Clayton Bailey, coworker of Percy, benched Press at his mom’s pad a few days later. He flexed his big guns and sweat dripped off his monstrous arms and thighs as he busted 40kg of man-power boulder-weight! Mimi had filled him in on Percy and Sandy’s love affair. It appeared she had met her at a tap dancing class some years back after graduation, and they had sparked a friendship ever since.
The young man was gutsy in his esteem towards women and burly sacks of his physical frame warranted more than enough approaches from hot babes. He had a real knack for fucking the baby right into a welcoming hole. He would always make them moan something nasty when he arrived at the destination! They loved him and his big black cock! Yet, as previously mentioned, Clayton had what Percy was envisaging on the physical scene, whilst vice versa, Percy had the cred that Clayton was craving. It felt like a ‘give and take’ ‘push-pull’ scenario playing out for both of the young men. Battling it out for career stature, but of course, Clayton wanted more. That day, he managed to seize his opportunity at work to take ‘Poor Percy Cough Drops’ to town.
Percy was having his special dietetic lunch, kindly still prepared with affection from his wife. She knew he couldn’t always eat what the works canteen offered. His system was too fragile to support certain foods. So she wasn’t going to begin turning into a petty wife just because they disagreed about the incident. She wanted to make sure her little husband was well fed. After all, they had taken the sincerest of marriage vows towards one other and that meant upholding her side.
Or as it may, that beautiful 24-carat gold ring he had put on her finger reminded her of the dazzling intent he had for her when they got hitched! ‘Poppet Percy, my perfect little prince’ She enjoyed teasing him humorously. Yet it seeped itself motherly in a sense of tandem as well. A little pet name was affectionate too. Sandy enjoyed that element. It was their little secret.
Clayton sat down opposite Percy and retrieved a Big Boy Club sandwich from his bag! He began to chew loudly amidst the laughter and chatter as they sat together. It was the general bustle and hustle of lunchtime patter, but Percy preferred to be on his own.
“You never gave the impression your wife was to be so welcoming, Percy, I’d like you to thank her for me personally for the wonderful hospitality she served up. And what was that, a barista coffee machine? Seems you have it all! I could certainly feel the energy in the room after those espressos’. You seemed to turn as white as a sheet. I hope all was well when we left?”
Percy’s entire private life was eking its way into his work life. Of all the people Mimi had to bring, why had it been the stone-cold chump Clayton Bailey? He hadn’t even the faintest idea they were friends. Did Sandy know of such things? She talked of secrets, and if the case, why had she not mentioned it? Oh poo, he didn’t have a clue - but his private life was his private life. He didn't wish to give Clayton Bailey any such sort of information that could further scrutinise or compromise his already delicate situation.
“I’ll pass the message of gratitude on clay. I’m sure she will be grateful for that. No problem bud.”
Clayton smirked. “Yeah, what was all that pussy-footing around me shit you pulled as well? Clayton is one of the best at Holroyd’s n all that jazz. Jeez you can’t stand the sight of me in work but it felt real obvious you didn’t want your wife to know the truth.”
Percy put down his lunch and took a swig of his iced tea before responding to Clayton’s ever-increasing probing! He had to nail this one in the coffin, at least for now, to get rid of him.
“She doesn’t need to know anything, I don’t tell her. She’s my wife and to be frank, I’m not sure what business it is of yours, I tell her anyway.”
Clayton stood up as the energy changed. It felt edgy between them. He felt like a fox, cunningly working his teeth through the wiring in a chicken coop, ready to fiddle with his prey. A poor, defenceless Percy, waiting for the act to come to pass! After all, a fox always gets his sense’s desire. Those animalistic urges, the scent of a wounded chick lying before him, ready for the kill! Percy just didn’t have the balls.
“Well, you just tell her how thankful I felt. I’ll ask Mimi to see if you do that, though. That way I’ll know. Well, back to work sport!”
He grimaced a little as he left Percy for the remainder of the lunch hour. It was all hotting up!
That day at work went with no other interruptions, and Percy succeeded gaining some good sales. His mind whirled about Peppermint Glacier, though, not to mention the situation with Sandy and Clayton’s newly formed brooding interests. Everything seemed to seep sickly into him as a pervasive virus took hold of its occupant, with insurmountable questions that just weren’t being answered.
Sandy had left for him a note when he arrived home that evening.
“I’ve left you some hotdogs in the sink. They will thaw out and be ready by the time you get home. Can you take Maxi out for a walk, please? I am going to the mall with Mimi for a bit of window shopping and maybe a quick bite to eat. I’ll be home at 10.”
No kisses at the end of the note were so unlike her. Was she giving him the cold shoulder? Passive aggression wasn’t her way with him normally, but it rang with some truths about the fragility of the impasse they had endured. She was making subtle hints through the letter of how she felt about the unresolved matters.
Not to mention frozen hotdogs, thawing in the sink! In normal times she would have baked a fresh lasagne or enchiladas, were hotdogs all he was worth now! Maxi looked up at him, tongue waggling. She had him donned in the cutest little red doggy sweater and a golden collar. It reminded him of a Paddington bear. He was a male dog, for Christ’s sake, not a feminised poodle!

Oh Lord, what was this? He felt an overbearing feeling vehemently suck itself inside of him as a vacuum machine works its subject, removing all traces of air. Turning it into a hollowing vacuous endeavour along the way. It felt terrible. He just had to find a way of sorting the mess out.
Dinting Park wasn’t far from their home. They would usually take Maxi together but as she was out he, of course, bided by her asks. This was a marriage, and he wanted to be mature in the face of things.
It was getting dark, but the lampposts kept them lit up in the park as he let Maxi do his thing off the leash. It wasn’t until they had left and began walking up towards the pond where ducklings swam about with their mother that the vibe turned scary.
He saw what appeared to be a ferociously looking dog at the far end. A young guy, maybe only 18, had his work cut out with the beast. They came into the light and Percy could see straight away it was an ‘American Bully’. Big gnashes, snarling with drool, pouring from its chops! Profusely leaking with congealed saliva, the startling image of ferocity.
Maxi meowed at the frightful threat and it wasn’t long before the big brute was sniffing around at the back of our little pup. The timid little thing didn’t know where to look, yet the Bully had other ideas and was ramping up its curiosity about Maxi’s sweet little puppy rump. Percy decided to wrap him up, cradling him in his arms as they dashed for the merry-go-round, getting themselves into a place of safety from the rampant dog.
The dog owner, a good-looking black guy, held tight and pulled back on the leash to stop his brilliant Bull from getting closer to Percy. He shivered in the night air, clinging Maxi to his breast in the precarious position they had landed themselves in.
“Hey mister you sure you ok? Don’t worry everything is fine. I got him trained well. He just loves to go for the weaker dogs. Sorry to say, no disrespect n all.”
It felt worse that Sandy had dolled him up in that stupid camp doggy sweater. Maxi’s faint murmurs escaped as the young man stood in front of them both.
It was a total embarrassment! Here he was, a fully grown adult, sitting on a child’s merry-go-round clutching his wife’s effeminate male dog.
The young man seemed to sense Percy’s fear, but just proceeded to stand there, grinning. He felt totally in control and enlightened that his dog had that powerful effect! Not only at the expense of a whimpering dog such as Maxi but more interestingly at the owner’s frailty and fear! It gave him a power trip feeling he had never experienced before; it was something else!
“Ha ha, why you dress your lil doggy up like a Sissy! What are you, a douchebag or something? This is a real dog, and I’m a real man! What the fuck are you, some kind of ninny?”
He was basking in the empowerment that had formed in the moment! Relishing the opportunity he’d gained as that dweeb, Percy crouched before him.
“Don’t you know this park is for kids? What are you, some kind of freak?”
“Just take your dog away and everything will be ok. I guess you are just some punk kid with an attitude. Where are your parents?”
Percy tried to be diplomatic in resolving the problem, but young men were fiery and bold! They had the energy of a run-away freight train. Letting up for a nobody was not an option!!!
“What kind of man has a dog like that? You are a total handbag woman, aren’t you?”
It was quite a satisfying moment for the young man. He felt a top of the world, king of his castle with a poor princess trapped before him in the tower. Unable to break free of the predicament. It was outstanding!
The guy wore a pair of cargo shorts and had muscular legs to match, giving him an ever-present masculine demeanour. He wore Michael Jordan Nikes and had brilliant white sports socks that came just above his ankle line, typical youth of the current age. His t-shirt had a skull and cross bone on it - words beneath saying ‘Lit Fuze’! He had a broad neck with a gold chain hanging from it, as well as just the makings of a teenage bum fluff! He was going for that wanting manly-gruff appeal, showing the world his macho identity, gazing on in anticipation, swimming in absolute testosterone! Finally, to complete his attire, he bore a red Chicago Bulls baseball cap, giving him the coolest of appeals.
He began to turn the merry-go-round and built up momentum, swirling the two of them rapidly as they went. Percy’s mind went into a haze. He was being attacked on all fronts. How was he going to get out of this?
As the pace picked up in motion, Percy felt sick to his stomach!
“What a pair of Sissies! A sissy owner and a sissy dog! Haha!”
He shouted in utmost humour as he spun the merry-go-round as fast as he could!
Suddenly he stopped as in the distance he could hear shouting. It was the vicar from Elmont Parish. Quickly; the boy took his Bully in hand and fled the scene. It was a lucky escape for the pair of them.
Father Woolson was a kind man. He took them to the chapel and brought blankets to warm them up. He prepared a hot chocolate for Percy and a warm bowl of milk for Maxi! The two boys had been in so much bother! It certainly was a day to forget.