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What About Stan - Part 2

"The day after, a night of lust, and betrayal. What happened next?"

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Author's Notes

"FINALLY, I have part 2 for Stan. So sorry for it taking so long. Part 3, the last chapter will be up in a couple of days. next up for Maxx is the next part of The Employee of the year. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I am working on two sexy short stories. One real and one out of my head. Rachel Please like us and share. ENJOY Please like and share. Most of all ENJOY"

Kate was standing there in a sweatshirt, shorts, and bare feet. She instantly cowered back. "Oh, God… Stan, it's you!"

There was shock on Kate's face. She staggered back, almost falling, then leaned forward, taking two giant steps, and grabbed me, pulling me to her chest and hugging me tightly.

"Stan, thank God you came back to me." 

She began to sob, "Stan, I am so sorry. Please, please forgive me. I went crazy, out of my mind. I was so bad, so wrong. God, I love you! I am so sorry!"

I didn't respond, I let her say and do whatever she wanted or could do now. She held me a long time before she moved back, looking at me confused. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

As she moved back, I just looked at her. My expression was nothing, simply blank. All my emotions were bottled up and capped until I was ready to unleash them in a way Kate had never seen me before. No violence just controlled retribution and punishment that she would not like.

This afternoon was going to be life-changing for Kate as this morning was life-changing for Keith. She would experience sex, love, anger, submission, humiliation, and some pain like she has never experienced, and all of it would be delivered with my unconditional love and supervision.

After today, Kate would choose her future with me or without me, and I have decided that whatever decision she makes, I can live with it. Either way she goes, some rules will govern her future, just as there are rules that govern Keith's future. In both cases, I own them both from this day forth until I release them back into their independent and separate lives. That time limit has not been determined yet; it could be for a month, three months, or a year.

Kate looked at me with a wide mix of emotions playing across her face. She swallowed hard and stepped back inside.

I looked at her, smiled, and held out the flowers. "These are for my wife, the woman I love."

Kate gasped and took them, "Oh God, thank you, Stan. I love you more than you know."

"Yes, we will see about that as today progresses."

I held the grocery bag in my other hand.

"Oh, God… Stan, please come in. This is your house, and you don't need an invitation."

Kate moved back out of the door, letting me step inside.

I smiled to myself. I had Kate just how I wanted her, confused and scared, and she would do whatever I told her.

I closed the door.

"This is our lunch." I handed her the bag.

"We will prepare it together, then eat, then talk. There will be a few other things that we will get to later. There are new rules for you, Kate, that you must follow to the letter, or I will walk out of your life forever. I will explain everything as we go through the remainder of today. Once today is over, there are two ways things may go. One, we will agree that we are staying together, and there will be permanent rules that we will live by for the rest of our lives, however long that is. Two happens if we do not agree about our future together, I will immediately move out and file for divorce."

I heard a gasp escape as the word 'divorce' left my mouth. I saw tears roll down Kate's cheeks. Kate could tell from my tone, which she had never heard before, that I was dead serious about everything I was saying.

Then I asked the key question. "Kate, you have heard what I have stated. Do you agree to abide by my every rule, even if you detest it and would never do it in real life? If you have questions, now is the time to get clarification. Once you agree, you will accept everything that happens without questions or discussion. If you do not, I will be gone forever!"

Kate looked at me, as fear spread across her face. We were standing three feet inside our house, looking at each other. I was 100% in control, and she had no choice but to agree, or I was gone. It was not a time to test me. Kate had done that last night and failed!

Kate covered her face for a minute, then wiped the tears away and looked at me. A big sigh escaped her lips. She swallowed hard, "Yes, Stan, I agree to whatever rules or terms you demand. I owe you that, no, I owe us that."

"Good, now go into the kitchen and start cooking our meal. I have a few things to do, and I will grill the steaks when I am finished."

Without a word, Kate turned and walked away, taking the bag into the kitchen.

I waited until I heard pots and pans moving, then went to my truck to bring in the things I had bought at Pricilla's Boutique, an adult emporium of things you cannot even imagine. It was an education, the hour I spent talking and shopping. I purchased many things for today and some to use in the future.

I knew what had happened and knew the story I would drag out of Kate would match Keith's story exactly, just in her words. The difference would be how she felt being fucked by Keith. Not what Keith described of how it felt fucking Kate. I certainly understand that feeling, having experienced it many times. The problem was, no other man was ever supposed to know the feeling of her pussy, mouth, or ass after we were married, but now another man has tasted and fucked her pussy. She is spoiled forever.

While outside, I called Nathan. He is a friend from a few years back. We met at the gym. I have always been in awe of his physique. He had played football, with muscles everywhere and had a big one hanging between his legs. The first time we showered at the same time, I was shocked. His soft cock hung halfway down his thick thigh. It was straight, with no curve, with a big ball sack hanging below. I couldn't imagine how big he grew to when he was hard.

We had become friends, and he had met Kate a few times. We went to a lake cookout once, and Nate couldn't keep his eyes off Kate. She was wearing a tiny thong bikini leaving nothing to the imagination. We were talking, and after several beers, Nate confessed, "Stan, you are the luckiest man I know. Kate is incredible. What I would like to do with her amazing body. You wouldn't want to loan her to me for a weekend, would you? I’m just asking?" He laughed. I didn't take him seriously but had a surge of pride. Ever since that day, he had a thing for Kate.

Kate didn't know Nate, having only met him a few times. But she had commented that he was beautiful and had an incredible body. She was drunk one night in bed and brought him up when we talked about 'size matters.'

She asked, "Have you ever seen him at the gym?"

I told her, "Yes, in the shower."

She excitedly asked, "Well, how big is he?"

I smiled at her and teased, "Well, I guess you will have to use your imagination. I will never tell."

She was pissed, but I never told her. She asked me during a moment of weakness as I was about to cum, but I never told her. Well, she was going to find out tonight.

I know from talking to Nate he was dominant with his women and has a stable of women he services regularly. I also knew that he wanted Kate to be one of them. He had told me about his sessions with his women, so I decided I would let him have one night with her, this night.

When I thought of what I could do to punish Kate, I decided I would give her a night of debauchery. I wanted her to experience the ultimate in submission. A sampling of what her life would be like from now on.

I called Nate, told him what had happened, and gave him what he wanted, a night with Kate and me. Kate primarily, but I would be joining in. We made a plan, and I told him the punishment level I wanted him to take her to but no further. He understood I wanted Kate as my submissive in the future, and he would help start that process. He also understood that this was a one-time thing and would never happen again.

Once we had set the time for his arrival at 6:30 pm, I told him to come in by the back garage door. To strip to his shorts and come barefoot to the bedroom. Kate would be strapped to the bed, blindfolded, and gagged, so she could only hear. Nate and I would not talk, only signal.

By the time he arrived, Kate would have agreed to everything that would happen, permitting me to punish her for her cheating and betrayal.

With our plan set, we hung up, my body was shaking with anticipation, and my cock was swelling in my shorts. 

I carried the bags into the guest suite, the same room where she cheated on me. I thought it was appropriate to punish her where she had been given pleasure the night before. The difference is that I am in control tonight and call all the shots.

I stripped the big king bed of the covers leaving only the bottom sheet and several pillows. The four-poster bed was perfect for what I had planned. I closed the door and assembled everything. I attached the straps to posts with the wrist and ankle cuffs linked. I laid out the cane, floggers, paddle, and rope Nate requested at the foot of the bed. I put butt plugs, dildos, clamps, and vibrators we would start with on the bedside table, along with two bottles of lube, one regular and one for anal. Nate would not touch her asshole, only me, but tonight Kate was, giving me her ass. I laid the ball gag on the pillow and put the blindfold in my pocket. The last thing was a bag with a box of twelve GLYDE Maxi Large XL Condoms for Nate.

I mounted four small action-activated video recorders around the room to record all the activities.

Once I had everything set, I put the one last box, wrapped in glossy black paper with a gold ribbon and bow, on the dresser. Kate would receive my final gift last, after Nate left, when we were alone and made love.

I lit a match, lighting all ten candles I set out and two Jasmine incense sticks.

I left the room, closed the door, and locked it so there was no chance Kate would stumble into my Red Room. I walked down the hall into our bedroom and laid out the sexy lingerie I bought for Kate to wear tonight. In the bathroom, I set out the Jasmine shampoo and body wash. I placed a bag on the counter, holding a box of five morning-after pills. I wanted to ensure we had no surprise memories of tonight showing up in nine months.

Tonight, Kate was going to learn that cheating is unacceptable to me and if we stay together, she will be submissive to me for the rest of our marriage.

I closed the master bedroom door, locked it, and walked down the hall to the kitchen.


Kate was busy fixing the salad and potatoes. She stopped and looked at me, I tried to smile, but it was hard.

"Where were you? What were you doing?"

"Working on a few things for later. You will see after we talk."

My tone must have frightened her. If she had known we met and had a little talk with Keith, Kate would be terrified.

I poured a glass of Jack, picked up the steaks off the counter, and went out to fire up the grill. It was cool tonight but pleasant, so I lit the fire pit to keep the chill away.

I watched Kate trying to decide if she should come out to me. I answered her question for her. I called her, "Baby can you bring me the salt and pepper?"

She quickly came out and brought them to me. She stood beside me as close as she dared. I brushed against her, wanting her to feel more comfortable. There was nothing to talk about except the 'elephant in the room,' which would come later.

"Is everything ready inside? The steaks will be ready soon."

"OK, I will get everything on the table."

Kate looked at me, gripping my bicep, "Stan, I am so sorry. I love you so much."

"I know you do Kate. I love you too. We will talk about it later."

The steaks were grilled, and the table was set. So, we sat down to eat and talked about normal things. The meal was delicious, and we both ate like we were starving. The wine was good as well. We finished after having a pleasant time, and we cleaned up.

As I turned on the dishwasher, I noticed Kate's demeanor change. I am sure she knew the pleasantries were over for now. I opened another bottle of wine and took two glasses to the living room. I looked at my watch. It was 4:41 pm. We had an hour until I needed to prepare Kate for tonight's fun and games. One hour to hear her story and make her fear for us and her future well-being.

"Come, Kate, we need to talk."


I was shocked when I opened the door, and Stan was standing there. I almost fainted when I saw the flowers and a grocery bag. I grabbed him, but there was no reaction. He was cold, yet he had been nice to me since he came home.

He handed me the flowers. And a bag of food to cook, and I did. Then Stan grilled the steaks. I felt a little like it was my last meal.

We had a wonderful meal and small talk and cleaned up together. We talked about things like we did before this happened. It was like it didn't happen, but we both knew that it had. I was not sure how to take Stan's actions. God, I had betrayed his love and let another man in my bed, fucking him all night. How could Stan simply let that go? I know he loves me, but he could never let that go. No man could.

Now we are going to talk, and I am sure I will have to explain my actions. Then what will happen? At some point, there will be a reaction that I am sure I will not like. What will it be? Will he throw me out? What will he do? I was very afraid, not knowing what would happen next, and I knew I had to be honest and follow every demand completely.

"Kate, please sit in the middle of the couch. I will sit here." He dragged over a wingback stuffed chair, sitting it across the coffee table from me.

Stan placed his cell phone on the table and turned on the recorder. "Kate, I will be taping everything you say from now on today and over the weekend when we are discussing your cheating."

I gasped, "Oh God," Shot out of my mouth! Stan had finally said it. It was out of hiding now, and I knew things were about to get real!

Stan sat back, "So Kate, what do you have to say for yourself and your actions last night?"

At that moment, I couldn't look at Stan. Guilt swarmed over me, and my throat was suddenly full of cotton. I had a tough time breathing. I knew I had no real defense for what I had done. I had let my ego, horniness, and anger at Stan for getting drunk, passing out, and not fulfilling our night of love and sex, mess with my head.

Then Keith was there. He was beautiful and wanted to play Chicken. No, No being honest, that was not the truth. Yes, I was pissed off at Stan, and yes, I was very horny, but Keith made it worse. I teased him and encouraged him. Then I stripped to my lace thong and bra that became almost invisible in the water. I taunted Keith. I felt his cock pressing against me. Suddenly I wanted to fuck him. God, yes, I knew it was wrong, and yes, I was stupid. I did not heed my friend's warning. I did it God, yes, I fucked Keith. Oh God, I cheated! But in the moment, nothing else mattered. Jesus, he was incredible, everything I hoped it would be.

But it was so wrong. I cheated on my wonderful, faithful husband. The man that I love more than anything. How could I have done that?

I started to sob while Stan sat stoically and waited for me to talk.

I couldn't. I had no words. How could I find the words to tell Stan? How could I look him in the eye and admit I had betrayed him? I was so ashamed. I just couldn't. I wanted to curl up and die, which would be better than what was coming.

I sobbed for a long time, and Stan never moved or made a sound. I finally stopped, knowing I had to say something. I had to take a chance. I had to try to save us, or I knew Stan would leave me. I was sure of that!

I sat up, dried my eyes, and swallowed some wine. I looked at Stan, my loving husband, the love of my life. How could he love me after what I had done?

"Stan, I am sorry. I am trying to gather myself so we can talk. This is very hard."

He said nothing, and his expression did not change. He was like a statue sitting there waiting.

"Stan, I have no defense for what I did with Keith. I was mad, horny, stupid, and selfish. Nothing I can say will change your feelings about what I did and how bad I feel about hurting you and cheating on you. If you had asked me if I would ever cheat on my husband two mornings ago or any morning in all the years, we have been together, the answer would have been NO! Yet at 11:20 pm last night, I was in bed with another man, and we were fucking, while you were passed out in our bed in the room down the hall."

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"Yes, I openly and honestly admit it, that I did it, I cheated on you!"

"Once it got started in the pool, I lost complete control. Then when Keith offered me the EX, I took it. Then he started playing with me underwater. The sexual tension was almost overwhelming. With you lying on the lounger passed out, I easily surrendered and was completely his. My body suddenly craved him. Somehow, I gave myself to him, partially voluntarily and partially because of the EX's effect on both of us."

My face fell into my hands. I sobbed hard, unable to control my feelings.

Stan let me cry for a good while until I was about out of tears. I knew I would manufacture many more tears before this was all over.


I watched Kate sob as hard as I had seen anyone sob before. I thought about what she had said. She was honest, stating she had no defense and had let her emotions and sex drive, and the drugs Dan gave Keith take control of her mind and body. She had willfully fucked Keith, influenced by the EX she had received. Dan would pay for what he did, thinking it was cute to get another man to fuck my wife!

I let Kate cry for a while, then I looked at my watch and had twenty minutes to get her through her complete story and in the shower.

"Kate, enough feeling sorry for yourself. No one hurt you! You hurt me, God Damnit! You hurt us!"

"NO, YOU had fun. You sucked a new man's cock, and you got fucked all night by the same man. You betrayed me, so what the fuck are you crying about? I am the one that should be crying and believe me. I did my share once I knew what you had done to us. But now I am in complete control, and you need to bone up, woman. Stop fucking crying. You have a lot more to tell me!"

Kate's head shot up as I talked. She looked frightened and sat back against the couch.

"Kate, you have admitted you fucked Keith. Now I want details of what happened from when I passed out until you fucked him this morning and took him home. Do not leave anything out. I already have a clear picture pieced together, so no lying or I am gone, no flavoring it to make me feel better, or I am gone. 'The whole truth and nothing but the truth, like Joe Friday' said on Dragnet!" 

"You have fifteen minutes to finish your story, so no more fucking crying or I am walking out! So, Get started!"


I felt like I was in quicksand, sinking deeper every second. My emotions surfaced, choking me as I admitted that I had made the conscious decision to cheat on Stan as soon as he passed out. I was so angry that he had destroyed our date night I began teasing Keith, pursuing him. The more I drank, the angrier I became. The more Keith played with me, the hornier I became, and the more I wanted Keith in my bed.

I ignored Stan and occasionally checked to see if he was still out. I was horny, wanted to have fun with Keith, and didn't care about Stan. God, I was acting like a real slut. My friends saw what I was doing and tried to stop me, but I would have none of it.

I decided to fuck Keith. I had no idea we would fuck all night, but once his big young cock was inside me, I wanted him never to stop. I was his for the night. Stan did not enter my mind. It must have been the EX working on me.

I had to explain my actions and pray Stan wouldn't kick me to the curb.

"Kate, look at me. You have fifteen minutes to tell me your story. 100% honestly, or I am gone.

I watched her struggle, but then Kate sat up straight and took a deep breath.


"Stan, as I told you before, I have no excuse for what I did. I feel horrible about what I did and how I mistreated and betrayed you, ignoring you and cheating with Keith."

"Stan, I love you more than anything. Though you may not believe those words, they are true. The night was weird, and I had never done anything like that, even before we were married."

"I was so looking forward to our afterparty at home, with you making love to me, then I fuck you, then we are fucking each other. It was to be an all-night fuck fest like we used to have but hadn't had in a long time. Then, Stan, you got fucking drunk and passed out. I felt abandoned at the party. It was embarrassing. I felt you didn't care about us, and it pissed me off so badly that I didn't care about you then."

"I drank too much, and Keith started playing around. Then the pool games began, and I went swimming in my panties and bra. I might as well have been naked. Keith was all over me, and I loved the attention. We kissed, then, on the third kiss, Keith asked me if I wanted the EX. I said yes, and he dropped a pill on my tongue and pushed it down my throat. I swallowed it, knowing what it was.

Things got crazy then, Keith had his fingers in my pussy, and I was caught up in the night. Keith could have fucked me in the pool if he had wanted to. I looked over, and you were still out. Then pangs of guilt stabbed me. I pulled away from him and went to see if you were OK. You were out cold, and I was worried about getting you home."

"Then they called, 'Chicken Fight.' Keith came and grabbed me to be his partner. We won, then we lost. After that, I knew I needed to get you home. I dressed, and Keith volunteered to help me get you home. A couple of girls warned me about Keith, but I didn't listen. Keith and I carried or guided you down the street and into the house to the bedroom. I stripped you and put you in bed, and you were out completely again. I kissed you and was way past being angry with you."

"I had already decided I was going to fuck Keith. He was a beautiful viral young man who wanted me. You had passed out and didn't want me. I walked out of our bedroom and into the guest room and crawled into bed with Keith. For the rest of the night, we fucked four or five times. We never made love. It was pure lust, animal fucking. I came so many times I lost count."

"Stan, as hard as it is to say and as hard as it is for you to hear, the sex was glorious. I had never had sex like that. Keith's stamina was incredible. We were exhausted when we finally fell asleep."

"I woke up guilt-ridden. I had made a terrible mistake. Then I saw Keith in bed next to me with a raging hard-on. I tried to get Keith up and out before you woke up, but he pulled me to him, kissed me, and pushed me down, so I sucked his cock. I didn't let him cum and tried again to get him to leave. Keith pulled me into the shower and fucked me again. I knew he would cum, so I pushed him away so he wouldn't cum inside me again. I wanted him gone. Keith pulled out of my pussy and came on me and the wall. I pulled away and we dried then dressed and I drove him back to his sisters."

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked at Stan. He was hurt badly by my true confession. He looked so sad it broke my heart. At this moment, he was not the happy, strong, loving man I fell in love with and lived a loving life with. I had destroyed all of that. I was a terrible person. Certainly not the loving wife he deserves. I am a fucking selfish slut, not worthy of being Stan's wife. If he decides to leave me, I deserve that, and would hate myself forever for destroying this man, my man.   

"Stan, you know the rest. I can't talk anymore." I fell over on the couch, sobbing.


I quietly listened to Kate. The honest words coming from her mouth were painful to hear, and I knew it was all true. I could see from her expression and behavior that she was in severe pain, and she realized what a huge mistake and bad judgment had cost her.

I felt the same after hearing her confession. I already knew blow-by-blow details from Keith. But I had a couple of questions for her.

"Kate, stop crying. I need you alert so that you can answer two questions."

Kate quickly sat up, dried her eyes, and looked at me.

"There are two things I need to understand. One, do you love me? Two, will you ever cheat on me again?"

Kate looked at me, and sadness covered her face. She was breathing rapidly, and she quickly moved off the couch, pushed the coffee table away, and kneeled at my feet.

She put her hands together as if in prayer. "Stan, I love you more than my own life. I have loved you every minute since I met you, even during my terrible betrayal last night. I never stopped loving you."

She took a deep breath and looked up at me, locking eyes. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Stan, I never thought of cheating on you before last night, it had never entered my mind. My actions were not mine, and I can never see myself ever allowing that to happen again. I am so sorry for embarrassing you, cheating, and betraying you, and I swear it will never happen again!"

I let her wonder what I was thinking for a few minutes, never changing my expression.

She looked at me like a loving puppy waiting for a command.

"Kate, I love you. I always have, and I always will. What you did last night has hurt me to the core. I could never imagine that you could be so cruel and unloving to do what you did. As much as I hate what you did, I still love you. I also forgive you for your betrayal."

In a muffled voice, Kate let out a deep sigh and dropped her head into her hands, "Oh God, I thought I had lost you."

"You almost did. I was ready to walk out and never come back. I hated you, and in a way, I still do. I hate that part of you that could do that to me, to us! That part of you must remain buried deep inside you and NEVER surface again. If it ever does, even peek out. I will leave you cold!"

Kate's face froze as the truth of what I had just said hit her.

"I swear it will never happen again."

"OK, Kate, that is great, but we are not finished yet. You must pay for your cheating and betrayal, so come with me. Tonight, I take my retribution for your devastating acts of that night. As you agreed, you will do what I tell you without questions or complaints." 

The look on Kate's face was fear and confusion.

"Come with me." I stood and took her hand, pulling her up and walking down the hall to our bedroom. I unlocked the door and led her to the bathroom. As we walked by, I saw her look at the baby doll on the bed. She squeezed my hand.

"There is Jasmin wash, shampoo, conditioner, and cream. Shower with those items. Dry your hair. No makeup is needed. Do not touch anything in this room except those items, understood?"

"Yes," in a soft voice.

I watched as Kate stripped, exposing her incredible body to me. I felt a twitching in my shorts, knowing what We would do to her tonight. Without a word, Kate stepped into the shower with all the supplies and closed the door.

I left the room to check on things, making sure everything was ready. I went to the garage and unlocked the door. I came back and placed a note on the counter for Nate. I set out his favorite tequila, Patron Añejo, and a glass.

I went back to the master bedroom. Kate was just ending her shower and drying off. I helped her, rubbing her body softly, making her moan as I rubbed her breasts and pussy. I dried between her ass cheeks, rubbing her tight hole. I ran the towel up and down her legs to her feet. I dried them, playing with them. Her feet are sensitive, so she giggled.

"Now dress for me and meet me in the living room. Call me when you are ready. I kissed her softly, confusing her. Understood?"


I went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of her favorite wine Sterling Chardonnay. I took the bottle, a glass, and my tumbler of JB to the living room. I sat them on the coffee table I had moved back in place. I placed the agreement I had prepared for Kate to sign, permitting me to punish her tonight. Written in the contract was her complete confession. By signing the agreement, Kate confessed to what had happened, admitting it all and agreeing to participate in everything that would happen that night willingly. I lay my Monte Blanc pen beside the agreement.

I waited.

A few minutes later, Kate stepped through the door. "My God, you look like an angel." I gasped

Kate stood there, letting my eyes roam over her. She was nervous as a schoolgirl, chewing her lips and doing that thing with her legs swaying back and forth while she was rolling the hem of the lace baby doll in her fingers. It looked so cute.

My cock hardened in my shorts. I almost picked up my phone and called Nate, canceling him, taking Kate to bed, and ravaging her sweet body all night. That was the loving husband in me, but no, the night had to play out for us to move on.

"Come sit, Kate. We need to talk!"

Her expression changed from a sweet, innocent horny wife to a frightened, concerned wife. She walked over and sat in the middle of the sofa. She looked down and saw the paper and bottle of wine. She looked up at me, and I could see tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.  

"Kate, no crying. The story is out now, and we are dealing with it. We have one last hurdle to overcome, and we will know our future together. The rest of tonight will be exciting, an adventure, and a journey into a place neither of us has ever been. We will learn about each other, our desires, inhibitions, fetishes, and love for each other."

I looked at Kate for a reaction, her breathing had changed, and I could see a different level of excitement. That pleased me, and she was beginning to accept what would happen.

I leaned over, poured her a glass of wine, and handed it to her, "Your favorite."

I looked at my watch. It was 6:05 pm.

"Kate, there is a paper on the table. I need you to read and sign it, please."

I picked up my glass of JB and sat back as she picked up the agreement and began to read.

She looked at me as she read, making some eye contact, then asked. "So, what is this?"

"It is your confession to me of your betrayal and cheating with Keith. You acknowledge that you recognize the damage you have done to us and the hurt you have put me through. You agree that as part of redemption for your evil behavior, I have permission to punish you however I see fit for the next 24 hours."

I stopped.

Kate looked at me, not knowing what to say. She looked at the paper again, reading it over once more.

"What are you going to do to me?" Kate's voice was shaking. She knows that the decisive moment is upon her.

"We are not discussing that now. You will learn all of that once you sign the agreement. Kate, I love you, so I would never do anything to harm you. But you need to learn a lesson, which will happen over the next 24 hours."

I stopped but then added. "Kate, you agreed earlier to abide by what I told you to do, so this is the first true test of that agreement. Either you agree and sign the agreement, or we have no more to talk about, and I will pack my things and leave you tonight!"

A look of shock and fear showed on her face instantly. She swallowed, and tears started again. She looked at the paper again, laid it on the table, and picked up the pen. She looked at me, "I love you, Stanley. I can't lose you. I will do anything, but please don't leave me." Tears streamed down her face once again.

She signed the agreement.

She sat back, wiping her face and taking a huge gulp of wine.

"So, what now?"


Part 3 Coming Soon

Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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