Hi. Please call me Brie; all my friends do. However, should you have the need of an Interior Designer in the Greater Los Angeles area; you will find me listed under my full name of Brianna St. James.
Apart from running a successful business, I have been happily married for twenty years and have three children. Only one boy remains at home, and he will be a high school senior this year and off to college next fall.
My husband, a construction worker, is a very easy-going, laid-back type of man. This is a second marriage for both of us, and our family is a blended one; his, mine and ours. Only the youngest son is ours. If our marriage is not ecstatically happy, we are at least content with each other and the choices we have made – and we do love each other.
I am the more assertive, outgoing person in the relationship and, as my occupation suggests, I am also highly creative. In addition to interior design I write poetry, and I have a burning ambition to write a novel. Someday, maybe – who knows?
Anyway, scanning the internet one weekend, I discovered Lush Stories. I had actually been looking for information on threesomes (that’s another story for another day) when I stumbled on Lush. I looked around the site and liked what I saw, so I went ahead and joined.
Quite quickly, I decided to see if my writing would go over well. I submitted a poem and anxiously awaited its denial or approval by the moderators. In a very short time, an email told me that my poem had been approved and would be on the front page later that day! Now I would receive real opinions of my work – not just the usual “that’s great” comment from friends who did not want to hurt my feelings. To Lush readers, I was a stranger.
When my poem appeared, people started to leave comments and vote, giving a “score” with five being the top award. To my great pleasure and amazement, it received fives from everyone who took the time to rate it! Moreover, the comments were encouraging and positive.
Another extra benefit of posting the poem was that members became aware me. They would read my profile page and then some requested to be a “friend”. I accepted a few, but quickly learned that many people just wanted cybersex or sex chats. I admit to being somewhat intrigued, but honestly, I was not comfortable, so I usually stopped talking with them.
Then I met Joe. He was from Florida and we really seemed to click, right from the start. We talked on a regular basis and found that we had a lot in common. He was in his second marriage, had two children, and was an insurance agent. Having just turned fifty-eight, he was thirteen years older than me, but from our chats I would never have guessed that age difference.
Joe said he was still in love with his wife but, because of some sort of complications following surgery a few years earlier, he was living in a sexless marriage. That is why he had joined Lush. He missed sex, but did not want to cheat on his wife – and he definitely did not want to hurt her.
In time, we progressed to saying how we wished we did not live so far apart, that it would be nice if we could meet face-to-face. That idea took root; my mind would not let it go. I started daydreaming about meeting Joe, knowing he wanted to meet me too. Then, unexpectedly, a solution dropped into my lap.
Chatting on line with Joe, I mentioned to Joe that I would be attending a conference in New York City. He told me to hang on, and was gone for what seemed like forever! Apparently, he had been looking at his calendar and, amazingly, he could arrange to be in New York at the same time.
Wonderful! We could really meet – at last!
However, after the natural elation, I had second thoughts: Did we really want to do this? Did this have the potential for disaster written all over it? The conference was still eight weeks distant so we decided to leave any decision for a week, allowing both of us to consider all the repercussions of a meeting. We agreed to discuss it in depth and make pros and cons lists.
In that week, our relationship changed a little. Our nightly talks became more like orgasm sessions for me. He insisted on making me cum, sometimes more than once! He definitely stretched my sexual boundaries and even asked me for some explicit pictures. I did not even hesitate as I used my camera and sent the photos to him! Joe being in control of me, a submissive role I usually hate, was now a huge turn-on. All so very out of character, because, believe me, I am actually the take-charge type in all aspects of my life, including the bedroom.
After our week was up, we decided that we very much wanted this meeting and Joe arranged to join me in New York. He also surprised me by sending me a package that contained a sex toy – a vibrating egg that he wanted me to use. He told me to have it in my cunt (his word, which he insisted I use) when I met him in New York. Thank God my husband was not home when that package arrived, because I do not know how in the hell I would have explained it to him!
Seven weeks later, my flight was called to board. Yes, I was really doing this! I showed my boarding pass to the flight attendant and walked down the ramp towards the plane; towards potential bliss or disaster. Which would it be?
As the plane made its approach into Kennedy, butterflies in my stomach took a flight of their own! Doubts assailed me. What was I doing? Was it too late to back out? I could just hide in the airport restroom. With all these thoughts racing through my head, I continued to baggage claim.
After retrieving my luggage, I stood for a few minutes, debating what I should do. Finally, I took a deep breath and told myself that I really did want to meet Joe, and set off to find the Airport Bar where we had arranged to meet. Joe’s flight was due to arrive earlier and I’d been told that he would be wearing a pale-yellow polo shirt and casual dress slacks.
Apart from running a successful business, I have been happily married for twenty years and have three children. Only one boy remains at home, and he will be a high school senior this year and off to college next fall.
My husband, a construction worker, is a very easy-going, laid-back type of man. This is a second marriage for both of us, and our family is a blended one; his, mine and ours. Only the youngest son is ours. If our marriage is not ecstatically happy, we are at least content with each other and the choices we have made – and we do love each other.
I am the more assertive, outgoing person in the relationship and, as my occupation suggests, I am also highly creative. In addition to interior design I write poetry, and I have a burning ambition to write a novel. Someday, maybe – who knows?
Anyway, scanning the internet one weekend, I discovered Lush Stories. I had actually been looking for information on threesomes (that’s another story for another day) when I stumbled on Lush. I looked around the site and liked what I saw, so I went ahead and joined.
Quite quickly, I decided to see if my writing would go over well. I submitted a poem and anxiously awaited its denial or approval by the moderators. In a very short time, an email told me that my poem had been approved and would be on the front page later that day! Now I would receive real opinions of my work – not just the usual “that’s great” comment from friends who did not want to hurt my feelings. To Lush readers, I was a stranger.
When my poem appeared, people started to leave comments and vote, giving a “score” with five being the top award. To my great pleasure and amazement, it received fives from everyone who took the time to rate it! Moreover, the comments were encouraging and positive.
Another extra benefit of posting the poem was that members became aware me. They would read my profile page and then some requested to be a “friend”. I accepted a few, but quickly learned that many people just wanted cybersex or sex chats. I admit to being somewhat intrigued, but honestly, I was not comfortable, so I usually stopped talking with them.
Then I met Joe. He was from Florida and we really seemed to click, right from the start. We talked on a regular basis and found that we had a lot in common. He was in his second marriage, had two children, and was an insurance agent. Having just turned fifty-eight, he was thirteen years older than me, but from our chats I would never have guessed that age difference.
Joe said he was still in love with his wife but, because of some sort of complications following surgery a few years earlier, he was living in a sexless marriage. That is why he had joined Lush. He missed sex, but did not want to cheat on his wife – and he definitely did not want to hurt her.
In time, we progressed to saying how we wished we did not live so far apart, that it would be nice if we could meet face-to-face. That idea took root; my mind would not let it go. I started daydreaming about meeting Joe, knowing he wanted to meet me too. Then, unexpectedly, a solution dropped into my lap.
Chatting on line with Joe, I mentioned to Joe that I would be attending a conference in New York City. He told me to hang on, and was gone for what seemed like forever! Apparently, he had been looking at his calendar and, amazingly, he could arrange to be in New York at the same time.
Wonderful! We could really meet – at last!
However, after the natural elation, I had second thoughts: Did we really want to do this? Did this have the potential for disaster written all over it? The conference was still eight weeks distant so we decided to leave any decision for a week, allowing both of us to consider all the repercussions of a meeting. We agreed to discuss it in depth and make pros and cons lists.
In that week, our relationship changed a little. Our nightly talks became more like orgasm sessions for me. He insisted on making me cum, sometimes more than once! He definitely stretched my sexual boundaries and even asked me for some explicit pictures. I did not even hesitate as I used my camera and sent the photos to him! Joe being in control of me, a submissive role I usually hate, was now a huge turn-on. All so very out of character, because, believe me, I am actually the take-charge type in all aspects of my life, including the bedroom.
After our week was up, we decided that we very much wanted this meeting and Joe arranged to join me in New York. He also surprised me by sending me a package that contained a sex toy – a vibrating egg that he wanted me to use. He told me to have it in my cunt (his word, which he insisted I use) when I met him in New York. Thank God my husband was not home when that package arrived, because I do not know how in the hell I would have explained it to him!
Seven weeks later, my flight was called to board. Yes, I was really doing this! I showed my boarding pass to the flight attendant and walked down the ramp towards the plane; towards potential bliss or disaster. Which would it be?
As the plane made its approach into Kennedy, butterflies in my stomach took a flight of their own! Doubts assailed me. What was I doing? Was it too late to back out? I could just hide in the airport restroom. With all these thoughts racing through my head, I continued to baggage claim.
After retrieving my luggage, I stood for a few minutes, debating what I should do. Finally, I took a deep breath and told myself that I really did want to meet Joe, and set off to find the Airport Bar where we had arranged to meet. Joe’s flight was due to arrive earlier and I’d been told that he would be wearing a pale-yellow polo shirt and casual dress slacks.

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I wore a pastel-green sundress, so he could recognize me.
As I turned a corner and strode towards the bar, I received a more dramatic indication that I was in Joe’s vicinity. Just as I saw his yellow shirt, I was shocked when my pussy started to pulsate! Oh my God! I suddenly could not move; the unexpected vibrations in my pussy took my breath away, had me rooted to the spot! I had stopped so abruptly that the person behind me almost bumped into my back.
“Sorry,” I mumbled over my shoulder at him, trying to regain my composure.
Obviously, Joe had used a remote control to start vibrating the egg inside my pussy the moment he saw me! Taking another deep breath, I looked towards Joe and resumed walking towards him. He grinned and, placing something in his pocket, moved towards me. I had a big smile on my face as we stood in front of each other. I was pleased to see him, but the thrill of the vibrations in my pussy certainly made my smile wider.
There was a brief, awkward moment before we simply reached out and hugged. It felt so good to be in his arms. He was much taller than I am, so, even in heels, my head rested on his chest just below his chin. Having his arms around me was heaven and he smelled… divine.
Eventually we let go and stepped back, silly, stupid, goofy smiles on our faces. “Hi,” we said simultaneously, and then chuckled.
Online wasn’t the only place we were in accord.
“So, how was your flight?” Joe asked.
“Good, thanks. How was yours?”
“Mine was good as well.” Joe looked towards the bar. “I’ve been here for twenty minutes or so. I wasn’t sure what you might want to drink but I went ahead and ordered you a white wine. Come on, it’s over there.”
He led the way back to where he had been sitting. I sat across the table from him and thanked him for the drink before taking a sip.
Joe watched me replace the glass. “I have a question for you.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“Are you ready to have a very pleasurable, sex-filled few days?”
I immediately blushed a little. “You are as direct here as you are online,” I said.
“No.” Joe shook his head, a smile creasing the corners of his mouth. He leaned forward and quietly said, “Direct would be asking if your cunt is wet from the vibrating egg inside it.”
“Joe! Really!” I squirmed in my seat, aware of the damp patch in my panties.
“I told you, Brie, this time together is all about your pleasure. I said it would start as soon as I saw you.” He gazed into my eyes. “How about a little more intensity?” he asked and leaned back. He slid a hand into his pocket for the remote control.
The speed cranked up another notch and I gasped – quietly, I hoped. I lifted my wine glass in a shaking hand and took a very unladylike gulp. God, I was turned on! “Are we headed to the hotel soon?”
He smiled, his bright eyes shining into my face. “We will, as soon as you cum for me,” he said all matter-of-fact. Calmly. “Why don’t you come sit next to me?”
He stood and I slipped past him into the booth. He sat down again and placed his hand on my thigh, slowly raising the skirt of my knee-length dress.
I gripped his thigh and stared into his eyes, holding my breath and biting my bottom lip. Was he really going to do this in public? I thought he had been joking when he suggested it online. But now the hem of my skirt was creeping ever higher, gradually exposing my bare, quivering thighs. What could I do? What did I want to do? I succumbed, that’s what I did, opening my thighs slightly to give him access to my seeping sex.
Joe’s fingers continued to inch higher up my legs. He stared unblinking into my eyes, holding my gaze as he got closer and closer to touching my cunt. (Like I said, that’s what Joe wanted me to call it and I was not about to argue!)
On the outside of my very damp panties, he brushed against my clit, using a fingernail to lightly scrape against it. I nearly jumped out of the booth! It was all too much, especially coupled with the vibrating egg.
He leaned and whispered into my ear. “What’s the matter, Brie, can’t handle it?”
I took a deep, shuddering breath, straightened my spine, and sighed, “Bring it on, Joe.” He knew I would rise to the challenge; I hated to be second at anything.
“Good girl,” he said, and gently pushed aside the flimsy material of my wet panties. Oh My God! He touched me for the first time, electrifying me with his index finger stroking the lips of my cunt. I moaned as the tip of his finger slipped inside and gathered some of my cream. Circling my clit, he turned up the speed once more on the egg… and that’s all it took. I came suddenly, very hard, gushing. Joe cupped his hand over my bucking mound, trying to catch the overflow as I buried my head into his shoulder and bit on my bottom lip to keep from screaming out loud!
Suddenly, a waiter loomed and asked if everything was all right.
“Yes,” said Joe calmly. “The lady is a little overwhelmed by something. We’re fine, but thank you.”
As the waiter strolled away, Joe removed his hand from between my thighs and licked it. Next, he used a handkerchief to dry his fingers. That done, he replaced the handkerchief in his pocket and finally turned the vibrations on the egg to its lowest setting.
Thank God, I thought. The intensity had become almost painful.
“Finish your drink,” said Joe, “then we will go.”
I swallowed the last of my wine and we stood up, me on tottering legs, to exit the bar. Holding hands and pulling our suitcases behind us, we headed for the taxi's and a ride to our hotel.
I could only imagine what was going to happen next, alone in our hotel room…
Special thanks to JWren for the story photo.
As I turned a corner and strode towards the bar, I received a more dramatic indication that I was in Joe’s vicinity. Just as I saw his yellow shirt, I was shocked when my pussy started to pulsate! Oh my God! I suddenly could not move; the unexpected vibrations in my pussy took my breath away, had me rooted to the spot! I had stopped so abruptly that the person behind me almost bumped into my back.
“Sorry,” I mumbled over my shoulder at him, trying to regain my composure.
Obviously, Joe had used a remote control to start vibrating the egg inside my pussy the moment he saw me! Taking another deep breath, I looked towards Joe and resumed walking towards him. He grinned and, placing something in his pocket, moved towards me. I had a big smile on my face as we stood in front of each other. I was pleased to see him, but the thrill of the vibrations in my pussy certainly made my smile wider.
There was a brief, awkward moment before we simply reached out and hugged. It felt so good to be in his arms. He was much taller than I am, so, even in heels, my head rested on his chest just below his chin. Having his arms around me was heaven and he smelled… divine.
Eventually we let go and stepped back, silly, stupid, goofy smiles on our faces. “Hi,” we said simultaneously, and then chuckled.
Online wasn’t the only place we were in accord.
“So, how was your flight?” Joe asked.
“Good, thanks. How was yours?”
“Mine was good as well.” Joe looked towards the bar. “I’ve been here for twenty minutes or so. I wasn’t sure what you might want to drink but I went ahead and ordered you a white wine. Come on, it’s over there.”
He led the way back to where he had been sitting. I sat across the table from him and thanked him for the drink before taking a sip.
Joe watched me replace the glass. “I have a question for you.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“Are you ready to have a very pleasurable, sex-filled few days?”
I immediately blushed a little. “You are as direct here as you are online,” I said.
“No.” Joe shook his head, a smile creasing the corners of his mouth. He leaned forward and quietly said, “Direct would be asking if your cunt is wet from the vibrating egg inside it.”
“Joe! Really!” I squirmed in my seat, aware of the damp patch in my panties.
“I told you, Brie, this time together is all about your pleasure. I said it would start as soon as I saw you.” He gazed into my eyes. “How about a little more intensity?” he asked and leaned back. He slid a hand into his pocket for the remote control.
The speed cranked up another notch and I gasped – quietly, I hoped. I lifted my wine glass in a shaking hand and took a very unladylike gulp. God, I was turned on! “Are we headed to the hotel soon?”
He smiled, his bright eyes shining into my face. “We will, as soon as you cum for me,” he said all matter-of-fact. Calmly. “Why don’t you come sit next to me?”
He stood and I slipped past him into the booth. He sat down again and placed his hand on my thigh, slowly raising the skirt of my knee-length dress.
I gripped his thigh and stared into his eyes, holding my breath and biting my bottom lip. Was he really going to do this in public? I thought he had been joking when he suggested it online. But now the hem of my skirt was creeping ever higher, gradually exposing my bare, quivering thighs. What could I do? What did I want to do? I succumbed, that’s what I did, opening my thighs slightly to give him access to my seeping sex.
Joe’s fingers continued to inch higher up my legs. He stared unblinking into my eyes, holding my gaze as he got closer and closer to touching my cunt. (Like I said, that’s what Joe wanted me to call it and I was not about to argue!)
On the outside of my very damp panties, he brushed against my clit, using a fingernail to lightly scrape against it. I nearly jumped out of the booth! It was all too much, especially coupled with the vibrating egg.
He leaned and whispered into my ear. “What’s the matter, Brie, can’t handle it?”
I took a deep, shuddering breath, straightened my spine, and sighed, “Bring it on, Joe.” He knew I would rise to the challenge; I hated to be second at anything.
“Good girl,” he said, and gently pushed aside the flimsy material of my wet panties. Oh My God! He touched me for the first time, electrifying me with his index finger stroking the lips of my cunt. I moaned as the tip of his finger slipped inside and gathered some of my cream. Circling my clit, he turned up the speed once more on the egg… and that’s all it took. I came suddenly, very hard, gushing. Joe cupped his hand over my bucking mound, trying to catch the overflow as I buried my head into his shoulder and bit on my bottom lip to keep from screaming out loud!
Suddenly, a waiter loomed and asked if everything was all right.
“Yes,” said Joe calmly. “The lady is a little overwhelmed by something. We’re fine, but thank you.”
As the waiter strolled away, Joe removed his hand from between my thighs and licked it. Next, he used a handkerchief to dry his fingers. That done, he replaced the handkerchief in his pocket and finally turned the vibrations on the egg to its lowest setting.
Thank God, I thought. The intensity had become almost painful.
“Finish your drink,” said Joe, “then we will go.”
I swallowed the last of my wine and we stood up, me on tottering legs, to exit the bar. Holding hands and pulling our suitcases behind us, we headed for the taxi's and a ride to our hotel.
I could only imagine what was going to happen next, alone in our hotel room…
Special thanks to JWren for the story photo.