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John was home again after staying away in anger at Blanche’s put-down after she slept with Jim, a childhood friend of their son. She convinced him that her words were unintentionally blunt and not well chosen. And she welcomed him home with vigorous sex, reassuring him of her love and affection.     

He was, however, chagrinned at the speed with which she jumped from their coital bed to call Jim with the good news of John’s surrender to them having sex. The worm of jealousy began to enter his mind. Blanche stayed on the phone for several minutes before returning.

She picked up their discarded clothes and got dressed. “James says thank you and wants to get together tomorrow night for dinner. I said, 'Yes,' OK?”  She leaned down, kissed him, and then left the room, not waiting for his answer. Things were moving way too fast for John. He got up, intending to challenge that plan, but decided that he should ride things out and see where they lead.

When he arrived home from work the next day Blanche was bathing and preparing for their date. He shucked his clothes and slipped into the shower enclosure with her. They kissed and he began to soap her body with the loofa when he noticed that her pubic hair had been almost completely removed, leaving only a tapered patch above her slit.

“This is new. When did you start shaving your pussy?” he asked.

“I thought you might like it. If you do, I may get waxed, but that seemed too painful for a test drive. I did it while waiting for you to return. Do you like it?”

“I’m not sure, does Jim like it?” He was toweling her dry.

“It was his idea as a way to spur your interest.” John had no response to that but took note of the fact that she had been in contact with Jim in his absence. “Would you like to trim up some areas that I can’t see well?” She raised one leg to show him a few stray hairs around her bottom.

“Sure, lie on the bed.” He laid the towel out for her and went for his razor and cream, his erect cock waving in the air. He carefully shaved around her ass and her outer labia, then rinsed with a warm, wet cloth. His final touch was with his tongue, making her sigh contentedly.

He was about to kneel and press his cock to her cunt when she sat up and said, “Let’s save it for when we are together with James.” Reluctantly he rose to get dressed. She kissed him and said, “Thank you”.

They met Jim/James at the restaurant and were shown to a banquet adjacent to the dance floor though no music was playing. Blanche entered first and John followed; Jim sat on her other side. He seemed deferential to John who ordered a bottle of wine and three glasses. When it was poured, Jim raised his glass and toasted them.

The conversation while they ate was sedate and polite. Occasionally, one of Blanche’s hands found John’s thigh, and at times, he noticed her other hand disappearing below the table. He assumed that it was on Jim’s leg or something.

While they were enjoying their postprandial coffee, a band began to play. Blanche turned to Jim and asked him to dance, then immediately turned to John and asked, “Is that all right?”

He nodded OK and they went hand-in-hand to the floor. John thought he noticed a bulge in Jim’s slacks as they walked. A slow number was playing so Jim pulled her close. Very soon her arms were around his neck and his hands were migrating to her ass. John had to admit that they made a handsome couple and his cock began to rise again imagining them in bed together.

Then they kissed, a very long and lustful tongue kiss. John had had enough; he went to them and cut in. When Jim had gone back to the table, John admonished Blanche that they were behaving like lovers in public where people they knew might see them. “Sorry,” she said laying her head on his chest. “I seem to keep screwing up; this is all new to me.” When the song ended they called for the check which Jim insisted on paying.

While he did so, John and Blanche walked toward the exit. “James has invited us to his apartment for drinks,” she told her husband. “I can show you the way.” She squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek. “Come along then.”

On the way there, her hand was continuously stroking his cock through his pants. She did not attempt to take it out but asked, “Are you excited about what might happen next? This guy seems to be.” She patted his erection.

“What do you want to happen next?” he asked.

“I want two handsome men to make wild love to me, then I want both of them to lick my pussy and suck my clit to get me ready for round two. I want many orgasms and lots of cum. I want you to start the action.”

“I think I can do that, but I might have to be a spectator for rounds two or three. I don’t want to end up like Tom, in the ER.” John chuckled.

As soon as they entered Jim’s place Blanche took them each by a hand and led them to the living room sofa. “Come sit with me for a moment.” They sat on either side of her and waited. She looked at John and said, “You have been my solid partner for a long time. Now you have introduced me to a new way of seeing and enjoying life. Thank you.”

She turned to James and said, “Don’t ever dis my man. He is allowing you, and me, to try something that few dare to enjoy. And now, ladies and gentlemen, let the games begin.” With that, she kissed John deeply, then turned and kissed James equally lustily. Then she said, “Let’s go to bed.” She already knew the way to the bedroom.

When she reached the bed, she turned and opened her arms to them. John began unbuttoning her blouse and James kneeled in front of her, unzipping her skirt. When it dropped to the floor he unclipped her garters from her stockings and rolled them down her legs. By the time John had her blouse and bra off, James had his face buried in her pussy. She spread her legs wide for him and pressed his face into her pussy.

John proceeded to suck on her hard nipples and squeeze her ass cheeks. After a few moments, she stopped them both and said, “Let’s all get naked and lie down.” She slid to her knees and began undoing their pants while they shed their shirts. Two very hard cocks popped into view as their pants dropped.

John couldn’t resist looking at Jim’s cock. It appeared about the same length as his but had a bigger girth. The head of his cock was quite large; he wondered if her pussy had trouble taking it.

“I have been wanting to play with two cocks at once. Move closer.” She grasped both erections and brought the heads together, licking precum from them both. She could not get her lips around them but she frotted them together smearing slickness from one to the other.

Then, to John’s surprise, she took his hand and placed it on Jim’s cock. “Yes, baby, stroke my lover’s cock for me while I suck you.” Jim seemed to be OK with the contact and John enjoyed feeling the heat and pulsing of it. He had the urge to bend over and take it in his mouth but did not.

Meanwhile, Blanche had her hands on his ass, pulling his cock deep in her mouth and moving her head in and out, taking his entire erection in. The feelings became too intense; he moved away from her, “I’ll cum right now if we don’t stop,” he moaned. She rose and kissed Jim, stroking his cock with her free hand.

“Please, lick me while my husband calms down a bit.” She sat back onto the bed and lay down with her legs akimbo. She looked up at John and patted the bed beside her. Jim crawled between her legs and resumed licking her pussy. She sighed contentedly as John kissed her and sucked her hard nipples. “Now this is my idea of heaven.”

Soon, her contentedness turned to urgency as her first orgasm approached. John sensed it coming, “Yes baby, cum for us, let it go, cum on his tongue,” he whispered in her ear.

Then he bit a nipple firmly causing Blanche to loudly announce, “Oh fuck! I’m cumming! Fuck!” Her spasms were so strong that John moved back a bit. Then she grabbed Jim’s head and pulled him from her pussy, “Fuck me now James, hurry!”

In an instant, Jim was on top of her. He plunged his hard cock into her to the hilt. “Oh, fuck yes!” she screamed. Her eyes rolled up and her head swung back and forth. Jim pounded his cock repeatedly to its limit, then he put his arms under her legs and pressed her thighs into her tits, and resumed fucking her.

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At each thrust, she let out an “ah,” or a squeak. John became concerned that she was being hurt until she began encouraging Jim, ”Yes, yes, yes,” at each stroke. John watched in silence, awestruck by the intensity of their mating.

Finally, Blanche pushed Jim away, begging for a break. Her arms and legs flopped out from her body and she turned her head to look at John. “Oh, to be young again,” she smiled and held her hand out to him.

At that moment, John felt a rush of affection for her, and his cock was throbbing to get at her pussy. He leaned over to kiss her but she guided his head between her legs. “Please darling, be gentle, but I would like to feel your warm tongue soothing my hot pussy for a few minutes, then please fuck me.” He was not prone to argue.

Jim was beside her now, on his knees ready to attack her tits, his cock still hard and wanting to be sucked. He leaned over her head, “Watch your wife suck my big cock, John. She loves me to fuck her face.” John looked up from licking her cunt to watch as she licked her pussy cream from Jim’s cock and then deep-throated his entire length.

It was all too much for John; he was going to lose his load onto the bedsheet if he didn’t fuck her immediately. He rose over her and nudged his cock between her pussy lips and fully in. Blanche grasped his head, pulled it down for a kiss, and wrapped her legs around his back, urging him to fuck her hard. He exploded in her almost immediately and then collapsed on top of her.

She lay quiet again for a few moments then thanked him, urging him aside. She sat up and turned to Jim who had lain on his back to watch them. She kissed him, then straddled his hips.

“John, would you guide me down on this hungry monster?” He had not fully recovered from his orgasm but she guided his hand behind her to where Jim’s cock was pressed between her ass cheeks, “Maybe wet it a little, then ease me down on it.”

John slid his hand over her pussy, collecting some of his cum, and wiped it onto Jim’s glans, then he grasped the barrel of his cock, guiding it between her wet, dangling labia. He remained close, watching her cunt slowly devour his entire member, then rise until the tip just touched her newly naked lips, then resettle onto it.

The view was hypnotic; he felt he could watch all day her cunt grasping Jim’s cock and leaving a trail of her cream as she rose. His cock began to rise again, much to his surprise. After a few minutes, she settled down with Jim’s cock buried to the max. She rested her palms on his chest and began to rock her pelvis back and forth. His hands were pinching her hard nipples.

She closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and continued rocking, pressing her clit on his pubic bone, all the while mumbling, “cum, cumming, oh, cumming,” A sheen of sweat lay on her brow. Finally, she collapsed on Jim’s chest, her whole torso shaking, her glutes clenching repeatedly. John’s cock was ready to explode again.

As Blanche roused, Jim grasped her ass and began to raise and lower her again. They kissed and John felt a brief spurt of jealousy. The sight of her taking Jim’s tongue into her mouth as his cock entered her pussy seemed too intimate; as if she was giving herself to him, totally.

John kneeled next to them watching. Then he knelt over Jim’s thighs and pressed his erection to the point of contact where Jim’s cock entered her pussy. To his surprise, she laid her head on Jim’s chest while pushing her butt toward him and his cock slipped into her. Her head popped up in surprise also, but she didn’t push him away, she reached back and pulled on his hips, taking him deeper. He could feel Jim’s cock sliding on his.

Soon they were a true threesome smoothly moving in sync and mutual ecstasy. Her little brown star seemed to breathe with their thrusts. Blanche’s torso began to tremble almost violently. She screamed that she was cumming and cumming and begged them to fill her cunt with their hot spunk.

Jim announced that he was ready to do just that and John felt the warm spurts and pulses as her lover filled Blanche’s pussy to overflowing. He added his surprising second load to the mix. She collapsed on Jim and closed her eyes, panting. John pulled slowly out and he and she rolled onto their backs. A slow but steady flow of cum ran down her ass to the bed.

Both Blanche and John were decidedly worn out. Jim offered the guest room for the night. Without bothering to bathe, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. Sometime during the night, John was awakened by voices. When he opened his eyes he could just make out Jim at the bedside, his hard cock in Blanche’s hand.

“Shh, don’t wake John,” she whispered. Then she carefully slid out of the bed and they padded out of the room. John dozed off for a few minutes, but once again heard voices from Jim’s room. He tip-toed to the door and saw Blanche on her knees, her face buried in the sheets while Jim rammed his fat cock into her from behind.

“Whose pussy is this?” Jim asked, never slowing his assault.

“It’s yours, you bastard. Stop making me say it; it’s yours to fuck any way you want. Now shut up and fuck me damn you. Your cock is driving me crazy” John’s heart sank. I’ve lost my wife, he thought.

“It’s my pussy you slut, mine alone. Don’t forget it, not your husband’s anymore.” He continued ramming her.

John went back to the guest room and waited for his wife to return. Light was beginning to show through the window when she crept into bed with him. He pretended to be asleep. “Wake up, sleepy-head. It’s time to go home.” They retrieved their clothes without disturbing Jim and drove home in silence.

He noticed that Blanche seemed to be walking with difficulty. She leaned on his arm going up the steps into the house. She fell into bed and was asleep almost instantly. John lay quietly debating how to proceed. By the time she woke up, he had made up his mind. They were sitting down to a late breakfast when he spoke.

“Last night was a painful but decisive awakening for me. I cannot abide you being with that guy anymore. I do not want you to see him again, ever, not even once. You have behaved like a deceitful slut with him, as you did with Tom. You are destroying my affection for you and our marriage with it.”

Blanche looked down at her lap for a long time, then meekly asked, “May I see him one more time to tell him that we must stop?”

“No. There is no “we” with him if you want to stay married to me. Send him a text that says simply that you will not see him again ever. He deserves no additional explanation. If he calls you, hang up.”

With tears in her eyes, she answered, “Alright. Can you tell me why the change of heart?”

“It isn’t a change; I tried to accommodate your desire for sexual thrills, but last night was the last straw. I heard and saw the two of you sneaking out and you promising your pussy to him. If it’s his then you aren’t my wife.” Blanche simply nodded silently.

An uneasy truce prevailed for the next few weeks. There was little or no sex while John’s heart gradually softened toward her. She received several texts and calls from Jim, all ignored. He even came to the house once and was summarily sent away. Blanche felt bad doing it, but she sensed that John had reached a rigid limit.

Then he was asked to attend a one-week conference for work. He was reluctant but was pressed by his boss to do it. He had been gone three days when Jim knocked on their door. He insisted on an explanation and promised that he could change John’s mind if given a chance.

Before long he had her shirt off and was kissing her and licking her nipples. Her enforced celibacy of the past few weeks left her quite vulnerable to his charms. When he took his cock out of his pants and offered it to her, she eagerly sucked it. In short order, they were in her marital bed fucking like bunnies.

She was in the throes of her third orgasm and didn’t hear, “Mom? Dad asked me to look in on you while he’s ……”

From under Jim’s thrusting torso, she looked to the bedroom doorway at the shocked face of her eldest son. “Mom?! …. Jimmy?!”

After dressing and getting rid of Jim, she sat down with her son. She begged him not to tell his father and promised that she would never see Jim again. “It was all a big mistake and I was breaking up with him. It is over.” She refused to explain further.

Written by Johnnycumlately
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