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Timing Is Everything Part 2

"Ian and Jane work their plan to the full. Bianca and Paul have no idea."

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Author's Notes

"This is the second part, where Ian gets restored as a man and lover. I will not say more, read the conclusion, LOL."

We finished the beer and made stupid jokes, laying in the bed of the truck. Jane also filled me in on what waited for me at the building site, so I started to prepare my thought process. Sunday morning, I called Bianca.

“We are leaving at lunch, there is an issue with the flights. I am driving us.”

“Okay, who is us?”

“Jasmine and myself. She is just grateful. She also says having a truck will make it a lot easier getting to the sites.”

“A woman?”

“Yes, I am picking her up at noon.”

“Is she pretty?”

“I don’t know, she is an engineer. I have not seen her physically. I just hope she listens to good music.”

“Your music taste is terrible, baby. I will try to get home and say goodbye.”

“No rush, we will talk.”

“So you don’t want me to say goodbye?”

“Okay, I will come by the offices, that way it is not too much of an interruption.”

“I would love that.” We hung up and I laughed to myself.

Either she will be at the offices when I get there, or she will now rush home. The latter was true, and she showered me with affection at home. She made sure I packed everything, and I was sure there would be a tracker in my bag. I just love the paranoia of a cheater. I drove to the coffee shop and picked Jane up.

“Hi, Jane.”  I hugged her.

“Likewise, Ian. I am looking forward to not being near them at all.”

“Agreed,” I said.

“Can we get a coffee to go first?” she asked and we got out.

“She will ask for a picture of you,” I said.

Jane surprised me when she found what was an impossibly beautiful brunette with incredible green eyes. Jane explained the situation.

“I fucking hate cheaters,” Lindy, the girl, said.

“Oh fuck, Lindy, you got cheated on?” I asked, angry.


I looked at Jane and shook my head. We explained that we cannot fathom that such beautiful people get cheated on.

“You two think I am pretty?”

“You are absolutely beautiful, Lindy. I would definitely beg for a date if I was single, I promise,” I stated. She was a stunner, and clearly highly intelligent.

“If you were not married, I would be the one asking. Find me when you are divorced.” Jane nodded in agreement and then added her as a second number on Jasmine’s details.

“Jane?” I asked, and I saw Lindy grin.

“For the future, Ian,” Jane said.

“How badly is she cheating?” Lindy asked.

“She is carrying my husband’s baby,” Jane replied.

Lindy pulled Jane in and hugged her gently. We posed Lindy at the Raptor, so the personalized badge was visible. I took the picture and sent it to Jane’s burner, then I paid for Lindy’s breakfast and we left. Bianca would see the photo using her spyware, as well as the fact that I shared it with Jasmine. I will use the spyware to drive Bianca nuts.

That evening, we slept in a hotel and booked a single room. The truck handled the open road well. I called Bianca.

“Hey babe, we decided to sleep over.”

“Okay, Ian. How is Jasmine?”

“She has excellent taste in music, and we get along well. There is a small thing, though. The hotel had one single room. They have brought us an extra mattress and I will be sleeping on the floor.”

“Shit, that sucks. No other hotels?”

“I am really tired. I did not sleep well last night.”

“What does she look like?” I rolled my eyes, always Bianca’s needs first.

“I don’t want to say?”

“So she is pretty?” I almost laughed as Bianca’s stress levels rose.

“Bee, please.”

“Is she pretty?” Bianca put her annoyed voice on.

“Fucking gorgeous, Bianca. I am talking Cindy Crawford.”

“You are not shitting me, are you?”

“I will send you a picture, but please, babe. I'm not sharing the bed with her.”

“Just send the fucking picture.”

I agreed, then hung up, knowing that Bianca already saw the picture because of the cloning software. I sent it.

‘Oh fuck, Ian, she is stunning.’

‘Sorry, Bianca.’

‘I trust you, Ian. You cannot help it if she is pretty.’

‘Okay, Bianca. Next time you come with.’

‘Make it in maternity leave, and that is a given.’

‘Okay, I hope we can get it arranged.’

I showed Jane the texts.

“Bitch will be bawling her eyes out during maternity leave,” Jane muttered.

“Do you think so?”

“Yes, Ian, she still loves you. Cheating does not mean they stopped loving us.”


“If it makes you feel better, Paul is at your house right now. I suspect he will stay there because he will like the idea of fucking her in your bed.”

“I do the laundry,” I said, and then Jane started laughing loudly.

I fetched our bags from the truck, as well as Jane’s. I showered then gawked as Jane came into the bathroom in her underwear. I was naked. She looked at my cock, and smiled a knowing smile.

“Jane, quit your shit,” I grumbled.

“You have some size on Paul, so it is not even about the cock, Ian,” Jane laughed happily.

“And Bianca has nothing on you. I love your breasts, the shape of your butt. I love your legs, and the very slight curve of your hips.”

“Uhm, Ian. Friends here.”

“Sorry, Jane, I am just so angry at times. On the physical, had that been the decider I would choose you.”

“And Lindy?”

“You Jane, you still win.”

“Thanks, Ian. You make a girl feel really wanted.”

“Sorry, I sometimes make things awkward.”

“Nothing awkward, my friend.”

I dried off, wondering how I was not getting hard. That question was answered when I left the bathroom and remembered her body. My cock responded instantly. Jane came in and took her bra off, not hiding herself. I stared at her perfect nipples. Her eyes dropped to the very obvious bulge in my shorts.

“Good,” she said with that little smile. She stole one of my t-shirts. We turned the lights off and I climbed into the bed next to her.

“Good night, Ian.”

“Sleep well, Jane, don’t snore.”


I woke at three with Jane in my arms, snoring softly. I was rock hard, and if she was awake, she would feel it. I moved, and she turned over, pulling my hand with her. Now I was spooning her, my cock nestled in her ass. It would do us no good to start something now, but I wasn’t sure I would last another night. We woke up at eight, and Jane turned to me.

“Well done, Ian.”

“What do you mean? Good morning.”

“Good morning. I am talking respect. I was available, and you held back. We are already in a grey area with regards to infidelity.”

“Okay, I do feel that even if she does not care, I do.”

“That is fine, but it is fucking hard.”

“More ways than one.” I pulled back from her, painfully hard.

“I will not tempt you again.”

“Not if we want anything more?” I closed my eyes as the unintended words left my mouth.

“You would want more?” Jane asked, and I was on the hook now.

“Maybe. Lying here, driving yesterday. It was different, easy.”

“It was. And, Ian, I could also do something with you.”

“Let’s respect each other towards that goal.”

“I agree.”

I felt the embarrassment.

“Spit it out, Ian.” Jane saw me frown.

“Could I have some alone time in the bathroom?”

“Please, I would also use the time wisely.” I saw her blush, it confirmed I was not the only one holding back.

“Hmmm,” Jane studied my crotch with a naughty grin.

“Jackass,” I muttered.

I barely got started in the shower when I erupted. I decided to go for round two, which also ended very quickly, with the same amount of sperm. Part of me really wished it was Bianca out there because that would mean my dreams and hopes were not misplaced. We left after breakfast. Our conversations were now different, future-orientated.

“Why did you guys never have kids?” I asked, and she started to cry.

“I am barren, Ian.”

“I am so sorry, Jane.”

“Would you want kids?”

“Yes, Jane.”

“Does that doom us?”

“No, we adopt. Fuck Jane. We?” I was hit by the possibility. I had known her for a week and it already settled my mind that Jane and I might be a couple.

“Okay, yes. We adopt.” She smiled at me. I realized I just validated her. I told her of my dream for a ranch house in the mountains, and Jane liked it.

The next three days on-site, I came into my own. My habit of reading journals detailing new designs and parameters came in handy, and I managed to suggest some changes, causing an ultimate saving of five percent on contract costs.

I was handed the contract on-site, and the initial retainer was transferred into my offshore account. Jane was very proud, praising me. By contrast, Bianca was happy, but she was far more concerned about how much money it would bring. I decided she would not know I have received money yet. She begged to call her more. I told Jane after we ended the call.

“This is the first time she had extended time with Paul, and the cracks are showing. But once you are back, it will change back. Because it is not about romance or anything, just a thrill,” Jane told me, and it made so much sense.

We drove to a lodge and booked in, Bianca quizzing the charges again, this time she called me.

“Jasmine booked in with her card, Bianca. We are looking at an expansion for the lodge.”

“Okay, is she nice?”

“Yes, very nice. I could easily be friends with her because we can talk about things I am passionate about.”

“But you talk like that with me?”

“I learned as much as I could about your job so we could talk, Bianca.”

“I love you, Ian. That is just one of the things. I am learning so much from you about caring, and pre-empting care.”

“Okay, Bianca. We need to go, the clients just arrived.”

I hung up and dove into the pool, then floated to where Jane was bobbing on an air mattress. I tipped her over, which started a wrestling match. The kids around us joined the fight, almost all of them ganging against me, except for a set of twins in their early teens, who joined my camp and they were fierce. Jane watched me carefully as I interacted with the two.

That evening, we joined the games night in the communal area and the kids again surrounded us. I had never had as much fun. Later, we lay in the bed and spoke. I was tired but held out.

“Jane, you are making me social. I would never be the guy I was tonight.”

“You are that guy, Ian. The ideas came from you tonight. Bianca is self-obsessed, so fun has to improve her image. I do not mind being the ass, and that sets you free.”

“That makes a lot of sense.”

“Do you have any idea how incredible you are?”

“Tammy and Candy seemed to agree with you?” I grinned. The twins were gorgeous, but I wish they were my kids.

“They are amazing, but I also saw the longing you had for their presence, as your kids. Adoption will happen, sweet Ian.”

The next day, we drove a fifty-mile off-road trail with the twins in the back seat, praising our cool music. Jane was recording a video of most of the day, including my conversations with the twins.

“Shit, Jane, I loved the chattering,” I said in the room after we got back.

“You would make a very good father. They blossomed because you set them at ease.”

“I loved that. The hard part is keeping it. Just a few wrong decisions can break it.”

“Sounds like experience.”

“Sadly, yes. Bianca has all the right answers, so I believed I was paranoid. I really thought I was going nuts.”

 “That is what cheaters do.”

 “I just believe in the promises I made, Jane.”

“As do I.”

I called Bianca, she was missing me. Jane lay on the bed next to me and texted me from her burner. I knew Bianca was now reading the texts because she switched us to speakerphone as we talked. I did the same. One of the things Jane texted had me grinning.

‘Ian, if you pull the plug, would we be more than friends?’

‘Yes, Jasmine,’

I texted back as I chatted to Bianca. I could hear her temperament freeze over. She made a stupid excuse and hung up. I started to engage Jane/Jasmine in text.

‘So you would like me like that?’ she asked

‘Yes, not because you are so absolutely beautiful. I can talk to you. Bianca only talks about her job, disengaging when I talk about my work.'

‘And we can talk about other things too. I loved the walk around the lake, talking about your past.’

‘That was difficult, but my counselor said I should talk to those I trust.’

‘So, what does Bianca say about your past?’

‘I have not told her.’

I smiled at Jane, she was now dangling a carrot.

‘Oh shit, Ian, that is a big thing. Does that mean you do not trust her?’

‘Not with something that close to my heart. Initially, I would have, but the way she has responded to my sensitivity recently tells me it will not work out. She says she loves it, but I know she somehow is irritated when I am soft. Perhaps she snagged an alpha male.’

‘If only she knew.’

‘What does that mean?’

I frowned at Jane.

‘This week, I saw the alpha males on the construction sites back down from every confrontation with you, Ian. People see the fact that you are a lone wolf, and think you are a pushover.’

‘Oh, okay. Lone wolf, you say?’

‘Yep, and a damn sexy one at that.’

‘Nope, don’t believe you.’

‘Every single female you met at the lodge showed signs of arousal. Given a week and poor morals and you would have had all of them, Ian.’

‘No way, I just don’t see the world like that.’

‘Which is why I want to be first in line if you decide you want to step away.’

‘Please, Jasmine, can we not talk like that?’

‘Sorry, sweetie, I understand. I have pushed boundaries now.’

‘Forgiven, and I will not stop chatting to you if we just keep the boundaries.’

I deleted the chat stream and grinned at Jane. It felt amazing, to know eight hundred miles away, Paul and Bianca were now going insane.

“Ian, when we get home, she will be pissed, so we escalate the chat. We then push the boundaries.”

“Okay, Jane, some of it felt very real.”

“Yes, because we are already talking like that, you and I.”

“I like it, Jane.” She pulled against me and we fell asleep.

We left early the next morning after both taking private time again. I was shocked when I erupted the moment I touched my cock, and I needed two more orgasms before my cock decided to become compliant. Thinking about what Jane was doing in the room helped me fuck all.

I arrived home after eight that evening. I dropped Jane two blocks from her home, where she caught a taxi. I missed Jane already. At home, Bianca was happy to see me, but I saw she was pissed. She did not acknowledge that she knew I was at her office the previous weekend, and I was sure she will misdirect in any case. She rather came at me with other shit, trying to ask questions in a certain way.

She was really careful to not reveal she knew about our texts, but yet seemed difficult about Jasmine. Sunday she was twice as ornery. I tried my best to soothe her. I also tried to get her to tell me what was wrong. One different thing was the way she would search my face, to see if I had changed. Sunday evening I texted Jasmine, lamenting the strife. Obviously, she was sympathetic, and we escalated it to me saying I wish we were still at the lodge. Bianca came in and demanded my phone, so I handed it over. The chat was deleted.

“Who is this Jasmine?” she demanded after seeing her in my contacts as well as the work-related chats, which we made sure was in the stream.

“I told you, the engineer I was with last week.”

“Do you delete your chats with her?”

“I don’t chat with her, except the work stuff you shouldn't see.” I sighed. “Is that what I did wrong, Bianca? The fact that the universe has given me a pretty work colleague?”

“I just feel something is off, Ian.”

“Stop being irrational.”

“I know what I am feeling.”

“It is just irrational, Bianca, and I understand what you mean when I feel paranoid regarding your work parties.”

“It is not irrational!”

“Whatever Bianca. I did nothing wrong, except maybe fall in love.”


“Fourteen-year-old twins Bianca. Oh fuck, I saw myself with kids, having so much fun. I almost always had kids with me at the lodge when we were not working. Jasmine laughed her ass off at how goofy they made me.”

I pulled the videos up, and Bianca watched, clearly bored. She was difficult for the whole week as we escalated the texting, becoming more personal. That weekend I pissed Bianca off again when I bought myself a superbike. The following Tuesday she had a work function, and I texted Jasmine for dinner. It was comical to see Bianca try to convince me to do anything else.

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“I am just going for dinner, I hate being alone at home.”

“I could stay?” she suggested to my surprise

“Please do.”

I called her bluff, and she caved saying there was a prominent guest speaker. I used the bike, losing her investigator within three blocks in traffic. We went to the opposite side of the city to where Paul’s phone was. I held Jane’s hand as we walked through a night market. Jane was in my heart now.

We parted with a hug in the middle of the complex. I spotted Bianca’s investigator’s car, watching the bike. He would have no idea where I was in the vast complex of alleys filled with hipsters. I got on the bike and rode at a sedate pace, parking the bike in the garage. It did not take long to find the GPS tracker. I removed it and waited for Bianca. She was happy to be home and begged to shower. I smiled to myself, thinking she had probably been in too much of a hurry to wash her cunt. I put the tracker in her car.

Thursday evening, she came home with a guilty look; she had realized where the tracker was.

“Don’t bother, Bianca. That was just low. Is there one in the Raptor?” She nodded

“Get it out of there and, yes, I am pissed.”

“I am sorry, Ian, I am just so paranoid.”

“Why, am I doing anything different, except going to dinner once?”


“Next week we are flying to Florida, Bianca, there are two more projects there.”

“I wish I could come with.”

“So do I.”

“Can I meet Jasmine?”

“I will ask, but she rarely is in town. She will be in Florida two days before me.”

“Okay. I will not put trackers on you again.”

“Please, Bianca.”

The next week in Florida again entailed a lot of work, but we took an extra day to just hang out again, walking the Miami beachfront holding hands. I had peace that Jane will have a permanent spot in my life. The bigger change was that we needed private time both in the mornings and evenings now when we stayed together.

"Ian, we could just start having sex," Jane prompted but I saw the doubt in her eyes, which matched my feelings.

"Then we would be nothing better than them. I need for you to see that I will not compromise us when this is over."

"Good answer, Ian. I would also feel different if we started cheating, because of who we are within our character. We know our moral boundaries."

"Thanks, but yeah. I get why you asked. It is a lot harder to keep my hands of you than being married to a cheater."

That conversation settled us both and I saw Jane relax a lot more when we were together, knowing that I was not going to compromise our possible future.

The next few months were bliss at home with Bianca working hard on me as she tried to win my affections, except she was also not relenting on her time with Paul. Jane and myself spent two weeks out of every month away, and I was falling in love. Bianca decided that sex was dangerous, so she cut me off. I protested but was actually happy. I would just deal with it myself, but Jane's face was in my mind as I stroked myself until the warm water ran out in the shower.

Three weeks before Bianca was due to deliver, I saw my lawyer and we discussed the serving.

“Visiting hours, the afternoon of the first day. I want all her friends and family there as she is holding the baby, lapping up the attention. I will start a little something too,” I said

“She will be devastated.”

“She deserves it.”

“Okay. Are you going to be there too?”

“Maybe. I have a plan that will allow her to find out I know it is not mine.”

“But she has not had a test done.”

“Nope, and I still intend for a DNA test, just to make sure.”

“Just don’t sign the birth certificate.”

“I won’t, and she will know why. Is it necessary for me to stay in the house after she gets served?”

“Nope, the divorce proceedings have been initiated, so a legal separation will become valid the moment she is served. There will be no abandonment claims she can make.”


“After she is served, fuck. Do I want to know?”

“The affair partner’s wife. She should have been my wife.”

I left, then I texted burner to burner, telling Jane what I had planned. We arranged for another dinner, this time being cocky and eating across the road from the hotel Bianca and Paul would be fucking in. I had no idea it was safe to fuck this late into pregnancy and it also told me that Bianca was intentionally cutting me off, though her motive did not matter anymore. We made our plans.

The week before Bianca had to go in, I took the Raptor to a location to be electronically swept for any bugs and trackers. Jane had organized it and I met her sister.

“Lindy, you fucking shit,” I said as I realized the beautiful brunette was Jane’s sister. Jane also appeared and I could not help myself. I pulled her against me. She lifted her face and I kissed her softly.

“Lindy is your sister?”

Jane nodded and I felt my resolve shatter.

“Can I be in love just a little?” Jane asked.

“Only if I have the same courtesy,” I said and kissed her again. Lindy hugged us both, and I kissed her cheek.

“Lindy, now I know for a fact I would have considered you after the divorce.”

“And I would have definitely chased you, Ian. Guys like you are so rare, The sheer respect for Jane.” Lindy smiled, and I believed her. I knew I was going to love this family.

“It was hard,” I teased.

“More often than not,” Jane teased as she looked at my crotch.

“Lindy, I need a nurse to do me a favor,” I asked.

“Oh?” She cocked an eyebrow which had me laugh again.

“I need her to play a little game. I will be with Bianca, she needs to do me a solid.”

We discussed the details. The following Monday Bianca gave birth to a healthy baby boy, she called him Jameson, that look of defiance back in her eyes as she told me.

“I warned you, Bianca,” I said softly, and she smiled as she saw my hurt. All her love-bombing meant nothing, and she was under the impression I would stay for the baby.

“Just accept it, Ian, I will always make choices for you.”

“Oh, I accept it, as long as you accept the consequences.” I saw her expression change at my tone. The nurse called me and I left. An hour later, I was with Bianca again.

“What is it?” she asked.

“His blood volume is low, so I donated.”

“Okay, why not me?”

“Your blood is still full of painkillers and such, it is too dangerous.”

The nurse came in again.

“Mr. Smythe, uhm...”

“Do you need more blood?” I asked, getting up.

“No, your blood type does not match.”

“Okay, what does that mean?”

“We need to get the baby's father in.”

I looked at Bianca, who had lost all her color, as well as her arrogance.

“So you were having an affair, you fucking whore.” I started to cry as I stood away. She was reaching for me.

“Please Ian, god. No. Please come here. I am so sorry, God.” She started to cry, then wail as I walked out. Outside, I gave the nurse five hundred dollars.

“You really don’t match, Mr. Smythe,” she said with compassion on her face.

“I expected it, I have known since the beginning, but she hid it well. She cannot hide a baby now, can she?” I walked back into the room.

“Bianca, get the kid’s father in here. I need to go for a fucking drink or ten. Fucking cheap whore.”

“It meant nothing.”

“And now you have a kid, which is not nothing.”

“You also fucked around!”

“Nope, I just created the illusion with a friend. Half a brain cell would have picked it up. Get the father in or lose your son too.” I watched her pick up her phone and call.

“Paul, it is yours, and he needs blood. Yours.” I watched her nod and start to cry bitterly as she hung up.

“I have known for a while. That day when you signed the loan contract I realized your company had no idea you were married. You started there with the idea to cheat.”

“No, I did not. God, I love you so much.” Bianca was alternating between soft crying to full-blown sobbing.

“No, if you did you would not have done this.” I sighed. “ And your company has not had a work function in five years”

“We had them, sometimes twice a week.”

“I now carry a secure NSA phone, Bianca, because two of my projects are for them. During the vetting your whoring came up. This not going to be very good for you, Bianca. I will show my face during afternoon visiting hours.”

I did not care that I just lied, there will be another shock for her that afternoon.

“Ian, what happened in your past?”

“I was abused when I was thirteen, and nobody in the family believed me. Everybody I trusted turned against me. You made me believe I could trust you, Bianca. You have no idea how deeply your betrayal cut me.”

I watched as she comprehended, and then I walked out as she started to wail again. I saw Paul come out of the elevator and punched him three times, knowing I broke some ribs. I walked out without a word and called Jane.

“Yeah, Jasmine, she knows I know. Now she is wailing up there. I have no idea how she thinks there is any return. Can we grab lunch, normal place?”

“Yes, Ian, I cannot wait to hold you. Can we please talk about sex now?”

I knew somewhere in the hospital Bianca was now desperately trying to figure things out based on the call I had just made. I started laughing at Jane’s request as I walked to the Raptor, checking the ties to the superbike, as well as the locks on the back. I was leaving with what I could fit on the truck. At the restaurant, I kissed Jane deeply.

“Your husband might still be lying on the hospital floor in pain.” I grinned.

“I will go with to visiting hours, just to show her my face.”

“Should we kiss?”

“I want to in any case. You kiss fucking well.”

“Let me change something,” I called the lawyer on my burner.

“Hey, can you ask the official to let me know when he arrives at the hospital? I have decided I have had enough drama. We will leave as she is served. If he has a bodycam I would like it, but I actually want this chapter closed.” He confirmed the instructions. Jane and I sat outside under an umbrella as lovers.

“When we come back we can move into my house. I am having Paul served tomorrow, and he has to move, I own the house.”

I kissed her as confirmation. We ate, then headed out to her house where she had left her car, and she made sure all her important documents are safe. She also emptied the safe as well. We drove back to the hospital. The room was full, with at least twenty people in there, including her family. I saw Bianca look at me and start to cry again. I walked to her.

“We could have been so good, Bianca, but you just could not leave his cock alone. You would have been forgiven when I first confronted you, but you had to prove you are the boss. There is no return from this. Jasmine is here, and she caught my heart as I started to crash.”

I was whispering as I heard Bianca sob, almost retching.

“NOOO!” she cried as Jane came in and joined me.

“Meet Jasmine, Jane Jasmine Graythorn. I like JJ.”

“So do I, Ian,” Jane said and I turned my head. She kissed me.

“You fucking piece of shit!” Bianca’s father bellowed but I ignored him.

I got the notification from the official.

“Bye, my love, we would have been so good.” I kissed Bianca’s cheek softly, and she saw my tears.

“Sorry, Ian,” she said softly, and we walked out to the sound of her family yelling insults at me. We passed the official.

“It might be a little rough in there, sorry,” I said apologetically.

He just grinned at me as he pulled the documents and images out. The elevator doors closed on Bianca’s scream. We drove to the lodge, arriving at sunrise the next morning. We checked and went for breakfast, knowing the rest of the day would be spent in bed, but not sleeping. I openly stared at Jane now as we ate. At our room, we showered together, and I knelt, using my tongue to flick her clit. Jane exploded in orgasm and I had to hold on as she lost her balance. She regained some control and promptly lost it as I now went after her pussy with intent.

“Fuck, Ian, I love you so much. Please do not stop now,” she begged.

I growled my consent as my lust took over and she exploded from the vibrations. I stood up and attacked her mouth, and she returned it, not at all bothered with the taste of her pussy. Her hand dropped to my cock, but I took it and put it on my face as I pulled back. I could not hold the tears, and she gently stroked my cheek.

“I love you too, Jane, Maybe I have always wanted some form of you, but now you are here, absolutely perfect.”

“You make me who I am, and I make you. Nobody is perfect, except in the eyes of the one that truly loves them.” I carried Jane to the bed after she shut the shower off.

“Can you please put your cock in me, my love?” she asked and I positioned myself.

She arched her hips and I started to slide into her. She was tight as if she had not had sex for months and I took it slow. I was watching for any signs of pain. She came again as I touched her cervix, the base of my cock pressing against her clit. I pulled almost all the way out, then back in, using long strokes. Jane was clawing at my back as her passion started to boil over. I could not believe the hunger in her eyes for me and knew had she been a predator I was prey. Then it would vanish and I would look into the abyss of love as I pumped. I came hard and deep inside her, barely slowing down. Jane rode out five orgasms to my three, but I knew hers were violent because she cried as she saw what she had done to my back when we had finished.

“Jane, fuck. I want that again,” I said as I saw her guilt. I was truthful, I definitely wanted that passion again.

“But your back, baby. I fucked it up. There are deep gouges everywhere.”

“And I loved every single moment. Jane, I have never had anybody want me that badly and that desperately. And I have never realized how much I can give. I loved what you did to my soul, Jane. And also my cock.”

“Did I really do that for you?”

“Yes, did I do something for you too?”

“Yes. For two hours your sole purpose seemed to be for me to feel the best I have ever felt. You seemed to search for my needs, and then you met them. I feel so beautiful.”

She turned on her side and I spooned her. Her phone rang, it was Paul begging. I pushed my cock into her from behind and she wailed out an orgasm.

“Warn a fucking girl when you push that monster in! Shithead!” Jane laughed, then talked on the phone again.

“Paul, we are done. You now have a baby to take care of. He served her yesterday. You guys are free to fuck, and I now have her ex buried in my pussy. Oh, fuck, Paul, best swop ever for me.”

I sped up and she had another loud orgasm.

“Hear that, Paul, that was my seventh orgasm in two hours. I don’t care, there is a razor in the second bathroom. I will arrange for the blood to be cleaned up when I come home. Just be fucking gone or dead.” She hung up and yanked forward, pulling me out of her.

“You fucking piece of shit lover, now I am going to fuck you up.” She pushed me on my back and slammed down on my cock. I grabbed her face and pulled her down to me, then I kissed her softly, reverently.

“You are so much to me, Jane, oh fuck.”

“Shithead, now I want to make love, not fuck.”

She started laughing at me, and her pussy spasm pushed me over the edge as she slammed down hard, pushing my tip into her womb. We lay like that and kissed for an hour. I could not believe how much deeper I was falling for her. We fell asleep, waking up after three that afternoon. I made love to her again, then we showered. Jane then tended to the damage she had done to my back, kissing each scratch then whispering that she loved me.

Dinner was amazing, she had her hair loose, a very natural look that had me in lust with her. She gave me that hungry look a lot, and I fed her pussy my orgasms after dinner. I could not remember the last time I was as happy to wake up with someone when I opened my eyes and looked into her blue eyes.

“I love you, Ian,” she whispered. I kissed her softly.

“Am I still dreaming?” I asked, and she smiled softly.

“Yes, I hope every day from now is a dream, Ian.”

“Good, because I love dreaming of being in love.”

We took the bike out on the mountain roads, stopping for lunch at a country restaurant. There was such a sense of peace in me, being free from the oppression of Bianca. I also realized she never knew better, she believed she was giving me her best. Jane agreed, saying that Bianca and I were probably never fully compatible.

“But keep this in mind my beautiful, Ian: you loved fully, and never hate yourself for doing that.”

“I love more now.”

“Because I allow you to unlock more levels. I am actually demanding more love, and you are discovering you can actually give at a higher level. Isn’t it a weird and shitty world where my selfishness forces you to dig deeper, only to find yourself in it and be free?”

“I am not sure if that is cynical, but it does make sense.”

We stayed ten days, then loaded the bike and took the lazy road back. Paul had moved out and ruined the house.

“Oh well, I always wanted new stuff,” Jane muttered, then looked at me, “Starting with you.”

We took two days, focussing on recycling shops and antique shops. We found a lot of things we really liked, but I loved the fact that shopping with Jane, including the conflicts when we could not decide was amazing. I absolutely loved arguing with her, because it always was an intellectual exercise, or downright hilarious, the latter being the prevalent one. She made me see life, and she declared the same for me.

We heard via the grapevine that Paul was fired and Bianca was suspended. She tried her best to make contact with me, begging for a chance to explain. The DNA tests were conclusive, the kid was Paul’s.

Jane and I got married two days after I received my divorce decree, which took a little longer. To our surprise, Jane got pregnant, and the doctor ascribed it to stress that she seemed barren. We had our twin girls, Natasha and Simone. I never let my family near them. We also relocated to Miami. Through Jane’s friend, we heard that Bianca had changed the boy’s name to Ian.

One evening, we sat on the balcony, looking over the ocean. I had my hand on Jane’s swollen belly.

“Looking back, I would have dragged it out like we did?”

“Yes, but not for the satisfaction. It allowed us to fall in love.”

I finally got the timing right.

Written by CuriousProbe
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