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Coming clean

"Following up on my Spanish initiation and letting a secret out of the bag."

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Author's Notes

"I added an update at the end of this story. I was forgiven, and I suppose I can think myself very fortunate."

The first week back at home from our Spanish holiday was almost as exciting. Pete told me that he was more than pleased with the way I had adapted to the lifestyle and it had all turned him on so much that I had to describe over and over the three different and satisfying bits of fun I'd managed to find.

Pete was rampant and I found it was turning me on as much too, because as I described everything in detail, it made me want more. More strangers bringing me to climaxes, and maybe more experiences that would be new to me.

By the end of that first week back in Sunderland, things had started to calm down a little and we began to talk about where we were going.

Pete wanted me to get even more action and I was certainly up for it all.

"So, have you anyone in mind for my next adventure?" I asked.

"No, not at the moment," he told me, "it's more the way we go about it now."

He went on to tell me that there must be some local bars or clubs that like-minded people frequented and that he would try to find out where they were.

"In the meantime, I'm happy for us to visit places that I know better. It will mean stopping away which, of course, will cost a fair bit, but that's fine with me if we find what we're looking for."

It didn't seem as if anything was going to happen in the short term, and I have to admit I was a little disappointed.

But from nowhere and quite out of the blue, I was chatted up.

One of the things I do to try and keep my figure is to go swimming regularly. There's a sports centre not far from us, and I try to get there three or four times a week. Pete plays tennis there too, so we sometimes meet for a coffee at the Sports Centre cafe before we go home together.

On this particular morning, I finished my swim early and I was waiting in the cafe for him. I was dressed in a tracksuit, my hair in its usual post-swimming mess, and no make-up on.

The café was busy. There's also a gym at the sports centre which seemed very popular.

A guy who obviously worked out there approached me. He was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Is anyone using that chair?" he asked pointing to the empty one which I was saving for Pete.

"Well, I'm waiting for someone, " I started, "but I'm not sure how long he'll be, so help yourself."

I expected him to take it to another table and join friends, but he just sat down at my table.

"You're an excellent swimmer," he told me. Well, he could only know that if he'd been watching me from the cafe - it does give a good view of part of the pool.

"Thank you," I said, but then anxiously, "Have you been watching me?"

"Well, yes," he replied, "but only in a professional way."

He went on to tell me that he worked at the Sports Centre, mostly in the gym, but sometimes as a lifeguard at the pool. That put me at ease.

"Actually," he started, "I wanted to tell you about a way you can save money. I've noticed that you are a regular here, and we have discounts here, you know, a little like a loyalty card."

"Thank you," I replied, "I do know about that, but I believe I get an even better discount here," I told him.

I reached for my purse and took out the card which I use because I'm over sixty. I showed it to him.

He seemed genuinely gobsmacked. "No way," he said, "I can't believe it."

I just smiled. It was one hell of a compliment as I'm well over 60.

"I'm Jack," he said, "pleased to meet you. What's your secret? You look amazing." I think he was just about to say "for your age," but he stopped himself.

We started a chat, nothing too personal, and I felt at ease with him. He was just being friendly, surely. I mean, I was hardly looking at my most appealing.

"I'm Mel. So how long have you worked here Jack," I asked, trying to avoid looking straight into his smiling brown eyes.

"About two years now, Mel," he replied straight away. "It's my dream job. I love it."

"Well, you certainly look fit on it," I said, realising too late the double meaning of what I said and feeling a blush coming to my cheeks.

But it broke the ice, and we started talking easily about all sorts of things. He was very amusing and made me laugh more than once.

"Are you married, Mel?" Jack asked, simultaneously looking to see if I had a ring on my left hand.

"Divorced twice Jack," I answered, "but I do have a partner. I'm waiting for him now - he's playing tennis here."

"Damn! I was going to ask you if you fancied a night out," he said, looking straight into my eyes.

It was hard to believe. Here was what I could only describe as a young stud coming on to me while I was looking a mess.

There was a pause while I thought about how to answer. I reached for my handbag. I'd decided to give him my telephone number. Then I put my handbag down again.

"Well go then, ask me," I said. I began to blush again. I could feel the heat in my cheeks.

I thought that he was going to back out of it because he went silent for what seemed like ages.

"Mel, are you doing anything tonight?" he asked, " because I'd like to take you out."

"As it happens, I'm free tonight, so that would be nice, Jack. Thank you." I was trying to be as cool as possible, but I doubted that it looked that way.

"Meet me here at 7.30 pm?" he suggested.

"Yes, that's fine. What should I wear?" was all I could say.

"Anything you like," he said. he was about to continue when Pete appeared. It wasn't an awkward moment. Pete knew Jack quite well and was aware that he worked at the Sports Centre.

They exchanged pleasantries and Jack said, "Here, have your seat Pete, I have to be going. See you soon."

I told Pete there and then what had just happened. He stirred his cup of coffee, took a sip, then smiled and said, "Well done."

The situation was totally different from anything we'd done before. He wasn't a total stranger, he was local and we would both be seeing him many more times in the future.

Pete and I spent a long time talking about it in the afternoon. I suggested that I cancel the date. Pete didn't want that though, but he didn't think it would be a good idea to come clean about our open relationship.

The problem with that is that it would mean that Jack was the sort of guy who would cheat on someone that he knew quite well. That's if we ended up doing what I wanted and what I hoped was on his mind.

While Pete looked on, I got myself ready. I picked out a scarlet bra and brief set, some dark tan hold-ups, a bright red satin-look dress with black trim and black accessories (shoes, handbag, necklace and bracelets).

Pete told me that it wasn't over the top and that I looked "classy and very shaggable".

He even dropped me off just a short walk from the meeting place.

Jack was dead on time, but he looked a little sheepish as he got out of his car and walked around to hold the passenger door open for me.

He told me that I looked lovely and asked how I felt about going for a pub meal.

"Yes, that sounds great. I'll fit in with whatever you want to do," I told him.

As soon as we sat down at our table, Jack opened up and told me that he felt embarrassed because he hadn't realised I was Pete's partner. I hadn't realised that he knew Pete so well.

Only a few weeks earlier, Jack had taken Pete out for a drink. He had tried to get him interested in doing a bit of tennis coaching at the Sports Centre. Pete turned it down but Jack hadn't given up, and they had spent a fair bit of time together talking about it

"So here's my predicament Mel," Jack said. "I like you and I fancy you, but I don't think I can cheat on your Pete."

"I understand, but let's just enjoy the date now that we're here," I said, wondering what else I could say.

Both of us ordered and enjoyed the meals as we continued chatting and finding out more about each other. I loved his sense of humour and felt happy and at ease in his company.

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He kept looking me in the eyes and shaking his head. Then he told me how disappointed he was." I fancy you so much, but I can't be that sort of guy," he said, then held his head in his hands.

I thought it was sweet of him to think like that. I was also surprised and impressed at other small things that I noticed on the date.

His mobile rang three times while we were having our meal, and he didn't answer any. I told him to go ahead and answer if he wanted to, but he told me that he had brought up his own children not to use their mobiles at meal times and that it was a habit he kept to himself

He was also a perfect gentleman in all he did, pulling the chair back for me to sit down at the table and pushing it forward until I was comfortable, and again when I went to the loo.

Jack was a very special sort of guy.

At around 10 pm, Jack suggested it was time to go and offered to give me a lift home.

I accepted the offer. I felt sorry for him and on the way home I asked him to pull into a layby. I think he thought I was unwell, but I just wanted to thank him for a lovely evening.

As he pulled up to a halt, I hugged him. Just a friendly thank you hug.

I went to kiss him while we were cuddling, again just a friendly touch of lips.

But it turned very quickly into a passionate one. It was Jack who went for it first as I felt his tongue trying to force it's way between my lips.

I yielded to that advance and soon we were enjoying a mutual tongue-flicking session.

Jack pulled away, obviously feeling the guilt of the situation again.

I straightened my position in the passenger seat while he did the same.

"Jack," I started, "I can't tell you why right now, but you wouldn't be cheating on my Pete if we ..." I paused, not sure how to phrase it. "If we took things further."

There was a long silence while he was weighing things up.

"Change of plan Mel," he said, "we're going to my place."

"Good," I said as he started the car again, "honestly, there's nothing to feel guilty about."

It only took about ten minutes to get to his place. He asked me twice why it wasn't a problem and I replied twice that I couldn't tell him but that he would understand soon.

Once inside his house, Jack took me straight up to his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

"I can't wait to see you naked," he said. "I've looked at you swimming so many times, and I just know that you are perfect"

I unzipped my red dress and pulled it up and over my head

Then I stood and waited in my undies while he stripped off. He was just perfect, with a lovely six-pack on view, and he was shaved and smooth all over.

Jack spoke first." Oh, Mel, I have seen you in your swimsuit and I knew you had a good body, but not as perfect as that." I was thinking the same about his.

Still standing, Jack unclipped my bra and let it fall to the floor, then took me in his arms and hugged me tight, my tits pressing against his lovely smooth body.

Our tongues went wild and I felt his cock stiffen against my tummy. Both of his hands were on my buttocks, pulling me hard against him, and then he released just a little so that he could get his hands inside my panties. He pulled them down as far as my knees before standing back to let me complete the job.

I was naked apart from my hold-ups now. Jack lifted me off the floor and hugged me tight again. We continued our tongue flicking while my feet weren't touching the floor. He was strong and powerful and I loved the sensation of him being in complete control.

Next, he put me down briefly before picking me up with his arms under my knees, carried me the few yards to his bed, and laid me down on my back.

Part of me wanted him to take me immediately, but Jack was a patient lover and I was treated to a divine attack on my pussy with both his fingers and his tongue.

I was so near to a cum, but he knew how to edge. I pleaded with him not to stop, but he kept me right on the verge over and over again. I reached for his cock because I wanted it in me, and I played with it as best as I could while his tongue sent delicious feelings to my clit.

A blow job would have been my choice now, but Jack moved around and positioned himself over me saying, "I'm going to fuck you now."

All I could utter was, "Ooohh yes," as he thrust inside me a little impatiently. He was in complete control and moved me into a lot of different positions as he kept pumping away inside me. I was becoming very vocal. I was so close and I still hadn't cum.

Then whilst enjoying the feel of his lovely cock pounding away, Jack spoke. He was panting hard, but in between breaths he said, "Tell me why this isn't cheating."

The action briefly stopped although he was still inside me. "I'll tell you later, just finish me off for fuck's sake," I managed to say with a great deal of difficulty.

He started thrusting again. OMG, I was so close. Then he said, "Tell me now, or I'll pull out."

I didn't know if he meant it, but I was so close. I went quiet, trying to weigh up my options. He started to pull out.

"OK, OK," I said, "I'll tell you, but please don't stop."

Jack thrust back inside me again, right up the hilt. He brought me even closer before stopping. "I'm waiting," he said, somehow controlling himself.

I'd talked myself into a corner. I had no option, so I told him. "Pete gets a kick from me being fucked by other men."

Now he went straight back into action. No more edging. I had a multi while he kept on thrusting powerfully, and as I came down from my cum, he spurted his love juice inside me. There was loads of it and it ran out onto his bedspread along with some of mine.

Jack went and fetched some orange juice from the kitchen for us both, and I had a magnificent view of his well-tuned buttocks as he left the bedroom.

When he returned, we talked about what had just happened and what I'd told him. He believed me, and I had to ask him not to tell Pete what he knew.

"Can you stay a little longer, Mel," Jack asked, "I believe we have some unfinished business."

The second time was even better, mostly because I could give him the blow job he'd missed out on. Jack edged me again several times and I had my second multi of the night. I could easily have stopped the night with Jack, but I thought better of it, choosing to go home and tell Pete everything. Well, everything apart from the fact that Jack knew our little secret.

Pete, of course, got very turned on by it all, and we had some lovely marital bliss. But it wasn't as good as what I'd just experienced.

We would have to talk about it. Jack was local and we both saw him often during the week. Pete has his "no more than three times" rule with other partners, and I wasn't at all sure that I could keep to that.

But that discussion could wait. I had to decide whether or not to tell Pete that I'd given away his cuckolding secret to someone we knew quite well.

Looking back on it now, nearly two years on, I was very mischievous. I didn't tell Pete for over two months, during which time Jack and I had gone well over the three-times rule.

But when I did tell him, he wasn't angry about anything. He thought it was all wonderful. The result is that I still meet up with Jack quite often, and I tell Pete that I'm going and update him when I return. If Pete and I were ever going to have problems with our relationship. it would surely have been at that time because I had kept something to myself.

He was just elated. He just loves me having other lovers and it's as simple as that.

Lucky, that's me.

Written by Luckymel
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