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The Incident: Part 1

"After a mysterious Virus outbreak Dr.Veronica Miles is recruited by the US Government but an incident in the lab turns her from loving wife to black cock whore ."

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Author's Notes

"After many messages and DM’s telling me what people wanted me to write about in my next story, it was an overwhelming vote for an interracial cheating story, so here it is Chapter 1. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope it lives up to expectations. I genuinely haven’t written anything for months, so it might not be as good as my older stuff."

They say opposites attract, and I also believed that when I met my husband, Wesley. My name is Veronica Miles. I have always been strong-willed and independent. I have always known what I wanted and followed my goal to the letter. I graduated top of my class in Biomechanics and Biogenetics with distinction. By the time I was twenty-four, I had already written and published multiple papers on infectious diseases in various medical journals and science magazines. Plus, I was already a guest speaker at many conferences.

I loved the limelight and accolades from my peers, while Wesley, on the other hand, is my complete opposite. While career-oriented and goal-driven, he is an introvert and prefers to stay out of the spotlight. I won't say he is submissive, but I definitely wear the pants in our household. He is a yes-man at work and home. It's sweet, really. He only wants what's best for me and to ensure I'm happy. I love him immensely and happily said yes when he asked me to marry him.

Straight out of college, I was headhunted by a major pharmaceutical company and jumped at the chance to work for them. Within two years, I already had my own research team and was improving the world. Life was great. I was married to the love of my life. I loved my career and my life.

But six months ago, my perfect life began to unravel, And for the first time in my life, I began to question myself and the life I had chosen. Let me explain how I went from a strong independent career-driven woman to a submissive cum slut and cheating whore for black cock.

I had just completed and submitted an extensive paper on protein pathogens and their use in controlling certain infectious diseases. Less than a month after the report was published, I was asked to attend a meeting at my company's headquarters. I arrived in Washington two days later and headed into the office somewhere I had always detested. The suits and bean counters never really understood what the lab did and were only concerned about the bottom line.

The meeting was scheduled for 11:00 a.m. I had dressed accordingly in a white silk blouse and charcoal gray pencil business skirt that finished just below my knees but had a rather long split up the back, allowing me to walk. The skirt showed off my stocking-clad legs, and I noticed I was getting my fair share of looks as I walked through the building from the men. Of course, it didn't help I have double D-cup breasts, and the silk blouse was stretched tight across them, revealing more than a hint of the sheer lace bra beneath.

A quick stop at the bathroom soon revealed a little more than just a lace bra was on display. I may have underestimated the sheerness of the bra, as my dark nipples were also readily visible. I scolded myself for not grabbing my blazer when I had left the hotel but decided to own it. With a touch-up of my make-up, I pushed the girls up and headed to the meeting room.

I was shown in by a sterner-faced old spinster who looked me up and down before scowling and telling me to follow her. On entering the room, I was immediately concerned. The room was full of military uniforms and men in black suits, not the usual accounts there to tell me they were cutting the budget again for the second time in the last twelve months.

"Veronica, welcome. Please come in and take a seat next to General Western." My boss, Tim Andrews said.

I was acutely aware that every man's eyes were on me as I walked around the boardroom table to sit next to the four-star General Tim had pointed out. I felt like a piece of meat, but I had been dealing with it all my life working in Biomedicine's male-dominated world. But I wasn't prepared for was the lecherous eyes looking me up and down by the strikingly attractive black sitting across the table to the right of Tim.

"Gentlemen, this is our brilliant head of Biomedicine, Dr. Veronica Miles."

"Veronica, let me bring you up to date quickly. We asked you to join us today because of your recent paper on protein pathogens. General Western would you like to start off?"

"Thank you, Tim. Dr. Miles, I'm sorry we couldn't get you in here earlier for the rest of the meeting, but it was classified, you understand, I'm sure. Let me show you why we asked you here today."

The lights dimmed down, and the projector screen at the end of the office lit up. The first slide was of several US soldiers lying on the ground covered in pus-filled blisters. And I immediately recognized the lesions as an Ebola or similar outbreak.

"Without giving you too many classified details, three weeks ago, a small team of military personnel were exposed to a virus while conducting a routine operation. And nothing we tried had been successful in slowing the rate of progression of the virus."

"Where? Which country was the US engaged in illegal activities this time? And when you say exposed, I assume it was some type of bioweapon?"

I made no qualms that I was vehemently opposed to the military and how they operate outside of the law in most countries. I got into this field to help the world, not worsen it.

"Veronica, that's enough. We asked you here to give medical advice, not to hear your views on the government's actions." Tim said sternly.

"I'm sorry, General, but all this cloak-and-dagger bullshit won't cut it. If I don't know the origins of the exposure, it makes it very difficult to give you an answer on what we are dealing with, and for the record, I'm not an idiot. My father was a military man, and those men are not part of a peacekeeping force that is a highly trained seal team. You said you had tried, so I assume you have been unsuccessful in stopping the spread.

The General looked over at the handsome if not a little pervy, black man across the table; he simply nodded, and the General started talking.

"Dr. Miles, despite your feelings on how we conduct our business, I can assure you we were in country at the request of the Zambian Government. A medium-sized rebel army has begun an uprising against the Zambian elected state government. When the team was exposed to this, we were simply there in an advisory capacity. The team was on a scouting mission high in the mountains when they quickly became ill. These photos were taken three days after we believe the exposure took place."

"You're telling me those blisters and abscesses appeared within three days, and this took place three weeks ago? Where are they now? How are you treating them?"

"The men are deceased, DR. Miles. They all died within a week of the exposure. If you look at the next slide, you will see the extent of the virus. This is day five."

I looked at the screen and felt physically ill. The skin of the men was peeling away from the muscle. Their eyes were white, and the blood vessels in their neck and faces looked ready to burst.

"Jesus Christ, this isn't a virus. This is a bioweapon. What the fuck were they doing to be exposed to something like that? No virus can do this to a human in five days. I'm sorry, I'm unsure how you think I can help. My research is protein spike-based vaccines, not chemical weapons."

"That's an excellent question, Dr. Miles. In the short time the team was alive after the exposure, the only positive response we got from treatment was an untested clinical variation of your modified Ebola vaccine. We believe you may be able to help us develop a viable treatment. I'm not saying it is a bioweapon, but whatever the team was exposed to is an exponential threat to the US and the rest of the world," Mr. Handsome said as he slid a folder across the desk to me.

"Everything you need is in that file. May I remind you this is a highly confidential situation, Dr. Nothing you have seen or heard is to leave this room. Tim has already approved your help with me and my team. We will be working together in a Government facility in an undisclosed location. You have forty-eight hours to get your affairs in order. A full brief for your husband, Wesley, is in the folder. Don't stray from the narrative provided when you brief him on the situation."

I opened the folder and read the first paragraph before losing my shit.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! What in the hell made you think I would go along with this absurd nonsense? You want me to give up my entire life for twelve months, maybe more, and go live in some spook cave somewhere to help you fucking crazy people."

"I get you might have some concerns with the arrangement, but this is for the greater good doctor. Can you imagine what would happen if this virus were to be exposed to a large population and what impact that would have—the suffering it would cause? And let's be honest, Veronica, I certainly hope we can be on a first-name basis. We will be working extremely closely together from now on. What choice do you have? You are already a risk to national security with what you have learned here today."

"Fuck you and all the rest of you spooks in this room. Tim, how the hell did you get me involved with this madness?"

I got up to leave, and instantly, two men in black suits got up and stood in front of the door. It was then I knew I was screwed.

"Dr. Miles, if you would please calm down. You will be handsomely compensated, and your country will be eternally grateful." The fat General said.

"So, I have absolutely no say in this?"

"If it makes you feel any better, Veronica, the quicker you and I come up with a solution, the quicker you can get back on with your life," Mr. Handsome said.

"And what exactly is your role in this operation? What are you CIA, NSA what?"

"On the contrary Veronica, Like you I'm a doctor. My variation of your Ebola vaccine had the best response. Unfortunately, it was too little too late, and I hope you and I can find a solution together. Oh, I'm sorry I realize we haven't officially been introduced. I'm Dr. Marcus Swanson, and like you, I majored in Biomedicine."

I had read some of this guy's papers, and he had some brilliant synopsis and then suddenly disappeared off the face of the planet. Now I know why. The spooks had recruited him. But there was no denying how damn good-looking he was, and the way he looked at me would typically make me feel uncomfortable, but somehow Marcus was having the opposite effect. Maybe because I knew he was on the same intellectual level as me that I found sexy, but I definitely knew working with him was suddenly becoming more appealing.

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"So, what now if I agree with this bullshit?"

"These two fine gentlemen will escort you back to your hotel room and will then travel with you to your home and then make sure you get to the facility in the next forty-eight hours," the General said, pointing at the two goons in front of the door as he got up from the table.

I also stood up and looked directly at Tim, "And Tim, you can consider this my resignation. I can never trust you again, not after getting me involved in this, but I'm sure you are getting some type of kickback. Men like you make me sick," I said as I headed for the door.

"Dr. Miles, sorry, Veronica, I will see you soon, and Veronica, I'm genuinely looking forward to working with you. Your last paper was nothing short of brilliant," Marcus said, his perfect white teeth smiling at me, but his eyes were trained in on my now erect nipples.

I returned to the hotel, fuming angry that Tim had dragged me into all of this. I poured myself a large scotch and swallowed it down in one go. I thought I would take a nice long bath and forget about everything briefly. I turned on the water in the oversized tub and began to undress. Sitting on the bed, I peeled my stay-up stockings down my legs. Standing up, I was now just in my matching bra and panties when the hotel phone rang.

Sitting back on the edge of the bed, I picked it up.

"Hello, Dr. Miles speaking."

"Veronica, it's Tim please let me apologize. I'm sorry it wasn't me. They came to me demanding that I get you on board. I refused, and that's when they said they would review our records and finances. I had no choice, really. Please tell me you aren't going to resign."

"What the fuck, Tim. How on earth do you think I can trust you ever again? They said jump, and you asked how high. No, Tim fuck you!"

"It was your paper, the latest one on the spike protein and its relationship to the DNA stem cells, that's what got their attention, not the company. They don't give two fucks about the company Veronica. It was the paper that put you in this situation. Call it bad timing, but one thing for sure: you will agree this is no virus. This was a chemical weapon. No virus moves that quickly and does what it did to those men. Promise me you will be careful and trust no one."

Suddenly the phone went dead, "Tim, Tim, are you there?" I threw on my bathrobe and opened the door; sure enough, the two goons were standing outside. I got a sudden feeling the phone was being tapped. Fuck I needed another drink and that bath. I grabbed the entire bottle and headed to the bathroom. I let the robe slide from my shoulders, reached around, and unclasped my bra. I instantly felt relief as my heavy breasts were freed from their restraints.

Pouring some fragrant bubble bath into the steaming water, I sat on the edge of the bath and swished it around, making it foam up. Satisfied the water was perfect, I hooked my fingers into the waistband of my lace panties and peeled them down my legs. Stepping out of them, I placed them on the countertop with my bra. Looking at the crutch, it was soaking wet. Touching it with my fingers, I realized just how wet it was with my clear sticky pussy juices.

I couldn't remember the last time my panties were this wet. I instinctively reached my finger down to my moist pussy. My finger slipped easily between my swollen pussy lips. I slipped a second one in and pushed them in deep before pulling them out and bringing them up to my face. I couldn't believe how coated they were in clear sticky cunt juice. It wasn't something I would typically do, but I opened my mouth and slipped my fingers in, closing my lips tightly around them. I proceeded to suck them clean like I would do if I was sucking on Wesley's very average-sized cock.

My cunt juices were overwhelmingly sweet compared to the whisky I had recently downed. “Mmmh,” I purred as I dipped my two fingers deep into my dripping snatch again. As I closed my eyes, I could see Marcus's eyes as they roamed my body and that cheeky smile that spread across his face as his eyes devoured my hard, erect nipples through my blouse. Before I knew it, I subconsciously thrust my fingers in and out of myself, my thumb now strumming my erect and swollen clit.

I had heard the rumors of black men and how big their cocks were. I suddenly pictured Marcus without a shirt, his enormous biceps, chiseled abs, and hairless chest. His ebony skin was so soft and smooth as I ran my hands over his tight body, his strong arms grabbing mine as he held me close, leaning down kissing me, his large lips engulfing my mouth as he thrust his tongue between my lips, forcing them apart. I couldn't help but kiss him back with eagerness.

Our tongues now dancing together as he held my naked body against his. Pushing me away, his hand went to the top of my head as he forced me to my knees. My eyes now level with the prominent bulge in his suit pants; I knew what he wanted, and I automatically reached up and began to undo his pants. With them undone, I pulled them down his Calvin Cline boxes, doing very little to hide the enormous bulge.

"That's a good little married slut, you know what to do. What all white women want to do. Suck a big fat black cock. Go ahead slut; take it out and see what is about to destroy your married white cunt."

Fuck, the way he spoke to me, treating me like I was some common whore, was making my pussy gush. I have always been in control. No man had ever spoken to me like this, but I loved being talked down to by Marcus. I wanted desperately to please him and be his whore. I took hold of his boxers and slowly pulled them down. His huge black cock sprung free, almost slapping me on the forehead as it bounced. Fuck, it was gorgeous, long and thick, and covered in large, strong veins. The head was large, bulbous, and mushroom-shaped. Copious amounts of pre-cum dribbled out of the end.

I wrapped both of my hands around the thick shaft and held it tight as I stuck out my tongue and licked the dripping pre-cum from the eye as it trickled out. Marcus entangled his finger through my long dark hair and pulled my face toward his rapidly hardening cock. He pushed the head against my lips. I willingly opened my mouth as he forced his swelling cock into my mouth and down my throat.

I instantly gagged as he forced himself even further down my throat, his thick shaft completely closing off my ability to breathe. I panicked and released my grip on his cock and pushed against his muscly thighs. With his hand on the back of my head, he held me firmly against his cock, I pounded my fists on his thigh, and he finally realized the pressure on my head. I pulled away, coughing and spluttering, looking up at him, about to scold him for choking me. He bent down, spitting into my open mouth.

"Here's some more lube he said, smiling. If you are going to be my little cum whore you need to do better than that. Now be a good little slut and suck my black cock properly," he sneered as he forced my head hard against his cock.

I don't know how much cock I had taken down my throat the first time, but this time I instantly choked as his colossal cock stretched out my throat. It felt like it was in my stomach as he pulled my head back and again slammed it hard against his cock. Marcus did this repeatedly until my nose was mashed against his course curly pubic hair. Each time he pulled my head back, long strings of thick saliva dangled from my throat to his cock.

Marcus now had both his large black hands on my head as he thrust my head back and forth on his massive thick cock. He fucked my face, not giving a fuck if I could even breathe. He was using me purely as a vessel for his pleasure. And it had my cunt dripping like a tap. The more he used me as his whore, the wetter my cunt got. I had never been treated like this by a man, let alone a black man and it had me on the verge of a massive orgasm.

My whole body trembled, and my knees buckled. My hand was a blur as my fingers fucked myself deep, my fist crushing against my clit violently. Clear liquid gushed out around my invading fingers as I came more violently than I ever had. I screamed aloud as my trembling body collapsed to the floor. The other hand, which had been squeezing and twisting my erect nipples, was the only thing stopping me from completely crashing to the bathroom floor as it now gripped the edge of the large bathtub.

My legs were still shaking, and my stomach was still twitching from the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced in my life. But I was quickly returned to my senses when I heard my name being called.

"Dr. Miles, are you okay? Dr. Miles, do you need assistance? I heard, realizing the two men guarding me were now inside my suite.

"Stop! Please don't come in. I'm fine. I simply slipped and fell. I'm okay. Please get out."

I slumped back against the tub and relived the incredibly vivid vision I had just had about Marcus and how the thought of being used by him had made me cum so violently. Fuck I had never cum like that, but then again, I had never had such a vivid fantasy about anyone like that. I needed to get myself together. I steadied my shaking legs and stood steadying myself against the wash basin, seeing my soaked panties and remembering they had started this entire masturbation session. Then I looked down on the tiled bathroom floor and saw the huge puddle of pussy juice and realized I had never squirted like that before.

As I stepped into the tub and slipped into the hot water, I took a large mouthful of whisky from the bottle and swallowed it before sliding two fingers back into my hot, hungry cunt and thought to myself, "Holy shit, I'm in trouble. How the fuck am I meant to work in close confines with a man who just looking at my body has given me the biggest orgasm of my life and making me want to cum again, thinking about him fucking me?

Written by Kevtheledge63
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