I woke up in Jess’s apartment the morning after we moved her into her new apartment. My mind was spinning. Here I was, with this beautiful girl that I was hugely attracted to, curled up naked next to me. I was once again allowing myself to contemplate the possibility of having her as a girlfriend. I had thought about it more and more as we had chatted regularly over the last few months but not wanting to be let down, I had intentionally dismissed that possibility in my own head. The events of yesterday changed that mindset substantially.
I sat up in bed and contemplated my next moves and how the various scenarios might play out as the sun was just coming up, flooding the room. I have always been an early riser and loved the energy that the early morning light brought. The purring, snoring body next to me obviously had a very different body clock.
When she finally did wake up, we ended up cuddling together for a long time.
I had never had a steady girlfriend for any period of time and never felt the need or desire for a relationship. But things had changed that night at Terry’s party. Something about Jessica hit home that night. Though I did not see it right away, the seeds had been planted back then.
It was not just the raw sexuality I had experienced but the energy, intelligence and her uncompromising determination to get what she wanted and how she went about getting it that were a huge turn on.
She truly was everything I wanted in a girl and here we were, curled up naked together after an amazing night. Though I had been wrestling with the idea for a quite a while, the events of the last twenty-four hours convinced me to make the decision to come right out and ask her if she would consider being my girlfriend. I immediately regretted what I said, second guessing myself and thinking that I may have blown it by not letting things develop more slowly before asking her to make this big decision.
But once again and not for the last time, Jess totally surprised me with her reaction. The crazy sex machine turned into a sweet little girl. Her eyes welled up a bit; she meekly nodded her head and almost inaudibly whispered, ”Yes”. We kissed passionately for a bit and then she curled up in my arms. I was elated while at the same time trying to process everything. I had a girlfriend. My first one. What had I gotten myself into? A fast-paced conversation ensued, with us both trying to wrap our heads around how we ended up here so quickly.
She admitted that I had made a similar first impression on her as she had on me but between meeting at a sex party and my outward adoration of Sabine at that time, she was not sure what to think. Apparently, our long, regular phone conversations had somewhat tempered any weird feelings about the unusual circumstances under which we had met and had her thinking similar thoughts to mine. Though our first meeting was more like lust rather than love at first sight, that dynamic had changed and we now found ourselves in a somewhat impromptu relationship. It was all a bit overwhelming for me but maybe this is what love feels like.
Over the next few months, things settled in. Jess started grad school; I was set to finish up my education. We got formally introduced to one another’s parents and I generally walked around like a proud peacock whenever we went out. Sex with her remained amazing and other aspects of our relationship flourished.
I had taken a real interest in cooking and wine for years and spent many days and evenings preparing meals for us in her small but quite functional kitchen. Food, wine and sex became a welcome regular part of our lives.
Lying in bed one evening, after a nice meal and even nicer sex, she asked me if she could run something by me. As usual, her timing was impeccable. She had picked the perfect time to catch me at my most compliant, and I knew right away that she had already decided on something. I really had no choice but to listen to her proposed plan.
She had made a friend at school, a girl named Susan. Apparently, Susan was quite meek and very shy. The quintessential quiet, bookish type. Jess had told her about our evenings of exploring food and wine and according to Jess, Susan had shown great curiosity and interest. Jess wanted to invite her over to join us one night. I said that would be fun and of course we’d have her over. She then told me that there would be a twist and a bit more to it.
Susan’s birthday was coming up and Jess wanted to do something special and out of the ordinary for her. I was starting to get worried.
It turned out that Jess and Susan had discussed more than food and wine. Susan was hopelessly single and had only had sex a couple of times with a guy in high school, and did not enjoy it very much. Naturally, Jess took that as a call to arms and decided to remediate that situation. I could see it coming when she told me that Susan’s fantasy guy pretty much described me. Tall, broad shouldered, masculine.
I asked her what she had in mind and she told me this crazy idea of me cooking a dinner for them and serving them the various courses and wine pairings. Naked! The answer was an emphatic “NO”! What the heck had these girls talked about and what was she thinking, offering me up like that? I was starting to get angry and asked her if she was insane. As Jess made attempts to explain and justify her idea, I was starting to get the impression that it was not just about doing this for Susan but that Jess had some more selfish motivations here too.
I asked if this girl was so unattractive and socially inept that there was no way of finding a suitable date for her. Jess said that she was just very shy and actually kind of pretty, in an awkward way.
I told her the whole thing sounded ridiculous and insane. Did Susan know about this? How would she react when some six feet four naked guy came out to serve the salad course? Did we have to avoid cucumbers and zucchini to avoid confusion? And flambeed desserts were certainly out. I did not know what twisted part of her brain had come up with this idea. Well, actually I kind of did, but the more that I pointed out the ludicrousness of this idea, the more Jess dug in her heals. I suggested trying to find her a date and the four of us could have a nice dinner together. Fully clothed!
But that would not work as we only had a small table and two chairs. And then there was the issue of finding her a date in the first place. Jess had settled on the idea of a sexy dinner for her friend and I knew that all I could do was to try to modify the concept enough to be much less extreme. In order for me to hopefully salvage some dignity, it was time for me to dig in my heels. Naked was out. Jockstrap was out. Just an apron was definitely out! Especially a frilly one!
After a long discussion, I managed to convince Jess that having some genitalia dangling about while having a nice dinner was not exactly appetizing and, to my great relief, we settled for a much more mundane scenario.
I had a pair of very tight fitting, long Lycra running pants that, if worn without any sort of underwear, really left very little to the imagination. Jess was obviously determined to put my penis on display in some form for her friend but this was as far as I was willing to go. Along with a long t-shirt and a chef’s apron.
It still sounded ridiculous to me but I knew that this was as far as I was going to get and was greatly relieved that I did not get wrangled into the original plan for the evening. But looming over the whole situation was the x-factor called Jess and anything could still happen.
The day of the dinner, I spent the afternoon prepping and cooking so that everything would go smoothly that evening. As dinner approached, Jess had me model the tights. They could not have done less to hide my cock. The outline and shape were perfectly visible and I really felt uncomfortably exposed. Wearing them while running or walking on the beach was one thing and could not even imagine wearing them to go to the corner store. Cooking and serving dinner for a stranger in them really was a stretch of the imagination and even Jess snickered a bit. Thank goodness for the apron, though Jess insisted that I would have to remove it when I came out to serve their food and wine. She would owe me big time after this one.
The kitchen was set in a small alcove and we had set up a folding three-paneled screen around the area to further shield it and me from view. The room was darkened and the dining table was lit with candles. It was a nice romantic setting, but to me, it felt like I was about to be in the center ring of the clown show at the circus. With the big spotlight on me!
The doorbell rang and I could hear Jess greeting Susan. I heard the two of them sit down at the table. That was my cue to come out and pour a glass of wine for them. I had already gone through the better part of a bottle myself.
Jess introduced me as if it was the most normal thing in the world to have a guy in skin-tight pants serve them dinner. 'Hi Susan, I’m Jess’s boyfriend and I’ll be cooking and serving your dinner tonight. And by the way, this is my penis on display for you. I hope you enjoy your meal.'
At least I was not the only uncomfortable person in the room. Susan had looked somewhat puzzled when she first laid eyes on me but now her body language and demeanor had a much more awkward feel. Only Jess seemed to be completely at ease with the situation.
My hands were shaking as I poured the first glass for them and I hastily made my escape to the relative safety of the kitchen and immediately pounded another glass of wine.
By the time I went out to refill their glasses, the two of them were sitting there and acting like they were casually at a table at any given restaurant. The air had a slightly more relaxed feeling about it and Susan, who had pretty much avoided any eye contact with me up to that point, looked up and even gave me a little smile.
She was a quite plain-looking girl, just as Jess had described her to me. She was quite tall and extremely skinny, had no makeup on as far as I could tell and wore her straight, almost stringy hair in a twenties' flapper like bop. She had thin lips that made her look like she was frowning a bit. A stand-out were her very pretty green eyes and well-defined cheekbones. Her somewhat mousy demeanor and general awkwardness added to giving the physical impression that she was like a person who was not quite assembled correctly. I had a very good idea where this was heading and tried to picture what sex with her might be like. But then there was also a good chance that I was just the 'amuse-bouche' and not the main course. I was well aware that Jess also liked playing with girls from time to time and consequently entertained the idea that I might be relegated to washing the dishes while the two of them had an extended dessert course.

I served the first course, poured more wine and got the next one ready in the kitchen. The girls were engaged in conversation, though I could not hear what they were saying over the music we had on in the background.
By the time I went out to serve the main course, the wine had started to do its job and things felt a lot less awkward and stressful. I had forgotten to take the apron off and Jess slapped my butt hard as a reprimand. She then reached under the apron and gently caressed my cock through the Lycra pants. My cock twitched and started to grow. I interpreted it as a little thank-you gesture but when Susan looked up from her plate, Jess quickly flipped up the front of the apron for a split second, giving Susan a brief look at my growing bulge. She immediately looked back down at her plate.
Back in the kitchen, I had some time to relax while they were eating the main course. I poured myself more wine, wondering where and how far Jess was going to take this. I got a clear indication when I went out to clear the plates.
While I stood close to the table, Jess got up and gently took Susan’s hand and moved it to the bulge in my shorts. I could feel her slender fingers barely graze my cock through the fabric, but the result was me getting harder and harder. Susan was looking down through most of this, but did briefly look up to make eye contact.
I took the plates and returned to the kitchen. My heart was pounding. I knew Jess would not let things end here and prepared myself for what might happen. I should have seen this coming.
My suspicion was further confirmed when I went to serve the dessert. I put down the plates and poured some dessert wine. I had put the apron back on. Jess gave me a stern look, then got up behind me and pulled my pants down around my ankles. She then undid the back of the apron and unsnapped the top part around my neck. She whispered for me to just stand there as she let the apron fall to the ground.
She casually returned to her chair and prompted Susan to enjoy her dessert while I stood there exposed with my cock semi erect. Susan no longer seemed as nervous and uncomfortable and was regularly taking glances at me while she was casually eating the dessert that I had prepared. The awkwardness of the situation was not lost on me.
Even taking into account how Jess and I had met at what was essentially an orgy and the fact that we both approached most things with a fairly uninhibited attitude, this scenario had me quite uncomfortable.
The girls continued with their dessert and conversation, while I stood there with my penis on display and my mind racing. When they had finished, Jess got up again and started to lightly stroke my cock. Susan was now attentively watching as I grew to full hardness. Then Jess stuck two fingers into her glass of dessert wine and rubbed the sweet sticky liquid all over the head of my cock.
She gently pulled me towards Susan and guided my cock to her mouth. To my total surprise, there was no resistance from Susan. She parted her lips and I could feel her tongue licking the wine off my head. She then began to start to suck my cock with an incredibly gentle and soft touch. Jess had her arm around my waist and was intently watching. She seemed very pleased with herself. As Susan continued to suck me, Jess slipped out of the tight red dress she was wearing and let it fall in a pile around her feet.
She used one hand to spread her pussy lips and the other to lightly finger her clit. She then guided Susan’s hand to her pussy and I watched her long finger disappear into Jess. When she pulled it out a bit, I could see it glistening with my girlfriend’s juices. Jess then grabbed her hand and guided it to my mouth. I slowly sucked on Susan's finger, tasting something very familiar. One of the things that struck me even at Terry’s party was that Jess had a particularly sweet taste to her, something that made oral sex with her even more enjoyable. Now I was licking it off the finger of a girl I had just met.
The realization hit me that there was a good chance that it was not Susan who had been set up here, but me. Susan had to have had some idea about what was going to happen. I got worked up with a bit of anger again at the thought that Jess was so willing to share me that way. Would she be willing to share herself with another guy? But I was also well aware of who she was that it was pretty much useless to get worked up about it now, as the outcome of the evening was well on its course. And it would be very hypocritical to take that stand while I was now happily contemplating the prospect of an evening of sex with two girls.
After a few minutes, Jess took both of our hands and led us over to the bed. I laid down and watched as Jess slowly undressed Susan in front of me. I was surprised to see that she was not wearing a bra when Jess stripped off Susan’s dress. She was wearing simple black panties, subconsciously moving her hand to cover herself. Jess gently pulled them down and helped her step out of them.
Now that she was completely naked, she had her stand at the foot of the bed, almost as if to present her to me.
Susan suddenly had a somewhat different air about her. She was still this skinny, gangly girl but there was a glow about her now that put her in a different light. She started to look more like a hot runway model. I don’t know if it was from the wine or my general arousal, but she exuded a definite sexuality as she stood there.
She was completely flat chested, with pencil eraser sized nipples sticking out from the small dark areola. Her long, skinny legs and slender thighs left a significant gap at her lightly haired pussy. I always loved that look. Jess had it too but not as pronounced as Susan.
As usual, Jess took the initiative and led Susan over to me. They both swiftly went to work. I just lay back and enjoyed the feeling of two mouths all over my cock and balls. When I would glance down to watch them, I saw them kissing each other from time to time. I guess Jess liked skinny girls too.
She was always good at multitasking and while sucking and licking my cock, also had two fingers buried deep in Susan's pussy, causing her to shake and moan. I recalled Jess mentioning that Susan had not enjoyed sex that much in the past. She certainly gave a very different impression now. But then she had not experienced my girlfriend’s raw yet refined approach until now. Or maybe she had? They certainly seemed quite comfortable with one another. There was another thing that now plagued my mind.
Jess now had her lie on her back next to me and spread her legs apart. She buried her face in Susan’s lap and Susan started to squirm and buck around so much that I put my arm around her shoulders to keep her steady. She turned her head towards me and we kissed. For a mousy, shy girl, she surely exuded a ton of sensuality.
I saw Jess look up while still licking Susan and she gave me a quick wink. She then reached over and started to stroke my cock to get me really hard. After a few minutes, she pulled me on top of Susan and guided my cock towards her pussy. She rubbed the head of my cock up and down the skinny lips and then slowly pushed me inside. Susan arched her back and let out a loud breath as I slid into her.
She was incredibly tight but Jess had done her usual yeoman’s job to get her wet and ready. She looked so fragile and I made a point of fucking her as gently as I could with slow but long deliberate strokes.
Jess was lying there with her head propped up on her hands and watched my cock slide in and out of Susan from inches away. She looked exceptionally pleased with herself. After watching us for a bit, she decided to rejoin the action by giving my shaft and balls a quick flick of her tongue every few strokes.
Susan had her head back and her eyes closed, breathing heavily and starting to match my rhythm by gently thrusting up her hips with every stroke. Jess was fingering her own pussy furiously when she suddenly put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me off Susan and made me lie on my back. Jess got on top of me, sliding onto my cock in one fluid motion. She felt hot and wet and I could feel her muscles clench my shaft. She then guided Susan to straddle my face, slowly lowering her pussy onto my mouth. It was my first taste of her and I dug my tongue as deeply into her vagina as I could. She responded by grinding her pussy harder onto my face. I kept licking and teasing her lips and clit until I felt her leg muscles tighten. A gush of liquid hit my mouth as I felt her whole body shake.
As Susan collapsed next to me, Jess kept bouncing up and down on my cock. I was starting to get that tingling feeling in my stomach, announcing that I was about to cum. Jess sensed it too, slid off me and gave my cock a couple of firm jerks, causing me to shoot a rather sizable load all over my stomach and chest. Her hand was covered in cum too and she wiped it clean on whatever part of my torso that I had not covered myself yet. She then ran over to the table and grabbed the bottle of dessert wine and poured about an ounce on me, using a finger to swirl it together with my cum.
The two of them then proceeded to suck and lick every bit of the mixture off me. It took several minutes and it went from feeling amazingly sensual to overly ticklish at times. But I enjoyed every second of it, the concept as much as the actual action.
We were kind of a sticky mess and the two girls headed to the shower to rinse off. The shower was too small to accommodate all three of us, though it would have been a fun experiment to try. When they returned, it was my turn. I came out of the shower to find the two of them drinking wine and making out.
I joined them and mentally prepared myself for the inevitable round two, which turned to be a couple more hours of carnal fun, albeit a bit more relaxed. It was quite late when we all finally fell asleep.
When I woke up the next morning, I took note of the fact that this was the second time that I woke up between Jess and another girl. And I somehow had the feeling that it would not be the last.