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Submitting to the White Beast

"My true story of my first time with a strong white man."

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Jerry scared me from the first moment I met him. When he came to run our school summer camp, none of us had ever seen or heard anything like him before. Our school was in rural Thailand and back then, it was a Thai girl’s only school into which this white man, called Jerry, with the loudest voice I had ever heard walked in. It was like throwing a big rock in a quiet pond.

It was clear he had never seen anything like us before because if he did he would know that Thai girls don’t like getting our hair wet in rain, getting sweaty in heat or getting our skin browned by the sun. We also don’t like being shouted at and he definitely didn’t know that because he shouted at us constantly. We were never sure when he was angry because his voice was either loud or really loud and every time he spoke we would whisper to each other ‘Why is he angry?’

Yes, I guess he found instructing us frustrating, he seemed always to be shaking his head or rubbing his forehead. You see for we Thai girls, the only time we want to run outside is in the late afternoons when it is not too hot and if it is not raining and then only as long as we aren’t expected to run around too much so that we get ugly visible sweat beads on our face. All of which is why I thought it best to teach dance indoors when I returned at nineteen years old to be a helper on the summer camp.

Every day Jerry insisted all of us helpers gathered in a circle on the field before the day’s activities uncaring if it was sunny or raining so that he could shout his orders at us. Neither did he care that few of us understood what he was saying. One day he was forcing us to stand and listen when it was obvious it was about to rain heavily and when the black clouds poured their rain down, his only response was to shout louder. We stood shivering and staring at him, his drenched t shirt and shorts clinging to him and that was the first time I thought of him naked.

I felt so wrong then and as he talked to my part of the circle I made sure my eyes were on him, but as his eyes moved on I could not help drop mine to his wet shorts. He looked so powerful and so masculine. The wetness of his shirt showed his muscles and yes I have to admit, the wetness of his shorts revealed the bulging shape of a white dick. The guilt I felt in looking there was eased slightly by looking at the other girls in the circle and noticing they too were glancing down there.

That is not to say we all wanted his dick, because in fact none of us found him handsome or even nice. But to a group of twelve, late teen Thai girls, most of which were virgins, this tough and powerful white man fed our natural curiosity. You only had to look at the internet history on the shared pc, which only helpers could access, to see how many searches had been for ‘naked white men’ or ‘white men with Thai girls’.

It was also a two way curiosity. We could feel his eyes on us, usually with less subtlety than ours on him. When we ran his eyes were always chest height and when we wore tight fitting clothes or bikinis, his eyes would follow our bottoms as we walked away. In the dormitory at night, to each other we called him the beast, or the pervert, for how he stared at us so sexually. But although we wouldn’t admit it to each other, we wanted to be noticed by him. It became secretly competitive to attract and hold his eyes.

Every morning, before we went to the field I would check myself in the mirror from different viewpoints. I wanted to see what Jerry would see when he looked at me. We all did, although none of us would have admitted it. It was even more obvious before the afternoon swimming session when the mirror in the changing room would see a queue of girls jostling for position.

We were all secretly jealous of Ploy because when she went swimming, Jerry would not notice any of us and it was like we were all suddenly invisible. That was not because Ploy was more beautiful, she wasn’t, but because she always wore a white swimsuit. It wasn’t until the last day of summer camp that one of the girls told her that she should check herself in the mirror when her swimsuit was wet. I will never forget the scream of embarrassment that echoed through the changing rooms when she did. Jerry hadn’t needed to use his imagination to wonder what she looked like naked.

On one of the days in the second week, when we were having our after activity swim, my friend swam to me with a look of extreme shock and covered her eyes. When I turned I saw the reason why. Jerry stood in only small, tight black swimming trunks. I could not help my eyes drop immediately to the clearly visible shape and bulge of his dick. As he walked along the edge, we all collapsed in embarrassed giggles. It was the only time we could not help admit to each other where our eyes and thoughts were.

It was also the only time that those thoughts lingered in my mind after the dorm lights had gone out. Sure that the girls around me were asleep, the sight of him in his tight shorts returned to my mind and my hand slid down under the blanket between my legs. Only this time, Jerry was naked and his white dick exposed to me. In the darkness, biting my blanket to stop any noise and unknown to him, he pleasured me fully. I doubt I was the only Thai girl he brought secret, guilty pleasure to that night.

Yet how shy I felt the next morning when he greeted me, how unable I was to look into his eyes and it wasn’t until weeks later that I found out he was doing the same thing and thinking of me. Jerry was professional, despite his wild roaming eyes and never openly flirted with us, but all the girls would gather around me in the dorm and tell me excitedly how they had seen Jerry staring at me. I reminded them I didn’t find him attractive and anyway, I loved my boyfriend.

That love crumbled the night I went for coffee with Jerry. Not because of anything I did or he did, but because of the deceit of my boyfriend in setting us up. I will not repeat everything that happened that night as my boyfriend has already told that story, but the same mixture of emotion filled me. I loved my boyfriend when I left his apartment that evening and hated him by the time I returned. I didn’t like Jerry when I went to meet him, but I liked him by the end of the evening.

When I packed my bags and left my boyfriend’s apartment, I had never felt it was possible to feel so betrayed and so used by a man who has told me they loved me. I never wanted to see him again, despite spending a week crying in my bedroom at my parents’ house afterwards. I hated him for what he had done to both me and Jerry and I hated myself because I still loved him. I could not tell my parents or friends what he had done and I became so lonely.

Jerry emailed me to apologize for the way he spoke to me and treated me and told me he would never have treated me like that if he didn’t get the emails from my boyfriend. He told me how much he liked me and wanted me and asked me to forgive him. I felt sorry for him because he too had been tricked by my boyfriend. After a week I replied to him and we chatted about summer camp, anything apart from that night.

That didn’t mean I forgot that night. I tried to, but I couldn’t and although it was hard to be honest with myself then, I can admit now I didn’t want to forget it. After I wrote an email to him I lay in bed and the memory of how he made me feel that night, his strength and his dominating passion returned to me. I remembered how helpless I felt when his strong hands pulled down my panties and how he growled with desire when he looked at what he had revealed. Most of all I remembered how I felt when he threw me across his lap and how his strong white hand forced me to feel the submission I had secretly always wanted to feel.

I let the memories of him and how he made me feel so real and so overpowered that night flood into my mind. In the darkness of my bedroom I welcomed his presence in my mind. I wanted his strength with me again and I wanted to feel that same security I had felt that night in surrendering to him. His memory pleasured me that night and when I woke I felt differently. I didn’t find him any more attractive, but I knew I wanted Jerry to have me, fully and however he wanted and I emailed him and told him.

The moment I sent that email I felt strangely liberated and extremely nervous. It was maybe the first time in my life I had been honest to the desires that lay within me. I had wanted to submit to a strong white man and for too long I had tried to deny to myself I did. Now I had admitted to a strong white man what I wanted and I felt pride in myself.

It also filled me with worry. No one, none of my friends or my boyfriend, knew I was going to meet him and my biggest worry was that someone would find out. I just knew I wanted to give myself fully to him and accept whatever he wanted to do to me. I wanted to be fully taken by him. That is why when he replied to say he would fly to Bangkok and meet me in a restaurant, I insisted we meet at his hotel room.

That whole week I was so nervous. I had never thought I would be able to do what I was going to do and I knew if I stopped to think about it then I wouldn’t go through with it and I wanted to. I couldn’t decide what to wear, but I wanted to wear something that let him know for sure that I was ready for him. I bought a really tiny and really tight black skirt and because I could not wear it in public, I wore a long black skirt over the top of it.

I told my parents I was staying with a friend and in the taxi on the way to Jerry’s hotel I kept thinking I should go to hers and not meet him. I came so close to doing that, but when the taxi pulled up outside his hotel I kept telling myself no one that knows me will ever know I have done this and I want to try it, I want to know what it feels like to be taken by a strong white man. I gave my ID card to reception and they told me his room number.

When I stood outside his room I removed my long skirt so that I was just wearing my armless orange top and my tiny black skirt. I had never worn anything so short and so tight before, it had taken me ages to put the skirt on and zip it up and if it was any tighter I couldn’t have worn it. It was then that my nerves really hit me and I hesitated for so long before I reminded myself no one would know I would do this and I knocked on his door.

Jerry’s face lit up when he saw me and glanced down at what I was wearing, but he was really furtive, like he expected my boyfriend to have followed me. He looked up and down the corridor, then silently waved me inside and quickly locked the door. Only then did he seem to relax and stare me slowly up and down, nodding and grinning with approval. I felt like a human birthday present, waiting to be unwrapped and maybe I looked like one too, but in that first moment I felt so uncomfortable.

He had just flown in and showered and changed, his bags were still unpacked and he moved them off the bed and sat on it. I didn’t know what to do, I was trembling with nerves and stood looking down and chewing my hair, too shy to look up to his face. He patted the bed beside him and I sat down.

Jerry seemed as nervous as me, or maybe my nerves infected him. He asked me how I was and apologized again for what had happened before and told me he had been thinking about me a lot ever since. I began to wonder if I had made a mistake in coming, we seemed so cold and uneasy.

I had been desperate for him to hug me when I walked in, but he didn’t and now finally he reached to me, his hand stroked the hair from my eyes and stroked my hair down to my back and then over my back. I didn’t move and I guess it was the final confirmation he needed that I wasn’t going to stop him this time.

He moved me closer and kissed my forehead with delicate kisses while he stroked my hair. My shyness stopped me responding, but his kisses felt nice and made me feel safe. Then I felt his hand stop stroking and grip my hair, loosely at first then tightly. He began to pull on my hair and I gasped as I felt my face forcibly lifted and then tilted back by his grip in my hair.

He held me like that by my hair, my face looking up to the ceiling, for what seemed like several minutes in silence. And in that time, all my instinct to resist and all my strength, disappeared. I sat with my hands by my sides, the strength of his grip controlling me completely and all my doubts about whether to come or not disappeared. I wanted him to take everything he wanted from me.

He bit my ear gently then whispered. ‘Your little body is mine now.’

His words and tone of voice made me feel so tiny and helpless and I didn’t answer, I didn’t need to. He hovered his face above mine and told me to show him and I did, because I wanted to. I couldn’t move my face because of his grip of my hair, but he moved his face above mine and I kissed and licked his rough, stubbly face. Every lick made me feel more submissive to him, I felt desperate for him to show he enjoyed my kisses on his face and he moved his face for me to kiss it all over.

Then, still gripping my hair, he licked my lips and hung his tongue out above my mouth. I kept trying to lift my mouth to lick his tongue, but he teased me, pulling me back by my hair each time my tongue reached his. Every time he pulled me back made me want to lick his tongue even more until I was so desperate to and he let me. I licked and sucked his tongue with so much pleasure I was sighing.

I wanted his kiss so badly and he gave it to me, holding my hair while his open mouth met mine in such a hungry kiss. I felt his hand trying to go under my skirt, but it was too tight for him to put his hand up. My top was looser and I felt his hand push my bra up and pull on each of my nipples as we kissed. Then he stopped, let go of my hair and told me to stand up.

I stood facing him and slowly turned and he told me he liked me in short skirts as they showed my sexy little butt off. I was so pleased he approved and felt his strong hands smooth roughly over my skirt. He stood and told me he wanted to take a photo of me. I asked who it was for as he set up the timer and he said himself and his friends. But as he was about to take it, he told me my boyfriend should see it too. It made me feel so awkward and I buried my face into his stomach.

He took several photos, holding me in different positions then told me he had turned it off. I don’t think he did as a light was still on, but I didn’t want to challenge him. I tried to forget it and he cuddled me again, even tighter, like he was squeezing all my strength from me.

‘Now tell me the truth,’ he said. ‘How many white dicks have you sucked?’

‘Only my boyfriends.’ I replied honestly.

He smiled, like he was pleased with my answer and maybe he could tell from my tone of voice that I wanted him to be pleased with me. I could feel the bulge of his dick against my stomach and he took my hand and put it on the bulge, smiling. I knew what he wanted and I wanted the same. I no longer felt shy to admit to myself that I really wanted to suck his dick. I had come so close to seeing it in the hotel before, but hadn’t. Now I couldn’t wait. I had thought of his dick almost every day since.

I knelt down and he didn’t need to ask me this time. I felt so tiny kneeling in front of Jerry, but it felt so right. It felt so different to kneeling in front of my boyfriend, more forbidden, but also more right, maybe because Jerry used to be my boss. I felt like I wasn’t me anymore, that I wasn’t an educated university girl and that I wasn’t from a good traditional Thai family. I felt like I was just an Asian servant girl taking care of her white master and it felt so exciting.

I begged him to see it and he made me say the words he wanted, that I begged to see his white cock before he took his hand from my head. I looked up at him, so powerful above me and I felt so lucky. All those times I had called him ugly with my friends, or the ‘beast’, but I knew that secretly some of them fantasized about doing what I was about to do to him. I felt free; no longer did I have to feel guilty for fantasizing about sucking a strong white man. I put my hand on his zip.

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That was when I stopped and let go of his zip. I knew he was expecting me to yank his shorts down and suck him, but I am just not confident like that. I don’t know if it was my shyness or sudden guilt that stopped me, but I knelt looking up at him then looked away as he looked back at me with uncertainty, then frustration.

‘What’s wrong now?’

I closed my eyes, I didn’t know how to explain, or what to say. ‘It’s just that, I am not that experienced…’

‘But you have sucked dick before, right?’ I nodded in reply. ‘Ok, that’s cute, I will help you.’

He gripped the zip and began to pull it down, right in front of my face. It helped, I felt much less shy as much as I wanted to see it and I did really want to see it, I felt uneasy undressing him. With his trousers open, he let them fall to the floor and stood in his black, bulging underpants. I was so shy to look up, but he told me to as he slowly pulled his underpants down. I glanced up and saw the hair, then the thick stem and as he pulled them down it seemed to go on and on.

I covered my eyes and peeped through my fingers until finally it sprang up, so powerful and dangerous. I put my hand over my mouth. It was so different to my boyfriend’s, it looked so scary and threatening. But there was a raw masculine beauty to it too, thick and strong and white. Jerry let it waver right in front of me and I stared at it, my hands on my cheeks. At that moment I was more scared than aroused, but I think Jerry enjoyed showing it to me. He asked me again and again if it was bigger than my boyfriends. It was much bigger.

I closed my eyes and he hit it gently against my cheeks, but even in those gentle taps, I could feel its heavy power. Then he told me to stick my tongue out and when it felt the sticky hardness , everything changed for me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, aching for me to suck his dick and I couldn’t wait. I slid my tongue all over the throbbing, powerful tip of his dick and when he sighed my name, my shyness disappeared.

I held it and it felt so huge in my fingers, then licked along it, all the way down to his hair. I kept my eyes fully open, now staring in awe at his monstrous white cock as I licked it. I listened carefully to his sounds because suddenly my entire body wanted to give him as much pleasure as it could. My tongue lingered on the ridges of his dick, knowing I would feel them in me later and wondering how I could take him inside and how it would feel when I did.

So many times I had secretly watched movies of Asian girls sucking big white dicks and felt jealous as I watched their faces and mouths to see how they did it and how they enjoyed it. Now it was my turn and I could not hold back my desire any longer. I licked Jerry’s beautiful dick like it was the most delicious thing my tongue had ever tasted.

He grasped my hair, sighing loudly and trying to push his cock tip into my mouth, but I wanted to lick it for as long as I could. I loved feeling the power of his hard dick on my tongue and the way my loud former boss reacted with loud sighs of pleasure to the movements of my tongue . It made me feel so free and both excitingly inferior and powerful too, because it was my tongue that was controlling his pleasure.

‘Suck it May, suck my dick.’ He urged me, pushing his throbbing tip to my lips.

I kissed its salty hardness once , twice, then I opened my lips and closed my eyes until he ordered me to look up at him. I did and I felt it push at my teeth and opened my mouth wider, then wider and wider until my mouth was open like a yawn. And slowly I felt his big white dick brush my lips and push into my mouth.

It felt so thick and hot and heavy in my mouth, but I wanted him to put it in my mouth as far as I could. I closed my eyes and concentrated on positioning my mouth to take it. When finally I felt I could take no more, I closed my lips and opened my eyes. He was staring wildly down at me and I wondered to myself how it happened that I had my white bosses cock in my mouth, but I did and I felt so proud.

I held it with both hands and kept my lips tightly shut around the stem as my tongue and cheeks welcomed it and loved it. Then I pulled my lips back, sucking as I did and looked to see how much I had taken in my mouth. It felt like his whole dick had been in my mouth, but less than half had been moistened by my mouth.

I licked the sensitive part under the tip then tried again. Jerry was gasping and urging me as I pushed my lips down, but I couldn’t take much more, it was just too thick. I began to love the feeling of having a big cock in my mouth and I swirled it around my mouth with my tongue, letting him know how much I had wanted to suck him. I followed his gasps, trying to work out what he liked and when I began sliding my lips up and down and his gasps got louder, I realised he wanted to be sucked faster.

I tightened my grasp and thrust my mouth along Jerry’s gorgeous dick. It was just how I had imagined sucking a strong white man and it felt so exciting, so arousing to suck Jerry like that. I felt wet between my legs, but my skirt was too tight to touch myself. I would not have anyway, in front of him, but I wanted to. Then suddenly he stopped me and told me he didn’t want to cum yet. He took it out of my mouth, too soon for me, I really didn’t want to stop.

‘Look up at me May, ‘ he said and put his hand under my chin. ‘Keep your mouth open and keep your eyes on me.’

I did what he told me and he started pushing it in and out like he was having sex with my mouth. I loved the feeling of his hard white dick brushing my lips and thrusting into my mouth. I stayed still, my lips open for him, my eyes fixed on his and my chin resting on his strong hand as he stared down at me, growling my name.

‘I wanted to fuck your little Asian mouth since I first saw you,’ he panted. ‘Tell me you want it.’

He pulled his dick out for me to speak. I hesitated and he glowered at me. I had never spoken in such a rude way, but I said it.

‘Please fuck my Asian mouth Jerry,’ I gasped.

He thrust it back in and I knelt with my hands by my sides and mouth open, giving him my mouth. He gasped and panted my name and rude words about me, about how good I looked with a white dick in my mouth and how he owned my ‘little Thai mouth.’ Suddenly he began to thrust his dick faster and faster between my lips and his breathing got heavier and his words ruder.

‘You are my little Asian slut,’ he growled down to me. ‘Tell me you love my American dick.’

My boyfriend would never have called me that and I wouldn’t have wanted him to. I could never have imagined enjoying being called that but at that moment, kneeling with my mouth open for his thrusting dick, I felt exactly like that and his words made me feel so sexy. I opened my mouth wider for him.

He gripped my head tightly and thrust faster and I sensed he was nearly going to cum. He started trying to push it deeper, but it was too much for me. I felt like I couldn’t breathe and pushed my head back against his hand, but he held the back of my head even more tightly. I panicked, I had never let or wanted my boyfriend to cum in my mouth and I didn’t want him to.

Jerry shouted out my name and I felt his dick suddenly pulsing in my mouth. Frantically I pushed my head back, away from it and mumbled loudly that I wanted it out of my mouth. It was too late. As I managed to break my head free from his grip, I felt the tip of his dick shoot inside my mouth and as I pulled my face back, it powerfully spurted sticky hot cum over my cheek and hair and nose. Only then did he relax his grip of my head.

I was too shy, too shocked to look up at him and my mouth felt full of his sticky liquid. I spat it desperately into my hands and retched. I could feel it clinging and dribbling over my face and when I opened my eyes, Jerry was holding his camera and telling me to smile. I didn’t feel like smiling, the smell and taste and feeling of his uninvited cum felt so strange and so wrong. I hurried to the bathroom to wash my face.

When I came back into the room, Jerry was sat on the bed in just his t shirt. His legs were spread out and his big, soft dick hung down, wet from my sucking. I stood awkwardly in front of him, feeling suddenly shy and vulnerable and I knew he was far from finished with me. He leant back and told me to strip. There was no romance in his voice, it was a cold order and he told me to strip everything. I felt so weak and helpless to resist. His eyes glared at me, waiting expectantly and I knew I had to. I also knew I had to be told to.

I took off my orange top, then struggled with my tight black skirt, but Jerry clearly thought I was taking too long as he waved me closer then yanked it down to my ankles. It was the first time a man had yanked my skirt down so forcefully and it felt so exciting. Underneath I was wearing a little black thong and I quickly put my hands over it.

Jerry, in a stern voice, ordered me to move my hands and turn slowly round. I did and as I turned I felt so exposed, not just physically but mentally too. Several weeks before, when he had spanked me, he had told me he wanted to see my ‘Asian ass’ in a thong. When I had chosen to wear it I knew he would think that by wearing it I was asking him to spank me again by wearing it and I was. He watched me take my bra off, saying how he liked my firm Asian breasts and told me to fondle them. I closed my eyes and massaged them, so aware he was watching.

When my nipples were erect he ordered me to strip my tiny, black thong down. I closed my eyes, hooked my thumbs under it and pulled it down, then folded it on the bed. I was too shy to open my eyes and I listened to his comments saying how much he liked my naked young body. It felt so different to when my boyfriend tells me that. He turned me, feeling my bottom and peering closely between my legs and I felt like I was being inspected. Jerry was never going to be my boyfriend, but he was my boss and hearing how much he liked my body aroused me.

His hand smoothed over my front like he was stroking a dog and I was embarrassed at how instantly my nipples went erect as I watched his big, hairy white hand slide up and down me. Then suddenly it dived between my thighs, roughly opening them and I felt his finger inside me. It felt so big and so rude and as I gasped he grinned. He told me I was even tighter than he imagined and that my boyfriend must have a small dick. Then his face changed and he stopped touching me and held his dick.

‘You made him sad May.’ I looked at him with confusion; he had seemed to enjoy me sucking him. ‘Next time he wants to cum in your mouth.’

‘He did!’ I replied.

‘Not much, you pulled your head away. Does your boyfriend cum in your mouth?’ I shook my head. ‘My dick wants to, May. ‘ He continued, referring to his dick which he held out. ‘Say sorry to it and lick it clean.’

When he ordered me, it made me want to submit. I looked down at his cum stained dick and felt I had to. I knelt down and the bleach like smell repulsed me. I held my nose and licked all over his dick until it was licked wet and clean and Jerry told me I was a ‘good girl’. It made me happy, I wanted him to enjoy me and most of all, approve of me.

He moved his knees closer and I knew what was coming. He patted his lap and eyed me meaningfully. So many times in summer camp I had turned and caught him staring at my bottom, but then it was hidden, or rather shown off in tight leggings or bikini bottoms. Now there was no defense to his strong hand and I didn’t want there to be. Teasing him had thrilled me, but now I felt an aching desire to be spanked by him.

I lay face down across his hairy legs and immediately felt his hand stroke up the back of my thighs and over my bottom. I felt so meek and so submissive as I waited for that first smack, like a naughty Asian servant girl draped over his lap, staring at his feet. It is always such a shock, that first smack, however much you are expecting and wanting it. Each of his hands was nearly the size of my entire bottom and his first loud smack hit both of my cheeks.

I gasped as the sting spread out from my bottom and my body jerked. He held me tighter with his left arm and it’s that feeling, of helplessness under the strength of a man’s grip that makes being spanked so exciting for me. He whipped me with his fingertips, each time holding me tighter as he did, stopping my body from reacting and reinforcing his superiority.

I had no intention of trying to wriggle free. I wanted to take whatever he wanted to give me and his hand slapped down over my bottom, often gently and occasionally, without warning, much harder. I bit my lip, closed my eyes and obediently lifted my bottom for his hand to smack. The soreness eased then strengthened under his unforgiving white hand.

He talked as he spanked me, reminding me of how I teased him at summer camp and how he had fantasized about spanking me in front of all the other girls. He told me how he found Asian women’s bottoms so cute and that my bottom was perfect for spanking. He was shocked that my boyfriend didn’t spank me and when I gasped that I didn’t want him to, he asked me why not. My answer was easy, I only wanted to be spanked by men who really wanted to spank me.

The stinging, the sound of his smacks, his words, the feeling of submission and inferiority all aroused me and when he checked between my legs with his fingers, I didn’t want his hand to leave. He must have sensed it, because he tipped me onto the floor and told me to sit on the bed next to him. I did, welcoming the feel of air con cooled sheets under my hot bottom cheeks.

Jerry knelt on the floor and yanked my knees open. I felt so exposed, so violated as he held my knees open and stared between my thighs. He let go and ordered me to hold them open as wide as I could. I obeyed, or tried to, but he kept telling me to open them wider. I lay back and pulled my knees back to my breasts showing him everything I hid under my clothes.

I knew I was wet between my legs but just as I was getting embarrassed thinking of that, I felt his rough face thrust between my thighs and felt my lips sucked into his mouth. His strong hands forced my thighs wider apart until they were fully stretched and I gave my body to him, throwing my arms out behind my head. Jerry sucked so noisily telling me I was so wet for him and I was. I didn’t find him nice or handsome, but my body wanted him.

He sucked my lips so forcefully that it seemed like he lifted my hips off the bed with his mouth and I felt so tiny and helpless. The sight of his face between my thighs and strength of his sucking lips made me cry out his name. I knew anyone walking past the room would hear, but I didn’t care, I couldn’t control myself at that point. Jerry was in control.

I felt him pulling my lips open and his tongue licking wildly everywhere. It felt so different to the gentleness of my boyfriend and he and the room and everything around me began to fade. Jerry’s tongue and mouth became my world and I closed my eyes and let the waves of pleasure go through me, shouting his name.

Suddenly his tongue pushed into my bottom, but again it felt so different to my gentle boyfriend. Jerry just rolled me over and pulled my bottom open to push his tongue in and his tongue was so wild and out of control. He tossed me around the bed licking and sucking me, then pulled me to the floor making me feel more and more helpless under his strength.

I tried to hold my orgasm back, but I couldn’t. When his wandering tongue finally returned to my clitoris, it twirled and rolled and I felt it. I let go, my body feeling I was lifted off the bed as I orgasmed on his rough, stubbly face. As I convulsed in pleasure, he still kept sucking and I tried to ease his face back, but he seemed to want all my water in his mouth.

Finally, he lifted his head and grinned. I was panting and nodded when he asked me if I came, but I was worried. I always need time to let my body recover after an orgasm and I didn’t feel like talking, I just wanted to enjoy the final moments of pleasure in silence. But Jerry was already standing up with his hard white dick sticking out so menacingly and I could see from the expression on his face that he wasn’t going to let me rest.

Written by MyShyAsianWife
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