Kyle had a full and exciting sex life as a young man, but every time he got serious about a girl, she would cheat on him, making him very jaded about love. Never finding a woman he could trust. Never allowing himself to become genuinely emotionally involved.
From the first time he met Lori, he was infatuated. She was walking with some of his old friends from when he was working his way through university, so he went over to say hello, hoping they would introduce her to him. He thought he was looking at an angel. Their eyes met, and he suddenly became tongue-tied.
He made some discrete enquiries about her and created situations where he might bump into her. Every time he saw her, he became more and more enchanted by her.
Kyle's friend John noticed the interest he was showing in Lori and tried to warn him.
“You’re wasting your time with her. Don’t bother because she a proud virgin and is saving herself for marriage."
Kyle was hooked.
Lori knew he was a bit of a player and was surprised when he showed interest in her. She made it quite clear about her choices regarding her body. Lori was sure he only wanted one thing. Initially, she was a little cold towards him, although secretly had adored him from their first meeting.
There was something about him that stirred her inside. Every time she was near him, she found herself experiencing desires she has not had before. Sure, she swooned over good-looking actors and rock stars like every other young girl. Still, she had never become this way over someone she knew, and her frustration became intense when he showed interest in her.
Kyle’s persistence paid off when she eventually agreed to go out to dinner with him. When Kyle said good night at the end of their first date, he gently kissed her cheek.
“I’d really like to see you again. Can I see you again tomorrow?” he asked tentatively, trying not to sound too eager through fear it would scare her off.
Even though she had enjoyed every moment with him, she appeared reluctant.
“You seemed to have a good time today. Did I get that wrong?” he quizzed.
“I had a wonderful time. It’s just….”
“You don’t trust me.”
She looked at him.
Kyle continued, “It’s okay. I get it.”
Kyle thought for a moment, then asked for her phone. Initially, she refused, but after a few repeated requests, she reluctantly handed it over.
She kept asking what he was doing and when he handed it back, he explained, “Now you can see where I am, any time night or day. Whenever you call me, I want you to call on video chat, so I show where I am and who I’m with.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Lori replied.
“Oh, but I do. I need to prove to you that you can trust me and that I will never have any secrets from you.”
Lori looked at her phone, then back at Kyle.
“You’re serious about this?”
“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life. I want to see you again, and you can take all the time you like. I will wait.”
A little taken aback by his persistence, “Can I tell you tomorrow?”
“Of course, you can. Tomorrow would be awesome.”
Happy with that, he kissed her cheek again and walked back to his car with a definite spring in his step.
The following day Lori’s phone rang with an unknown caller, I.D.
“Hi Lori, my name is Maddy. You don’t know me, but I know all about you. I’m a good friend of Kyle. He has been telling me all about you, but I’ve just had the most surprising phone conversation with him. Kyle and I have been friends since kinder, and you’ll probably wonder why I would tell you this, but we were each other’s first. If you know what I mean.”
“You don’t have to tell me this.”
“Um yeah, I think I do. He and I have never been what you would call boyfriend and girlfriend, but we have always been there for each other. Shoulders to cry on. Confide our deepest secrets, and… if we didn’t have a partner and felt horny, we just needed someone to talk to. Kyle was there for me when my mother died. I would never have gotten through it without him.”
Lori repeated, “You really don’t have to tell me any of this. It’s none of my business.”
“That’s where you are so wrong. We never have and never will cheat on anyone, so nobody should ever feel threatened by our friendship. When either of us had a partner, we would still usually catch up for coffee at least once a week. Just a coffee and a chat, that’s all. So, you can imagine my thoughts when Kyle called this morning to tell me we can’t see each other, not even for coffee.”
There was a brief silence before Lori replied, “He doesn’t have to do that. We aren’t going out together. I haven’t even told him if I’ll see him again.”
“So, will you? Do you want to see him again?”
Another prolonged pause, “I don’t think I should tell you before I tell him.”
“Fair enough. But do me a favour, please. If your answer is no, please call me back to let me know because he’s gonna need a friend and shoulder to cry on. I’m sure you don’t realise you have a hold on his heart that I have never seen before. We have told each other a lot about our various relationships, but of all his girlfriends, he said something about you he has never said before.”
Lori stressed, “But I’m not his girlfriend. Not yet anyway. We went out once.”
Maddy chuckled, “Not yet? Have you just let the cat out of the bag?”
“I honestly don’t know. But I do like him… a lot.”
“Well, I don’t know if this will make it easier or harder for you, but he said to me, and I quote, 'Maddy, I think I love her. I really love her.' That sparked a long conversation, and he was resolute.”
There was silence from Lori.
Maddy continued. “Be sure of yourself when you answer him. Please don’t break his heart. He’s a good man. Be sure you deserve him.”
“I deserve him! How can I be sure he’s not just trying to get into my pants, and then he’ll break my heart?”
“He will never make you do anything you don’t want to do. Make no mistake. He plans to marry you, and he will stay true to you unless you cheat on him.”
They chatted a little more about Kyle's honour and integrity.
Lori was about to call Kyle when she thought about the tracker he had put on her phone. Upon opening it, she had to figure how to navigate her way around it. She stared at it for a while then called Kyle on the video call as instructed.
“Lori! You called!” He answered excitedly.
“You sound surprised.”
“Yeah, a little. Pleasantly surprised. Very happy you called.”
“Why? You don’t know why I’ve called yet. I might be calling to tell you I never want to see you again.”
That knocked the wind out of his sails.
After a long silence, Kyle quietly replied, “Oh. Okay. I understand. Thank you for last night. I had a wonderful time. I won’t bother you again.”
Unable to continue her serious tone, Lori started laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“You... you look like someone had stolen your dog.”
“It’s not funny, and if you were calling to make fun of me, I’m hanging up.”
Her screen went blank. She tried calling back, but Kyle wouldn’t answer.
Lori quickly jumped in her car to drive to the blip on the map. He was sitting in the park just down the street from Lori’s house.
She could see the back of someone sitting on a park bench, so she approached quietly from behind until she was close behind him.
“Sitting just down the street from my place. Are you stalking me?” she said quietly.
Startled, he quickly stood, spinning around then swiftly wiping his eyes.
Lori was surprised and touched by his emotional distress.
“Oh my god. We only went out for one night.”
“Yeah, I can’t stop thinking about you, and my heart skips a beat every time I see you..”
“You’d better see a doctor about that heartbeat skipping thing because if you want to marry me, that could become bad for your health.”
“Please don’t play with my heart. Can I see you again or not.”
Lori beamed at him. “Yes, you fool. I’ll go out with you.”
Kyle jumped the park bench and wrapped his arms around her. After they hugged and he kissed her, Kyle looked her in the eyes, a little puzzled.
“How did you know I wanted to marry you?”
Lori’s smile turned to a smirk. “Oh, and you don’t have to stop having coffee with your friends.”
Kyle realised her source. “Maddy. What has she said? When did you speak with her? How did she find you? She has never broken my confidence before. Bitch!”
“Don’t be so harsh and rude about your friend. She really cares for you. Everyone should have a friend like her. She only wants you to be happy, and she seems to think I can do that for you. She’s the reason I’m here.”
Kyle calmed, “We’ve always been close.”
Lori smirked. “Yes. Sometimes extremely close.”
“Shit. How much did Maddy tell you.”
“I think that’s between us women. If she wants to tell you, that’s up to her. She did say you told her you couldn’t see her anymore because you didn’t want to give me any reason not to trust you.”

“I swear, I will never cheat on you. It’s happened to me too many times, and I could never do that to anyone.”
“Maddy said that about you. She said you meet for coffee, but you told her, now you can’t do that. Please don’t stop that because of me. She insisted I can trust you both, and I believe her.”
“Yes. She’s right; we can.”
Before he could say anything else, Lori kissed him passionately. Lori was shocked at how the simple touch of Kyle sent tingling throughout her body. When they kissed, she became so wet; she thought she had peed herself.
Kyle was happier than he’d been in years.
Lori knew she would give herself to Kyle on that day, but she still wanted to wait until they were married. Lori didn’t often masturbate, fearing it may chip away at her resolve to wait until her wedding to give her most valuable gift. When she arrived home after spending the day with Kyle, she rushed to her room and quickly brought herself to several orgasms with her fingers. More intense than she had ever experienced before. The mind is a powerful thing. On the few other occasions when she had masturbated, she was only doing it for the pleasure of it. This was the first time she was thinking of someone in particular. Someone real. Someone she knew. Thinking of Kyle being there with her brought a higher level of intensity. From yesterday morning, Lori’s view on her future was very different.
Married at last.
Kyle had made his intentions truly clear that day in the park. But he didn’t consider it a proper or an official proposal, so two months later, he took her to the best restaurant in town and got down on one knee. “Lori, you have made me so happy. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
She didn’t hesitate. “Yes, yes, yes.” She dived at him, kissing him in the middle of the restaurant to an eruption of applause from the entire staff and patrons.
Although their courtship was a relatively short eight months, the day couldn’t come fast enough for them both.
Kyle wanted the entire day to be special, sparing no expense. Kyle knew how important waiting for this night had been to Lori.
Despite his experience, Kyle was so incredibly nervous, wanting everything to be perfect.
The bellhop opened the door to the bridal suite and ushered in the happy couple. After showing them the room’s features, operating the motorised curtains and magnificent views over the city, the bellhop congratulated them and wished them a good night.
Tipping is not a big thing here in Australia for merely doing your job, usually reserved for exceptional service. Kyle was impressed with this young man, so discretely palmed him a fifty as they shook hands then closed the door.
“I thought he’d never leave. I was about to start pulling your clothes off so he’d get out.”
Kyle laughed. “He was only doing his job. Besides, if you had started doing that, he might have wanted to stay and watch us. That would be exciting.”
“Oooie. Don’t be disgusting. Have someone watching us making love? Gross! I could never do that.”
Kyle took her in his arms, kissing her with more passion than he had allowed himself during their courtship. Constantly aware of Lori's desire to save herself until she was married. He was afraid he might unintentionally, accidentally, go too far and ruin their relationship. Destroy his plans for his life with Lori, so he always tried to keep a lid on it. Control himself.
They both had a fire that had been smouldering inside, now fanned with the oxygen of their love, their lust. Kyle desperately wanted her first experience to be worth the wait.
They stood smiling at each other, briefly taking in this moment.
Lori removed Kyle’s jacket and tie, then undid his shirt, letting it fall to the ground. She sighed as she ran her hands across his chest. Kyle gently kissed her lips, her cheek, neck and shoulder. He turned her around.
“What the? There must be twenty buttons here!” he exclaimed.
“Twenty-four, actually,” she giggled.
Once he had released all the buttons, he slipped the dress from her shoulders, allowing it to slip down to the floor. It almost seemed like slow motion as she revealed her beautiful body. After letting her bra fall to the floor, he helped her to step out from the pile of white satin and lace.
They embraced, kissing and caressing each other, feeling their bare skin against each other. Lori could feel Kyle’s erection growing in his pants, pushing against her until she pulled away, looking down at the pointing bulge.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Kyle asked, puzzled by her expression. “Is something worrying you?”
“No.” She replied unconvincingly. “I think I’d like to freshen up before we go much further.”
“Sure. Leave what you are wearing on,” he requested. “I want to undress you.”
Lori giggled as she grabbed some clean panties from her bag. “I’ll put on clean knickers then. You can take them off me.” She paused, “Don’t you undress either. I want to do that.”
Kyle pulled a box of condoms out of his bag. Lori looked at them.
“We won’t need those,” puzzling Kyle. “I’ve had an IUD inserted,” she explained.
More than a little surprised, he quizzed. “When did you have that done.”
She replied with a cheeky grin and a chuckle. “Just before our first date. I wasn’t sure I could trust myself... or you. So just in case, I went to the doctors.”
Astonished, he asked. “Before our first date?”
She replied with a slight smirk, “Yeah, I made the doctor's appointment right after you asked me out.”
Puzzled, he quizzed, “Why did you do that before our first date?”
She kissed him passionately, “Because, my love... the moment I said yes to that date, I knew I’d give myself to you. Sooner or later, I knew I would. That first night, you assumed I didn’t trust you. The truth was, it was me I didn’t trust.”
She kissed him again, then turned into the bathroom.
“And don’t you take your pants off either because I wanted to do it. I won’t be long,” then closed the door.
Unexpectedly alone, Kyle tried to distract himself by staring out the window at the magnificent views across the Melbourne city skyline. The lights of a city of over five million people can look impressive. His nervousness was far beyond his first time. He said out loud, “I’m not the one who’s supposed to be nervous.”
The bathroom door opened slowly. His beautiful bride seductively emerged.
“Who are you talking to?” she asked.
“No one, just me. My god, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
Lori chuckled. “I’m sure you say that to all the half-naked woman who you’re about to make love to.”
Kyle smiled. His breathing quickened, his mind racing all the while wanting to take his time carefully. He kissed her forehead, nose, mouth, cheek, neck, and shoulder, all the while sliding his hands up her body until he was caressing her perfect breasts. Her breathing quickened, and she gasped then moaned as his lips gently sucked her nipples. Lori tried to concentrate. She had a plan when she approached Kyle but was quickly distracted. She undid his belt and the buttons on the waistband. Her fingers fumbled for the fly zip then lowered it slowly with great anticipation. She had never seen a real penis let alone touched one.
She stared at it. There it was, only inches from her face. She had thought about this moment for so long. Now she was afraid she’d do something wrong.
Kyle smiled down at his bride. “It won’t bite. Touch it. Feel it.”
“What if I do something wrong? I want to be a good wife.”
He tried not to laugh.
“You won’t do anything wrong. Besides, tonight is not about me. It’s all about you. I want tonight to be everything you imagined it could be so, I will do want I think you might like, but you can do anything you want.”
Lori beamed up at him as she held a cock in her hand for the first time.
“It’s bigger than I imagined it might be.”
“Is that a problem?”
“I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” after Lori had explored Kyle’s erection and enquired about the liquid beginning to appear from the tip.
“Suck it. Put in your mouth.”
Her look of disgust said everything, so Kyle lifted her onto the bed. He kissed and caressed her body. He slid his hand inside her panties, finding her wetter than any lover he had before. After sliding his fingers inside her. He hoped this would help prepare her to receive him; Kyle gently caressed her clit, bringing her to her first orgasm, not self-administered. He removed the sodden panties, then he kissed his way from her toes up her inner thigh, but as he was about to part her legs so he could give her another orgasm with his tongue, she stopped him. This was the first indication of her conservative attitude towards sex.
Kyle slid up, and they kissed passionately with his hard shaft resting against her wetness. He slid only a little in a first until he thought she was ready for a little more. With still an inch or so to go, there was a point where it appeared he couldn’t go any further, so that was as deep as he would go tonight. With their joint pent-up lust for each other, Lori climaxed quickly. Her body convulsed through her first orgasm on his cock as Kyle started grunting as he shot his load inside her. They collapsed in each other’s arms.
Kyle had accomplished his mission. Lori proclaimed, it was better than the years of expectation had built it up to be.