I lay in our king-size bed tossing and turning until 3:47 a.m. Stacy tip-toed into the bedroom. She had had nothing on but a dirty yellow tee shirt of Ricky's. It covered her butt, but not her sexy legs. I wanted to rush to her and tell her how much I love her and that I would try to be a better sexual partner. But, instead, I rolled over on my side and faced the wall.
Up to this point, Stacy has been discreet in her involvement with the teenager next door. She kept it hidden until she couldn't. She then reassured me she loved me. And now, she just seemed unable to stop going next door. Over the next week, she would often go next door twice in one day. She went every day. And lately, she would spend all night at Ricky's on Friday or Saturday.
The image of that arrogant teen's gigantic cock going in and out of my beautiful wife's pussy made me sick. It was like a knife slowly twisting in my gut, over what was now nearly five weeks straight. Tonight, as Stacy walked sheepishly into our bedroom, she could barely walk. She was that sore. But, the thing that I was beginning to realize is that it not only made me sick, but I also couldn't deny I felt strange arousal.
Earlier in the day, I had literally cum in Stacy's hand as she was telling me she would be staying the night at Ricky's. What kind of man am I? I have not had sex with my wife in nearly five weeks, while she is getting fucked fifteen or twenty times a week!
I wanted that to stop. I wanted to put an end to Stacy having that kind of power over me. I needed to be a man. I needed to take a stand. Tonight would be that time. I was a man, dammit. Well, those strong intentions slowly became dwindling hopes when Stacy climbed on the bed and snuggled up to my back. She smelled so clearly of sex. Her hair was still wet and disheveled. She reached over my waist and her hand went right to my penis. I was in bed naked (I sleep naked).
"You still up, sweetie?"
"Yes," I mumbled, in my best indifferent tone.
Stacy's hand was already lightly stroking my penis. I lay there knowing full well that less than twenty minutes ago, our asshole teenage neighbor was fucking the hell out of my wife.
"Is my widdle man mad at me?" she said in a playful little girl voice.
I said nothing, but Stacy's hand kept stroking me.
"Hey, honey, can I ask you something?"
I hesitated, somehow knowing whatever she was going to ask me couldn't be good. and then begrudgingly said,
"When Ricky swims in our pool and then gets out and stands in front of you as he towels off, that must be kind of hard for you, right?"
Stacy's hand gripped me tighter as she said 'hard'.
I was silent. I was not going to lose this battle. I closed my eyes trying not to picture Ricky standing there in those shorts.
Stacy waited for me to respond.
I nodded yes, as Stacy felt my now rigid penis in her hand. When I didn't reply, Stacy just continued on.
"I mean, can you just imagine what it's like for a girl to be fucked really hard by a teenager like Ricky?"
She went on. Always sounded so sweet and innocent, as if she was merely having a discussion about different car styles.
"You can imagine how HARD it must be for a girl, to ever allow any other guy to touch her body after she has been taken by a confident teenager like Ricky, right honey?"
I nodded yes, as I suddenly and annoyingly tried not to cum again in Stacy's hand.
"And once a girl gets fucked so good that she has the biggest orgasms of her life, over and over, that girl naturally feels the desire to please that man whenever he wants. Don't you think the needs of a real man are more important than those of a guy with a little penis, honey?"
Stacy was now fully stroking my rigid four-inch penis. At that moment, I hated myself and my penis. I wanted to yell at my rigid betraying penis.
Stacy leaned in for the kill. I wanted to run. I was so humiliated that my body was responding like this. But, just when I think it couldn't get any worse, she leaned in close to my ear and spoke softly,
"Picture Ricky in those see-thru swim trunks honey. Picture him. Do it. Ricky is toweling off in front of you. Picture Ricky honey. Mmmm, yes. That's it. Good boy. Ricky, standing in front of you, in those swim trunks. His big cock..."
Just then it happened again. I was cumming hard in Stacy's hand. Convulsing, convulsing, trembling.
Stacy kissed my cheek. She whispered, "I love you honey" and gleefully scooted back off the bed. She flipped on the bathroom light and turned on the shower. I lay there, my stomach covered in my own shame.
A few days later I came home from work and Ricky and Stacy were in the pool. I came out and said hello to Stacy. She and Ricky were standing close talking. She turned and waved and smiled, and said,
"Hi, honey!"
She then turned back to Ricky, and for the first time, in front of me, she gave him a kiss on the lips. It lasted like three seconds. He appeared to spank her ass under the water. She giggled, turned and swam over to the steps, and asked how my day was. I told her it was fine. I knelt down on the deck and she kissed me on the cheek. I forced a smile and I went back inside to grab a beer and start dinner.
Two days later it was Friday again. Normally, the best part of the week for Stacy and me. But, the last two months have slowly morphed into something new for both of us. Stacy has never once come out and admitted that Ricky is fucking her. I'm aware that having a small penis I can be insecure or jealous of men like him. But, the signs were more than obvious. Stacy's conservative dress style had given way to maybe not slutty, but very sexy. She has been spending as much time at Ricky's as she does at home. She has the happiest/most contented glow about her. She practically prances around the house as if she is walking on air. Most guys in my position would have either confronted her or Ricky by now or left her altogether. But, something was making me stay. In fact, I was not only staying, I was, in some strange way, eager to be around them. Stacy and Ricky were like the pinnacle of raw sexual power. Every time Stacy's hand touched my penis, I'd cum faster than I ever have before.
Part of me was definitely upset about the change, but part of me felt as if in some way it was almost inevitable. It honestly felt like this was not only going to happen eventually, but it seemed like nature's way of putting all three of us where we belong. But, if I had any doubts about what was going on between them, those doubts were about to be laid to rest on this Friday evening.
After work, Stacy and I found ourselves in the backyard with Ricky. The three of us swam for a bit. Then, I got out and toweled off. I brought Stacy a glass of wine and set it on the patio table. As has been the case lately, Stacy has me bring Ricky a beer and set it next to her wine while they swim and play in the pool. Around 8 pm the three of us were out of the pool and sitting around the patio table talking, drinking, and munching on a pizza we had delivered to the house. Stacy looked so insanely hot in her black thong bikini and matching top. She had a white tank top on it. You could still see the outlines of her black bikini top under it.
I got up around 9 pm and headed upstairs to change out of my suit and to turn on some light music in our bedroom for later, in hopes Stacy had seen enough of Ricky for the day. I put on a fresh pair of shorts and tee-shirt and was just heading out of the bedroom when Stacy met me. She walked in and closed the door behind her. She came over and kissed me.
"Where ya going, honey?" she asked in her cute but sexy tone.
"I was headed back down to hang out."
"You don't have to come back down if you don't want to honey".
"I don't mind. I'm fine."
She had her hands up around my neck and was looking up at me with sexy/playful eyes. She let go of me and walked over to the bed, and turned to face me. She reached under her tank top and removed her bikini top. Her tan skin wasn't exactly hidden by the white tank top. If you were standing in the room you could pretty much see her tits. Not clearly, but you could see them. She smiled and spoke,
"Well, um, Ricky and I were thinking about going in the Jacuzzi."
At the end of our covered patio and to the side of the pool, we have a four-person Jacuzzi. As I mentioned, our house is kind of U-shaped with a covered patio filling in the middle. Our master bedroom is on the second floor and is on the left side of the U. If you look out the back window of our bedroom you can see the Jacuzzi and if you look down to the right you can see the pool. If you looked hard right you can see Ricky's backyard.
"Oh, well I can put my suit back on and..." Stacy cut me off...
"You don't have to sweetie. Why don't you just hang out up here, and I will be up in a while."
She played it pretty straight. She wasn't showing her hand. But, I realized she was basically telling me, in her gentle and sweet way, that she wanted to be alone with him.
I told her I understood, and she kissed me as her face lit up with anticipation at being taken by Ricky again. She looked exactly like a little girl going downstairs on Christmas morning. I wanted to be angry, but I wasn't stupid. I had seen what he was carrying in those swim trunks. It was stunningly big. I couldn't blame any woman for jumping at the rare chance to be fucked by him. I guess the thing that got to me was how brash and arrogant Ricky was. He wouldn't bat an eye at fucking Stacy right in front of me, and I hate him for that. I'm thirty-eight and this kid is eighteen and he already acts like he has control over Stacy and me. Well, judging by Stacy's behavior the last few weeks, I'd say he clearly has sexual control over her.
I waited until Stacy went out the back patio door and then I turned off all the lights in our bedroom. If Stacy looked up from the Jacuzzi she would think I was either in bed asleep or in another part of the house. I walked quickly over to the window and peeked out from the lower right corner. Stacy had apparently turned off the back patio lights as she went out. This was unusual because at night any time we have been on the back deck, pool, or Jacuzzi, the patio lights are on. I saw Ricky sitting on the edge of the concrete deck with his feet and lower legs in the Jacuzzi. Stacy arrived. I couldn't hear their conversation unless I opened the window. I wasn't going to risk being spotted, so I just watched.
Stacy was standing by him looking down at him as they talked. She told him something and he laughed. He then something to Stacy and she nodded yes and stepped down past Ricky into the Jacuzzi. She looked up at him and he said something else. She nodded again and submerged herself and came right back up. If the round Jacuzzi was a clock, from my position Ricky was sitting at the nine and Stacy was facing him in the middle of the Jacuzzi. So, they were profiled to me.
When Stacy came up from the water and stood facing him, the water came up just above her waist. In nothing but a thin white tank top and a black thong bikini bottom. Her tits were literally transparent thru the top that now fitted to her upper body like a second skin. She stared up at him with what I swear was an "are you pleased?" look. He sat there looking down at her, his hands supporting him on the deck behind him. They spoke back and forth. After Ricky said something, Stacy playfully splashed him in playful anger. He spoke again. Stacy became more serious and waded toward Ricky's open legs. Her eyes were on his as she reached down and untied his swimming trunks. She loosened them and he briefly lifted his butt up so she could work his trunks down. He sat there while she did all the work. She got them completely off and set them on the deck next to him.

And there it was: the biggest cock Stacy or I had ever seen. It hung down between his legs towards the steaming Jacuzzi water. It was limp and easily seemed six to seven inches. It was also as thick or thicker than Stacy's wrist. I stared down at them. I knew, with all my heart if Ricky had or ever would fuck Stacy with that cock, Stacy would never be the same woman.
Ricky stayed still except for opening his legs a little wider allowing Stacy to wade in closer and sink lower in the water. I think her knees were resting on the area where you would be sitting if you were in the Jacuzzi. She looked up at him with reverence. She waited. He nodded yes. And Stacy's little hand reached out and wrapped around it. Her hand only made his cock look that much bigger. She finally broke eye contact with him and stared down at his cock as her little hand stroked back and forth on the incredible length of it. Her fingers appeared to be about an inch and a half from being able to completely wrap her hand around it.
As Ricky's cock grew bigger and harder, Stacy brought her left hand out of the water and began to pump his shaft with both hands. It's ungodly how big this eighteen-year-old's cock is. Stacy stood up on the seat and leaned forward towards Ricky. She continued to pump his cock with both hands. She was leaning closer to his face as she pumped him, saying something. He just sat there and smirked. As her hands pumped his now rock-hard cock, Stacy leaned forward and planted a kiss on Ricky's lips. That kiss stung me as I watched from our upstairs window. He never moved. His hands still resting behind him on the deck. She kissed and kissed him. Stacy worked her tongue into Ricky's mouth and their lips finally collided perfectly. They kissed hard for at least two minutes straight. Then Ricky pulled back. He said something to Stacy. She smiled and then nodded yes.
Stacy waded back into the middle of the water standing up. Ricky stepped into the center and placed his right around her lower back and kissed Stacy. He broke the kiss and said something. Stacy turned and stepped onto the bottom step of the Jacuzzi. She stopped there and bent over holding onto the railing of the stairs. Ricky walked up behind her and positioned her the way he wanted, which was basically bent forward at a ninety-degree angle. Her pussy and ass were out of the water now and Rickey stood behind her. Unfortunately, this blocked me from seeing a lot of Stacy.
I mostly could see Ricky's back now. He grabbed her hips and it took him a minute to wedge his cock into Stacy's little married pussy. But, it was clear when his cock slid in. Stacy suddenly grabbed the railing with both hands as if her life depended on it. The railing was just to Stacy's left. As Ricky finally got his cock into Stacy, her right hand flew off the railing and went quickly to her mouth as she began to scream: "Aaaaaahhhhh!"
Even though our 2nd story window was closed and she had her hand over her mouth I could hear Stacy screaming as Ricky began to instantly pound her ruthlessly. He didn't work up to it. He just started jack-hammering her. His hands were gripping her hips so hard I'm sure there would be bruises. The water was splashing and sloshing as he hammered her. Stacy kept her ass up high for Ricky. He fucked her hard and fast for like three minutes straight. Then he stopped. Stacy was limp. She began to slowly collapse into the water, appearing almost weak and disoriented. Ricky had to hold her up. She could finally stand on her own. I watched as Stacy stood up. When she turned around she crying, sort of sobbing as she put her hands on his shoulders and looked up at him. She was softly crying. She looked very emotional. She held onto him as he leaned down and kissed her.
Ricky then picked her up and sat her on the edge of the Jacuzzi. He pulled her close to the edge and picked her up again. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on. He held Stacy by her ass cheeks. He quickly lowered Stacy down onto his cock and began to lift her up and down on him. Up and down. Up and down. Stacy leaned in and I could see her bite his right shoulder. Her face seemed in pain, but she was groaning and moaning loud enough to hear from my position.
Ricky fucked Stacy like this for maybe two minutes. He then set her down in the water. They kissed and talked. They both looked over at the deck. She followed him out of the Jacuzzi and grabbed her towel from the lounge chair. Stacy spread her towel down on the deck near the Jacuzzi. Ricky spoke to her and she knelt down on the towel and laid down on her back. She kept eye contact with him the entire time. Now on her back and looking up at Ricky, Stacy raised her knees up and my heart once again sank as I watched her spread her knees apart for him. Her legs spread, just a little. Ricky was about to fuck Stacy missionary.
Ricky was ruthless. He didn't fuck her as much as punish her pussy. He slammed her so hard she looked like a rag doll under him. She tried to reach up and hold onto his shoulders but she couldn't. Her arms just flailed in the air, grasping out for anything to hold onto. Finally, her arms collapsed to the deck and rested on either side of her head. She began to scream. It was a mix of screaming and sobbing and moaning. It was the most erotic animalistic sound I had ever heard. I wanted so bad to open the window at that point. To hear the beautiful agony for all it was. But, I dared not. This time I had a full view of Stacy and I'm certain I saw her cum three separate times as he fucked her on the deck. Ricky looked as if he didn't care if he fucked her to death. And for a minute, I thought he had.
He was pounding her like an out-of-control jackhammer when suddenly, Stacy's body went limp. She was literally lifeless. He stopped fucking her and spoke to her...He then gently slapped her face and shook her...after a worrisome fifteen seconds, Stacy came to. She had literally passed out.
Seconds after she gained her bearings she looked up at Ricky. She reached up and pulled him down to her and they kissed passionately. She seemed to begin crying again. They stayed that way for a while just kissing and talking face to face. I saw Stacy clearly nod yes and Ricky lifted her legs up and placed them on his shoulders. He fucked her like that for another five minutes. Stacy came at least twice for sure. Then, Ricky suddenly tensed up and began cumming inside Stacy's pussy. She held totally still for him as he was cumming. She was looking directly up at him as he came hard inside my wife. He finally pulled out and stood up. He looked down at my wife. His conquest. She lay there looking up at him. He smiled a confident grin and held a hand out for her. He helped Stacy up. Stacy had trouble walking. She was unsteady. Ricky actually had to help Stacy to the patio door.
They came inside and went to the kitchen. I tip-toed over to our bedroom door and quietly opened an inch or two. He kept asking if she was OK. She nodded yes, insisting she was. While they were in the kitchen, Stacy was topless. She was naked except for her tiny black thong. She didn't seem self-conscious at all standing topless. While she did appear weak from the brutal pounding Ricky gave her, she also seemed clearly in a better mood than usual.
Ricky told Stacy to get him a beer. Ricky was just as close to the fridge as Stacy. It felt like he could tell her to do anything and she would do it. Without batting an eye, Stacy retrieved the beer for him and opened and handed it to him. It seemed so strange. I would never think of telling Stacy to get me a beer. She would likely find it rude if I did. They talked more while he drank his beer. Stacy sat on the island counter eagerly listening to whatever Ricky was saying. He finished his beer and moved in between Stacy's legs that dangled off the edge of the counter. They kissed. Her eyes never left his. They broke the kiss and she nodded yes. He set his empty can on the counter and left. I could clearly hear the door close, and Stacy headed straight up the stairs to our bedroom.
I quickly got into bed, turned on my nightstand light, grabbed a book, and pretended I was reading. To my surprise, Stacy made no effort to put a top on. She just walked in, topless, and smiled at me as she went into the bathroom. It was clear she had come straight up from talking to Ricky. She knew that I must know she had been topless as she and Ricky talked in our kitchen. She didn't shower. She brushed her teeth and came to bed, still topless. The thong was left on the bathroom floor. She had a confident, contented stride. She also had the slightest tiny smirk. She crawled in on her side.
Stacy scooted over to me and snuggled to me as I pretended to read. I have a feeling she knew I wasn't reading and I felt she was happy knowing that. As I sat against the headboard staring into my book, I could feel her hand sneak under the covers and rub my upper thigh, painfully close to my penis. The back of her fingers would actually keep making slight contact with it as she softly caressed my thigh. Then, she spoke.
"We should use the Jacuzzi more often. I forget how good it feels."
I nodded yes and told her I agreed.
"I think I might make it a regular thing. I feel so amazing afterward."
Her hand, seemingly taunting my penis now growing penis, was betraying every fiber of being an actual man.
"I'm sure Ricky will like making it a regular thing too, don't you honey?" she said to me in that innocent tone.
I didn't respond right away. I didn't know what to do or say. It was possible she was just talking about using the Jacuzzi. I mean, she might not have known that I had seen Ricky brutally pounding her to more orgasms than I had given her in eight years.
Stacy's hand lightly wrapped around my betraying penis. She repeated, "Don't you honey?" with a little more assertive tone.
I knew the ultimate score. I wasn't stupid. Stacy had all the power and we both knew it. She and I both knew, without it ever having to be said. Ricky could satisfy her in ways I could never fathom. And we both knew I have rarely ever been able to make her orgasm. Even as she lay next to me in our bed, her pussy was likely craving Ricky. She knows I love her in a way that makes it impossible to ever leave her. I also know Stacy loves me. Aside from my sexual shortcomings, Stacy and I are a perfect match. She is my drug, and I am her addict.
I nodded yes.
She smiled and lightly caressed my now painfully hard penis, and leaned up to kiss my cheek. She whispered in my ear,
"Thank you, honey. You know I always feel so good afterward."
She snuggled to me for a minute..as she teasingly stroked me. I stared at the pages in my book, feeling myself about to cum. Just as I was about to cum, Stacy whispered,
I Love you, honey. Good night."
She let go of my penis and rolled over with a wry smile on her face.
I sat there with my penis aching and Stacy fell into a blissful sleep.