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Stacy And Ricky Part III

"Stacy is taken by teen neighbor"

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For the next two weeks or so Stacy and Rick were together at least six times. To the best of my count, they used the Jacuzzi/pool two of those times and were next door at his house three times. One of the times she was at Ricky's she didn't return home until 4 am. She was getting fucked by Ricky; at least every other day, and yet, her energy was up and she had never seemed happier. Lately, she had that glow that only a well-satisfied woman has. You can see it the moment she walks into the room. She seems like the happiest person in the world.

Also, she has slowly shed her conservative attire in favor of the cutest clothes. It could be chalked up to the fact it is now summer and everyone wears a little less clothing during the summer months. But Stacy, she had been doing some shopping, because she was now wearing things I had never seen before. Around the house, it was now becoming normal to see Stacy wearing the cutest (and smallest) boy shorts. The skimpy booty shorts that some girls wear as underwear. If she wasn't leaving the house she would be wearing a tank top or a crop top, and bras were no longer a thing with Stacy. Sometimes she would only have an oversized tee-shirt on.

Seeing her prancing around the house in next to nothing was a new thing for me. Equally new to me was seeing her beaming with happiness. Don't get me wrong. Stacy and I have a good and contented life together. We laugh a lot and enjoy each other's company. But, it was also a reminder that it was now at least a month since Stacy and I had sex. The thought of having sex with me was likely not a thought on her mind these days. How could I blame her? At thirty-eight years of age, I was, by now, well aware that I wasn't built to satisfy a woman like Stacy. Which would be OK as long as there wasn't an eighteen-year-old with a monster cock living next door. Stacy and I fooled around. I was capable with my fingers and mouth. I wasn't a complete wimp. Although since Ricky took over, the idea that I had become a wimp was hard to deny.

While I was certainly not happy with the turn our marriage had taken, I wasn't feeling overly insecure either. I mean, Stacy wasn't going to leave me for a knucklehead eighteen-year-old. And really, that became my saving grace. I never wanted to lose Stacy. That was my biggest fear. And, I wasn't. I continually reminded myself that my wife was merely getting her sexual needs met by a young man who was more than built for it.

So, as I began to slowly accept my place in the sexual food chain between the three of us, I worried a little less. But, there were a couple of things that arose that I wasn't prepared for or expecting.

The first was the fact that Ricky, now emboldened as the Alpha Male in Stacy's life, would pop into our house without knocking. He would go to our fridge and take my beer. He even began to tell me to make him lunch as he swam with Stacy. I know most men would say I should have left Stacy weeks ago, but I found myself not only doing the tasks Ricky told me to do, but I began to feel slightly aroused in doing them. I swear to you there is something in nature that goes back to our earliest beginnings. He had asserted himself in the most brutally undeniable way. He had taken my wife's pussy. To me, there isn't anything more total and complete than taking the pussy of another man's wife and making it his own.

Secondly, since my own sex life was now basically me jacking off when I was alone, I tended to be doing it more and more. Seeing Stacy walking around the house in almost nothing had me beating off all the time. But, the new and scary thing was, in addition to the fact I was now cumming to thoughts of my wife (and occasionally literally beating off to her as I watched her in the pool), I was now beginning to realize that when I would be jacking off, visions of Ricky and his giant cock would invade my brain. I hated it. Why was that happening to me? I hated him.

As we hit mid-summer, things just became more heated and blatant. On Friday around 6 pm I decided to try and get my mind off of Ricky and Stacy. She was getting ready to go out and swim in the pool with Ricky. They were both standing in the kitchen near the back door. I told Stacy I was going to watch a late-night talk show that I always record. As I began the show, Ricky heard the guests that were going to be on the show that night. The musical guest was a favorite band of his. He got excited and told Stacy. He casually told me to fast forward the show to when the band came on. I did. He and Stacy had walked over to the couch and sat down next to each other. His arm around her, and her head resting against his shoulder/chest area. As usual, she had on her thin white tank top or "wife-beater". Ricky's hand was around her upper back and was rubbing Stacy's breast as they sat there. Using the clock visual, the TV was at twelve, I sat at six, and Ricky and Stacy were at nine.

Stacy was complaining about how sweltering it was and she was perspiring a little in the house. She seemed to be interrupting Ricky's focus on the band playing on TV. Without even looking away from the TV, Ricky pushed Stacy forward a little and grabbed the bottom of her tank top, lifted it over her head, and tossed it on the floor. Stacy didn't say a word, she just sat back and continued watching the show. Her amazing tits are just right there – naked. Ricky's hand was cupping and squeezing her right breast as they watched TV. When the band finished, he asked Stacy what she thought. She told him she thought they were great. He leaned over and with his arm still around her he kissed her hard. In an almost unavoidable reaction, Stacy brought her right hand up and rested on his right shoulder. They kissed passionately.

I sat there stunned, humiliated, and aroused all at the same time. It seemed at this point, in Ricky's mind, I was completely insignificant. They broke the kiss but their faces were no more than two inches apart. They were talking quietly. I could only make out Stacy shaking her head no as she replied to Ricky. Finally, after about a full minute of what seemed like a quiet deliberation, Stacy turned to me and then looked back at Ricky. He looked at Stacy and nodded in my direction. Stacy spoke, "Um, honey, we're gonna go upstairs to the bedroom for a bit, OK?"

I sat there feeling like my world had collapsed in on me, I was frozen. My hands were gripping the arms of the chair. Do something. Say something. My stomach was cramping. I tried to speak. I stared at them as they got up off the couch. Stacy was completely nude except for a pink thong bikini bottom. Her perfect tits jiggled slightly as she walked in front of Ricky. They had to walk right past me to head to the stairs. Stacy glanced briefly at me as they passed. I could tell she felt bad for me. But there was no way she could say no to Ricky. Just as Stacy is my drug in life and I'm her addict, he was the sexual drug for Stacy and she was addicted. They passed by me and reached the stairs. Ricky's hand was holding onto her little bare ass as they climbed the stairs. I heard our bedroom door close. I sat there and had one thought. Ricky believed he was the only Man in the house now.

In a matter of minutes, I could hear Ricky driving hard into Stacy on our bed. I had never heard our bed sounds from downstairs before. The ceiling would make slight creaking sounds as Ricky shook our home. The headboard pounded against the wall in an almost angry way. And then there was Stacy. She was either screaming, grunting, or moaning nonstop. It sounded brutal to her. But I could only imagine the pleasure that was coursing through her body.

They fucked for an hour straight. Sometimes stopping briefly, or at least I wouldn't hear anything for a minute or two, then it would start up again. Finally, I heard the shower run. Shortly after, Ricky came downstairs. He was freshly showered and in just his swim trunks. He walked right over to me and looked down.

"She's asleep. See ya."

That's all he said. He walked out to the pool.

I sat there completely powerless to him. After he climbed out of the pool, he left. I got up and went upstairs. The bed was a mess. Bedspread on the floor sheets barely still on the bed. And there, on her back, legs still spread apart was sweating, sleeping, Stacy. She looked like she had been thru hell. But, she was sleeping soundly, like a little girl.

I took a shower as Stacy slept. As I soaped my body visions of Ricky kept cruelly entering my brain. I wanted the visions to stop. Was I losing my mind? I hated the arrogant teenager.

As I showered, I tried to beat the nightmare invasion. My breathing became heavier. My cock was rising. My hand was betraying me. Please no. I felt my fingers wrap around my hardening penis. I wanted to bash my head against the wall. I placed my other hand on the shower wall and I leaned against it. I began to stroke. I was a wreck. I was angry, I was weak. I was lost. I stroked and stroked. I was harder than ever. I tried to think of Stacy in her black thong. It was working. I stroked and stroked. I was close. Just before I felt the inevitable and powerful release, my brain switched visuals on me and had me on my knees. Ricky was slapping his mammoth cock against my face. Within seconds, I came and came, trembling and ashamed.

After the shower, I came out and quietly got into bed. Stacy still splayed out on her back was in a deep sleep. I lay next to her. I thought about what had just happened in the shower. Why had I envisioned Ricky right before I came? His cock and balls are so much bigger than mine. I turned to my right and looked at Stacy's amazing naked body. I looked at her tits, her tummy, and her legs. Between those lovely legs was that pussy. Her sweet tight pussy. As I stared at her tummy area, I realized that at this minute Stacy's pussy was probably filled with Ricky's cum. I imagined there was a lot of it since Ricky is barely eighteen and built like a bull. Hell, in a way, Ricky was a bull now. I wonder if he knew what that meant.

I don't why, but over the next ten to fifteen minutes I lay there thinking about Ricky's cum in Stacy's pussy. I had just cum less than thirty minutes ago and my penis was growing again as I lay there. In a moment of depraved psycho-sexual depression, I imagined crawling between Stacy's legs and eating his cum from her. My hand was on my penis again, thinking about sucking out mouthful after mouthful of his teenage semen. The bed was now jiggling lightly from my stroking. I managed to stop and abandon the visual. I turned on my side and closed my eyes, wanting sleep to take me away. Instead, my brain was free to make it clear to me that I had just been fantasizing about eating the cum from my wife's lover. I tossed and turned for most of that warm summer night.

Saturday morning finally came. I was feeling weak and tired from a night that brought little sleep. Our bedroom was already bathed in the morning sun. It was 9:20 am. I rolled over and didn't see Stacy. I heard some talking downstairs. I got up and peeked down the stairwell. It was Ricky and Stacy. It sounded like they were packing and planning for a day out by the pool. When I heard Stacy say she was going to "go check on Tim," I jumped back in bed and did the just waking up thing.

Stacy came in. She had her very short very cute very terrycloth shorts on with a flowery tank top. I could see the black strings of her bikini bottom sticking out above her shorts on either side. She already had her sandals on and sunglasses propped up in her hair.

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"Morning sweetie!" she beamed as she grabbed her keys and phone.

"You guys gonna lay out by the pool today, baby?" I asked.

"No, Ricky and a couple of his buddies are going to the beach today and he told me to come with him."

I swear to you she didn't say "asked" or "offered". She said that he told her to come with him. I wasn't even sure she realized she said it that way. She came over and kissed me on the cheek.

"I will be home later, sweetie. We can either make dinner or go out if you want. You gonna be ok today?"

I nodded yes, and told her I would be fine. I was definitely lying. If anyone was in our house at that moment, it would look one-hundred percent like a woman was going to the beach with her boyfriend. And yes, I guess that's exactly what was happening. But no matter how hard I tried to wrap my head around this crazy situation, it just seemed so overwhelming. No one expects this sort of thing. No one. Men and women cheat on each other all the time. I get that. But, this. This was something different. Stacy made less and less effort to hide her relationship with Ricky now. It has just evolved into an open fact.

I watched from the upstairs window as Ricky and Stacy got into our car and drove off. The house was so quiet. I'm telling you, when Stacy isn't in the house, the life and heart of the house are dead. She is the life of this house. I went back to bed. I looked over on her side, on the floor. Next to the bed was her little pile of clothes. Her lavender thong underwear, was nothing more real than a light purple string. I held it up – looked at it.

My hand, almost on its own went to my penis. I was breathing heavily again. Her sex appeal was endless. It was there even when she wasn't. I brought the underwear to my face and took a long smell. I was hard. I picked up her white tank top. I held it up to my chest. It was so tiny against me. I took her thong and switched hands with it. I wrapped her thong around my penis and continued beating off to thoughts of Stacy. As I approached my orgasm, I looked like Stacy, but it was me. I realized, as I was cumming, that Ricky was rubbing my ass and kissing me as I stood there in front of him, in Stacy's lavender thong and white tank top. I came hard. It was 10:45 am. they had only been gone for 30 minutes. It was going to be a long wait for their return.

To my surprise, Stacy, Ricky, and two of Ricky's school buddies pulled into the driveway around 4:45 pm. For some reason I expected them to come home late. But, six hours at the beach is a long time. From the upstairs window ( and from behind a curtain) I watched them pile out of the car. Towels, two boogie boards, two small coolers, and a blanket. Stacy showed Ricky's friends where the hose was and they washed off the boogie boards and put them back in the back of our CR-V. They had picked the two friends up on the way to the beach, so I assumed Stacy would give them a lift home in a bit. Everyone shook out their towels and the blanket on the front lawn. They talked by the car for a minute and Ricky headed over to his house and Stacy and the two boys came inside our home.

Once again, I walked quietly out of our room and to the top of the stairs. They were all chattering about people they saw at the beach. Joking and having fun. I came down about three steps and could see them if they were on the left side of the kitchen near the fridge. But, I could hear the conversation. The two boys seemed different than Ricky. While the same age, they seemed more like young teen kids than Ricky. Ricky was a man and they were still boys.

They were clearly taken with Stacy. The boys were sitting on two stools at the island counter. Their backs were to me. At one point Stacy was getting them something to drink. She bent over to scoop some ice from the freezer and I saw them look at each other one boy put his hands on his head and mouthed the words "Oh my God", while the other boy reached out and mockingly squeezed the air like he was squeezing Stacy's butt.

After what I had been thru the past couple of months, this seemed cute. With their towels slung over their shoulders and drink in hand, they made their way over to the living room. I had to go back up a couple of steps to not be seen. From where they sat I had a pretty good view of them. Stacy went back to the kitchen and the boys were whispering to each other. They giggled and seemed to be having fun. They then took their towels off their shoulders and placed them over their laps. Stacy brought out some chips and placed them on the coffee table in front of the boys. The boys sat mostly profile to me. Stacy turned on the tv and they were settled. She told them she was going upstairs for a minute. I was glad she didn't mention that I was upstairs.

I hurried back into the bedroom and flipped on the tv in our room. Sitting on the edge of the bed as Stacy entered.

"Hi baby," she said.

"We made it back. Ricky is next door. He had a zoom call with his mom and some other family members. I have Jason and Wyatt downstairs. I'm going to take them home in a bit. How was your day?"

I told her it was fine. Just watched some TV and read a little.

She kissed me on the cheek. She looked tan and perfect. Stacy had a glow about her that she didn't have two months ago. I wonder if she knew it.

I told her about the boys checking her out and she just giggled.

"Oh, I know. It's kind of cute if you think about it. They're harmless. They certainly know I'm off-limits to them", she chuckled. When Stacy said that, I wondered if she was talking about being married to me or the fact that Ricky was fucking her constantly.

"They were sneaking peeks of me all day at the beach. When Ricky put some sun tan oil on me I thought they were going to explode."

"Well, I just wanted to check on you. You can come down if you want baby."

I think she knew the embarrassment that would be for me so I declined. She went into the bathroom and washed her face and quickly brushed her hair. She came out and kissed me on the forehead and then looked down at me with what only can be described as a slithering smile. She slid her white shorts off and stepped out of them. She had her black thong bikini on. She took her tank top off and put on her very short red crop top tee shirt. The bottom quarter of her 36c tits were not covered. The black thong was a small triangle patch that covered her pussy and the rest was a string about a half-inch thick.

" I'll be back in a bit honey. I need to check on our guests."

She smiled and turned and I watched her tight little bubble butt walk out of the room, completely bare.

I returned to my position on the steps. When Stacy walked back in she was as casual as can be. Except for the fact, that she bent over the coffee table to grab the TV remote. I watched the boys watching Stacy. They each had a hand under their towels. I wasn't positive, but I'm pretty sure they were rubbing their teenage cocks to Stacy. She stood back up and looked at the TV. Flipping channels. Both boys were not looking at the TV. Stacy was just two feet in front of them and about a foot to their left, closer to the TV. Then, I was certain. Both boys were beating off under their towels. There was no mistake. Stacy just stood there as they did. They were just enough to her side and behind her that she could not see them directly. If she turned and looked over her left shoulder she would know. But, I'm ninety percent certain she knew what she and they were doing.

I became one-hundred percent sure when Stacy found a channel and then with her legs slightly parted she bent at the waist to set the remote down. Her ass was facing them now. She stayed bent over as she grabbed some potato chips. At this point, the boys were frantically beating off to her under their towels. She stood back up. A minute later she would bend down for more chips..taking her time. The third time she did this she stayed bent over longer. She was eating the chips and watching the TV while staying bent over.

The boy closest to me suddenly grabbed his mouth and convulsed hard for a few seconds. He had just cum from beating off to Stacy. The other boy did the same thing about three minutes later. Stacy said nothing. Surely she knew. The boys were very stealthy in their act though. It was amazing. They had gotten off to Stacy within a few feet of her. She then went to the kitchen for a bit. The boys were wiping themselves up while she was gone.

Only five minutes later Stacy told the boys, " OK guys, time to get you home."

The boys got up and the three of them chatted as they went out to the car. As I watched from the window, everything seemed so normal. Who was this amazing sexual creature that I was married to?

That evening, Stacy and I were watching TV in the bedroom. She had just showered and looked so amazing. The golden tan of her skin from the beach just made her perfect body that much better. We were sitting up against the headboard as we watched TV and munched on some cheese and crackers. During some commercials, I lowered the volume of the TV and asked Stacy,

"Babe, I have to know, today, in the living room with Ricky's two friends, did you do that on purpose ?"

She smiled right away. But, being Stacy, she played it coy and vague.

"What, you mean letting them watch TV for a bit before they went home ?"

I just looked at her.

"It was just some chips and soda, honey."

I held my stare.

She smiled back at me. She blushed slightly. But, that was it. Stacy picked up the remote between us and turned the volume back up. I think she knew exactly what I was referring to. But, you have to hand it to Stacy. She has a way. I can only describe it as a coy sexiness. I'm also sure that she knows those two boys will be beating off to Stacy in their beds for the next month. Ultimately, I had no problem with it. I wish I knew a woman like Stacy when I was in high school. Although, the cold reality is, that I do know a woman like Stacy now. I'm 38 years old, and I'm married to her, and I still am beating off to her.

"So, you seeing Ricky tonight baby ?"

"I'm not sure. He had that call with his mom, so I'm not sure how that went."

"Do you think he knows.....that you aren't letting me have sex with you these days?"

"I never said I'm not letting you have sex with me, honey. I've just been so busy lately. Ricky doesn't have his mother here and his father is always away with his job."

We both knew she was right. But, we both knew she was being teasingly coy with me. For some reason, I was weak to that. And she knows. I tried a different angle.

" I guess it must be tiring, with Ricky, so often. You are probably worn out a lot."

Stacy turned to me. She looked right at me. She bit her lower lip and nodded yes as she said,

"Very worn out, my love. But, I'm very happy. And I know you understand why."

At that moment, as she said that, with the look she gave me, I was wishing I had one of those boys' towels over my lap.

Written by Stacyshubby
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