“Oh, fuck! You know what I like,” Sage Silver cooed in delight.
One hand cupped her full breast as another slid down her panties. She clenched her large brown eyes tight and focused on the sensation.
“Oh, Lucy!” She squealed in whispered delight. “Oh… fuck. Lucy, yes!”
The finger in her cunt plunged deeper and she met it with enthusiastic grinding. The hand on her breast squeezed tighter as a thumb circled her pert nipple.
“I’ll do anything you want! Please, just… don’t stop!”
Sage had longed to be held tight by her college roommate for years. They had been assigned a room together when they had started college and everyone assumed this would not last. They were so incredibly different. Lucy was athletic and outgoing. Sage was… well a nerd. Bookish, quiet, just about any stereotype you could think of. She was also so incredibly horny.
And Lucy’s body… where to begin? She had the prettiest little tits, two small cup fulls she flaunted by wearing no bra whenever possible. Her lean muscles that Sage had long wished would be used to pin her down. The tan lines that separated her olive skin from the pale intimate areas the sun never had the pleasure to see…
“Bend me over, I want it deep,” Sage whispered.
Sage flipped quickly on the bed and stuck her ass high in the air as her underwear slid to her knees. Her face was buried into the bed as her thick black glasses dug into her face. She was already so close spurred on by the unrelenting fingering.
“Fuck my ass. Please, I want to feel it…” As the words left her mouth she felt the swelling warmth of pleasure radiating out in uncontrollable waves. Her back arched and her free hand clenched the duvet with tight white knuckles. “Oh, oh, OH!”
The finger in her pussy continued its work, drawing out every bit of pleasure. With practiced precision, it followed the pace of her orgasm. It started deep and rough while the thumb massaged her clit. As the honeyed euphoria began to clear the fingering became more gentle until it slowly came to a stop.
Sage opened her eyes and saw her own face staring back from the floor-length mirror attached to the closet door. Alone on the bed, she admired herself. She bounced her round ass in the air and withdrew her hand from between her thighs. She sat up. Her cheeks flushed, her mousy brown hair was wild, and her spectacles crooked and falling off.
“Lucy, you bitch,” she said under her ragged breath. “So unfair…”
‘There goes a nice productive spring break,’ She thought as she wiped the wetness from her finger onto Lucy’s dirty sports bra that she had taken from her laundry. She sniffed it one last time before returning it. ‘I guess I’m going to Ohio.’
Sage was woken by the sensation of being lifted up in her seat and quickly falling back down as her face dragged across the passenger side glass. She looked over to Lucy and shot her a nasty look “What the fuck was that?”
Laughing, Lucy looked over from the road to her crabby friend. “In Ohio, that’s what we call a pothole.”
“Felt like the car fell off the road,” Sage responded as she pulled her hoodie up and attempted to find a comfortable angle to get back to sleep. Immediately the car bounced again.
“Um… you may just want to sit up. Those were only small ones. Besides, look what I got you at my last stop!” Her tan hand reached down to the cup holder and produced a large iced coffee, made exactly how Sage had liked it.
Wrinkling her nose in discontent, Sage begrudgingly snatched the caffeine and let the first sip of the bitter drink wash over her tongue. “You did it on purpose. I wouldn’t have agreed to come if you didn’t start changing in front of me.”
“I know.” A proud smirk raised the corners of her brown lips. “That’s why I did it.”
“That wasn’t fair. It’s taking advantage of my disability.” She continued to pout while sipping her coffee. She stared out into the desolate landscape of un-tilled farms that stretched on for miles upon miles.
Lucy giggled, “Being horny is not a disability. And I told you, I would be so bored without you!” Reaching over she gave Sage a reassuring pat on the head. “Don’t worry Slugger, we’ll find you someone fun at one of the bars. I guarantee you I’ll get you laid.”
“I SHOULD be studying right now.”
“Bullshit, you could ace those finals today.”
“Well yes,” she admitted with a smug matter-of-factness. “But they are Schroedinger grades until I take the test.”
“You listen to me, you dork!” Lucy said with a playful commanding tone. “Sage Silver is my best friend and she isn’t spending her last spring break rotting alone on campus studying shit she already knows.”
“I suppose I’m not. Instead, I’m going to some backwater Ohio county to stay at your parent’s house to keep you entertained.”
“And there you’ll be treated to an expense-free weekend that includes a one-week stay at Chateaus Lucy with your meals provided by one of the best cooks in the county. And you can study in the morning and party with me at night.”
Sage looked over at her with some interest realizing she was feeling quite hungry. “Best cooks?”
“My Dad.”
“Oh.” Looking back out the passenger window she watched a group of cows slowly approaching in the distance. “How very exciting.”
“Exciting? You have no idea!” Lucy joked. “My parents are the definition of it! My Dad works from home doing freelance programming! And my Mom’s a librarian! And if stories of their work aren’t compelling enough, every Wednesday is board game night! I mean, I stopped playing when I was seven but I assume it’s still a blast. Rolling dice, moving pieces…. they are party animals!”
“Really selling this trip, aren’t you?” She tried to take another sip when the car skipped along another pothole causing the coffee to splash upward onto Sages’s face. Lucy failed to suppress her laugh as the beverage dripped from the tip of her nose back into the cup. Scowling like a damp cat, she put the drink back in the cup holder and crossed her arms.
“Sage… what can I do to apologize? Anything at all.” I did want to spend my break with you.”
Sage gave a considering side-eye to her friend. “Anything?”
“Well, not what you’re thinking right now but other than that.”
“Tits out, I want to see them. It’s the least you can do.”
Lucy rolled her eyes. “You’re just going to work yourself up.”
“Then fulfill your oath and find me someone to relieve the tension. Now be a good girl and lift that shirt.”
Lucy sighed and smiled. “Fine, but only for two minutes. Set a timer.” With one hand she reached down and grabbed the bottom of her shirt. In one smooth motion, she ducked her head and lifted the shirt over her neck exposing her tight breasts to the chilly morning air. “AHHH! Fuck that’s cold. Now you listen to me, my good woman! You are going to spend your Spring break with me, and you… Sage, look into my eyes when I’m talking to you. Up here. And YOU, are going to fuck someone and have a good time! Start the god damned timer!”
Grinning ear to ear, Sage found it in her heart to forgive her friend somewhere in the following 120 seconds.
“There she is!” The front door burst open as the car approached the driveway revealing a tall, jubilant man. “There’s my girl!”
“Oh God. I’m embarrassed already.” Lucy pulled into the large family home nestled against the edge of the woodlands. “My Dad can get excited sometimes.”
Sage felt this was rather apparent. He stood outside the driver’s side door like an excited dog, bouncing as he waited for his daughter. Lucy opened the door and started to stand. Her father snatched her into the air, impressively spinning her around as though she were still a kid. Lucy wasn’t a small girl, standing nearly a head taller than Sage and dense with muscle.
“Lucy! My baby! I missed you!” He pulled her into a bear hug, Lucy’s toes barely on the ground as her Dad squeezed the air from her.
“Dad… dad!” She wheezed, patting him on the back. “Can’t breathe.”
Both laughed as he set her back on her feet. Sage found the whole scene ridiculously adorable. She had seen him before, though never up close. Sage had gone to a few of Lucy’s swim meets. She generally avoided large crowds but she wanted to be supportive. Her father was always in the front row, screaming his lungs out.
He was nothing she imagined. He was young to have a girl on the cusp of graduating college, perhaps in his early forties. Lucy’s Dad had probably been their age when she was born. His clothes were old-fashioned. He had dark, pressed slacks and a gray sweater vest over a light green button-up shirt. The tie that matched his socks completed a look that seemed right out of a 50’s sitcom. He wore his red hair tidy, greased to the side with a floral-smelling pomatum. Freckles peppered his cheeks and nose.
“And who’s this little lady?” he asked.
Sage sighed, she loved gingers. He had the most beautiful green eyes. When he looked at her, she had tingles.
“Wake up, girl!” Lucy waved her hand and Sage realized they were waiting for her to answer. She had been staring and her cheeks burned in embarrassment.
She blubbered and tried to come up with the correct words. “I… I’m… Sorry. I…” He grinned and a dimple appeared on his cheek. Then his gaze traveled down over her body.
“Lucy, I didn’t know you were bringing home an adorable little kitten,” he teased. At least Sage thought he was teasing. There was something about the way he looked at her that indeed made her feel like a small, cornered animal. With every passing moment, he felt more like a hungry wolf.
“Maxwell!” Everyone jumped and his eyes snapped to the left. Lucy’s mother was mere feet away from Sage and she hadn’t even noticed till she spoke. Her husband had stood up straight like a soldier in formation, his eyes now fixed firmly on his partner. “How many times have I told you this week?” She walked beside her husband, he stretched his arm around her shoulders. “This is Lucy’s roommate, Sage Silvers. I’m Miss Shear, and the silly oaf is regrettably my husband.” The whole family shared a chuckle at the slight.
Miss Shear shook her worse than her husband. Sage was reminded of a teacher she had in fourth grade. The woman made her feel as though every answer she was about to give was wrong, no matter how much she studied. At least she knew how to handle that situation, she planted her feet and answered. “Pleased to meet you. Thank you for having me,” she squeaked out.
Of course, her old teacher never looked like this. Lucy may have gotten her lanky, muscled body from her father but her features were a gift from her mother. They had similar sharp eyes and round noses. Miss Shear’s skin was darker than her daughter’s, though it had the soft texture of one who rarely went into the sun. Her full lips were painted in dark crimson.
Miss Shear adjusted her glasses and held out her hand. “So polite. Lucy, I’m glad you’re doing much better at finding friends.” Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun. She was a short woman, eye to eye with Sage only by the graces of her strappy black high heels. They had a similar body shape, a pleasing hourglass shape. Miss Shear wore a tight pencil skirt and a well-filled blouse. “Thank you for bringing someone home who isn’t a deviant.”
Sage was a bit shaken from this as she realized she was having quite deviant thoughts about Miss Shear indeed.
“What, this Angel? You’ve never met a purer soul.” Lucy winked to Sage, then walked to her mother, and they shared an embrace. “I’ve missed you, Mom. How’s work?”
“Don’t get me started. Budget cuts every year and I’m getting daily calls to remove books from those uptight, religious Christian zealots. They even held a damned protest trying to remove all books from Oscar Wilde the other day.” Her eyes glanced over at Sage. “No offense to the angel, I hope.”
“The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it,” Sage said with more of an angry snap than she meant. She didn’t like the evangelical comparisons.
Miss Shear popped an intrigued eyebrow, a look Sage had seen from her daughter whenever she had her eyes set on a boy. “I can resist everything but temptation.” With the slightest of smiles, she nodded knowingly.

Lucy only knew she didn’t get the joke. She shrugged. “Don’t you worry about Sage. I think you two are gonna along just fine.”
“So when were you going to tell me?” Sage asked as she set her suitcase on the extra bed that had been set up in Lucy’s old room. Carefully laying out her neatly folded clothes, she started putting her favorite club dresses on hangers.
Lucy tilted her head in confusion before dumping the contents of her duffel bag onto the other bed. “Tell you what?”
“That your parents are hot,” she answered as though it were obvious.
“Oh my god!” Wrinkling her nose in disgust Lucy laughed. “Parents aren’t hot, they are parents.”
Sage teased her friend further. “Oh, so you’re blind to it then? No. Both of your parents are prime fuck buddies. Can I stay in their room? We can all share a bed! Maybe we can…” Her thought was cut off by a wad of sweaty workout clothes hitting the back of her head.
“I shouldn’t have shown you my tits on the way here. You’re addled and horny beyond rational thought.”
Pulling the sweaty sports bra from her hair, she longed to plunge her face into it. She had learned to appreciate her friend’s perspiration as a fine perfume. If Lucy knew how Sage had got off on it she may have been better at picking up her dirty underwear. Sage preferred her messy. “Well, you’ve done it now. I guess I’m going to have to fuck your Dad. Or your Mom. Unless, of course, you wanted to…”
Dirty sweatpants hit her square in the face.
“Did you even bring any clean clothes?” Sage asked before stealing an indulgent whiff and tossing them back into the pile.
“Why would I do that, I can wash them for free here. Now c’mon. Let me give you the tour. Starting with the most exciting room of the house, the laundry room!”
“This is decidedly not as thrilling as you advertised.” Sage sat on the dryer and kicked her feet, doing her best to make sure Lucy could see she was bored.
“Are you daft? This device revolutionized human existence! No longer are we slaves to the washboard.” Lucy enthusiastically sold the wonders of modern appliances as she overstuffed the laundry machine.
“All hail Jacob Shaffer,” Lucy said supportively.
“Who is that?”
With a tone that suggested this should be common knowledge, she replied, “He invented the washing machine.”
“Why on Earth do you know that?” Lucy looked at her flabbergasted.
Sage shrugged, “I dunno. Why don’t you?”
Lucy chuckled. “Then here’s to you, Mr. Shaffer. You have liberated us from toiling over the grass stains on our knees!”
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that. You have been coming back with a lot of knee stains lately. Why haven’t I met this guy?” Sage joked.
“What makes you think it’s just one? I just blow whoever looks nice on my morning run. Helps train my cardio.” Lucy started pulling out the clothes and searching through them. “Hey, I’m missing my favorite bra!”
“Favorite bra? How do you have a favorite? You don’t even need one, you’re a sexy, sexy rail.”
“Exactly, mine are entirely ornamental. You wouldn’t understand with those cantaloupes hanging off your chest.” With a put-upon grumble, she said, “You know, it must have fallen out when I unpacked. Hang tight, I’ll be right back!” She ran out of the room, leaving Sage to stare at the white walls.
‘She is terrible at this!’ Sage thought as she analyzed the pile. Nothing was sorted, it would be too crowded, and the door might not even be close. With a sigh, she set out to work quickly, making two piles of lights and darks.
Loading the light clothes, she scanned the room looking for detergent. She spotted it on a shelf. She reached up high, her fingers brushing against the handle but unable to get any grip. ‘Well, I know who doesn’t do the laundry around here. No way Miss Shear is reaching this.’ She lifted onto her tip toes and stretched. With a final grab, she grunted and raised as high as she could.
“Keep going, you almost got it!” Maxwell had been watching her struggle from the doorway, a basket of his wife’s garments in his hand.
“Woah!” She hadn’t known he was there and his voice surprised her. She wobbled and fell back. Dropping his basket, he sprung forward and caught her. The gesture could have been innocent enough had his hand not reached around her body and gripped her breast. Even this might have been clumsiness, except his fingers lingered and he held her against his body.
“Careful, little kitten. Why don’t you let me help?” His voice was playful and he spoke in hushed tones. Sage’s heart raced. Maxwell pulled her tightly, and she submitted with no struggle. In fact, she quite enjoyed the sensation. He reached up and plucked the soap from the shelf. “Is this what you want?”
‘It certainly might be,’ she thought as she noticed the hard jab against the top of her ass.
“Go on, take it. You don’t need to be nervous.” He squeezed softly and a gasp escaped her quivering lip. He sniffed her hair and goosebumps rose on the back of her neck. “I’m here if you need anything.”
She pressed her ass back into his bulge. She placed her hand over his. She made him grip her roughly, showing him how she liked to be touched. “I’ll keep that in mind, Mr. Shear.” Then she pulled at his hand and he reluctantly released her.
“Please, call me Maxwell.” He held the box of soap out to her.
Sage took it from him, casually clarifying, “Oh, like your wife does?”
He seemed off-put by the sassy comparison. There was a flash of anger on his face, but whatever he was about to say was cut off by Lucy’s return. “Hey, girl! Sorry, it fell back behind the bed. Oh, hey there Dad!” She jumped up and kissed him on the cheek.
“Hi kiddo, you got a good friend here! She was helping you with your laundry!” He was all smiles now. The pervert that just felt her up had been hidden away. Once again, he donned the mask of the loyal husband and father.
Lucy smiled and hugged her friend, "Thanks, girl. I got something I want to show you. You’re gonna love this!” She tossed an unmeasured amount of soap into the machine and the bra she had found and started it up. “C’mon! Let’s go!”
“Oh, OK.” Sage followed Lucy out of the room but turned back at the door. She let her frames slide down her nose, tilted her head down, and with a sly smolder, looked deep into his green eyes. “I’ll be sure to let you know if I need anything. Thank you, Maxwell.”
“It’s amazing!” Sage’s eyes grew large spun around and took in the entire room. It was built onto the house, a single-story extension with books lining almost every wall. They went from the floor to the ceiling, with several sliding ladders attached to make accessing the higher volumes attainable for even one as short as Miss Shear.
“Something told me you would like the library,” Lucy said while watching her friend take off to explore the space. She found it endearing when Sage geeked out.
It was a slice of heaven. A sitting area was comfortably set up by a fireplace. Several soft leather chairs begged to be sat in. There were two window box seats in the corners opposite the entrance that looked out to the front of the property and to the woods behind. Everything was meticulously clean, save for Maxwell’s workspace. He had a large wooden desk in the corner next to a small closet with a slatted door. By his computer were several messy piles of paperwork and a half dozen dirty coffee cups.
“And check this out, this is wild!” Lucy grabbed her by the wrist and led her back out the door. She ran back inside and grabbed the handle of the large, heavy door. Sage jumped as an unexpected scream came from Lucy. “AHHHHH!” Grabbing the door by the handle she pulled it hard shut. To Sage’s surprise, the expected slamming sound was instead a sudden muffled quiet. The door opened and the screams returned in a burst. Then she repeated opening and shutting the door. “AHHH——AHHH——AHHH—AAHHHHhhhh…. wooo!” She huffed and puffed, her lungs desperate for oxygen.
“It’s soundproof?”
“Completely! Mom doesn’t like to be disturbed when she’s reading. They had the soundproofing done when I was a kid. Apparently, I was a ‘loud child’,” Lucy said while making air quotes.
“No?! I don’t believe it!” Sage exclaimed in a mock tone. Turning her attention to the door, she ran her hand along it. She marveled at the engineering feat. Then she noticed the large deadbolt lock on the inside. She gestured to it and asked, “She really needs her privacy! What sort of books does she read in here?”
“All kinds.” Miss Shear once again seemed to appear out of thin air. She moved like a panther, completely silent. “What interests you? I have philosophy, history, mysteries…” She gave Sage a knowing waggle of her eyebrows. “Maybe you enjoy a good bodice ripper?”
“Mom!” Lucy seemed genuinely surprised to hear the suggestion come from her mother’s mouth.
Miss Shear gave Sage a knowing wink. “Lucy, you’re much too old to pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I believe the erotica genre was the only one that held any particular interest to you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lucy’s face was beet red.
“Do you know how bad you are at putting my books back where they belong? And I had to replace the dog-eared ‘Pleasure on the High Seas’ series.” Her daughter stood gob-smacked, much to Sage’s delight. “Does your friend have similar interests in being whisked away by pirates?”
Over their years as roommates, Sage had seen Lucy in many compromising positions. She had learned about the sort of man that made her wet, the way she liked being fucked, and even watched her ride her hookups in their shared room during drunken late-night trysts. Yet today was the first time she had ever witnessed those sun-kissed cheeks turn crimson. Sage loved watching her squirm. “All this time, we could have been talking pirates?”
Lucy stared at her Mother in disbelief. “You... I... What is going on right now?!”
Sage pressed, “Imagine a whole crew of dirty pirates, and you tied to the mast…”
“Ok, that’s the end of our tour. I need to shower. Thank you all and let’s never discuss this again.”
Miss Shear gave Sage a peculiar smile as her daughter stomped up the stairs. “Sage, feel free to help yourself to any book you like. I know you are quite studious as well. The library is a relaxing and quiet place. Take advantage if you wish.”
“Thank you, it’s fabulous. I will certainly be spending some time here.”
Sage suddenly found her wrist snatched and held tight by the librarian. At that moment, the energy of the room seemed to shift. The young student stared back, shocked by the sudden and rough contact. Miss Shear intensely held her eyes. She wanted to shrink away from the sneer that curled around her dark red lips. Never before had she felt so… tiny. “And dear, do me a favor while you’re in my house.”
“Y-yes? Yes Ma’am?” Her knees felt weak. The presence of Lucy’s mother was heavy and overwhelming.
Manicured nails dug into Sage’s soft wrist. “The ocean is full of pirates, Miss Silver. Be sure you don’t poach any from my ship.”
Sage was left alone in the library. She stared at her wrist and watched the fading handprint. Her mind caught up with her body and she realized she was trembling.
‘What the hell was that?’ She thought as she collapsed into a reading chair and sank down. There were so many emotions to process it was hard to pick where to begin. Lucy had talked about her Mom before. She called her sweet, kind, maybe a little stuck up, but mostly boring. Was Lucy holding back the truth or was this a side of Miss Shear that was never shown to her daughter?
And what was that exactly? Anger? Jealousy? Did she see something in the laundry room? Or did she just assume Sage was the sort of girl that she had to guard her husband from? Miss Shear stood as an enigma and her intentions were shrouded. She could seem as small and docile as a mouse or as large and frightening as a grizzly bear.
Then the arousal hit like a violent wave. As the last bit of white on her wrist faded back to the normal pink tones, she craved to be roughly handled again. She had grown so wonderfully moist.
She shifted uncomfortably and thought of the Shears. They certainly were… intriguing. Lucy, her best friend was so incredibly sexy but always out of reach. Her lovely Mother wore two faces, but which one was real? The quiet little librarian or the hot-tempered, passionate wife?
And then there was Mr. Shear. Maxwell. She thought of the way he beheld her when she arrived with hungry emerald eyes. Quite the opportunist he turned out to be. He had been so delightfully bold in the laundry room. What sort of secret life did he keep securely hidden under that wonderfully upright sweater vest? Maybe his wife’s warning wasn’t so much to her as it was about him?
Lucy’s parents were a torrid mystery that Sage must solve. She always got herself in trouble when she was curious and horny. And she wanted trouble in the worst possible way.