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Cindy And May IV

"The chickens come home to roost"

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Bob was relieved when he got home and saw his wife’s car in the garage. When he found her in bed asleep, an upwelling of affection for her overcame him. There seemed a certain vulnerability about her as she lay breathing quietly.

He wasn’t sure what to do, what is expected of a husband when he first sees his wife upon her return from a night of sex with another man. Does she want more sex with him? Quite likely she is completely worn out and sated from the night’s activities.

The thought of what she had done made Bob want to hold her and, frankly, fuck her. He should have asked Cindy’s husband Tim for more guidance. He needed physical contact with her, to hold her, kiss her, and make her his again. There was an uncomfortable feeling in his chest.

There had been no call or text during the night as she had promised, and he had sat in his easy chair imagining the worst. He needed to hear that she was glad to be back with him.

He undressed and slipped into bed beside her, only to discover her in pajamas; she never wears pajamas. After a quick hug and kiss, she fell back asleep. He guessed he had his answer, and having nothing better to do, he went back to the office.

May had arrived home mid-morning. As expected, Bob had already left for work.

She woke up beside Al, on his back, snoring softly. She turned toward him and laid her palm on his stomach, enjoying the feel of the soft down growing there. He woke with a moan, turned and kissed her, then slid his arm around her shoulders. Her head rested on his chest.

Should I have this easy, comfortable feeling with this near stranger who I fucked with such abandon last night? The memory flooded her mind again, and her pussy became more wet. God, how can I want more after we made love twice and he made me cum, I don’t know how many times? Am I addicted to this beautiful young stud?

Neither of them was in a rush to return to their other life so they lay quietly, her hand lightly stroking him from chest to thigh, occasionally holding his growing cock. His hand roaming from her back and tush to her exposed breast. They felt no need to talk, each with his/her own thoughts.

Finally, May whispered to him, “Make love to me, please.” She lay back and opened her legs for him. His hard cock found easy entry into her well-lubricated pussy, but still he went slowly. He supported his upper body on his elbows and looked deeply into her eyes. He thought, This is the kind of woman you marry.

She loved the weight of his pelvis on hers as he entered her, and when he leaned in to kiss her, his chest hairs made her nipples tingle. It was a slow dance that needed no music; their moans and sighs were enough. Al thought he could keep at it all morning without cumming.

But eventually May asked him to cum in her, and he surprised himself by responding almost immediately. It was the most sublime yet for her. When he pulled out, he thought he saw a tear on her cheek.

At home she put away her clothes, glad to be alone, and suddenly feeling fatigued. She put on a pair of pajamas and crawled into bed. She lay awake for a long time thinking about her decision of last night and what she should tell Bob.

She definitely did not want to give him any details of her night with Al; that is too intimate and private, and she might burst into tears. In fact, she realized she was feeling resentful toward Bob; she didn’t quite know why. She tried to remember when they first became lovers. Was it anything like this?

When Bob came home around noon, she had just fallen into a restless sleep. He undressed and slipped into her bed. She understood why she had put pj’s on, and he did also; she did not want him to try to fuck her. She rolled onto her side away from him, but let him hold her.

After several minutes of her faking sleep, he got up and left. She felt bad about shunning him; he’s her husband. He undoubtedly needed comforting and reassurance of her love. Unfortunately, she was not feeling able to serve his needs right now.

Then she remembered her promise to text him last night.  Did he wait up for it? It must have hurt him to be forgotten like that. This is unacceptable behavior. None of this is Bob’s fault. She vowed to make it up to him and become a model wife again.

When he came home after work, May greeted him with a warm hug and kisses and a good dinner. Neither felt in a place to discuss the past events, but they went to bed and quietly had sex.

“Oh no you didn’t! You foolish woman, you struck the mother lode and walked away from it.” Cindy sounded truly angry with May. “I found you your dream man and he isn’t good enough for you.”

“It’s not like that at all; in fact, it’s just the opposite. I’m not like you; you are a free spirit. You refuse to let society’s mores control your behavior. You never have. I’m the good girl who got good grades, stayed true to my boyfriend, obeyed my father,” May retorted.

“Well then, what’s the matter? Al called Gerard, wondering what went wrong. He is smitten with you.”

“That’s just it. I went to him expecting a hot stud player who would fuck me silly and then send me back to my husband sated. But I found a man, a nice, warm, intelligent man who treated me like a lady and who I could fall for. I can’t take him for my sex toy, it’s too risky. I love my husband.”

Cindy muttered, “Oh for….” and hung up the phone.

Over the next several days, Bob held his peace and didn’t press May about her tryst, but his heart was suffering. Finally he needed to know where things stood. He poured wine for them and sat opposite her in his recliner.

“You haven’t spoken about your night with your man friend. I know we agreed that you could date him twice before making decisions but it would be kind of you to let me know how it went and what you hope for going forward.” He paused to gather his thoughts.

“You have made a cuckold of me and I have cooperated so far, but I deserve to know which way the wind is blowing; I’m still your husband and this is a very big deal for me.”

May knew this moment would come. “Yes, we had a pleasant evening, but I decided not to see him again.”

“Pleasant evening? You spent the entire night with him, not coming home until after I left for work the next morning. That sounds like a hell of a lot more than a pleasant evening.” Bob had raised his voice; he stopped to cool down.

“Well yes, but I decided to not be involved further with him.” This had Bob very alarmed. Did something bad happen to her that night?

“Did he harm you? What did he do?”

“No, no, he was a perfect gentleman. Let’s leave it at that. You have what you wanted; I won’t be having any more extra-marital sex. I’ve learned my lesson.”

Have what I wanted? How was any of this what I wanted? Bob went to her and kneeled in front of her, placing his hands on her knees. “May, I have known you since sixth grade. I know when you are being evasive. What aren’t you telling me? What changed your mind so suddenly? Please be honest with me, I’m your husband and I love you.”

“I know you do. OK, as the night progressed, I found myself on an emotional rollercoaster, and I didn’t like it. It was supposed to be just sex for sex sake; no emotional involvement. I’m a middle aged married woman with a good husband. My life now should be calm and comfortable.”

That set Bob back a bit. He needed time to parse that thought. “Calm and comfortable,” is that the same as dull and boring? His mind was trying to make sense of what she said. “Were you two alone, he didn’t try to pimp you out to his friends did he?”

“NO! He did everything just right. Now leave it alone can’t you?” She rose and went off to shower and went to bed. Then her conscience reproved her again.

The next morning May hugged Bob and reached for his morning woody. “Hey sailor, want a good time?” She proceded to take his cock into her mouth and bring him off. Then she got up and made him an artery-clogging breakfast. Before he left for work she wrapped her arms around him and apologized for her outburst.

Things seemed to get back to normal for several weeks after that. But it was the old normal, before Cindy corrupted her, and somehow life had lost some luster for her. The women made peace and May poured her feeling out to her friend who was sympathetic but unrelenting about Al.

May was making dinner one day when her son Tom walked into the kitchen. Her heart leaped before she realized that it was not Al. She hugged him tightly causing him to ask if anything was wrong. “I’m just glad to see you,” she lied.

May wanted to let Cindy meet her bull in their guest room. Bob had misgivings but he relented. “She is my oldest friend and I love her, and she’s not doing any harm.” Secretly, May wondered if Cindy might bring Al sometime. If he hooked up with her, May could forget about him.

Bob understood that Cindy was the key to a lot that was good and bad about his marriage. She tempted May to think about straying, which was scary, but that brought a new excitement to their marriage that had been missing for a long time.

In truth, he has gotten more enthusiastic sex from May than he could remember. That’s not all bad. That is until she suddenly dumped Al. He was not unaware that, post Al, May’s sexual enthusiasm had waned considerably.

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So he went to Cindy and asked her what had happened.

“Do you want your ego stroked or do you want the straight truth?” was her first question. She had never much cared for Bob, resenting that he co-opted her wingman.

“Give it to me straight,” he told her.

“OK, look Bob, you are a nice guy and by most measures a good husband. May has accepted your concept of married life for a very long time. This new stud Al not only showed her what great sex is but he is also a great guy.

“In no time at all May saw the man she should have married, only she is married, for god knows how long and has a son to prove it. And this man is twenty years her junior. Like the good person she is she knew she must not go there.

“It wasn’t easy, probably harder than it should be because she’s such a straight arrow. Now she actually is mourning, but she is strong and will get over it.” That gave Bob a lot to think about—not all of it good.

Cindy and Tim had purchased four tickets to a charity dance and gave two of them to May. May looked forward to dancing, but Bob hated these affairs and begged off.

When May told Cindy, she offered her bull Gerard to be her partner. “He cleans up real good, and he is a great dancer. Just introduce him as an out-of-town business associate.

"He always wants to go out with me, but you know the drill; we can’t be seen in public. This would give us the opportunity. You can be my beard.”

May thought about it. “I don’t think Bob would be OK with that.”

“Let me talk to Bob; he’ll agree.” Sure enough, Bob was grateful to be off the hook, and he thought May needed some fun time to improve her outlook.

Tim drove them all to the ball. Both men alternated dancing with the women, and booze flowed freely; only Tim abstained as designated driver. Gerard was indeed a good dancer. As the evening wore on, she found herself waiting eagerly for her turn with him.

She watched with envy and concern as Cindy and Gerard danced to slow numbers. They danced very close and at times seemed too intimate to her. Once they disappeared for about fifteen minutes.

Tim danced with her a few times, but he spent a lot of time schmoozing potential depositors. She felt like a fifth wheel, sitting alone and drinking more than she should. Finally, the lovers returned, and Gerard asked her to dance.

He held her close like he had Cindy, putting his hands on her ass. He whispered to her, “You know, I can take care of both you and Cindy. My cock never goes down if I have a beautiful woman in my arms. Feel.” He pressed his erection into her abdomen.

May had drunk just enough to entertain the notion; maybe she should slip out the back door to the car with Gerard. But her sense of loyalty got the better of her. Finally, she asked to be taken home. On the way, she rode shotgun while Cindy and her lover played in the back of Tim’s big sedan.

She briefly wondered if Tim was hoping for some action from her while he drove. But he had not shown much interest at the dance, so he could wait for Cindy. They dropped her off and left.

Bob was watching TV when she entered. As they hugged and kissed, May slid her palm down the front of his pants. What she found told her he was glad to see her. “Let me change into something more comfortable,” she whispered.

She turned on the bedroom light as she entered and nearly fainted when she saw Al sitting in her easy chair naked. Her heart leaped for real this time. “Oh, god! Bob, get in here!” she yelled. Of course, he was right behind her with a wide grin on his face.

“Have you met my new friend Al?” he asked. May was momentarily speechless. She wrapped him in her arms, kissing him ardently, then looked him in the eye, trying to understand if this was for real.

“You sneaky, wonderful devil, do you know what you’re doing?” May stared, trying to assess his mood. “I love you so much. Kiss me.” He did; he kissed her like a lover.

She looked at Al. “You understand that I love this guy completely?” He nodded. “And I’m going to love him until I die?” Another nod.

Bob spoke up, “When I said I didn’t know if I can handle you having a lover, I didn’t say I wasn’t interested to find out. And I know you better than you know yourself. You will make me a very happy cuckold. Now go get reacquainted with each other while I watch and learn.” May shook her head.

“Oh no. You’re not going to sit by passively. Now undress me first, then get out of those clothes and join us in bed. You’re going to be up at bat first.” To show that she was serious, she plunged her tongue into his stunned mouth.

Al’s cock began to rise as he watched Bob remove May’s dress, then her shoes and carefully rolled her stockings down. Bob turned her to face him before unhooking her bra and releasing her luscious breasts. He pinched her nipples which were already erect. Finally, he knelt behind her and slowly slipped her panties down her legs. Her pubic patch was a bit matted and sticky from the night's activities.

Bob showed him the wet streak on the panties before putting them to his nose and inhaling her essence. May couldn’t wait any longer, she went over and straddled Al’s lap, took his face in her hands and kissed him, and kissed him, and kissed him. “And I love you. Welcome back lover.”

His warm hands felt wonderful on her breasts and her nipples showed their appreciation immediately. The hands were quickly replaced by his lips, making her pussy gush. May could actually feel his cock pulsing under her clit where it was trapped against his belly. “Oh, god how I’ve missed this,” she whispered.

She turned to Bob, who was watching with his hard cock in his hand. She hoped he had not heard that last but he was smiling. She slid off Al’s lap to her knees and grasped his cock. “Isn’t this a magnificent tool?” she asked her husband. “I love this cock. Come here lover,” she beckoned Bob to her.

“For a while now I have harbored ideas of sharing a nice cock with you and I haven’t seen one finer than this guy. I think you would enjoy it as much as I have.”

She smiled up at Al and raised her eyebrows, silently asking if he was OK with a little bi action; he smiled and nodded. “And I know YOU better than you know yourself. Come closer.”

When Bob knelt beside her she took is hand and placed it on Al’s throbbing member. “Slide his foreskin back.” He did; it was easy and easily slid back. “Isn’t that neat? You never told me about uncut dicks.” She was right, his hand shook as he stroked another man’s cock.

“Would you like to try sharing it with me now?” Her arm went around Bob’s shoulders as she leaned in to place her lips over Al’s cock head, but he chickened out.

“Maybe another time. Now I would like to lick your pussy and make it nice and wet for Al.” He rose to his feet. May reached for his cock, looking at the drop of precum hanging from it. She licked it clean.

“Not necessary, but let’s move to the bed where we can both get a taste.” Pulling Al to his feet, she ran to the bed and pulled back the coverlet, ever the neat housewife. Then she jumped onto her back in the center of the mattress and opening her legs, pointed to her wet pussy, “Dinner is served.”

Those were nearly the last coherent words to leave her lips that night. While Bob laved her hot pussy, she explored Al’s cock with her tongue and lips. Before long, she pulled her husband up to kiss his messy face and guide his cock into her.

All the foreplay had Bob ready to explode almost at entry. “Don’t hold back; let me have it darling. The night is young, and I know you will be back for more.” Those words triggered the best orgasm he could remember.

He flopped down on May’s body exhausted until Al tapped his shoulder and moved aside. He lay beside May, examining her pussy while catching his breath. It had blossomed, her lips were extended, her clit fully erect, and a trace of his cum oozed toward her ass.

Now it was time for the main event, and Bob wanted to be up close and personal. He stayed put as Al got between May’s trembling legs. Al’s foreskin was retracted, revealing his glistening glans as it insinuated itself between her moist lips.

“He’s going to fuck me now, darling. Watch as his beautiful cock spreads my pussy open wide and he makes me his bitch once more.” Bob couldn’t believe those words came from her mouth. His cock was already starting to get hard again.

Her cries were unlike anything he had ever heard from her. She went to a place he had never observed. The lump in the pit of his stomach made it hard to breathe. Between them, Bob and Al licked and fucked and kissed her to oblivion. She was in heaven, overwhelmed with feelings of affection for her two men.

They all slept in a jumble until Bob awoke to witness his lovely wife having more continuous orgasms as she rode Al’s rampant organ. “I love you,” she whispered after he came in her, trying to be quiet. Bob was played out by that time.

Watching them kiss was almost more painful than watching them fuck. Seeing both in concert was mind-blowingly beautiful. He could never deprive is wife of such pleasure, even if it meant she would be away from him at times.

The deal was sealed after Al left in the wee hours; May kissed him, then straddled his shoulders, presenting her dripping pussy for his tongue. He licked with a vengeance until she screamed her final orgasm. “I love you so, baby,” she murmured as he tasted her and Al combined. "Would you like to shave me sometime?"

Bob didn't make it to his usual Sunday golf game that morning. He had other fish to fry.

Written by Johnnycumlately
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