Katie woke up before Linda the next morning. She put on a robe and went to make coffee. She brought two cups back to the bedroom.
She set the coffee down and stared at the person she loved laying in her bed in a see-through light blue nightie, exposing a bra underneath. She smiled and thought, "I don't think he knows that this is a dream come true for me."
Katie woke him. "Hey, sleepy girl. Time to get up."
"Good morning, hon," I muttered.
Before I could say anything, Katie said, "Linda, in case you are wondering, I want you to know that I had a wonderful time with my new girlfriend yesterday."
That she referred to me as Linda was reassuring. "I did too," I replied.
"Why don't we get dressed and go out for brunch?" Katie suggested.
It occurred to me that the only clothing I had was the fancy dress I wore the night before.
I replied, "I really don't have anything to wear. I can't wear that dress, and I don't have any male clothes here."
"First of all. I don't want you in male clothes. I'm sure you can fit into something of mine," Katie responded with a smile. She went to her closet and came back with a black A-line skirt and a red sweater.
"I think we may wear the same sizes, so that's handy," she smiled. "If you want, I'll get you some pantyhose if you don't want to wear that girdle and stockings."
"Are you sure you want to spend another day with Linda?" I asked.
"I hope you don't take this wrong, but I'd rather spend the day with Linda," she responded.
"I hope you're okay with me saying this, but I love you like this. I warned you that you might regret letting me in on your secret," Katie said.
I responded. "I wouldn't have told you if I wasn't okay with it. I'm already comfortable being Linda around you. But I suppose we ought to talk about how much you want her around."
"We'll discuss it over brunch. Now get dressed and do your makeup," she happily responded.
The skirt and sweater fit nicely. It was convenient that we were the same height and sizes. I wore the pantyhose and she lent me a pair of sandals. I pinned my wig on and I was ready to go. Katie wore her usual slacks and didn't do any makeup.
We went to a nearby restaurant we had gone to before.
"So Linda, how are you feeling about telling your girlfriend about your feminine alter-ego?" Katie asked after we were seated.
"First of all, I'm really happy I told you. It's a huge load off my mind. I hated hiding it from you. Secondly, I am a bit overwhelmed by your reaction," I replied earnestly.
I went on to tell Katie that while I hoped she would accept my cross-dressing, I was surprised at how quickly and completely she welcomed my feminine persona.
Katie said, "Perhaps there is a reason. I think if I tell you something about my past, it may help you understand."
She explained that she had lesbian relationships in the past. Somehow, that didn't surprise me. "I realized I liked some women because I could play a more traditionally masculine role. I found that I enjoyed having a very feminine partner. But I kept thinking, "I also really do like men."
I replied, "We're kind of alike. I liked being feminine, but kept thinking, "I really do like women."
Katie smiled and said, "So maybe we have found the ideal relationship. I play the masculine role, while you play the feminine one. I guess that's why I reacted so favorably."
"I think you are probably right. What an amazing situation we find ourselves in," I said.
Katie went on, "The question now is, are you okay being Linda as much as I might like? I will tell you this. I'm crazy about the woman I'm sitting across from and I won't let her go."
I smiled. "And I'm crazy about the woman I'm sitting across from, and I will do anything for her."
Just then, a couple came over to our table. "Hi Katie, how are you?" the woman said.
Katie replied, "Oh wow, Hi Dawn. I'm great. Hi Dave."
"Dawn, Dave, this is my friend, Linda," Katie said.
I smiled and said hello.
Katie went on, "Linda, Dawn, and I went to school together. Gee, Dawn, how long has it been?"
"Probably since our wedding," Dawn responded.
"I think you're right. Do you live around here?" Katie asked
Dawn told us they had just moved into the neighborhood. She asked Katie if she was married or seeing anyone.
"Not really," she responded. "I guess Linda and I are the only single girls left."
I gave her a look. Dawn smiled and gave us a wink.
I'm thinking, "Did Katie just imply we were in a lesbian relationship?"
Dawn said, "Let's get together for dinner. Dave is a wonderful chef. Give me your number. Maybe you and Linda can join us for dinner."
"That sounds like fun," Katie said as she jotted down her number. "Linda, what do you think?"
"Sounds good to me," I replied.
As they left, I said to Katie, "Did you just imply that we're in a relationship?"
"Well, we are aren't we?" Katie said as she laughed out loud.
Katie explained that she had attended their wedding with a woman she was dating at the time. "She thinks I'm a lesbian who likes lipstick lesbians. So this all made sense."
"So I'm a lipstick lesbian?" I asked quizzically.
"Well, which one of us girls is wearing bright red lipstick, full makeup, and a skirt here sweetie?" Katie replied.
I just laughed. "I shouldn't tell you this, but I just got a partial erection. And don't you dare say we should go to the lady's room?" We both giggled.
"And you telling me that, just made me wet. We clearly were made for each other," Katie said as she smiled broadly.
Katie and I spent the rest of the day together. We went to the art museum and out to dinner. There was little doubt that anyone who saw us thought we were lesbians. I was enjoying my new role.
Katie told me to keep the skirt and sweater when I told her I should get home. She packed up my things and drove me home. Mom obviously noticed I was wearing a completely different outfit and wanted to know how things went.
"Really well Mom," I told her. "I've been dressed all weekend. Katie is crazy about Linda. In fact, I think she prefers Linda to Bob."
"I'm so happy this seems to be working out. I can't blame her either." Mom said as she smiled t me.
"Yes, it seems to be working out much better than I could have imagined," I replied.
The next morning, it felt odd to go to work as Bob. Katie had received another promotion and was now working at a different location. Probably just as well. I didn't want her slipping and calling me Linda by mistake.
Work was going well. Katie couldn't get enough of Linda. Almost every time we went out, I was Linda. Katie loved taking me shopping and buying outfits she liked. She preferred me in lacy lingerie, as well as very feminine dresses and skirts. Pretty much the opposite of how she dressed.
We went to the Club one night. Tom wasn't there, but Sharon and Donna were. Katie hit it off with them. The four of us started meeting for dinner occasionally.
We also started going to dinner with Dawn and Dave. Katie told me that Dawn thought I was really cute, and that I was "definitely your type."
It was getting to the point where I was Linda all the time. I had lost weight and many of my male things were now too big. Both Mom and Katie made it clear they preferred Linda. "Bob was great, but I adore my new girlfriend," she told me one day.
One night when we were supposed to go out, I called her and told her that Joe needed me to work that night.
"No problem, something came up here too," she said. "But maybe I'll stop by and you can wait on me."
I didn't take her seriously, but later on, Katie walked into the restaurant. However, she was with an older guy in a suit. They sat down and I came over.
Katie smiled at me and said, "Hi Linda, this is the CEO of my company, Chuck Smith."
I couldn't believe this. Was she on a date? She gave me no out. "Good evening Katie. Nice to see you again. And welcome Chuck. May I get you two something from the bar?"
They ordered drinks. At some point, Katie noticed that I had gone to the lady's room. She excused herself and joined me.
"I'm sure you're loving this," I said.
"Don't be mad. Chuck just promoted me to a Vice President position and he wanted to take me out to dinner."
"That's great honey," I responded.
"By the way, Chuck thinks I'm a lesbian, so don't worry. He also thinks you're a doll," she said and smiled. "I love your cute outfit."
Suffice it to say, our relationship changed. On the one hand, we were closer than ever. On the other, I spent almost all of my time with her in femme mode. I adjusted to the change. Literally, the only time I wasn't Linda was at work. Katie pushed me to be more feminine. As I did, she relished playing the masculine role.
Then a personal disaster struck. Mom suddenly passed away. She apparently had an undiagnosed heart condition and had a heart attack. It was a rough time for me and I took a lot of time off work. My absence was ill-timed. The company was laying off a few people, and I ended up being one of them.
Katie was very supportive. She had been promoted yet again and now was a regional VP. She wanted me to move in with her, telling me, "I'm making very good money now so don't worry about it. Anyway, you still have your waitress job."
I sold the house. Before I moved, Katie told me I should move in as Linda. She said it would avoid confusion with the neighbors and new friends like Dawn and Dave. Since I was a woman most of the time anyway, even in my job, it did make sense. I agreed I would be Linda full-time, especially if that's what she wanted. Katie couldn't have been happier.

Since I wasn't bouncing back and forth between male and female, I became even more feminine in my manner and voice. Katie told me to grow out my hair, and after a short time we went to the beauty parlor and I got a nice feminine cut. It was nice not wearing wigs. Katie insisted I grow out my nails and get regular manicures as well.
Joe increased my hours and I was enjoying being a waitress. Life was good. Katie introduced me to her friends, as well as some colleagues. Everyone knew we were in a relationship. I was committed to being Katie's lipstick lesbian girlfriend.
One day Katie said, "Honey, I want you to get breast implants. You wear a bra every day and it's time you put real tits in it. Now that you're a woman full-time, it only makes sense."
I was hesitant. But I couldn't think of a good reason not to. The idea did excite me.
Katie took me to see a doctor who specialized in gender reassignment. On our first visit, the doctor, upon meeting me, was initially surprised I wasn't a woman. She asked how long I had been living as a woman and I told her I had been full-time for over a year, and part-time my whole life.
"That's wonderful. It's apparent you know what you want," the doctor told me.
She explained the options. We discussed hormone replacement therapy or HRT. She explained that if we went that route, my breasts would grow larger, but the size was somewhat unpredictable. There would be a number of other effects. I would lose facial and bodily hair. My voice would change and my hips would widen. The doctor did ask us if I was having my penis removed, and if I was planning on having a vagina constructed.
Katie immediately replied, "Oh no doctor, she wants to keep it. Right, Linda? She turned to me.
I immediately said yes.
The doctor told us that was not an unusual choice, and that it would remain an option.
Katie and I discussed the options. Katie wanted me to have large breasts "because that will make you feel more feminine."
We decided to start with breast augmentation and go then go on a hormones. It would require outpatient surgery only. I would need a few weeks to recuperate. Katie assured her that I would get all the care I needed.
The doctor noticed that I wore a D-cup bra and asked if that was what I wanted. I told her I did and she further explained that she couldn't guarantee the cup size because the inserts were measured by volume. "You most likely will be a D-cup, but there is a slight chance it could come out a C or even a DD," she said.
We scheduled the surgery and a week later I woke from the anesthesia to have my own breasts. They were taped up for a few days. We returned to the doctor's office for the unveiling. When the doctor removed the wrapping, Katie and the doctor smiled. "They're beautiful honey," Katie assured me.
The doctor had me look in a mirror. "I'm quite happy," she said.
I stared in disbelief. I had tits. "Oh thank you, doctor, I love them," I said excitedly.
I was overjoyed to put on a bra without having to slip in forms. I took my time recovering. I adored my new body, as did Katie.
Katie took me shopping and picked out a couple of sleeveless dresses that showed off my new bosom. It was also wonderful to occasionally go braless.
I began hormone therapy and we soon noticed changes. Hair on my body and face stopped growing. I didn't have to shave my legs as often. My voice got higher, and my hips became fuller. An unexpected effect was some additional growth of my breasts. We had to buy new bras. I was now a size 38DD.
One night we went to the club to hook up with Sharon, Donna, and Jay. I wore a low-cut blouse with a balconette bra showing my new cleavage. Everyone was so excited to see my new boobs. This time Tom was there and I introduced him to Katie. Tom was charming and complimented me.
"He's really nice, and very handsome," Katie told me. "Would you still want to date him?"
"I'm very content being your lipstick lesbian, honey," I responded as I kissed her on the lips with Tom observing.
Katie smiled broadly.
Our sex life was better than ever. Katie even allowed me to be on top occasionally so she could play with my big tits. One day, Katie brought home a strap-on dildo. "I've been thinking, you need a cock in your pussy." Katie smiled lasciviously.
That evening Katie had me do an enema (or "douche" as she called it). I was in bed in a pink nightie when she walked in with a the life-like phallus strapped to her crotch. She had me get on all fours as she rubbed KY on her boner as well as my hole. She took her time. It hurt at first, but she finally buried it in my ass. It started feeling good as she slid it back and forth. She pulled it out and told me to turn over. She reinserted it, and jerked me off while she fucked my virgin ass. I let out a soft scream and shot a stream of white on my abdomen.
"That was fun," Katie remarked. "Did you like it? Did it make you feel like a woman?"
"Yeah, it did," I said.
"Good. I want you to feel that way."
"I'm open to the real thing if you want. But only if I'm there," she said mischievously.
"What about you?" I asked.
"Nah. I've got a girl with a dick." We both giggled.
"Hmm. I'm getting the feeling you'd like to watch me get fucked by some guy with a big cock," I said.
Katie continued, "I have loved your feminization. And I love the woman you have become. But I don't think you can be a complete woman without a man taking your virginity. Don't you agree?"
I replied that I was happy being her girlfriend. "But if you believe my feminization isn't complete without a man fucking me, then of course I agree."
"Linda, be honest. You want a big cock in you, at least once, don't you? Katie asked.
"I have to admit I have thought about it., But where would we find a guy who would do me? After all, I imagine most guys probably wouldn't want to screw a woman like me," I replied.
Katie responded, "What about Tom? You told me he wanted to do you and that he was over eight inches. I'm sure he gladly fuck your brains out," Katie said.
"I'm sure he would," I responded.
"Only one way to find out, Give him a call," Katie said.
We discussed it further, and Katie thought it would be good for me. A few days later I called Tom. "Hi hon, it's Linda. Yeah, nice to hear your voice too. Listen, I've got an unusual proposition for you. Do you still want to fuck me?"
Tom said of course he did. I explained that I was still with Katie and that she wanted to see me get it. He said he would be happy to let her watch.
"When can you be here?" I said and smiled at Katie. "Katie wants to know if you have been tested recently for any STDs. Oh, that's great." I nodded to her.
"He's on his way."
We were both excited.
A half-hour later the doorbell rang. I went to the door and let him in.
"Hi babe," I said. I gave him a kiss.
We had a glass of wine to loosen things up.
Katie said to me, "Let's get this party started. Tom, I assume you wouldn't mind if Linda sucked your cock a little?"
Tom smiled. "Not at all. It's been a while."
Katie smiled at me. "Linda, get busy hon," she ordered.
I sat next to Tom and we kissed. I undid his pants and pulled them down. His big cock stiffened.
"You were right Linda," Katie said.
I got on my knees and took it in my mouth. Tom was clearly enjoying himself.
Katie came over and reached under my skirt and grabbed my clit while I continued sucking Tom's much larger cock.
"Okay Tom, I think you're both ready. Linda take off your clothes and get on all fours," Katie directed.
I did as told.
"Wow, Linda. Your tits look great," Tom said as he grabbed a handful.
I was on the couch with my ass exposed. My "clit" was hard as a rock. Katie got some lube and rubbed it on and in my ass.
"Okay Tom, she's all yours," Katie said. She sat on a nearby chair. I saw her shove her hand into her panties.
Tom removed his clothes and knelt behind me. He gently nudged the head of his sizeable cock into my hole. He'd push, then pull back. He took his time, and after two minutes of back and forth, he thrust his hips forward. I let out a yelp as he slid in. He waited for me to relax and began rhythmically sliding in, then back.
I looked over at Katie. She smiled at me while she furiously fingered herself.
Tom kept fucking me. I was starting to really enjoy it. We got into a nice rhythm. With each thrust, his huge member was buried in me. I felt his big, hanging balls slap against my ass.
Katie came over and whispered, "Do you feel like a woman?"
"Oh yes honey, I do" I responded.
With that, Tom slammed his cock into me harder and harder. Suddenly Tom grunted as his full length entered me. I felt my ass fill with a warm liquid. Four more thrusts and I was filled to the brim. He pulled out.
"Good girl Linda," Katie said. "Now Tom, why don't you suck my little girl's clit?"
Tom did as instructed and began taking me into his mouth. I was incredibly aroused and within minutes, shot my load into his warm mouth.
"Isn't she a good girl Tom?" Katie asked.
"She sure is," Tom said as he swallowed.
Katie thanked Tom for being so accommodating.
We all got dressed and Katie suggested that we might need his services again. "I think she needs it, don't you Tom?" Katie inquired.
"Absolutely. I'm here to help," Tom replied.
I just smiled.
Bob was now a distant memory.