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Lily's Story - Part 4

"When Wiley sees me, I want this image burned indelibly into his psyche."

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Author's Notes

"Lily is conflicted and seeks Sara's advice."

Part - 4

I awoke wrapped in my lover's arms. Yes, I thought to myself, my lover. As he lay sleeping blissfully, I eased out of bed, not wanting to wake him. I went to the kitchen, started the coffeemaker, and then to the shower. I enjoyed the feel of the warm water cascading down my body. I felt a warmth that left me exhilarated and touched my soul. Again, I had to ask myself, is this love? With that thought, I finished my shower, wrapped a towel around myself, and returned to the bedroom.

 I sat at my vanity and watched Wiley as he slept. The covers barely covered him. I sat on the chair and watched the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. I admired his ripped body. That body I had embraced, made sweet love to, and then wild, abandoned sex. My god, it was amazing. I had lost count of my orgasms. I felt giddy and alive as the memory was fresh in my mind. 

I drew my legs apart as if my lover were spreading them. My pussy was revealed to him. I remembered the look of hunger in his eyes. My fingers probed my labia slowly and lightly. My towel had come loose, exposing my breasts. I reached up with my free hand and teased my hardened nips. The sensations triggered a flood of warmth that filled my sex with its essence. I brought my fingers to my lips, sucked them, and savored the taste. I leaned back in the chair, my eyes closed and legs spread as I returned my fingers to my pussy and plunged them deep. I remembered how his thick cock stretched me. I had felt every ridge and vein.

I opened my eyes and looked over at him. He had awakened and watched me wide-eyed, his marvelous cock hard and throbbed in his hand. With my pussy exposed to his hungry eyes. I relished the desire within me for him. Licking my lips sensually, I said. "Stroke that cock, lover. I want to see you cum! I'm so close, baby, please!"

 I thrust faster, and my breasts bounced as I threw my head back and sighed. The heat and aroma emanated from my pussy as I plunged my fingers harder, faster, deeper, which brought me closer. I could feel the heat inside me. My pussy pulsed, and I knew my orgasm would overtake me. I looked at Wiley and saw him panting in near-orgasmic pleasure. He was stroking fast, and his cock was swollen, the head nearly ready to burst. I nodded at him and thrust my fingers deep within, holding them there and furiously rubbing my clit until I yelled, "Oh yes, so good!" My body twitched uncontrollably, and waves of pleasure ran through me. I arched my back and continued rubbing my clit. I writhed as the sensations ripped through my body. I sighed as I caught my breath.

I glanced at Wiley furiously stroking his cock, ready to burst. I got up, went to the bed, leaned down. He leaned his head back and yielded his cock to me. I grasped it, wrapped my lips around the head, and cupped his balls. "Oh yes, Lily!" he said as his cock throbbed in my hand. I swirled my tongue around the crown, then took him deep, and with a guttural moan, he filled my mouth with his seed. I swallowed, sucked, and licked him clean. 

He looked up, smiled, and said, "Wow, that was amazing. What a sight to wake up to. Lily, you are a wonder, beautiful and sexy." Blushing, I replied, "Bet you say that to all the girls. I've showered, so it's available. The coffee is on. I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast." With a wry smile, I blew him a kiss, turned, grabbed my coffee, and swung my hips as I sashayed out.

I went to the bathroom, cleaned myself, donned my robe, and headed to the kitchen to find Sara with a smile and a cup of coffee. 

"Oh my, Lily, you're glowing. I assume Wiley is the reason."

"Yes, I hope we didn't keep you up. I know I was loud. My god, he took me places I've never been. I lost control, and that scares me. This primal need drove me, and I wonder what I've awakened. I've fallen for him, which has unleashed a passion within me. I've been asking myself, is this love?"

"Whoa, slow down, girl. We need to talk, but with Wiley here, let's save it for later. I'm eager to meet this man."

"Yes, later is best. I need to start breakfast. Join us; I will do omelets, your favorite, with cheddar and sweet peppers. He should be done with his shower soon, and I'll introduce you."

I got busy whipping the eggs until they were nice and frothy while the skillet heated with a tablespoon of olive oil. I prepped the peppers and cheese. I toasted English muffins to go with it. Sara set the table. I was busy cooking when I heard. 

"Hello there, you must be Wiley."

"And you must be Sara, Lily's roommate and best friend. I'm glad to meet you."

I wanted to turn and greet him, but a French omelet is delicate, and I wanted it nice and fluffy. I said, "I'll be with you in a moment. This needs my attention. Take a seat. It's almost ready."

I heard Sara offer him coffee, and she stood beside me and whispered as she got the pot, "Oh my, Lily, he is hot." She giggled and said, "I might have to steal him away."

I nudged her with my hip and said, "Shut up and sit your ass down. Breakfast is ready."

I turned with the skillet, served, and returned the pan to the stove. Before taking a seat, I leaned down and kissed Wiley, sat, and said, "Let's eat."

The meal was well received, and I was pleased. While Sara learned a little more about Wiley. I was happy to let them get acquainted while I cleaned up. I realized I was naked under my robe and excused myself. I dressed in cut-off Levi shorts and a green halter top. Upon returning, they were laughing, and I was glad they got along. 

"So what's so funny?"

Sara smiled. "I told him about the time Bolt threw you. The look on your face was priceless. There you were on your ass, embarrassed."

"I had never been thrown off a horse before. Bolt was an Appaloosas and took off on me. I pulled back on the reins, Bolt reared up, and off I went. It wasn't funny, but you and the others laughed your butts off. Bolt was spirited, and I was the only one, except for my brother Jake, who would ride him."

Wiley stood, took me in his arms, and said, "That drew me to you. Like Bolt, you have spirit, among other endearing qualities." He kissed me and reminded me he had to meet with his roommates. We were to meet up later at Chesters. With that, he said goodbye to Sara. She stood, hugged him, and told him he better treat me right, or there would be hell to pay. Lord, I love her; she always has my back. I walked him to the door, and we parted with a kiss. 

Sara motioned me to a chair and said, "Sit, and let's talk."

I took a seat and told her about the past evening. The dinner conversation. How I was overcome with emotions as Wiley shared his feelings for me. Then I brought him home, and we shared an amazing night of passion right up to my appearance this morning in the kitchen. 

"So there you have it. My mind is reeling. I have only had full sex with three men, but sex with Wiley was a transcendental experience. My god, the feelings it elicited. It has awakened something within me. I'm trying to comprehend. I lost control, driven by primal urges. I loved every moment and couldn't get enough. Then l ask myself, is this love? I've had that question on my mind since our dinner last night. Now, I can factor lust into the equation. Oh, Sara, I'm so conflicted."

With an amused look, Sara said, "Lily, you're overthinking this. It's your first real infatuation with someone aside from Alan, and we know how that worked out. Slow down. It would help if you took things in stride. You and Wiley are coming of age and have your whole lives before you. He is leaving for home and mulling graduate school. You're going to Granny's ranch over the break before returning for your senior year. I know we talked about this earlier, but obviously, you haven't discussed this with Wiley."

"You're right," I replied. "Wiley leaves Monday, and tonight, I want to put my concerns aside and enjoy him. I will be sure we will talk on Sunday. I was planning a picnic. It'll be the perfect moment to talk. Thank you for being here for me, as it seems you always are when I need you." We stood and hugged. Sara reminded me not to overthink this. Embrace it while it lasts. With that, I remember a quote from Helen Keller. 

"What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us."

With the evening near, it was time to get ready. I showered, washed, used the razor to care for any stubble, and dried my hair. I laid out a green low-cut bra and panty set, a sheer red mini dress I bought on a whim but wasn't sure I'd be daring enough ever to wear, and red pumps. I sat at the vanity, applied my makeup, brushed my hair, and donned an emerald pendant and earrings my Grandma Jerilyn gave me. 

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I dressed and appraised myself in the mirror. The dress hugged my curves and came to mid-thigh. It was semi-backless, held with spaghetti straps and a plunging v-cut front, which exposed enough of my cleavage to be titillating but not slutty. Plus, the pendant nestled above would draw attention to my breast. Looking at my reflection, I must admit I had achieved the desired effect. When Wiley sees me, I want this image burned indelibly into his psyche. 

I entered Chester's, and it wasn't crowded yet. I felt eyes upon me and, with apprehension, took a seat at the bar. I ordered a gin and tonic and was eager for Wiley's arrival. It occurred to me dressed so provocatively that I would draw unwanted attention. 

The bartender returned with my drink, introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Michael," and asked if I wanted to start a tab. 

I handed him my card, "I'm Lily," and offered him my hand. We shook, and he asked, "What brought a lovely lady like you out tonight?" I told him I was waiting for my date.

 My phone buzzed. It's a text from Wiley saying he got hung up, and it might be thirty minutes before he got here and apologized. I texted back that I would be waiting. I winked at Michael and typed; I have a handsome bartender to keep me company till you get here. I showed Michael the text, and we laughed.

The place filled up, and Michael was busy behind the bar, but I noticed he kept an eye on me. I was appreciative because being alone in a bar was not something I would ever do. 

I sat nursing my drink when an older gentleman sat next to me. There were other stools available, but here he was. He looked me up and down and offered to buy me a drink. I declined and told him I was waiting for my date. Not getting the reaction he wanted, thankfully, he left. 

The place got busier, and the bar filled up. I was approached repeatedly. Michael noticed and pointed to the end of the bar, where it turned with a single stool, which would isolate me in the corner. I moved, and he brought me a fresh drink. He singled a bouncer and asked him to help keep an eye on me till my date arrived. I thanked Michael. From my vantage point, I watched him work the bar. He was slightly over six feet tall, lean, with brown hair and green eyes. 

It had been well over thirty minutes, and I texted Wiley. He replied with another apology that he would be just a few minutes. I looked toward the door just as he entered. I waved as he approached, slid off the stool, and leaped into his arms. I kissed him passionately. We broke our kiss, and he gently pushed me back. He looked me up and down and exclaimed, "My god, Lily, you're a vision of beauty!" 

He stood there stunned In his white dress shirt and black slacks. I did a pirouette and replied, "Well, handsome, you're also looking good."

I took his hand and led him back to my place at the bar. I told him to sit and leaned into him as he wrapped his arms around me.

Michael appeared and winked at me. "So this is Wiley." He offered his hand, and they shook. "I'm Michael, and I am pleased to meet the lucky guy who possesses this lovely girl's heart. I have been trying to sweet-talk her along with most of the men here, but she won't have it. What can I get you?"

Wiley replied, "First of all, thanks for keeping an eye out, and I'll have the same as her."

I needed to use the bathroom. I excused myself. The club was packed, and the band had started their set. I had to make my way through the crowd to a hallway to the ladies' room. On the way, I was hit on twice. I giggled to myself and was flattered by the attention. I knew my attire was the reason, but this was for Wiley. 

I was passing a table and heard some catcalls, which I ignored, but I was shocked to realize it was Alan and some of his rugby teammates. I hurried on by, hoping he didn't recognize me. I made it to the bathroom and took care of business. I had to catch my breath and tell myself to be calm. I opened the door, and there he was. "Oh, fuck!"

"Hello, Lily, my, you look hot!" Not wanting to acknowledge him, I walked past him back into the club. He followed me, saying something which I ignored. Thankfully, Wiley was there to greet me. Taking my hand, he gave a cursory glance at Alan, who backed off and retreated to his table. Relieved, I took a deep breath and put Alan out of my mind. I wasn't going to let him put a damper on the evening. 

Wiley led me to the dance floor, "So pretty lady, may I have this dance?"

"I would love to." I melted into his embrace as the band played a sweet love song. I felt secure in his arms as we swayed to the music. After several fast and slow dances, we returned to the bar. 

Michael had fresh drinks waiting for us. We were thirsty and welcomed the libations. Wiley and I thanked him. He advised us that he was going off shift to meet his girlfriend at Bordino's for dinner. It occurred to us we hadn't eaten. He invited us to join them. I looked at Wiley, and he nodded his approval.

I replied, "That would be lovely, we would be glad to join you." We agreed to meet in half an hour.

We finished our drinks and went for a short walk. It was a lovely evening with a gentle, cool breeze. We sat on a bench in front of the restaurant, awaiting their arrival. Soon, Michael and his date arrived, and we made our introductions. Her name was Linda, and she was similar in height and figure to me, with long Auburn hair and hazel eyes. 

Upon entering, Michael announced his reservation, and we were promptly seated. The dinner and conversation were lovely. Linda was vivacious, and we made an immediate connection. As the evening wound down, we finished the wine. We thanked them for the evening. Linda and I exchanged phone numbers, agreeing to get together again. With that, we parted. I was eager to get home and ravage Wiley.

It had been a wonderful evening. With thoughts of the needed conversation between us tomorrow put aside, I wanted to make sweet love to Wiley and lose myself in the passions we shared for each other. I was wet with anticipation as we entered my apartment. He took me in his arms, but I pushed him away and stepped back. I removed the straps from my dress and slipped out of it. With a sultry smile, I motioned to come hither with a finger, turned, and with a wiggle of my hips, I sashayed to the bedroom.

I removed my bra and slipped off my panties. When Wiley entered, I was on the bed. I admired his lean, ripped body as he undressed and stood before me. I opened my arms and beckoned him to join me. He lay alongside me, and we embraced. I ran my hands over his pecks and abs. Our lips met as we kissed passionately, and his hands roamed my body. He licked and kissed his way to my breast. My nipples were swollen and erect as his lips locked on each and gently nibbled. The sensations sent mini-shocks through me. 

I grasped him gently and pushed him onto his back. I straddled him, reverse cowgirl, and lowered my wetness to his mouth. I leaned forward and licked the length of his cock as his tongue worked its magic. The position thrilled me, and I was ecstatic as we pleasured each other.

"Oh, yes, that's so good!" I exclaimed as his tongue probed my inner depths.

I cupped and sucked his balls which elicited a moan. I licked my way back to the crown and wrapped my lips around it. Swirling my tongue, I took his marvelous erection into my mouth and began to suck with vigor as I bobbed up and down, taking him deeper.

Wiley continued his assault and fingered me as he licked, sucked, and nibbled my clit. As the first waves built within me, I bucked and writhed on his mouth. He curled his fingers and found that special place that sent me into orbit. I saw stars as the release hit me. 

"Fuck yes, baby, I'm cumming. Don't stop!" I was overcome as the waves hit me, leaving me senseless in their wake. I was left quivering as I struggled to regain my senses. As I lay recovering, I noticed his throbbing, neglected cock. 

I slid forward, facing away from him. I mounted, took hold of his cock, and lowered myself until fully impaled. He let out a moan as I began to ride him. Squeezing his cock with my vaginal muscles as I slid up and down his shaft. He thrust up into me as we gained a rhythm. I felt him tense, and I was close.

I cried out, "That's it cum for me, fill me! Fuck me!" 

Wiley yelled, "Yes, Lily, your so tight baby." With a final thrust, I felt his sweet release along with mine as we cum together. The warmth I felt while in the throes of our orgasm together brought tears to my eyes.

As we lay wrapped in each other's arms, I uttered these fateful words: I love You.

To be continued.

Written by Marisa
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