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The Incident: Part 2

"Dr. Veronica Miles is whisked away to a secret military base where she meets her new room mate a sexy Texan redhead."

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Author's Notes

"Sorry this has taken so long to continue, maybe revisit part one to follow the story of Dr. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Veronica Miles as she moves ever closer to cheating on her husband."

Slumped back against the tub and relived the incredibly vivid vision I had just had about Marcus and how the thought of being used by him had made me cum so violently. Fuck I had never cum like that, but then again, I had never had such a vivid fantasy about anyone like that. I needed to get myself together. I steadied my shaking legs and stood steadying myself against the wash basin, seeing my soaked panties and remembering they had started this entire masturbation session. Then I looked down on the tiled bathroom floor and saw the huge puddle of pussy juice and realized I had never squirted like that before. 

As I regained my composure, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, what am I doing thinking about another man? You are a happily married woman. I pulled my hair back and stepped into the tub. After submerging myself into the hot water, I took a large mouthful of whisky from the bottle. I swallowed it before I impulsively slid two fingers back into my hot, hungry cunt and thought, "Holy shit, I'm in trouble. How the fuck am I meant to work in close confines with a man who just looking at my body has given me the biggest orgasm of my life and made me want to cum again, thinking about him fucking me?


Continued from Chapter 1

The following morning, I was driven to the Air Force base by my two bodyguards. We boarded a private jet, flew home, and then driven to my house. I was glad to be home but also apprehensive about having to lie to Wesley. As usual, Wesley greeted me with a hug and a kiss, but I couldn't help but notice him curiously eyeing off the two goons leaning on the car in the drive.

"Darling, it's lovely to have you home, but who are those two men in our drive? Should I invite them in?"

"No! Absolutely not. Wesley, I need you to sit down for a minute. I have something I need to discuss with you," I said, taking Wesley's hand and guiding him to the settee.

"Well, now I'm a little concerned. The first was a trip to the head office; then, you came home with two strange men you didn't want me to meet, and now you say we need to talk. Either you are telling me you are having an affair or you’re about to tell me my brilliant wife is off to save the world."

"Funny you should say that! Because it’s not too far from the truth. Three weeks ago, American Antarctic scientists recovered human remains in one of their ice core samples from six hundred meters down. After examination of the remains, the entire team became extremely ill. In fact, two of the team members have died. They believe the remains contained a virus, long extinct, and once they were thawed out, the virus became airborne. The entire base has been put on lockdown. The government has my team and me traveling to the Antarctic to identify and develop a cure before more people on the base die."

"Veronica, darling, I know you are the best at what you do, but this seems very risky to me. What happens if you get the virus and die? Darling, I don't like the sound of this one bit. I couldn't live without you! When do they expect you to leave?"

"You, my beautiful husband, I couldn't live without you either. You are just the sweetest man alive. But they want me to leave tonight."

"Tonight, you are joking, right? You just got home. How long do they expect you to be down there? No, I'm not sure I'm on board with this. It's all too fast. Tell me I at least get tonight with you."

"I'm sorry, darling," I said, sitting next to him, putting my arms around him, and pulling him close.

"But those two men are waiting outside to take me to Nellis airbase." They are saying I need to stay until we find a solution. The virus is contained in the Antarctic, and no one can leave until the outbreak is confined. It could be a month or six, I just can't answer that, but If I don't go, everyone down there has a very high chance of dying, and you know I couldn't live with myself if I knew I could help but didn't."

"Oh, darling, that's such a long time. But I know you well enough not to try and stop you. Please promise you will be safe," Wesley said, hugging me tight and kissing me lightly on the cheek.

"I assume you need to go and pack now if they are waiting?"

"Only the personal items I need. It's a military base, so they will supply me with a uniform. But I want to shower before I leave. Why don't you come and join me? I want my husband to make love to me before I leave," I said, standing up and taking Wesley's hand, leading him upstairs to the bedroom.

Once in the bedroom, I became aggressive, almost tearing Wesley's clothes off. I wanted him to remember what a passionate vixen his wife really was. Once he was naked, I pushed him back on the bed. I dropped to my knees before taking hold of his cock and engulfing it with my mouth.

"Christ, Veronica, I don't know what has gotten into you, but I like this side of you."

I look up into Wesley's eyes while I deep-throated his cock, my right hand squeezing his balls and rolling them in my hand like a set of Wah Chung balls. I maintained eye contact with him as my tongue licked and sucked his shaft.

"Oh, honey, if you keep that up, I will cum."

Pulling my mouth off his cock I said, "Don't you dare cum yet mister. I want to feel you inside me."

I stood up and unclasped my bra, tossing it aside. Then, I quickly hooked my thumbs into my thong and peeled it down my legs. Stepping out of it, I climbed on top of Wesley. Taking hold of his cock I lined it up with my already soaked pussy and lowered myself down on him. I placed my hands on his chest and moved my hips up and down. He returned the favor and put his hands on my hanging tits. Taking my erect nipples in his fingers, he mauled at my tits as he squeezed and pulled on my nipples.

I knew Wesley well enough that riding him cowgirl, he never lasted long, and I really needed and wanted to cum with him. Steadying myself with one hand on his chest, I reached down with the other and began rubbing my clit.

"Oh, yeah, baby fuck you wife. Make her your dirty little slut," I squealed as my hand became a blur.

Wesley was thrusting himself up at me, matching my every bounce. I looked into his eyes, and they were closed, and I could see him starting to make his orgasm face. Damn it, I wasn't there yet, shit I need to speed this along a bit. I thought.

I closed my eyes and instantly thought about Marcus and his huge black cock sliding into me, stretching my married pussy more than it ever had before. My thoughts instantly turned dirty.

"Ohhh, fuck yes. Fuck me, lover fuck me with your huge cock. Make me your filthy slut. Fuck me until I can't walk properly. Oh, God, I'm close fuck me, baby fuck your married whore hard give me that beautiful big cock."

I felt Wesley squeeze my huge tits hard, and he pushed up into me one last time before I felt him squirt his cum into my pussy. I was already there, and feeling his cum shoot inside me was enough to trigger an earth-shattering orgasm. The problem was it wasn't my husband I was picturing or even thinking about as I came, squirting pussy juice around Wesley's now rapidly shrinking cock.

I flopped down on top of Wesley before rolling off him. Now lying next to him, totally spent. That had been a big orgasm. I have only squirted twice before, once last night in my hotel bathroom and once using my vibrator. I had never squirted while having sex, especially with Wesley. The truth was his equipment wasn't designed to reach the places I needed to trigger that type of orgasm.

As I lay there, Wesley's arm across my chest as he nuzzled my neck, I was suddenly riddled with guilt that I had thought about another man fucking me to make myself cum.

"Wow, Veronica, that was amazing. I think you might have squirted. Everything down there is soaked. And what was with all the dirty talk? You have never said anything like that before. Again, I'm not complaining. It was amazing but a little out of character."

"I'm sorry honey, I don't know what came over me. I really wanted to cum with you, and it could be the last time we have sex for goodness knows how long. I just wanted to make it a little memorable and exciting."

"Well, consider the goal accomplished. It was amazing, and I certainly wouldn't complain if you continued the dirty talk in the future."

Shit, I could feel tears beginning to well up in my eyes, knowing it was Marcus I was talking about when asking to be his married slut and personal whore. I'm a horrible wife. I need to stop this nonsense now and be the woman Wesley married a good girl, not some wanton whore thinking about another man.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it but don't get used to it. I'm not sure what came over me. But I do know what came in me, and that was you, and by the amount of cum running out of me right now, I need to take a shower and then get packed.

Wesley showered with me, and for a special gift, because I was feeling so damn guilty about my filthy thoughts of another man, I sucked Wesley's cock in the shower. I even let him cum in my mouth, something I had never done before. But I quickly spat it down the drain, cum tastes disgusting.

A little while after our shower, the doorbell rang. Wesley was dressed, so he went to answer it.

"Mr. Miles, we are here for Dr. Miles. Is she ready to go?"

"Yes, just a minute, I will get her," he said, closing the door again.

"Veronica, I don't like this. I don't like this at all. I might not be on the same level as you regarding career, but those two men at the door are anything but military. Is there something you aren't telling me, darling? Are you sure everything is okay?"

"God, I love you darling. You worry about me so much. I may have skipped over a few details. Those men are from the Secret Service. The request for me came directly from the Oval Office. Those two men are the President's security team. They are only here to ensure I get to Nellis Air Force Base on time. Don't worry so much. I promise I will be careful. I love you very, very much. Besides your wife is just off saving the world on the President's orders."

"Well, I guess I should be honored to be in the presence of such an important person," Wesley said with a nervous laugh.

"Okay, well, I have to go. I love you; don't forget that. And remember, honey, if asked, I'm on a field trip to the Antarctic and nothing else. I'm serious; not a word to anyone."

"I understand, and please, please be careful," he said, hugging me so tight he squeezed the breath right out of me.

I kissed Wesley once more passionately, tears now streaming down my cheeks. I pulled away, opened the door, and walked down the front path, looking back over my shoulder as I climbed into the back of the black Escalade. I could also see Wesley crying; we had never been apart for more than a week before, which was clearly overwhelming for him.

"ETA to the airport, Ma'am, is 23:00. We should be wheels up shortly after. I was told to give you this once you were secure," the spook in the passenger seat said, handing me a thick folder marked top secret across the front.

The folder contained the names of all the soldiers, their vitals and blood work, all the pathology lab work, etc. The more I read, the more concerned I became. I had never seen anything like this, and the photos from the microscope were extremely concerning. I read through as much as possible before reaching the Air Force base. The Escalade pulled up behind a C130 military transport plane. There were dozens of people moving around, loading large crates and equipment into the back of it.

Suddenly, the door opened, and I was looking at General Western.

"Dr. Miles, welcome to Nellis Airbase. If you make your way to the plane, Major Mitchell will show you to your seat. Have you had time to read the briefing on your way over?

"Thank you, General. Yes, I breezed over it on the way here."

The General grabbed my forearm and got close to me.

Dr. Despite what you might think of me and how the US conducts its business. Those men were all good, brave men, most of them with families. If not for me, please, for their widows and children, find a cure for this. If this is a bioweapon, we need to be prepared."

"Don't worry, General, Dr. Swanson and I will find a solution. Those men will not have died in vain. I'm sorry if I have given you the impression I'm anti-military, I’m far from it. The simple answer is I lost my father when I was twelve. He was a member of the First Force Recon Battalion, Bravo company in Kuwait during Operation Enduring. My family has never received an answer to our questions, and we have never had a body to bury. So you will understand I'm not exactly trusting of your uniform or the men that wear it."

"I understand, Dr. Please do your best, and before this is over, I may be able to give you some answers to what happened to your father. Leave it with me, Dr. I'll see what I can find out, but no promises. Somethings that took place over there are still classified."

I followed the major to the C130 and was shown to a webbing seat in front of all the large crates.

"Major, what's in these crates."

"All the equipment Dr. Swanson ordered for your lab, Ma'am."

I watched them continue loading crate after crate onto the plane until completion. I realized I could spend decades in the private sector and never get the funding or resources the military had. An airman was walking past with what looked like a manifest of the crates.

"Excuse me, Corporal, could I please take a look at that manifest."

The corporal looked at the Major, who nodded his head and handed me the list. I was blown away by the manifest. Most of the equipment in these crates was state-of-the-art, some of which I knew wasn't even available in the US, such as the remote robotic vile handler. How the hell did Marcus get his hands on this stuff in less than forty-eight hours?


I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I felt a hand gently rocking my shoulder.

"Dr. Miles, we are almost at our destination; Dr. Miles, wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes, the blurry vision turning clear, and I saw the Major looking at me. Just then, the plane hit a pocket of turbulence, and the Major's hand slipped from my shoulder to my breast, squeezing it to steady himself.

"Easy there, tiger. The least you can do is buy a girl a drink before you start getting handsy," I said, smiling as I looked into his deep blue eyes.

I hadn't noticed earlier, but the Major was, well-built, and extremely handsome. Plus, he had those damn sexy blue eyes.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, I'm terribly sorry about that. It wasn't my intention to be indecent with you in any way."

"Relax, soldier. I was just messing with you. But if you don't remove your hand soon, I might have to charge it rent," I said as the Major quickly pulled away, turning bright red.

Just then, we hit another large pocket of turbulence. The Major fell backward against one of the large crates wrapped in webbing and then forward toward me again, his hand bracing his fall against the side of the plane.

"Major, I suggest you sit down before you have to add dinner to the drink you already owe me for the free grope."

He spun around and took a seat next to me.

"The wind shears are quite bad tonight," he said, pulling the harness over his shoulders and buckling himself in.

"Yes, the turbulence is quite bad," I barely got out before the plane lurched violently forward and tipped.

"It's quite normal for where we are. It's the air stream coming in over the mountain. There are very few pilots qualified to land here."

"And when you say here, where exactly is that Major?"

"Sorry, Ma'am, that information is classified."

do me a favor, Major, and knock off the Ma'am shit you are making feel old. Tell you what, if you tell me where it is, we are going, I might let you get past second base."

He looked at me with a surprised look before I started laughing, quickly followed by him.

"You sure you aren't ex-military, Ma'a... sorry, Dr?"

"Please, Veronica will do just fine, and no, I'm not, but I am an Army brat bought up on bases. Why do you ask?" I said with my sexiest smile.

"Well, your sense of humor, for one thing, and you're the first civilian I have ever seen sleep on one of these birds."

"Major, when you spend nights like I have pulling all-nighters jamming for exams, you learn to sleep anywhere."

"Well, I'm glad you got some zzz's, Veronica. Because, by the look of all this equipment, you will have many sleepless nights ahead of you."

I nodded in agreement as the plane's wheels screeched as they made contact with the tarmac. The engines screamed as the pilots changed the prop's pitch and applied the brakes. My head was propelled against the Major's shoulder, my hand instinctively grabbing his thigh so high up I could feel the warmth radiating from his man junk. He turned his head and looked at me.

"Am I to assume this is your way of saying you accept my prior invitation to buy you a drink?"

Again, we both laughed as the plane came to a stop, and the enormous rear tailgate began to lower. The Major and I started to undo our harnesses and headed toward the plane's rear. Forklifts quickly moved the crates, and uniformed men scrambled around undoing straps. But what astonished me the most was that we were already underground in some giant concrete bunker.

"Major Mitchell, where the hell exactly are we?"

"I'm sorry, Veronica. Like I said, that's classified. But if you follow me, I will show you your accommodation. Dr. Swanson said he wanted to see you as soon as you landed, but I'm sure you want the chance to freshen up briefly. I'll have someone come and collect you shortly," he said as we entered a lift and hit the number thirty button.

I don't know why, but I was surprised when we started going down instead of up. We arrived at our destination in the blink of an eye, and the Major showed me to a windowless concrete room. It had two beds, some lockers, and a concrete counter with a mirror. He walked me over to a bed on one side of the room. The other bed had two flags hanging on the wall. One was the star and strips. The other was some redneck flag it was a black flag with a coiled-up rattlesnake with the words Liberty Or Death Don't Tread On Me. My bed was next to the only other steel door in the room.

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"This is you, Dr. You will share the room with Marine Captain Eliza Scott. Through the door is the head, and I'll get Captain Scott to show you the rest. I'll give you five to freshen up a bit. Your uniform is on the bed. Please change, and then I'll have someone come retrieve you. Good luck, Veronica."

And with that, he was gone. I looked around the room and thought it couldn't be more gloomy if they had tried. I'm sure prison had more charisma than this place. I was busting for the toilet, so I headed in there first. I wasn't prepared for that at all. It really was like a prison. There was a stainless steel bowl bolted to the wall and an open shower, no tiles, no towel rail, nothing, and the toilet. Where do I begin with that? It was just a stainless steel bowl, not even a seat that lifted up or down.

I squatted over the toilet, peed, and then changed into the camo fatigues on the bed. God, what have I gotten myself into? I can't do this, I thought as I pulled the camp cargo pants over my butt. So there I was in just camp cargo's and my pink Lacey bra when the door opened, and a total stranger, a young soldier, walked in.

He instantly stopped dead in his tracks, like a deer in the headlights, and that's exactly where his eyes were as he stared at my headlights, which were on high beams due to the aircon.

"Can I help you with something, soldier?" I said as I picked up the black T-shirt and pulled it on.

"Ma'am, sorry, Ma'am. I was sent to bring you to Dr. Swanson. I apologize, Ma'am. I should have knocked."

"No harm done, corporal. I'm sure you have seen many women semi-dressed before."

"Yes, Ma'am. I mean, no, Ma'am. Shit!"

"Relax, soldier. I won't tell anyone if you don't," I said, winking as I walked past him, still pulling the T-shirt down over my bra.

I followed him to a room more like I was used to. It was a large glass bio lab, and dozens of people worked like ants while unpacking and assembling the lab. I looked around and spotted Marcus with a clipboard and giving orders to several men as they unloaded the state-of-the-art robotic arm. Marcus spotted me and waved me over.

"Veronica, welcome," his eyes roamed over my entire body again. The T-shirt was relatively tight-fitting, and my nipples were still erect.

I instantly felt that tingle as my pussy throbbed when he smiled. I hated that any man had that effect on me. It indeed was unsettling how my body reacted around him. I had never experienced this before. I'm not racist in any shape or form; I have just never been attracted to black men. But Marcus had me not even thinking straight.

Marcus picked up a brand-new white lab coat and handed it to me. Holding it up, I saw my name, Dr. Veronica Miles, embroidered with civil contractor underneath. As I pulled it on, Marcus's eyes never left my body. I felt thankful I had something to cover my damn nipples.

"Well, what do you think, Veronica? I have got everything I thought we would need. Go over this list. Let me know if you need anything else ASAP, and I will get it."

'What I think is I might as well be in prison! Marcus, I'm sharing a concrete bunker with God knows who, and the facilities are archaic at best. Surely you don't expect me to live like this for the next year?"

"Yes, I thought you might mention that. I'm sharing a room with Major Mitchell if it makes you feel any better. Veronica, this has, up till now, been a top-secret military base and was never set up to accommodate civilians, but our single rooms are being prepared. I'm told they will be ready by the end of the month. We will just need to adapt until then. And I'm sure you and Captain Scott will get on like a house on fire. She's a good sort."

"I understand, but if we are ordering equipment, I want a proper damn toilet in my room. The idea of sitting on a cold stainless steel rim doesn't exactly excite me."

"Copy that, Dr. I will put in your order for one proper toilet," he said, flashing me that cheeky smile his brilliant white teeth flashed, and My pussy leaked a little bit.

Why does this guy make my pussy so wet? God damn it. I'm a professional married woman, not some college frat girl with a crush on the starting quarterback. I need to get a grip on myself, focus on the task, and less on the man causing me to cream my panties.


A week later, the lab was complete. And Marcus was right. Eliza and I did get on like a house on fire. Like my husband Wesley, she was my polar opposite to me in every way. Eliza was a stunning red-haired Texan girl, third-generation military, and completely uninhibited from the minute her roster was done. She was out of uniform and either naked or wandering around the room in only underwear. I don't have lesbian tendencies at all, but Eliza had the smoothest youthful alabaster skin and the body of a goddess. Her tits were a similar size to mine, but her pale, lightly freckled skin and her deep green eyes were incredibly alluring.

I remember the first night she returned to our room; she had no sooner introduced herself, and her clothes were coming off. She then stood talking to me completely naked before showering, not even bothering to shut the door. She didn't even get upset when the young corporal came to give me a message one morning. He came in and walked over to me. Eliza was completely naked and about to get dressed. She didn't even flinch.

When he left, I said, "Eliza, aren't you embarrassed that the corporal just saw you naked?"

"What, little Johnny?" she said, holding up her pinky finger, and wiggling it.

"No, not at all. He has seen me naked a hundred times. You have to understand when we are out on exercises, we don't have male and female ablutions. We all shit, shower, and shave together," she said, running her hand over her shaved smooth pussy and smiling.

"Oh, I never really thought about it. As long as he doesn't think he can just do the same with me."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure he will try. He must be sick of jerking off that little pecker of his to me by now. Permission to speak freely, Ma'am."

"Eliza, you can drop the Ma'am bullshit. I consider you a friend, so you can speak freely to me."

"Thank you, Veronica, I feel the same way. Girl, you have the base a buzz. Every man and woman wants to get a look at that smoke show of a body you are hiding under that drab lab coat."

"Haha, you have to be joking, right? God, I'm nothing special at all. Goodness, you are much sexier than me. And you're younger, plus the way you treat nudity with such a blasé attitude, you must have all the men in here chasing you."

"Many have tried. A couple even ended up in the infirmary after I broke their fingers for touching. But it's not men that ring my bell, Veronica."

Eliza caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting that. I smiled and gave a nervous chuckle. What do you say to that when she is standing eight feet away from you naked as the day she was born and confessing she not only finds you attractive but she's into women?

"Oh, I see. Well, their loss, Eliza, because you are extremely attractive."

"Thank you, Veronica you’re a total hottie yourself. Do you drink?"

"Yes, I enjoy a nice red on the weekends."

"Well, I don't have anything fancy, like wine, but I do have a few jars of apple moonshine. Would you like a drink with me? You can tell us all about working with Dr. Swanson. The other girls are all swooning over him."

"Good lord, apple moonshine. I don't think so. I'm quite attached to my liver, thanks."

"Oh, come on, you only live once, and besides, the new accommodation block will be finished soon, so we might only be roomies for a little while longer. I'll tell you what: I'll even throw some clothes on if it makes you feel more comfortable. Besides, my daddy made this shine, and it's smooth and sweet."

"Oh, alright, one small taste then."

"So, is that a yes to a taste of the moonshine or of me?" she said, smiling.

We both laughed, but I wasn't entirely sure she was joking. Eliza went to her locker, pulled out a dark green silk robe, slipped it on, and pulled out a mason jar full of clear liquid. And two small glasses. Eliza sat down on the bed next to me. She placed the two glasses on the nightstand and filled them both before handing one to me.

"Here's to making new friends and saving the free world," Eliza toasts before downing the entire glass.

I was not that adventurous and took a small sip of the clear liquid. I was pleasantly surprised it was exactly as she said it would be: very smooth and tasted just like apples.

"Come on, Doc. Neck that, and I'll get us another one."

Against my better judgment, I threw the glass back and swallowed all the contents. It made me shudder a little bit, but it wasn't unpleasant at all. Eliza poured two more, handed me one, and then clinked our glasses together before throwing it back. Not to be outdone, I did the same.

Four glasses later, we sat on my bed laughing like lifelong friends. Eliza was to my right, and her gown was gapping open, especially when we leaned forward and laughed. Her heavy breast was permanently exposed, and her rosy pink nipple was rock hard.

I wasn't sure if it was the sexual nature of our conversation or if it was this damn moonshine. Still, I found myself staring at her breast and having thoughts I had never had before. Maybe I was missing Wesley. It had been over a week since I had had sex or even bought myself off.

"So come on, Doc, spill the beans on Swanson. Do you think he is packing downstairs or just a pretty boy?"

Taking another drink and feeling very tipsy, I was becoming very uninhibited. I looked Eliza dead in the eyes and said, "I think he would have a huge, big, thick cock. Well, at least I hope he does. He certainly did when I brought myself off thinking about it."

"Oh my God, you dirty bitch. I bet it's big, too; I wonder if it's as big as my baby."

I looked at Eliza, completely lost.

"Here, let me show you," she said, getting up and walking over to her bedside table, which has a draw.

I nearly died when she turned around, holding the biggest black dildo I had ever seen.

"This is Sir fuck a lot. It's the only thing that keeps me sane in this place. Apparently, it's made from a mold of a real dude, some porn star or something. All I know is I haven't had the pleasure of riding it since you moved in,” Eliza said holding up the black rubber dildo and waving it about.

"Jesus fucking Christ, it's huge, Eliza!"

"Thirteen inches long and seven inches around. It took me a long time to take it to the balls."

I was utterly in shock. Not even with my closest friends would I ever discuss subjects like sex or sex toys, let alone play show and tell. I poured another glass of shine and swallowed it down.

"Eliza, I don't know what to say. I'm unsure if I'm in shock from how big it is or the fact that you can take the entire thing. I assumed you were a lesbian from what you said earlier, so why the fake cock?"

"I can do a lot of things, Doc. But I can't lick myself, and I might be into chicks doesn't mean I don't like a good dicking down; I just don't like the shit bag men the dicks are attached to."

Eliza sat right next to me, her thigh pressed firming against mine, her gown almost entirely open now. She handed me the dildo and poured two more drinks. It was heavy, really heavy. God, it was so detailed with thick veins, and the balls and head looked so realistic. I turned it around and looked it over. My hand didn't even reach around the girth.

Eliza handed me a glass of shine, and I put the dildo on my lap as I took the glass. It was then I noticed Eliza was looking at me with those intense green eyes, "Here's to us, Doc, and you finding out exactly how big Swanson's cock really is," she said, both of us throwing the glass back and swallowing its content.

Eliza hadn't taken her eyes off me, and I felt the warmth of the shine washing over me, or was it something else? The next thing I knew, I leaned into her until our lips met. God, her lips were as soft as they looked. I opened my mouth and felt the euphoric rush as the first woman ever to slip her tongue into my mouth.

Before I realized what was happening, Eliza's hands were working their way under my T-shirt and squeezing my left breast over my Lacey bra. I felt myself moan into her mouth as our tongues twisted and danced. My arms instinctively reached around her neck, and I pulled her closer before we fell backward on the bed in a mad lover's embrace.

With Eliza on top of me, we made out like teenagers. She managed to push my T-shirt up and was trying desperately to get my bra undone. There wasn't an ounce of resistance in me as I lifted myself off the bed so she could undo the clasp.

Eliza pulled away from me and pulled my shirt over my head. My bra slid down my arms and onto the floor. I frantically started undoing my cargo's and sliding them over my hips. Eliza grabbed the legs and pulled them off. Her robe was discarded in the frenzy, and now I was looking at her perfect body.

I was now as naked as she was, and my body shuddered as she lay across me, our breasts crushed together, and she began kissing me again. I had never felt this way before. It was like my entire body was electrified. Our hands were all over each other.

But, oh my fucking God, when she started moving down my body kissing and sucking my neck before licking and biting my ridiculously hard nipples, I thought I would cum from the sheer pleasure she was giving me. As mean as it sounds, Wesley has never made me feel this sexually alive before. I began questioning what I missed out on while in college and not doing the whole girl-on-girl experience.

Eliza was sucking and biting my nipples with an intensity I had never experienced, the pleasure was immeasurable to anything I had ever experienced. How can I have gone through life and not realized I enjoyed my nipples being tortured in such a way? What else may I have enjoyed but never experienced? I felt both pain and disappointment when Eliza released my nipple from her teeth. Still, as she kissed her way down my abdomen, I felt another surge of euphoria.

Unlike Eliza, I have a very neatly trimmed triangle of pubic hair covering my mon. My entire body shuddered as her mouth worked its way toward her prize, skirting around my pubes and kissing the soft skin of my inner thighs. I didn't know if it was the moonshine or the pure horniness I had been feeling over the last week working in close proximity to Marcus. Still, I lost all inhibition and opened my legs wide to receive Eliza's expert mouth.

Eliza slid her tongue along my puffy outer lips to my clit before repeating it on the other side. All I could do was grab a handful of her beautiful red hair and moan aloud. The next time her tongue split my outer pussy lips apart. She buried it between my labia, licking her way to my clit before wrapping her lips around it and biting down gently, making me grab her head and letting out a little squeal.

Looking up from between my splayed legs, grinning like a Cheshire Cat, her mouth glistening from my pussy juices, she said, "Oh my fucking God. You taste better than I had ever imagined. Veronica, your pussy is so wet and heavenly."

I didn't even get a chance to speak before a loud groan escaped my open mouth as Eliza pushed what felt like most of her hand inside me and bit down on my clit again. I was now breathing heavily and moaning as I propped myself up on my elbows to watch Elisa pistoning three fingers in and out of me while pulling and biting on my clit with her teeth and lips. Fuck, at this rate, I would be screaming to orgasm in no time.

"Oh, shit. Eliza, what are you doing to me? Oh my God, Eliza, I'm going to cum if you keep sucking on my clit like that. Fuuuck, I have never been eaten like this. Ooohh God, Eliza, I'm cumming, I'm cumming. Suck it, baby, suck my clit."

Eliza jammed her fingers deep into my dripping pussy and bit down hard on my clit. I exploded, my body almost doubling up as I lurched forward, biting my lip to stop from screaming the room down. As the orgasm subsided, I flopped back on the bed, my legs and stomach still quivering from the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

Wesley had never made me cum like that. I couldn't believe How hard I had just come. I thought I would black out; it was that intense. As I lay back on the bed, Eliza slowly slid her soaked fingers out of my now quivering pussy and once again ran her tongue the length of my cunt, spreading my cum drenched labia apart. Suddenly, I felt her warm tongue push deeply inside of me, causing me to squeal out in shock. But that quickly changed to an almost animalistic growl as her mouth pressed hard against my swollen clit as her tongue danced and flicked deep inside my leaking gash.

Bringing me to the very edge of another climax, Eliza began to crawl up my body, her face coated in my juices. I couldn't believe how wet her mouth and chin were. I had never been this wet before. As she straddled my body, she looked deeply into my eyes. I felt something I never had before. Looking into her emerald-green eyes, I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach like... like love. Was I falling for this beautiful red-haired Texan?

Eliza leaned down and kissed me. My arms wrapped around her neck as I pulled her down, my tongue lashing and licking my juices from her mouth and lips. I was devouring her as I desperately tried to taste myself. I wrestled her over until I was on top and frantically squeezed her soft pale fleshy tits, squeezing and pulling on her hard nipples.

I kissed my way down her neck to her breast and took her firm, pale pink nipple in my mouth, sucking and biting on it, stretching it until she moaned. I didn't really know what I was doing, having had no experience with a woman before, so I simply mimicked what Eliza had done to me as I knew how amazing it had felt.

Having made Eliza moan and wither around from my nipple play, I began kissing my way down her incredibly tight abdomen. As I approached her baby-smooth pussy I could smell her sweet, musky womanhood. Even though I had never thought about being with a woman sexually, I suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to bury my face between her puffy bright pink pussy lips and savor the taste of this beautiful woman.

To Be Continued

Written by Kevtheledge63
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