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The Better Man, Chapter 2

"Will Anna go along with Mason's plan (and Jack's confused desires)?"

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The next evening Anna put on her best business suit, a black pinstriped pants suit; I was in my usual business-casual attire, slacks and a polo shirt. I smiled as I admired her (surreptitiously, so as not to make her self-conscious) knowing that she wanted to make a totally professional businesslike impression, but that suit makes her look incredibly hot and I knew it would knock Mason out.

Although it was a short trip to Mason’s place, I was becoming a little anxious as I drove. I had no idea how this was going to play out or what Mason had in mind. I kept glancing at the stunning passenger beside me. She was uncharacteristically quiet; she hadn’t said a word since we’d got into the car. She was just staring straight ahead.

I was just about to ask her if she was feeling okay when she suddenly spoke. “Jack, can you pull over, please? I want to stop a minute.”

“Sure, hun.” I saw a space by the curb ahead and slowed to pull into it. “Is something wrong?”

“No ... yes. There’s something I have to tell you before we go through with this.”

I parked and turned of the motor. Turning toward her, I said, “There’s no rush. Talk to me, sweetheart.”

“Jack, I feel so ashamed ... I wasn’t completely honest with you.” She searched my face. “I was really frightened when you ran off to confront him. I was sure you would end up in a fight and get hurt. You have no idea how relieved I am that ... well, you know, that you were okay...” She smiled at me tearfully.

I gave her a little smile of encouragement in reply, knowing she had more to say.

“I know I made you think he had angered and frightened me...” she continued timorously, “but that’s really not ... I mean, it was really me, not him ... What I mean is, I was angry at myself and really upset with the way he made me feel.”

She was speaking less hesitantly, more resolutely now. “He said some kind of strange things, but he was a complete gentleman. Both times. At the party and at home ... But he had such a strong effect on me ... I can’t explain it. That’s what upset me. It was like he could see right through all my ... my defenses. And through my clothes ... It was like I was totally exposed to him.”

She searched my face again. “But here’s the thing,” she continued, “I liked it!” She let out a breath. “At first it was exciting ... pure sexual attraction ... you know?”

I nodded and was about to speak, but she went on. “That’s what frightened me. You know there’s never been anyone but you! Nothing like this has ever happened before!” Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

“Aw, honey, it’s okay,,, “ I had unfastened my seat belt and now I reached across the console to hug her as best I could. I patted her hair as I held her, her face buried in my shoulder. “Believe it or not, I know how you feel. There’s something special, something powerful about that man.”

“I’m afraid of what will happen when I’m with him...” She pulled away to look in my eyes. “I know he wants to sleep with me, Jack. I know it and it scares me...”

“There’s nothing to be scared of, Anna. You said yourself that he was a tot...”

“I’m not scared of him, Jack!” she interrupted. “It’s me. I can’t trust myself around him. Do you understand what I’m saying?” She looked at me imploringly. “I would never, ever, want to hurt you, baby.” Her tears were rolling again.

“Sweetie, believe me. I know that. And I know how you feel ... how he makes you feel ... I...”

“How could you?” she interrupted again, very agitated now. “You're not a woman.” She hesitated and I waited for a few seconds while she took a deep breath. “There’s a magnetism that some men have ... that Mason has. I don’t think I can resist him.”

“Honey, listen. No, seriously! Listen to me. I do know how you feel because it happened to me.” I stared at her, watching for a reaction. We had always trusted each other and been completely honest. I was just going to tell her the truth.

There was the reaction: bewilderment. “What do you mean, it happened to you? What are you talking about?”

“I mean, I went there raging mad. I wanted to hurt him, hurt him bad. And I tried to, I really tried. I attacked him! But he subdued me so easily and pinned me down. I was in a blind rage. I struggled and fought until I was completely exhausted. And in tears, I was so frustrated. And he was so calm and collected, lying on top of me, holding me down, unable to move or do anything. It was completely humiliating. So I just gave up. I totally surrendered.”

I looked in her eyes, and found deep sympathy in her tears as she looked at me in wonder and empathy. “It did something to me, surrendering like that. It was like acknowledging that he was superior to me. It felt like I was less of a man, like I was giving up my rights and admitting that he owned me. But it gave me a deep sense of peace.”

I glanced away, then back again. “And something else...” I hesitated before naming it. “It was sexual.”

Her big, beautiful eyes grew even bigger, with surprise, I supposed.

“Sexual? You got sexually aroused?!” she asked. “Did you have a hard-on?” She sounded more intrigued than incredulous.


“He was on top of you?” I could see she was trying to picture the scene.

“Yes. I was face-down and he was on top of me, pinning me down.”

“And you got a hard-on from that?”

“Well, it wasn’t just that. It was surrendering, giving up. When I stopped struggling and gave in, he didn’t let me up right away. He was talking to me, talking in my ear, like soothing me.”

“And that made you hard?” she said in tones of wonder.

“Listen, it’s hard to explain ... I don’t know why, but it was like he was comforting me, calming me down ... even though I was already calm. He was so in control ... I don’t know. I just felt so submissive, like I needed him or something.” Just talking about it was arousing me. My cock was rock hard.

“Are you hard now?” she said almost mockingly. I could tell she knew the answer. She reached over and gave my cock a squeeze. “Why, yes, you are!” she exclaimed, feigning surprise. “You like being submissive, I guess.”

“Oh, Anna, I don’t know, it’s just so confusing!”

“My sweet hubby is a little subby! Who knew?!”

She was totally mocking me now. But I didn’t mind; I figured she was dealing with her own submissive feelings toward Mason. I smiled at the thought. It was reassuring. It was the first sign that she might actually go along with everything Mason wanted.

“And what about the little wifey?” I teased. “Is she going to submit to my master’s superior cock?”

She gasped, her eyes wide. Then they narrowed, speculatively. “How do you know his cock is ‘superior’?” she demanded.

“Oh, it is, believe me! I’ve seen it,” I replied. I reached down to press my fingers into her warm crotch. Her hand was still feeling my hard cock through my trousers. I could tell she was wet.

“Are you getting wet? Do you want his big cock in here?” I pressed my fingers into the yielding softness between her thighs.

She moaned and moved her ass forward to give my fingers more room to feel her pussy. “Is that what you want?” she asked. “You want him to fuck me, don’t you?”

I stared at her. She hadn’t answered my question. I was damned if I was going to answer hers!

I withdrew my hand from between her legs and smelled my fingers. “Mmmm, you smell delicious, honey! Your pants are soaking!” I looked at the dashboard clock. “We’d better go. We’re already late.”

Mason welcomed us in the same warm and friendly manner that had disarmed me in our last encounter. I had remained in a semi-hard state of arousal for the remainder of our drive, and now seeing Mason and watching Anna’s reaction to his greeting, I became fully erect.

I didn’t understand it, but there was no denying that I was extremely aroused by the prospect of giving my wife to this man. I wanted Anna to feel what I had felt, the joy of submitting to his masculine authority. And I needed Mason to know that I was obedient to his wishes. I don’t know which of these impulses was stronger ... maybe it was both.

The conversation at dinner was pretty much all business; although, like all business dinners, there was a good deal of getting-to-know-you talk too. Mason explained in some detail how the buyout would work and gave us specific numbers on our salaries if not the bonuses which were understandably vague. Anna then asked some really good questions about the low-cost housing development and the structure of the non-profit corporation, including some surprisingly detailed financial questions.

I was impressed. So was Mason, and I could see Anna was pleased with Mason’s responses. I was almost completely silent. I watched as the two became deeply engrossed in their conversation and I loved seeing how they warmed to each other, the frequency and breadth of their smiles growing as their comfort with each other grew. Soon there were frequent touches and laughter as they acknowledged their like-mindedness on several issues. It was a beautiful thing to see.

The business talk seemed to have run out about ten or fifteen minutes after we’d finished dessert and as the conversation was beginning to take a more personal turn, Mason stood up.

“Jack, would you clean up here while I take Anna into the living room? Just leave everything on the kitchen counter. You can join us when you’re done. Oh, and bring us another bottle of wine would you? We’ll take our glasses with us. There’s a bottle of moscato in the rack - open that one please.”

“Sure, Mason, I’d be happy to,” I said, quite honestly, glad to be given something to do, something servile. Besides liking his assumption of authority over me, I had been feeling a kind of useless and I thought it was a good idea for Anna and Mason to be alone for a few minutes. Anna’s reaction was to give me a meaningful glance, a smile, and a little wink.

I took my time. I scraped the dishes clean and stacked them neatly, wiped down the counter, and rinsed the sink out before looking for the corkscrew and opening the wine. When I brought it into the living room I found Anna and Mason sitting very close together on the couch, their knees touching. Anna’s hand was on his thigh; Mason had a hand on her shoulder. I approached to refill their glasses on the coffee table.

She turned to me as I entered and said, “Is it true you’re a cocksucker now?” Her beautiful brown eyes were wide in wonder, her face radiant with amusement.

I hesitated; I was about to pour the wine. Surprised, but not at all ashamed - I had had a whole day and a half to get over that feeling - I answered, “I don’t know if I’m a cocksucker, but I did suck Mason’s cock.” I looked her straight in the eyes as I said it.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed. You didn’t tell me that!” She looked at Mason and then back at me. “Mason said you liked it.”

I was pretty sure they could both tell that I had a hard-on as I responded, “Yes, I did. I told Mason that. I really did like it. And I thanked him for it.”

“Oh my God!” Anna exclaimed again. “Did he cum in your mouth? Did you swallow?”

“Yes. And yes,” I answered, undaunted. “It was delicious.”

“I can’t believe it ... my husband’s gay,” she said softly, apparently thinking out loud.

Mason spoke. “No, Jack’s not gay, he’s just discovering his submissive side.” He gave Anna’s shoulder a little squeeze. “Don’t think he doesn’t love you as much as ever. I know he does.”

“I think that’s true,” Anna replied, “but you’ve got to admit, it’s pretty amazing!” She looked at me again. I was filling the second glass. “Do you want to suck his cock now?”

“Yes,” I answered, glancing eagerly at Mason’s lap. He swiveled and spread his legs so I could see the bulge between his legs, stretching the fabric of his left trouser leg. Anna looked too, evidently admiring it.

She put her hand on Mason’s arm to get his attention. “Can he? Can I watch?”

Mason’s eyes narrowed a bit, speculating. “You want to watch your husband being submissive to me?” He glanced a quick smile my way and then said, “You want to see him debased, don’t you?”

“I’ve never seen a guy do that before,” she said innocently. “I’m just curious.”

“No, I don’t think that’s it,” Mason replied. “Certainly not all of it. I think you’re turned on by this new side of Jack. It excites you, admit it, the idea of Jack sucking my cock.”

“Well, yeah,” Anna confessed, “that’s true too. She colored slightly. “Besides, Jack says you have a big cock. He said it was ‘superior.’ I want to see it!” She looked Mason in the eye as if challenging him to deny her.

“Okay, sure, Jack can suck my cock.” He stood up. “And you can watch.” He started opening his pants.

I was thrilled. Especially because I hadn’t been consulted. It was solely Mason’s decision. That I would comply was a given. And it was Anna’s idea! It made me positively giddy.

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“Let’s do this right,” Mason announced, pulling down his trousers and his boxers. “Strip, Jack. I want you naked.”

I started undressing, discarding my clothes in a heap beside the coffee table. Anna had picked up her glass and was taking a big gulp of wine, watching us, mostly watching Mason’s big cock as it emerged, swinging loose and low. Her eyes widened.

Naked, I knelt before Mason, much as before, except his feet weren’t as far apart as the last time because he hadn’t removed his shoes and his pants were still around his ankles. This put his cock a little higher than before. He held his visibly swelling, lengthening cock up by its head.

“Lick my balls, Jack. Kiss them.”

I leaned in and, inhaling his intoxicating musk, I put my lips to his right testicle, allowing the tip of my tongue to touch it too. I kissed it again, making an audible kissing sound, and then the left one, with a little more tongue. I felt his pubic hair caressing my nose and forehead. His scent and the flavor of his ball-sweat was making me so fucking horny!

I opened my mouth wider. My tongue made long swipes around and between both of his balls and then I couldn’t help sucking one of them into my mouth and rolling it around in its sack with my tongue. It was an intensely charged moment. I know my hard cock was dripping.

I couldn’t see, but I was sure there had to be a stream of precum reaching the floor and pooling between my thighs.

“Good boy, Jack,” said Mason, pulling back and simultaneously lowering his now enormous, turgid cock to my lips.

Again, I started with kissing. I kissed the shapely head lovingly, glancing toward Anna as I smacked my lips lovingly on the soft velvety skin. She was raptly engrossed, taking in every nuance of our performance, Mason and me, her right hand down the front of her pants and her wineglass precariously tipped in her left.

I opened up and engulfed as much of the huge organ as I could. I fought the gag reflex; I tried to relax and get at least the cockhead past the choking point. I felt so good to be on my knees again with his cock in my mouth. It surprised me how natural it seemed, like something I had always done, like something I had missed doing, like coming home to a familiar place I had missed.

I was sucking deep and hard now, but I didn’t want to make him cum; I wanted him to save his cum for Anna. ‘Can he cum twice in an evening?’ I wondered. I knew I could, but I was almost twenty years younger. (I learned later that Mason is quite virile and can cum three or four times a day, if properly paced.) But that question was rendered moot by an audible gasp from Anna. Her wineglass had slipped and there was red wine running down her white blouse.

Mason sprang into action, “Get the roll of paper towels from the kitchen,” he commanded me, as he took baby steps due to his trousered ankles toward Anna to help her get her jacket off. I ran to the kitchen and was back in a flash with the whole roll of towels. I stood by in naked attendance as they blotted the wine from her throat and breast. Fortunately, there hadn’t been much wine left in the glass.

“I’m so sorry!” Anna said. “How clumsy of me ... I must have been a little distracted.” She giggled. She sounded as adorable as she looked, her wet blouse revealing the shape of her beautiful bra-clad breasts.

“It looks like your suit is fine, but we’d better soak your blouse or it’ll be ruined,” Mason said, having examined Anna’s jacket and pants. He helped her get the wet blouse off and handed it to me. “Here. Use the washer - it’s in the gym. Cold water. The soap is in the overhead cabinet."

“You’re coming with me, young lady!” Mason said, pulling up his pants with one hand and taking her hand by the other. They marched off into the master bedroom, where I assumed there was a bathroom. She needed sponging off.

When I finished starting the wash cycle, I returned to find the bedroom door closed. I could hear what sounded like a shower running. I decided they might be a while; I did not expect Mason to let an opportunity go by with Anna undressed. So I put my clothes back on and listened as best I could to the events that unfolded behind the bedroom door for almost an hour.

I was falling asleep when the bedroom door finally opened, startling me. I sat up to find Mason, naked, standing in the doorway.

“What the hell are you doing with your clothes on?” he asked in an irritated tone. “Get them off and get your ass in here!” he ordered.

My initial surprise didn’t affect either the speed or the eagerness with which I nimbly complied. I entered the room preceded by my stiff cock to find Anna on the bed, lying on her back, her legs spread invitingly.

She had the lazy, contented look of a well fucked woman, sated with orgasmic exertion. The room was filled with he steamy aroma of sex. Mason was standing beside her, holding her hand somewhat possessively. I turned my eyes from her sloppy, oozing pussy to his shiny, drooping cock.

Mason said, “I know you wanted my first load tonight. So, there it is. Eat up!” He beamed at me beatifically. He released her hand as I approached the bed, as if to give me permission.

“You kids have fun. I’ll be in the shower,’ he said, turning to leave.

“Wait,” I said hastily. “Don’t go yet!” I wanted to taste the juices shimmering on his slimy cock. “Can I clean your cock first?” I petitioned hopefully.

Mason laughed and said, “I like a man with initiative. Sure, buddy, you can clean it off if you want to.” He turned toward me and spread his legs apart. “Don’t want to miss an opportunity to worship me do you?”

The word ‘worship’ set me back for a second. In my mind I was saying, ‘No, it’s just that I don’t want to waste all that sperm- and pussy-juice.’ But there was something in the word that resonated. Was it him or just his cock that I was so eager to please? Either way, it did feel like a deep sort of reverence. It wasn’t the first time that Mason seemed to know me better than I did.

Anna turned onto her side to watch as I knelt before him once again. This was beginning to be a familiar position, one that I liked, I realized. I inhaled his musk; it was seasoned with the familiar tang of my wife’s vaginal secretions. I stretched out my tongue and licked the low-hanging tip of his cock. The taste was arousing; the salty-sour-bitter complexity blended with the heady aroma to make me dizzy with lust.

I licked upward from its tip to its root in his pubic hair and then back down, stretching my tongue around the backside of this meaty tube, and culminated with a slurp as I sucked, and his cock - almost the entire length - popped into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around and around, sucking off and swallowing the flavorful juices until they were fully consumed.

Then, releasing his cock, I nuzzled my face into the warmth beneath it to swipe my tongue all around his balls, sucking them into my mouth too, one at a time, to remove every scintilla of their delicious musk. My tongue reached behind his balls too, tasting the pungency of anus. I know I was making a lot of yummy and slurping noises and generally making a spectacle of myself because of something Anna said later, but at the time I was conscious only of sheer pleasure.

Mason, put his hand on my head and said, “Enough, Jack.” He pushed me off of him. “Attend to your wife.”

Oh, yeah, Anna’s sloppy, cum-filled pussy was waiting for me! I wasted no time, but crawled up on the bed between her legs as she spread them wide for me. I admired the abundance of creamy white cum oozing between her gaping and swollen labia. It was so beautiful that I could have just gawked at it for a long time, but the aroma of a well-used cunt filled with the thick, spermy goo made my mouth water.

I’d already had an appetizer at the feet of our host, so I dove right into the main course, putting my lips to her distended labia, and sucked. I slurped up spoonsful of flavorsome cum, using me tongue to reach dep inside to search for more. Anna moaned and put both hands on my head to pull my face deeper into her.

“Oh, yes, my little slut-puppy, lick it all up!” she groaned. And then, putting my neck in a scissor-hold with her strong thighs, she rolled me over and sat on my face.

She started grinding her pussy hard on my face. Juices poured down into my mouth; I swallowed them with relish. She was becoming more agitated, almost violent.

“Eat me! Eat my fucking cunt, you cum-sucking--!” She was cumming - she had been rubbing her engorged clitoris hard against the bridge of my nose, taking her over the edge.

“Fuuuuuuuck!” she screamed, cumming harder, or at least louder, than I’d ever known.

Anna, exhausted and spent, collapsed on top of me. Her head landed on my thigh facing my stiff erection.

“Oh look,” she said, “your little pee-pee is still hard.” She traced its length with her index finger and I came immediately, spouting jets of cum in high arcs that landed all over her back and shoulders and in her hair.

“Ooh, how nice!” she cooed. “I made you cum!”

Mason came in from the bathroom drying his hair, all shiny and clean in his lithe muscularity. “Who’s next for the shower? Anna? You probably need one.”

Anna stretched languidly, pulling a glob of cum from her hair. “I just had one,” she giggled, but got off of me and the bed and padded, glorious in her naked beauty into the bathroom.

“Well, my man,” Mason said, taking a seat on the bed near me, “how do you like things so far?”

“I just had the best sex of my life!” I said, putting my feet on the floor and sitting up. “How do you think I feel?” And then I quickly added, “Fantastic! Thank you, sir.” thinking that I might have sounded disrespectful.

“Did you fuck her? I wasn’t gone very long.”

“No,” I answered. “I ate her out and then she sat on my face and came in my mouth ... when she touched my cock, I couldn’t stop cumming. It was amazing!” I really was amazed that it had excited me so much.

Mason chuckled and tousled my hair. “I guess you’re really taking to the submissive role. Not just with me.”

I smiled a little ruefully. That was exactly what I had been thinking.

“That’s good, though, Jack. I’m really rather pleased,” he said, not unkindly. “Listen, you haven’t said anything to Anna about having my babies yet, have you?”

“No ... not yet. I wanted her to meet you first.” I looked in his eyes. “It’s going to make more sense now.”

“That’s what I thought. She didn’t bring it up. We talked about having children and she told me she’s been off the pill for five months already but she’s not pregnant yet.”

His voice took a more authoritative tone. “So here’s the thing. After you leave here tonight, you’re going to tell her that I want to be the father of her children and that it’s what you want too.” He looked at me. “Got it?” he asked.

“Yes.” It was a relief to be told exactly what to do; I had been struggling a bit trying to decide how to bring it up to Anna. After all, I had pretty much already agreed to the idea of letting him impregnate my wife the day before, when he first brought it up. And, as before, I found the whole idea excitingly erotic.

My dick actually started swelling again when I added, “Thanks, Mason, that’s perfect.”

“Good,” he said, his praise making me happy. “You can also tell her that I am prepared to cover the expenses of all the children including trust funds for their education.”

I was impressed. It wasn’t because he was willing to take responsibility so much as the fact that he had thought it all through. I said, “Thanks, Mason. I’ll tell her.”

He nodded and said, “You do understand that when Anna agrees to breed with me, you won’t be allowed to fuck her anymore, right?”

I hadn’t actually thought of that, and it came as a bit of a surprise But two thoughts immediately occurred to me: that the proscription just seemed appropriate given the submissive feelings that I’d been experiencing since the day before; and that it made perfect sense from the breeding perspective: you’ve got to control access to the female to confirm paternity. But, as long as I could still have oral sex with her, I decided it was worth it, especially if there were to be compensatory benefits in sex with Mason.

I was petty sure that Mason could read those thoughts as they coursed through my mind, and he smiled beneficently at me when I nodded gravely and said, “I understand.”

“Good. Now stand up.” He offered me a hand and tugged me to my feet before him. “It’s so cute how you always get hard for me, Jack,” he commented, glancing down.

He tugged my cock down and watched it rebound to attention as if saluting him. Then looked directly into my eyes and said softly, “Would you like to get fucked now? Do you want my cock in your ass?”

Just then, Anna returned from her shower. I glanced at her, turned back to Mason and said somewhat shakily, “Yes, please.” And I blushed.

“Good. Ask Anna for permission,” Mason responded. I looked surprised. “She had your permission when I fucked her...”

“Okay,” I said quickly. It didn’t seem like the same thing, but it looked like Mason had a point to make, a point that I had evidently already been complicit in: I was to be submissive to them both. I thought for a second before turning to Anna.

“Is it okay with you if Mason fucks me?” I asked, enunciating the question clearly and precisely. It was a simple one, but I didn’t want to have to repeat it.

Anna looked mildly surprised. Her long, lank hair, still damp from the shower, did absolutely nothing to detract from her radiant perfection. Rather, it seemed to accentuate the widening of her large, clear eyes.

“Can I watch?” She didn’t address me; she was looking at Mason. And I felt humiliated. It was odd that, of all that had transpired that night, this was what I found humiliating.

Written by yfnsp
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