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Catching The Postman Part 3

"Daniel goes one step further in his encounter with the postman"

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Friday had finally arrived and I was getting more anxious as the morning progressed. My order that was going to be delivered by the Royal Mail was due today, and if Fred arrived at his normal time, it would be here at about ten o’clock. I was anxious not because of what might happen, but of what might not happen. The encounter with Fred had been so stimulating, erotic and enjoyable, I couldn't wait to repeat the experience.

I was also a little nervous. I knew Fred had loved me wearing sexy lingerie, but I wondered how much more he would like me to wear, and whether or not he enjoyed wearing it too. I hoped I would find that out today. I was, however, in two minds as to wear a little more just to try the water, as the saying goes.

It was a bright, sunny morning, so Fred might not be wearing long trousers. He often wore shorts in good weather, whether for comfort or otherwise I didn't know. Not that it mattered, as long as he was on duty today. I had chosen my black suspender belt and matching briefs with my favourite lace-top seamed stockings. These were fifteen denier stockings, and they felt so silky and erotic, they made my legs feel fabulous. I also had on my black knee-length skirt and white shirt with black two-inch heeled court shoes.

I looked pretty hot, even if I did say so myself, but I was unsure about the suspender belt. I toyed with the idea of putting on the cami-suspender instead to give Fred that extra treat. At nine o’clock, I decided to go ahead and do it. I quickly stripped off and replaced the suspender belt and briefs with my black and red cami-suspender set. I kept the seamed stockings on, and put the black skirt back on, but chose a dark blue shirt instead of the white one.

By the time I was ready, I could smell the aroma of coffee permeating the flat. I had almost forgotten I had put some on to brew. I strolled into the kitchen, trying to walk sexily, but failed dismally, poured my coffee and cut a big slice of coffee and walnut cake. I sat at the kitchen table feeling naughty but sexy. I could feel my cock hardening at the mere thought of what I was wearing and the anticipation of Fred seeing me dressed so.

For a brief moment, I thought: ‘What the hell are you doing, Daniel? This isn’t you!’ Before Monday, I had never really considered doing any of this, despite finding pleasure in wearing lingerie and skirts. Then I sighed, shook my head and admitted I found the whole situation sexy and erotic, and I was no longer the same. I still wanted to meet and have sex with women, and that would never change. Now, however, my horizon and outlook had been broadened, and I wanted to explore them fully.

I kept glancing at the clock, even though I knew it would seem to make time pass more slowly. I sighed as I finished my coffee, and checked there was sufficient in the machine to provide another mug for me and Fred. A good brew of coffee was great for satisfying oneself after having sex, or even beforehand. I put the plate in the bowl, put my mug next to the percolator, and decided to do a few things about the flat instead of sitting and waiting.

The next thing I knew, it was ten past ten and Fred should be arriving soon. I glanced out of the window occasionally and then saw the post van pull up on the estate. My heart skipped a beat and I felt my pulse racing. Was it anxiety, nerves, or an underlying feeling that I was about to do something I shouldn’t be thinking about doing?

“Calm down, you fool,” I said, scolding myself. “You know this is what you want, and what Fred wants. He doesn’t care, and so shouldn’t you. Besides, you aren’t doing anything wrong.” Even so, I still couldn’t get rid of the troubling feelings. I walked into the kitchen, then returned to the living room and gazed out of the window. I smiled as I saw Fred walking toward the block of flats. He was smiling and carrying a small parcel.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. I waited patiently as I could, not realising I hadn’t decided whether or not to answer the door wearing the skirt. The doorbell rang and shook me out of my reverie. I had two choices, but I had to act quickly if I chose to take the skirt off. In the end, I decided to take a chance. I headed for the front door and peered through the fisheye glass just to make sure it was Fred. I smiled when I saw his face, stepped back and opened the door.

“Morning, Fred,” I said happily, hoping my voice wouldn’t betray my nervous condition.

“Morning, Daniel, I’ve a package for you this morning,” he said and then looked down sharply. “Damn, I wasn’t expecting to be greeted like this,” he said, but I didn't seem to detect the delight in Fred’s voice.

“I’m sorry, Fred. Don’t you like it?” I asked nervously, thinking he was displeased. I didn’t know why I thought this, maybe I thought he enjoyed sex with me in lingerie, but this was a step too far.

“What? Don’t like it? Dammit, Daniel, I love it. I think you look so hot,” said Fred, his eyes wide with delight.

“Oh, good. I’m so pleased. Well, you’d better come in, if you’ve time today, that is.”

“Got time? I made time especially after seeing I had a parcel to deliver to you. Damn, I’ve never done the first half of my round so fast as I have this morning. I have plenty of time to satisfy both our needs.”

I sighed in relief and after Fred stepped inside, I shut the front door and led him into the kitchen. I could feel his eyes staring at me, and I was convinced his eyes were taking in every detail of me in nylons and a skirt.

“Take a seat, and I’ll pour you a coffee.”

“Great, thanks, I could do with a cuppa. I’m famished, but I may not get to drink it all hot, not with you dressed like that. Jeeze, you look better than the missus.” A cheeky smile spread across his face. “I wonder what you’d look like fully made up and wearing a decent wig.” Fred took a deep breath and blew out through pursed lips. “Damn, I’m getting hard just thinking about it.”

Daniel put the mug beside Fred and then sat on the next chair. “Well, perhaps we can do something about that for the next time, maybe not while you’re on your rounds.”

Fred’s eyes widened in surprise. “You mean come around late afternoon after I finish work, or in the evening?”

“That’s exactly what I mean. Anyway, we can discuss that later. Now, I guess I’d better get down to doing what we both want.” I got up, walked in front of Fred, and stood still for a few moments allowing him to absorb what he saw. I then knelt between his legs. “I’ve been waiting to do this all week,” I admitted as I reached out and started undoing his trousers.

Fred slid his arse forward and leant back, letting me get on with business. He was grinning from ear to ear as I pulled his trousers down, slipped them off and then eased his briefs down. As I uncovered his cock, it sprang out, the head already red and glistening. It looked so tempting.

I took hold of his cock and started stroking it, listening to Fred sighing and moaning in delight. I was rock hard too, my cock straining my nylon panties, desperately wanting to be released and stroked, but it would have to remain tucked away a little longer. I licked my lips and then licked the head of his cock. It twitched at the touch. I ran my tongue all over the sensitive head while fondling his balls.

As my saliva increased, I let it dribble over his cock and then licked it from tip to base. Up and down I went several times before opening my mouth and taking the head inside. I wrapped my lips around it and started sucking, then slowly slid down the length, taking the whole cock into my mouth.

Fred was moaning with pleasure, and I was enjoying myself. He seemed to be the silent type, content to simply enjoy the pleasures of sex.

I bobbed up and down slowly, sucking like a vacuum, making his cock all wet with my saliva and stimulating him slowly but surely. I could feel his cock twitching and the blood pulsing through the thick vein running along its length. I tasted a drop of pre-cum. It was sweet and salty. I stroked Fred’s cock as I bobbed up and down, increasing the stimulation.

“Stand up, Daniel. I don't want to cum too soon,” said Fred who eased his but back on the chair, sat upright and leaned forward a little.

I stood and faced him, my legs slightly apart, my erect cock making a large bulge in the front of my skirt. I saw Fred’s eyes widen in delight.

“This turns you on a lot, doesn’t it, Fred?” I said.

He nodded. “I guess as much as it does you, hot-cake.”

Fred pulled me closer and started stroking me through the skirt. I felt my cock twitching and getting so hard it hurt. I wanted so desperately for Fred to release me, stroke me and suck me, it was agony waiting for him to act. I guessed he would want to see what I was wearing under my shirt, so I took it off and dropped it on the floor.

“Wow! I never thought a guy could look that good in one of those,” admitted Fred. “If only you had breasts to fill it out.”

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I was quite shocked by Fred’s comment and the delight in his voice. Changes in me were moving far faster than I could ever have thought possible, and what Fred said struck deep. I wondered, did I look that effeminate that with makeup and boobs I could pass off as a woman. I had never thought I did, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go that far. Wearing skirts and dresses in the flat was one thing, but going out dressed up was a far different matter altogether.

Fred sensed my hesitation in responding, so he just winked, and then wrapped his arms around me. He found the zip and opened it ever so slowly. He then undid the button and I felt the skirt slipping down. It stopped at my waist so Fred gave it a helping tug and it fell to the floor, leaving me standing in front of him only in my sexy underwear.

Fred took a deep breath and exhaled through pursed lips, his eyes still wide at what he was looking at. “Now that is sexy, hot, and downright provocative.”

Licking his lips, Fred grabbed the front of my panties and pulled them over my cock, finally releasing it from its prison. It was fully erect and the head was red and glistening with pre-cum. Fred slid off the chair and knelt, sitting on his heels. He lowered his head and licked the head of my cock clean of pre-cum and then took it into his mouth.

I moaned with pleasure and the relief of him finally taking my cock in his mouth was enormous. I was so excited, I was afraid I might cum long before we had a chance to do anything, but Fred took it slow. He pulled my panties all the way down so he had free access to my cock, my balls, and my arse. Feeling him playing with my balls, stroking and sucking my cock, and teasing my anus with his finger was wonderful. I was pleased I had lubricated my arse before Fred had arrived, not too much, but just enough for him to start playing.

I stood still, but my body was quivering from the sensations running through it. I felt Fred push two fingers into my anus, and then slowly slide in and out as he finger fucked me. By now my cock was pulsating even more, and I knew I wasn’t going to last. Fred must have sensed it because he stopped what he was doing, sat back on the chair and leant back, spreading his legs wide.

Without needing to be told, I knelt and started sucking his cock again. It was still rock hard, indicating he had enjoyed sucking me off and fingering my anus. I wondered whether he would want to fuck me properly. I wasn’t too bothered if he didn't let me fuck him; I’d be happy enough for him to fuck me and cum inside my anus and then suck me until I shot my load down his throat, or not.

Fred’s cock was getting wetter and hotter, and I could feel his scrotum tightening and his cock swelling. He was getting close to achieving an orgasm. I was quite happily sucking away, not caring what he wanted to do next when he moved.

“Stand up, Daniel,” he said.

When I released his cock and looked at him, I saw the gleam in his eyes. I stood and faced him, legs slightly apart. My cock was still at attention, sticking out proudly waiting to be stroked and sucked. I watched Fred stand and step closer to me. He leaned forward and kissed me hard.

I wasn’t expecting that.

We kissed for a few moments, my arms around his back, his hands squeezing and playing with my buttocks. I could feel our cocks rubbing together, something I found quite erotic. After a few moments, Fred broke free, turned me around and hugged me up against my back. I could feel his cock against the crack of my arse, its heat soaking into my flesh. His arms wrapped around me and his hands grasped my cock and balls. He started fondling me, stroking me, and then pushed me forward until we came to the kitchen units.

Fred kissed me on my shoulders and worked his way toward my ear and back to the shoulder as if he was kissing a woman. Strangely enough, it tingled and I found the sensation rather pleasing. I tried to imagine it was a gorgeous, hot babe kissing me, one with larger breasts, a hot, wet pussy and a ravenous appetite for sex. It sent my heart racing and I could feel my cock twitching.

Fred felt the reaction too.

He eased his body away from mine, not too far, but just enough for him to rub his hand over my buttocks. He grabbed the tube of lubricant I had purposely left on the kitchen unit surface and unscrewed the top. As he did this, I parted my legs a little more, thrust my bum outward and bent over with my elbows on the worktop, giving him better access to do what he was about to do.

I was pleased and looked forward to feeling his hard cock sliding deep inside me. The mere thought of it was increasing the anticipation and excitement, and I could feel my cock pulsating and twitching. I was becoming convinced I’d cum and shoot my load all over the kitchen unit door before Fred had even entered me.

After squirting some of the gel onto his fingers, Fred rubbed it over my anus and then worked some of it inside, adding a little more as required. He pushed his fingers in deep, withdrew them, and then finger fucked me for a few moments, making sure I was well-lubricated. Fred then rubbed some of the gel over the tip of his cock and guided it toward my waiting anus.

Fred pushed gently, wanting to take his time and savour the pleasure of each moment. His cock slid inside with ease and I felt it fill me up as he pushed it in. He held it deep inside me for a while, just enjoying the sensation, and then he began sliding it in and out with a slow, teasing rhythm. He was not in a rush even though he still had his round to complete.

I moaned with pleasure as I felt his cock pumping inside me, and could feel my cock twitching in response. Fred picked up the pace and before I knew it, he was shooting his load deep inside me. I could feel its warmth and I was surprised by how pleasurable it was being fucked like this. I wondered if it would be any nicer if I was lying on my back on the edge of a bed or chair with my legs raised and Fred kneeling in front of me. Perhaps I would suggest it next time he called.

Fred pulled out of me and I felt his cum seeping out from my arse and trickling down my inner thigh. It felt strange and naughty. When I turned around and faced him, he moved forward and kissed me hard on the mouth, his wet cock pressing against mine. I took hold of it and stroked it gently. It was slippery from the lubricant and his cum. He didn’t stop me nor did he stop kissing me.

After a few moments, he broke the kiss. “That was fucking delightful, Daniel,” he said smiling broadly. “I never thought fucking a guy could be so pleasurable.”

He then knelt, took my cock in his mouth and started sucking me off. As he did so, he stroked my stockinged legs, fondled my balls and fingered my wet anus. Within a couple of minutes, I was shooting my load into his mouth. He kept sucking as he swallowed every drop, and then continued sucking until I was dry.

“Wow, Fred, that was, well, one of the most powerful orgasms I’ve ever had. Thanks.” I was breathing hard and felt so satisfied. Fred was definitely a great cock sucker, but the combination of being fucked and then given a blow job was such an erotic and stimulating experience, I couldn’t wait to repeat the experience.

Fred stood and kissed me again, letting me taste my cum. “You’re hot and sexy, Daniel, and you make me feel so good. I never thought gay sex could be so satisfying.” He winked and then smiled. “Anyway, I had better get going,” he said after glancing at the clock on the wall, and then got dressed.

“Perhaps you could call one afternoon late next week,” I suggested as I wiped my cock, arse and legs with a cloth.

Fred nodded. “Wednesday should be good, but I’ll check my rounds and see what’s going on next week and I’ll let you know.” He picked up his mug and drank the last of his coffee.

I quickly put on my shirt, skirt and shoes and accompanied Fred to the front door. After opening the door, I gazed around, saw nobody about and stood on the threshold as Fred stepped into the communal corridor. I did feel rather self-conscious standing at the door dressed in a skirt and nylons, but it was a lovely feeling.

Fred gave me a quick kiss, winked and then said, “That was great, Daniel. I can’t wait until next time.” He turned and disappeared down the stairs, whistling merrily away. I sighed in delight, turned and went back inside, closing the door behind me.

I had pleased Fred immensely and had thoroughly enjoyed myself in the process. I was also pleased that he had not treated me as a sissy to be humiliated and abused, but as somone he could enjoy having sex with. What he truly thought about me could be another matter, and yet, that didn't bother me. It was how he acted toward me that was, and if he was the same next time, then I would be more than satisfied.

I sat at the kitchen table as I decided what to do next, other than putting my panties, stockings, and cami-suspender in the wash, all of them having got stained with cum. Friday had started great, and wondered what I could do over the next few days to equal or better it.

Written by hcann69
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