening, Cody strained his ears to listen more intently. But he had barely registered the sounds before a sharp sting from the Domme's whip snapped him out of his thoughts.

'Focus on your task, boy,' she commanded, her voice cold and commanding. 'Your only job is to please the pussy on your mouth. Nothing else matters.'

With renewed determination, Cody focused on pleasing the woman above him as the sounds from the bed grew louder and more intense. It was clear that the two men were taking turns fucking Iris, their grunts and groans mixing with her moans and screams. Cody could even hear the slick, wet sounds of her sucking one cock while the other pounded into her. A surge of jealousy coursed through Cody's body as he listened to Iris being pleasured by the two men. She begged for more, her body arching and writhing with ecstasy as they fulfilled her every desire. And all this while he was forced to pleasure another woman.

For forty-five minutes, this went on - Iris being ravished by the two men while Cody was used by the Dommes on top of him. His mind was a whirlwind of sensations and emotions as he eagerly lapped at their most intimate parts, determined to prove himself as a good submissive. Iris had already experienced three intense climaxes, her body quivering and her moans echoing through the room. Cody felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he realized that he had not contributed at all to her pleasure. But he knew his job was far from done. He continued to cater to the needs of the dominant women, his tongue working tirelessly to bring them pleasure. He licked them with an urgency as if it was the very last night on earth, his mind solely focused on pleasing them.

Cody had always secretly wanted Iris to take charge in the bedroom, but he never expected things to escalate this quickly. As the sounds from the bed quieted down, Cody was forced back into a kneeling position. His hands and feet were still restrained, and a blindfold covered his eyes. He could hear Iris moving around, but he had no idea what she was doing.

With a sudden jolt, Cody felt something being shoved in front of his face and was harshly commanded to open his mouth. But before he could fully comprehend what was happening, the whip cracked against his skin, leaving a searing trail of pain behind. His body tensed in response, but he quickly complied and opened his mouth in fear of another strike. Without warning, a large cock was thrust into the back of his throat. It was overwhelming and took all of Cody's willpower not to gag and choke on it. He could feel himself struggling to take it all in, but the whip was quick to remind him that any resistance would result in more punishment. As the cock moved in and out of his mouth, he could taste a mix of cum and Iris' sweet juices, making him feel both disgusted and aroused at the same time.

This was new territory for Cody - being forced to pleasure another man. The whip continued to discipline him until finally he willingly accepted the cock deep into his throat. Even through his fear and confusion, he could feel his own cock straining against the confines of its cage, desperate for release. It felt like an eternity before the cock was finally removed from his mouth, only to be replaced by another one. The taste was just as familiar as the first, confirming Cody's suspicion that both men had used Iris as their plaything before turning their attention to him. As the two men continued to ravish him, Cody felt a sense of overwhelming pleasure and submission. His senses were muddled with the taste and scent of his own arousal, mixed with the desire and lust of the strangers taking him.

Soon after, the blindfold was removed, and Cody's eyes adjusted to the light. He saw that it was Iris, his wife, who had been handling the whip all along. A devious smile played on her lips as she watched her husband being used by these two strangers. The sight both excited and terrified him. With a final suck and lick, the men released Cody from their grasp and stood back to admire their handiwork. Iris stepped forward, removing the cuffs from her husband's hands and feet. He could finally stand up, no longer restrained by their desires. Cody looked at Iris with a mixture of arousal and confusion. She had never taken such a dominant role in their bedroom play before, and it both frightened and aroused him. Before he could form any coherent thoughts, Iris pressed her lips onto his, tasting the remnants of the two men in his mouth.

'Did you enjoy that, my love?' she whispered as her hand lightly stroked his struggling caged member. Cody couldn't find the words to respond, so he simply nodded. He wasn't entirely sure if he had actually enjoyed it or not, but he couldn't deny the intense pleasure he had felt throughout the whole experience.

Iris lay back on the bed, her legs spread invitingly, the soft fabric of the sheets caressing her skin. Her eyes were bright with arousal and her body hummed with anticipation. She ordered Cody to clean her pussy, her voice filled with commanding desire that left no room for hesitation. Cody's heart raced as he moved up between her legs, his hands trembling with excitement and nervousness. He tentatively began licking the edges of her pussy, feeling the warmth and wetness against his tongue. Almost immediately, he felt the sting of the whip against his bare skin, a reminder of his place at Iris' feet. Her commanding voice urged him on, pushing him deeper into her folds.

He plunged his tongue in eagerly, feeling a rush of excitement mixed with fear at the power Iris held over him. With every lick and suck, he could feel her pleasure building, her moans becoming louder and more urgent. The sharp sting of the whip continued to spur him on, driving him to please her in any way she desired. As he licked up the dripping cum from between Iris' thighs, he knew that this was where he belonged - at her mercy and completely devoted to fulfilling her every desire.

After several more minutes of intense pleasure, Iris commanded Cody to lie on his back. Without hesitation, he obeyed, and she straddled his head, facing towards his feet. The intoxicating smell of sex filled the room as she positioned herself over his waiting mouth. A torrent of liquid heat gushed from her core, a clear indication that the two Doms had been holding back for some time. As the cum continued to pour into Cody's eager mouth, Iris playfully lashed her whip against his stomach and legs, asserting her dominance.

When Iris finally succumbed to another blissful climax, it felt like the training was complete. She instructed Cody to get dressed and they left the club together. On their way out, Iris showed Cody the necklace that had been given to her. It held the key to the chastity cage that he still wore, a constant reminder of her control.

Back in their room, Cody excused himself to wash out his mouth while Iris sat on the bed, admiring the elegant necklace and the power it represented. When he returned, she informed him that the key was safely locked away and only she knew the combination. If he continued to obey her every command for the rest of the week, she promised to unlock him. Excitement and anticipation coursed through Cody's veins at the thought of being completely under Iris’s mercy. He was both fearful and exhilarated by the vulnerable position he was in, but deep down, he trusted her implicitly and would do anything to please her.

Written by BTicker
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