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After the weekend where Brenda had asked to be impregnated, I deliberately scaled back on our sexual activity.  I wanted to give her space to bond with Roger over what had happened.  This seemed to be working, as she did not ask me to visit until a few weeks later when she came into my office one Wednesday, closing the door behind her.  She had a big smile on her face and looked positively radiant.

“I’m pregnant, Alan,” she said, “I missed my period and tested myself.  I’m going to have your baby.”

“Oh Brenda, I’m so pleased for you.  Is Roger excited?”

“He’s over the moon.  He’s fussing around me and telling me how lovely it’s going to be with a family at last.  He said we should have a celebratory dinner as soon as possible.”

My cock stirred as I thought about her growing with my child inside her womb while her husband looked after her.  I found it strangely arousing.  He would have a constant reminder of how his wife wanted and enjoyed fucking me in preference to him, something that I could not understand, but which he embraced.

“I’d be delighted to celebrate together.  Did you have a date in mind?”

“Well, perhaps this Friday? You could stay for the weekend if you wanted.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea.”

My cock had now grown considerably.  Brenda and Roger had clearly bonded over the conception of their child and were now looking forward to their new family However, it seemed that she was missing her regular sexual activities.  This was going to provide some interesting opportunities.

“OK then,” she said, “until Friday,” and left my office.

I was now quite aroused and thinking about what we were going to do together.  I’d missed her and our time together.  I’d missed enjoying her fabulous body and the feelings she gave me. I’d missed watching her orgasm.  I’d missed reminding her husband that his wife’s cunt belonged to me and that he was a beta male. 

Friday evening eventually arrived and I arrived at their front door. Roger answered and welcomed me into the living room.  Brenda was in the kitchen, but came out when Roger told her I was there, flinging her arms around me. 

“Hello stranger,” she said, “we’ve missed you.”

“And I you,” I replied, “but I’m here now.”

She was looking radiant. Her hair was shining, her face beaming.  She had clearly decided to dress sexily, wearing a tight black sweater, accentuating her bust, and black slacks that looked as though they’d been sprayed onto her body.  My cock reacted appreciatively.

Roger opened a bottle of champagne and poured 2 glasses followed by a glass of sparkling mineral water for Brenda.

“Here’s to my wife’s pregnancy,” said Roger, “let’s hope she has an easy pregnancy and an easy birth with a healthy baby.”

“Hear, hear,” I said, and we all drank.

“And a toast for my husband,” said Brenda, stepping up to him and giving him a passionate kiss then raising her glass.

“Hear, hear,” I said again and we drank.

“And finally a toast to Alan,” said Brenda.

“To Alan,” said Roger, and they both drank.

“Enough of the toasts,” I said, “how have you been, Brenda?”

“On top of the world.  I’ve been sleeping so well and feel full of energy.  My breasts have become very sensitive and I’ve felt very randy over the last few days.”

“Well, perhaps we can do something about that,” I said, “let’s see how we feel after dinner.”

“Come through to the kitchen, you two,” said Brenda, “I need company while I cook.”

After dinner we went back through to the living room where we sat down, Brenda and I on the couch, Roger in an armchair. 

We talked about all of the usual things, politics, work, society and, of course, sex.  Then Brenda suggested we watch a film.

“What kind do you have in mind?” I asked, “a romcom, or drama, or maybe comedy?”

“I was thinking of something a little more adventurous,” she said, “more like Emanuelle.”

“Ah,” I said, laughing, “you want to watch some porn.  I like the idea.

Roger stood up and rummaged in their collection, then put something in the player before coming to join us on the couch after starting the film.  It was one of the great classic ones - ‘Debbie Does Dallas’.

It wasn’t long before the atmosphere in the room started to ratchet up.  Brenda started fidgeting and Roger was constantly re-arranging his seating.  I was feeling more and more aroused.

“Roger, stop the film,” I said, “let’s all get undressed.”

Roger got up and stopped the film, then stripped down to his shorts.  I also got up and did the same, before taking Brenda’s hand and helping her up.  She stood in front of us and slowly took off her top to reveal a lacy bra which set off her marvellous bust perfectly.  Then she undid her slacks and dropped them to the floor.  She was wearing matching lacy panties which were fairly transparent as I could see her pubic hair through them.

“My God you look sexy,” I said, reaching out to touch her breasts.  They felt gorgeous.

Roger restarted the film and we returned to the couch where Brenda snuggled up to me.  I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.  She put a hand on my thigh, caressing it. 

I turned my head towards her and kissed her on the forehead.  She tilted her head upwards, looking at me with dreamy green eyes, her mouth slightly open.  She looked so seductive.  I kissed her gently, sucking her bottom lip and felt her tongue licking my upper lip.  Soon we were locked in a passionate kiss, our tongues dancing with each other.

Turning my body towards her I pulled her forward and unclasped her bra, then cupped her left breast and rolled her nipple between my fingers.  She murmured a “mmmmmm” into my mouth and I felt her hand creep up my thigh and under the leg of my shorts to fondle my balls.  My cock jerked and I broke our kiss.

“Stand up, Brenda.  I want to look at you.”

She got up and stood in front of me.  I reached forward to feel between her legs.  Her panties were wet.  I pushed the gusset to one side and ran my fingers over her labia then between them.  Her slit was sopping wet and my fingers soon slipped into her cunt as her hips jerked.

“Let’s get rid of these before they are completely ruined,” I said, pulling her panties down.  She stepped out of them and stood in front of me, legs slightly apart.  She looked ravishing. Large bust narrowing down to a still slim waist above a gorgeous bush.

I slipped my hand back between her legs and rubbed her slit before gently rubbing around her clit then gripping the shaft between my fingers.  She bent her knees and then placed a hand over mine, pushing hard.

I leaned my head forward and took a breast into my mouth, my lips around her areola as I sucked her nipple and tickled it with my tongue.  I felt her hips jerk as some moisture dribbled out of her cunt and onto the floor.

“Come and sit on me with your back to me,” I said.

She turned around and backed towards me, lowering herself slowly onto my lap while she held my cock and guided it into her cunt.  She was so wet that there was almost no resistance as my head separated the folds of her labia and started the glorious journey into her vagina. 

There was a slight resistance at the entrance, but my glans soon popped through pushing apart the walls of her vagina.  It felt fabulous, my corona stimulated by the delicate friction of her internal flesh with its ridges and shape.  Her internal muscles massaged my whole cock, rippling around it as I went deeper and deeper inside her.

She leant back against me, her head pressed back against my face as I grasped her breasts, pulling on her nipples with my fingers.  I sucked her earlobe, then ran my tongue around inside her ear.

“My God, I’ve missed you,” I whispered in her ear, “I’ve missed the feeling of your vagina wrapped around my cock, the fire inside and your juices oozing out.  You give me such exquisite feelings, tantalising and excruciating.”

I started making small movements with my hips, moving my cock inside her.  She responded by moving herself backwards and forwards, bracing her hands on the couch on either side of me.

“Oh that does feel good,” she said, “your cock feels so hot and hard, and so damn thick.  I’ve really missed it.”

“You’ve missed it too, Roger, haven’t you?” I said.

“God, yes,” he said.

“Well then, get down there and look closely at it.  Watch how it fills your wife, stretching her and reaching places you can only dream about.”

Roger got off the couch and knelt in front of us.  He reached for my balls and fondled them, then leaned in and licked the base of my shaft as it emerged from Brenda’s cunt, cleaning off the fluids that had oozed out, before leaning back and stroking himself as he watched.

I reached down to feel Brenda’s clit.  It was dipping in towards my shaft and then back up again as I fucked her.  I gripped it between my fingers and stroked it.

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“Aaaargh,” she cried and rode me faster, bouncing on my cock, her vagina pulsing and squeezing me rhythmically. That was enough to push me past my limit.  I felt a sudden surge of pleasure spread throughout my groin as my cock expanded and throbbed.  The muscle at the base of my shaft contracted and a wad of semen rushed up my urethra and jetted out of my cock deep inside Brenda’s cunt.

“Oh fuck,” I shouted, as my cock pulsed, shooting rope after rope of semen inside her cunt.  I felt Rogers fingers touching my balls and the muscle behind them as they rose up in my sac and clung tightly to my shaft.  I wasn’t sure that I liked him doing that, but was too involved in my own feelings to do anything about it.

“Uh. Uh. Uh,” Brenda groaned with each ejaculation, milking my cock with her vaginal muscles.  Her clit felt rock hard and hot as it pulsed under my fingers.

I continued ejaculating, gradually slowing down as my semen flow was reduced to a dribble, until we both stopped moving and our breathing started to return to normal.

“Oh Alan, that was so good.  I love it when I feel you cum in me.  I can feel the base of your cock pulse as the muscle contracts. Your cockhead gets even bigger and seems hotter and then suddenly everything feels slippery and hot inside me and my vagina gets this incredible itch.”

“I love cumming inside you,” I said, “you are the most incredible lover and give me feelings of such intensity.  But Roger, what the fuck were you doing fiddling with my balls when your wife and I were in the middle of our orgasms?”

“I’m sorry,” he said, “but I couldn’t resist it. Your cock looked so fantastic as it pulsated and throbbed, I just had to feel your power.”

“Ask me next time,” I said, but I was pretty sure where this was going.  It wouldn’t be long before he wanted me to cum in him.  Another thought to tuck away in my mind.

“I’m going to take my cock out of your wife now and you are going to clean up her cunt and then my cock.  That’s one of your roles now.  Do you understand?”

“Yes,” he said, and leaned forward as Brenda started to lift herself off me.  My cock slipped out and fell forward as a stream of semen flowed out of Brenda’s cunt and onto my shaft then dribbled into my pubic hair.

Roger held her thighs and licked all around her cunt before sticking his tongue in her slit and lapping up my semen.  Then he licked and sucked my pubic hair before taking my cock in his mouth and swirling his tongue around it.  I quite enjoyed what he was doing and could feel my cock swell.

“That’s enough now,” I said, “Let’s all go and shower and then go to bed.”

We all went through to the main bathroom and into their shower.  It was a large one, easily taking the three of us.  We had fun washing each other with a lot of concentration on Brenda’s breasts, while she seemed to enjoy holding a cock in each hand and stroking. 

After we’d finished, we all got ready for bed before climbing in with Brenda between us.  I fell asleep quite quickly.

I woke up the next morning with a huge erection.  Roger was still asleep and Brenda wasn’t there.  I got up and, taking a robe from the bathroom, went to the kitchen to find Brenda there, making some coffee.

“Hello gorgeous,” she said, “would you like some coffee?”

“Yes, please,” I replied, “how are you this morning?  Did you have a good time last night?”

“I’m on top of the world,” she said, “and I had a fabulous time last night.  Every time I think it can’t get better, it does.”

“I’m delighted,” I said, “do you think Roger enjoyed it?”

“Oh yes,” she said, “I know he did.  You do know that he loves your cock, don’t you?”

“I thought as much.  He certainly enjoys sucking me.  I think he may want me to fuck him.  I don’t mind, but I’m not sure it would be a good idea.  What do you think? Would you like me to fuck him?”

“I don’t know.  I think I’d quite like to see you really dominate him, but I wouldn’t want to hurt him.  He’s accepted that he’s inferior to you and that you are my choice, but I’m not sure how far he’s willing to go.”

“OK,” I said, “tell me when you decide what you want to do.”

I looked at her, thinking what a sexy woman she was, dressed in her gown and leaning back against the kitchen counter.  Her gown had opened slightly and I could see her bush beneath her stomach which was still flat.

I stepped up to her and put my hand on her stomach.

“This will start growing soon with your child,” I said, then slipped my hand down and cupped her mound as I felt her slit.

She reached out and put her hand inside my gown and fondled my cock, rubbing the head with her fingers.

“Our child,” she said, “our child who was made with this.”

I leaned forward and kissed her, my tongue inside her mouth as I pushed my fingers into her cunt and felt her clit with my thumb.

“Mmmf,” she murmured in my mouth then pushed me back.

“Let’s go into the living room,” she said holding my cock and leading the way to the couch.

“Now sit down and I’ll attend to that erection.”

I sat down on the couch and opened my gown. My cock was sticking straight up, hard and trickling precum.  Brenda turned round so that her back was facing me and, lifting her gown up, rubbed my cock up and down her slit before lining it up with her hole and then slowly sinking down on it.  I gasped as my cock slid into her.  She felt so damn good: hot and still slippery from last night, but tight.  Her vaginal walls tickled the nerve endings on my corona giving me exquisite feelings while the muscles at the entrance gripped me tightly.

Soon I was completely inside her, the tip of my cock at the end of her vagina.  She reached down and played with my balls while I reached round her and fondled her breasts.  They were large and heavy and her nipples were hard.  I rolled them in my fingers and heard her draw her breath in sharply.

“Your breasts have really got a lot bigger,” I said.

“Yes, they have.  And they feel much heavier too,” she replied.

“I think next time I’d like to fuck them,” I said, “would you like that?”

“Yes,” she said, “but right now this what I want.  Since I’ve been pregnant I seem to have turned into a nymphomaniac - I have a desperate need for sex.”

She started moving back and forth as well as tilting her hips so that my cock slid in and out of her. I could feel so many different parts of her vagina. Her cervix brushing the top of my glans and my corona, her entrance massaging my shaft, the back of her vagina tickling the tip of my penis, her vaginal walls rippling around my shaft.  I was absolutely overloaded with sensations.

I rubbed her stomach in little circles feeling her muscles tense and release before playing with her pubic hair, threading my fingers in it and pulling it gently.  Then drifting down to feel the shaft of her clitoris, holding it between my thumb and forefinger and masturbating it. 

I could feel her thigh muscles tensing and relaxing as she thrust on my cock.  I pushed her clit down so that the tip rubbed against my shaft when I was fully inside, then felt her labia as they clung to my cock.  They were wet and slippery.

“Fuck me, you sexy bitch,” I growled, “fuck me hard.  Milk my cock. Fill your cunt with my sperm.”

“Yes, yes,” she panted, “cum in me. Fill me.  My God, I love your cock.”

She speeded up then threw her head back against my chest and clenched all her muscles, her legs trembling, as she held her breath.  I held completely still while her orgasm peaked but my cock had other ideas and suddenly I felt it twitch.  A surge of semen erupted from deep inside my groin and rushed up my shaft to spray inside her, followed by another and then a third as her vagina spasmed and rhythmically milked the semen out of me.

Neither of us moved, just letting the pulses of orgasm in each of our bodies play themselves out until our pelvic muscles slowed down and eventually stopped and we relaxed.  Brenda gave a big sigh and I felt her body lose all of its tension.

“Mmmm, that was nice,” she said. ‘I really needed it.”

“Glad to be of service,” I replied.

“I could get used to this, you know, every morning and every night.”

“That could be quite exhausting. I’m not sure I could keep up with you.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” she said, fondling my balls and making my cock twitch, “I think you’d manage.”

“Hmmmm.  You could be right.”

“I suppose I should make breakfast and wake up a Roger,” she said, “I’m going to get off now.”

She lifted herself off my cock, which flopped out of her cunt dribbling my last few drops of cum, followed by a stream of semen flowing out of her and running down her thighs.  It looked damn sexy.

“You look so fucking sexy with my cum dribbling out of you and down your leg.  It makes me want to fuck you again.”

“I love it too,” she said, laughing, “but I need to get busy now.”

I stayed on the couch contemplating what had happened and how she felt.  Things had developed very nicely for me. I had an incredibly sexy woman, an unbelievably accomplished lover, as my fucktoy, available for me whenever I wanted.  Her husband had accepted that his wife’s body belonged to me and that his access to her cunt was mine to grant.  He enjoyed being a subservient cuck, serving his wife and me and accommodating our every whim.  I was now completely in control of them both.

Written by aljames21
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